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s ca
bes version 2.
0ofbash. bash acce pts the one le
tter options to set,and the 3.I nvok ed a s sh:I nteracti
ve login s hells read and
CONTENTS Seve raltypefaces areusedtocla rifythemea ni
ng: additionaloneletterandG N U-
sty lelongoptions show n execute/ etc/profileand /
.profileiftheyex ist.Th ese
A liasing. ..
.6 SerifaBoldi s usedf orcompute rinput. below . fi
les a re skipped i f i
s us ed.I nteractive
A rithme ticEva luation...
.8 Serif
aI ta
lc is used to i
i ndica te u ser input a
nd f
or shells expand $ EN V a nd executetha tfi leifit e xists.
$ba options][
sh[ arg
Ar ra ys...
. ...
. .
. .
.13 synta c
ticplace holders,sucha s va r
ia eorcmd.
bl Non- interactive sh ells do not rea d any sta rtup f iles.
ends option pr oce ssi ng
BraceExpansi on. .
.6 Serif
aRoman is usedf ore xplana toryte x
t. Afterthesta rtupf iles a reexecuted, bashente rsP OSI X
ends option pr oce ssi ng
Bui lt-In Commands . ..
.16 mode.
blank cmd execute cmd ( de fault r eads
CommandLi neA r guments .
.3 command f rom f ile named i n 4.POSI X mode:W hen startedw ith ,
CommandSubstitution. ..
.8 or more spaces and/or tab characters.I
n addition,
w ords a re te
na ted by a ny of the follow i
ng first entryofa rg s andf oundvi a shells expand $EN V and execute the gi
ven fi
le.N o
Conditi ona lExpressi ons .
.15 pa ths ea rch) otherstartupfilesareread.
Contr olCommands . ..
.14 chara c
;&()|<>spacetabnew line pr int a lldouble quote dstri ngs
Def initions...........
.2 5. Invokedviarshd:I frun from rshdandnotinvok eda s
tha ta re preceded by a $to
ExecutionOr der. .
.13 comma
nd w ords. sh, bashreads
bash rc. The option ski
ps this
stdout.This i mpli es ,no
FieldSpli tti
ng. ....
.8 ste p,andthe option changes thef i
ist pi
ines.Can be separatedby;
,&, commands a reexecuted
Functions . .
.12 us uallydoes not pass theseoptions on to thesh ellit
&&, |andoptiona
| llybeterminatedby;,&. se tinte ra ctivemode
H istor ySubstitution. ...
.5 invok es.
se tr estri ctedmode
Input/ Output. .....
.13 n
read commands f rom stdin If$SH ELLOPTS exists i
n theenvir
onment a
t star
Invoca tion andSta rtup...
.3 na
me (def ault) bashenables thegi
JobI ds andJobContr ol.
.24 sa mea s , butoutput i n GNU
Options Toset. ...
.22 key
wo rd bash language.
Keyw ords are special onlyaf
tera;or new line,a f
ter g ettextf orma t
Options Tos hopt. ...
.23 sa mea s PROMPTI
Options Tote st. ..
.21 anotherk ey
w ord,a ndincertai
n otherconte
xts. W hen inte r
a c
tive,ba sh dis pla
ys the prima
ry and
di s pla yah elpmessa geandexi t
Pa tterns...
... .
. .
.9 p
a t bashpattern.
ns. successf ully secondary prompt stri ngs,$ PS1 and $PS2.bash
Pre -Def inedVa riables .
.10 a ctlik ealog in s hell expands thef ollow i
ngescapesequences i
n thevalues
Proce ss Substitution . ..
.8 pi
do not us etherea dlineli bra ry ofthesestrings.
Prompting. .
.4 byapipe(
to re a d commands \w hen
a an A SCI IBELcha racter( octa l0 7)
Quoting. ..
.6 stri
ng inte ra cti ve
Rea dline. .
.25 \d theda tei n
W eek dayMonthDa y
forma t
substitution do not r ea d any of the \e an A SCI Iesca pechar acter( octal033)
Rea dlineDir ectives . ..
.25 command li ne w ith di
fferent text,e .
,r epla
cing a initia li
za tion fil
es. Se e
Rea dlineKeyBi ndings ..
.25 \h thehostna meuptothef irstdot( .)
va riable w ith its va lue. ba sh per forms many Invoca tionAndSta rtup, below\H thef ullhostname
Rea dlineVa riables . ..
.26 s ubstitutions.
This cardlists them in theordertheyare do not r ea d /.ba sh rc i f
Restri ctedba sh. ..
.2 \n anew li ne
per formed. inte ra cti ve.SeeI nvoca tion And
\r aca rria g er eturn
Signals a ndTraps . ..
.13 Sta rtup, below
Specia lCha ra cte rs.
.24 word \s thena meofthesh ell(basena meof$ 0 )
ins speci
a lcharacters. follow the I EEE POSIX 1 \0
t 03.2 thetimei n 24- hourH H :MM: SS forma t
TildeSubstitution. ..
.6 sta nda r d
Va riableAssi gnment. ..
.9 \T thetimei n1 2- hourH H :MM: SS forma t
le use f i
lei ns te ad of /.ba sh
\urc if theuser s user name
Va riableNames . .
CTED bash inte ra cti ve \v theversi onofba sh( e.g.,2.0 2)
Va riableSubstitution . .
.7 I
fbashis i nvok eda s rbash, orw iththe option, itis sa mea s \V theversi onandpatc hleve lofba sh( e
.g., 2.02.0)
cted.Thef ollow inga ctions are not a
llow ed in a sa mea s
This ref
dw a s w ritten byA rnoldRobbi ns.We \w thecur rentw ork ingdir ectory
estrictedsh ell: pr int versi on i nf orma tion on
thankChe tRa mey(bashs ma intai
)f orhi
sh elp. \W thebasena meofthecur rentw ork ingdir ectory
chang ingdir ectoryw ithcd stdouta ndexitsucce ssf ully
\! thehi storynumberofthi s command
ngorunse tting$ SH ELL or$ PATH \# thecommandnumberofthi s command
OTHER SSC PRODUCTS: usingpa thna me sforcommands thatconta i
n/ INVOCATI ON A ND S TA RTUP \$ a#i ftheef f
ectiveUI Di s0 , other wi sea$
usingapa thna metha tconta i
ns / forthe. command Ther ea ref ivew a ys th atba shr uns:nor ma linte r
a c ve, \
ti @ thetimei n1 2- houra m/ pm f orma t
SpecializedSystems Cons ulta nts,I
nc. importingf unctions from theenvir onment nor ma l non- interactive,a s sh,i n POSIX mode,or \ \ aba ck slash
20 6)FOR- UNIX/(206)782-7733 parsing$ SH ELLOPTS a tstartup invok edvi arshd. \nnn thecharactercorrespondi ngtoocta lva luennn
FAX:(206)782-7191 redir
e ctingoutputw ithanyof>, >|, <>, >&,&>,or>> \[ startasequenceofnon- printingcha racters
usingexectorun adi ff
erent command 1 .Nor ma li nteractive:Log in s hells run commands i n \] endasequenceofnon- printingchar acters
E- mai
es@ addingordele tingbuilt- i
ncommands w ithena ble /etc/profile.Thef irst of/.bash _profile,/.bash _login,
URL:h ttp:
w w w. and /profiletha
. tis found i s e xe cute d.Thi s stag eis Theh istorynumberis thenumberofthecommandi n
using toby pass ar estricted$PATH
sk i
ppedi f i
s us ed. thehistoryli st,w hichma yi ncludecommands restore d
usingse t+ rorset+ orestricted
from the hi story f il
e.The command number is the
Upon logout, ba shr uns /.
ba sh_ logouti fite x i
LinuxJourna lThePre mi erLinuxMaga zine These r estricti ons are i n ef f
ect a f
ter executing a ll number of thi s command sta rting f rom the f irst
Technica lBook s andCDs startupf i
les, a llow i
ngtheauthorofthesta rtupfiles f
ull Inte r
a c
tive non- login s hells e xecute /.ba shrc,if i t commandr un bythecur r
entinvoca tion ofthesh ell.
control in setting up the r estri
cted environment.( I
n ex i
sts.The i
f eoption chang
il e s thef i
leth atis
SA MBA :Integr
a tingUNIX a ndW indow s Thedef aultva lueofPS1i s
practice,r estri cted shells are not usedmuch ,a s they us ed.
ShellTutoria ls,KSH Ref erence aredi f
ficulttosetupcor rectly.
2.Nor mal non- inte r
a c
tive:Non- i
ractive sh ells do
VI&Emacs Ref erences, VITutor
ial var
iable,command,and a rithmeticsubstitution on the
ting va
lue of $ BA SH _ENV,and i f the result na mes a n
Ifyouf inda n er
r orin this ref
erenceanda rethefirstto exi
ngf i
le,tha tfileise xecuted.
Copyr ight1 999Speci ali
zedSystems Cons ultants,I
, report it,w ew illsend y ou afreecopyofanyofour
P.O. Box55549 ,Seattle,
WA9 81
55- 0549. references.Plea se w rite,or s end electr
onic ma il to
A llRights Reserved. bugs@ssc. com.
1 2 3 4
H istoryexpansion is simi la
r to csh s.Itis enabled by \c quotesinglecha racterc $
na me referencetosh ellva r
iablena me A rithmetic eva
luation is done w ith the let built-
def ault in i nteracti
ve sh ells. H istory ex pansion .
.` olds ty lecommands ubstitution ${name} us ebraces todeli mitsh ellva r
iablena me command, the ( (.
)) command and the $ (
happens bef oreth esh ellbreak s theinputinto w ords, ".
" tex ttr eateda s asinglea r
gument, double ${name w o rd} ex pansi
onf orproducingther esultofan expression.
although quoti ng is recognized and quote d te xt is quotes re moved;va riable, commandand us eva ria blena mei fset, elseusew o rd
A llarithme ticuses longintege rs. Use to get
trea tedas oneh i
storyw ord
. arithme ti
csubstitutions per formed; ${name=w o rd}
integ er variables.Integer consta nts looklike[
ba #
se ]n
use\toquote$ ,\, ,
`and" a sa bovebuta lsosetna metow o r
H istory s ubstitution i s per f
ormed on history eve nts, w her eba sei s adecimalnumberbetw een tw o a nd 64,
$ " ..
." li
k e" ...",
butloca letranslation done ${name?w o r d}
w hi chcons istofa n eve ntde si
g nator(w hi chprevi ous li
ne andn i sin tha tbase.Thedi gits are0 -9,a-z,
A-Z, _and
... tex ttr eateda s asinglea r
gument, si
ngle usena mei fset, oth e rw i sepr intw o rdand
tosta rtw ith),aw ordde signator( w hichw ordfrom th at @. A leading0or0 xdenoteocta lorh exadeci
quote s re
moved;tex tbetw een quotes ex it( inte ractivesh ells donote x it)
line to use ,sta rting w ith zero), a nd one or more
lefta lone,cannoti nclude ${name+w o rd} The follow i
ng oper
a tors based on C,w ith the sa
optiona lmodi f
ie s (
r w hich pa rts ofthe w ords to use )
$ ...
tex ttr eateda s asinglea r
gument, $and usew o rdi fna meis se t, otherw iseuse precedenceandassoci ativity
Colons sepa rate the three parts,a lthough the colon
singlequote s removed;nos ubstitutions nothi ng
betw een the event designa tor a nd w ord desi gna tor una ryplus andmi nus
per formed;A N SIC andadditiona l $
{na me[
n]} elementni n ar r
a yna me
ma ybeomittedw hen thew orddesi gna torbeg ins w ith ! log i
ca landbitw isenegation
esca pesequences processed: $
{# name} leng thofshellva ria blena me
, $,* ,, or%. Eachmodi fieris sepa ra tedfrom thenext ** exponentia ti
on (notin C)
{# name[*]} numberofe lements i n ar r
a yna me
onew ithacolon.Thehistchars va riablespeci fies the \ a a lert( bell) \ v verticalta b */ % multiply ,di vi
de, modulus
{# name[@]} numberofe lements i n ar r
a yna me
sta rt-of-
historyand qui cksubstitution cha racters,a nd \ b back spa ce \ddd octalva lueddd addition, subtraction
{na me#pat} re movesh orte stleadings ubstr i
a lsothecomment cha ra ctertha tindi ca te s tha ttherest \ f f ormf eed \ xh hh hexva lueh hh << >> lefts hif
t, rightshi ft
ofna methatma tch e sp at
ofali nei s acomment.Theprevi ous command i s the \ n new li ne \\ back slash < <= > >= compa r
{na me## p
a t} re movelong estlea di ngs ubstr ing
def a ulteventifnoeve ntdesi gna toris suppli ed. \ r ca rr
iager eturn \ e esca pe, notin A N SIC == != equals, not equa ls
ofna methatma tch e sp at
\ t horiz onta ltab & bitw iseA N D
Theeventdesi gna tors a re: $
{na me%p at} re movesh ortesttra ilings ubstr ing
bitw iseXOR
! sta rtahi storys ubstitution ofna methatma tch e sp at
ALI A SI NG | bitw iseOR
!n commandli nen $
{na me%%p a t}
a lias na me =va lue. .
. && log i
ca lA N D, shortcir cuit
n cur rentlineminus n ( n previ ous) re movelong esttra ilings ubstr ing
|| log i
ca lOR, shortcir cuit
!! theprevi ous command A lia ses a re expanded w hen acommand i s read,not ofna methatma tch e sp at
?: in-li
neconditiona l
!str most r ecent command li nesta rtingw ith w hen execute d.A lias na mes ca n conta i
n any non- $
{na me:
str speci a lchar acte r,notj us t a lphanume rics,ex ceptf or=. $
{na me:
start: l
eng th }
!?str[?] mostrece ntcommandli neconta i
ni ngstr A lia s ex pansi on i s doneon thef irstw o rdofacommand. leng thcharacters ofna mesta rtinga t
!# theentir ecommandlinety pedsof ar Ifthela st cha racterofth ereplace menttex tis abl a nk, sta rt( countingf r om 0 );us erestof Insi
),and$ (
riablenames donotneed
oldnew qui cksubstitution:r epeatla st command then thenextw ordi n thecommandlineis check edf or va luei fnol ength . N egativesta rt a$ togettheirvalues.
chang ingol dtonew a lias ex pansion.A li ases ca n even beused to rede fine counts f rom theend. Ifna mei s *or@
sh ellk ey w ords , butnotin POSI X mode. ora na rra yi ndexedby*or@, sta rt COMMA ND SUBSTI
Thew orddesi gna tors a re:
andl eng thindi ca tethea rrayindexa nd $(
command) new form
0 thezero thw ord( command na me)
countofelements. sta rtandl eng thcan `
command` oldf orm
n w ordn BRA CEEXP A NSI ON bea rithme ticex pressi ons
thef irsta rg ument, i.
e., w or done Brace expansion i s si mi lar to csh s.A w ord must Run comma nd,s ubstitute the r esults a s arguments.
{na me/patte rn/ stri ng }
$ thela sta rgument conta in atlea st oneunquotedleftbraceandcommato Traili
ng new lines a re removed.Cha racters i
n $ IFS
va lueofna mew ithf irstma tchofpa tte
% the w ord ma tched by the most rece nt be sh expands the comma -separate d separ atew ords (seeFi eld Spli
ng )
.Thenew f orm is
replace dw ithstr ing
!?str ?se a rch items i n or der ,the result is not sorted. Brace preferredforsimplerquotingr ules.
{na me/patte rn}
xy w or ds xthrou ghy . i s shortf or ex pansi ons ma ybenested. Forexa mple: va lueofna mew ithf irstma tchofpa tte
rn $
essi )a
on) rithme
* w ords 1 throughth elast( like )
$ mk dir/ usr/ {gnu,loca l}/{src,bin, lib} dele te d
n* w or ds nthrou ghth elast( liken ) Theex
pressi s eva
oni luated,a ndtheresultis useda
{na me//patte rn/ stri ng }
n w or ds nthrou ghthenexttola st arg
umenttothecurre nt command.
va lueofna mew ithever yma tchof
Themodi f
iers are: TI
ON pa tte rn replace dw ithstri ng
e removea llbutthes uf fi
xofaf i
lename s ubstitute$ H OME $
{na me/#pa ttern/ stri ng } PROCESS SUBSTI
g ma k e chang es globally , us e w ith s
r s ubstituteuse r
shomedir ectory va lueofna mew ithma tchofpa tte r
n cmd<(
li )>(
st1 li
modi fier
, below
+ s ubstitute$ PW D replace dw ithstr ing ;ma tchmus toccur
h remove the la st part of a f i
lename, s ubstitute$ OLD PW D a tbegi nning Runs l st1and l
i st2 a
i sy nchronous ly,w ith stdin and
leavingthe head
n s ubstitute$ {DIRSTA CK[n]}.A lea ding+ $
{na me/%pa tter n/ stri ng } stdout respecti velyconnectedviapi pes usingfif
os or
p printthecommandbutdonot e xe
cutei t or i s a llow ed:negative va lues count va lueofna mew ithma tchofpa tte r
n files i
n/ dev/fd. Th esefilena mes becomea rguments to
q quoteth eg e
nera tedtext from theendofthestack replace dw ithstr ing ;ma tchoccurs a t end cmd, w hichexpects toreadits firsta rgument a ndw rite
r removethela stsuf f
ixofaf il
ena me its second. This onlyw ork si
fyouh a ve/ dev/fdorfifos.
Tildes ubstitution happens af
tera li
a s expansi
on.I tis Note :for ,=,?,and + ,usingna me:inste
a d ofna
s/ d/
ol new / s ubstitutenew f oroldi n the tex t.A ny done f or w ords tha t begi
n w ith and f or va
riable te
sts w hetherna meis set a nd non-
NULL;usi ngname
delimiter ma y be used.A n & i n the assignment. tests onlyw hetherna
mei s se
replace mentmeans theva lueofold. W ith Quoted te x t becomes one w ord. Other wi se,
emptyol d, usela stol
d,orthemostr ecent In var
iableassi gnments,itis a lsodoneaf tera:in the For# ,# #,%, %%, /,/,
#and/ %,w hen nameis *or@ occurrences ofa nychar acteri n$ IFS sepa r
a tew ords.
?se a rchi ftherew a s no previous old value.Ti lde s ubstitution is done as pa rt of w ord or a n a rrayi ndexed by * or @,the s ubstring or Multiplew hitespa cecha racters tha tarein$ IFS donot
t removea llbutthela stpa rtofaf i
lename, expansion. Th i
s mea ns f
or$ {nameopw o d},
r wordw illbe s ubstitutionoperati
edtoe achelement. deli
mit emptyw ords,w hi le multiple non- w hitespace
leavingthe ta il
checkedf ortildes ubstitution, but onlyi
ftheoper ation characters do.W hen $ IFS is not the def ault va lue,
x quoteth eg eneratedte xt,but bre aki nto requir
es theva lueofther ight-handsi de. sequences of lea di
ng and tr aili
ng $ IFS w hite spa ce
w ords atbl ank s andnew line characters a re removed,and pr intable cha racters i n
& repea tth elastsubstitution $IFS s ur rounded by adj ace nt $ IFS w hite spa ce
characters delimit f
ields.I f$ IFS i s NULL,ba shdoes
notdof ields pli
5 6 7 8
continued) PRE-
? matchsinglecharac
te rinfilena me $n usepositiona lpa ra me te rn, n 9 $
H ISTCMD history number of the cur r
ent $
OSTYPE string describing the
* match0ormorec h aracters in f
ename ${n} usepositiona lpa ra me te rn command oper ati
ng sy stem r unni ng
r matchanyofc har
s $* a llpositiona lpara me ters H ISTCONTROL w ithava
$ lue ofignore spa ce,do not bash
pairseparatedbya ma tch es arange
) $@ a llpositiona lpara me ters enter lines that begi n w ith s paces $
PATH commandse archpa th
[!c ha rs] matcha nyexceptcha r
s "$ *
" equi va lentto" $1 $ 2. .." into thehi storyf ile.W ithava lueof $
*] arra yva r
iable conta i
ningex i
c h a rs] matcha nyexceptcha r
s "$@" equi va lentto" $1 "" $ 2". .
. ignore dups,do not e nte rali neth at status va lues from proce sses
$# numberofpositi ona lpa rameters ma tches the previ ous li ne. Use in themostr ecentlyexecuted
If the extglob option to s hopt i s set,the f ollow ing
options toshellorbyset ignore bothtocombi nebothoptions fore groundpi peline
ex tendedma tch i
ngf acilities ma ybeused.
? va luer e tur nedbyla stcommand $
H ISTFI LE w her ecommandhistor yi s store d $
D proce ss idofshell s parent
?( pa t-lst)
i optiona llyma tchanyofthepatterns $
$ proce ss numberofcurrentsh ell $
H ISTFI LESIZE ma ximum numbero flines to k eep i n $
COMMA N D command to r un bef oree ach
*( pa t-lst)
i ma tc h0ormoreofanyofthepatterns $
! process number ofla st ba ck ground $ H ISTFI LE prima ryprompt
+( pa t
i ma tch1 ormoreofanyofthepatterns cmd H ISTIG N ORE colon-
$ sepa ra tedli st ofpa tterns;i fthe $
PS1 prima ry prompt string
@( pa t-l
ist) ma tche x actly1 ofa nyofthepatterns $
_ name ofpr og ram i n envir onment a t cur rentlinema tches a nyofthem, the ( )
!( pa t-l
ist) ma tchany thingbut a nyofthepa tterns sta rtup. Va lue of la st positi ona l linei s not enteredi n thehi storyf i
le. $
PS2 seconda rypromptstri ng( >)
a rgumentin la st command. Nameof & represe nts th e la st hi story li ne. $
PS3 select command pr ompt
pa t- l
istis alistofoneormorepatterns separatedby| .
changedma ilf ilei n$ MA I LPATH Pa tterns mustma tchthew holeli ne string( #?)
ThePOSI X [ [=c=] ]and[ [.c.
]]nota tions forsa me- w eight $auto_ resume ena ble s use of single- w ord $
H ISTSIZE number of pr evi ous commands to $
PS4 tracingpromptstri ng( +)
char a cters a nd colla ting elements a re accepte d.The commands to ma tchs toppedj obs f or k eepava ilablew hileba shis running $
PW D cur rentw ork ingdir ectory
nota tion [[:class: ]]def ines cha ra ctercla sse s: fore g roundi ng. W ithava lueofexa ct, $
H OME homedir ectoryf orcd command and $
RA N DOM set e achti meit s referenced,
the w ord must exa ctly ma tch the va lueusedf orti ldeexpansi on
alnum a lphanumer ic low er low er -ca se
command use d tosta rtthej ob. W ith $
H OSTFILE filei nf orma t of/ etc/ hosts to usef or $
REPLY set by the se lect and read
alpha a lphabetic print printable
ava lueofs ubstring, thety pedw or d hostna mecomple tion commands
blank spaceorta b punct punctua tion
ca n beas ubstr ingofthecommand, $
H OSTNA ME na meofthecur r enthost $
S ECONDS numberofseconds si nces hell
cntrl control space w hite spa ce
lik e%?stri ng $
H OSTTYPE stri ngde scr ibi ngthecur renthost invoca tion
digit deci ma l upper upper -ca se
BA SH fullf ilena meusedtoi nvok ebash $
IFS fields epa ra tors ( space, ta b, new line) $
SH ELL na meofthi s shell
graph non- spaces xdigit hexadeci ma l
BA SH _ENV in norma lnon- inte ra cti ve sh ells only , $
IG N OREEOF f or inte r ac tive sh ells,the numberof $
SH ELLOPTS colon-se para ted list of the
Thr e es hoptoptions a ff ectpa tter n ma tch i
ng. va lue i s va riable, command and consecutive EOFs tha t must be ena bled sh ell options forset
a rithme tic substituted f or pa th of enteredbe for ebasha ctua llyex its
dotg lob includef iles w hosena mes begi n w ith.
sta rtup f ile ( Se e I nvoca tion And $
INPUTRC na me of rea dline sta rtup f i
le, $
SH LVL incre
mented byone f orea ch
nocase glob ignoreca sew hen ma tch i
Sta rtup) over r
ides / .
inputrc s ub-
nullglob re movepa tterns thatdontma tch
BA SH _VERSION theversi onofba sh $
LANG na meofc ur r entloca le $
TIMEFORMA T format string f or output of
W hen expandi ng f i
lena me s,.and . .a re ignored, $ BA SH _VERSINFO[ 0 ] the ma j
or version number $
LC_ALL cur rentloca le;overri des $ LANG and time keyw ord. Speci al
filena me s ma tch i
ngthepatterns i n$ G LOBIG N OREa r
e (relea se ) oth er$ LC_va riables constructs i
also i gnored a ndalea di ng. must be s uppli ed i n the $BA SH _VERSINFO[ 1 ] the mi nor versi on number LC_COLLATE cur
$ rentloca lef or ch aractercolla tion, p]
%[ [
l]R elapsedsecs
pa ttern to ma tch f ilena me s tha t begin w ith .. ( ve rsi on) includes sorti ng results off ilena me p]
%[ [
l]U userCPU secs
H ow eve r,setting G LOBIG N ORE ena bles thedotg lob $BA SH _VERSINFO[ 2] thepatchlevel ex pansion p]
%[ [
l]S sy stem C PU secs
option. I
nclude. *i n G LOBIG N ORE to g et th ede f
ault $BA SH _VERSINFO[ 3] thebuildversi on $
LC_CTYPE cur rent loca le f or ch aracter cla ss %P CPU percenta ge
behavi or . $
BA SH _VERSINFO[ 4] there lea sesta tus functi ons ( seePa tter ns) %% literal%
$ rent loca le f or tra nsla ting $ "..."
CDPATH se a rc hpa thforcdcommand stri ngs Optiona lpgi ves thepr eci
Va riable na mes a re made up of le tters,d i
gits a nd $DIRSTA CK[ *] a rra y va riable conta i ni ng the pus hd $
LINENO linenumberoflinebei ngexecutedi n thenumberofdig its afterthe
underscore s. Theyma ynot sta rtw ithadigit. Therei s andpopddir ectorystack scr iptorf uncti on decima l poi nt; it mus t be
no li miton theleng thofava r iablename, andthec ase $EN V in i nte r a c tive POSIX modesh ells,or $
MA CH TYPE astri ng in G N U cpu- compa ny-sy ste m betw een 0a nd 3.Optiona ll
ofle tte rsis signi f
ica nt. w hen i nvok eda s sh, va luei s va r
ia ble, for ma t de scri bing the ma chi ne produces along er forma t,in
commandandarithmeticsubstituted runni ngbash theform MMmSS. FFs
forpa thofsta rtupf i
le $
MA I L na meofama ilf il
e, i
fany $
TMOUT number of seconds to w a i
EUI D theef fectiveuserid( rea donly ) $
MA I LCHECK checkf or ma il eve r y n seconds ( 60 during prompt before
A ssignments to inte g er va riables underg oa rithme ti
c termina ting
FCED I T def aulteditorforthef ccommand( no def ault)
eva luation.Va ria ble a ssignments h a ve one of the $
UID ther ealuserid( readonly )
def a ultva lue) $
MA I LPATH filena mes tocheckf ornew ma i
follow i ngf orms.
FIG N ORE colon- sepa ratedli st ofs uf fi
x es g iving :se par a tor;f il
e na mema ybef ollow ed
na me=w o rd setna metow o rd the set off ilena me s to i gnor ew hen by ?me ssa g e ; $ _ i n me ssag e i s
na me [inde x]=w o rd doi ng f ilena me comple ti
on usi ng ma tch e d ma il f ile na me.Over r i
Functions run in thesa meproce ss a s theca lli
ngscr ipt,
setelementi nde xofa rr
a yna metow o rd rea dline $ MA I L
and sh arethe open f il
es a nd cur rent directory.They
na me=( word. ..
) G LOBIG N ORE colon-
$ sepa ratedlistofpa tterns g iving $
OLD PW D previ ous w ork ingdir ectory
access theirpa rame ters li
k eascr ipt, via$ 1, $2 and so
setindexedar ra yna metow ords the set off ilena me s to i gnor ew hen $
OPTA RG va lueofla st a rgument proce sse d by
on. $0does not change. return ma ybeused i nsidea
na me=( [
num] =w o rd. ..
) doi ngpa tternma tchi ng g etopts
function or .scr ipt.Functions sh are traps w ith the
setgi ven i ndices ofa rrayna metow ords $
G ROUPS[ *] readonlya rra yva riablew ith theli st $
OPTERR if set to 1 ,di s pla y error messa ges
parent script,ex cept f orDEBUG .Functi ons ma y be
ofgroups theuserbe long s to from g etopts ( de fa ult:1 )
recursive,andma yh aveloca lvariables, declaredus ing
histchars char a cte r s tha t control csh- sty le $
OPTIND inde xofl ast a rgument proce sse d by
declare,loca l,ortypese t.Functi ons ma ybeexported
hi story ( def ault: ! # ). See H i stor y g etopts
intotheenvir onmentw ith .
Subst itut ion

9 1
0 1
1 1
ections are donelef t toright,afterpipes a
reset !pipe l
ine Us edw iththe[
]]compoundcommand, w hi
chdoes These commands are execu
ted dir
ectly bythe shell.
up.Def aultfil
edescr iptors arestdin andstdout.Fil
e executepi pe li
ne .I fex it sta tus w a s non- zero,e xit notdopattern expansion orw ordspli
ng. A lmosta
pt toma rkthee ndofoptions.
iptors above2 arema rkedclose-on-exec. zero. Ife x itsta tus w a s zero,e x it1
ng tr
uei fstringis notNULL . fi
casew o rdin [ [(]pa t1 [| pa t2] ...)li
st; ;] ..
. esa c
&>w o rd sendstdoutandstderrtow o rd file tr
uei ffi
leex ists ( is preferred) source f ile
executel ista ssoci a tedw ithp a ttha tma tches w o rd.
>&w o rd sendstdoutandstderrtow o rd f i
le tr
uei ffi
leis ablockdevi ce read and execute commands f rom f il
e .I f
Fi eld s pli ttingi s not donef orw o rd.p at is abash
[n]<f i
le usef i
lef ori nput file tr
uei ffi
leis achar a cte rdevi ce arg uments,sa ve and re store positiona l pa rams.
pattern ( se ePa tter ns) .|i s us edto indica tean OR
[n]>f i
le usef i
lef oroutput f i
le tr
uei ffi
leis adir ectory Se arch$ PATH ;i fnoth ingf ound, looki n thecur r ent
condition. Us eleadi ng(i fc asei si ns ide$ ()
[n]>| fi
le li
k e>, butoverri des noclobber file tr
uei ffi
leex ists dir e ctory
forna me[ in w ords];dol ist;done
[n]>>f ile li
k e>but a ppendtof i
l eifite xists f
i l
e tr
uei ffi
leis areg ularf ile : nullcommand;returns 0e x itsta tus
sequentia llya ssi gn ea chw o rdtona mea ndexecute
[n]<>f ile open f i
leforre ad/ w rite( def ault:f d0) f i
le tr
uei ffi
leha s se tgidbitse t [ se ete st
list.I f in w ords i s mi ssing use the positi ona l
[n]<&m dupli ca teinputf iledescr iptorfrom m fil
e tr
uei ffi
legroupis ef fectivegi d alias [ ][ na me [=va lue ]...
par a me ters
[n]>&m dupli ca teoutpu tfiled escriptorfrom m f i
le tr
uei ffi
leis asy mboli clink crea te a n ali as.W ith no a r
guments,pr int a ll
[func tion]f unc( ){l ist;}
[n] closei nputf iledescr iptor f i
le tr
uei ffi
leha s stick ybitse t a li
a ses. W ithna me ,pr inta lias va luef orna me
def inef uncti on f unc, bodyi sl ist( seeFunct ions)
[n] closeoutputf iledescr iptor f i
le tr
uei ffi
leis asy mboli clink pr inta lias bef oree acha li
a s
st1 ;then l ist2[ ;elifl st3;then l
i ist4] ..
.[;elsel st5];f
i i
[n]<<w o rd stri
ng tr
uei fstringha s non- zeroleng th bg[j obi d]
if executing l i
st1r etur ns successf ul ex it sta tus,
input comes f rom thesh ellscr ipt;trea t ali new ith fil
e tr
uei ffi
leex ists a ndw a s modi fiedsince
putj obi din theba ck ground
executel ist2 else. ..
wo rda s EOF on i nput. I fanyofw o rdis quoted, no la
stre ad bind[ ma p][ ]
selectna me[ in w ords];dol ist;done
additiona lproce ssi ngi s doneon i nputbythesh ell. option tr
uei foptionis on bind[ ma p][ f unc][ k ey seq][ f unc]
pr int amenuofw ords, promptw ith$ PS3 andreada
Other wi se: f
ile tr
uei ffi
leow neris ef fectiveui d bind[ ma p] f il
linef rom stdin,sa vi ngitin $ REP LY.I ftheli nei s
dova r
iable, command, arithmeticsubstitutions fil
e tr
uei ffi
leis af i
fo( na medpi pe) bind[ ma p]k e yse q: func
the number of one of th ew ords,se t na meto it,
ignoreescapednew li nes f
ile tr
uei ffi
leis rea dable di s pla y and/ or modi f y rea dline f unction a nd k ey
oth e rw i se set na meto NULL.Executel st.I
i fin
use\toquote\ , $,`, a ndf irstcha racterofw o rd fi
le tr
uei ffi
leha s non- zerosize bi ndi ngs. Th esy nta xi s samea s for /.inputrc
w ords is mi ssing use the positiona l para me ters.
[n] w o rd a sa bove, butw ithl ea di ngtabs i gnor ed fil
e tr
uei ffi
leis asock et fil
e readnew bindi ngs f rom f il
bashautoma tica llyr epr ints themenuattheendof
iledes tr
uei ffi
ledes i s ate rmi nal listthena mes ofa llrea dlinef unctions
Of&>and>&, thef irst i
s preferred. I t is e qu iva lent to theloop
e tr
uei ffi
leha s se tuidbitse t ma p us ethek ey ma pma p
>w o rd2>&1 . time[ ]pi pe l
le tr
uei ffi
leis w rita ble listrea dlinef uncti ons a ndbi ndi ngs
execute pi pe line ;pr int e lapsed,sy stem and use r
e tr
uei ffi
leis e xe cuta ble forre- rea di ng
times on stderr.
uei fstringha s zeroleng th listrea dlinef uncti ons a ndbi ndi ngs
pr intti mes i n POSI Xf orma t
A ll s ubstitutions a nd I /O r edir ections a re performed fi
le1 f il
e 2 tr uei ffi
le 1is new e rth a nf il
e 2orf ile2 func sh ow w hichk ey s invok ef unc
The$ TI MEFORMA T va ria blecontrols thef orma tof
bef oreacommandi sa ctua llyexecuted. does notex ist k e yseq re movebindi ngs f ork e y se q
theoutputif is not us ed. ba shuses thevalue
le1 f i l
e2 tr uei ffi
le 1is olderthan f il
e 2orf il
e2 listrea dlinek eysequences a ndma cros
ba sh ma inta ins a n inte rna l has h ta ble f or cach ing $ \nrea l\t%3lR\ nuser\t%3lU\ nsys\t%3lSi ftherei s
does notex ist forre- rea di ng
ex terna l commands.I nitia lly,this table i s empty . As novaluef or$ TI MEFORMA T
le1 f i l
e2 tr uei ffi
le 1andf ile2a reth esa mef i
le listrea dlinek eysequences a ndma cros
commands a refoundbyse a rchi ngthedir ectori es listed untill ist1 ;dol st2;done
string==pa tte
rn func re movek eybi ndi ngs f orf unc
in$ PATH , theya readdedtothehas hta ble. lik ew hilebutnegatethete rmina tionte st
uei fstringma tches pa ttern listrea dlineva riablena mes a ndva lues
w hilel i st1 ;dol ist2;done
Thecommandse archorderis shellf uncti ons first, bui lt- string! =pa ttern forre- rea di ng
execute l i
st1 .I f la st command i n l ist1had a
in commands second,a ndexte rna lcommands ( first in tr
uei fstringdoes notma tchpa ttern listrea dlineva riablena mes a ndva lues
successf ul ex it sta tus,e x ecute l st2 f
i ollow ed by
theinte rna lhas htable, andthen vi a$ PATH )thir d. string 1 <stri ng2 brea k[ n]
list1 .Repeatuntilla st commandi nl ist1r eturns a n
uei fstring1 is bef orestri ng 2 ex itf rom enclosingfor,w hile,untilorse lectloop.
unsuccessf ulex itsta tus
string 1 >stri ng2 Ifni s suppli ed, ex itfrom n thenclosi ngloop
uei fstring1 isa f
terstri ng 2 builtin sh ell
-bui l
tin [a rgs. ..
Signa lhandli ngi s donew iththetra pbui lt-in command. a rithme ticeva lua tion, likele t" ..
ex p1 e xp2 truei fex p1 equals e xp2 execute sh e l
l-bui ltin w ith given a rgs and r eturn
Thew o rda rgument descr ibi ng code to execute upon [[expr essi on] ]
ex p1 exp2 truei fex p1 does not equa le xp2 sta tus. Usef ulf orthebodyofas hellf uncti on th a t
rece ipt of the si gna li s scanned tw i ce byba sh;once eva lua tee x pr essi on,r etur n success f ulex itsta tus if
ex p1 e xp2 tr uei fex p1 is le ss than e xp2 redef ines abuilt- in, e.g. ,cd
w hen thetra p commandis e x e cuted,a nd a ga in w hen true, unsuccessf ul i f f a lse ( see Condi tiona l
ex p1 e x p2 truei fex p1 is g rea terth a ne xp2 cd[ ][ dir]
thesi gna lis caught.Thereforeit is b e st tousesing le Expr essi ons f orde ta ils)
ex p1 e xp2 tr uei fex p1 is le ss than orequa ltoe xchang
p2 e cur rent dir ectory to di r( $ H OME def a ult).
quote s forthetra p command.Tra ps a re execu tedi n (lst)
ex p1 e xp2 truei fex p1 is g rea terth a nor Dodir ectorypaths ea rchusingva lueof$ CDPATH
orderofsi gna lnumber .Youca nnot changethesta tus executel istin as ub- sh ell
equaltoe xp2 us elog icalpa thf orcd. ., $PW D ( def ault)
ofasi gna ltha tw a signoredw hen thesh ellsta rtedup. {l st;}
(ex pre ssion) tr uei fex pressi oni s true, forg rouping us eph y sica lpathf orcd. ,
. $ PW D
executel istin thecur r
Traps on DEBUG happen af tercommands a reexecu ted. !e x pre ssion tr
uei fex pressi oni sf alse Ifbothareg ive n, thel ast oneon thecommandli ne
ex p1 &&e x p2 truei fex p1 AND e xp2a r
etrue w ins
Back grounded commands ( those follow ed by&)w ill ex p1 ||ex p2 tr
uei fex p1 ORe xp2i s true cd [ ]
ignoreth eSIG I
N T andSIG QUI T signa ls i
fthemonitor chang ecur rentdir ectoryto$ OLDPW D
option i
s tur
nedof f.Otherwi se,theyi nhe ritthevalues Iffil
ei s/ dev/ f
d/ n,then, i
fthereis no/ dev/ ddir
f ectory ,
command[ ]na me[ arg. ..
ofthepar entba sh. fil
e descr iptor n is check ed.Other wise,the r ea l
w ithout or , executena mew ithar guments a rg
/dev/ fd/nf ileis check ed.Linux ,FreeBSD, BSD/OS ( and
us eadef aultse a rc hpa th ,not$ PATH
ma ybe others) re turn i nfo for the i ndica
ted f il
A RRAYS pr int aonew ordde scri ptionofna me
descr iptor,inste adofthea ctual/dev/ ddevicef
f il
Ar r
a ys i
n bash h ave no li mits on the number of pr int averbosedescri ptionofna me
elements.A r rayi ndices start at0 .A rr
a ysubscripts Both && and | |a re short cir cuit.Opera nds of continue[ n]
can be a rithmeti
c expressi ons.A rray elements need compar ison oper ators underg oa rithmetic evalua tion. do next itera tion ofenclosi ngfor,w hile,untilor
not be sh does not h ave a ssocia
tive For==and! =, quotea nypartofpa tte
rn totreat ita s a selectloop.I fn i s suppli ed,ite ra ten thenclosing
arrays. string. loop

3 1
4 1
5 1
BUI LT- I N COMMA N DS ( cont inued) BUI LT- I N COMMA N DS ( cont i
nued) BUI LT- I N COMMA N DS ( cont inued) BUI LT- I N COMMA N DS ( cont inued)
decla re[a fFirx][ ][ na me [=va lue ]] export[ ][ na me [=va l
ue ]. ..] k ill[si g ]jobi d. .. rea donly[ ][ na me =va lue. ..]
typese t[a fFirx][ ][ na me [=va lue ]] w ith no a rguments,pr int na mes a nd va lues of k ill[ si g na me ][ si g num]j obi d. .
. ma rkna me s read- only ;pr intli sti fnona me s
set a ttributes a nd va lues of va ria bles.I nside exporte dva riables. Other w ise, exportna me s tothe send SI G TERM or g i
ven si gna l to na med j obi ds. ea chna memustbea n ar ra y
functi ons,cre a tene w copi es oftheva riables. Using envir onmentofcommands Signa ls a re na me s li sted i n / usr/ inc lude / signa l.h ea chna memustbeaf uncti on
+inste adof tur ns a ttri bute s of f.W ithno na mes na me s refertofunctions w ithorw ithoutthepr efix SIG
.Stoppedj obs get pr intrea donlybef oree achva riable
or a ttri bute s, pr int eve ry va riable s na me a nd stopexporti ngea chna me a SIG CON T f irst i f si gi s either SI G TERM or re turn [ n]
attribute s pr intexportbef oree achva riable SIG H UP ex itf unctionor. scr iptw ithr etur nvaluen. W ithno
na meis a n ar ra y fc[ e ditor][ ] [frst[
i last] ] [ si g s...] n, retur n s ta tus ofla stcommand. Ifnotin f uncti on
ea chna mei s af uncti on pr int arang eofcommands f rom f irsttol astfr om la st li
st si gna l names a nd/ or numbers.I f si g is a or. scr ipt, pr inta nerrormessa ge
don tsh ow f uncti on def initions ( bodi es) $ H ISTSIZEcommands nume rica lex itsta tus,pri ntthesi gna ltha tk ill
edthe set[options][ option][ w ords]
na meis a ni nte g e r;a rithme tic run e ditori fs uppli ed;i fnot, us efirstof proce ss setf lag sa ndoptions ( seeOpt ons Toset)
i . w ords set
eva lua tioni s doneupon assi gnment $FCEDI T, $ EDITOR, orvion let a rg. .. positiona lpa ra meters
ma r kna me s rea donly commands;e x ecuteresult( s) eva luateea cha rga sa n arithme ti
cexpressi on;e xit0 set[ + options][ + ooption][ w ords]
ma r kna me sf orexport li
ston s ta ndardoutputi nste adofediting ifthe la st e x pre ssi on w a s non- zero,1oth erw i se unsetf lag sa ndoptions
dirs [ ][+ n][n] don tpr intlinenumbers (seeAr i
thmet icEva lua tion) sh ift[ n]
dis playthedir ectorystack reverseorderofcommands loca l[ na me [=va lue ]...] rena mepositiona lpara me te rs;$ n+1 =$ 1. ..
+n s how n thentryf rom lef t,n 0 [old=new ][ comma nd] crea tev a ria bles w ith the given values loca l to a ndef aults to1
n s how n thentr yf rom r ight, n 0 s ubstitutenew f orol di n comma nd( orla stcommand function.W ith no operands ,pr int ali st ofloca l s hopt[ ][ option. ..]
clea rthedir ectorystack ifnocomma nd)andexecutetheresult va ria bles. Mustbeusedi ns ideaf unction pr int or ch a nge values of shell options.W ith no
pr intalong erf orma tli sti ng fg[j obid] logout a rguments, pr intshelloption i nf orma tion
pr intthestackoneentryperline putj obidin thef ore g round ex italog in s hell onlychang e options
pr intthestackoneentr yperline, w ith g etopts optstr ingna me[ arg. .
.] popd[ ][ +n][n] pr intse ttings forre -readi ng
indexnumber s parsepa rame ters a ndoptions ( seeba sh (
1 )
) remove entri es f r
om the dir ectorystack .W ith no qui etmode;e x itsta tus indi cate s
disow n [ ][ ][ job. ..] hash[ ][ f i
le ][ na me ] arg uments, removethetope ntryandcdther e optionsta tus
w ithno options,removenamedj obs f rom theta ble w ithno a rguments,pr int thehas hta bleconte nts, +n re moven thentryf r
om lef t, n 0 se t( enable )gi venoption;w ithno
ofa ctivej obs gi vinghitcount a ndf ilena me n re moven thentryf r
om r ight, n 0 options, pr intthosetha ta rese t
re moveorma rk ( w ith )allj obs file ente rfi ef
l orna mei n thehas hta ble dontchangedir ectory unse t( disa ble)gi venoption;w ithno
ma r kea chj obtonotrece iveaSIG H UP clea rthei nte rna lhas hta ble printff orma t[ar g. .
.] options, pr intthosetha ta reunset
w henba shte rmi nate s A ssi gnmentto$ PATH a lsoclea rs thehas hta ble printoutput li keA N SIC printf ,w ithex te nsi ons (SeeOpt ions Tos hopt)
us ew ith toma rk justrunni ngj obs help[ pa tter
n] %b ex pandesca pesequences i n s trings s us pend[ ]
echo[ ][w ords] pr int help.W ithpa tte rn,pr int help about a ll the %q pr intquote dstri ngtha tca nbere - r
e ad s us pendthesh elluntilSIG CON T is recei ved
echow ords; is notspecia l commands tha tma tchpa ttern For ma tconversi ons a rereuseda s needed forcesuspensi on, eve nf orlog in s hell
ex pand\ - esca pes ( seee ch o(1 )) history[ n] pus hd[ ][ di r] te st
neve rexpand\ -esca pes [file] pus hd[ ][ + n][n] eva luate conditi ona l expressi ons ( see Opt ions To
dontoutputtra ilingnew li ne history[ ] add an entr y to the dir ectory stack .W ith no te standCondi t
iona lExpr e ssions)
printfi s moreporta ble arg[ .
..] arguments, ex changethetoptw oentr ies times
ena ble[ ][ f i
le][ na me. ..] arg[ ...] +n rota teth esta c k soth atth en th pr inta c cumula tedpr oce ss times
enable a nd disa ble shell bui lt- ins,or load and w ith no options,pr int the command hi story .A n entryf rom lef ti sa tthetop, n 0 tra p[ ][ wo rd][ sig s]
unloa d new bui lt- i
ns f rom sh a red li br a ry f i
les. a rg ument ofn pr ints onlyn li nes.I fs uppli ed,use n rota teth esta c k soth atth en th execute w o rdi f si gna l in si gs rece g s a re
Di sablingabui lt-i
na llow s useofadi skf i
lew iththe fiei
l nste a dof$ H ISTFI LE entryf rom r ightis a tthetop, n 0 numbers or signa l na mes w ith or w ithout SI
sa mena mea s abui lt- i
n append new hi stor yli nes tohistoryf ile dontchangedir ectory W ith no w o r d orsi g s,pr int tr aps.W ith no w o rd,
pr inta llbuilt- i
ns , w iththeirsta tus clea rthehi storylist dir pushdi ronthestacka ndcdther e rese tsi g s toe ntrydef aults. Ifw o rd sigs
deleteabui lt-in loa dedw ith readnew hi storyli nes in thef il
ei ntoth e pw d[ ] to e ntrydef aults.I fw o rdis thenullstring, ignore
e loa danew bui lt- in na mef rom f i
le inte rna lhi storyli st printw ork ingdir e ctoryna me sig s. Ifsi gsi s 0orEXI T, executew o r don exitf rom
disa blena me ,orpr intdi sa bledbui lt-i
ns per form hi storys ubstitution andpr int pr intlog ica lpa th( default) sh ell.I f si g s i s DEBUG ,r un w o rd a fter every
w ithnona me s ther esults pr intphy sica lpa th command.
pr int ena bledbui lt-ins replaceinte rna lhi storyw ithconte nts of Ifbothareg iven, thela st oneon thecommandli ne pr intali stofsigna lnames a nd numbers
pr intonlyPOSIX speci a lbuilt- ins historyf ile wi ns pr inttraps w ithquoti ng
eval[ w ords] placethea rg si ntothehi storylist na me ][ ][ prompt][ name s. ..] type[ ]na me. ..
eva lua tew ords a ndexecuteresult forla teruse rea dstdin and assi gn tona me s.$ IFS s pli ts input. descr ibehow thesh elli nte rpr ets na me
exec[ na me ][ ][ w ords] w riteth ei nte rna lhi storytothef ile $REP LY is se ti fnona megi ven. Exi t0unless end- pr inta llpossiblei nte rpr eta tions
executew ords in pla ceofthesh ell.I fr edir ections jobs [ ][ j
obi d. ..] of- f
i leencounte red ofna me
only ,changethesh ells open f i
les comma nd[ arg s. ..
] readw ords i ntoi ndexedar ra yna me pr intthenameofthef il
etoexecutei f
usena mef ora rg v[ 0] listinf orma tion aboutj obs userea dlinei freadi ngf r om ate rmi nal na meis a n ex te rna lprog ra m
clea rtheenvir onmentf irst alsoli stproce ss i d pr intprompti freadi ngf r
om ate rminal pr int ak ey w ordde scri bingna me
placea on a rg v[ 0 ]( lik el og i
n(1 )) onlyli ststoppedorex itedj obs bef orer e adi ng
Iftheexecfa ils,non- inte ra ctivesh ells e x it,unle ss onlyli stproce ss groups a t endofli nedoes notdoli ne
thes hoptoption execf a ili s set onlyli strunningj obs continua tion
exit[ n] onlyli ststoppedj obs
ex itw ithr etur nvaluen. Use$ ?i fnon replacea nyj obi di n thecommandli ne
w iththecor respondingproce ss groupID,
andexecuteth ecommand

7 1
8 1
9 20
BUI LT- I N COMMA N DS ( cont i
nued) OPTI
ONS TO set(
inued) OPTI ONS TO s hopt( cont
ulimit[ type][ options][ li
mi t] Thesetcommand i s compli
cated.H ereis asumma ry. printcommands a s theyreexecuted, lithist
setorpr intper -proce ss limits Use + inste
a d of to tur n options of
f.W ith no precededbyex pandedvalueof$ PS4. if cmdhist is a lso enabled, sa ve multi- l
type( defaultis both) : arguments,set pr
ints the names a nd values of a
ll Outputis quotedforla terreuse commands w ithnew li nes, notse mi-colons
har dlimi t var
iables. turn off , , s toplook i
ngf orflags; ma ilw a rn
softlimi t anyre ma ininga rgs setth e pr int aw a rni ngmessa gei faf ilebeingcheck edf or
Hk mnpPtuvx ][ooption. ..][a rg. ..
options: positiona lpa rameters ma il w a s accessed s i nce the la st ti me it w a s
automa tica llyex portvar iables upon
all(dis pla yonly ) donotchangef lag s;setpos iti
onal check ed
coref ilesize pa rame ters from a rgumentlist; nocaseglob
pr intj obcompletion messa ges

kofda tasegment w ithnoa rg s,unsetthepositi onal do a case- insensitive ma tch w hen expandi ng
immedi ate ly ,don tw a itf orne xtprompt
ma ximum f i
lesize pa rame ters pathna mes
ena blebr aceexpansi on( def ault)

kofphy sica lmemory nullg lob
force>|toover w ritef ore x istingf iles
ma ximum f i
ledescr iptor+1 OPTI
ONS TO s hopt re movepa tterns tha t dontma tcha nyf ile,ins tea d
ex ituponnon- zeroexitf rom acommand
sizeofpi pebuf fers Thes hoptcommandsets orunsets anumberofoptions ofle a vingthem unchangedin thecommandli ne
disa blepa ttern expans i on

kofsta ckseg ment thata f
fect how bashbeh aves.Thi
s section descr
ibes promptva rs
sa vecommandloca tions i n the
cpus econds eachoption s ef
fectw hen enabled.Unless noted,they do pa ra meter expansi on on the prompt va ri
interna lha s hta ble(de fault)
ma xproce sse sf oroneuser arealldisabledbydef a ult. bef oreprintingthem. Enabledbydef ault
ena ble! -sty lehistor y( def a ult)

kofvirtualmemor y sh ift_ verbose
placea llva riablea ssignments i n cdable_ vars
is a ssumedi fno options a r
egi ven. Thesizef or pr int a n error messa ge w hen the s h ift count is
theenvir onment( obsolete) trea ta na rgumenttocdtha tis notadir ectorya s a
is in 51 2- by teblock s;theothers a rei n s izes of grea terth an thenumberofpositiona lpara meters
run back groundj obs i n theirow n va riablew hoseva luei s thedir ectoryna me
1 024by te s sourcepa th
proce ss gr oup, printamessa ge cds pell
uma sk[ ][ ma sk ] use $ PATH to find sh ellf i
les given to the.and
w hen theyex it;se ta utoma tica llyf or atte mpt to cor rect mi nor spelli ng errors i n
setf i
lecr e a tion per missi ons ma sktocomplementof sourcecommands. Ena bledbydef ault
inte ra ctivesh ells on j obcontrolsy stems a rg uments to cd.Er rors tri ed a re tra nspose d
ma ski focta l, orsy mboli cva luea s in ch mod.W ith
readcommands w ithoutexecutingthem char a cters, a missi ng character or a n e xtra
no a r
guments, printcur rentma sk . A n octa lma ski s
per missi ons to re move, a sy mboli c ma sk i s
(ignoredi finte ra ctive) char a cter. Onlyobey edin i nte ra ctivesh ells SPECI
se topti ons;w ithnoa rguments, pr int check h ash # sta rtofcomment;te rmi na tedbynew line
per mi ssions tok eep
cur rentse tti ngs checktha tacommandin thehas hta blestillex i sts | (pipe)connects tw ocommands
pr intoutpu tforre -readi ng
allexport sa mea s bef oretry i
ng to e xecuteit.I fit does nt,se a rch ; commandsepa rator
pr intcur r
entma ski ns y mbolicf orm
braceexpa nd sa mea s $PATH & run proce ss in back ground;de fa ultstdin
una lias [ ][ na me s]
emacs usea ne ma c s- sty leli ne check w ins ize from / dev/ nulli fnoj obcontr ol
removea liases na mes
editor( default) checkthe w i ndow size a f ter each command and && onlyr un f ollow ingcommandi fprevi ous
re movea lla liases
erre xit sa mea s upda te$ LINES and$ COLUMN S commandcompletedsuccessf ully
unset[ ][ na me s]
ha sh a ll sa mea s cmdhist |
| onlyr un f ollow ingcommandi fprevi ous
unsetva ria bles na me s( sa mea s )
histexpand sa mea s atte mpttosa vea llli
nes ofamulti- li
necommandi n commandf ailed
unsetf uncti ons na me s
history ena blehi story thehistoryf il
ea s oneline, f ore a syre -editi ng enclosestr ingtobeta ken litera lly
unsetva ria bles na me s
ignoreeof li keI G N OREEOF=1 0 dotg lob " enclosestr ingtoh aveva riable, command
key w ord sa mea s include f i
les w hose names begi n w ith.i n pa th andarithme ticsubstitutiononly
monitor sa mea s ex pansi ons $() in-linecommands ubstitution( new sty le)
removes their speci al meani ng, eve n i f us ed
noclobber sa mea s execfa il ` in-linecommands ubstitution( oldstyle)
a f
te rw ards
noexec sa mea s k eep non- inte r
a ctivesh ells f rom ex iti
ngw hen exec (.
) arithme ticeva luation, li
k ele t" ..."
wa it[jobi d...]
noglob sa mea s fa ils $(.
) in-linea rithme ticeva lua tion
wa itforj obj obi d;ifnoj ob, wa itf ora llch ildren
notif y sa mea s expand_ alia se s \ trea tfollow ingcha racterlitera lly
nounse t sa mea s ex pand a li
a ses a s descr ibed i n Al iases.Ena bled \new line li
necontinua tion
OPTI ONS TO te st onecmd sa mea s automa tica llyi n inte ra ctivesh ells
Thete stcommand, andits sy nony m[ ..
.],arebui lt-
in to physica l sa mea s extglob
posix obeythePOSIX 1 00 3.2
ba sh. Thecommandaccepts a lloftheoptions li stedi n enableth ee x tendedpattern ma tchingf a cili
ties (see Jobs canberepre
sfollow s:
theCondi tionalExpr essions se ction. H ow ever,sinceitis sta nda rd Pa tter ns)
acommand, options a nda rguments mustbequote dto pr ivileged sa mea s hista ppend j
d thej obidentif
ierforaj ob,w here:
g etpr operbehavi or, andnor ma lpa ttern expans ion and verbose sa mea s appendthecur renthi storyto$ H ISTFI LEupon exit, %% cur r
fields pli
ttinga redone. Pa renth eses usedf orgroupi ng vi us eavi -sty lelineeditor inste a dofover w ritingi t %+ cur r
must bequoted.A rithme ti cexpansi on is not donef or xtrace sa mea s histreedit previous j
nume ricoper a tors,a nd pa ttern ma tchingi s not done don tr ea d$ EN V, donotta kesh ell ifusi ngrea dlineandahistor ys ubstitution f ails, the %?str jobuni quelyidentif
for==and! =. testcompli e s w ithPOSI X. functi ons f rom envir onment, andignore userca n re -edittheli ne %n jobnumbern
options i n$ SH ELLOPTS envir onment histverify %pref jobw hosecommandli nebegi ns
The and options h a ve the f ollow ingmea ni
ngs, va ria ble w ithpref
if usi ng rea dline,loa d the results of history
instea doftheones li stedi n Condi t
iona lExpre ssi
ons: follow thephy sica ldirectorystructur e s ubstitutioni ntorea dlinef orf urtherediting Us ually,aproce ss I
D maybe used i
ns te
a dofaj d.
logicalA N D forcommands thatchangethedir ectory hostcomple te Commands tha t takeaj dus ethecur
obi rentj
ob i
logicalOR readandexecuteonecommand, ifusi ngrea dline, attempthost comple tion on w or d j
obi dis suppli
then exi t conta i
ni ng@
ma k eita n er rortosubstitutea n unset huponexit Tra
ps on SIG CH LD executew heneveraj
ob comple
va ria ble sendSIG H UPtoa lljobs w hen ba shex its Thecommands f gandbga reonlya vai
lableon s ystems
pr intinputlines a s they rer e ad inte ra c tive_ comments that support j
ob control.Thi s i
nclude s Linux ,BSD
ini nte rac tivesh ells,aw ordsta rti ngw ith#sta rts a systems,System V Relea
se4, andmostUNI X systems.
comment. Enabledbydef ault
21 22 23 24
Therea dlinelibra ryimplements commandli neediting. Variables control di
fferent a spects of readline
By def a ult,it provi des a n ema cs editing i nterface, behavior. Yousetavariablew ith
although a vi i nterface is a vai
lable.rea dline is
a li
zedeitherf rom thef i
lena med by$ INPUTRC ( i
set),or from /inputrc.I
. n thatf ile,y ou ca n use Unless otherwi
senoted, va ues h
l ould beeitherOn or
conditi ona ls, define k ey bi ndings for ma cros a nd Off.Thedescr iptions below descr ibetheeffect w hen
functi ons,a ndsetva riables. the va r
iable i
s On.Def ault values are sh ow n in
From thebashleve l, thebindcomma ndallow s y ou to
add,r emove a nd change ma cro a nd k ey bi ndings. bell- style( audible)
Th erea refi vei nputmodemap names tha t contr olthe def ines how rea dlines h ouldr ingthebell:
action ta k enf or e achinput char acte r. Thema p na mes audible ringthebell
a reemacs,emacs- standard,emacs- me ta,emacs- ctlx, none neve rringthebell
vi,vi - command,andvi- insert.emacs i s thesa mea s visible fla shthescr een
emacs- standard, a ndviis thesa mea s vi- command. comment- begin ( # )
Youchoos ew hi cheditory ou pr eferw ith ins ert this stri ng f or readline- inse rt- comment,
or in y our / .bash rcf il
e, ora trunti me. (boundtoM- #i ne ma c s modeandto#i n vimode)
comple tion- ignore -ca se( Of )
rea dlineundersta nds th ec h a racter na mes DEL,ESC, ignoreca sew hen doingcomple ti
LFD, NEW LI NE, RET, RETURN, RUBOUT, SP A CE, SP C and comple tion- que ry- items ( 1 00)
TA B. ifthenumberofcomple tion items i s less than thi s
va lue, placethem i n thecommandli ne. Other wi se,
REA DLI NEDI RECTI VES asktheuseri ftheys h ouldbeshow n
Dir ectives i n the. inputrc f ile provi de conditiona l and conve rt- me ta( On)
includef acilitie s simila rtotheC preproce ssor . trea tcha ra cters w iththeeighthbitseta s theme ta
versi on oftheequiva lentseve n bitchar a cte r
$ include disa b le -comple tion ( Of )
includeaf il
e, e.g. , asy stem- wi de/ etc/ inputrcf i
le donotdocompletion
$ if editing- mode( emacs)
sta rt a conditi ona l,f or te rmina l or appli ca tion set the initia l editing mode.Possi ble va lues a re
speci ficsetti ngs. Youca n te stthef ollow i ng: emacs orvi
applica tion= te sttheappli ca tion, e.g. bashorgdb ena ble- k eypad( Of f)
mode= te sttheeditingmode, e ma c s orvi atte mpttoenableth ea pplication k ey pad. This ma y
te rm= te stthete rmi na lty pe beneededtoma k ethea rrow k ey s w ork
Theuseofapplica tion=is optiona l;e. g. ,$ ifBa sh expand- tilde( Of f)
$else atte mptti ldeexpansi on a s pa rtofw ordcompletion
sta rtthe
else pa rtofaconditi ona l input- meta( Of f)
$endif me ta - fla g( Of f)
fini s haconditiona l ena bleei ghtbitinput. Thetw ova r
iablena mes a re
sy nony ms
keyma p( emacs)
REA DLI NEKEY BI N DI NGS set thecur rent k e yma p. SeeReadl i
nef or ali st of
Key s bound to ama cro placethema cro te x ti nto the a llow ed va lues.The editing- mode va r iable a lso
input;k eys boundtoaf unction r un thef unction. a ffects thek ey ma p
Youca n usetheseesca pesequences i n bindings: ma rk -dir ectories ( On)
appenda/ tocompleteddir ectoryna mes
\a a lert( bell) \r ca rr i
ager eturn ma rk -modi f ied- lines ( Of f )
\b ba ck spa ce \t horiz onta ltab( TA B) placea*a tthef rontofmodi fiedhi storyli nes
contr olpr efix \ v verticalta b output- meta( Of f)
\d dele te( DEL) \ \ ba ck sla sh pr int cha ra cters w iththeei ghthbitsetdir ectly,not
\e esca pe( ESC) \ " liter al" a s M- x
\f for mf eed \ liter al print- comple tions - horizonta lly( Of f)
me tapre fi x \ddd octa lva lueddd di s pla ycomple tions h orizonta lly,w iththema tch es
\n new li ne \xhh h hexva lueh h h sor te da lphabe tica lly, inste adofverti callydow n the
Ma cr os a ndf uncti on bi ndi ngs lookli ke: screen
show - a ll- i
f- a mbiguous ( Of f)
ma cro: ke y-seq:" tex t" immedia tely li st w ords w ith multiple possi ble
functi on: ke y-seq:func tion- na me comple ti ons, ins te a dofringi ngthebell
Ma cros h a ve quoted te xt on th e right of the colon; visible- sta ts ( Of f)
functi ons h ave f unction na mes.A k ey-se qi s eithera w hen li sti ng possi ble comple tions, append a
si nglecha racterorch a racterna me( sucha s )
, char a c te rtha tdenote s thef i
les ty pe
or a quote
d stri
ng of c
a c
ters (
single or double
s). Mor einf
on aboutreadlineca
n bef
/ bash.
25 26

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