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Did you complete your goal? If so, what will you do next time?

If not, what will you do next time to

complete your goal?

Goal: Today is to find out what species of mouse did we want used in experiment.
Reflection: Today, I find about the information about each species like the lifespan and what factors
effect their lifespan. The rat average age is 12 to 24 months and the oldest age of rat is 36 months.
For the hamster, the average age is 2 to 2.5 years. For the average age of the outdoors mice is 12
months and the average age of indoors mice is 2 to 3 years. For the guinea pig the average age is
14 years. The factors that affect hamster life span is species, genetics, diet, exercise, living
environment, illness, and quality of care. The mouse will give 25 to 60 offsprings per year.
Today our goal is reached and in the net time we will worked on guinea pig behavior.

Goal: Since we decided to pick guinea pig as our animal, so today we need to find the behaviour of
the guinea pig.
Reflection: Today, I find the information about the behaviour of the guinea pig. This type of mouse
will not use the exercise wheel but it will running around the cage instead. When it hungry, it will
stand up on their hind legs for begging food. It will sniff the air and stretched the head out when it
curious. It will bite the teeth together when it angry. Mostly this pig will not bite human but if it does,
it might because it angry or mistake think that our fingers are food.
Our goal to day is accomplished and next time, I will worked on the mouse sense of smell.

Goal: We are working on the sense of smell of the mouse, so we need to fine the information about
their nose.
Reflection: Today, I find the information about the mouse sense of smell. From the research,
Guinea pig was ranked on the top tenth animals that have the genes to distinguish different smell.
It has about 796 olfactory receptor genes. For the mice, it ranked on top sixth with about 1,130
olfactory receptor genes. The mice have this much because they have variety of diet. Moreover,
the rat ranked on the second place with 1,207 olfactory receptor genes. From another research,
the mouse are poor with individual smell but it good at mixture smell(If there are many smells in
one object and we train it to remember the lavender smell, it will know that in this object have
lavender smell).
Our goal is accomplished, so next time we will work on guinea pig diet.

Goal: We will raise the guinea pig soon, so today we need to search for their basic information like
Reflection: Today, I find the basic information of guinea pig diet. The thing that always need to be in
the guinea pig case is water and grass hay. The water need to be low in minerals(especially
calcium). Also, you must avoid to untreated tap water. It is essential to put unlimited grass hay in
the case because the guinea pig teeth continue to grow, so they need the grass hay for grazing to
prevent the teeth for over growing. The guinea pig can eat cucumber, carrot, green leaf lettuce,
and cilantro etc.
Our goal today is accomplished and next time, I will start working on the introduction.
Goal: Complete writing the introduction on proposal.
Reflection: I used the information that I have find(sense of smell) in writing the introduction and
also find much more information to write. I also find more information about the olfactory receptor.
It is part of the cell membrane in the olfactory receptor neuron. It duty is to detect odourant which is
the compound that contain smell.
My goal today is reached and in next time, I will worked on the background research.

Goal: Find the literature review experiment and write the literature review
Reflection: I found the food bury experiment in mouse which I will use it as a information in writing
literature review. The experiment is to find out whether the mouse can use their sense of smell to
find the food that bury under their bedding. In this experiment, there is the limited time for each
trial(15 minutes per each). After finish each trial, the scientist will record the time. I also find the
procedure which provide step by step in doing the experiment. After reading the information, I
paraphrase the information by my own words.
My goal today is not complete because I didnt finish write the literature review. In next time, I will
continue working on the literature review.

Goal: Finding another literature review because the old one might not be use.
Reflection: I found the experiment that said the male mouse with higher age will attract female
more than the mouse with lower age. This might be because the one with higher age will have
more experience and can survive better. In the experiment, the scientist will observe for the female
mouse response between the aged mouse and the younger one. In aged mouse urine, there is a
chemical that will attract female. However, the reason for this chemical to be attractive is not really
My goal today is not complete and in next time, I will continue working on the literature review.

Goal: Continue to finish the literature review
Reflection: In the experiment it found that the scientist also test between the aged ultra-filtered
male urine and adult ultra-filtered urine male. From the result it show that the female mice used
their time to sniff urine for the same about of time. However, from the result of the normal urine, the
aged male urine is more attractive toward the female than the adult male urine.
My goal today is complete and in the next time I will write 5c of the literature review.

Goal: Finish the 5c of the literature review and edit the maze design
Reflection: From the research, it show that both experiments agreed on making the mice became
habituation with the environment. Both of the study show that they will place the mice in the
experiment area to make sure that the mice can adapted to the new environment and will not
frightened during the experiment. Event though, these two experiment is different from each other
but it share the common important things which mice sense of smell is used the mice to survive.
My goal today is finish and in the next time, I will make a maze
Goal: Finish making a maze
Reflection: Today, we have a goal to make a maze(Our maze is adapted from scientist named
Tolman). So, before making it we went to bought the material first. We bought the hot glue gun and
the future board to create the maze. After that we start plan and draw the outline on the base future
board first, then start to cut it and place it on they position. Finally, we cut pieces of fabric to create
the curtain in the maze.
My goal today is accomplished and in next time, we will start to put the guinea pig in the maze(for
habituation not for experiment yet).

Goal: To fixed the maze and try to approach the guinea pigs.
Reflection: Since last time we made the maze, however, it got broken after we bring it to school. So
we decided to fixed them first. Also, this is the first time that the members in the group will try to
approach them and made them trust. Because this is the first time, the guinea pigs still afraid of us
and one of them didnt eat the food that we give to them.
My goal today is complete and in the next time I will try to made the guinea pigs more relax when
see us.

Goal: To made the guinea pigs feel relax when they with us
Reflection: The guinea pigs still afraid but we try to made them relax with us by feed the water to
them(one of them drink). Also, we try the new food for them. The new food is the carrots. However,
they seem didnt like the carrots and didnt eat it. In this day, I also brought the guinea pigs home.
At my house, I try to made the another guinea pig that seem scare of us more than another one to
be more relax. From the result, that guinea pig allow me to feed the water to her now.
My goal is doesnt quite complete and in the next time we will try to feed the guinea pigs.

Goal: To feed the guinea pigs by ourselves
Reflection: Today, in break time, we take the food out of the guinea pigs case because in class we
will feed the guinea pigs by ourselves. In the class time, we try to feed them and it success. Both of
the guinea pigs eat the grass and water from us. One of them also run around the area that we
give them. After school, we let them adapt to the maze. However, only one of them move around
the maze.
Our goal for feeding them is complete. However, for the adaptation in the maze, one of them
doesnt move at all. In the next time we will continue to let the guinea pig adapt in the maze.

Goal: To make the guinea pigs familiar with us and run the maze
Reflection: Today, I fed the guinea pigs and play with them. Also we let them walk outside of the
maze. Then, we put them in the maze for the maze. In this day, we put them in the maze for
several times. However, both of them freeze in side the maze. But when they outside the maze,
they walk(only one of the guinea pig walk much).
Our goal is not quite complete and in the next time I will let our guinea pigs run the maze again.

Goal : To make the guinea pigs run the maze
Reflection: Since last time our guinea pigs didnt run the maze. So, in this time, we try it again. In
this time, we fasting our guinea pigs for several hours. When we let one of our guinea pigs run the
maze with the food at the exit, it complete the maze within a minute for every trials. However, one
of it doesnt walk. This guinea pig will walk when we used the food to persuade it.
Our goal today not quite complete and in the next time we will make the guinea pig that doesnt
move to run the maze.
Goal: To make the guinea pig run the maze(one left)
Reflection: In the last time, one of our guinea pig finally run the maze. However, one of it didnt
complete in running the maze. So today we will let this guinea pig to try to run the maze again.
Today we also fasting our guinea pig for several hours. At first our guinea pig didnt walk but after
time it start to walk. This guinea pig run the maze without food at the exit and from each trial, it
cannot reach the exit.
Our goal today is complete and in the next time, we will work on reflection.

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