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5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

ANZAC Test (post)

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What is the meaning of ANZAC Day

A day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all
Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, con icts, and
peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have

A day off to watch the ANZAC Day football match

A memorial day observed in Commonwealth Nations member states since the end of
the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in
the line of duty.

Why do we celebrate ANZAC Day?

We celebrate ANZAC day to commemorate all of the lives lost by soldiers who chose to go
through the atrocities of war so that we could live in a free country today.

What day did the ANZACs land at Gallipoli?

6th August 1914

18th November 1915

25th April 1915

5th May 1916

What is signi cant about the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli?

I think that what is signi cant about the landing is that these soldiers got off the boats
knowing that they were most likely going to die before they arrived at the beach. This takes
such courage and such bravery to undertake and I think that to do such thing for your
country is amazing. 1/3
5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

What does ANZAC stand for?

Australian New Zealand Army Corps

Why is it important for us to commemorate ANZAC Day?

We need to commemorate ANZAC day so that our generations and generations to come
have a deep understanding and respect for those who fought in not just the rst world war
but all wars.

Why do we wear a Red Poppy on ANZAC Day?

'In Flanders Field poppies grow' the Oath states, our soldiers are buried in Flanders Field
where poppies grow. So the reason that we wear poppies is to signify our respect to the

What does the spirit of ANZAC Day mean to me?

The spirit of ANZAC day means that vulnerable and innocent people gave up their lives and
left their families so that they could ght for our country.

What are ANZAC biscuits?

Biscuits that we only eat on ANZAC Day

Biscuits that mothers, wives, girlfriends sent to the soldiers during WWI

Biscuits made by the soldiers during the War

Biscuits that only ANZAC soldiers are allowed to eat

This form was created inside Sacred Heart College.

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5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

ANZAC Test (post)

The respondent's email address ( was recorded on submission of this form.

What is the meaning of ANZAC Day

A day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all
Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, con icts, and
peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have

A day off to watch the ANZAC Day football match

A memorial day observed in Commonwealth Nations member states since the end of
the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in
the line of duty.

Why do we celebrate ANZAC Day?

to remember and commemorate the young man and woman who surveyed and died for
our health and safety .

What day did the ANZACs land at Gallipoli?

6th August 1914

18th November 1915

25th April 1915

5th May 1916

What is signi cant about the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli?

they got attacked when they landed and most of our man died for us. 1/2
5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

What does ANZAC stand for?

Australian New Zealand Army Corps.

Why is it important for us to commemorate ANZAC Day?

We need to commemorate Anzac Day to remember the people of our country who risked
their lives for ours.

Why do we wear a Red Poppy on ANZAC Day?

To remember the man and woman who died for us and now lay on Flanders eld where
poppies grow and are now red from the blood of our loved ones

What does the spirit of ANZAC Day mean to me?

It means being able to remember and feel for the man and woman who died

What are ANZAC biscuits?

Biscuits that we only eat on ANZAC Day

Biscuits that mothers, wives, girlfriends sent to the soldiers during WWI

Biscuits made by the soldiers during the War

Biscuits that only ANZAC soldiers are allowed to eat

This form was created inside Sacred Heart College.

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5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

ANZAC Test (post)

The respondent's email address ( was recorded on submission of this form.

What is the meaning of ANZAC Day

A day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all
Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, con icts, and
peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have

A day off to watch the ANZAC Day football match

A memorial day observed in Commonwealth Nations member states since the end of
the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in
the line of duty.

Why do we celebrate ANZAC Day?

To remember the soldiers who went to war to ght for the freedom of there country

What day did the ANZACs land at Gallipoli?

6th August 1914

18th November 1915

25th April 1915

5th May 1916

What is signi cant about the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli?

It is the rst time when they went into the face of the war. 1/2
5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

What does ANZAC stand for?

Australian New Zealand Army Corps

Why is it important for us to commemorate ANZAC Day?

It important for us to commemorate Anzac day because there were people who went to
war to ght for the freedom of our country and risked there lives for us.

Why do we wear a Red Poppy on ANZAC Day?

a lot of soldiers were berried at Flanders eld and thats were a lot of poppies were.

What does the spirit of ANZAC Day mean to me?

Anzac day means to me that we should remember the soldiers that went to war to ght for
us.And it makes me proud to be an Australian.

What are ANZAC biscuits?

Biscuits that we only eat on ANZAC Day

Biscuits that mothers, wives, girlfriends sent to the soldiers during WWI

Biscuits made by the soldiers during the War

Biscuits that only ANZAC soldiers are allowed to eat

This form was created inside Sacred Heart College.

Forms 2/2
5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

ANZAC Test (post)

The respondent's email address ( was recorded on submission of this form.

What is the meaning of ANZAC Day

A day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all
Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, con icts, and
peacekeeping operations and the contribution and suffering of all those who have

A day off to watch the ANZAC Day football match

A memorial day observed in Commonwealth Nations member states since the end of
the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in
the line of duty.

Why do we celebrate ANZAC Day?

To remember the people who went to war and who died at war.

What day did the ANZACs land at Gallipoli?

6th August 1914

18th November 1915

25th April 1915

5th May 1916

What is signi cant about the ANZACs landing at Gallipoli?

It was the rst time the Anzac sprit was born 1/2
5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

What does ANZAC stand for?

Australian new Zealand army corps

Why is it important for us to commemorate ANZAC Day?

we remember the people who went to war

Why do we wear a Red Poppy on ANZAC Day?

the red poppy grow where they buried the Anzacs

What does the spirit of ANZAC Day mean to me?

to remember all my family that went to war to thank them for ghting for our countries

What are ANZAC biscuits?

Biscuits that we only eat on ANZAC Day

Biscuits that mothers, wives, girlfriends sent to the soldiers during WWI

Biscuits made by the soldiers during the War

Biscuits that only ANZAC soldiers are allowed to eat

This form was created inside Sacred Heart College.

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5/11/2017 ANZAC Test (post)

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