The Weekly News: Getting Involved Contributes To Leadership?

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had a lot to say. Weam, At the beginning of
Danials father saw grade 9, I felt as if I
that Danial had been was irrelevant at my
taking an increased school. I was one of
role around the school the students that was
over the recent years. there at 8:00 A.M and
He also explained that left at 2:30 P.M. After
around the house a year and a half of
Danial has been taking this same routine, I
a greater role. He decided that enough
helps with chores and was enough. When the
takes care of his email was sent out to
siblings without any apply to become a
The Matta Family Pictured Above complaint. His leader at Muskoka
mother, Amal, Woods I leaped at the
continued saying at opportunity. From then
our church Danial is on I embarked on my
now becoming a journey to become a
Written By: Stanley servant and is better leader. From
attending more. He then on more
Watt, Head Editor helps out with the kids opportunities have
and it is great to see come and I have taken
the leader he has most of them. My time
become. in high school did not
In 2016, a study was made to show the start off as the easiest,
comparisons between being involved What the parents said
but looking back, I
in/around the school and community can made us curious. We
think that everything
lead to better leadership skills. The person wanted to go straight
happened for a reason.
in question Danial Matta. We asked the to the source, we went
I am grateful for who I
sixteen year old his opinions on the matter to the student himself,
have become and what
and if such an idea applied to him. Heres Danial Matta. When
I will become in the
what he had to say. Being a leader, for we caught up with
me, has advanced in large part due to my Danial after school
We thank Danial and
increased involvement in school over the this is what he had to
the Matta family for
past couple of years. We were intrigued say of his
their contributions to
by this answer and decided to look further development.
this study. We will
into Danials changes over time. We met continue to further
up with Danials parents and asked if they understand this
had seen a change in Danial over and they relation.

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