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Emily Tran

English 9H P.2

The first time I saw you, you were one. You stood up and waddled on your

stumpy legs after me. You fell, and instead of crying, you laughed the most adorable

sound I had heard. I began watching over you, and you began crying when I wasnt

there. Your parents didnt understand why you cried so much, and tried to comfort you

with food and hugs.

Your hair was so vibrant when you were two, yet you were most curious about

mine. You always tried grasping it, only to end up with wisps of nothing. I changed the

most during that time, not only emotionally, but physically. I changed from mermaid to

pirate to spy, whatever you wanted. Your imaginative mind finally settled on witch, no

matter how much I protested. I brought to life whatever your mind thought of and

created potions for endless cures whenever you wanted, which was often. I healed your

wounds with magic and warded away your nightmares. Your parents nearly ran me over

once. You cried and wailed, but your parents only looked at each other worryingly. They

left in the car with you wailing in the back seat, but you calmed down after you saw me

flying next to the window.

At three I became your companion, and you became my responsibility. You

brought me to your first day of school and I occupied the empty seat next to you. When

you showed me your drawing I was your biggest fan. The boy across from you ripped it

up, but I insisted that it was only because he was jealous. You didnt believe me, but I
was telling the truth. You gave me the cold shoulder for an entire week, but forgave me

once you needed comfort after scraping your knee.

You finally decided on a name for me at five. After contemplating whether to call

me Mrs. Pockets or Cocoa, you finally decided on neither, and Flora became my official

name. You tried to introduce me to your parents and I watched with dismay as they put

on a fake smile and tried to play along. You didnt understand it, of course you didnt,

you were too young. You cried and yelled at them, asking why they didnt like me. Is it

because she dresses weird? Or is it because she can fly and you cant? you yelled.

They cant see me, I tried telling you, but you just wouldnt listen. You wouldnt listen

either when I tried to explain that I wasnt real, but you wouldnt have any of it. You were

so naive, I wish you couldve always stayed like that.

When you were six, I would read you a book to sleep every night. It was the only

way you could sleep. And every night I watched you in wonder, thinking that no one

could fall asleep amidst all the noise. You couldnt sleep when the noise first started

either. The arguments echoed throughout the house, stopping only when you began to

cry. Im sure your parents didnt mean for this to happen, but it had, and your mom

moved away soon after. Without your mom your dad became unstable, drinking every

night and sometimes going days without saying a word to you. Im so sorry I couldnt

protect you from all the blows that came from him, I really am. You screamed and

screamed, and later continued screaming, but this time at me at how I shouldve

protected you. I wouldve if I could, I swear. I tried everything I could, but you were

losing your innocence, and I was fading along with it.

I barely saw you when you were eight. You spent most of the time at a friends

house, hiding from your dad. I dont blame you, but the more time you spent away the

more your dad got angry and the more I faded away. I tried calming your dad before you

came home, but, as expected, he couldnt hear me. You could barely hear me either,

you could barely see where I was. It wasnt that you had finally understood the truth

about me, it was more like you forgot about me, and that hurt a lot more. I still kept

watch over you though, at school and at your friends house. You would spot me

sometimes and say hi, but you never maintained a conversation. But you were happy,

as happy as one could be with your dad, and that was all I could ever wish for.

When you were nine, keeping watch over you was all I was doing. Ever since you

stopped responding to me, I didnt want to try to talk to you again, for the fear that you

wont ever hear me again. So I kept my distance, making sure you were safe. Your dad

still hadnt improved and you spent less and less time away from the house. Meanwhile

I spent all my time at the house. I no longer read books to you or comforted you. Instead

I was just there, unable to do anything except enjoy the last few moments I had with

you. My time with you was short, and you were growing older. I could feel myself fading

away, leaving you.

I didnt see you when you were ten. I had faded completely away by that time. I

still wonder what youre doing sometimes. Have you had your own children yet? Who

are the childrens companions? Or has no time passed and youve just turned 8? I have

a myriad amount of questions, but no way of getting answers. So all I do now is hope

and cherish my memories of the little boy that took me in as a friend.

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