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Pastor: Rev Con Despinidic Ph 4991 1519

Pastoral Elder: Mr Rick Schroder
Secretary: Mr Scott Field
Treasurer: Mr David Harris

The message of Christmas. That people are eternal beings That life is renewed within you
Acknowledging that Jesus is Believing in God’s promise
both God and man born to For you have been born again,
Mary at Bethlehem not of perishable seed, but of
That whoever believes in Him
…for God so loved the world has everlasting life (John 3:16) imperishable, through the living
that He sent his only son (John and enduring word of God.
3:16) (1Peter 1:23)

That we develop towards That we are not yet perfect and

maturity need to recognise and cleanse
Therefore let us leave the SOME ourselves from sin.
elementary teachings about ASPECTS OF If we confess our sins, He is
Christ and go on to maturity, faithful and just and will forgive
not laying again the foundation us our sins and purify us from
of repentance from acts that TO BE CHRISTIAN all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9)
lead to death, and of faith in
God (Hebrews 6:1)

That Jesus died for everyone’s That Jesus is coming again God will hold people to account
sin – people need to know this! For he has set a day when he
And if I go and prepare a place will judge the world with justice
He is the atoning sacrifice for by the man he has appointed.
our sins, and not only for ours for you, I will come back and
take you to be with me that you He has given proof of this to all
but also for the sins of the whole men by raising him from the
world. (1John 2:2) also may be where I am. (John
14:3) dead.” (Acts 17:31)

Take time to pray for:

• Con & Leonie in moving and Outreach Program 9-13 Dec • Vital Christian Radio Outreach
establishing themselves in • Missionary Outreach on:
Wollongong ƒ Rhema 99.7
• Safety during the vacation period ƒ CHR 96.5
• Church
• Transition to work or further study ¾ Calling a new minister • Health
for school leavers
¾ Program for 2010 • Churches that do not have the
• A New Year freedom to meet and worship.
• council, state and national
• Decision making in difficult times

"Seeking to be a worshipping fellowship, experiencing the awareness of God,

recognising His person and responding to His leadership"
Con & Leonie’s Letters December 2009
This is my farewell note to my church family. I would love to spend time with each
of you to tell you what you mean to me. I have such good memories of our time in
Cessnock. I thank God for bringing us here and for each one of you. It has been
great to have you as part of my life.
It is difficult to leave you, but as I go I know that we are doing what God wants us
to do. We are in His hands and you are in His hands. There is no better place to be.
I would not want to be anywhere else except in our amazing God’s hands.
With much love,

The day is soon approaching. The removalist will be here on the 30th, and we are
almost completely packed. Many things are still to happen. Books have been
sorted out; they have been lovingly put into boxes. I have spent over $100 in tape
and bubble-wrap!
We are packing and we are on our way, our way into the unknown! As I think on
these things, what comes to mind is: we may be packing, we may be on our way,
you are in our hearts and you will always be in our hearts, and we will be ‘taking
you with us’ wherever we go.
The past 21 years have gone quickly. At times life has been difficult, and there
have also been some fantastic times of joy. It has been a great journey; we have
seen the Lord’s blessing in so many areas of our lives. I have lost count of the
number of people who have passed through our home and those who have visited
our fellowship. Some have walked ‘in the way of faith’, while others have seen,
tasted and moved on. There have been some who have come and, in doing so, they
have embraced the faith. In God’s guidance they have moved to be a witness in
some other place. It is now our turn to move on to ministry and service somewhere
Thank you for all the good memories. Thank you for your love, help and support.
May God continue to bless you as individuals and as a Christian fellowship here at
Con Despinidic
Announcements Details of Con & Leonie’s Farewell on
noticeboard and the website – RSVP Slip with this newsletter

Men’s Katoomba Convention

5-6 March 2010
Men's Convention $150.00 to be paid to David Harris covers Registration Camp fee for
2 nights, supper Friday night, breakfast, lunch, {-BYO BBQ is not included-}on
Saturday, Sunday Breakfast, coffee, tea, cool drinks. Payment will confirm you
registration. Payment will be required ASAP. I you would like to go but haven't got
the funds to go please let Rick Schroder know.
December 6 – Morning Service
Baptism Commissioning of
of Deacons
Tim & Rachel’s daughter Megan
The West Cessnock Congregational Church Fellowship
invites you to join us for

A Service of
Farewell and Commissioning
Con & Leonie Despinidic
4:30 pm
Sunday 27th December, 2009
at West Cessnock Congregational Church
71 Wollombi Road
Cessnock West

To be followed by dinner
at Wesley Hall, Cessnock Uniting Church
cnr of Cooper & Cumberland Sts
(enter from Cooper St)
$20 Adults $10 Children $60 Family

Please RSVP to Christine Rae

49908560 or
by 21 December, 2009.
DECEMBER - JANUARY - entries for your diary.
DATE / TIME ACTIVITY Reminder - prayer in office 9:40am each Sunday
Wed 2nd 10am Ladies’ Fellowship
5.30pm ääåç Music Team Practice ääåç
7.30pm Bible Study - venue: Con & Leonie’s
Thu 3rd 7.30am Men’s Morning Bible Study – Church
Fri 4th 7.00pm Trns4md @ Church
7.30pm YA Bible Discussion Group – venue Schroder’s

Sun 6th 10am & 7pm Morning (see announcements p3) and Evening Services
Wed 9th 10am Ladies’ Fellowship
7.30pm CREDO arrive for mission 9-13 Dec – see separate program

Sun 13th 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services [CREDO Program]. Fellowship
lunch following morning service
Wed 16th 10am Ladies’ Fellowship
6pm Bible Study Group End of Year BBQ Bring Your Own Eats - Con
& Leonie’s
Fri 18th School Term ends for mid-summer vacation

Sun 20th 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services

Fri 25th 9am Christmas Day Service
Sun 27th 10am Morning Service
4:30pm Farewell Service for Con & Leonie followed by dinner
January 2010
Fri 1st New Year’s Day (Public Holiday)

Sun 3rd 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services

Sun 10th 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services [Communion]
Sun 17th 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services
Sun 24th 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services
Tue 26th Australia Day (Public Holiday)
Wed 27th 10am Ladies’ Fellowship
7.30pm Bible Study
Sun 31st 10am & 7pm Morning and Evening Services

Please pass on items for the February Newsletter by Thursday 28th January to Vic Rae 4990 8560 or by email -

Check the noticeboard for more financial information

Information for Direct Deposit or Electronic Transfer:
Bank Name Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Name of Account: West Cessnock Congregational
Church BSB No: 062805 Account No:

David W. Harris Treasurer

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