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A review of barriers and facilitators of HIV treatment

among injection drug users
Evan Wooda,b, Thomas Kerra,b, Mark W. Tyndalla,b
and Julio S.G. Montanera,b

Globally, injection drug use continues to account for a substantial proportion of HIV
infections. There have not, however, been any evidence-based reviews of the barriers
and facilitators of HIV treatment among injection drug users. For this review, published
studies were extracted from nine academic databases, with no language or date
specified in the search criteria. Existing evidence demonstrates that, although injection
drug users often have worse outcomes from HIV treatment than non-injection drug
users, major antiretroviral-associated survival gains still have been observed among this
population. Inferior outcomes are explained by a range of barriers to antiretroviral
access and adherence, which often stem from the negative influences of illicit drug
policies, as well as issues within medical systems, including lack of physician education
about substance abuse. Evidence demonstrates that several under-utilized interventions
and novel antiretroviral delivery modalities have helped to greatly address these barriers
in several settings, and there is sufficient evidence to support immediate scale-up of
these programmes. These interventions include coupling antiretroviral therapy with
opioid substitution therapies as well as directly administered antiretroviral therapy
programmes. Of particular interest for future evaluation is the coupling of HIV treatment
programmes within comprehensive services, which also provide low-threshold (harm
reduction) HIV prevention programmes. Scale-up of evidence-based HIV treatment and
prevention to injection drug users, however, will require increasing political will among
both national policy-makers and international public health agencies.
2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

AIDS 2008, 22:12471256

Keywords: access, AIDS, antiretroviral therapy, HIV, injection drug use

Introduction been documented among persons receiving antiretroviral

therapy [2,3]. Despite these survival benefits, the clinical
Since the mid-1990s, there have been major advances in management of HIV disease presents major challenges.
the medical management of HIV disease [1]. In particular, High levels of adherence are required to durably suppress
antiretroviral therapies have been shown to suppress plasma the plasma HIV RNA [4], and incomplete adherence
HIV RNA to undetectable levels, and in turn substantial has been associated with virological failure and the rapid
reductions in HIV-related morbidity and mortality have emergence of antiretroviral resistance [5].

From the aBritish Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at St. Pauls Hospital, Providence Healthcare, Vancouver, and the
Division of AIDS, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Correspondence to Evan Wood, MD, PhD, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, 6671081 Burrard Street, Vancouver,
BC V6Z 1Y6, Canada.
Received: 10 December 2007; revised: 31 January 2008; accepted: 1 February 2008.

ISSN 0269-9370 Q 2008 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1247
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1248 AIDS 2008, Vol 22 No 11

During the past two decades, the HIV epidemic has Existing challenges
transitioned from primarily a sexually driven epidemic to
one in which syringe sharing among illicit injection drug Access to treatment
users (IDUs) contributes to a significant proportion of Myriad concerns have been identified with respect to the
new infections [6]. The Joint United Nations Program management of HIV infection among IDUs. A primary
on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimates that one-third of issue is access to HIV treatment, and a range of studies from
new HIV infections outside sub-Saharan Africa are various international settings have demonstrated that, even
attributable to injection drug use [7]. In North America, in settings where HAART is widely available, injection
injection drug use accounts for approximately one in four drug users have lower uptake of antiretroviral therapy
cases of HIV [6], and in some areas where HIV is than other HIV-infected populations [810,1719].
spreading most rapidly, such as Eastern Europe and
Central Asia, more than 80% of all HIV cases occur Although there is geographical variability with IDUs
among IDUs [7]. In turn, as the HIV epidemic has presenting early for HIV treatment, several studies have
matured among this population, large and growing shown that IDUs commonly present for HAART late in
numbers of HIV-infected injection drug users are in need the course of HIV disease and often after AIDS-defining
of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) [810]. illnesses have developed. This is of particular concern,
Frequently, HIV-positive IDUs first come to the attention since research has consistently shown that initiation of
of the healthcare system as a result of harms related to the HAART during later-stage HIV infection presages a
use of injection drugs (e.g., endocarditis, cellulitis, drug worse survival outcome [20]. In addition, among IDUs
overdose, etc.) and are therefore identified early, while not on antiretroviral therapy, both gender and ethnicity
other cases are identified at late stages of HIV disease and have been associated with differential access to anti-
subsequent to the development of life-threatening retrovirals; as demonstrated in Fig. 1, female IDUs and
opportunistic infections. IDUs from ethnic minorities may be particularly affected
by issues of access to HIV/AIDS care [8,9,2123].
At present, the provision of optimal care to HIV-infected Studies have also shown that, because of these concerns,
IDUs is a major challenge [11]. In addition to the instability HIV-infected IDUs are more likely to die without ever
resulting from compulsive drug-seeking behaviours [12], having received HAART, even in settings where
challenges also stem from the fact that IDUs often exhibit antiretroviral therapy and other medical care is available
several characteristics, such as homelessness and psychiatric free of charge [24].
illness, which severely complicate the challenges of
HAART delivery described above [1316]. Despite the Several factors have been shown to explain poor access to
complexity and increasing frequency of this clinical HAART among IDUs. A review of the literature
scenario, there has until now been no contemporary demonstrates that these factors can generally be grouped
evidence-based review of best practices for the treatment of into socio-structural, individual-level, and provider-
HIV among IDUs, and existing barriers to HAART and based concerns (Table 1). Socio-structural concerns have
potential solutions have remained poorly understood. We, primarily been explored with respect to HIV prevention
therefore, conducted the following narrative review to among this population [2529]. These studies have
summarize the latest evidence regarding barriers and consistently shown how national illicit drug strategies
facilitators to HAART among IDUs and to describe the which predominantly employ criminal sanctions and
best evidence for the optimal treatment of HIV infection create social marginalization of IDUs have served to
among this population. create a hidden population that is extremely difficult to
reach with HIV care and prevention services such as HIV
testing and needle exchange programmes [2529]. More
Search strategy and selection criteria recently, studies have elucidated how these same socio-
structural influences may also create barriers to HIV
For the present review, published studies were extracted treatment among IDUs: public policies that seek to
from nine academic databases (EMBASE, Cochrane reduce the prevalence of drug use by stigmatizing this
CENTRAL, MEDLINE (via PubMed), AIDSLINE, behaviour may create a social stigma in the social and
AMED, CINAHL, TOXNET, Psych-info, and Web of medical systems, which in turn may create tension with
Science), with no language or date specified in the search care providers [3034].
criteria. Key words used in the initial search included
HIV, AIDS, intravenous, injection, illicit, drug, anti- Alternatively, individual-level concerns are issues inherent
retroviral, and treatment, and additional studies were in injection drug users themselves. A primary individual-
found by examining references from relevant articles. In level issue which has been identified is the common
addition, abstracts presented at relevant international HIV perception among IDUs that the side effects of HAART
and infectious disease meetings during the past 2 years will be intolerable [3537]. Similarly, low self-efficacy, or
were reviewed (extraction was from each databases doubt about ones ability to adhere to HAART, has also
inception up to 1 November 2007). been identified as a common barrier to initiating HAART

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HIV treatment in injection drug users Wood et al. 1249

100 Sex 100 Race

90 90
Probability of CD4 cell count

Probability of CD4 cell count

remaining unmonitored (%)

remaining unmonitored (%)

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 Women 40 Nonwhite

30 30

20 20
10 10
Log-rank P = 0.03 Log-rank P = 0.009
0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Time (months) Time (months)
No. at risk No. at risk
Women 120 97 78 64 52 47 41 Nonwhite 106 92 76 55 43 40 34
Men 109 78 56 35 23 22 19 White 122 82 57 43 31 28 25

Fig. 1. KaplanMeier cumulative rate of first CD4 cell count monitoring among injection drug users stratified by sex and race.
Reprinted with permission from Wood et al. [21]. Copyright (2004) American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

among this population [37,38]. Other individual-level the problem of lower adherence is the fact that IDUs are
issues include psychiatric illness, addiction-related instabil- also significantly more likely to discontinue HAART
ity, limited social support, and homelessnessall of which outright after it has been started [32].
create barriers to readiness for the daily rigours of HIV
treatment [12,15,16,3944]. A range of barriers to HAART adherence has been
identified. These again can generally be grouped into
Finally, provider-based factors are those barriers to socio-structural, individual, and provider-based concerns
treatment that arise through physician reluctance rather (Table 1), and essentially operate through the same
than unwillingness on the part of the IDU patient [37,44 mechanisms as barriers to accessing therapy [34,53].
46]. A host of studies have demonstrated that physicians Socio-structural factors that are specifically relevant to
may be reluctant to prescribe HAART to IDUs even when adherence and antiretroviral discontinuation include
patients express an interest, because of the perception that incarceration, which is frequent among IDUs in most
IDUs may be less likely to adhere to HAART [37,4749]. settings and has been associated with worse virological
Other physician concerns include the belief that IDUs may suppression [54]. Individual barriers to adherence include
be more likely to develop and transmit antiretroviral- the instability caused by higher-intensity illicit drug use
resistant HIV [50], and the belief that the potential for HIV (which creates difficulties making appointments, etc.) [55]
risk behaviour may be increased after the initiation of and lower adherence self-efficacy. An additional individ-
HAART [51]. These issues obviously overlap with the ual-level concern, which has been reviewed in detail
issues of stigma raised above. elsewhere [56], is the common co-morbidity of hepatitis C
infection, which can increase side effects and limit
Adherence to treatment tolerability of HAART [57]. Finally, provider-based issues,
In addition to poorer access to HAART, studies have which have been identified as inhibiting HAARTuse after
consistently shown that, once therapy is initiated, IDUs it has been initiated, include lack of understanding of social
commonly have lower rates of adherence to HAART than issues facing IDUs and geographic distance between
non-IDUs [4,11,13,39,52]. Furthermore, compounding providers and IDUs residence [37,58].

Table 1. Barriers to HAART access and adherence grouped according to socio-structural, individual, or provider-based mechanism.

Socio-political barriers Individual barriers Provider-based barriers

1. Social marginalization [33,34] 1. Fear of side effects [35,36] 1. Physician perceptions [47,48]
2. Risk of criminal sanctions [33,34] 2. Low HAART self-efficacy [38,79] 2. Physician inexperience [80,100]
3. Incarceration [54] 3. Psychiatric illness [15] 3. Complicated appointments [58]
4. Financial barriers [58] 4. Addiction-related instability [12] 4. Travel to reach clinic [58]
5. Homelessness [46]
6. Hepatitis C co-infection [56]
7. Lack of health insurance [58]
8. Trust of healthcare system [111]

HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy.

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1250 AIDS 2008, Vol 22 No 11

Clinical outcomes a history of injection drug use was associated with a

The lower rates of access and adherence to HAART have 2.4-fold higher likelihood of mortality [3], an observation
generally translated into inferior clinical outcomes that has been demonstrated in individual settings [62,63].
among HAART-treated IDUs. For instance, IDUs have
been shown often to have lower rates of virological
suppression [52,59], although, as shown in Fig. 2, this
observation can be entirely explained by incomplete Addressing challenges to highly active
adherence among this population [13]. Blunted CD4 cell antiretroviral therapy delivery to injection
count responses to HAART among IDUs have similarly drug users
been reported [60], although this also appears to be
mediated through lower adherence [61]. Finally, these Together, in comparison to non-IDUs, the picture of
concerns, as well as competing causes of death due to reduced access and adherence and subsequent inferior
illicit drug overdoses and co-infections such as hepatitis virological response and elevated mortality [64,65] paints a
C, have translated into overall elevated mortality among grim picture of the current status of HIV infection among
IDUs. Recently, a collaboration among 13 international injection drug users [10]. While challenges certainly exist,
observational HIV treatment databases demonstrated that it is important to stress that, despite the above concerns, the

Overall cohort (n = 1442) Adherent patients (n = 816)

100 100
HIV risk category HIV risk category
Injection drug use Injection drug use
No injection drug use No injection drug use
90 90

80 80
Probability of remaining detectable (>500 copies/ml), %
Probability of remaining detectable (>500 copies/ml), %

70 70

60 60

50 Log-rank: 50
P < 0.001

40 40

30 30

20 20
P = 0.12

10 10

0 0
0 6 12 18 24 0 6 12 18 24
Time from start of HAART (months) Time from start of HAART (months)

Fig. 2. Overall cumulative rates of plasma HIV RNA suppression among a Canadian cohort of HIV-infected patients and when
restricted to adherent patients. Adherence and plasma HIV RNA responses to highly active antiretroviral therapy among HIV-1
infected injection drug users Reprinted from Wood et al. [13] by permission of the publisher. 2003 Canadian Medical

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HIV treatment in injection drug users Wood et al. 1251

Table 2. Strategies to improve access and adherence.

Socio-structural strategies Individual strategies Provider-based strategies

1. Low threshold programmes [74,75] 1. Addiction treatment [18,90,91] 1. Same day appointments [117]
2. Outreach services [68] 2. Psychiatric treatment [15,16] 2. On-site pharmacists [81]
3. Increased HIV testing [71,72] 3. Housing support [116] 3. Interdisciplinary clinics [14,86]
4. Reduced financial barriers [8,58] 4. Improved self-efficacy [15,38] 4. Adherence assistance [118]
5. Well resourced prisons [99] 5. Daily observed therapy [97]
6. Case management [83,87]
7. Greater HIV experience [77,80,100]

advent of HAART has nevertheless been associated with setting [14]. Several key features of such programmes
dramatic reductions in HIV-related mortality among IDUs include on-site pharmacists, HIV specialist nurses, drop-
[3,63,66,67]. Although the majority of studies are in services, less geographic distance between home and
observational in nature, there is increasing evidence that HIV services, and services which offer case management
the above-described barriers to access and adherence to strategies [14,8187]. An additional key strategy is the
HAART can be readily modified using well characterized linking of the provision of addiction treatment with
evidence-based interventions. antiretroviral therapy. Methadone maintenance therapy
has been most widely investigated and has been associated
Not surprisingly, these strategies have generally targeted with both improved uptake and adherence to HAART
the previously described socio-structural, individual, and [8891]. More recently, buprenorophine has shown
provider-based barriers to access and adherence (Table 2). similar potential [92]. This may be of particular impor-
For instance, strategies aimed at addressing socio- tance, given the known contribution of ongoing drug use
structural barriers include outreach programmes that on reduced access and lower adherence to HAART, and
help to identify HIV-infected IDUs and refer them to the evidence that patients infected with HIV through
appropriate HIV prevention and care [6870]. These injection drug use, but who stop using illicit drugs, may
programmes may be particularly important for case find- have similar adherence to other risk groups [12]. An
ing, since accessing HIV testing has been associated with additional clinical consideration when initiating antire-
uptake of HAART [71,72] and obviously testing and trovirals is the co-administration of HAART with opioid
counselling of IDUs unaware of their HIV status serve a substitution therapy such as methadone. Since methadone
secondary public health benefit [73]. Similarly, meeting is metabolized by the cytochrome p-450 (CYP450)
IDUs on their own terms is important, and this may be enzymes, and since antiretroviral drugs can act as inhib-
most effectively accomplished when HIV testing and itors or inducers of this process, some antiretrovirals may
treatment services incorporate low-threshold HIV pre- lead to opioid withdrawal among persons on methadone
vention services (also known as harm reduction services), due to reduced methadone effect [93]. Conversely,
such as needle exchange. Harm reduction services are opioids may inhibit or induce metabolism of components
low-threshold in that they do not require abstinence from of a HAART regimen, since many antiretrovirals are
illicit drug use. Several reports have demonstrated the largely metabolized by enzymes of the CYP450 pathway
value of incorporating HIV testing and treatment into [93]. The optimal strategies for the co-administration of
low-threshold services for illicit drug users [71,74,75]. methadone and antiretrovirals have been reviewed
elsewhere, and a knowledge of these patterns is required
Strategies to address individual-based concerns largely for successful co-administration of these agents [93].
overlap with provider-based strategies that are discussed in
detail below. In brief, these strategies include efforts to In addition, directly administered therapy programmes,
improve health insurance coverage and free access to which provide daily supervision of antiretroviral therapy,
medical care [8,18,76,77]. Similarly, HAART self-efficacy have also been associated with improved adherence
and willingness to initiate HAART have been shown [9497]. While prison environments have traditionally
to increase through improved relationships with HIV- been associated with risk of HIV transmission and worse
experienced physicians [53,7780]. Finally, improvements HIV care [54,98], it has also been observed that prisons
in stability from addiction treatment and housing support with well resourced HIV care systems can create an
may help to address physician reluctance to prescribe environment where HIV care is facilitated [99]. Finally,
HAART [44]. management of co-morbid psychiatric conditions has been
associated with better HIV treatment outcomes [15,16].
In terms of provider-related strategies, several clinic
characteristics have been associated with improved uptake In terms of provider-specific strategies, it has been
and adherence to HAART. Specifically, HAART delivery demonstrated that more experienced physicians may be
models which tend to be highly flexible, comprehensive, more likely to prescribe HAART to IDUs and to
and interdisciplinary have been particularly helpful in this promote higher levels of adherence among their patients

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1252 AIDS 2008, Vol 22 No 11

[77,80,100]. In light of this evidence, it must be noted 24

23 HIV risk category
that increasing physician education in the area of 22 Injection drug use
evidence-based HIV and substance abuse treatment has 21 No injection drug use
significant potential to improve evidence-based HIV care 20
in this population [77,80,100]. One major concern is the 19
discordance between physician perceptions and empirical 18
evidence regarding potential harms of HAART use in

Probability of resistance (%)

marginalized populations [46,48,49,101]. For instance, 15
although IDUs are known to have lower levels of 14
adherence, studies have repeatedly demonstrated that 13
many IDUs can manage high adherence to antiretroviral 12
therapy (Fig. 2). Accordingly, ethical analyses have
specifically concluded that physicians should not indefi- 9
nitely withhold HAART from patients on the basis of the 8
presumption that they will be nonadherent, and this 7
argument is strengthened by the studies [41,102,103] that 6
have consistently demonstrated that providers are poor
judges of patients adherence. With respect to the 3
common concern of providers regarding potential for 2 P = 0.983
increased rates of antiretroviral resistance among IDUs 1
and potential for community transmission of antiretro- 0
0 6 12 18 24
viral resistance, this concern is not supported by evidence.
Time from start of ARVs (months)
On the contrary, monitoring studies have not shown n
IDU 335 308 290 263 226
elevated rates of antiretroviral resistance among the newly Non-IDU 856 772 726 675 590
HIV-infected IDU population [104107]. Similarly, the
studies, which have evaluated HIV risk behaviour among Fig. 3. Cumulative rates of protease inhibitor resistance
HAART-treated IDUs, have been generally inconsistent, among a Canadian cohort of patients stratified by history
and it is likely that any rise in HIV risk behaviour among of injection drug use. Reproduced with permission from
this population may be less than the rise in HIV risk Wood et al. [90]. ARVs, antiretroviral drugs; IDU, injection
behaviour seen in other populations, such as gay men drug user.
[51]. Finally, as shown in Fig. 3, data from one of the
few studies to compare rates of antiretroviral resistance and the limited availability of methadone in particular
between IDUs and other populations demonstrated regions in Eastern Europe and south-east Asia is of
similar rates of antiretroviral resistance to all classes of particular concern [112]. Finally, it is key to distinguish
antiretrovirals between IDUs and non-IDUs. The opiate (e.g., heroin)-dependent drug users from those
paradoxical finding of overall lower adherence but similar who are using stimulant-based compounds such as
resistance rates may be attributed to the fact that high but cocaine and methamphetamine. Unlike heroin, which
incomplete rates of adherence to HAART (i.e., 8090%) has a long half-life and so is generally injected only every
are required to rapidly select and maintain antiretroviral- few hours at most, the short half-life of certain stimulants
resistant mutations in plasma [108110]. such as cocaine allows for thirty or more injections per
day [113]. Stimulant addiction is also noteworthy in that
A limitation of many of the above studies is that they are there exists no gold standard substitution therapy in
based on observational data. Nevertheless, there are widespread use, as there is with heroin addiction. Both
several commonalities observed across international behavioural and pharmacologic strategies for the stabil-
settings, as well as several differences which likely reflect ization of HIV-infected stimulant users remain urgently
differing policies. For instance, in comparison to no needed.
HIV treatment, the survival benefits of HAART in IDUs
have been observed across settings [3,63,66,67], but IDUs
have also regularly been shown to have inferior clinical
outcomes to HAART in comparison to non-IDUs Conclusion
[3,62,63]. This observation is likely explained by universal
concerns that are more common among all IDU HIV treatment poses particular challenges for clinicians
populations, including compulsive drug-seeking beha- faced with the large and growing number of infections
viour and psychiatric illness, as well as higher rates of occurring among IDUs, since this population commonly
homelessness and social stigma [15,46,111]. Not surpris- exhibits several co-morbidities and social issues that
ingly, the beneficial effects of certain interventions, such complicate the delivery of HAART [6,7]. These concerns
as methadone maintenance therapy [18,88], are only are often exacerbated by illicit drug policies that entrench
observed in settings where methadone is in common use, stigma and marginalization among IDUs [3034] and

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HIV treatment in injection drug users Wood et al. 1253

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of socio-structural, individual-level, and provider-based
barriers. It is critical that these issues be addressed, given
the known cost-effectiveness of HAART and the fact that
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