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The South Asian Times

e x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m
Vol.10 No. 4 May 27-June 2, 2017 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on

Manchester bomber NATO to join

likely had ISIS training
Manchester, England: Manchester
suicide bomber Salman Abedi
probably received some ISIS
training by traveling to Syria in
the months before the attack,
according to information gath
ered in the preliminary investiga
tion, a US official told CNN on
The US believes ISIS, through
Trump pressure bore on NATO,
that training, set the stage for the
22yearold to carry out his dead
ly attack at the Manchester Arena
and in Riyadh he asked Muslim
on Monday night. Other members world to root out terrorism
of Abedi's family are believed to
have been radicalized as well, the
official said. Suicide bomber Salman Abedi; (right) US pop singer Ariana Grande has
In one of the worst terror halted her gigs after the attack during her concert (Photo : Reuters)
attacks in Britain, 23 persons
were killed and dozens injured at and evoked strong reactions "appalling sickening cowardice".
the Ariana Grande concert. The across the world. Prime Minister Among the victims, many were
Islamic State claimed the attack Theresa May termed it an act of Continued on page 4


Community Comments aid to Pak
from $255 m (From left): Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed

to $100 m alNahyan, US President Donald Trump, Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin
Abdulaziz Al Saud and Jordan's King Abdullah II during ArabIslamic
American Summit in Riyadh on May 21. (Photo courtesy: Reuters)

Berlin: The North Atlantic Treaty War is responding to today's secu

Organization (NATO) will formally rity threats as they meet in
join the USled coalition against Brussels. Trump has questioned its
the Islamic State terror group, relevance and pushed members to
media reports said. Affirming it do more to defend themselves.
Thursday, NATO chief, however, SecretaryGeneral Jens
said that they will not wage direct Stoltenberg said that joining the
Washington: The Trump adminis war against the extremists. antiISIS coalition "will send a
tration has slashed its foreign mili The announcement was timed strong political message of NATO's
tary financing (FMF) to Pakistan for President Donald Trump's first commitment to the fight against
from $255 million to $100 million appearance at a summit of NATO terrorism and also improve our
New York: Democrats and the mainstream media have determinedly for the 2018 financial year, but has leaders here and reportedly under coordination within the coalition."
opposed Donald Trump at every step since the election. They have also kept its options open whether it pressure from him.. Earlier, in Riyadh, President
hurled various accusations at the 45th President. But after his sum would be a grant or should be con In the wake of this week's sui Trump called on West Asian
mary dismissal of FBI chief Comey and the Continued on page 4 verted into a loan, according to a US cide bomb attack in Manchester, Continued on page 4
official. "While we may use FMF to NATO leaders are keen to show
SEE PAGE 811 FOR THEIR COMMENTS. Continued on page 4 that the alliance born in the Cold RELATED NEWS ON PAGE 12


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EDUCATION 15 TRAVEL 18 SCITECH 26 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS 30 excellence in journalism May 27-June 2, 2017 TRISTATE COMMUNITY May 27-June 2, 2017 3

BJP to celebrate 'Modifest' in 900 Indian cities

New Delhi: The ruling BJP party would be kicked off by the prime leader Arun Singh said. Party
has planned a grand 'Modifest', a
festival celebrating the govern
YEARS OF MODI RULE minister from Guwahati in Assam
on Friday. The Modi government
president Amit Shah is scheduled
to attend the events in Kerala bn
ment's achievements, across the will complete its third year in Port Blair, Chhattisgarh and
country to mark the NDA's three office on 26 May. According to Arunachal Pradesh.
years in power at the Centre. The the BJP, events across the country Union home minister Rajnath
imposing gala, spread across 900 would be addressed by several Singh will attend the Jaipur and
cities, will be held between 26 Union ministers, parliamentari Mumbai fests, while external
May and 15 June and will see the ans, chief ministers and leaders affairs minister Sushma Swaraj
Narendra Modi government cele from BJPruled states, and several would attend the programs in
brate its achievements since senior party leaders. Delhi and Lucknow.
2014. Irani said a 'Jan Ki Baat' pro Union finance minister Arun
Addressing a press conference gram has also been arranged so Jaitley would attend the 'Modifest'
on Monday, Union textile minister that the people can share their in Bengaluru and Ahmedabad.
Smriti Irani said, "The government messages with the prime minister Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi
is going to celebrate the three directly. "The party has also Adityanath and other prominent
years of the historic mandate it the leadership of prime minister leader said. organized intellectual summits in leaders and MPs from his state
got in 2014." Modi, a series of dialogue pro She said the programme, which the cities in which the party's min will visit Bihar to showcase the
"In order to highlight the gov grams would be held in 900 cities has been named 'Making of isters would participate and inter achievements of the Modi govern
ernment's achievements under across the country," the BJP Developed India' or 'Modifest', act with the people," senior BJP ment.

Dilip Chauhan honored Priyanka Chopra lone

with Kings of Long bright spot in Baywatch
Island award
New York: Just released, Baywatch is getting terrible reviews all
around and doing poorly at the box office. Yet, Priyanka Chopra
gets as much appreciation as the film has got brickbats. And it is
New York: The ubiqui the movie critics who are saying it.
tous community activist Chopra has fun as the baddie. The showdown is the best
Dilip Chauhan was hon moment in the film, one which cleverly shows its female villain no
ored with Kings of Long genderbased charity. I wish more movies had female super vil
Island award at the lains, said Forbes magazine. IGN found Priyanka a highlight as
annual Star Network the nefarious entrepreneur Victoria Leeds, who outshines pretty
Kings of Long Island much anyone shes in a scene with.
Awards and Networking Independent said Priyanka was underused in the film and
Event in Great Neck here Collider gave her the ultimate compliment: She should be the next
on April 6. James Bond baddie.
Around 500 people
from all walks of life
gathered at Leonards
Palazzo to recognize 45 HR Shah felicitated on receiving Padma Shri
individuals from Nassau
and Suffolk Counties for
their exemplary work in
business and the com
Nassau County Dilip Chauhan with his award and Nassau
Comptroller George County Comptroller George Maragos
Maragos offered his con
gratulations to all honorees: based, and government leaders
Each one of you is incredibly to the South AsianAmerican
accomplished, and I know you community.
have a lot more to give. Chauhan currently serves as a
Chauhan was recognized as Senior Advisor to the Nassau
one of the most prominent and County Comptroller George Fords, NJ: FIA (Federation of ferred the Padma Shri award by Delhi. The dinner reception for
dedicated advocates for the Maragos. In his previous role as Indian Associations) in collabora the government of India. A com Mr Shah was graced by
South AsianAmerican commu the Director of Southeast Asian tion with the Indian American munity leader, philanthropist and Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das,
nity. Through his Gateway to Affairs for the Nassau County community of New YorkNew entrepreneur, septuagenarian HR Consul General of India in New
South Asian American Comptrollers office, he educat JerseyConnecticut felicitated TV Shah received the prestigious York, and many prominent com
Community Presentation, he ed small business owners about Asia chairman and CEO HR Shah award on April 13 from the munity leaders who all praised
has connected countless corpo government business opportu on May 23 at the Royal Alberts President of India at a ceremony Mr Shahs services to the South
rate, nonprofit, academic, faith nity available for MWBE. Palace here after he was con in the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Asian community in America.
4 May 27-June 2, 2017 TURN PAGE

NATO to join antiISIS of $100 million in foreign military fund

Now, Trumps soninlaw coalition

Continued from page 1
ing to Pakistan.
Last year, the US assistance to
Pakistan under the state department
leaders to combat a crisis of Islamic

under FBI scrutiny extremism emanating from the region,

casting the fight against terrorism as a
battle between good and evil, not a
budget was $534 million, which includ
ed $225 million towards foreign mili
tary funding.
Washington: President Donald In all, the state department has pro
clash between the West and Islam.
Trump's senior adviser and posed a massive $190 million reduction
Trumps address on Sunday was the
soninlaw Jared Kushner has in its financial aid to Pakistan as com
centerpiece of his twoday visit to Saudi
come under the Federal Bureau pared to the 2016 financial year. The
Arabia, his first stop overseas as presi
of Investigation's (FBI) scrutiny current 2017 financial year ends on
dent. During a meeting of more than 50
in its ongoing probe over September 30.
Arab and Muslim leaders, he sought to
alleged Russian interference in On Monday, the White House said
chart a new course for Americas role in
the 2016 election, the media that FMF to Israel and Egypt would con
the region, one aimed squarely on root
reported. tinue to be in the form of grant while
ing out terrorism, with less focus on
Investigators believe for Pakistan it would be a loan but a
promoting human rights and democrat
Kushner, who is married to the final decision would be taken by the
ic reforms.
President's eldest daughter state department.
We are not here to lecture we are
Ivanka, has significant informa "The Foreign Military Funding for
not here to tell other people how to live,
tion relevant to their inquiry. Pakistan would be provided in the form
what to do, who to be, or how to wor
However, it does not mean that of a loan guarantee," said Mick
ship, Trump said, speaking in an
they suspect him of a crime or Mulvaney, Director of the Office of
Jared Kushner ornate, multichandeliered room.
intend to charge him, US offi Management of Budget in the White
Instead, we are here to offer partner
cials briefed on the probe told and he also met last year with contacted in connection with House.
ship based on shared interests and
NBC News on Thursday night. Sergey Gorkov, chairman of any other inquiry." Responding to questions, Mulvaney
Points of focus that pertain VneshEconomBank, a Russian The FBI is investigating pos said the Trump administration has pro
to Kushner include: the Trump governmentowned institution sible collusion between Trump posed to convert its FMF programme to
Manchester bomber
campaign's 2016 data analyt that has been under US sanc campaign associates and many countries from aid to financial
likely had ISIS training
ics operation; his relationship tions since July 2014. Russia in connection with loan. Pakistan is one of those countries.
Continued from page 1
with former national security It remains unclear if the FBI Moscow's alleged interference The state department said the $100
children. The police raids were continu
adviser Michael Flynn; and plans to talk to Kushner. in the 2016 election, reports million in FMF to Pakistan will be used
ing, "specially trained firearms officers"
Kushner's own contacts with "Kushner previously volun USA Today. to advance US national security inter
were assigned patrol duty on trains for
Russians, according to the offi teered to share with Congress Flynn, along with former ests in that country by supporting
the first time, and Britain temporarily
cials. what he knows about these Trump campaign associates Pakistan's capacity to improve stability
halted intelligence sharing on the attack
Kushner met at least once in meetings," Kushner's lawyer, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and security and fight terrorism, includ
with the US after American officials
December with the Russian Jamie Gorelick, told NBC News. and Carter Page, are active sub ing through the elimination of safe
allegedly leaked information to the
ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, "He will do the same if he is jects of the investigation. havens for terrorist and militant organi
media. Late Thursday, however, the
National Police Chiefs' Council said in a

Stem cell drive for South

statement that it had resumed intelli
gence sharing.
Trumps travails:
US officials released the bomber's
Community Comments
Asians held in California name and other details of the investiga
tion into the deadly attack, irking British
Continued from page 1
Justice Department appointing Special
New York: Health fair organized stem cell specialist organizing Counsel to investigate Russian meddling
investigators scrambling to keep details
by the North Bay Association of the drive with AADP and of the probe confidential. in our election and related matters
Indians based out of Santa NBIAA, informed the volunteers (such as collusion between Trump cam
Rosa, California saw a good and participants the impor US slashes aid to Pak from paign and the Kremlin), trouble for the
turnout of the Indian Diaspora tance of Being the Donor , as $255 m to $100 m Trump White House seems to be mount
of California. only a few stem cells collected Continued from page 1 ing. Will it hamper the Presidents
Stem cell drive by the Asian from a donors blood or bone leverage loans for some countries, we agenda, and bog down Congress? Will
American Donor Program marrow, could potentially be Akshat Jain, a pediatric will still maintain the flexibility to use it Trump manage to weather this storm
(AADP) was a great hit, Dr. life saving for a child or adult Hematologist oncologist and as grant assistance where needed," a too? The South Asian Times invited sev
Akshat Jain, a pediatric suffering from life threatening stem cell specialist state department spokesman told PTI eral prominent Indian Americans to
Hematologist oncologist and blood disorder or cancer. organized the drive. when asked about the budget proposal dwell on such questions.

Jaipur (India) Bureau IANS Newswire Services

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publication do not imply connection or endorsement of these businesses. All rights reserved. TRISTATE COMMUNITY May 27-June 2, 2017 5

Acharya Lokesh to visit USA as part of World

Peace Harmony and Yoga Tour
New Delhi: Peace Ambassador Acharya Dr. establishing world peace and harmony for
Lokesh Muni and Acharya Vikramaditya with the welfare of humanity.
a delegation in a meeting with Environment Acharya Vikramaditya said that Acharya
and Science & Technology Minister of India Lokesh will leave for World Peace Harmony
Dr. Harsh Vardhan at his residence informed and Yoga Tour to United States of America
him about the Acharya Lokeshs World Peace from New Delhi on June 6th. On arriving in
Harmony and Yoga Tour and elaborate pro New York Acharya Lokesh will be first hon
gram organized on his departure at ored at UN Headquarters on June 9th morn
Talkatora Park. Basant Gupta from USA and ing. He will participate in JAINA Convention
Manoj Jain from Delhi were part of the dele 2017 organized on the theme Jainism and
gation. Science at New Jersey from June 30 to July
Cabinet Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan 4. Jain representatives from different parts
extended his good wishes for the tour and of the world will express their views in
said that the world population will be bene JAINA Convention on this very relevant sub
fited by this. Acharya Lokesh Muni has been ject. Acharya Lokesh will participate in dif
giving the message of peace, harmony and Acharya Lokesh Muni ji (center) with Dr Harsh Vardhan, ferent International Yoga Day function from
nonviolence from the prestigious platforms Minister of Environment & Technology in New Delhi June 16 25 in New York, New Jersey,
in India and different parts of world to estab Chicago various cities of USA. He will partici
lish world peace from last 33 years. He nizsed at departure of Acharya Lokesh for Nations with support of more than 177 pate in International Conference organized
expressed hope that Acharya Lokesh will the tour on the eve of Environment Day at nations recognizing ancient Indian Yoga in Atlantic city on June 24th with Yogrishi
take the ancient Indian culture to different Talkatora Stadium. Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni declared June 21 as International Yoga day. Baba Ramdev and Bhramakumari Shivani. He
parts of the world. Central Minister gave on the occasion said that by the efforts of Acharya Lokesh said that people of the world will also address Annual function of Chicago
consent to participate in the program orga Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, United have to unite and make efforts towards Jain Center on June 25th.

TANA convention set to Arrest warrant issued

open in St. Louis for hot yoga founder
Special to
The South Asian Times Dr. Chowdary
things are singing contests; busi
ness, womens, spiritual and med
Bikram Choudhury
Jampala, ical matters; a shortlm festival; New York: A US court in compensatory dam
New York: Dignitaries from India president, immigration issues; tholubom has issued an arrest ages.
and the United States are scheduled Telugu malaata (puppet show); alumni warrant for Bikram JafaBodden was gen
to attend the 40th anniversary cele Association of meetings; mimicry; star perform Choudhury, the eral counsel to
brations of the Telugu Association North America ances and agricultural issues. Food IndianAmerican hot Bikrams Yoga College
of North America (TANA) being is one thing the organization is tak yoga guru who was of India but was fired
held this weekend in St Louis, Maryland state lawmaker Aruna ing the utmost care. According to ordered in 2016 to after refusing to cover
Missouri. Miller and Secretary of State for Jampala, a local restaurant group is pay over $7 million in up allegations that
The VIPs are mostly from the Missouri John R Jay Ashcroft are ensuring that food of the three connection with a sex Bikram had raped and
states of Andhra and Telangana as among the US luminaries to be major regions of the Telugu land Bikram Choudhary
ual harassment case, a sexually assaulted a
well as some from Missouri and present on the occasion. Among the will be available at the convention (Image :
media report said. yoga student. I feel
other US states, according to Dr galaxy of lm stars to be present at all the time for breakfast, lunch and Choudhury, the millionaire vindicated, she told ABC News in
Chowdary Jampala, president of the threeday convention beginning dinner as well as snacks. founder of global fitness business, 2016. Im elated.
TANA whose organization is hold on May 26 are Kajal, Nitin and Separate gatherings are held for has not paid the amount and last She convinced the jury that
ings its 21st biennial convention Arjun. One of the honorees will be second and thirdgeneration year claimed he was nearly bank Choudhury had repeatedly sexual
during the long Memorial Day Ian Grillot, who tried to save the Telugus. TANA was founded at a rupt. Authorities believe the 69 ly harassed her and subjected her
weekend. Deputy Chief Minister of two Indians in Kansas when they gathering in New York in 1977. Its yearold has hid his assets and left to obscene comments about
Andhra K.E. Krishnamurthy, the were shot in March. The convention website says that it is not only the the country, the ABC News report women. She also claimed she was
state Health Minister Kamineni begins with a banquet, where oldest and largest Telugu organiza ed. According to the report, the fired after she tried to investigate
Srinivas, member of parliament recognition awards will be given. tion in North America, but also one warrant allows authorities to another womans sexual harass
(Lok Sabha) Maganti Murali Mohan The ceremony will be followed by a of the largest and oldest Indian arrest him if he returns to the US ment and rape allegations against
are among the VIPs to be present music concert. All the programs will community bodies on the continent. or, possibly, in Mexico. In January him. During the trial over Jafa
on the occasion, he said in a tele be covered by print and electronic The organization is growing further last year, a jury determined that Boddens allegations, Bikram
phone interview. Among the media. Aside from the presence of and cooperating with other like Choudhury had sexually harassed strongly denied sexually assault
expected dignitaries are Telangana USbased IndianAmerican news minded outts. Jampala said, Our and then unfairly fired Minakshi ing any women. He also denied to
Information Technology Minister organizations, some media outlets theme for this convention is Miki JafaBodden, his onetime ABC News ever having any sexual
Kalvakuntla Tarakarama Rao and representatives are arriving from Ellaluleni Telugu; Eppatiki Velugu lawyer. He was ordered to pay contact with his students or fol
Sujana Chowdary (MP, Rajya Hyderabad. There are a number of (Borderless Telugu; Forever Shines), nearly $ 6.5 million in punitive lowers. Bail was set at $8 million,
Sabha). Congressman Raja sessions on various issues, aspects, and our community will make sure damages in addition to $924,000 the report said. (PTI)
Krishnamoorthi (from llinois), regions and cultures. Among such that we will achieve it.
6 May 27-June 2, 2017 TRISTATE COMMUNITY

Missing Cornell student IndianAmerican

Aalaap Narasipura found dead jailed for $33 million
New York: An Indianorigin stu
dent was found dead here after he
and description of Narasipura
seeking more information in the fraud in US
went missing earlier this week, po case. Washington, DC: An Indian than $30 million using the rst
lice said. Aalaap Narasipura, 20, Narasipura was set to graduate American businessman has been scheme. Xavier allegedly spent
was an electrical engineering stu this December, according to the sentenced to 15 years in prison investor money on jewellery, lux
dent at Cornell University and was report. "He was an active member for fraud schemes that cost ury vehicles, cosmetic surgery,
missing from Wednesday, ABC of the Ultimate Frisbee team, en investors over $33 million. wedding expenses and more.
News reported. joyed taking photos and planned Navin Shankar Subramanian In a second scheme, Xavier
Cornell University Police said on continuing at Cornell to pursue Xavier, of Miramar, Florida, oper secured $1.2 million in funds and
Narasipura's body was recovered a Masters of Engineering Degree," ated Miami Gardensbased Essex about $1.5 million in commercial
on Friday from Fall Creek, a gorge said Ryan Lombardi, Vice Presi Holdings from 2010 to 2014 real estate from the South
located near Ithaca Falls. dent for student and campus life through which he carried out two Carolina Coordinating Council for
The circumstances of Narasipu at Cornell. fraud schemes, according to the Economic Development to turn an
ra's death remain under investiga "On behalf of the Cornell Univer court documents. older industrial property into a
Aalaap Narasipura
tion, but police said they don't sus sity community, I extend our deep He was sentenced earlier this diaper plant and rice packaging
pect any foul play. and gorges around the Ivy League est condolences to Aalaap's family week by US District Judge Darrin facility, according to the report.
State and local authorities from university. They did not find any and friends as they grieve this Gayles in Miami, Florida, the Xavier provided false nancial
multiple agencies searched evidence of his whereabouts until tragedy," Lombardi said. American Bazaar Online reported documentation to entice investors
Narasipura's residence, academic coming across his body in Fall "They are in our thoughts as we on Friday. Xavier pleaded guilty to put money in Essex Holdings.
spaces and regular routes of travel Creek, police said. Earlier in the all come to grips with the enormi in January to two counts of wire He also provided fake contractor
as well as adjacent natural areas week, police had released a photo ty of this loss," he said. fraud. A restitution hearing is invoices and spurious bank state
scheduled for July 14. ments in order to get paid under
Ama Yawson declares Democratic The rst scheme involved near
ly 100 investors who purportedly
the contract.
Xavier spent the money for his

candidacy for Nassau County Comptroller invested in sugar transportation,

shipping as well as iron ore min
ing in Chile. According to prose
personal living expenses, and
wired some of it to the same over
seas accounts used in the invest
Mineola, NY: Ama Yawson
cutors, the company raised more ment fraud, said ofcials.
announced her candidacy for
Current Nassau
Nassau County Comptroller, a
remarkably accomplished woman
with extraordinary credentials not
George Maragos,
seen in Nassau County Government. who is running for
Yawson is a graduate of Harvard County Executive,
University, Cum Laude, and holds a introduced Ama
Juris Doctor and a Masters in Yawson as the Elmhurst, NY: South Asian Youth private colleges. Youth also
Business Administration from The candidate for Action (SAYA) awards scholar receive help with completing col
University of Pennsylvania Law Comptroller. ships to 14 high school seniors, lege applications, personal state
School and the prestigious Wharton nine young women and ve young ments, nancial aid forms and
School, respectively. Yawson has men, starting college this fall. The scholarship applications. The
held positions as senior counsel and Citibank and Bank of America. She Democratic Party nomination to total awarded amount equals goals of SAYAs college success
as a nancial analyst at leading will join with County Executive restore trust in government and end $146,000, with individual awards programing are to help alumni
nancial institutions such as Candidate George Maragos for the corruption. ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 access all the opportunities they
per year for four years. With the need to receive their undergradu

Rapper Nicki Minaj funds Indian announcement of this years recip

ients, 29 youth have now received
multiyear scholarships from
ate degrees and successfully pur
sue their future professional and
personal goals.

village for development SAYA to help cover the cost of col

lege. The SAYA Scholarship Fund,
A large number of this years
scholarship recipients are stu
New York: American rapper Nicki pump. Minaj wrote: This is the kind about my charity work in the near established in 2014, has awarded dents at Richmond Hill High
Minaj has been sending money to a of thing that makes me feel the most future in case youd like to be a part a total of $283,000 to date to School, where SAYA operates a
village in India for the proud. The money Ive sent to this of it. Love. The Anaconda hitmak SAYA alumni. These scholarships community school. The remainder
last couple of years village in India for the last couple er also shared photos of a few Indian are part of SAYAs college access of the recipients are SAYA pro
for clean water, years (via my Pastor Lydia Sloley), women. She captioned the images: and success programming, and gram participants at Newcomers
places where they has gotten them a computer center, Im so proud of our sisters in India. complement the organizations High School, Thomas A. Edison
can worship, learn a tailoring institute, a reading pro God is so good. Their desire was to efforts to support our alumni Career and Technical High School
technology and gram and two water wells. have water wells and places where through their higher education and the organizations community
more. On Saturday, We complain about the most they can worship, places where they journeys. SAYAs college access center in Elmhurst, Queens. Youth
Minaj posted a video ridiculous little things when some can learn technology, computers, programming provides youth with who attend programming at the
on Instagram where an Indian man, people dont even have clean water. reading, etc. Were just getting start oneonone and small group col SAYA community center come
surrounded by villagers, can be seen Blessings to India. Our work is far ed. These women are us and we are lege advisement, free SAT prep from a diverse range of high
showing a newly installed hand from done. Ill tell you guys more them. classes and visits to public and schools across NYC. NATIONAL COMMUNITY May 27-June 2, 2017 7

Indian-Americans unhappy over portrayal of

Hinduism in proposed California school textbooks
Washington, DC: Indian Indian civilization," said The State of California mandates mentioning Hindu concepts like Joshi, a parent from San Jose.
Americans have expressed Shantharam Nekkar, director of that the textbooks to be based on Yoga and Dharma, Sages Vyasa "Negative portrayal of
anguish over the negative por Hindu Education Foundation USA the framework laid down by the and Valmiki and Indian achieve Hinduism has led to several
trayal of Hinduism and India in (HEF). Department of Education. The ments in science and technology. instances of bullying of Hindu
the proposed California school Nekkar's remarks came at a framework was revised last year Hindu groups pointed out that children in classrooms," he
textbooks. "It is disappointing to public hearing conducted by the amidst many controversies, many of these changes have not added.
see that even after a decade of California Department of including attempts by a few aca reected in the textbook drafts. The Department of Education
building awareness by the Hindu Education (CDE) at Sacramento demics and groups to replace "Some publishers continue to will send its recommendations to
American community, textbooks on Thursday. 'India' with 'South Asia.' single out and denigrate the State Board of Education
especially by Houghton Mifin For the past several years, the Over the past two years, the Hinduism while ignoring new (SBE) later this year for its
Harcourt (HMH), McGrawHill, IndianAmerican community has Department has made several additions to the framework that approval. The textbooks recom
Discovery and National been battling to remove several updates to the framework based can help present Indian civiliza mended by the board are expect
Geographic continue to use ori inaccuracies and myths about on inputs by scholars, students tion on par with other civiliza ed to be adopted by schools start
entalist narratives to portray Hinduism from the textbooks. and the community members, tions and cultures," said Sharat ing early next year. (PTI)

IndianAmericans shine at Over 30,000 Indians

Intel science fair in the US overstayed in America last
Washington, DC: While four Indian
Americans received top awards in
various categories, an Indian boy
year: Homeland Security
has won the world's largest precol Washington, DC: A total of 1.4 million
lege science competition in the US Indians travelled to the US on various
in environmental engineering cate visas last year, out of which over 30,000
gory for his project on biodegrada overstayed in the country, according to an
tion of pesticides. annual ofcial report on departures and
Prashant Ranganathan, a 12th overstays. The Department of Homeland
grader from Jamshedpur, alongwith Security (DHS) submitted the report to the
over 20 high school students from Congress on foreign visitors who entered
various parts of India, participated the US on various visas, including busi
in the Intel International Science ness, tourists, students and visitors
and Engineering Fair. "My project More than 1,700 young scientists, engineers, entrepre exchange, as nonimmigrant visitors. The
neurs and makers from 78 countries, regions and territo (Image courtesy:
will actually help farmers in biode report covers about 96 per cent of the
grading the pesticide which is ries convened at the Intel International Science and total nonimmigrant visitors. the country, it said.
plaguing the country," Prashant Engineering Fair in LA, May 1419. ( As per the report, more than 50 million Among the overstayed are 2,040
Photo : The Society for Science & the Public/Chris Ayers) nonimmigrants were expected to depart Indians who departed the US only after
told PTI after he was declared win
ner in the environmental engineer Maya Ajmera president and CEO of Society for from the US in 2016. Of these, 739,478 the expiry of their visas. Similarly, in
ing category at this years' competition. In all, Science and Public, told PTI in an interview. overstayed their admission, resulting in a 2016, as many as 9,897 Indian students
more than 1,700 students from across the In fact, every section the award ceremony total overstay rate of 1.47 per cent. Of the or exchange scholars were expected to
world participated in the weeklong event had the budding Indian scientists on the stage. more than 739,000 overstays, DHS said depart by the end of the year and of
which concluded here on Friday. So were the Indian American high schoolers, 628,799 were suspected "incountry" which, 4,575 overstayed their legal peri
Student of Carmel Junior College in prompting one of the Intel ofcial to say overstays, meaning there is no record of od. As per available records, 1,561 Indian
Jamshedpur, Prashant's project 'Biodegradation "Indians and Indian Americans rock today" as these foreign nationals leaving the US. students and exchange visitors left the
of Chlorpyrifos using native bacteria' said that the awards ceremony concluded at the Los The rest left the country after the expiry country after their visas expired, while
farmers should not use pesticides. Angeles Convention Center in downtown Los of their lawful admission period, which is 3,014 of them have overstayed in the
Prashant who bagged the coveted award for Angeles. called outofcountry overstay. According country, the report said.
his innovation for ghting against pesticide IndianAmerican Pratik Naidu from Virginia to the gures, more than 1.4 million There were also 339,076 Indians in var
and getting rid of its side effects through bagged an award in the category of computa Indians who entered the US were expect ious other categories who were expected
biodegradable use. tional biology and bioinformatics, Adam Nayak ed to leave the country in 2016, but more to leave the country in 2016. Of these,
While the topmost Gordon E Moore Award of from Oregon was declared the winner in earth than 30,000 overstayed. 8,061 overstayed, including 2,402 Indians
$75,000 went to Ivo Zell, 18, of Germany for and environmental sciences, Karthik Yegnesh Of these 30,000, a little over 6,000 who left the US after their visas expired.
designing and constructing a remotecontrol from Pennsylvania in Mathematics and Rahul Indian nationals left the US after the According to the report, more than
prototype of a new "ying wing", almost every Subramaniam from Connecticut in the microbi expiry of their visas, the report said. In 881,000 Indians on business or pleasure
participant of the Indian delegation returned ology category. 2016, more than one million Indians who were expected to leave the country in
from the annual competition with one award or As a result, Indians and Indian Americans came to the US on business, tourist or 2015. Of these 14,348 Indians over
the other. "India really boasts really extraordi accounted for nearly onefth of the top cate pleasure were expected to leave the coun stayed, including 1,463 who left the US
nary mathematics, science, physics, education," gories of the awards. try. Of these, 17,763 have overstayed in after the expiry of their visas.
8 May 27-June 2, 2017 US AFFAIRS

The South Asian Times invited prominent Indian Americans

to deliberate on how serious are President Trumps growing
troubles in the past two weeks, especially since the
appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate Russian
meddling in our election and related matters, and what
affect it will have on the presidency and the country.
Coordinated by Parveen Chopra

n Georgias 6th congressional

Trump facing serious accusations

district, the June 20 runoff
between Democrat Jon Ossoff
and Republican Karen Handel is in
the national spotlight as a referen
dum on Trump. In the swamped Hindu campaign overtures, and a between the administration and ment is still only a murmur, but
April 18 special primary election to handful of IndianAmerican Russian espionage officials, later could grow louder if Republicans
replace Health Secretary Tom Price, appointments in his administration, firing Comey, telling Russian diplo think Trump is a liability in their
Ossoff received 48.1% of the votes Trump has done nothing to endear mats in the Oval office that he fired constituency. If it is proved that
against Handels 19.8%. himself to the community. Comey to relieve pressure over the Russian espionage penetrated the
Will the outcome of this election Uncertainty hangs over the H1B Russia probe, spilling sensitive highest public office in the country,
be a gauge of Trumps troubles? A program, popular with the Indian intelligence to the Russian foreign that is a matter of utmost concern
poll, conducted by SurveyUSA for tech force following Trumps execu minister and ambassador. The latest which overrides all other issues.
Atlanta TV station WXIA this week, tive order. Hate crimes targeting in Trump news is that he made sep Either way, Republicans need to
shows a 5144% advantage for Indians are on the rise the out arate appeals to the Director of develop a spine and stand up for
Ossoff in a traditionally red district. come of a campaign rhetoric that National Intelligence Daniel Coats whats right and soon! It would do
The poll also showed that Trumps capitalized on fear and mistrust. and to Admiral Michael S. Rogers, the party and its supporters good if
disapproval rating in the district is The administrations recent $460 Director of the National Security theyd distance themselves from
51% (with a 4.3% margin of error). billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Agency, urging them to publicly Trump, and get some legislative
In increasingly diverse suburbs of the worlds largest sponsor of the deny the existence of any evidence work done on Capitol Hill.
this district, IndianAmericans are Wahhabi ideology that fuels terror of collusion with Russia during the And, while it is a positive sign that
among those waking up to political ist groups like ISIS and alQaeda 2016 election. IndianAmericans are mobilizing to
activism. Even hitherto politically ought to have served as an eye Will he survive Russiagate? With have their voices heard, proTrump
indifferent constituents are actively opener. the Department of Justices appoint Hindu groups might find their
canvassing for Ossoff. However, a Hindu interests cannot be above ment of Robert Mueller as inde lemonade tasting bitter in the days
Hindu group of Trump supporters
held a fundraiser for rival Handel
national interests. We Americans
have been waking up to news that is
VEENA RAO pendent Special Counsel to oversee
the ongoing federal investigation,
to come.
Veena Rao is the editor of the
last week. Their reasoning? To getting progressively more shock serious accusations asking FBI we could be waking up to answers Atlanta based NRI Pulse Newspaper.
make lemonade of the current polit ing each morning. Trumps prob director James Comey to shut down that are irretrievably damaging to She can be reached at
ical climate. Aside from his I love lems are not just headlines, they are the investigation into possible ties the President. Talk about impeach

hen we look Trump has
made humongous
achievements: He had
the healthcare bill repealed and
replaced in the House, had Neil
Media makes up White House turmoil
Take, for example, a study con pened. In the end, they wouldnt very large number of them. That
Gorsuch installed as Supreme ducted by the Shorenstein Center be able to hurt Trump because is why everything is being done
Court Justice, reversed 30 of of the Kennedy School at there is nothing there to do it to keep Trump away from exe
Obamas arbitrary executive Harvard University. According to and they know it. Now, the facts cuting his immigration policy.
orders, cut illegal immigration by it, the tone of Trumps news cov that will set Trump free will This group is so active and
almost threequarters, and met erage during the First 100 Days come out sooner than later. aggressive that it wont allow
with many heads of state. The by the media is the most negative There would have been basical Democrats or any other power in
economy is growing at the of the last four American ly nothing if Hillary Clinton had America to take the attention off
fastest rate in almost 10 years. Presidents, almost double of won the presidency. The Russia this issue. They want all illegals
The stock market is reaching his Obamas, and one third more connection would not have been to be legalized and no change
torical highs. Americans feel than Bill Clintons, who had an issue, because it was not made at the border to stop the
most optimistic. Globally, he is cheated and openly perjured. taken to be an issue while all that inflow of immigrants.
reestablishing Americas leader Excluding the European media Russia did to interfere with the I believe there is going to be no
ship all over, but especially in the that collectively is more negative election was happening and the peace at least until the midterm
difficult areas such as the Syria on Trump than its American media and others were in the Congressional elections of 2018.
conflict, North Korea, the Islamic counterpart, CNN and NBC have know. The Democrats want to If Republicans add to their
world, and the IsraeliPalestinian the most negative coverage on hang on to this for having Trump strength in the House and the
conflict. Trump (93% negative, each). Of not enact legislation that he Senate, Democrats will be forced
Then, why such an uproar in the newspapers, The New York promised during his campaign, to change their strategy; peace
the media as if the White House Times has the highest negative as achieving that would be the and stability will come to
is in great turmoil to a point that
foreign media, European includ
coverage (87%; while, the
Washington Post has 83% nega
DR A.D. AMAR theme enough for them to win
back the White House in 2020.
America. If Republicans lose
seats, they will abandon Trump
ed, believes Trump presidency is tive coverage). Even the Wall of the President would have con The answer lies in the unex and become submissive to the
going to collapse? While nothing Street Journal and Fox News tinued no matter what. It expedit pected win of Trump. Nothing wishes of the Democrats.
has been leaked out to show have more negative than positive ed the appointment of the concerns a big part of American However, no matter what, Trump
any linkage of Trump with Trump coverage. Special Counsel, for which some population, especially in the East will remain the President.
Russia, then why the media is While the firing of Comey gave Democrats had been asking since and the West, than the Trumps Dr. Amar Dev Amar, business
casting a long dark shadow on the media and the Democrats the days after Trumps inauguration. immigration policy. Directly or professor at Seton Hall
Trumps infant presidency? Why best fodder to keep piling on While it presents bad optics, indirectly, it negatively rubs University, founded a PAC to pro
creating an unreal image of Trump, it was only a switch of Trump opponents would not almost 55 million people in mote Trumps candidacy for
American stability? the means. Their condemnation have stopped until this hap America. It is existential for a President. US AFFAIRS May 27-June 2, 2017 9

Brewing Constitutional crisis

talk or an audit trail. Manchurian President remote ning the coveted UN Security
I also admit that I didnt like Preet controlled by Russia? Council seat, Amb. Abdallah Y. Al
Bharara being fired by President If Donalds answer is YES to (1) Mouallimi made history by declin
Trump after he was rehired, as that and NO to (2), then he is like Nixon ing the seat and Riyadh considered
hurt everyday New Yorkers from in 1968 delivering his famous setting up an alternative multilater
getting a government Lincoln China Speech at the Council on al system of government, given the
decreed, while making those in Foreign Relations, later to open up void of American leadership in face
power feel abovethelaw again. the world to China in 1971 and of heart wrenching suffering
Now, I turn to the issues at hand. switch Taiwans United Nations caused by Syria and ISIS.
Here is what we know, based upon Security Council seat from ROC However, there is a unique weak
the fast and furious reportage by (Republic of China) to PRC (Peoples ness that President Trump faces,
The Washington Post, of Watergate Republic of China). Its all legal, that neither Nixon nor Reagan

he cascading events generally
are layered and rarely, as fame, The New York Times and even as history judges China the faced, in this early onset of the
now, erupt into a crescendo CNN, etc. winner over Nixon, as China, Impeachment Season: Both Houses
from an approaching constitutional President Trump likes General instead of being a counterbalance of Congress are in Republican con
crisis. Flynn; even, after terminating him to the thenSoviets, pulled a Veto trol. This is not so much a strength
Initially, let me disclose that I am for lying to the Vice President. along with Russia in 2013 in UNSC for the disruptive president as it is
a registered Democrat, and seeing Perhaps, he likes Flynn too much. after Syrias chemical war crimes. a weakness. The Republicans want
how Hillarys team, including DNC, We know that Obama administra If Donalds answer is NO to (1) more than anything to retain both
illegally mistreated Sen. Bernie tion was told about FlynnRussia and YES to (2), then he is in worse Houses in the 2018 midterm elec
Sanders, and how Huma Abedin
profited by quitting as Hillarys
contacts by our Special Allies in
Europe. We know Obama warned
RAVI BATRA shape than Nixons Watergate
CoverUp, as here, it would be
tions. So, after getting the Tax Cut,
they prefer to cause Impeachment
deputy chief of staff and was imme thenpresidentelect Trump about the man who is President, I would Trumps Crime with Trumps Cover to start out of righteous indigna
diately rehired as a special govern Flynn. Yet, Trump as President want to know the answer to one Up. tion, as then they get the normal
ment employee and simultaneous appointed Flynn as NSA, only to fire critical bifurcated question, to wit: Assuming DJTs answers are YES Establishment Mike Pence to be
ly got paid to work for the Clinton him 18 days after he knew Flynn Donald, did you create or approve and NO, not NO and YES, then I President assuming he is not taint
Foundation and Teneo Holdings lied to Vice President Pence, with a of a plan, during your presidential would advise him to cut loose ed and alreadyresigned by know
unethical and corrupt I voted for termination oddly soaked with campaign, that a reachout to everybody as President Reagan did ing about Flynn as Chair of Trump
Donald Trump to shake up the Flynnlove. The bizarre Comeyter Russia ought occur because you in the IranContra Affair, and let Transition Committee (for how
Establishment who, like Marie mination, after a prior failed want to: (1) Restart USRussia everybody, especially those who could Flynn have lied to the Vice
Antoinette, wanted Americans to LoyaltyPledge Request, was fol relations so as to defuse the ever sought to make individual side President in 2017 when Mike
eat cake when they couldnt lowed by the incredulous Lavrov warming resurgence of the Cold profits from such Russian engage Pence already knew about Flynn
afford to buy bread. Leave aside Kislyak Oval Office visit with War, as a matter of future US policy ments to face the music, Russia and FlynnTurkey in 2016)
Bill Clintons famous Tarmac American media barred, and POTUS to cause Crimeas return to Ukraine, Congressional and Special Counsel well, then Speaker Paul Ryan is
Meeting with AG Lynch, forcing her later admitting to NBCs Lester Holt NATO to refocus on defeating ter Robert Mueller. For saving the President. So, Mr. President,
recusal, and causing Comey to act that he, DJT, was thinking of the ror, and Russian nucleararmed Trump Presidency may be valuable beware the Ides of March as
as he did in 2016, where he, Russia probe when he fired Comey, submarines, ships and planes to to America and everyday Brutus lurks. Julius Caesar Act 1
Comey, cut Hillary a huge break by hence, admitting his invisible state join United States and NATO to Americans. Just look at what he has Scene 2.
not indicting her for her planned ofmind worthy of selfimmolation. enforce global peace and security? accomplished in his first foreign
private email server, her house If I was personal counsel to Or, (2) Win the 2016 election with trip with the mature and uniquely An attorney, Ravi Batra is former
keeper printing classified emails for Donald J. Trump, not White House help from a foreign power that is capable Rex Tillerson by his side in NYS Commissioner, Joint
Hillarys review, and with full Counsel, which requires the fiduci hostile to the United States, in viola Riyadh. Just a few years ago, Saudi Commission on Public Ethics, and
access to Bill to know all confiden ary duties to protect the Office of tion of American democracy and Arabia was so sick of our non Chair, National Advisory Council
tial matters without any pillow the President and not necessarily rule of law and become the action against Syria that after win for South Asian Affairs.

resident Trump is a new kind of nation
al leader, who is using commonsense as
a tool to govern rather than party poli
Trump can ty of our CIA and FBI, which even after 12
months of investigation have not found any
evidence of collusion between Trump and
lowers and their supporters (most Muslims
have no love for any nation look how the
Middle East is now destroyed by them and
cies and agenda created by some writers and
thinkers. root out Russia or how Russians affected our elec
tions. Their ability or their loyalty should be
people are fleeing their own lands to now
destroy other nations).
Take Islamic terror by one group or the questioned by common citizens. President Trump is a good businessman
other, by one Islamic nation or the other.
Today every free nation is suffering from
Islamic evils No one is talking about Americas interven
tions in other nations and their elections.
and now a world leader who will bring peace
and prosperity for all, even Muslims if they
Islamic terror and the dishonest leftist media Our leftist media has no will to give the have some commonsense and love for life like
is cooperating with them. As candidate and
President, Trump has been able to awaken all
ARISH SAHANI truth about Islam. They mislead and confuse
the masses by distorting information by
we in the West have love for life and believe
in equality and progress.
about Islamic evils and order to close bor planning to destroy the West and the free bringing in many so called experts who are I wish President Trump long life as he is the
ders and stop immigration of Islamic follow world, why are FBI , CIA or Democrats not not loyal to nation or humanity, but loyal to a first elected president and leader who if given
ers. talking about them. Everyone should be ask party or ideology. time and freedom can bring new thinking in
Russia is a strong nation which is never ing these questions to Democrats and leftist President Trumps agenda is to make the minds of Islamic followers who love death
aping the West or Europe, which want it media. Looks like they are well funded, sup America great again is very appealing and and not life.
destroyed. Russia is hated by the media and ported by Islamic nations and not by Russia. meaningful for all Americans. But not for Arish Sahani is a Hindu activist. He found
Democratic leaders. While Islamic nations are American citizens should question the abili those who are antinationals like Islamic fol success in the insurance business.
10 May 27-June 2, 2017 US AFFAIRS

Impeach, no; Damocles sword, yes

was far too wide and too well Trumps acceptability. The entire unreliable, due to the alleged
defined long before the election senior management team of the conflict of interest (law firm he
results last November. Astute US State Department quitting on worked for represents people in
political analysts would have the appointment of Secretary Trumps circle).
predicted a turbulent and Rex Tillerson was also a clear The turn of events reminds us
volatile tenure that lies ahead for sign of rejection by a demoral of the dictum of Aristotle,
Donald Trump as thousands of ized Civil Service and policy Republics decline into democra
protestors marched right across experts. cies and democracies degenerate
the country from Boston to Los The words of Sen. John McCain into despotisms.
Angeles soon after his inugura who warned that President The Trump controversies may
tion. Trumps election was seen Trumps mounting scandals were lead to an uncompromising and
to represent big business inter reaching Watergate size and alienated Congress, a dismayed

rumps ascendence to the ests and the anticipated budget scale cannot be far from true. electorate, and a struggling
presidency has started on a ary cuts in health care, education Attorney General Jeff Sessions Presidency. His undiplomatic
rather despondent and etc resulted in widespread disap also seen as embroiled in the SaudiArabia antiterrorists
stormy note, unprecedented in pointment. In the words of Russian collusion matter, along stance may not enhance his
the history of the celebrated Justice Louis Brandeis, We can with the firing of 46 Attorneys popularity ratings to desirable
American democracy. Despite either have Democracy in this allegedly to cover up other levels.
the antiTrump sentiment world
wide in the social, electronic,
country or we can have great
wealth concentrated in the hands
G. VENKATESH possible investigations, severely
undermined the credibility of the
The question of impeachment
in these circumstances is a
print media, and Hillarys 2.86
million higher popular votes, his
of few, we cannot have both.
The bumpy start to the presi
RAO President. Thereafter, firing
James Comey, the FBI Director,
Damocles sword on the head of
the Trump Administration. In
election raised eyebrows. The dency was hit by flak from the and viewed as compromising seen as an independent and dis reality it could be a far cry both
faulty Electoral College system Judiciary which blocked his trav national security/interest. passionate by many for ordering politically and legally speaking.
came to fore and hence seen as el ban order, as a policy causing Michael T. Flynns resignation investigation into the Hillarys
the wrong candidates victory. baseless prejudice. The Russian as National Security Advisor email controversy, brings dismay G. Venkatesh Rao
Winning an election is no guar involvement revelations in the amidst widespread allegations and is likely to seriously ( is advocate,
antee of a successful tenure, Trump campaign will have far followed by 10 resignations from boomerang. Robert Muellers Supreme Court of India and
which is based on higher compe reaching consequences. The alle the Presidents Advisory appointment to head the investi exExecutive Member,
tence. gations, if true, are totally unac Commission on Asian Americans gation into the Russian cam Indian Society of International
The ideological divisiveness ceptable to the American people, and Pacific Islanders, diminished paign collusion is again seen as Law.

Trump can overcome to save America!

n a divided America, Donald Muellers appointment as step up to combat Islamist ter weakened the presidency. But
Trump can do no wrong to Special Counsel may not be a rorism has certainly bolstered Trump is not the only one to
his supporters, and to his witch hunt, But with four other his image. But with the liberal blame. By beating the Russia
detractors, he can do nothing probes going on it may end up media and the Democrats horse day in and day out, the
right. The socalled crisis in as a another wild goose chase. focused on Russia, its unlikely liberal media and the
White House is largely a media An open ended inquiry with to help him much at home. entrenched establishment are
creation, but it can blow up into out a deadline indeed shows I dont see much of a contra giving Vladimir Putin on a plat
something serious if not man the country in a bad light. It diction between his anti ter what he wants: a weakened
aged in time. hurts the Presidents ability to Muslim rhetoric as a candidate US. Its time Democrats and
I would rate FBI director get on with the business of gov and his clear call to the Islamic Republicans realise that Trump
James Comeys firing as poten erning at home and weakens world as US President. Its is not going anywhere. And if
tially the most damaging nega him abroad. essentially the same message they want the country to get
tive news. Its likely to linger But Muellers appointment couched in diplomatic terms. somewhere they must bury the
whereas others are short term also gives the Trump adminis Given his unshaken grass hatchet. Trump too needs to
distractions with more of the tration an opportunity to put roots support, I think he would give up his insulting ways and
same sure to follow. the lid on the daily drip drip of be able to weather all the try to win friends at home with
But Trump could have half truths and innuendos. storms and crises. Those the same charm that he has
stemmed it, by firing Comey Looking at the way the FBI dreaming of impeachment are unleashed abroad. He must also
with all other Obama probe of Hillary Clintons email living in a fools paradise. I learn what may be a tall order
appointees on January 20 to
start with a clean slate. He
scandal ended, Mueller is also
unlikely to find any prose
ARUN would even venture to suggest
that he would most likely be re
for him that sometimes silence
is golden!
should have also set a deadline cutable offence against Trump KUMAR elected in 2020 barring a
for completing the Russia or any of his associates, includ major disaster. Arun Kumar is Washington
probe on Day one. ing Michael Flynn. visit to Saudi Arabia specially All the shenanigans in correspondent of IndoAsian
Former CBI chief Robert Trumps highly successful his call to Muslim nations to Washington have certainly New Service. US AFFAIRS May 27-June 2, 2017 11

Media & Dems blocking Trump

than other recent presidents. matter, Mr. Trump has majority the world. It is shameful that
I admit that White House is in support of public. The President mainstream media suppresses all
some turmoil now but I would has legal authority to meet and the good news about his first for
not call it a crisis. The media and discuss with world leaders or eign trip.
Democrats are hyping every their representative any matter Mr. Trump speaks from his
event by misinterpretation. Even for national interest and security. heart, he means what he says
in the run up to the 2016 elec The appointment of Special and tries to deliver on his prom
tion, they engaged in the same Counsel was not warranted. But ises. He has been very up front
rhetoric and yet Trump came out this may be a blessing in disguise with Israel and Palestine too
winning. The same story will be as it will exonerate President about the peace process. Id say
repeated soon. Trump provided Robert Mueller as long as the mainstream media

am concerned about the long Media reports are almost never does not show allegiance to his and Democrats do not put road
term damage being inflicted accurate. Note CNN headline on friends who surely sill try to blocks in every move he makes,
on American people and the budget unveiled by White influence the investigation. the world and America are
America. Since the day Donald House this week: "Lawmakers Michael Flynn and the FBI chief poised to become a better place
Trump was elected, the opposi declare Presidents budget pro were fired may be for the same in the coming time.
tion has been trying to bring posal Dead on Arrival, adding reason by Trump. Nonetheless, I Trump will prevail, I think, by
down his presidency. As that almost all presidents budg feel that it does set back the stopping to tweet, and learning
President, he had limited choices ets are DOA including of President a bit for his naivete. to be more precise. All barking
to nominate people of his own in President Obama." Another And yes, the Russian probe tur dogs will be tired and silenced
the administration. The example: Testimony of former BANSI bulence, artificially created by sooner than later. Many presi
holdovers from Obama days
have colluded with the main
John Brennan gets such head
lines: "Brennan warned Russia
SHAH the media and opposition, will
affect the presidency.
dents in the past too have gone
through ugly experiences.
stream media hoping to discredit not to interfere". Yet, the same orders like on illegal immigra President was welcomed with Partisanship in Washington and
Trump to take revenge for news report says, "Brennan who tion and temporarily halting visi great hospitality and open arms politics is not going away. Trump
Hillarys defeat. However, the was President Obama's CIA tors from select countries, anti in Saudi Arabia. He gave a great has to be brave and fight it out.
trouble they are creating is going director said he could not say Trumpians are determined to speech and was forceful in let He is not as bad Bill Clinton.
to make Trump stronger than whether there was collusion oppose any and all initiative no ting the Muslim world know that
ever before. America is going to between Russia and Trump cam matter how important they are they too have great responsibili An engineer, Bansi Shah
be supportive of his programs paign." As we have witnessed in for safety, security or betterment ty in eradicating terrorism, found success in construction
and he will turn out to be better past in case of Trumps executive of America or Americans. No which originates in their part of industry.

Least effective POTUS in 100 days

enerally we say in the East damning. On top of that the alle issues. An extremely tough Be discreet in speech in future,

G that one should start with

the positive attributes of a
subject or person of controversy.
gations of corporate sleaze and
nepotism on the part of Trump
and his senior advisers was both
Special Counsel of sweeping
bipartisan approval has been
appointed to examine charges
stick to the playbook painstak
ingly developed by experienced
senior career government
This is to keep the debate at the noisome and sustained. against Trump and the Executive employees, eat humble pie
level of samvada or respectful Despite these lacunae, The Branch. Trump has even through an open Presidential
dialogue rather than degenerate Donald had almost a magical retained a lawyer to represent address to the nation admitting
into acrimonious polemic. quality and won. Unfortunately him before the Special Counsel. to the more egregious errors and
So in the case of POTUS Trump, now POTUS Trump finds that This is unprecedented for a untruths in a manner that he
I think nearly everyone is agreed running a country, especially the President who has been barely cannot be impeached for them,
that during his Presidential cam richest and most powerful in the 100 days in office. reach for bipartisan support (and
paign he showed himself to be world, is very different from run The major cause of all this is really mean it). Be prepared to
perhaps the greatest communica ning a mere company. Trump's inability to control his admit that many of the earlier
tor and marketer in the entire The US is a mature democracy speaking first and reactively, policy positions were unrealistic
history of US presidential elec with an exceptionally robust and with little and often no thought, and unworkable and discard
toral campaigns. No one enduring system of checks and and almost never sticking to a them.
Republican or Democrat expect balances. Its leader must be able painfully crafted playbook. This America and Americans for all
ed him to win. Yet he did! This to command respect and not is the single major factor likely their faults are a generous and
after eliminating some two dozen merely demand it. With a to bring Trump down. forgiving nation and people. If
or so fellow Republican Republican majority in both There is a famous Sanskrit sub Trump TRULY reaches out he
Trump was never a statesman
houses of Congress, Republican
POTUS Trump at the end of his
NAGENDRA hasita, which when translated
may be surprised at the response
of people. On the other hand, if
like the orator like Obama, his
attention span was obviously lim
maiden 100 days has been the
least effective and lowest rated
RAO At the tip of our tongue
Lakshmi resides, at the tip of the
he obdurately sticks to his posi
tions, as seems likely from his
ited, his penchant for halftruths of any President in US history. tal experience is at war with tongue are friends and kin, tip of persona, his term will be short or
and outright lies was endemic The Judicial branch has rou itself. the tongue can cause imprison at best one term and end in
and legendary, his exceptionally tinely deemed his policy posi This scenario is bringing ment, certainly the tip of the ignominy, likely through
demeaning way of referring to tions ultra vires of the law. As for severe and long lasting damage tongue can bring death. impeachment.
women as mere sex objects the Legislative branch, even to the prestige and authority of This certainly applies to
revolting and unacceptable, his staunch Republicans have openly the US as leader of the free Trump's exceptionally loose and Nagendra Rao , a Wharton
policy positions on nearly any dissented from his ultra extreme world, whatever that means. casual way of speaking for the alumnus, worked for one of the
subject of consequence ranging positions, the Executive branch There is serious talk now of leader of the free world. world's largest technology
from nonexistent through with a raft of seamy corporate impeachment for Trumps lies What are the remedies one giants. He was a cofounder of
unsustainable to what can only and military high flyers with and halftruths in relation to hopes can still be applied at this the Hindu American Foundation.
be called almost phantasmagori severe lack of professional and interaction with Russia, his sum late stage to the Trump presiden He is also a respected spiritual
cal, his lack of any feeling at all personal integrity, and even mary firing of FBI director cy, to salvage and gain some lost counselor and teacher of Advaita
for the poor or unprivileged are more severe lack of governmen Comey and a covey of related ground? Vedanta for many years.
12 May 27-June 2, 2017 US AFFAIRS


Putting their past rocky relationship behind, President Trump and

Pope Francis had a cordial meeting in the Vatican.

In a statement to NATO in Egyptian

Brussels, President Trump President
asked members of the alliance Abdel Fattah
to "finally contribute" their fair elSisi, King
share to defense spending. Salman of
Saudi Arabia
and President
Donald Trump
at the opening
of a new
President Donald Trump
visited the Western Wall
in Jerusalem, May 22.
center in

In Riyadh, Trump calls Trump seeks to slash $3.6 trn

for rooting out terrorism of spending over a decade
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: US President sought to chart a new course for
Donald Trump called on West Americas role in the region, one Washington: President Donald Medicaid healthcare program for House said its proposed tax cuts
Asian leaders to combat a crisis of aimed squarely on rooting out ter Trump asked lawmakers on the poor, which are embedded in a would help fuel higher growth and
Islamic extremism emanating rorism, with less focus on promot Tuesday to cut $3.6 trillion in gov Republican healthcare bill passed pay for themselves by generating
from the region, casting the fight ing human rights and democratic ernment spending over the next by the House of Representatives. an additional $2 trillion in revenue
against terrorism as a battle reforms. decade, taking aim at healthcare Trump wants lawmakers to cut at over 10 years. Mick Mulvaney,
between good and evil, not a clash We are not here to lecture we and food assistance programs for least $610 billion from Medicaid Trump's budget office director, said
between the West and Islam. are not here to tell other people the poor in an austere budget that and more than $192 billion from his office made other assumptions
Trumps address last Sunday was how to live, what to do, who to be, also boosts the military. food stamps over a decade. He that were probably too conserva
the centerpiece of his twoday visit or how to worship, Trump said, Republicans who control the US seeks to balance the budget within tive. "We stand by the numbers," he
to Saudi Arabia, his first stop over speaking in an ornate, multichan Congress and the federal purse 10 years. said. Federal aid to states would
seas as president. deliered room. Instead, we are strings will decide whether to The Committee for a Responsible shrink by 3 per cent, though the
During a meeting of more than here to offer partnership based make politically sensitive cuts, and Federal Budget, a nonpartisan poli cuts would fall most heavily on
50 Arab and Muslim leaders, he on shared interests and values." the proposal is unlike ly to be cy organization, said the plan relied states that backed Trump's
approved in its current form. on gimmicks, unrealistic cuts and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in
Although it is not expected to sur "rosy assumptions" of economic the 2016 election. The Pentagon

Trump has not decided vive on Capitol Hill, the proposal

puts numbers on Trump's vision of
growth that would reach 3 per cent
annually by the end of Trump's first
would get a spending hike, and
there would be a $1.6 billion down

on Paris Climate a government that radically cuts

assistance to lowerincome
Americans. The biggest savings
term. The Congressional Budget
Of fice projects the economy to
grow at an annual pace of 1.9 per
payment to begin building a wall
along the border with Mexico,
which was a central promise of
Agreement: Official would come from cuts to the cent over that period. The White Trump's presidential campaign.

Washington: Senate Democrats

have urged President Donald
be Trump's first appearance at an
international summit, CBSNews US appeals court upholds block on Trump's visa ban
Trump to remain a part of the reported. However, Senate
Washington: A US federal appellate amounted to unconstitutional reli enforcement. It said the executive
Paris Climate Agreement. The Minority Leader Chuck Schumer
court upheld an injunction issued gious discrimination, NBC news order had a legitimate national
White House has said that the warned that the Trump adminis
by a lower court blocking enforce reported. "Congress granted the security purpose, allowing the gov
President is yet to make up his tration was "leaning towards with
ment of President Donald Trump's president broad power to deny ernment to assess the reliability of
mind. During a press conference drawing the US from the pact.
executive order barring issuance of entry to aliens, but that power is background information on visa
on Wednesday, the White House T he climate agreement was
visas to residents of six Muslim not absolute. It cannot go applicants from six countries asso
said Trump was still deciding even signed in 2016, during Barack
majority countries. unchecked when, as here, the presi ciated with terrorism.
as 40 Senate Democrats signed Obama's presidency at the COP21
The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, dent wields it through an executive But that argument, the court said,
and sent a letter to him to not conference in Paris, where nations
based in Virginia, voted 103 on edict that stands to cause irrepara "is belied by evidence in the record
back out of the international cli committed to slowing the effects
Thursday to uphold a ruling by a ble harm to individuals across this that President Trump issued the
mate change pact. This was in of climate change through cutting
federal judge in Maryland who nation," said Chief Judge Roger L. first executive order without con
anticipation of the G7 conference down on greenhouse gas emis
declared in March that the Gregory. The Justice Department sulting with the relevant security
in Sicily this week, which would sions.
President's revised travel order urged the court to lift the ban on agencies." INDIA May 27-June 2, 2017 13

BJP expanding across the Maharashtra CM, 5 others

country: Amit Shah survive chopper crash
Latur (Maharashtra): Maharashtra
Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis
and five others had a providential
escape when their chopper crash
landed after it got entangled in over
head electric cables in Latur district,
officials said.
The state government's Sikorsky
BJP chief Amit Shah with party leaders Venkaiah Naidu and Bandaru Dattatreya helicopter VTCMM took of f from
during a party meeting in Hyderabad. Nilanga town, near Latur, around
Hyderabad: BJP national President Amit about the achievements of Modi government noon with six persons, including
Shah has said the party was expanding and to spread his message. Shah said his Fadnavis, two crew members and
across the country but felt that it has to Telangana visit was part of the nationwide three other officials.
become strong in south India. campaign launched by BJP for expansion. However, shortly after takeoff, the
Addressing a meeting of party workers Under this yearlong campaign, four lakh pilot noticed variable wind patterns The chopper carrying Maharashtra CM Devendra
here to wind up his threeday visit to BJP workers will run doortodoor campaign and decided to return to the helipad, Fadnavis and his team crash landed in Latur.
Telangana, he exuded confidence that the in 8.5 lakh booths to tell them about the a Director General of Civil Aviation
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will form the achievements of Modi government. The BJP (DGCA) official said. But during the attempted the copassengers and crew on board.
government in Telangana in the same way chief said this 'yatra' was for expansion of landing, the chopper got entangled in some He expressed happiness that all were safe
as it has done in many states during the last the ideology for which Jan Sangh was overhead electrical cables running near the and sound after the tragic incident. Later,
three years. formed and later BJP came into existence. helipad and crashlanded from a height of Bharatiya Janata Party's ally and Shiv Sena
Stating that BJP is expanding under the He said that Jan Sangh made a beginning nearly 80 feet there a tenstoried building President Uddhav Thackeray also spoke to
leadership of Prime Minister Narendra with just 10 members and today BJP has height even as hundreds of onlookers, Fadnavis and enquired about the accident
Modi, he said while the party was not become the world's biggest party with 11 police and security officials rushed to the site. and expressed happiness that nothing unto
against anybody, it had every right to crore members. Shah said BJP has 1,387 All the persons on board, including ward had happened.
expand. Noting BJP formed governments in legislators in the country, governments in Fadnavis, Principal Secretary Pravin Pardeshi, Though shaken, Fadnavis himself made a
Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand, Jammu 13 states and with 330 MPs is the biggest personal assistant Abhimanyu Pawar and quick reassuring tweet: "Our helicopter did
and Kashmir, Assam, Uttarakhand, Uttar party in Parliament. Claiming that Modi gov PRO Ketan Pathak, besides the pilot and co meet with an accident in Latur, but me and
Pradesh, Goa and Manipur and increased its ernment did in three years what the previ pilot, came out safely from the chopper which my team are absolutely safe and ok. Nothing
vote share in Bihar, Delhi Kerala, West ous governments could not in 70 years, he suffered extensive damage. to worry." Fadnavis said "a highlevel probe
Bengal, Odisha and Tripura, he asked the said: "Today we can proudly that under An anxious Maharashtra Governor C.V. Rao would be conducted into the incident" to
party workers to work hard to reach every Modi's leadership India has emerged as the called up Fadnavis soon afterwards and ascertain whether there were any security
household in the state to inform people fastest growing economy in the world." enquired about his wellbeing as also that of lapses leading to the tragedy.
14 May 27-June 2, 2017 INDIA

Cabinet decides to abolish Foreign UN denies its

Investment Promotion Board observers attacked by
New Delhi: In a major decision

Indians in Kashmir
aimed at further easing doing busi
ness in India, the Union Cabinet has
abolished the 25yearold Foreign
Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), United Nations: T he UN has observers accompanied by
obviating the need for prior clear denied that its observers in Pakistani army escorts heard
ance for Foreign Direct Investment Kashmir came under attack from gunshots," Dujarric said. "There
in more than 90 per cent cases. Indian army in Kashmir, refuting is no evidence that the UNMOGIP
Industry lauded the move as a the Pakistani allegations. military observers were targeted
"bold" step that would add to the Stephane Dujarric, the by the gunfire."
healthy inflow of foreign invest spokesperson for Secretary "No UN military observer was
ment. Announcing the decision, General Antonio Guterres, told injured," he added.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told reporters that there The Pakistan Army
reporters here that only 11 sectors was no evidence on Wednesday
would require prior approval for of an attack on claimed that
Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). UN Military t w o
"The cabinet took the important Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Observers UNMOGIP
decision of abolishing the FIPB," Group in India of ficials nar
Jaitley told reporters after the cabi for FDI, these would now be given ing FDIs that need government and Pakistan r o w l y
net meeting. He said this was done by the ministries concerned. approval. The government relaxed (UNMOGIP). escaped after
to further ease doing of business in Wherever there are security consid FDI norms in June 2016 in single Pakistan's Indian troops
the country. Explaining the ration erations, the Home Minister's brand retail, civil aviation, airports, InterServices fired at their vehi
ale behind the decision, the Minister approval would also be taken, he pharmaceuticals, animal husbandry Public Re lat ions cle while they were
said that after the liberalisation of added. and food products, whereby (ISPR) had alleged that a vehi visiting areas along the Line
FDI rules, 9195 per cent of FDI was Asked about how long the process investors in these sectors do not cle carrying UNMOGIP Majors of Control.
coming in anyway through the of abolition would take, Jaitley said need to seek approval from the Emmanual of the Philippines and A ISPR statement said: "Indian
"automatic" route, without needing this would be done expeditiously. FIPB. The Confederation of Indian Mirko of Croatia came under troops committed unprovoked
FIPB clearance. The Union Budget Cases pending for approval with the Industry (CII) welcomed the deci attack from India while on a visit ceasefire violation" and "targeted
201718 presented in February had FIPB would now be taken up by the sion as a "bold step" that "would to the Line of Control (LoC) in the UNMOGIP vehicle along LOC
announced the proposal for aboli respective ministries, the Finance streamline the process of FDI Pakistaniadministered Kashmir. in Khanjar sector, despite the
tion of FIPB. Minister clarified. The FIPB was set approvals and thereby boost FDI "T his afternoon in Bhimber UNMOGIP's blue flag being hoist
He also said that in the case of the up in the early 1990s as an inter flows into the country, adding to District in Pakistanadministered ed on the vehicle as per proce
11 sectors that need prior approval ministerial singlewindow for allow growth and employment." Kashmir, UNMOGIP military dure.

Tensions escalate as Sonia to host luncheon meet

Pakistan flexes its over presidential candidate
muscles in Siachen
New Delhi/Islamabad: Tensions escalat cern over the statements of the enemy.
New Delhi: Cong ress
President Sonia Gandhi
Kumar. Banerjee met
Congress President Sonia
invited prominent oppo Gandhi last week and con
ed with Pakistan Air Force Chief Suhail Our response to any aggression by the sit ion leaders for a veyed that her party was
Aman activating all forward bases in enemy will be such that their future luncheon meet at her in favour of a consensus
response to purported India "threats" generations will also remember it," he residence on Friday, candidate for the presi
and fighter jets flying over the Siachen said according to a Radio Pakistan when the issue of select dential election.
glacier violating the Indian air space, a report. The reports said he also ordered ing a consensus candi The term of President
claim New Delhi has dismissed. the "operation activation" of the for date for the presidential Pranab Mukherjee ends
The fresh Pakistani provocation came ward posts on the nearly 780km LoC e lect ion is to be dis in July. The ruling BJPled
a day after the Indian Army said it had the de facto border that divides Jammu cussed. Nat ional Demo crat ic
"proactively" dominated the Line of and Kashmir between the two countries. According to senior Alliance, which has clear
Control (LoC) with "punitive fire Aman's visit to the Skardu base coin leaders there will also be edge in the presidential
assaults" against military posts and ter cided with other reports in the Pakistani an informal meet ing election, has not given
ror launch pads. According to media media that the PAF on Wednesday flew before the lunch. CPI any inkling so far on its
reports in Islamabad, Air Chief Marshal fighter jets near the Siachen Glacier leader D. Raja confirmed choice of candidate.
Sohail Aman along with senior PAF offi the world's highest battleground in the he would attend, while Gandhi has been con
cers visited the Qadri Airbase in Skardu northern part of Kashmir where the LoC JDU leader K.C. Tyagi tacting leaders opposed
part of Pakistanadministered Kashmir ends. Skardu is around 140 kilometers said senior leaders of the to the ruling BJP to
where war exercises by fighter jet from Siachen. Samaa TV citing unnamed party will be present. evolve a consensus.
squadrons are being held at present.The sources said Pakistani fighter jets "made Opposition party lead She has spoken to
air chief also took part in the exercises, flights near Siachen Glacier on ers, including Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Samajwadi Party leader
flying a Pakistan Air Force Mirage fight Wednesday morning". But the Indian Air Communist Party of Mulayam Singh Yadav
er jet and reviewed the exercises and Force denied any violation of India's air IndiaMarxist leader Sitaram Yechury, are expect and RJD chief Lalu Prasad and met JDU leader
operational preparedness of the PAF. space. ed to attend. and Bihar Chie f Minister Nit ish Kumar,
In an apparent response to India's "There is no reported airspace viola Meanwhile, West Bengal Chief Minister and Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar,
aggressive LoC posture and recent tion," said an Indian Air Force official, Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee CPIM leader Sitaram Yechury and National
reports of Indian Air Force Chief B S who did not want to be identified. is also coming to Delhi and will be meeting Prime Conference leader Omar Abdullah.
Dhanoa's missive to the force to be "pre The strategically important Siachen Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday. The Congress chief is also expected to meet
pared" for action at short notice, Air Glacier and all its major passes are Banerjee will also meet leaders of all major par Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati.
Chief Marshal Aman told reporters at under Indian military control since ties to build a consensus on the joint candidate DMK leader Kanimozhi had invited Sonia
the Skardu base that Pakistan would 1984 when the two armies fought a bit for the presidential election. Among the names Gand hi for her father and DMK chie f M.
give a "befitting response to any misad ter military conflict in the mountains doing the rounds as the opposition's consensus Karunanidhi's 94th birthday celebrations in
venture by the enemy". above the unpopulated territory in the candidates are of former Governor Gopalkrishna Chennai on June 3, when another meeting of
"Pakistan has and must have zero con Karakoram range. Gandhi and former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira opposition leaders is likely to take place.
His Excellency Amin Mahmoud, former Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan
(left). who is a Xavier Trustee, President Bhooplapur and Chancellor Dr. J. G. Bhat.
16 May 27-June 3, 2017 BOLLYwOOD

25 days of , Baahubali 2 Ariana

film continues its golden run
I ts been 25 days since the release of S.S.
Rajamoulis magnum opus Baahubali 2:
The Conclusion, and the film is continuing its
a month away. While the recent Telugu
release has opened well at the box office,
its impact will have very little effect on the after
phenomenal run in cinemas across the coun- run of Baahubali 2, a leading distributor
try, feel trade pundits. Having amassed over told IANS on the condition of anonymity.
Rs 1500 crore and still counting, Baahubali He added: The film so far has grossed a
2 has crushed all existing box office records.
The film in unstoppable in Tamil Nadu,
whopping Rs 281 crore from Andhra and
Telangana. Its going to be nearly impos- blast,
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. In the sible for any Telugu film to even think of
three states, it has done record business, breaking this record. In Kerala, where the
surpassing all previous records. In Tamil film is inching close to breaking the record
Nadu, it has even beaten the record of Ra-
jinikanths Enthiran, which was the sole
Tamil film to have grossed over Rs 100
of Mohanlals Pulimurugan, it is going
strong at the ticket window. According to
Global United Media, the films Kerala dis-
world tour
crore, trade analyst Trinath told IANS. tributor, the film has so far grossed over
In the Telugu states, the film has grossed Rs 60 crore. In the US, Baahubali 2 is the American singer Ariana Grande
over Rs 200 crore. Its the biggest Telugu first Indian film to mint over $20 million
hit and its got no competition until the
next major Telugu release which is easily
at the ticket window, according to its dis-
tributor Great India Films. A merican singer Ariana Grande said
she is broken after a suicide terror
attack hit a stadium in Manchester just as
not express our sorrow for the victims and
families harmed in this senseless attack.
We mourn the lives of children and loved
her concert ended, killing 22 persons in- ones taken by this cowardly act. We ask all
With Rs 1500 crore
cluding children, and has suspended her of you to hold the victims, their families, and
and still counting,
world tour in its wake. all those affected in your hearts and prayers.
Baahubali 2 has
crushed all existing quoted sources as saying that The explosion, the second in the city in
box office records. Grande will not perform at her scheduled per- 21 years, took place around 10.35 p.m.
formance at The O2 here and has decided for (local time) on Monday at the Manchester
now to put the entire European tour on hold. Arena where around 20,000 fans, mostly
She was scheduled to perform in England, youngsters, had gathered.
Belgium, Poland, Germany and Switzerland. The fans were streaming out of the are-
Broken from the bottom of my heart. I na, shortly after Grande had left the stage,
am so sorry. I dont have words, tweeted as the explosion occurred.
the 23-year-old Grammy nominated singer, At least 60 ambulances attended the
known mostly for her pop music. scene of the blast, the UK North West Am-
According to the website, Grande is in bulance Service tweeted. The Manchester
hysterics after the bombing. Grande is in- Royal Infirmary Hospital was blocked off to
capable of performing for anyone. She and all but essential staff after the attack.
her team, were told, are also deeply con- No group or individual has so far claimed
cerned about security, said a source. responsibility for the attack, but supporters
The singers manager Scooter Braun said of the Islamic State (IS) terror group were
in a statement posted on social media: To- seen celebrating the blast on social media,

Protests near Rajinikanths

night our hearts are broken. Words can- the British media reported.

house, security beefed up GST rate of 28 per cent huge

S setback for film industry ecurity was stepped up at superstar Ra-
jinikanths residence here amid protests
by a fringe group over indications the vet-
eran actor could make his political debut.
Members of the Tamil Munnetra Padai
T he governments decision to put cinema
tickets under the 28 per cent tax bracket
in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime
to avoid any exchequer loss, Kapur said.
He termed it as disheartening on be-
half of the central government.
protested around his house in the local- is a major setback for the film industry, feels The government does not see the im-
ity of Poes Garden. Following reports that Siddharth Roy Kapur, President of The Film mense contribution that a vibrant Make In
members of a fringe group were planning and Television Producers Guild of India. India film production sector can have in en-
to protest in front of Rajinikanths house, The GST rate of 28 per cent announced hancing the soft power of the country.
we requested for police protection. Every- on cinema tickets is a huge setback for the We are one of the only local film indus-
thing is under control as of now, a source film industry. The industry had proposed tries in the world to have thus far withstood
close to Rajinikanth told IANS. a rate of 5 per cent in our representations the onslaught of Hollywood, Kapur said.
The protest comes after Rajinikanth, 67, to the government, in order to revive a He added that such a decision has landed
expressed disappointment over some Tam- business which has been struggling from the entertainment industry in real danger.
ilians spreading hatred on social media. lack of fresh investments in new cinema
I feel sorry for some Tamil people spread- screens and a significant increase in online
ing hatred on social media. Never thought piracy, Kapur said in a statement.
they will stoop so low, Rajinikanth had said The GST Council decided a four-slab tax
on the last day of his interaction with his fans. rate for services. The GST regime will roll
His comment last week irked members of out from July 1. In the existing tax regime,
Tamil Munnetra Padai, who demand an apol- the cinema exhibition sector was exempted
ogy. Rajinikanth has been in the news for from service tax and state VAT (value add-
hinting on a political journey. He was criti- ed tax), and entertainment tax was the only
cised over it as he was not a Tamil, but the tax imposed on cinema tickets by states
actor insisted that he was very much a Tamil. and local bodies, he added.
I lived in Karnataka for 23 years and in The average entertainment tax collect-
Tamil Nadu for 43 years. Although I came as ed nationally by the government across all
a Marathi from Karnataka, you people nur- states and languages was in the range of
tured me, made me a true Tamilian, he said. 8-10 per cent of gross box office revenue. Siddharth
The veteran actor could make He has said he would take a decision on Hence, logically the GST rate should not Roy Kapur
his political debut. joining politics when the time comes. have been more than 12 per cent, in order
bollywood May 27-June 3, 2017 17

Im sure Tiger will put Xavier graduates of the Class of 2017 are :

soul into Rambo Abdulmuttaleb Al Soufi

Aditi Sarker
* Ingrid Martinez
Jessica Kainth

remake: Stallone
Ahmad Faour Jude Akpede

Continued from page 15

Alimohamad Manji
Amar Gokli
* Julian Ang Keng Hao
Kaycee Umeoji
bo in India! Great character. Hope they dont
wreck it.
Angitha Alex Kishan Patel
But he clarified his stance, and has wished Bobak Sharifi Konstantin Urazov
Tiger best of luck.
Some people like to read into words and
twist them... Good luck Tiger, go fight the
Chidelu Onyeani Nwosu
Christophe Jerjian
Majd Jazaerly
Maria Belaev *
good fight, keep punching. Oh, for the record, Dale Adebayo Michael Arroyo
I love it when young artists get an opportu-
nity to go for their dreams, Stallone posted
on his Instagram page.
Deepti Kalani
Durga Pemmaraju
* Mina Thomas
Mohammad Ahmad
I actually get excited in my heart when-
ever young artists get a rare opportunity to
reach for the stars! Eye of the Tiger! I am
Eesha Khan
Grishma Jalemu
* Mohammed Hnoosh
Mohsin Altafa
sure he will put his heart and soul into it, he Hajira Khan Mousa Sawaged
added with a snapshot of the poster of the Hesham Tayel Natasha Dyal
Indian Rambo.
Hussam Tayel Naval Walia
Tiger was excited about the post, and re-
sponded: There will always and only be one Neamul Huq Sean Arora
Eye of the Tiger for us cubs. You rule the
jungle! Thank you so much sir!
The Rambo franchise first came to life in
Niraj Patel
Paola Castro Zayas
* Shannon Arora
Shivan Patel
1982 with First Blood, which minted over
$125 million worldwide. It was followed by a
Phillip Yohannan
Pooja Solanki
Tatyana Beaubrun
Terence Riley
number of successful remakes, including the
Actor Tiger Shroff Pratick Patel Varun Goswami
latest one in 2008, which earned $113 mil-

A fter hoping that India doesnt wreck a lion globally. Robert Statz VJ_Amit Sieruaj
remake of his iconic film Rambo, Hol-
lywood star Sylvester Stallone has expressed
The Hindi remake of the movie was an-
nounced at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival
Roopak Sekhon
Sasha Sharifi
* Zain Nagaria

confidence that the Indian movies actor Tiger
Shroff will give his best shot to the project.
Earlier, Stallone had posted on social me-
earlier this week. It is to be directed by Sid-
dharth Anand and co-produced by M! Capi-
tal Ventures, Original Entertainment, Impact
Students with Honors

Neerja Bhanots family

dia: I read recently they are remaking Ram- Films and Siddharth Anand Pictures.

Indias All I Want wins at to sue filmmakers

short film fest in Cannes stage. All I can tell you is that we will not
tolerate injustice, Aneesh Bhanot, brother

All I Want, an Indian film directed by The fest saw 231 entries from 30 coun- of Neerja Bhanot, told IANS here.
Venika Mitra, has won two awards at tries across six continents participating. Aneesh refused to give any details about
Beyond Borders Diversity of Cannes Short Out of these, only six films were selected the legal case, saying that the family law-
Film Showcase -- an event independent of in General Showcase category. It included yer will be able to give the exact status.
the ongoing 70th Cannes Film Festival here. projects from India, Greece, China, Canada Sources, however, said that the family is
Venika Mitras short film All I Want wins and the US, and aimed at celebrating the moving the Punjab and Haryana High Court
two awards at Cannes. In Diversity of Cannes work of talented filmmakers who give life in this regard and a legal notice has already
Short Film showcase, first Indian film to re- to globally diverse characters, with sto- been served on the makers of Neerja.
ceive this honour, Resul Pookutty, who has ries that transcend boundaries. The story Starring actress Sonam Kapoor, who played
worked on the films sound, tweeted. of All I Want talks about a purposeful, the lead role of Neerja Bhanot and even got
Mitra told IANS: I won Audience Choice single minded and unwavering pursuit of a special mention by the jury of the National
Award in the General Showcase category a street urchin Ratan to buy one mango. Film awards for her acting, the film bagged
and its also the winning film of General Asked about what urged her to make this the Best Feature Film in Hindi award at the
Showcase category. Its an independent film, Mitra said: My motivation for this 64th National Film Awards in April this year.
film festival, Mitra told IANS in an email. story is my love for mangoes. Produced by Fox Star Studios and Bling
Unplugged, the film was co-produced by
leading fashion photographer Atul Kasbek-
ar. It was directed by Ram Madhvani.
The real Neerja Bhanot
Neerja Bhanot gave up her life, two days

B ollywood movie Neerja, which grossed

an estimated Rs 125 crore in worldwide
earnings and bagged the National Award for
before she would have turned 23, to save
travellers during a terrorist-hijack of a Pan-
Am flight at Karachi international airport
Best Hindi Feature Film, among several other in Pakistan on September 5, 1986.
film awards, could be headed for a legal bat- Neerja, who was the senior flight purser of
tle with the family of braveheart flight purser Pan-Am 73 (Bombay-Karachi-Frankfurt-New
Neerja Bhanot all set to take the producers of York) flight, was killed in the shootout fol-
the box office hit film to court. lowing the hijack. Palestinian terrorists from
The main contention of the Bhanot family the Abu Nidal terrorist group had entered the
is that the makers of the successful film did aircraft posing as Pakistani Police personnel,
not honour their commitment to share 10 carrying arms and hand grenades.
A scene from per cent of the box office collections with The hijack had left 20 people dead and
All I Want the Neerja Bhanot Trust and the family. 150 others injured after a bloodbath at the
I will not comment on this issue at this Karachi airport.
18 May 27-June 3, 2017 Travel

by Apara jita Gupta Fun, frolic & gaming are all-consuming in this enchanting la la land.

Las Vegas: In the heart of the Nevada des-
ert lies a city with over a million lights, burning
bright in the night like a shining diamond against
an otherwise dark background. It is Sin City -- one
that never sleeps. Propitiating a hedonistic God,
Las Vegas has just one goal -- to let you have fun,

in Sin City
whatever may be your idea of fun. Music, dance,
drama, fashion and sex are offered round the
clock to those who seek it. And, of course, theres
gambling -- its lifeblood and raison detre.
According to the Las Vegas Convention and
Visitors Authority, around 43 million people vis-
ited the place in 2016, bringing in some $6.3 bil-
lion of revenue for just the casinos on the Strip,
which houses most of the well-known gambling
joints. Compare this with another of the worlds
top tourist destinations, London, which attracted
around 20 million tourists last year.
Surrounded by mountain ranges on all sides,
the area was named Las Vegas, which in Span-
ish means the meadows. The iconic Welcome
to Las Vegas sign was created in 1959 by Betty
Willis, who never copyrighted it.
Las Vegas thrives on glitter and glam. There
are always top-level musicals or sport shows hap-
pening here. Whether its Celine Dion or Jennifer
Lopez, Britney Spears or Ricky Martin, or top
names in boxing, they have all been there and
done that. And these are really the side-shows.
The main activity, of course, is inside the ca-
sinos -- on the green felt tables where you can Neon lights give the Strip, the heart of Las Vegas, a fairy land look.
bet from $1 or less to a thousand dollars (or a
million if thats your style) in the hope of making
more. Of course, mathematically speaking, many men and women with a drink in hand completely engrossed in Paris Las Vegas and an entire stretch designed like Venice en-
would have to lose for some to win, even as casi- trying to beat the odds. tices you with a gondola ride at the Venetian. The Pyramids and
nos keep on raking in the moolah. The casino capital of the world makes people feel at ease. Sphinx at the Luxor remind you of a different era and country.
Dancing fountains, colorful, well-lit streets, live songs and mu- Much thought -- and money -- has gone into these attractions to
sic at every corner of the Strip vie to make it a dream destina- just say, come hither.
tion -- an enchanting la la land which seeks to cast its spell on The city also attracts hundreds of conventions and cele-
every visitor. brations, since it has the ability to cater to tens of thousands
If there are sinners here, so are the redeemers. Dozens of of officials from multinationals. Every year, hundreds of such
Christian Firsters carry around signs trying to dissuade the punt- gatherings are held here, with the gambling tables and tourist
ers from the life they have chosen. Jesus Christ will punish you, places adding a touch of fun to serious business.
is a theme which emanates from the loudspeakers they carry. If you get tired of the gaming tables or machines, you can
The attraction of the city is such that many visitors come always imbibe other attractions in the city -- wax museum of Ma-
here again and again. Me and my husband have been coming dame Tussauds at the Venetian with statues of famous and the
here for the last 25 years. We have seen Frank Sinatra per- notorious, the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay or the High Roller -- a
form in this city, septuagenarian Suzanne from Boston said giant ferris wheel at The LinQ. For those who want an extra high,
striking up a conversation. not necessarily from the flowing liquor, theres the Stratosphere
She still loves to roam around the city and enjoys standing -- the tallest freestanding observation tower in the United States.
Many amateurs hang around the slot machines, by the dancing fountains, shooting video for the times when If you dont end up spending all your money in casinos, you can
hoping to hit the jackpots which may range from a shes not here. also visit the premium outlets at either end of the Strip. The shop-
lowly $100 to $12 million in mega prize machines, The gigantic Bellagio Hotel and Casino is one of the more ping centers offer discounts, yet prices can be steep. But if you love
often shared by several casinos. Most profession- attractive places on the strip, made famous by George Cloo- branded stuff, finding many brands in one place can be tempting.
als, though, are seen at the tables -- Black Jack, ney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts through their iconic roles in Las Vegas may be fun, but its expensive fun. Go there with
Poker, Baccarat, Roulette, Craps and others games. the Hollywood movie Oceans Eleven. your wallet full and with money you can lose. Or just visit the
The gambling arena in some of the casinos Many of the hotels are made on themes to attract punters Grand Canyon -- four hours away -- and avoid the epicurean
reminds one of James Bond movies. Well-dressed and tourists. The large-sized Eiffel Tower catches your eye at and libertine centre of the world.

Many amateurs hang around the slot machines, hoping to hit In Insanity the Ride, a massive mechanical arm extending out
a jackpot, but most professionals are seen at the tables -- 64 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height
Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, Craps and others games. of over 900 feet will spin you at super speeds. OP-ED May 27-June 2, 2017 19

Three years of Modi: Possibility of

second innings looms large et about unemployment and high outside Odisha.
By Amulya Ganguli
prices show, Modi is still basically The forthcoming presidential

onsidering that the score on shaky ground which has been election will be yet another test of
line in the last round of camouflaged by his rhetoric and the respective strengths of the
assembly elections before the TINA (There Is No BJP and its opponents. As of now,
Narendra Modi's third anniver Alternative) factor at the national the former appears to have its
sary of the assumption of power level although he has faced stiff nose ahead in the race, especially
was 32 in the Congress's favor, resistance in several states. because of the expected support
one can only say that his approval The results in Punjab, in the from the Telangana Rashtra
rating has been average. Karnataka byelections and West Samithi and the YSR Congress.
True, the final lineup of win Bengal local body polls have But much will depend on who
ners became 41 because the shown that it will take a long the BJP chooses as its candidate,
prime minister's factotums were time, if ever, for the BJP's dream for it will show whether the party
able to dislodge the Congress of a Congressmukt (free) Bharat has risen to its stature after three
from its No 1 position in Goa and to be fulfilled. years in power at the Centre to be
Manipur with some nimble poli At the allIndia level, however, a genuine national party or is still
ticking. Modi holds almost complete beholden to its friend, philoso
His success is based on the image of being a man of development
But the fact remains that the sway, for none of the other par pher and guide the Rashtriya
which has remained untainted by the depredations of the gau
supposedly moribund Congress ties has measured up to popular Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) for
rakshaks and other Hindu fundamentalists.
won a handsome victory in expectations. seeing a multicultural nation
Punjab over the Akali Dal seven per cent growth rate, up are highlighted by the media and The Congress has had to through saffrontinted glasses.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) com from 5.6 per cent in 201213 and do not affect the average people depend on Sonia Gandhi again But irrespective of who
bine and was initially the largest 6.6 per cent in 201314. If a who are more concerned about despite her indifferent health becomes the President whether
party in the Goa and Manipur leg recent study nevertheless showed the continuing unemployment because of Rahul Gandhi's palpa a deeplyhued saffronite or some
islatures. that 60 per cent of the respon rate, which has been noted by 63 ble inadequacies; Nitish Kumar one perceived as neutral the
It was the BJP's overwhelming dents thought well of Modi, it per cent of those surveyed, and has become even more deeply possibility of a second innings for
success in Uttar Pradesh which meant that a large section of the inflation (66 per cent). entangled in Bihar's scamtainted Modi looms large at the end of his
reinforced Modi's largerthanlife people have retained their faith in But what has apparently politics; Mulayam Singh Yadav's three years in office.
image. But the reality is more his ability to take the country in impressed the people the most is main battle is still with his son, His success is based on the
mundane even if the country has the right economic direction. the absence of corruption in the Akhilesh; Mamata Banerjee has image of being a man of develop
been able to emerge from the pol There may be misgivings about higher levels, which was the sin remained essentially a statelevel ment which has remained
icy paralysis of the twilight years the activities of the saffron mili gle most important factor for the politician in ideas and personal untainted by the depredations of
of the Manmohan Singh govern tants. But these are probably seen Manmohan Singh government's appeal and Naveen Patnaik the gau rakshaks and other Hindu
ment by achieving a more than as being isolated incidents which downfall. However, as the disqui appears uninterested in the world fundamentalists.

By Shreya Shah

ndia's unemployment rate has 3 YEARS INTO BJP GOVERNMENT,

I registered a slight increase


since the Bharatiya Janata
Party (BJP) government began its
term in May 2014, despite the
governments professed emphasis
on jobcreation, according to an the labour force the Labour according to Labour Ministry
analysis of government data. Ministry's report on the Fifth data. This is based on data col
The unemployment rate in Annual Employment lected by the government from
201516 was five per cent of the Unemployment Survey (2015 nonfarm industrial units that
labor force, up from 4.9 per cent 16) said unemployment was five have 10 or more workers in
in 201314, the year before the per cent. these eight sectors. "These sur
BJP assumed power. The figure for 201314 was veys are being conducted in
"The country has been dragged marginally lower, at 4.9 per cent, selected sectors of the economy
through 10 years of jobless according to the ministry's data. which are sensitive to the global
growth by the Congressled UPA The survey includes workers in factors and employment inten
(United Progressive Alliance) both the formal and informal sive," a 2016 Labour Ministry
government," the BJP had said in parts of the economy, as well as report said.
its manifesto for the 2014 gener those working as casual workers The number of beneficiaries of
al election. "Under the broader in public works programmes. one government assistance pro
economic revival, BJP will accord Between July 2014 and gramme, the Prime Minister's
high priority to jobcreation and December 2016, the eight major Employment Generation
opportunities for entrepreneur sectors of manufacturing, trade, Programme (PMEGP) which
ship." construction, education, health, aims to generate employment in
At a rally in Agra in 2013, information technology, trans rural and urban areas by starting
Narendra Modi, then campaign port, and accommodation and new microenterprises and small
The unemployment rate in 201516 was five per cent of the labor
ing for the position of Prime restaurants, created 641,000 projects has fallen 24.4 per
force, up from 4.9 per cent in 201314.
Minister, had said the BJP would jobs, data show, not including cent from 428,000 in 201213
create 10 million jobs: "If BJP saying in news reports. Yet, the Status" according to which jobs created between January to 323,362 in 201516, accord
comes to power, it will provide 201617 Economic Survey, based those who have spent a major 2016 and March 2016, for which ing to government data. Until
one crore jobs which the UPA on data from the Labour part (183 days or more) of the data are unavailable. In compari October 2016, the programme
government could not do despite Ministry, stated: "Employment preceding 365 days before a sur son, these sectors had added had created an additional
announcing it before the last Lok growth has been sluggish." vey on economic activity are 1.28 million jobs between July 187,252 jobs, according to the
Sabha polls," Modi was quoted as Based on the "Usual Principal counted as having been part of 2011 and December 2013, latest data available.

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times.
20 May 27-June 2, 2017 DIASPORA

Over 1,000 people take part Businessman who inspired

Akshay Kumarstarrer
in Yoga event in China 'Airlift' dies in Kuwait
Beijing: Over a thousand people Thiruvananthapuram: Prominent
took part in a yoga event in eastern Indian businessman in Kuwait,
China as a prelude to the third Mathunny Mathews, who was
International Day of Yoga celebra instrumental in the safe evacuation
tions to be he ld next month. A of stranded Indians during the
grand curtain raiser event to launch Iraqi invasion in 1990, died on
the celebration of IDY in Wuyi in Saturday.
China's Zhejiang province was joint 81yearold Mr Mathews, who
ly organised by Consulate General hailed from Kumbanad in
of India (CGI), Shanghai along with Pathnamthitta district, was ailing
People's Government of Wuyi for some time, media reports here
County, a Consulate press release said.
Mathunny Mathews
said. The event was launched at the Expressing his condolence,
It was a prelude to the third International Day of Yoga
scenic Wuyi Big Red Rock Hot Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi The V P Singh government had in
celebrations to be held next month.
springs area and nearly 1,000 yoga Vijayan said that during the 1990 1990 carried out the biggest evac
lovers from Wuyi participated in The Consulate had arranged a will bring together 15,000 yoga Gulf war Mathews had helped uation during the gulf war when
the yoga celebrations, it said. Chinesespeaking Indian yoga lovers closer to India promoting thousands of Indians to flee the over 1.50 lakh standard Indians
Mayor of Wuyi Zhang Xusheng, in teacher who conducted the yoga healthy and harmonious lifestyles. gulf nation and his services would had been safely brought back by
his inaugural address at IDY launch, session to the big gathering based The grand finale will be held on always be remembered. flight. At that time Mr Mathews
said just like Buddhism had bound on the common yoga protocol sent June 25, 2017 in Wuxi at the By not taking efforts to save his had functioned as the Central
two great Indian and Chinese civili by the department of Ayurveda, foothills of the scenic Lingshan own life and property, Mr Mathews Government's "unofficial represen
sations together, yoga also had the Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Temple, where nearly 10,000 yoga had done yeoman service to bring tative" in Kuwait to coordinate the
potential to promote values of har Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). lovers are expected to participate in his countrymen, who had lost evacuation process, the Chief
mony and peace between India and The event was extremely well a record setting event in mainland everything in the war, safely back, Minister said.
China. received by a large number of yoga China. Vijayan said. Popularly known as 'Toyota
He said just as tourism was a call followers in Wuyi, it said. T he United Nations General "He provided food and drinking Sunny', Mathunny Mathews was
ing card for Wuyi, yoga would The Consulate is organizing IDY Assembly had made a declaration in water to the stranded Indians and said to be the inspiration of Akshay
become the new name card for this ce lebrations from June 1725 December 2014 to observe June 21 we remember it with gratitude," Kumar's character in Bollywood
beautiful county of Wuyi. which will be held in 10 cities and as IDY. (PTI) Vijayan said. film 'Airlift.'

Indian cabbie British Indian surgeon leads

'racially abused', cricket bat design research
assaulted in Australia London: A British Indian sur
geon's research on design of
these developments to avoid
a very onesided contest
Canberra: An Indian cab driver filled rant that she wouldn't pay a cricket bat aimed at miti between bat and ball," he
was assaulted and beaten the fare or cleaning fee. gating its dominance over a said. Under the new laws,
unconscious in the Australian "They punched me too many ball and maintaining balance the maximum thickness of
state of Tasmania by two pas times and kicked me," Singh between the two has been the edge of the bat needs to
sengers who yelled racial slurs said. "( T hey said) 'You f.....g incorporated into the game's be less than 40 mm and the
at him. Pardeep Singh, 25, was Indians deserve this'." of ficial laws and will be overall depth of the bat can
beaten by two passengers at the Singh was admitted overnight enforced from October 1 this not exceed 67mm.
Sandy Bay McDonald's drive to the Royal Hobart Hospital. year. It follows research con
through on Saturday night. The passengers a 21year Chinmay Gupte, an ducted by Dr Gupte's team
Sing h said he was attacked old Sandy Bay woman and a 25 orthopaedic surgeon special alongside colleague
when he asked the woman pas yearold Kingston man were izing in sports injuries and Professor Anthony Bull,
senger to step outside the cab charged with assault and injur senior lecturer at Imperial Chinmay Gupte head of the Imperial's
as she was going to throw up, ing property and will appear in College London, coled a Department of Engineering,
Mercury newspaper reported the Hobart Magistrates Court team at the college to assess cricket over the last 30 years. This has to assess cricket bat performance.
on Monday. on June 26. bat performance. many factors including higher bat Puneborn Chinmay Gupte is the
"Please get out of the car... If Singh, who is studying hospi T he Marylebone Cricket Club speeds, smaller boundaries and son of Maharashtra cricketer
you mess up the car you have to tality, said he will not drive (MCC), the sport's governing body, stronger players. There is also no Madhukar Shankar and is a profes
pay a cleaning fee," Singh told taxis again "because it's so dan has incorporated his team's findings doubt that bat design has enabled sional cricketer who has played for
the woman. gerous." to ensure that both the cricket bat far more mishits to go for six Middlesex and Gloucester County
Singh said the passengers T he bashing is the third and ball are treated equally in terms rather than be out caught," Dr Cricket clubs and also captained the
started abusing him and the attack on Indian taxi drivers in of the laws. "The number of sixes Gupte said. team for the University of Oxford in
woman told him in an expletive less than a year. (IANS) scored has increased exponentially "It was important to mitigate his student days. SUBCONTINENT May 27-June 2, 2017 21

Nepal PM Prachanda
US cautions nationals steps down, Deuba may
on travel to Pakistan assume office
Kathmandu: Nepal Prime Minister
Washington: The US has issued a travel advisory June 2014, militants attacked Jinnah
Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has
for its citizens asking them to postpone all non International Airport in Karachi killing 30 peo
announced his resignation, in keeping
essential travel to Pakistan due to increased ple.
with his agreement with the Nepali
"terrorist violence" in the country. It referred to another incident in 2014 when
Congress, which had propped up his
T he advisory, the second travel warning an aircraft on approach into Peshawar's Bacha
coalition government since last August.
issued by the US State Department in less than Khan International Airport was fired on by small
Nepali Congress leader Sher Bahadur
45 days, said Pakistan continues to experience arms, which resulted in one fatality.
Deuba, who has also been the Prime
significant terrorist violence, including sectarian "Consular services provided by the American
Minister earlier, is likely to succeed
attacks. Embassy in Islamabad, the Consulate General in
him. Prachanda, who made the
"Targeted attacks against government of fi Karachi, and the Consulate General in Lahore
announcement of his resignation in a
cials, humanitarian and nongovernmental are often limited due to the security environ
televised address to the nation from
organization employees and law enforcement ment. At this time, the Consulate General in Nepal Prime Minister
his of fice, said it would end "a long
personnel are common," said the advisory Peshawar is not providing consular services," Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'.
drought of trust in Nepali politics".
issued on Monday. the advisory said. parties in the local polls scheduled to
T here were several examples in
"Throughout Pakistan, foreign and indigenous It said that if any American citizen chooses to take place in June 14.
Nepal's politics that leaders made com
terrorist groups continue to pose a danger to US live or travel in Pakistan despite this warning, It is likely that Deuba will contest for
mitments but never honoured them, he
citizens. Evidence suggests that some victims of then he/she should vary travel routes and tim the Prime Minister's post on the basis
said. "But today I am going to set an
terrorist activity have been targeted because ing, especially for routine trips and minimise the of majority votes on the support of
example and as per the accord reached
they are US citizens. Terrorists and criminal duration of trips to markets, restaurants, gov Prachanda's Communist Party of
with Nepali Congress, I am going to
groups have resorted to kidnapping for ran ernment and military installations. NepalMaoist Centre and take over
announce my resignation," he said.
som," it said. American citizens in Pakistan must minimize probably by the end of next week.
Prachanda had earlier decided to
The US State Department referred to a note of the number of US/western nationals congregat He is likely to hold the second round
announce his resignation in Parliament
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) which ing in any one location at any time and avoid of local polls on June 14 and will stay
but changed his mind after the main
asked commercial airline pilots to exercise cau hotels that do not apply stringent security meas in power in February until periodic
opposition Communist Party of Nepal
tion while flying in Pakistan, particularly at low ures, it said. elections take place. In his second
UnifiedMarxistLeninist obstructed
altitude, during the arrival and departure of "Take a photo of your passport, entry stamp stint in power, Prachanda was elected
the house proceeding against the gov
flights, and when on the ground, due to terror and Pakistani visa, and keep it with you at all the 39th Prime Minister after forging
ernment decision to increase local
threat. The FAA said there have been several times. Keep digital copies of these documents in alliance with the Nepali Congress on
units in various Tarai/Madhes districts.
instances of militant activity that targeted air a secure, electronically accessible place," the August 3, 2016.
That would bring the Madhesbased
ports and aircraft at low altitudes in Pakistan. In advisory said.

China to block Pakistan AG takes parliament

India's NSG bid again into confidence in Jadhav case
Beijing: China said it has not Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty. Islamabad: Pakistan's Attorney
changed its position on India's Beijing argues that if India can General Ashtar Ausaf Ali has Kulbhushan
membership of the Nuclear be let in why not Pakistan, which briefed the country's parliament Jadhav.
Suppliers Group (NSG), indicating is also not an NPT member. and took the members into confi
it will again block New Delhi's India finds the NPT discrimina dence in the Kulbhushan Jadhav
plea at the plenary session in tory in nature. T he US, case. "The Attorney General was
Bern next month. Switzerland, Mexico, Italy, Russia invited to brief the MPs through
"China's position on the non and Britain have backed New the Parliamentary Committee for
NPT members' participation in Delhi's NSG bid. In January this National Security on the ef forts
the NSG has not changed," year, China had said that admis the government has so far made,"
Chinese Foreign Ministry sion of nonNPT signatories in Dawn online quoted National
spokesperson Hua Chunying said NSG cannot be a "farewell gift" for Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz
on Monday. "We support the NSG countries to give to each other Sadiq as saying.
group following the mandate of after the outgoing Obama admin Sadiq said the Attorney General
the 2016 plenary session and fol istration remarked that Beijing also brie fed the Nat ional
lowing building consensus as well was an "outlier" in the efforts to Assembly about the "next likely Jadhav until the final order is against Islamabad. Jadhav, whose
as the intergovernmental process make India a member of the elite steps regarding the Kulbhushan announced. Ali would now repre family in based in Mumbai, was
that is open and transparent to nuclear club. China's opposition is Jadhav case so that parliament sent Pakistan in the Jadhav case reportedly arrested from
deal with the relevant issues in a likely to increase tensions with may be taken into confidence in at the ICJ. Earlier, Britainbased Balochistan. India has approached
twostep approach," she added. India, which recently boycotted this regard". The Speaker lament lawyer Khawar Qureshi represent the Haguebased court to secure
At the NSG's plenary session in Beijing's ambitious Belt and Road ed that the country's opposition ed the country. Jadhav has been freedom of Jad hav, who New
Seoul in June 2016, China Initiative in opposition to the criticised the legal team because awarded death sentence by a mili Delhi says was abducted from
opposed India's application. It ChinaPakistan Economic the International Court of Justice tary court in Pakistan for "spon Tehran. The top court on May 18
again scuttled India's bid in the Corridor (CPEC). CPEC passes (ICJ ) had stayed hang ing of soring terrorism and waging war" halted the execution of Jadhav.
November consultative group through Pakistanadministered
meeting. The plenary meet of the Kashmir, which is claimed by
48member elite grouping, which India as its own. The issue of the
regulates global nuclear trade, is Dalai Lama visiting Arunachal
likely to take place at Bern in Pradesh has added to the cold
Switzerland in June. vibes between the two. Beijing
India has been backed by the US accuses the Dalai Lama of foment
and other members in the group, ing secessionist activities in Tibet
but China opposes its entry, citing and claims Arunachal Pradesh as
its nonsignatory status to the its own.
22 May 27-June 2, 2017 INTERNATIONAL

22 killed in Britain concert bombing, IS behind

Manchester: In one of the worst terror
attacks in Britain, 22 persons were killed
in a suicide blast at a concert in
Trump vows resolve
Manchester city. The Islamic State claimed against terrorism
the attack and evoked strong reactions
across the world. Washington: US President Donald Trump
Prime Minister Theresa May termed it reassured British Prime Minister Theresa
an act of "appalling sickening cowardice". May that the resolve will "never waiver"
T he blast tore through fans leaving in the face of terrorism, following a mul
American singer Ariana Grande's pop con tipledeath bomb attack in Manchester.
cert in the Manchester Arena. It left 59 Trump spoke with May via phone dur
persons injured, among them many chil ing his visit in Jerusalem, Israel, and
dren. offered US aid in the investigation into
A 23yearold man be lieved to be the attack, which the two leaders called
involved in the dastardly attack was "wanton and depraved.
arrested from southern Manchester, the Trump said he looked forward to see
Greater Manchester Police said. ing May in person this week and dis
The blast ripped of f after the attacker cussing Americas "unbreakable commit
detonated an IED, shortly after Ariana ment" to Britain and the ways both coun
Grande had finished her performance. The tries can work with allies and partners
lone male attacker died in the blast, the around the world to defeat terrorism.
Islamic State took the responsibility of the attack.
police said.
The explosion took place in the foyer of gency Cobra committee meeting and said ble Ian Hopkins said the "fastmoving My thoughts are with all those af fected
the Arena building as 20,000 fans were police have identified the attacker but it investigation" was now working to estab and our brilliant emergency services."
streaming towards the exit doors. was too early in the investigation to lish if the attacker "was acting alone or as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Eightyearold girl, Saffie Rose Roussos, release his name. However, media reports part of a network". while condemning the attack said: "Our
was among two victims identified by the citing sources claimed the suicide bomber Police carried out raids at two proper thoughts are with the families of the
police. was identified as Salman Abedi. ties, one in Whalley Range and the other deceased and prayers with the injured".
Prime Minister Theresa May said the Director SITE Intelligence Rita Katz in Fallowfield, where a controlled explo Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon,
bombing had been a "callous terrorist tweeted a message posted by the IS on sion was carried out. condemning the attack, said she would
attack" that targeted "defenceless young Telegram claiming it carried out the bomb Ariana Grande, who had finished the first convene the Scott ish government's
people". She said the suicide attack attend ing and warned of "more severe" attacks. of three scheduled UK performances when Resilience Committee on Tuesday morning
ed by children showed "appalling sicken "With Allah's Grace and support, a soldier the blast hit, was not injured. to "consider any implicat ions for
ing cowardice" and was one of the worst of the Caliphate managed to place explo She tweeted later: "Broken. From the bot Scotland".
Britain had suffered. sive devices in the midst of the gatherings tom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don't French President Emmanuel Macron and
Following the attack, all campaigning for of the crusaders in the British city of have words." Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
the June 8 general election was suspend Manchester," read the statement. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn Abbas also expressed outrage over the
ed. The Prime Minister chaired an emer Greater Manchester Police chief consta tweeted: "Terrible incident in Manchester. attack.

Iranians vote moderate, TRUMP MEETS PALESTINE

retain Rouhani as President PRESIDENT, URGES
Tehran: Iranian President Hassan
Rouhani won a resounding victory in the
12th Presidential polls as voters yearning
Bethlehem: US President
for more freedom at home and less isola
Donald Trump met
tion abroad have emphatically backed the
Palest inian President
moderate cleric.
Mahmoud Abbas in
With a huge turnout, polling stations
Bethlehem, a day after
stayed open until midnight in parts of the
promising to make a
country, defying concerns that moderates
renewed ef fort at peace
disillusioned by the weak economy or
between the Palestinians
slow pace of change would not vote. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. and Israelis.
Iran's interior minister, Abdolreza
"I am truly hopeful that
Rahmani Fazli, announced live on state aged to win the increasing trust of this
America can help Israel
te levision that Rouhani received big nation despite the enemies' plot and
and the Palestinians forge
23,549,616 votes (57 per cent), com effort," Khamenei said.
peace and bring new
pared with his conservative rival Ebrahim Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said: "I President Donald Trump is welcomed by
hope to the region and its Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
Raisi, who won 15,786,449 votes (38.5 congratulate the great victory of the
people," Trump said dur
per cent). Iranian nation in creating a huge and
ing a joint appearance with Abbas. "I also between the Israelis and Palestinians.
More than 41.2 million people voted memorable epic in the continuation of the
firmly be lieve that if Israe l and the After meeting Israeli Prime Minister
out of 56 million who were eligible to do path of 'wisdom and hope'," referring to
Palestinians can make peace, it will begin a Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, the
so. The two other lesser known candi the government's slogan.
process of peace all throughout the Middle President said "we can truly achieve a more
dates, Mostafa AqaMirsalim and Mostafa The European Union foreign policy
East, and that would be an amazing accom peaceful future for this region and for peo
HashemiTaba, got 478,215 and 215,450 chief Federica Mogherini congratulated
plishment," the US President said on the last ple of all faiths and all beliefs and frankly
votes respectively. Rouhani on his reelection.
day of his Middle East visit. all over the world."
No sitting president in Iran has failed to Mogherini said: "Iranians took passion
Trump arrived in Bethlehem in a motor Israel and the Palestinians have not held
win a second term since 1981. ately part to political life of their country.
cade, crossing a checkpoint at Israel's con direct talks for more than three years and
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the top I congratulate President Hassan Rouhani
troversial separation wall, and was greeted Trump acknowledged it was "one of the
leader of the country, commended the for strong mandate received."
by Abbas and other dignitaries outside the toughest deals of all".
Iranian people for their "massive and Despite the healthy margin of victory,
president ial palace, T he Washington Palestinians held angry protests against
epic" turnout in the country's twin elec Rouhan, 68, will face considerable hur
Examiner reported. the visit in both West Bank and Gaza,
tions. "The winner of yesterday's elec dles, both at home and abroad, as he
Trump labelled Bethlehem, "a precious according to a BBC report.
tions, is you (the Iranian people), and the needs to demonstrate progress on over
city" and said he intended "to do everything Abbas said he welcomed Trump's "noble
Islamic establishment, which has man hauling the fragile economy.
he could" to achieve a peace agreement and possible mission". BUSINESS May 27-June 2, 2017 23

Modi pitches for AsiaAfrica growth corridor

Gandhinagar: Prime Minister ship forward.
Narendra Modi said that Africa was Referring to "High 5s" priority
a top priority for his government's areas of AfDB that cover energy,
foreign and economic policy and healthcare and pharma, agricul
pitched for an AsiaAfrica Growth ture, Industrializat ion and e
Corridor with the support of Japan. Governance, Jaitley said these were
Modi, who officially inaugurated similar to agendas of the govern
the 52nd Annual Meetings of the ment.
African Development bank (AfDB) He said there was huge possibili
at Mahatma Mandir here, said ty of the agriculture sector in
India's partnership with African Africa benefiting from the Indian
countries was free of any condi experience.
tions and will remain demanddriv Modi, in his speech, said that
en. India was working with the United
"After assuming office in 2014, I States and Japan to support devel
have made Africa a top priority for opment in Africa.
India's foreign and economic poli Modi's remarks comes days after
cy," he said. China launched its One Belt One
The fiveday annual meeting of Road (OBOR) initiative that seeks
AfDB, being held in India for the to connect China with major mar
first time, is being attended by 54 kets including those in Africa,
African regional members and 27 Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley with foreign delegates at the 52nd African Middle East and Central Asia. India
nonregional member countries of Development Bank Annual meetings, in Gandhinagar. (Photo: IANS/PIB) has not joined OBOR.
the organisation. Modi recalled his conversation
Around 3,000 delegates are tak his remarks, said there was possi gains of globalization. equally to both Asia and Africa". with Japanese Prime Minister
ing part in the event with the bility of disruption in global econo He said African economies were Jaitley said India leaves it to its Shinzo Abe during his visit to
theme 'Transforming Agriculture my due to inward looking policies growing at a faster pace and noted partners to decide their priorities Tokyo last year and said they dis
for wealth creation in Africa'. of some advanced countries and that "21st century would not be and believes this is the most endur cussed commitment for enhancing
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, in this has danger of frittering away Asia's alone but would be long ing model of taking the relation growth prospects.

GST may not raise revenues Indian techies forming

'significantly': Fitch Ratings union to protect jobs
New Delhi: The Goods and
Services Tax (GST) reform,
transaction costs.
Revenue Secretary
were concerned.
"T he minister explicitly
amid layoffs
being touted as India's Hasmukh Adhia also had said recognised the low number of
Bengaluru: Hundreds of Indian were no longer what they were in
biggest reform that will come earlier that the tax buoyancy direct taxpayers in his Budget
techies working as software engi the past, as they have started to fire
into ef fect from July 1, may under GST is likely to take a speech, stating that India is
neers or providing back office serv more than hire.
not boost revenues "signifi hit immediately. 'largely a tax noncompliant
ices to global firms are setting up a "The need for a common platform
cantly" in the next few years, Finance Minister Arun society'," Rookmaaker told
panIndia trade union to protect is not just to protect our jobs, but
but can work in the medium Jaitley had also said that the IANS.
their jobs amid layof fs by many IT guard our rights as citizens under
term, said g lobal rat ing revenues under GST may see "The (Indian) government
firms, including Infosys, Wipro, Tech the law of the land. For various rea
agency Fitch Ratings. an indirect increase with the has been consistently rolling
Mahindra and Cognizant, said a sons, including the nature of the
"We do not expect it will widening of the tax net and out its ambit ious re form
functionary of a employees forum. industry, which provides more serv
lead to significantly higher less tax evasion. agenda for some three years
"We have already filed an applica ices than goods, even employees
government revenues in the Along w ith GST, Fitch now.
tion with the Tamil Nadu Labour within a company could not come
coming few years," Thomas Rat ings has recognised We believe it will remain
Department to register our Forum together to raise their voice or
Rookmaaker, Director, demonetisation as a "bold committed to reforms in the
as an allIndia trade union to protect protest exploitation by profitdriven
Sovereigns and step aimed at curbing the use coming years as well. In its
our interests, especially jobs, as employers, promoters, founders and
Supranationals Group, Fitch of black money" and latest Budget, the government
many IT firms are terminat ing managements," she said.
Ratings, told IANS. Insolvency and Bankruptcy hinted at further reforms to
employees at a short notice without Expressing concern over the man
He, however, pointed out Code, Aadhaar, Make in India, support foreign direct invest
adequate compensation," Forum for ner in which many IT and ITenabled
that it may indirectly boost FDIre lated measures and ment (FDI) inflows and to
IT Employees (FITE) Joint Secretary services (ITeS) firms were giving
revenues in the medium term labour market laws as other simplify labour laws.
Aruna Giri told IANS from Chennai pink slips to even lateral employees
through higher GDP growth strong reforms. "Reform implementation
on phone. owing to disruptive technologies
and more transparency. It, however, noted that implies a gradual improve
Admitting that thousands of IT and sluggish business growth, Giri
Acknowledging GST as "an Indian governance standards ment in the business environ
employees across the country bene said the employers should think
important re form being were still weak as far as voice ment, but it is important to
fitted from wellpaid jobs and perks twice before asking their employees
implemented", Rookmaaker and accountability, govern highlight that these improve
over the years when the going was to either resign or face termination
said it will facilitate trade ment ef fectiveness, rule of ments start from a low base,"
good, Giri alleged that the IT firms at a short period.
w ithin India and reduce law and control of corruption he said.
24 May 27-June 2, 2017 SPORTS

Hyderabad: Mumbai Indians defeat

ed Rising Pune Supergiant (RPS) in
a lowscoring final to w in the
Indian Premier League (IPL) title
Mumbai beat Pune to win IPL
In a match that went right down square leg of f Johnson but an
to the last ball, Mumbai registered attempted smash into the stands
a onerun victory in front of packed of f the very next ball saw him
stands at the Rajiv Gand hi caught at long on by Pollard.
International stadium. Smith fell on third ball, caught by
This is Mumbai's third IPL title. Ambati Rayudu at the cover bound
Chasing a target of 130 runs, Pune ary. Two runs came of f the next
could only manage to post 128/6 in ball but with four needed of f the
their 20 overs. last ball, Daniel Christian was run
Australian fast bowler Mitchel out sending the Mumbai players
Johnson was the most successful into wild celebrations.
for Mumbai with figures of 3/26, Earlier, braces by bowlers Jaydev
while young pacer Jasprit Bumrah Unadkat, Adam Zampa and
also played a crucial role, returning Christian enabled Pune to restrict
figures of 26/2 in four excellent Mumbai to 129 for eight.
overs. Mumbai's top and middle order
Veteran Sri Lankan pacer Lasith batsmen put up a horrific show
Malinga also bowled well and was against the disciplined bowling
unlucky not to manage a wicket. He from Pune and the former were left
Mumbai Indians with IPL 2017 trophy at Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium in Hyderabad. (Photo: IANS)
conceeded just 21 runs in his four reeling at 79/7 in the 15th over.
overs. when Bumrah trapped Rahul taining a tight line, Mahendra Singh top edge to wicketkeeper Parthiv Allrounder Krunal Pandya's 47 off
Pune skipper Steven Smith led Tripathi leg before. Dhoni and Smith found the going Patel. His departure seemed to put 38 deliveries pulled Mumbai out of
from the front scoring a fighting Ajinkya Rahane and Smith tried tough and could only add 27 runs the pressure on the Pune batsmen. the hole.
halfcentury in a losing cause. to rebuild the innings with a 54run between them in as many balls. Malinga conceded just five runs Opting to bat, Mumbai had a dis
He notched up 51 runs of f 50 partnership before Kieron Pollard Dhoni scored 10 runs in 13 balls in the 18th over and Bumrah astrous start as leftarm medium
deliveries with two boundaries and pulled off a superb catch at long on before falling to a poor shot in the bowled another miserly over in the pacer Unadkat (2/19) removed
an equal number of sixes before to send the captain back to the 17th over, slashing a Bumrah deliv 19th to put pressure. With 11 runs Parthiv Pate l (4) and Lendl
falling in the last over. pavilion. ery which was slightly outside off needed of f the final over, Manoj Simmons (3) in the third over,
Pune started off on a shaky note With the Mumbai bowlers main stump but only managed an easy Tiwary started with a boundary to reducing them to 8/2.

Want to give my kids IndiaPak match

same as any other
freedom: Sachin Tendulkar game: Kohli
New Delhi: Master blaster Sachin
Tendulkar says through his docu
mentary drama "Sachin: A Billion
Dreams", he wants to share a very
pertinent message that his parents
taught him of giving children the
freedom to pursue their dreams.
Sachin is a father of two son
Arjun and daughter Sara.
Sachin recounted: "My father gave
me the freedom to play whichever India skipper Virat Kohli.
sport I was fond of... And that free
dom came without expectations. The Mumbai: Ahead of the high old batsman felt that the tourna
only expectation he had from me octane ICC Champions Trophy ment will be more competitive
was, 'When you play or whatever clash against Pakistan at this time around with the top
profession you decide to choose, Edgbaston on June 4, India skip eight teams in action but also
don't find shortcuts, and give your per Virat Kohli said the hype asserted that the meninblue are
best... Results will follow.' around the match is beyond the up to the challenge.
"He said these things (success) will control of the players but they "I think because the tourna
not last long with shortcuts, but if will treat it as any other match. ment is shorter and involves all
you've taken the correct path to get Defending champions India will the top teams, the Champions
to your destination, then it's a differ open their campaign in the eight Trophy is far more competitive
ent kind of satisfaction and that Former Indian cricket player Sachin Tendulkar with his wife Anjali
Tendulkar during the premiere of film 'Sachin: A Billion Dreams' in team International Cricket than other big tournaments. It
stays with you permanently." Council (ICC) tournament by tak will grab a lot of eye balls. So we
Mumbai. (Photo: IANS)
It's something he realized when he ing on archrivals Pakistan in the are up for the challenge," he said.
announced his retirement from com am not old enough to give advice but Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, high pressure game, which Kohli "Last time also we went there
petitive cricket. I can share this message... With this Virat Kohli, Arshad Warsi, Maria acknowledged as a "big match". to enjoy and that is what we will
"The kind of retirement I got... That film, I am indirectly sharing that Goretti and Shreya Ghoshal in atten "As a cricketer we can't control look to do this time too. We have
experience is going to stay with me message," he added. dance. things outside the stadium. It is a done well in Test cricket and
permanently. That experience was a "Sachin: A Billion Dreams", a movie Earlier in the day, members of the big match we understand but in T20s and we want to make that
special one... You can't get people to which tells the tale of the highs and Indian cricket team also attended the our heads there is no difference," success constant in all three for
do all those things for you," Sachin lows in Sachin's personal and profes special screening of the film. Kohli told reporters ahead of the mats."
said. Now, he wants to pass the sional life, is releasing on Friday. A Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Ajinkya team's departure here. Kohli, however warned his
learning not only to his children but grand premiere for the film was Rahane, Hardik Pandya, "The hype and atmosphere team against any sort of compla
fans too. "I want to give my children organised in Mumbai on Wednesday Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Ravichandran around the IndiaPakistan match cency.
the freedom of what they want to be night with celebrities like Amitabh Ashwin, Shami Ahmed, Yuvraj Singh, is beyond our control, but for us "Biggest challenge is not to
in life. I just have to guide them, Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Dinesh Karthik, Jasprit Bumrah, it is the same as any other think that we are the defending
encourage them and support them... Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Shah Rukh Shikhar Dhawan, Umesh Yadav and match," he added. The 28year champions," he said.
Exactly what my parents did for me. I Khan, Aamir Khan, A.R. Rahman, KL Rahul were seen in attendance. LIFESTYLE May 27-June 2, 2017 25

Intermarriage in US increases Just one alcoholic

drink a day ups breast
fivefold in 50 years cancer risk: Study
Washington: One in six For blacks and Asians,
newlyweds in the US there are stark gender dif Washington: Drinking just one hol content) increases pre
were married to some ferences in intermarriage, glass of wine or other alcoholic menopausal breast cancer risk
one of a different race finds the analysis. drink a day can increase breast by five per cent and post
or ethnicity in 2015, a Among blacks, intermar cancer risk, reveals a major new menopausal breast cancer risk
fivefold increase over riage is twice as prevalent report that analysed data on 12 by nine per cent.
the past 50 years, a Pew for male newlyweds as it is million women. For vigorous exercise, pre
Research Centre analy for their female counter But vigorous exercise such as menopausal women who were
sis has found. parts. While 24 per cent of running or fast bicycling can the most active had a 17 per
In 2015, 17 per cent recently married black help decreases the risk of both cent lower risk and post
of US newlyweds had a men are married to a pre and postmenopausal breast menopausal women had a 10
spouse of a different spouse of a different race cancers, said the report by the per cent lower risk of developing
race or ethnicity, com or ethnicity, this share is American Institute for Cancer breast cancer compared to those
pared to 3 per cent in 12 per cent among recent Research (AICR) and the World who were the least active.
1967, according to the Pew percentage of intermarried black ly married black women. Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). While there are many factors
Research Centre's analysis of US couples has more than tripled from Asian women are far more likely "With this comprehensive and that women cannot control, the
Census Bureau data. 5 per cent to 18 per cent. White to intermarry than their male coun uptodate report the evidence is good news from this report is
In 1967, the US Supreme Court in newlyweds have also experienced a terparts, the poll shows. clear: Having a physically active that all women can take steps to
the Loving v. Virginia case ruled rapid increase in intermarriage, ris In 2015, 36 per cent of newlywed lifestyle, maintaining a healthy lower their breast cancer risk,
that marriage across racial lines ing from 4 per cent to 11 per cent. Asian women had a spouse of a dif weight throughout life and limit said Alice Bender from American
was legal throughout the country. However, despite this increase, they ferent race or ethnicity, compared ing alcohol these are all steps Institute for Cancer Research.
Before that, interracial marriages remain the least likely of all major with 21 per cent of newlywed Asian women can take to lower their "Wherever you are with physi
were banned in many US states, racial or ethnic groups to accept men. risk," said Anne McTiernan, lead cal activity, try to nudge it up a
Xinhua reported. One in 10 married intermarriage, according to the The most common racial or eth author of the report and a can bit, either a little longer or a lit
people in 2015 had a spouse of a analysis. nic pairing among newlywed inter cer prevention expert at the Fred tle harder. Make simple food
different race or ethnicity, meaning Asian and Hispanic newlyweds married US couples is one Hispanic Hutchinson Cancer Research shifts to boost protection sub
that there were 11 million people are by far the most likely to inter and one white spouse, followed by Centre in Seattle, Washington. stitute veggies like carrots, bell
who were intermarried. marry in the US, as 29 per cent of one white and one Asian spouse (15 The report found strong evi peppers or green salad for chips
The most dramatic increases in Asian newlyweds were intermarried per cent) and one white and one dence that drinking the equiva and crackers and if you drink
intermarriage have occurred among in 2015, compared to 27 per cent multiracial spouse (12 per cent), lent of a small glass of wine or alcohol, stick to a single drink or
black newlyweds. Since 1980, the of Hispanic newlyweds. according to the analysis. beer a day (about 10 grams alco less," Bender said.

Hypertension in
young adults ups
stroke risk later: Study
New York: Your
teenaged son or
daughter with a com
mon type of high blood
pressure may be at
greater risk for stroke
as well as damage to
the kidneys and brain
in adulthood, new
research shows.
Individuals with iso
lated systolic hyperten
Australian children
sion exhibit systolic
blood pressure of 140
or higher, but a normal
believe their fathers
work 'too much'
diastolic pressure (lower reading) Southwestern Medical Center in
of around 80. The condition stiff the US.
ens a section of the aorta the The condition, which primarily
major artery that carries oxy affects young adults aged between
genated blood from the heart to 18 to 49 is commonly treated in Canberra: One third of Australian fessor Lyndall Strazdins, said those fathers. Strazdins said longer work
the body that leads directly from elderly patients. children aged between 11 and 13 long hours, as well as "regular" hours were also a contributor to
the heart, called the proximal Physicians avoid treating it in believe their fathers work too much, night and weekend work, con health risks among dads in
aorta. This can increase the risk of younger patients, thinking that according to the results of a study tributed to their children's percep Australia.
stroke, as well as cause harm to the higher systolic reading was an released on Friday. tions that fathers were working too "Our research has shown that
brain and kidney, the researchers anomaly related to youth that The study by the Australian much. people who work more than 39
said. would selfcorrect, or perhaps National University (ANU), under "Australia's work culture and hours per week are putting their
"I think we should consider even a sign of a stronger heart taken as part of a wider project social norms are making it hard for health at risk, and we have also
treating these patients sooner since it sometimes showed up in called "Growing Up in Australia", dads to be the fathers they want to shown that expectations to work
rather than later...not treating high school athletes. took accounts from 3,000 fathers be," Strazdins said. long hours are a problem for gen
these individuals now will lead to "This study suggests the com and their children, and discovered The study also showed that, on der equality," she said.
more brain and kidney damage in mon approach of ignoring higher that nearly half of all fathers average, Australian fathers spent Despite children wishing their
the future," said lead author systolic blood pressure levels in worked more than 44 hours a week, more time at paid work than moth fathers worked fewer hours per
Wanpen Vongpatanasin, Professor younger adults may be wrong," Xinhua news agency reported. ers, who still undertake more week, most understood that their
at the University of Texas Vongpatanasin added. The study's lead researcher, pro domestic and home duties than dad "needs to work."
26 May 27-June 2, 2017 SCI-TECH

Qualified humans must not fear bots:

Adobe on Artificial Intelligence
s artificial intelligence (AI) with it as well," the executive said. work and set of intelligent servic

A powered smart devices and

solutions gather momen
tum globally amid fears of "bots"
"With the Cloud platform, we
are trying to provide a framework
where people with the domain
es that use deep learning and AI
to tackle complex experience
challenges was developed in
taking over jobs soon, a top expertise can come and set their India.
Adobe executive has allayed such data and machine learning algo On why there is a technology
fears, saying AI will actually assist rithms in play and then train the gap between India and other
people intelligently. systems and let the systems developed economies in terms of
"Saying AI will take over the learn," Natarajan explained. use of concepts like AI, machine
creativity of humans is not right. Speaking on the significance of learning and IoT, Natarajan said
It will take away a lot of stuff that India R&D labs, Natarajan said that people underestimate the
you have to do in a mundane way. earlier the R&D labs were focused country.
A human mind is a lot more cre on North America where scien "The transitions and genera
ative than a machine," Shanmugh tists used to come in from tional things might not be at the
Natarajan, Executive Director and esteemed universities. same level and sophistication, or
Vice President (Products) at With India becoming a crucial the pace as compared to other
Adobe in Delhi, told IANS in an market for research and develop countries, but here, the changes
The worlds first robocop has officially joined Dubais police force.
interview. ment, Adobe started its data labs are dramatic," Natarajan told
"With AI, we are trying to make Global enterprises like Adobe ing and Internet of Things (IoT) is in Bengaluru under the leader IANS.
the work easier. It is not like self are now betting on India to boost being done in Adobe's India R&D ship of Shriram Revankar. "Everyone has a smartphone
driving cars where your driver is AI in diverse sectors across the Labs. "Nearly 30 per cent of our total now and people have figured out
getting replaced. I think creativity country. "The way we have structured R&D staff is here. Apart from that they can speak to their
is going to stay for a long time," The company has a massive set our India labs is very similar to other works, we file patents. smartphones and retrieve data.
Natarajan added. up in India, with over 5,200 how larger companies have struc Every year, Adobe India has been The data may be small as com
Market research firm Gartner employees spread across four tured it. There are separate lab filing nearly 100 patents from a pared to 100 trillion that Adobe
recently said that CIOs will have a campuses in Noida and Bengaluru initiatives and areas, including global perspective. We have eight gets, but it is a Cloud and IoT
major role to play in preparing and its R&D labs claim a signifi digital media, creative lab, Big patents coming in soon," device. People are interacting
businesses for the impact that AI cant share of global innovations. Data and marketingrelated labs Natarajan told IANS. with them and machine is learn
will have on business strategy According to Natarajan, a lot of and, obviously, document is a big Interestingly, a big part of ing from this," the executive
and human employment. work related to AI, machine learn part and we have labs associated "Adobe Sensei" a new frame noted.

Twitter co-founder sorry for SOON, A WEARABLE DEVICE TO

'helping make Trump president' MONITOR AND MANAGE ASTHMA
n a major step towards a Fitbitlike Microsystems & Nanoengineering
wearable device to monitor and manage said.
asthma, researchers have created a Measuring biomarkers in exhaled breath
graphenebased sensor that can detect condensate tiny liquid droplets dis
inflammation in lungs. charged during breathing can contribute
The researchers believe that the sensor to understanding asthma at the molecular
could lead to earlier detection of looming level and lead to targeted treatment and
asthma attacks and improve the manage better disease management.
ment of asthma and other respiratory dis The researchers miniaturised electro
eases, preventing hospitalisation and chemical sensor accurately measures
death. nitrite in exhaled breath condensate using
Our vision is to develop a device that reduced graphene oxide. Reduced
someone with asthma or another respirato graphene oxide resists corrosion, has supe
ry disease can wear around their neck or rior electrical properties and is very accu
on their wrist and blow into it periodically rate in detecting biomarkers.
to predict the onset of an asthma attack or Nitrite level in breath condensate is a
"I think that maybe I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twitter, other problems, said Mehdi Javanmard, promising biomarker for inflammation in
Trump said after being elected President. assistant professor at Rutgers University the respiratory tract. Having a rapid, easy
New Brunswick in New Jersey, US. It method to measure it can help an asthmat
van Williams, former CEO and co the Independent reported on Saturday.

E founder of Twitter, has publicly apolo

gised for the role the micro blogging
site might have played in the election of
Since entering the White House and tak
ing control of the @POTUS (President of the
United States) Twitter handle, he has 17 mil
advances the field of personalised and pre
cision medicine, Javanmard said.
Asthma, which causes inflammation of
ic determine if air pollutants are affecting
them so they can better manage use of
medication and physical activity, said
the airway and obstructs air flow, affects Clifford Weisel, study coauthor and pro
Donald Trump as US president, media lion followers of that account.
about 300 million people worldwide. The fessor at Rutgers University.
reported. The platform was used extensively by his
symptoms include coughing, wheezing, Just looking at coughing, wheezing and
Trump indicated in March that Twitter supporters during the presidential poll to
shortness of breath and chest tightness. other outward symptoms, diagnosis accu
played an important role in his election. advocate him and to denounce Hillary
Todays noninvasive methods for diag racy is often poor, so thats why this idea of
When asked about that remark, Williams in Clinton.
nosing and monitoring asthma are limited monitoring biomarkers continuously can
an interview told the New York Times, "It's a His detractors also well utilized the plat
in characterising the nature and degree of result in a paradigm shift, Javanmard said.
very bad thing, Twitter's role in that." form.
airway inflammation, and require costly, The next step is to develop a portable,
"If it's true that he wouldn't be President if "I think that maybe I wouldn't be here if it
bulky equipment that patients cannot easi wearable system, which could be commer
it weren't for Twitter, then yeah, I'm sorry," wasn't for Twitter, because I get such a fake
ly keep with them. cially available within five years, he added.
Williams said. Trump has 30 million follow press, such a dishonest press. I mean, if you
There is an urgent need for improved, The researchers said they also envision
ers on his personal account on the platform look at and I'm not including Fox, because
minimally invasive methods for the molec expanding the number of inflammation
and was known as a prolific tweeter well I think Fox has been fair to me, but if you
ular diagnosis and monitoring of asthma, biomarkers a device could detect and
before he announced his intention to seek look at CNN and if you look at these other
the study published online in the journal measure.
the Republican nomination for presidency, networks," Trump told Fox News in March. May 27-June 2, 2017
28 May 27-June 2, 2017 HUMOR

Funny Side by Nury Vittachi

Cunning lifehacks to help you

survive these difficult days
always say "please" and "thank way. and color, and copied its number
I you, Miss" when talking to Siri so Since it's tricky to pick up a hotel plate. Thus any police officer who
that when the machines take over and move it, residents responded ran a computerized check would
she won't kill me. "Spare the puny with a mass outbreak of ingenuity. find that everything seemed to be in
one. He was always polite." One barowner built a long, wind order.
You have to be cunning to make ing maze in front of his roadside T he only chance of exposure
the best of life these days. bar, so it became quite literally a would be if both cars just happened
Another ingenious lifehack. My long walk from the street. to be parked in the same car park at
wife bought an avocado last week I Some hoteliers attached signs to the same time, and what were the
carried it around for a week so that their back gates saying: "This is chances of that in a country with a
I could eat it in the 10minute peri Now The Front Gate". population of 60 million? T he
od between "not ripe yet" and "hor Other restaurateurs got friends in answer turned out to be not zero. A
ribly rotten." That was the plan, government departments to woman in the town of Coleshill
anyway, and one day it will work. "demote" hundreds of kilometres of phoned police to say that she was in
But perhaps the biggest mass out major highways, relisting them as a shop's parking lot and noticed a
break of cunning this year so far humble "regular" roads, and thus car exactly like hers, same brand,
has been in India. Like everywhere exempt. same color, same licence number.
else, hotels and other food and Of course, ingenuity can also be Gotcha. Room for one last lifehack.
drink venues are conveniently locat used in the name of evil, I hear from One barowner built a long, winding maze in front of his roadside As you turn off the oven to go out,
ed near major highways there, but my friends at Shanghaiist, a news bar, so it became quite literally a long walk from the street. tell the oven what you are doing in
Indian judges passed a law making website. Chinese companies are sell a Mickey Mouse voice. It's such a
it illegal for any alcoholselling ing portable engines on long poles annoying neighbors. One particular freeofcharge apartmentshaking weird thing to do that there's no
venue to be within 500 metres (in designed to thump walls and ceil ly irritating man turned on such a devices in our homes, but we call way you'll later forget that you
some places, 220 metres) of a high ings pure ly for the purpose of machine, called an Apartment them "children". turned it off.
Shaker, and then A British correspondent sent me Yes, people will think you are
went away for an example of evil ingenuity from crazy, but who cares? Siri is still
the weekend. Of the UK. A thief stole a car. Instead of nice to me, and that's the relation
course, many of making a fake number plate, he ship that counts in the long term,
us already have found a car of the same make, age right?

Laughter is the Best Medicine


Mahendra Shah is
an architect by
BEST education,
entrepreneur by
RATE profession, artist
and humorist,
FOR cartoonist and
writer by hobby.

INDIA He has been

recording the
plight of the
AND immigrant
Indians for the
PAKISTAN past many years in
his cartoons.
Hailing from
he lives in
New York Head Quarter
422S Broadway Pennsylvania.
NY 11801

5168271010 ASTROLOGY May 27-June 2, 2017 29

Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874

By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899;

ARIES: Time to be a good communicator & LIBRA: If possible, take the help of emo 27th May, 2017 also help you to stay away from worldly tensions
natural negotiator to enable yourself to tional intelligence to succeed at profes Powered by number 9 and planet Mars, you like for a while. Wedding bells at the doorstep of love
tackle the pressure of a highly responsible sional front. You need to put intelligence the company of healthy and sound thinking per birds are also possible. Financial and legal trans
position. Distant re latives are like ly to and influence to sort sensitive issues at family son. You are brave enough to deal with any kind actions may be tiring and may extend but will end
contact/visit you during this week. It would be in front. You should look twice at investment of situation. Your creativity and newly designed up in your favor. October, December and June
your interest to avoid investment of any kind schemes that are presented to you. Love and structures will catch everybodys attention which will provide expected consequences.
today. Make sure you dont surrender yourself romantic encounter will keep you in a cheerful makes you a big civil contractor. Ill humored and
under physical passions to save romantic bond. A state. A cheerful state of mind brings mental chippy nature may take you away from the social 31st May, 2017
pleasure trip gives the muchneeded tonic to peace. Are you longing to go on a vacation then parties. Potentate nature might make you to lose Persuasion of number 4 and planet Uranus
your credibility. Soon you will take the marriage composes a great amount of vigor and passion in
health. Its time to invest in property and get be ready for it? Your investment can be done on a
oath. Have patience as your disputes related to you. You have a good gusto and positive attitude
most profitable method to maximize your bank cheap or smaller piece of land. By merely observ
law and order will take some more time to reach towards life. You always crave for a reputable and
balance. A wonderful week to contact persons ing others you are likely to learn a lot this week.
to any verdict. Your young ones stars will take affluent lifestyle and want to set a niche for your
with whom you can share your dreams/aims. SCORPIO : Make sure you dont neglect
them to the new height of excellence. You will be self in the society as well as at your workplace. As
TAURUS: This week it is in your hand to subordinates by giving an ear to them to
satiate both from domestic and professional front. Rome was not build in a day, you also have to do
make or mar your professional life. Some enable yourself to find valuable sugges You will get lot of opportunities to raise your bar uninterrupted hardwork to fulfill all your dreams
changes made at home will make you tions. A new outlook will be the source of laughter at your workplace, but be careful to avail all the and ambitions in life. The coming year will be
sentimental. Avoid overspending and invest at family front this week. You are likely to earn chances. Effective and meaningful time for you lucky in terms of money and property matters.
ments in dubious financial schemes. Romance monetary profits through most unexpected would be November, March and June. You would increase your goods and chattels as
touches new heights, as partner positively sources. Sudden romantic encounter is foreseen another source of income or a family member will
responds. A continuous positive thinking gets this week. Control your excitement otherwise it 28th May, 2017 be there to support you. You will be placed on a
rewarded as you succeed in whatever you do this might cause some problem. Be ready to hang out Controlled by number 1 and the planet Sun, higher designation and will also get a handsome
week. Romance is in full bloom, a journey full of with your friends. Family can be helpful on acquir affectionate, earnest and industrious are your salary package. Good networking power will be
pleasure is your crave. Have you realize that your ing your property or plot. Your involvement in vol characteristics. People will look at you with helping to resolve long pending legal issues.
financial conditions do not allow you to invest on untary work will enable to bring fame to you. respect and deference. You will not only enthrall Though your kids and spouse would encourage
property? Indulging in something deceitful SAGITTARIUS: Journey undertaken for the audience but make them spellbound. Loyal to you in all your professional endeavors, they would
would harm your personal interests. business purpose might fail to bring your work and audacious attempt is what makes also demand a quality time of yours, so try to
GEMINI: To take business to newer expected results. Enjoying a picnic with you to hit the new frontiers. Be mindful towards maintain equilibrium between your personal and
heights you will have to induct highly family will not only bring joy but also help in your hasteness and capricious attribute. Be proac professional life. It is impossible to love and be
motivated persons with excellent inter clearing misunderstandings. Better to ignore tive and change the ambience of the professional wise, so show a little craziness to your romantic
personal skills in your team. Pending household those who come for temporary loans to you. life as per your requirement to increase your over date or lover to impress more and more. Bachelors
all productivity. Meetings with world renowned may taste the fruit of marriage but listen to your
jobs will require your immediate attention. All Overindulgence in trifles might bring a strain in
delegates will be on your hit list. Now you will be heart while selecting a life partner. December,
financial commitments & transactions need to be romantic relations. Overstraining yourself would
in position to save for your future also. You will January, March and April will bring fertile and
handled carefully. You need to make a proper only lead to stress & exhaustion. Better to avoid
enjoy to be in the company of your spouse. desirous results.
planning before embarking on love journey. this to enjoy a sound health. The idea of a holi
Romance will take you to seventh heaven and you
Cultivate a harmonious nature to kill your hatred day seems to be tired and rushed. Property dis
will forget all your worries. You strongly believe in 1st June, 2017
because it is more powerful than love besides putes can be there. Hidden enemies are likely to God and might soon experience a visit to many Ruled by number 1 and the planet Sun. You are
adversely affecting body. Before you embark on spread rumors about you. sacred places. Interior designing and buildings confident, intelligent, original, enthusiastic, and
your adventure trip plan and prepare each and CAPRICORN: You succeed in completing will attract your attention. Full of events and hap possess a very creative and artistic mind. You are
every thing. Location is the key to any property projects efficiently provided you put in piness would be the month of September, a good host and love moving about in good socie
you purchase, so go through it very well. Make all your ef forts. Charming nature and December and May. ty, but you need to control your tendencies
sure you avoid picking up an argument especial pleasant personality would make you the attrac towards extravagance and stubbornness at times.
ly on petty issues. tion of family function this week. A sudden 29th May, 2017 This year you will see a remarkable improvement
CANCER: Lack of confidence could slip inflow of funds will take care of your bills and You are manipulated by moon and number 2 in your ability to take quick and correct decisions.
promising career enhancement opportu immediate expenses. If possible avoid wearing and that is the reason why you are so energetic, Your selfconfidence and dedication would help
nities from your hands. You receive care clothes, which could offend love partner. A bene impressive and full of life. Always remember that you accomplish difficult tasks and assignments
and affection from family members. A new source ficial week to work on things that will improve success comes to those who dare to dream and before the stipulated time. Monetary rewards and
of income will generate through influential con your health. By traveling you will learn about think different. Thus be confident, believe in your benefits for those employed. Favours from govt.
tacts. You are likely to find someone with whom new places, ultimately its a great deal for your self and do what you want to do in life, success officers and prominent persons likely later in the
you will enjoy the ecstasies of love. Creative hob self. Selling your plot might increase your bank will be definitely yours. A good shift and place year. Your health would be perfect, but the health
bies are likely to keep you relaxed. Traveling balance. You would find things moving the way ment of stars in your sunsign will also cater you of your parents would bring some moments of
alone could be depressing for you. It is better to you want them. great heights in all areas of life. Business trips will stress and anxiety. New romance for some
be resultoriented but may become a reason of through social gathering and entertainment activi
try for your of fice accommodation as soon as AQUARIUS: Before refusing a promo
some health problems. An appropriate and ties. Matrimonial alliances for those eligible.
possible. Ability to take calculated risks impresses tion of fer, look the things from long
healthy diet and fitness regime will be high on Renovation or new construction activities towards
the people who are closely monitoring you. term perspective. Make sure you avoid
your agenda. Flow of money may be inconsistent the yearend. The months of July, September,
LEO: New ventures start on a positive controversial issues otherwise these could cause
but you will not lack of it when you need the most. January and March would prove to be important
note. Matrimonial alliance for eligible arguments with loved ones. Be secretive about
This time you need to believe on your romantic and significant.
bachelor in family brings joy to all. your investments and future goals. Avoid raising partners instinct. Some family issues may take
Investment made this week would enhance pros controversial issues in love rather enjoy the com your precious time and energy but these issues 2nd June, 2017
perity and financial security. Love comes your pany. Good time to divert attention to spirituality are also important to get resolved as soon as pos Influenced by number 2 and the Moon. You are
way as friendship turns into romance. With a to enhance mental toughness. Although traveling sible. Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill in imaginative, emotional, trustworthy, simple and
positive outlook & confidence, you succeed in can be very rewarding, it can also be a strain on love af fairs. Marital bliss is foreseen for many possess a sharp memory. Your command over
impressing people around you. Its time to travel the check book. You have to very patient while youngsters. You would grow and see new heights your work can do wonders for you in your career
with innovative imagination. Dont deal in a dealing with your estate agent. You need to in the months of September, Nov. and February. and profession, but you need to check your ten
property which is crime ridden. You might be assess the situations before doing anything. dency to behave fickleminded and introvert at
stranded and could find yourself unable to PISCES: Promotion is likely to make you 30th May, 2017 times. This coming year will require you to be
decide what is to be done. vulnerable, as everyone is watching you Planet Jupiter and number 3 infuse numerous highly cautious of your moves. During this period
VIRGO: Negligence at professional front closely and failure could be embarrass ideas and a great philosophy in you. You are guid you are likely to face several ups and down in
would backfire. An impulsive behavior ing and expensive. Some changes that you might ed by good communication skills and leadership your career. Your financial position also seems to
brings disappointment at family front. make to your looks could annoy family members. qualities. You can manage a huge team very easily. be moderate, therefore make new investments
Better to control it to save all. An improvement in Better to do things that would please them. It is In the upcoming year, you would do exceptionally with extreme precautions. Only secure invest
financial position would enable to make impor not a very beneficial week as far as financial mat good job and would obtain incredible accolades ments like banks fixed deposits and tax saving
tant purchases. You are likely find comfort in the ters are concerned. A unilateral decision in love and rewards. But at times you become an enigma schemes should be encouraged. Domestic front
for your known people as you behave sarcastically however would bring enormous happiness. Your
arms of romantic partner. Mental alertness could annoy partner. Cutting down the number
and strangely. You must control or hide your spouse and children would be supportive and
would enable to solve a tricky problem. Traveling of parties and pleasure jaunts would help in
capricious nature at professional front. No doubt helpful to your concerns. A sudden influence of an
regularly might be injurious for your well keeping in good mood. Nothing better for you
you will augment your savings this year but you important and eminent spiritual person would
being. Time to think about your investment then camping or hiking trip, but sitting by a well
would also spend lavishly, but think wisely while provide you solace and mental comfort and bring
plans, as investing residentially might be prof might be dangerous. Investing overseas can pro
making a budget. Short but exciting would be a new twist into your life. Distant journeys proba
itable. If possible, make efforts to interact with vide you new business opportunities. Joining planned for a change. Family front will make you bly for pilgrimage would be undertaken later in
strangers and if needed lend a helping hand to hands with humanitarian group in social work lively and full of life. People in love will discover a the year. The months of July, October, January
them. would benefit you. relief in the company of their partner and that will and February would prove to be highly significant.
30 May 27-June 2, 2017 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS

This article has been selected and reprinted from Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharajs
book, Spiritual Pearls for Enlightened Living, an inspirational collection of stories
from the worlds great wisdom traditions.

Learn to let go and be free

spend all our time going after
things that will not give us happi How can we end our
ness. Whatever material gains we
have in the world can lead us to
bondage? We need to let
more bondage if we are attached to go and be free. When we
them. For example, if we want a big
house, we have to work longer can let go of our desires
hours to pay for its mortgage. Then
we need to fill it up with more and for impermanent gains,
more furniture. That will take more
By Sant Rajinder time to work to pay for it, shop to
we can be free.
Singh Ji Maharaj buy it, and then to clean and repair
everything. Before we know it, the

nce upon a time, there was a house that was supposed to bring
man who lived alone. He us pleasure has made us a slave to
kept his money in a special it. We no longer have time for our
jar so that no one could steal it. family, our children, or pursuits
One day, while the man was out that will give us more fulfillment.
farming his land, a thief broke into We spend all our time going after
his house. Looking for something things that may not give us true
to steal, he came across a heavy and lasting happiness. our soul and God. To do so, we shining within us. By turning our our hand stuck in the jar. By letting
stone jar. He could barely jiggle it Similarly, we may want to buy a must turn our attention from the attention from the world, we are go, we are gaining eternal freedom.
to hear the coins inside. He could computer to keep up with the latest worldly enticements and listen to releasing our hold on the coins that By sitting in meditation, free
not lift the jar. So the man stuck his technology. We then find ourselves our soul. Beautiful melodies of keep from all worldly desires and attach
God are playing within be ments, we can let go and find our
hand in the jar to take out the working harder to buy all the right
us all the time. put to death, the selves free to soar back to
money. His hand fit perfectly into software and equipment to make it

Light and rue friends are those minister sat down in his God.
the jar. work. Soon we realize that we are
love who stand by you home and started to cry.
The man grabbed as much not happy with a simple computer.
are always. They will sac Why are you so sad? asked his
money as he could, holding it in his We want to upgrade to a faster and
rifice themselves for you, and are people daughter when she saw him.
fist. But when he tried to pull out more elaborate computer. Next, we
on whom you can always rely. True friends lis The ministered explained the situation to
his hand, it would not come out. He find the computer that was sup
ten to your problems and share your burdens. her, The scriptures say that whoever reads them
tried his hardest to pull out his posed to save us time is taking
Truly, if we have even one real friend in life, we are will be liberated. However, I know that the king is
hand, but the fist made his hand up all our time. We end up
lucky. If we think about our childhood friends, how not liberated, nor am I liberated. Therefore, tomorrow, I
wider. While holding the money, he spending hours learning to
many are still with us now? Have we parted ways will be put to death. The daughter was wise and had an
could not get it through the neck of use the computer. We
already? Perhaps they have moved away, or we have lost idea. Do not worry, she said. Tomorrow I will speak to the
the jar. He let go of the money and spend hours exploring
contact with them. Let us consider our close friends today. king. On the following day, the ministers daughter asked for
his hand was freed to come out of the Internet. The e
Can we imagine that they, too, will one day be parted from us an audience with the king.
the jar. But he was intent upon hav mail system that was
just as those friends from our childhood are gone? Why have you come? he questioned her.
ing the money, so he tried again supposed to make
Even if we have one close friend, or even a few, they can only She told him, I have come to reply to the question that you
and again. Each time he enclosed communications
be with us up to our last breath, or their last breath. They can only have asked of my father. But to do this, you and I must go together
the coins in his fist, his hand was faster is taking
remain with us in this life and cannot help us to the wilderness. The king was per
too wide to be removed from the more and more of
in the moment of our greatest needthe plexed, but agreed to go along with her

Finding a
jar. Suddenly, he heard the owner our time.
time of death. plan. The girl then sent for her father.
coming home. He knew that if he Suddenly, we
In this connection, there is an interesting She brought along two ropes and when
did not get his hand out of the jar, find fifty people
story from the Hindu scriptures. There was a they reached the wilderness she tied the
he would be caught. But he was so
intent upon trying to get the
money out that he would not give
emailing us
daily and they
expect an
learned pundit who was the personal minister
of King Prikshat. Each day the minister would
true friend king to one tree and her father to another
tree. Both were then bound, hand and
read out the scriptures to the king. The partic foot. The king was wondering what all this
up. The result was that the man instantaneous
ular scripture said that whoever hears the scriptures will receive meant when the girl asked, Father, can you kindly unbind the king
came in, caught him, and had him response. If we
spiritual liberation and enlightenment. Month after month, the king over there?
arrested. do not respond
listened to the scriptures read by the minister. However, he did not The minister replied, I am already bound! How can I free him?
We too are like the thief in the right away they
attain liberation. The girl asked, Your Majesty, will you kindly unbind my
story. Desires cause us to be caught accuse us of being
One day, the king sat down and thought, Here I amlistening father?
with our hand in the jar. Desires nonresponsive and
to these scriptures every day, and I am not yet spiritually liberat The king replied, Foolish girl, dont you see that I am bound?
keep us bound to this world. It is indifferent. Soon, we
ed. The scriptures say that whoever listens to these holy writ How can a bound man unbind another?
only by letting go of the things of are spending hours on
ings will receive salvation once and for all, but I have not. That is all she wanted to hear and said, Then how can you
this world that we can be free. We the computer. We have
Therefore, the king called the minister and said, Look here. expect my father, who is not free himself, to liberate you
need to stop clutching for whatever become slaves to our
I have heard these scriptures so many times and have not spiritually? The king himself had answered the dilemma
binds us as prisoners of our desires possessions.
attained liberation. I will give you one more chance to in which he had placed the minister. With that under
so we can enjoy true freedom. We How can we end our
read these scriptures to me from end to end. If I am standing, the king spared the life of the minister. At
need to stop clutching and let go. bondage? We need to let go
not liberated after that, you will be put to death. the time of death, we all depart by ourselves. No
Then we will find the joy of free and be free. When we can let go
Trembling in his shoes, the minister began the friends of this world can help us. They can sit
dom. of our desires for impermanent
task of rereading the scriptures to the king. by our bedside and hold our hand, but they
What kind of joy did the thief gains, we can be free. Then, our
By the sixth day he was nearing the end can neither protect us from death nor
have in his pursuit of the money? soul can experience the love and
of the scriptures, and the king was accompany us. Knowing this, we
Instead he ended up a prisoner in beauty that God has to offer. True
not satisfied. Fearing that on still put our reliance on
the jail. We too are like prisoners in happiness comes when we connect
the seventh day he people of this
the jail of this physical world. We with the source of joy within us (For more visit
would world. May 27-June 2, 2017 May 27-June 2, 2017

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