India Ecosystem

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Indian ecosystem
Pawan Sachdeva
20 Feb 2017
Idea/Seed Stage Early Stage Accelertor
Unltdindia Villgro Villgro
( ( (
Seed Funding Growth Stage Scale Stage
Unitus Seed Fund Aavishkaar Fund Acuman Fund
( ( (

Indian Angel Network Elevar Equity

Grassroots Business fund Aavishkar Fund
LGT Venture Philanthropy Omnivore Partners
VentureEast Khosla Ventures
Network and Communities
promote, support and engage with social enterprise ecosystem

Online Forums
Your Story ( Sankalp Forum (
Online media platform that promotes and publishes social Largest network in Asia. Supported by parent
stories organizations- Intellecap ( and Aavishkar
Fund (
Ennovent ( National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) (
mentorship, network, events and funding Supports college students
Start-up Wave ( Ashoka India ( 350 Ashoka Fellow in India, their insights shared
with others.
Online incubator for early stage
Co-Working Spaces
Bombay Connect (
91 Springboard Ventures (
Bangalore Alpha Labs (
Jaaga ( Art and technology driven innovation space
support R&D, innovation, prototyping , incubator arms

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT, Mumbai, Chennai, Kharagpur)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
National Institute of Design (NID)
Indian Institute of Business (IIB)
Tata Institute for Social Science (TISS)
Institute of Rural Management (IRMA)
Azim Premji University
India has 80 student incubators in academic institutes in the
area of innovation, technology, manufacturing and
Swissnex India: provide support to Swiss social stakeholder in India
Social Venture Partners SVP India ( SVP India currently supports non profit
organizations in area of livelihoods
Centre for Civil Society: Social Entrepreneurs many a times need to work in close collaboration
with NGOs and Centre for Civil Society can be helpful.
IDEAO India, it brings entrepreneurial ecosystem to local schools, institutes
Artha Platform ( Online community that brings impact investors and donors
SEBI/ National Stock Exchange (NSE) : SEBI is Indias capital market regulator and NSE is local stock
exchange in India. An Impact Investing Fund can be listed in NSE after approval from SEBI. There
are minimum capital requirements for such a fund

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