Will Robots Displace Humans As Motorised Vehicles Ousted Horses?

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Will robots displace humans as motorised vehicles ousted horses?

Probably not, but humans have a lot to learn from the equine experience.

This article attempts to capture the advantages and disadvantages of technology development
over the years.

The first paragraph captures the indispensable need of man to use the horse at the beginning of
the 20th century. It seemed that the future would be a brilliant future for horses. But in 50 years,
cars and tractors have begun to replace horses. This issue is being debated today because some
believe that humanity could have the same fate as being replaced by robots. They consider this
because the horse was economically indispensable until it was gone. Even if people are not
beasts of burden believe that we will become vulnerable as long as the robots develop.

A new working paper concludes that, between 1990 and 2007, each industrial robot added per
thousand workers reduced employment in America by nearly six workers. I believe this number
its insignificant and we dont have to worry about this even the article believer the parallel with
the horses is very close.

The second paragraph approves of my idea that we should not be afraid of robots because they
replace few people compare with all the tehnology that exist. Even the International Federation
of Robotics defines industrial robots as machines that are automatically controlled and re-
programmable, so we should not be worry and become paranoid like others who believe in a
robot domination.

The article say there 2 million robots. I believe this isnt a big number for our days. And they are
divided as follows: America has slightly fewer than two robots per 1,000 workers and Europe
has a bit more than two. They consider this could end up bad for humans because robots will take
most of the jobs. Even this is realistic I believe without human intervention robots will be

The papers authors, Daron Acemoglu of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and
Pascual Restrepo of Boston University try their best to,exclude the confounding causes as best
they can. Their results not include the effect of trade with China, or offshoring in general and
they didnt used the robot-intensive regions. So I think this its a good thing because I saw many
articles that use a particular region and the readers are misled and their opinion its affected by
this. Increased robot density does not seem to raise employment among any group of workers,
even those with university education . I really dont know what to say about this because i have
no knowledge of this, but if I sit and think it is quite logical.We are trying to develop this
industry to do human jobs not for give people jobs.

Returning to the article, we notice that they have not so much influenced their(people) jobs as
they say because industrial robots are few even in America ; the total job loss from robotisation
has been modest: between 360,000 and 670,000. These numbers are really low for a country like
America and in comparasion the trade with China between 1999 and 2011 may have left America
with 2 million fewer jobs. Yet, if the China trade shock has largely run its course, the robot era is
dawning. And from my perspective this is a good thing.Why ? In my opinion the world will not
regress but totally opposed.Its a normal thing if we look back to the history.

The fourth paragraph captures the effects on the economy.

Economically speaking, this should not be a problem. Automation should yield savings to firms
or consumers which can be spent on other goods or services. Labour liberated by technology
should gravitate toward tasks and jobs in which humans retain an advantage. I totally agree with
this statement. What can you want more? Firms will be able to save money and with them will
help peopleto get a better prepare for the jobs where the technology (here I refer to robots in
particular) can not be successful. A good example its justice or in police.

At the end of paragraph the article returns to the problem of horses: The use of tractors in
agriculture rose sharply from the 1910s to the 1950s , and horses were displaced in vast
numbers. The problem was the replacement of horses by tractors and the attempt to reallocate
horses to other areas where tractors couldnt be used. And here was the big problem . In that
period horses have been used extensively in agriculture and people had no idea where they can
use them to cover more areas. Until now, they are still used in some jobs, but their number and I
refer to jobs is too small. If at that time when technology was not so developed they couldnt find
areas where to use them now its almost impossible.

Returning to the age of tractors when they were in glory years i have done some researches and i
found the next information. In 1880 John Charter invented the first liquid fuel tractor made in
Sterling, Illinois, by the Charter Gas Engine Company. This new invention was lighter and better
for field work than existing implements. Charter's so-called tractor eventually had a powerful
social and economic influence on rural life in Illinois.

At first the new device's influence spread slowly. By 1910 only 1,000 tractors had been
produced, but by 1970 nearly five million were in operation. Falling prices enabled part of this
expansion. On January 27, 1920, the price of the tractor dropped from an average of $785 to
$650. By February 1922, the average tractor cost only $395. Tractor advertisements used slogans
that made farmers think they were buying a "horse-like tractor," not a machine. Pullford Co.
advertised "Make your Ford do the work of 2 or 3 horses." We can see the tractors did not had so
much success but here come the most important thing and the period when horses lost the battle
with tractors. World Wars I and II brought an increase in the number of tractors. During World
War I, the government actually used many horses. Out of necessity, farmers had to use tractors.
After the war, export demand decreased and often resulted in farm bankruptcy. The increase of
tractors brought social changes. Farm population in the United States dropped as the number of
tractors grew. The key decade was the 1940s. At the start of the war, 6.8 million families and 30
million people lived on farms, and there were 1.2 million tractors. By 1950, the number of
tractors had climbed to almost 4 million.

The fifth paragraph highlights how the market worked to remove the horses. The article shows
the period when horse prices fell dramatically. Even so people started to give up on them The
shift from horsepower to tractor power increased, too. The use of horses dominated until the
tractor gained dominance about 1940. Horses, so to speak, left the labour force, in some cases
through sale to meat or glue factories. Their number fell has fallen from about 21m in 1918 to
only 3m or so in 1960. How market had something with this ? Its very clearly.Now when almost
every farm had a tractor people tried to do their best to win money so they started to buy more
and more tractors to not to stay behind because the earn was difficult as long as farms were

Farmers began to find it difficult to earn a living on the small farms. Farmers and their wives
began to look for jobs off their farms. They could no longer run a small farm and stay in
business. In 1910 there were slightly more than a million farms smaller than twenty acres, and
twenty thousand that were larger than five hundred acres.

In the 6th paragraph the comparison between horses and machines it is going a little bit too far,
because we humans change the use of horses in favor for machines like cars, trains, airplanes and
a lot more. This perspective of changing how we use almost everything to achieve our goals
made us (humans) how we are today. This analogy with horses and how the mechanism of old
world worked showed us the bad parts of using technology in every aspect of our lives. First,
more machines are now working instead of humans, and this is going to be more common in the
More people now work in the services aria, but this isnt going to bring them better jobs and
revenues. In some arias, the power of machines takes the jobs of people, forcing them to move in
another aria or find a place to work further from home.
This effect of the machines that are doing our works its making us, humans, push our limits
when it comes to find a better job- and that its because most of us are needed in service arias,
where salary are not that great and companies found this a good opportunity to prosper.
Countries with higher rate of development made very high progress from the start of this
revolution with technology, since the first coal motor was made in UK. This bum made the
economy go crazy and lots of arias didnt need workers anymore, so the workers tried to find
places to work and since the ground work was made by machines they found places to work for
distribution, sales, commercialization of assets.
The 7th paragraph talks about how low paid jobs have their benefits too. This is possible because
of the policy how says to provide some social support, like free health care, unemployment
benefits, social security or disability payments, and assistance with housing and food. This is a
good thing in a strange way and most of the people will want the money in the first place for
their benefits in short term.
Low-wage Americans are not the only workers affected by stagnant wages and rising inequality,
also the middle class has also experienced stagnating hourly wages over the last generation.
The significant role that economic power constructed through political power plays in the way
wages are set, and the dizzying number of things that influence how this power is distributed, are
good news: Opportunities to boost low- and middle-wage workers economic power, and hence
their wages, are all around us, all the time.
It is up to the public using their electoral and workplace power to reconstruct economic
relationships so that the clear majority will be the primary beneficiaries of future economic
The 8th paragraph explain us how automatization of almost every aspect of the agriculture gives
to owners of the business big profits and the advantage to save lots of money. This aspect divides
the society in a few people with big control over the market and the rest of us how cant even
make a difference with our work if we dont find very good opportunities to get higher.
Mechanized agriculture is the process of using agricultural machinery to mechanize the work of
agriculture, greatly increasing farm worker productivity. In modern times, powered machinery
has replaced many farm jobs formerly carried out by manual labor or by working animals such as
oxen, horses and mules.
Mechanization was one of the large factors responsible for urbanization and industrial
economies. Besides improving production efficiency, mechanization encourages large scale
production and sometimes can improve the quality of farm produce, but this goes to less human
Advertising for motorized equipment in farm journals during this era did its best to compete
against horse-drawn methods with economic arguments, extolling common themes such as that a
tractor "eats only when it works", that one tractor could replace many horses, and that
mechanization could allow one man to get more work done per day than he ever had before. The
horse population in the US began to decline in the 1920s after the conversion of agriculture and
transportation to internal combustion.
Most of the biggest companies are old and with a very strong position on the market how makes
them very hard to overcome by new companies.
Technology gives very high power over the market if you own one, this is because the cost of
production is lower and now with good management of the resources you can make lots of profit.
In addition, it is generally understood that world food production tends to outstrip world food
demand, despite population growth. There is some uncertainty whether this has been true in very
recent years, but the long-term trend has been toward increasing food supplies.
Another thing to mention its that technology can overuse the same land repeatedly, and chemical
substances are now used to make soil more fertile than natural, a sad thing in my opinion because
most of the food its already modify in some way.
A related issue is depletion of ground water used for irrigation, a problem in certain parts of the
world. Some arias have the issue of deforestation, but most of the countries now try to reduce
that, so its a good thing after all.
Big companies from China export almost everything in the most parts of the word and because
the demand is very high they can afford to sell at lower price for big profits from quantity not
The final paragraph its an overview of this new era where technology dominates almost all
domains. That doesnt mean that people will be useless for society, but they will need abilities to
be recognize for good jobs. Most of the people go for online jobs now, that wasnt a thing 100
years ago- never existed such thing. Maybe, the goal is to stay at home and work to develop and
explore, and the robots to do most of the work for us. This its not going to make us like horses
and be replaced, because we are the ones how control them after all.
The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during
which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and
Even now, we learn in college that many of the stuff we learn are made from long time ago by
computers and this pushes us to learn more and more, to solve or evaluate situation where
computers cant just do the algorithms for a solution or an opinion.
One good thing about this revolution its that all of us has an opportunity to do lots of cool staff
because our access to wide word information its very easy to see, of course you need some luck,
denotation and support.
Volunteering its the best way to find opportunities, develop skills, meet new people, interact
with different people, learn how to work in teams. For us, thats a very important thing to
succeed in life, because it can be hard to do things alone and most of the time you dont have the
confidence to do it if theres no confidence from other people.
A very important thing about technologies are the policy that protect people, and government
from many countries tried to find better ways for this policy to be effective and not hurt us:
-technology must improve health outcomes and the beneficial effects must outweigh any harmful
effects on health outcomes, also It must improve the length or quality of life or ability to
-technology must be as beneficial as any established alternative and it should improve the net
health outcome as much, or more than, established alternatives;
-application of technology must be appropriate, in keeping with good medical standards and
useful outside of investigational settings;
-technology must meet government approval to market by appropriate regulatory agency as
-criteria must be supported with information provided by well-conducted investigations
published in peer-reviewed journals. The scientific evidence must document conclusions that are
based on established medical facts.
-opinions and evaluations of professional organizations, panels or technology assessment bodies
are evaluated based on the scientific quality of the supporting evidence.
Also, the most requested technology jobs requested in our times:
Software development is beyond compare in today's tech job market. Even if you are not an
engineer many hiring managers want candidates to have a thorough understanding of the
software development life cycle.
The need for open source programming language skills that power a huge number of Web
applications and technologies.
Mobile won't be left behind with Android on the list, with job postings up 33 percent from a year
Companies need tech pros to prevent data breaches by ensuring a safe, secure environment for
customers and employees.
In conclusion, some of my thoughts about this article are that, the growth of needed technology
isnt going to stop for now, its simply too hard and impossible because now we have the past
technology at our finger nails and what is needed its research. At some point the previous
technology will be like horses for us. Most of the natural resources are already very low, America
consumes almost double than exploit and its not the only country, so the future needs another
technology very soon for the future industry to keep going.

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