Plagiarism Essay

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Student name: Nguyen Thi Huong Giang ()

Student ID: 52115701

Subject: Practical English for Science and Engineering B


Plagiarism is an act of using or imitating the work or ideas of other people and
passing them as your own without giving any credit to the real author. Plagiarism includes
copying, inappropriate paraphrasing, collusion, inappropriate citation and self - plagiarism.
In academic research, plagiarism is considered a serious violation of work ethic and thus is
strictly prohibited.

One of the best ways to avoid plagiarism in research paper writing is by citation,
meaning to properly credit the information that one uses. Citation will help readers to
distinguish between the author`s own idea from other references. In fact, giving credit to
the original author by citing source is the only rightful way to use other people`s work
without being considered plagiarism.

Nowadays, thanks to the internet, plagiarism can be easily detected through several
plagiarism check websites. However, it is essential that every student acknowledges its
wrongfulness before conducting research to avoid any regrettable consequence.

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