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Health Naturally
By Arya Publication

All Rights Reserved 2011.

Edited by : Dr. Jitendra Arya

First Edition : Nov. 2011

Cover Designing : Jitendra Kolhe


Price : Rs.400/

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16. -145
19. -172
21. - 193
26. -228
30. -274
32. .....Health Naturally - 3..... - 287
67. YOGA DARSHAN - III .....Health Naturally - 4..... -593

Everything above clouds , horizons looks one , above skin layers

physiology looks same, above materials structure energy seems same!!!
Above mind everything is same! compartment,department and diseases
seems different ,but in reality it is one. The impurity, the ignorance ,the
Human mind has never tried to come out from the calculation and
corruption , health , home, happiness , god also made commercial! Inspite
of lots of words so called education, books, net, and fat knowledge of
books , mind evolution has not got any big jerk.
Jungle age truth might is right has not shaken up .Only the
mights definition and means and kinds has got evolved a lot .
Diseases name has changed , its pathological description has got
big lengths for big prescriptions .But disease free human being is not yet
Ancient rishis has rightly said pragya paradham rog karanam
means Atrocity of intelligence is the cause of disease.
Whenever we are living with body, mind, intellect and spirit, we
are connected with wholeness. This is the harmonious state of the being.
But whenever person is limited with his ego, belief, mind and past
etc he gets disconnected from the nature,cosmos, the present tense en
ergy and totality also. That time person starts damaging , discharging
ownself , and that is atrocity of intelligence.
All the meditation, knowledge, Vedas etc ultimately show the path
of art of living. That is to be in present tense.
Someone has rightly said that past is history ,future is mystery
and present is the gift .Disease, division ,dirts, damage etc all due to
avoidance of present and continuously dwelling upon past.
Past is pain. Psychologically and emotionally, past is damaging
process of mind . Once mind is damaged and depressed , it percolates all
its garbage to each and every cell of the body. First and foremost thing is
to live in the present tense.

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Naturopathy (also known as naturopathic medicine or natural

medicine or nature cure) is an eclectic alternative medical system
that focuses on natural remedies and the bodys vital ability to heal and
maintain itself. Naturopathic philosophy favors a holistic approach and
minimal use of surgery and drugs. Naturopathy is the drugless system of
medicine. Nature helps in treating disorders. This is a very surprising
matter, right?
Naturopaths have opposed vaccination based in part in the early
philosophies which shaped the profession.
Naturopathy has its origins in the Nature Cure movement of
Europe. The term was coined in 1895 by John Scheel and popularized
by Benedict Lust the father of naturopathy. Some see the ancient
Greek Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, as the first advocate of
naturopathic medicine, before the term existed. The modern practice of
naturopathy has its roots in the Nature Cure movement of Europe. In
Scotland, Thomas Allinson started advocating his Hygienic Medicine

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in the 1880s, promoting a natural diet and exercise with avoidance of
tobacco and overwork. The term naturopathy was coined in 1895 by
John Scheel,[ and purchased by Benedict Lust, the father of
naturopathy. Lust had been schooled in hydrotherapy and other natural
health practices in Germany by Father Sebastian Kneipp; Kneipp sent
Lust to the United States to spread his drugless methods. Lust defined
naturopathy as a broad discipline rather than a particular method, and
included such techniques as hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and
homeopathy, as well as giving up overeating, tea, coffee, and alcohol.
He described the body in spiritual and vitalistic terms with absolute
reliance upon the cosmic forces of mans nature.
Nature Cure is so simple, easy and cheap.....this system of treatment
should be used. -Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi laid foundation
to the propagation and spread of nature cure in India.
Well, the Basic elements i.e., Panchamahabutas of nature,
Ether, Air, Water, Earth and Fire are used in the treatment of diseases.
Also these panchamahabutas represent different organs of the body
too. Hence nature and our body go hand in hand
The different parts of the body that represent these great elements of
nature are,
Ether : the hollow organs spaces in the human body like,
sinuses, or the spaces within the skull.
Air : the lungs and parts within it.
Water : the blood, lymph and other secretions.
Earth : the bones, muscles and the muscular organs like
heart, stomach, liver, intestines.
Fire : the digestive process or digestive fire.
Even after death, the dead body disintegrates into the mother earth.
Henceforth treatments using these elements will definitely cure the
various ailments.
Famous American Dr. Tol has said very significantly in his book,
The True Healing Art, that, The healing power of nature is inherent in

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the living organism. It is not special or unique power. It is ordinary vital
power by which we live and grow.
The primary cause of disease is violation of Natures law.
The germs are the secondary cause of disease.
Unity of disease and unity of cure.
Acute diseases are the indications of some disturbance in the
Your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be
your food.
Chronic diseases are the outcome of the suppression of acute
Body has got a remarkable recuperative power
Holistic approach of the treatment
Nature heals, not the Physician
Digestive system is the main root of disease causation.
In Naturopathy every disease can be cured but not every patient.
Naturopathy believes that all forms of disease are due to the same cause,
that is, the accumulation of waste materials and toxins in our bodies
that are steadily piling up. And cure is Elimination of morbid matter.
Nature cure believes that disease is one, its cause is one and so
its treatment is one. Germs are not the cause of disease. Toxins provide
growth of these germs. To kill germs is not the remedy, but the toxins
which provide congenial facilities, growth and abode to germs should be
How do the waste materials pile up?
Natural means - Our body is made up of cells, some of which
continuously die and are replaced by new ones. The old dead
cells are foreign material to the body and need to be eliminated.
In addition, processes of the living cells also generate toxic
wastes due to metabolic reactions

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Unnatural means - Wrong ways of life also cause production of
excess toxins
When these toxins are not eliminated at a reasonably fast rate,
a diseased condition is created
Germs cause Disease- myth!
Germs do not cause disease but are found breeding in the
accumulating waste matter in the body.
In a healthy body, having normal secretions and excretions, the
germs cannot find a breeding ground and are destroyed by the
antibodies present in the secretions. There have been extensive
experiments to prove this.
Just as mud cannot stick to a smooth, oily surface, similarly, the
germs cannot blemish a healthy body.
Germs are part of the result of disease and not the cause
Nature Cure recognizes this. Instead of concentrating its energy
on killing germs, the activity of which we cannot escape when
the conditions are ripe, nature cure attempts to invigorate the
system, to build up blood and lymph, and to purify the tissues so
that germ activity is neglected.
When improper unnatural, irregular food is consumed and
the body runs under emotional pressures like, anger, lust, fear and
worries etc, the digestive system is disturbed and hence digestive
juices are not produced properly. The degenerated digestive juices
secreted after being absorbed by liver mix with the blood. Blood gives
nourishment to every part of the body and each cell. Thus harmful
digestive elements reach to all parts the body. They get collected over a
period of time called as toxins, and body tries to eliminate them through
the eliminative organs like kidney, intestines, lungs, and skin. Though the
organs eliminate these toxins and purify the body, some toxins which
remain within the body, are eliminated in the form of acute disease.
Cold, Cough, Fever, Headache, Acidity, Diarrhea, skin
reactions are symptoms of body purification. These are not diseases

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or rather acute diseases. They are our Friends not Foe as they indicate
the accumulation of toxins.
These symptoms when suppressed through drugs, they without
getting purified once again get collected in the body. Later gives rise to
modified form of these as acute disease. Acute diseases can be cured.
When the Acute disease too is suppressed in the long run it forms a
chronic disease like, Asthma, Ulcers, Arthritis, Colitis, Psoriasis,
constipation, cancer etc.
This was first bought to light by Jennings. Prevention is better
than cure goes well with here. Prevention of disease is to maintain a
healthy life style or reform the habits of living. The cure of disease is by
Unity of cause, health, disease and cure simply means that, the
disorder may be in any part of the body or any organ; it is due to toxemia
or accumulation of toxins in the body. The only cure is elimination of
toxins from the body.
The body as an association of organs works as a single
unit. If any one organs function reduces or fails to work, its function
should be taken up by some other organ. It is this ability to do extra work
that enables an organ to compensate deficiencies in other organs. But,
no such work load of heart and lungs is taken up by any other organ in
case of emergencies. Thus stronger organs of our body are constantly
compensating for the failure of the weaker ones, so that disease appears
only after the stronger organs are no longer able to perform the work of
Enervation (weakness or loss of strength and vitality) lowers
the functional vigor so that they do not perform their function as
efficiently as they should. It not only lowers the function of weaker
organs, but lowers the functional powers of stronger organs. The
symptoms of this is first seen in the weaker organs but may not be
noticed until it has affected some stronger organ.

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Elimination is a physiological process, not a mechanical one.
We can easily wash out a sewage pipe by flooding it with water, but not
kidney, bowels, skin or lungs. It cannot be forced. An increase in the
amount of water eliminated if a patient drinks large amount of water is
more but if solids are taken then water eliminated is less. Thus toxins
eliminated too are less. But for bowels, overdrinking water improves its
function and overeating may lead to constipation. As for sweat, can also
be induced artificially by steam baths but, here elimination of toxins from
skin is less, than one sweats naturally. Only the function of skin increases
gradually, through artificial induction of sweat, no much waste is
So any symptoms of disease should be given a chance to eliminate
waste or assist elimination than suppressing it by drugs. If a patient
has cough, it must not be suppressed but assisted to eliminate more
sputum, so that the lungs get clear.
To suppress natures healing and purifying efforts; disease
gets locked up in the body and gets worse giving rise to
Acute disease is converted to chronic. And repeated suppression
of acute disease; makes the chronic disease to such a stage where
returning to normal is impossible.
Nature simply cant work that way. She demands disturbing
elements be removed. Give a chance to a organism to cleanse itself, and
it will eliminate its wastes and free itself of toxins.
The body is the supreme gift of Almighty. It is a marvelous, self-supporting,
self- governing and self- ruling machine. Without seeking any foreign
help or outward co-operation for fighting against any obstacles, the body
functions entirely, naturally and easily. Body does important life work
by itself, like, self protection, self purification rejuvenation, and
regeneration. In unfavorable conditions, the mechanism of the body
handles its own administration very smoothly, and governs its own system,

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with all available means and consumes all its potency to protect and
save the mechanism of the body.
Body is not a simple structure of bones, muscles, blood, flesh or marrow.
It is a self operated lively organization. The body is made up of lakhs and
crores of cells. And hence numerous reactions take place within the
body. Each and every cell works towards maintaining good health. Even
with so much of efficiency, self- operating body gets disordered. It
recommends Rest. But only with proper rest body can recuperate
itself. A person should rest physically, mentally, emotionally,
socially and spiritually. Not understanding the language and harmony
of the body man gets diseased. Rest helps body to heal itself.
For instance, during fever, cold, or cough, diarrhea body compels to take
rest. Because, during these simple diseases, the tongue loses it taste,
body gets fatigued, one doesnt feel hunger. It means body is
demanding rest. Hence one should fast and give rest to digestive
organs. When these organs are not loaded with food they get rest and
all energy of the body helps in recovery. But we do not understand this
indication of the body. For sake of satisfying our ego, temptations, and
fulfilling our aims, we surrender our body to get healed by drugs.
Drugs taken for these simple diseases, suppresses them and then
gradually gets accumulated in the body. Toxemia in the body is
shown up in various forms as, in joints- arthritis, lungs bronchitis,
stomach- gastritis, nerves- neuritis, etc. And finally breeds some incurable
chronic disorder.
Body has a capacity to heal any disorders that develop in it. The method
of healing is by crisis.
Now lets see how body heals a simple wound, a cut, or a scratch.
Whenever the skin is cut or the deeper tissue is broken, there is exudation
of blood which coagulates and forms an air tight scab. Underneath the
scab, blood is rushed to the injured part in large quantities. The tissues,
nerves and muscle cells, etc on each side of the wound start multiplying
rapidly, and build a cell-bridge across the gap until the edges of the
wound are united. The newly formed cells of the blood vessels unite

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with the vessels on the other side, so that in an orderly and even manner
the channels of circulation are re-established. Also the connective tissues
reunite in the same manner. The nerve cells repair the broken line.
Muscles and other tissues are repaired in the similar manner. The fact to
observe is that, in this connecting process muscles do not connect with
nerves or blood vessels or with connective tissues. But each tissue
connects with its kind. After the wound is healed, when a new skin has
been formed, there is no longer any need for the protecting scab, body
proceeds to get rid of it.
We got to know that the power and energy that body is made of, same
power heals it.
A still more wonderful of how body performs healing work is to observe
a healing of a fractured bone. If an arm or leg is broken, the same
healing power immediately sets in to repair a fractured bone. A liquid
substance is secreted and deposited over the entire surface of the bone
in each direction from the point of fracture. This secretion quickly hardens
in to a bone-like substance and is firmly attached to the two sections of
the bone. This bone-ring is the chief support until the limb is healed.
The process of cell multiplication unites the ends of the bone. The
circulatory channels are re-established through the part. It is then the
bone-ring support is softened and absorbed except about an eighth to a
quarter of an inch about the point of fracture.
The accumulation of toxins in the body causes disease. Elimination
of toxins from the body is an acute disease. Body puts an effort to
eliminate the toxins through various channels of elimination like skin,
lungs, kidney, and intestines. Acute diseases are common cold, cough,
fever, loose motions, nausea, vomiting, headache, burning sensation,
swelling, itching, and conjunctivitis.
Onset of fever, cold cough, headache etc, indicate our body that toxins
are accumulated in the body and body is making an effort to eliminate
these toxins by acute diseases. Hence acute diseases are our friends
and not the enemies.

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From birth to death, there accumulates many kinds of toxins in the body.
It may be from, food habits, lifestyle that we lead, bad thoughts
that we think, etc. Body tries to get rid of these toxins throughout life.
One should lead his life according to seasonal changes. There should be
synchronization between food, lifestyle, thoughts, weather, atmosphere,
emotions. But the life style that we lead nowadays accumulates many
toxins in the body and elimination of these takes place through out life in
the form of acute disease. But if acute disease is suppressed with drugs,
then there appears a chronic disorder.
For example, in monsoon digestion is weak. Hence we need to eat food
accordingly. But due to cold rainy weather we feel like eating hot, spicy,
oily eatables. This creates indigestion. This is how toxic elements get
accumulated in the body.
In any kind of acute disease, three symptoms are seen.
Lack of appetite
In cold, loose motion, itching, headache or fever, body
has used all its energy in eliminating toxins. So body
demands rest. So we should fast as theres lack of
appetite and loss of taste hence give rest to our digestive
Increase in body temperature
In all kind of acute diseases the temperature of the body
increases. In cold or loose- motions, the temperature of
the body increases by 1-2 degree F. due to this increase
in temperature, the digestive juices stop temporarily. This
indicates to give rest to digestion.
Increase in pulse rate.
When the elimination takes place, body tries to throw
away the impurities of the blood by kidney and skin.
During which the heart becomes over- active to support
and co-operate with the process of elimination. Hence
the pulse rate increases.

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If vitality is good then toxemia is dislodged easily. In children, as
vitality is high, toxins get eliminated easily. Also children follow the natural
way of living easily. Like they dont eat, want to take rest. But
comparatively, older people have less vitality, and hence toxins
accumulated are more throughout their life.
In all types of acute diseases,
One should first fast by only taking water for 2-3 days.
Rest is another important aspect. One should take physical and mental
rest. One should avoid activities of sensitive organs like reading, watching
TV, etc in order to store energy of the body for elimination of toxins.
Enema is also very important to eliminate toxins.
By fast, enema and rest an acute disease can be cured within 2-3 days,
without taking medicines.
Acute diseases indicate us that waste matter is accumulated in
the body and body wants to get rid of it. So these are our friends.
It is not advisable to get temporary relief by suppressing the elimination
process of throwing toxins by taking medicines. Accumulated toxins can
emerge as an acute disease or as chronic disease anytime. During the
process of elimination to avoid healing crisis, one should not take
medicines. This results in incurable chronic disease.
Hence every person should help the process of elimination of toxins
from the body by short fasting, light exercises, and rest and this is the
best way to get cured from an acute disease.
Chronic diseases are considered to be incurable diseases. They are
suppressed acute diseases. Acute disorders are the indicators of toxemia
in the body. When the eliminative process of the body is assisted, the
elimination of toxins gets completed and the acute disorder is cured. But
if the diseases like cold, fever, cough, headache, indigestion, diarrhea,

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vomiting are cured with drugs repeatedly, the elimination process gets
ceased and they are suppressed. The waste morbid matter gets
accumulated in the body. Due to this the immunity and the resistance
power of the body is reduced. Hence the body invites various incurable
When the waste matter accumulates in the body, the resistance power
of the body gets decreased. The function of all the organs of the body is
also decreased. The blood gets impure. The toxins start getting stored
up in the body parts. The channels of elimination get blocked. This gives
rise to any of the diseases that cannot be cured. These disorders can be
called as chronic diseases.
The various types of chronic diseases are constipation, arthritis, obesity,
asthma, high blood pressure, skin diseases, leucorrhea, fibroids, etc.
Even in chronic diseases crisis is very common. They may be in the
form of boils, eruptions, diarrhea, sweating, fever, bloody discharges,
discolored urine, etc. Under natural living conditions, if the enervating
influences are removed the strength of the body is increased and hence
body eliminates toxins by itself. Crisis lasts until the disease producing
factors have been reduced to the toleration point. This point varies with
the individual and the conditions of the individual. Thus if the vitality is
high, less morbid matter is accumulated. If a person with the chronic
disease has high vitality his toleration point is raised and acute crisis

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Fasting in Sanskrit is Upvasam literally means staying near

(God). This word is derived from the English word feastan which means
to fast, observe and be strict.
The complete abstinence from food for a short or long
period is called Fasting. Or Fasting refers to complete abstinence
from food for a particular period pertaining to a specific purpose.
Fasting therapy is one of the most ancient customs. This is
natures oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating
diseases, recognized as the achievement of natural healing. Throughout
medical history, it has been regarded as one of the most dependable
curative methods.
The common cause of all diseases is the accumulation of
waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from
overeating. The majority of people eats too much and follows sedentary
occupations which do not permit sufficient and proper exercise for
utilization of this large quantity of food. This surplus overburdens the

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digestive organs and clogs up the system with impurities or poisons.
Digestion and elimination become slow and the functional activity of the
whole system gets deranged.
Every disease can be healed by only one remedy - by doing just
the opposite of what causes it, that is, by reducing the food intake or
fasting. By depriving the body of food for a time ,the organs of
elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are given
opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated
waste from the system.
Thus, fasting therapy is merely the process of purification and
an effective and quick method of cure.
Almost every religion follows the practice of fasting which is
one of the most ancient customs. Great stress has been laid on fasting
by the saints of medieval times. The Hindus, the Buddhists, the
Muslims and many others have their periods of strict fasting.
This can be considered as religious fasting.

There are 3 main categories:
According to duration
Short fasting (fast for 3-4 days)
Intermittent fasting (fast for 3-4 days, break the
fast, then again fast for 3-4 days or more and break)
Long fasting (fast for more than 7 days. Can fast
up to 21 days)

According to type of liquid used

Dry fasting (fast without taking anything)

Water fasting (fast with water only)

Juice fasting (fast with various juices)

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According to
Religious fasting (fasts observed by various
religions like Muslims fast during Ramadan,
Christians during Easter, Hindus fast during navratri,
Therapeutic fasting (fast to cure diseases)
Political fasting (fast observed by politicians to
fulfill their goals)
To rejuvenate the body or eliminate toxins, therapeutic fasting must be
done. One can fast for short period, long period or break in between.
Also one can fast with juices, fruits, vegetables.
1) The best, safest and most effective method of fasting therapy is juice

Fast for 2-3 days with any thin (juicy fruit/veg) juices.
If suffering from any disorders, consult a Naturopath for specific
Drink lots of water, 2-3 liters a day.
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements in fresh, raw
vegetable and fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalizing all the
body processes. They supply essential elements for the bodys own
healing activity and cell regeneration and thus speeding the

All juices should be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before

The patient should get as much fresh air as possible and should
drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty.
Fresh juices may be diluted with pure water.
The total liquid intake should be approximately six to eight glasses.

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Only very simple exercises, yoga and short walks may be
undertaken during the fast.
A warm water or neutral bath may be taken during the period.
Cold baths are not advisable.
Sun and air baths should be taken daily.
Fasting sometimes produces a state of sleeplessness which can
be overcome by a warm tub bath, immersing the legs in hot
And drinking one or two glasses of hot water.
One should break the fast with utmost care. The decision to
terminate a fast is based on an evaluation of numerous factors, including
the patients history, symptomatic presentation, examination
results, as well as their psychological state and personal
circumstances. There is a method to break the fast too. To get the
desired effect by fasting, breaking of the fast is very important. To break
the fast you cannot resume back to cooked food directly. Break the fast
in an order.
One of the characteristics of therapeutic fasting is the healing crisis.
It is important to understand the healing crisis and avoid interfering with
this necessary and productive process. We always try to terminate a
fast during a period of stability.
If you have fasted with thin juices, break the fast with thick
juices. ( if you have fasted with lime juice and honey break the
fast with musumbi / sweet lime juice)
Then take fruits and raw salads and buttermilk.
Next go for soups and boiled vegs.
Finally resume to normal diet with less salt, spices and oil.

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A fasting crisis is the manifestation of a symptom, or group
of symptoms, during the course of the fast. Healing crises always
occur after a period of marked improvement. As the vital force builds up
during the healing process, the body decides it now has obtained enough
energy to throw off some accumulated toxins, and forcefully pushes
them out through a typical and usually previously used route of secondary
elimination, such as the nose, lungs, stomach, intestines, skin, or
perhaps produces a flu-like experience with fever chills, sweat, aches
and pains, etc.
Though unpleasant, this experience is to be encouraged; the
body has merely accelerated its elimination process. Do not attempt to
suppress any of these symptoms; dont even try to moderate fever, which
is the bodys effective way to burn out a virus or bacteria infection,
unless it is a dangerously high fever (over 102 Fahrenheit). Fever can
be lowered without drugs by putting the person into a cool/cold bath,
or using cold towel wraps and cold water sponge baths. The good
news is that healing crises usually do not last long, and when they are
past you feel better than you did before the crisis.

As our bodies store fat, the chemistry of the fat reflects the internal
body conditions at the time the fat was stored. Each year, the illnesses
that you caught left a small residue of the virus or bacteria in your fatty
deposits. The toxins you ingested left their mark as well.
As you cleanse and detoxify your body, you will be releasing the toxins,
bacteria, and viruses that were built up in your fatty deposits. As they
are released, you may experience symptoms that you experienced when
you initially dealt with that particular malady or event a bit in a milder
form. You may get a runny nose, you may feel tired, you may develop
body aches or you may even develop a fever, as your body works
its way through years of toxins and disease.
The common healing crisis is,

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weakness in the muscular system and the organs of
diarrhea ,
pain in the body parts,
skin eruptions,
loss of hunger,
Dizziness and fainting (Dr. Herbert M. Shelton says, It seems
that often (during the fast) there is a pooling of blood in the
abdomen. There is less blood in the brain, although thinking is
clear. Under these circumstances, to arise quickly from the
horizontal position to the vertical, may result in dizziness and
even fainting because the adjustment of the circulation in the
head is not as rapid as the speed with which the change of
position is made. To avoid possible fainting, which may occur in
occasional cases (although it is of no consequence), one should
arise slowly. Instead of forcing your organism, come slowly to a
sitting position, sit on the side of the bed for a brief time, and
then slowly rise to a standing position.)
It is not advisable to break a fast while the patient is experiencing
a crisis (a period of acute discomfort). It is important to let the
crisis run its course before deciding whether it is time to terminate
the fast.
Our body shows certain changes during fasting which helps us
to know when to break the fast.
The main changes are,

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Hunger invariably returns.

The breath, which during all or most of the fast has been
offensive, becomes sweet and clean.
The tongue becomes clean. The thick coating which remained
on it throughout most of the fast vanishes.
The temperature, which may have been subnormal or above
normal, returns to exactly normal, where it remains.
The pulse becomes normal in time and rhythm.
The skin reactions and other reactions become normal.
The bad taste in the mouth ceases.
Salivary secretion becomes normal.

The eyes become bright and eye sight improves.

The excreta lose its odor. The urine becomes light.
I learned that a man emerging from a long fast should not be in a
hurry to regain lost strength and should also put a curb on his
appetite. More caution and perhaps more restraint are necessary in
breaking a fast than in keeping it.

Mahatma Gandhi
Always fast under supervision of a Naturopath.
Fast in a bright airy room, with exceptionally good ventilation,
because fasters not only need a lot of fresh air; their bodies give
off powerfully offensive odors.
Sun bathe if possible in warm climates for 10 to 20 minutes in
the morning before the sun gets too strong.
Scrub/massage the skin with a dry brush, stroking toward the
heart, followed by a warm water shower two to four times a
day to assist the skin in eliminating toxins. If you are too weak
to do this, have an assisted bed bath.

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Take enema daily during the fast
Insure a harmonious environment with supportive people or else
fast alone if you are experienced.
Go for a short walk morning and night.
Practice mild exercises.
Drink water! At least three liters every day. Do not allow yourself
to become dehydrated!
Read good books on prayers and spirituality.
Do not break the fast during healing crisis.
Do not overeat after breaking the fast.
Patients positive mental and emotional attitude is necessary.
Complete rest physical, mental and sensory is essential. All
activities should be reduced to minimum.
Crisis like headache, weakness, nausea should be handled
with care.
Long fasting should be done under experts guidance.


There are several benefits of fasting.
Fasting helps the vital energy to remove the toxic matter from
blood and purify the system.
Give complete physical, physiological, mental and sensory rest.
Improves and strengthens immune system.
Repairs and rejuvenates the whole system.
Prevents damaging changes in vital organs and improve their
functional efficiency.
Fasting awakens the mind, develops inner tranquility.
During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being
deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will

.....Health Naturally - 24.....

burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis or self
digestion. But it will not do so indiscriminately.
The body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues
which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead.
The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous
system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting
. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting as a curative
and rejuvenating method.
During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells is speeded
up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells.
The capacity of the eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys
and the skin is greatly increased as they are relieved of the
usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant
They are, therefore, able to quickly expel old accumulated wastes
and toxins.
Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative
and protective organs. As a result, the digestion of food and the
utilization of nutrients are greatly improved after fasting.
There is a reduction in core body temperature.
This is a direct result of the slower metabolic rate and general
bodily functions.
Following a drop in blood sugar level and using the reserves of
glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate (BMR)
is reduced in order to conserve as much energy within the body
as can be provided.
Growth hormones are also released during a fast, due to the
greater efficiency in hormone production.
The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the bodys
search for energy sources.

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When one is fasting, the person is consciously diverting energy
from the digestive system to the immune system.
Glucose is the bodys primary fuel source and is essential for
the brains functioning.
When denied glucose for more than 48 hours, the body turns
to the liver for glycogen, a storage form of glucose, to be used
for fuel.
A process called glycogenolysis converts glycogen into a
usable form of fuel.
At this point, the body also uses small amounts of protein to
supplement this fuel.
This fuel will last for up to 12 hours before the body needs to
turn to glycogen stored in muscles, lasting for a few more days.
If glucose is still denied at this point, muscle wasting is prevented
by temporarily switching to fat as the fuel source, meaning fat is
converted into ketone through catabolism.
Ketones, while not sugars, can be used by the brain as a fuel
source as long as glucose is denied
Obesity, fever, constipation, skin disorders, asthma, headache, common
cold, hypertension, sinusitis, gastric ulcer, stress, menstrual disorders,
arthritis, anemia.
Kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, weak patients with low blood
pressure, Epilepsy, schizophrenia, pregnancy, lactation, protein-energy
malnutrition (PEM) during antibiotic course.
1. Weight loss

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Losing weight is only one part of the picture but it can be and certainly
important to maintain or restore good health.
2. Starvation
People think food is the only source of energy for our body. If they fast,
they will starve their body but fasting and starvation are two completely
different concepts. As long as the body supports itself on the stored
reserves within its tissue and body functions are running smoothly, it is
When these stored reserves are used up or have dropped to a dangerously
low level, it becomes starvation
3. Weakness
We are creatures of habit. If we miss our meal, we feel giddiness,
weakness during fasting. The fact is it just appears during cleansing
process of body while fasting when cleansing is completed body gains a
new vigor and vitality.
You pay a dear price every time you make a garbage can of your
stomach. Do not be a slave to food. Keep clean inside and fasting is one
and only method of cleansing. Nobody can do it for you, it is a personal
matter. It costs you nothing but a strong positive will power. There are
no short cuts to health. You cannot buy it; you have to build it through
your good health habits.

Fasting is a royal road to internal purity. Make it a habit to take a

complete juice fast for 24-36 hours. Eat natural, un-poisoned food,
use your common sense. Eat with intelligence and enjoy the
glorious health with fasting therapy.

.....Health Naturally - 27.....



Prithvi Earth, the planet which life has capacity to sustain. Earth
being one of the panchamahabutas is a part of human body. Solid organs
and heavy organs in the body are related to element earth. The depletion
of the earth qualities in the body is the cause of disease and its
supplementation is the treatment in mud therapy.
Mud procured for treatment purpose should be black cotton soil
with greasiness and free from pollution and contamination.

Clays, mud, and sands are different forms of earth all

participate in the life giving and health restoring processes. Mud that
imparts its qualities to the body is used externally as baths and packs.

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Earth was used extensively for remedial purposes in ancient times as
well as middle ages.
Mud treatment is generally used everywhere in India due to its climatic
conditions. Mahatma Gandhi always used it on his forehead and
abdomen. He was a staunch believer of nature cure. Water and mud
treatments were his weapons.
Once a calf which was kept under sun with tobacco paste
application to kill lice, was saved by cold mud application for hours.
Suns heat and toxicity of tobacco made him half dead and was saved
by cold mud application on advice of Gandhiji.

Mud therapy has been used four thousands years back in time by various
people in different countries. Great naturopaths like Galen, Pliny, Kneipp,
Kuhne, and Adolph Just used mud for therapy.
In modern times, it again came into prominence as a valuable therapeutic
agent through the efforts of Emanuel Felke; a German whose nick
name was Clay Pastor. Felke found that earths forces have
remarkable effects upon the human body, especially during night. These
effects are described as refreshing, invigorating and vitalizing. Felke
believed that for wounds and skin diseases, application of clay or moistened
earth was the only true natural bandage. The body is thus repaired with
the element from which it is assumed to be made.
In general, mud is made of water and earth containing approximately
one-thirds solids and two-thirds water. Either the mud itself may be
plain mud usually without significant concentration of therapeutic
substances, or it may naturally contain a variety of
Minerals (such as sulphur)
Decomposed vegetable matter (including fungi, micro flora, and
algae) containing mineral and medicinal element.

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Prolonged contact between the earth and mineral water (a process
known as maturation) can produce variety of chemical reactions within
mud itself and then contribute to its therapeutic
properties. As with the tremendous varieties of
mineral waters found throughout the planet, the
chemical composition of therapeutic mud
varies from place to place. Bacterial activity,
in the presence of specific flora, gives rise to a
unique chemical composition with excellent
therapeutic properties.


The mud consists of micronutrients and macronutrients.
The macronutrients are,
The micronutrients are
Zinc can be absorbed by the skin. Skin is semi-permeable to zinc.
Zinc present in the form of zinc oxide is easily absorbed. It has got
antifungal activity also.
Other constituents like copper, carbon, phosphorus, potassium, iron,
manganese are heavy metals and cannot be absorbed by the skin.
pH of the mud be near to that of the blood for maximum absorption.

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The thermal mud is a solid mass made up of a clay component, a
liquid component and an organic component.

The mud becomes mature and has a beneficial effect on people

due to the fact that it stays in contact with thermal water at a
temperature of 87 degrees C for several years in special basins.
During this period, an internal mixing between the solid clay
component and the liquid component is carried out. Also the mud
is progressively enriched with organic substances.
There are several main sources of therapeutic mud.
Peats (composed primarily of vegetable residue from the peat
bogs, or peat from the bottom of certain lakes.
Moors (composed of minute amounts of inorganic substances
as well as sulfur, iron, and sulphates, Zinc {includes termite mud})
Bog Earths, (made up primarily of soil)
Types of clay:
Blue clay (most absorbing)
Green clay (most widely used)
Yellow clay
Red clay
Pink clay (ideal for cosmetics)
White clay (least absorbing)
Selection of mud:
The mud samples having good nature of absorbing ability are

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selected, which implies that it absorbs more heat from the body.
Collection of mud:
Collected from non contaminated area
Upper 3-6 feet deep mud should be left out

Then collected from 6 meter deep

Storing the mud:
For storing clay in its initial condition, darkness is better. It will
grow no older in dark container.
Processing of mud:
o Separation of all roots, leaves, stones, etc
o Dried under sun for 8 hours
o Then soak the mud for 1-2 days.
o If a large amount is needed then, water of 2-3 feet has to be at
the surface level after mixing with it.
o Then later this water has to be drained
o This mud which is saturated with water is used for therapy
Mud temperature:
o Mud is used cold, tepid, or hot depending on the specific problem.
o Each time used on feverish, warm organ it must be cold.
o A few minutes after applying, should feel tepid. If cold sensation
persists discontinue the treatment.
Mud is applied on the body in two ways.
o External application
o Internal application

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o By covering cloth
o By poultice
Direct external application:
Directly apply mud on the desired part. This can also be a Mud
Bath, a mode of treatment where mud is applied on the entire part of
the body. Or a face pack where mud is applied on the face etc.

Mud is made to smooth paste by mixing with water.
It is then spread on a body part.
Mud may be applied in sitting or lying down position.
Patient should expose himself to sunlight.
Care should be taken to avoid catching of cold during the bath.
Once dried, patient must be thoroughly washed with cold jet
If the patient feels chill use lukewarm water.
The patient is then dried quickly and transferred to a warm bed
in case of full mud bath.
Once applied the mud should be discarded, cannot be used. It
has to be composted.
Ideally mud baths should be taken of empty stomach. Allowing 3 -4
hours to pass since the last meal. One should conclude mud bath
immediately if any discomfort such as chest pain or difficulty in breathing
is felt.

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The duration of the bath should be from 30 minutes to one hour.
Care should be taken to avoid patient catching cold /chill during bath.
Direct internal application:
This is in the form of internal mud application applied vaginally
or rectally, to treat gynecological and Urological disorders
respectively. Applied at a temperature of 45 degree C (113degree F
126degree F) for 15 30 minutes. They are given 3-6 times a week
over an average 4 weeks.
Indirect application:
Used in 2 ways.
Hot mud bath:
o Mud is made into a smooth paste by mixing it with hot
o Then its spread on a cloth sheet which is wrapped
around the patients body.
o One or two blankets are then wrapped over this,
depending on the temperature of the room and pack.
o This bath is followed with cleansing warm water bath
and a short cold water bath.
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hr.
Mud poultice:
o Soaked mud is taken in a thin, wet muslin cloth and
make it thin and flat to a size of the patients body part.
o To apply on abdomen, 10" x 6"x 1" thick pack is
necessary for adults.
o To apply on eyes, the size of mud
packs are generally 8" x 4" x 1"
for adults.

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o The duration of mud pack is 20 -30 minutes.
o When applied in cold weather, place a blanket over the
pack and cover the body as well.


Mud therapy is use of mud to prevent and cure a disease and maintain
health. This is achieved thermal, chemical, mechanical and electrical
effects of mud over skin.
Thermal effect:
Is nothing but temperature sensation is carried by somato
receptors i.e. thermoreceptives. Transfer of heat from body to
mud causes thermal effect.
Chemical effect:
The chemical in the mud which acts as irritants, over the surface
and sensation is sent through pain sense i.e. chemical pain

Mechanical effect:
o Is due to the bulk or weight of the mud, i.e. application with
pressure. This is carried out through tactile receptors,
especially free nerve endings, meisseners corpuscle and
merkels disc.
o Also when the mud dries off, redness is caused. This is due
to the Action Vasoconstriction on cold application and
Reaction Vasodilatation.
o Hence mechanical effect is due to the type of application
and pressure of mud on any part of the body.
Electrical effect:
o Of the mud is because of fast pain receptors i.e. a free
nerve ending.
o This effect is due to minerals in the mud. Minerals

.....Health Naturally - 35.....

dissociate to ions n cling to the skin and the nerve endings
which causes electricity.
o The magnetic property of the earth too causes electrical
Magnetic effect:

This effect is due to earths magnetic field imparted on the body.

Mud has several therapeutic qualities because it is rich in organic content.
o Removes excess heat from the body.
o It cools nervous system, activates different body organs and
eliminates toxic matter from the body.
o It takes longer to get heated and can hold the heat for a long
o Improves circulation of the whole body.
o Cures skin constipation there by improves the function of the
o It retains water for longer time even more than cold water pack.
o Restores proper skin pH.
o The cold moistures in mud relax the pores of skin and helps in
blood circulation in the surface area.
o Mud Therapy helps in acne repair and prevention.
o The scrubbing effect of mud leaves skin smooth and rejuvenated.
o It has also Anti-inflammatory effect.
o Mud has anti -aging effect.
o It regenerates healthy skin
o Skin is toned by mud Therapy.
o Mud has detoxifying and toning effect on skin.
o Skin feels lighter after mud therapy.

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o Mud has exfoliating action
o It eliminates dead skin and refines skin structure.
o It helps to reduce spots and patches of skin, especially those
formed after pox.
Besides skin, Mud therapy also has beneficial effects on body and
various diseases, mainly problems related to pain.
o It invigorates the body
o Mud Therapy reduces pain and aches
o It reduces back aches and muscle aches.
o Mud therapy relieves the body from stress related problem.
o Relieves internal congestion and pain.
o It helps in natural hormone balancing of body.
o It eliminates the body toxins.
o It provides relaxation to the eyes.
Mud Therapy helps to cure various diseases like
o It cures allergy, psoriasis and many other skin diseases even
o It reduces the irritation of eyes hence useful in the case of
conjunctivitis, itching of the eyes, allergic conditions, hemorrhage
in the eyeball.
o Mud therapy is useful in cases of errors of refraction like
shortsightedness, long-sightedness and especially in case of
o General weakness, insomnia and nervous disorders are cured
by mud therapy.
o Stomach trouble, kidney disorders can be removed.
o Mud Therapy can cure gout, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma,
bronchopneumonia, diabetes etc.

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o Applying mud to the abdomen can cure indigestion, flatulence
and intestinal obstructions. It is also helpful in amoebiasis, colitis,
enteritis and other bacterial diseases.
o The cooling effect of mud packs can also bring down fever.
o Mud also helps in clearing the dark spots on the face,
o its good for patients suffering from heat or heart burn
o Mud therapy is useful in headache, constipation, diarrhea, piles,
stomach ache, irregularity in menstruation, Leucoderma, burns,
wounds, burning soles and palms.
Hot mud
o Pregnant
o Skin infections
o Malignant tumors
o Severe hypertension
o Heart disease
o Kidney insuffiency
Cold mud
o Skin infections or allergy to mud.

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Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle

and connective tissue to enhance the function and promote
relaxation and well-being.
The word massage in Sanskrit is makeh, means to press
Massage involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure,
done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include
muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective
tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the
gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands,
fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and
Massage therapy improves circulation by
bringing oxygen and other nutrients to body
tissues. It relieves muscle tension and pain,
increases flexibility and mobility, and helps

.....Health Naturally - 39.....

clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in
muscles and joints.
Massage therapy involves the patient being treated while lying on a

massage table, sitting in a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor.

The massage subject may be fully or partly unclothed. Parts of the body
may be covered with towels or sheets.

In naturopathy we practice Swedish massage. The person who

massages is called as Masseur or a Massage therapist.

The term Swedish Massage refers to a variety of techniques

specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to
them against deeper muscles and bones, and rubbing in the same
direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart.
Swedish massage was developed in the 1700s by a Swedish doctor
named Per Henrik Ling.
The main purpose of Swedish massage is to increase the oxygen flow in
the blood and release toxins from the muscles.
Swedish massage Therapy
This is the most common type of massage therapy. It is also
known as Swedish massage or massage therapy. Massage
therapists use long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular
movements on superficial layers of muscle using massage oil.
Swedish massage therapy can be very gentle and relaxing.
Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage
is massage therapy with
the addition of one or
more scented plant oils
called essential oils to
address specific needs.

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The massage therapist can select oils that are relaxing,
energizing, stress-reducing, and balancing, etc. One of the most
common essential oils used in aromatherapy massage is lavender.
Aromatherapy massage is particularly suited to stress-related
conditions or conditions with an emotional component.
Hot Stone Massage
Heated, smooth stones are placed on certain points on the body
to warm and loosen tight muscles and balance energy centers in
the body.

The massage therapist may also hold stones and apply gentle
pressure with them. The warmth is comforting. Hot stone
massage is good for people who have muscle tension but prefer
lighter massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and
connective tissue. The massage therapist uses slower strokes
or friction techniques across the
grain of the muscle. Deep tissue
massage is used for
tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain,

postural problems, or recovery from injury.

People often feel sore for one to two days
after deep tissue massage.

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Shiatsu is a form of Japanese bodywork
that uses localized finger pressure in a
rhythmic sequence on acupuncture
meridians. Each point is held for two to
eight seconds to improve the flow of energy
and help the body regain balance. People
are normally pleasantly surprised when they try shiatsu for the
first time. It is relaxing yet the pressure is firm, and there is
usually no soreness afterwards.
Thai Massage
body using gentle
Like shiatsu,
of specific
on the
Thai points.
massage aligns the

massage also includes compressions

and stretches. You dont just lie
therethe therapist moves and
stretches you into a sequence of postures. Its like yoga without
doing any work. Thai massage is more energizing than other
forms of massage. It is also reduces stress and improves flexibility
and range of motion.
Pregnancy Massage

Also called as prenatal massage. Pregnancy

massage is becoming increasingly popular
with expectant mothers. Massage therapists
who are certified in pregnancy massage
know the proper way to position and support
the womans body during the massage, and
how to modify techniques. Pregnancy
massage is used to reduce stress, decrease swelling, relieve
aches and pains, and reduce anxiety and depression. The
massage is customized to a womans individual needs.

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Reflexology Massage:

Although reflexology is sometimes called foot massage, it is more

than simple foot massage. Reflexology involves applying pressure
to certain points on the foot that
correspond to organs and
systems in the body.
Reflexology is very relaxing,
especially for people who stand
on their feet all day or just have
tired, achy feet.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is specifically designed for people who are
involved in physical activity. But you
dont have to be a professional athlete
to have one-its also used by people
who are active and work out often.
The focus isnt on relaxation but on
preventing and treating injury and
enhancing athletic performance.
Combinations of techniques are used. The strokes are generally
faster than Swedish massage. Facilitated stretching is a common
technique. It helps to loosen muscles and increase flexibility.
Back Massage
Some massage clinics offer 30-minute back
massages, you can also book a 30- or 40-minute
massage and ask that the massage therapist to focus
on your back
There are seven classical movements.
o Touch
o Stroking

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o Friction
o Kneading
o Vibration
o Percussion
o Joint movements
This is not an ordinary touch or contact of the hand with the body but
skilled or professional touch applied with intelligence, with control and
with purpose.
Types of touch:
Passive Touch: Simple and light touch. Physiological effects
bring elevation of temperature of a part by communication of
heat. It has subtle influence on nervous system.
Benefit: Relieve Hyperesthesia, pain, numbness,
Insomnia, Irritability etc.,
Pressure: It is lighter heavy touch with one or both hands over
joint, head, swollen parts.
Effect: Diminishes swelling, congestion, pain of joints by emptying
the blood vessels. Toothache and headache will be relieved.
Nerve Compression : Strong Pressure given over the
nerve trunk. The spinal nerves are compressed by a
finger on each side.

Effects: Slight irritation due to pressure is transmitted through

nerve centers gets excited. Deep pressure may even paralyze
the nerve trunk giving a sedative effect. 2" apart from umbilicus
over lumbar ganglion should be rubbed and pressed at intervals
of 2 to 3 times. Useful in sciatica, neuralgia etc

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Effects: Pressure on Spinal Card: Anemia, Hyperplasia,
Constipation, and Loss of tone in rectum or bladder. It improves enervation
of muscles of extremities.
Simply touch combined with motion. The tips of 2-3 or all fingers, or
palms, or both hands are moved gently over skin with light contact.
Types of stroking:
Digital, palmar, knuckle and reflex
Digital: Tip of one of the fingers or all is used. Fingers will fall
lightly in contact with the surface. Used for head and spine.
Palmar: whole part of the palm of one hand or both hands is
used. Used on broad areas like fleshy parts, joints and soles of
the feet.
Knuckle: hands closed, knuckles of the second joints of the
fingers are applied on the surface. Used everywhere except
massage of back.

Reflex: this is given to those who are sensitive on the cutaneous

or skin reflexes with fingernail, toothpick, pencil etc. By means
of which are is capable of producing muscular contractions.
Reflex Areas:
1) Inter scapular 1st dorsal
2) Epigastric - 6 & 7th dorsal
3) Abdominal - 8 and 12th dorsal
4) Cremastric - 1 & 3 lumbar
5) Gluteal - 4-5 lumber
6) Plantar - 5-6 Sacral.

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Whole or part of the hand moved over the surface with considerable
degree of pressure. Its used on different parts. Heavy friction over
thick fleshy masses, and light over bony surfaces and thin tissues.
Types of friction:
Centripetal: movement in direction of blood
current in the veins. Given to extremities
with thumb or palmar surface.
Centrifugal: movement opposite to that of
the blood current.
Spiral: Asort of spiral movement with combination of preceding,
executed with one hand, progresses from lower to upper part.
Circular: applicable to extremities. Limb grasped by both the
hands. Alternate wringing and twisting movements begin from
hand or foot, extend upwards.
Rotatory: hands are made to move over the broad surface in
elliptical, circular, semicircular direction, applicable to fleshy areas
as hips and back. one hand supports the other executing the
Alternate and intermittent compression by
grasping the tissues or by compressing them
against underlying bony surfaces.
Types of kneading:
Superficial: called as fulling. Skin is grasped between the
thumb and the last 2 phalanges of the first fingers or where the
skin is thick, terminal phalanges of 1st two fingers are used. Its
a pinching movement on the skin and cellular tissue.
Deep: to act upon muscles.

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Types of deep kneading:
o Petrisage: Skilled massager employs, in this movement by
grasping fleshy muscles between palmar surface and finger.
By this method force will be spread out and the deeper parts
are affected and prevent slipping of fingers from skin. Here
parts are squeezed; lifted and rolled, grasp should be released
when strain is maximum.
o Rolling: Tissues are compressed against deep lying
structures. Fingers extended and hold close. In broad area
both hands may be used. It can be given over back, Hip,
Limbs Thumb is constant. Face can be manipulated.
o Wringing: Twisting movements by grasping limb with 2
hands placed opposite sides and close together movement
executed simultaneously or alternatively. It is applicable to
arms and legs.
o Chucking: It can be performed by both hands. Bony
surfaces are to be employed muscle should be lifted then
press it and leave. One thumb is parallel to the other Index
finger. It is C/I in chest, gluteal region and abdomen. Very
effective in motor Neuron disease.
o Palmar: movement with heel of the
hand or whole palmar surface. Given
on back, chest and abdomen.
Palmar kneading
o Fist: kneading to abdomen. Compression of
deep tissues by knuckles of closed fist.

Fist kneading
o Digital: ends of fingers or thumb are used.
Tissues are being rubbed and pressed against underlying
bony surfaces.

.....Health Naturally - 47.....

Consists of fine vibratory movements or shaking movements
communicated to the body through the hand of the masseur.
Types of vibration:
Superficial: one or both the palms are being placed on the
surface, made to move slowly over area to be operated. Fine
trembling movements are executed.
Deep: palm of the hand or closed fist placed firmly on the surface
of the on the part to be acted. Arm is held straight. Fine jarring
or trembling movements are executed. Given to flexor and
extensor muscles of upper arm.
Blows administered in various ways with varying degree of force. Both
the hands are in alteration, movements from the wrist joint.
Types of percussion:
Tapping: tips of the fingers are employed.
Given to head and chest
Spatting: executed with palmar surface of extended fingers
held rigid. Applicable to all parts.
Clapping: whole hand is employed. A cup is made
by hand explosive effect and a loud sound is heard,
used on fleshy parts.
Hacking: ulnar or little finger
border of hand alone comes in contact
with skin. Applicable to chest, spine, head or any
Beating: body is struck by palmar
surface of half closed fist. It stimulates
genitourinary system.

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Principal movements include flexion, distension, abduction, adduction,
pronation, supination, circumduction, stretching. Joint movements are
passive or resistive.
Types of joint movements:
Passive: simple motion of the joint, by manipulator without
any effort on part of patient. Effect confined to joint.
Resistive: not only joint but the muscles are acted upon.
Both masseur and patient take part.

.....Health Naturally - 49.....

Muscles - Massage reduces the tension in the muscles and
relieves muscular pain. Strenuous exertion results in the
accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. Massage helps to rid
the muscles of this acid and thus imparts a feeling of freshness
and vigor.
The heart - Systematic massage will reduce the burden on the
heart, and thus increase its efficiency.
Nerves - Slow and gentle massage with light pressure relieve
tension of the nerves and soothe them. Vigorous massage
stimulates lax nerves and increases their efficiency.
Skin - Massage has beneficial effects on the skin. The pores of
the skin are opened up, thus helping of the elimination of toxins
from the body through perspiration.
Circulation of the blood - The circulation of the blood in the
part being massaged is speeded up, so that the part is supplied
with more nutrients, and its healing powers are augmented. The
accelerated circulation reduces swelling. There is an increase
in the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen and to utilize it
The digestive system - Massaging the abdomen stimulates
the digestive system, and promotes better elimination of wastes.
The resistive powers of the body are strengthened due to the
increase in the efficiency of the liver.
The urinary system - Massaging activates the urinary system.
As a result the process of elimination of toxic substances from
the body through the urine is accelerated by the formation of
greater quantities of urine.
Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and
shorten maternity hospital stays.

.....Health Naturally - 50.....

Ease medication dependence.
Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flowthe bodys
natural defense system.
Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from,
strenuous workouts.
Improve the condition of the bodys largest organthe skin.
Increase joint flexibility.
Lessen depression and anxiety.
Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch
Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving
Reduce post-surgery adhesions and swelling.
Reduce spasms and cramping.
Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
Release endorphinsamino acids that work as the bodys
natural painkiller.
Relieve migraine pain.
Fosters peace of mind
Promotes a relaxed state of mental alertness
Helps relieve mental stress

Improves ability to monitor stress signals and respond

Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity
Emotional Benefits
.....Health Naturally - 51.....
Satisfies needs for caring nurturing touch
Fosters a feeling of well-being
Reduces levels of anxiety
Creates body awareness
Increases awareness of mind-body connection
Blood clots
Pregnancy with complications
Unusual or undiagnosed pain
Fractures of any bones
Extreme cases of osteoporosis
Open wounds or burns

Rheumatoid arthritis
Comfort of the masseur and the patients.
Period of Massage - 20 to 30 minutes
Deep breathing should be advised.
Gap in between the massage should not be left (contact and
Every manipulation has to be changed by giving stroking or

Distance of the patient and masseur should be adjusted.

Masseur should start by relaxing the patient doing exercise like
finger stretching, wrist shaking.

.....Health Naturally - 52.....

o A masseur should have warm hands and a sensitive
o He should not have bad habits.
o He should not have unnecessary discussions with
o Must have Tender feelings towards patients.
o A male masseur should massage only male patient.
o She/He should know about anatomical structure of the
Massage therapy is not recommended for certain people:
People with infectious skin disease, rash, or open wounds
Immediately after surgery
Immediately after chemotherapy or radiation, unless
recommended by your doctor
People prone to blood clots. There is a risk of blood clots being
dislodged. If you have heart disease, check with your doctor
before having a massage
Pregnant women should check with their doctor first if they are
considering getting a massage. Massage in pregnant women
should be done by massage therapists who are certified in
pregnancy massage.

Massage should not be done directly over bruises, inflamed skin, unhealed
wounds, tumors, abdominal hernia, or areas of recent fractures.
Follow the following tips to make the best of a massage:
Comfort is the key word. Be sure that you feel comfortable
with your therapist. You should feel free and relaxed when the

.....Health Naturally - 53.....

therapist is massaging you.
Let the therapist know what you want. If your main goal is to
relax, or is it to relieve a specific injury or pain, tell that to him
and ask him for advice as to which type of massage will be
best. How heavy or light should the pressure be?
Ask the therapist to avoid sensitive areas. There is no need to
be shy or embarrassed about it.
Take off only the clothes you feel comfortable taking off.
Massage therapists must respect your boundaries, such if you
want to wear underwear during a massage
Prepare to relax. Take a nice shower and relax yourself. Please
avoid eating a heavy meal right before a massage.
Speak up if something hurts or tickles. Sometimes a massage
can cause temporary discomfort, especially if it involves working
on sore, damaged, or tense areas. You may even feel sore in
these areas for a day or two after a massage. So it is advisable
to stop massage immediately and tell this to the therapist.
Speak up if youre sensitive to the aroma of the oil or just cant
stand the music in the

.....Health Naturally - 54.....



Acupressure, derived from traditional Chinese medicine, is a form

of treatment for pain that involves pressure on particular points
in the body known as acupressure points.
Acupressure is an ancient
healing art that uses the fingers to
press key points on the surface of the
skin to stimulate the bodys natural
self-curative abilities.
When these points are pressed,
they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood
and the bodys life force to aid healing. Acupuncture and acupressure
use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while
acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands (and even
feet). There is a massive amount of scientific data that demonstrates
why and how acupuncture is effective. But acupressure, the older of
the two traditions, was neglected after the Chinese developed more
technological methods for stimulating points with needles and electricity.

.....Health Naturally - 55.....

Acupressure, however, continues to be the most effective method for
self-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the power and
sensitivity of the human hand.
Acupressure is the art of identifying and
releasing the congested energy centers
making way for a symmetric flow of energy. It
involves placing physical pressure, by hand,
elbow, or with the aid of various devices, on
different pressure points on the surface of
the body, which may be far distant from the
symptom, related by what is called the meridian
system, to bring about relief through greater
balance and circulation of energies in the
While pressure is put in the body it helps in removing the blocks
and creates energy through rubbing, vibration etc for 5-10 minutes.
Acupressure is a very powerful technique and most of the ailments are
relieved by it. Acupressure promotes calmness and relaxes the body.
Dont apply too much pressure during treatment.
The healing process through Acupressure is quite quick and you
can feel the energy flow in a matter of few minutes. The pressure applied
on a certain position helps in removing the toxins and makes the blood
flow smoothly.
The pressure is
applied using both the
thumbs. The pressure is
applied for a few seconds
in a sequential order
designed to awaken the
meridians, an order which
is further supported by stretching, breathing and quick
depolarization / repolarisation. This technique helps in relaxing and

.....Health Naturally - 56.....

increasing the energy levels in the mind and body. Besides
relieving pain, Acupressure can help balance the body by dissolving
tensions and stresses that keep it from functioning smoothly and inhibit
the immune system.
When the blood and bio-electrical energies circulate
properly, we have a greater sense of harmony, health, and well

There is a natural source of healing power in everyone. When

this healing power is activated, it triggers a series of intricate
internal processes, which produces a Healing Response. Pain or
injury to your body alerts your body that help is needed. This is when the
Healing Response begins by the unleashing of endorphins into your
blood to help heal the affected area. The heart rate increases,
blood pressure is altered and the delivery of endorphins and
nutrients required
accelerated. This speeds
for repair
up the is

elimination of toxins from the damaged

area, which also promotes healing.

Various techniques applied in

an acupressure treatment include
pressing, rubbing, gentle stretching, and
rolling, chafing, kneading, wiping and
grasping, as well as corrective
exercises. Varying levels of pressure
are used, most often starting by
applying light pressure and gradually
working deeper. The practitioner may
focus more energy or pressure on a
specific point or series of points,
depending on the individuals chief
complaint, or the entire course of a meridian may be addressed.

.....Health Naturally - 57.....

light touch is recognized as more
effective for treating acute conditions
Deep touch is considered better for
chronic conditions. Though deep touch
may provide an intense sensation, it
should always be within the clients
tolerance of discomfort.
Massage or rub the entire area, it is
best just to hold the point steadily with
direct finger pressure.
The rule of thumb is to apply slow, firm pressure on the point at
a 90 degree angle from the surface of the skin.
If you are pulling the skin, then the angle of pressure is incorrect.
Consciously and gradually direct the pressure into the center of
the part of the body you are working on.
Its important to apply and release finger pressure gradually
because this allows the tissues time to respond, promoting
After repeated acupressure sessions using different degrees
of pressure, you will begin to feel a pulse at the point.
This pulsation is a good sign - it means that circulation has
increased. Pay attention to the type of pulse you feel.
If its very faint or throbbing, hold the point longer until the
pulse balances.
If your hand gets tired, slowly withdraw pressure from the point,
gently shake out your hand, and take a few deep breaths.
Each body - and each area of the body - requires a different
amount of pressure. If it hurts a great deal when you apply
pressure on a point, then use light touch instead of pressure.

.....Health Naturally - 58.....

The calves, the face, and genital areas are sensitive.
The back, buttocks, and shoulders, especially if the musculature
is developed, usually need deeper, firmer pressure.
This pulsation is a good sign - it means that circulation has
increased. Pay attention to the type of pulse you feel.
By pin-pointing the deep touch technique on the relevant reflex
points, a specialist in this unique treatment can encourage self
healing to begin by channeling vital energy to flow to the most
adversely affected areas.

Deep touch is considered better for chronic conditions.

Though deep touch may provide an intense sensation, it should

always be within the clients tolerance of discomfort.

A deep touch technique is used to find the tender and nodular

areas in the feet and relate them to the relevant anatomical
areas of the body. These nodules are treated by applying a
precise deep touch technique, thereby helping the related the
distant areas of the body to receive energy for healing. It is
used to concentrate on the tender and nodular areas in the feet
- those areas which are under the most stress - and relate them
to specific areas of the body
Imbalances at particular points along the meridian lines and
within the organs themselves can be perceived with a deep
touch sensitivity and particular technique, equilibrium can be
Holding tension points located on the face and body with a
deep touch can help to relieve bodily aches and pains, reducing
muscular and emotional stress and providing relaxation of both
body and psyche

.....Health Naturally - 59.....

Gentle massage has many benefits for those with arthritis.
Massage therapy can provide pain relief, soothe stiff sore
muscles and reduce inflammation and swelling.
Massage and gentle stretching help maintain range of motion
for your joints.
By applying gentle massage to your reflexes, this therapy
improves circulation and relieves stress and tension.
When your body is in this natural state of relaxation, physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual self-healing may occur.
Acupressure is known to benefit patients suffering from
spondylitis, arthritis, muscular pain in the arm and neck, frozen
shoulders, unexplained backaches, slipped discs, osteoarthritis
and other disorders of the tissues, bones, joints and muscles.
The acupressure therapy is also known to relieve pain and
discomfort caused by sports and athletics.
Recent studies state that acupressure therapy shows remarkable
effects in treating neurological disorders such as paralysis of
the face, migraine headaches, partial paralysis, peripheral
neurological disorders, epilepsy, vertigo, multiple sclerosis,
muscular and diseases of the nervous system, and so on.
The therapy also benefits partially disabled patients in easing
their stressed and stiff
Acupressure is highly
beneficial to children, due to
its usefulness in treating
conditions such as stress,

.....Health Naturally - 60.....

sleeplessness, congestion of the chest due to cold or flu, bed
wetting and constipation.
Acupressure helps women issues such as postmenstrual trauma,
menopause and pregnancy by alleviating symptoms, like irritability,
pains during periods, mood swings, hot flushes, back pain, nausea,
sciatica, pubic symphysis dysfunction and much more.
Stress is a common problem faced by men and women of all
ages in todays busy life. It gives rise to various symptoms ranging
from headaches, fatigue, insomnia, muscle tension, irritable bowel
syndrome, indigestion and nausea. Acupressure therapy
effectively helps in relieving these stress related problems, and
thereby ensuring a tension-free life.
Acupressure is also known to cure respiratory diseases like
asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis and common colds. It also effectively
treats conjunctivitis, short sightedness and cataract.
Tooth aches, pains caused after tooth extraction, gum problems
like bleeding gums, kidney stones, liver disorders and heart related
disorders are some other problems that are treated with

In case you are on certain medications, you should consult your
doctor before proceeding with acupressure therapy.
Extreme care should be taken by pregnant women, since certain
point can induce labor. This can turn out to be dangerous
especially in the second trimester or early half of the third
In case you are not well versed with the technique, it is always
better to look out for well-trained and certified professionals to
get acupressure performed.

.....Health Naturally - 61.....



Reflexology is an ancient, natural, non-invasive therapy that

is based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the hands
and feet, which correspond to all glands, organs and parts of the

.....Health Naturally - 62.....

Stimulation of these reflexes by applying gentle massage and
specific pressure point techniques helps create a relaxed, healthy and
harmonious state of being.
By precise massaging, reflexology may stimulate circulation,
induce relaxation and enable homeostasis. This encourages the persons
own healing systems to maintain wellbeing. Reflexology improves blood
and nerve supply, removing congestion and blockages, restoring balance,
improving energy and relieving stress and tension.
Modern medicine agrees that over 75% of all health problems
can be linked to nervous stress and tension. Reflexology can induce
relaxation and clearing these nervous stress and tension. Reflexology is
a treatment that can keep the body in balance and prevent congestion
and toxin build up.
In a reflexology chart the body is reflected on the feet or hands.
It serves a s a map for technique application to target health goals.
Left foot or hand reflects the left side of the body and the
right foot or hand the right side. The spine reflex area runs down the
insides of the feet and hands with reflex areas for the arm and shoulder
reflected toward the outside of the foot or hand. The toes and fingers
mirror the head and neck as well as the parts of the body they encase.
The ball of the foot mirrors the chest and upper back in addition the
heart and lungs.

.....Health Naturally - 63.....

Halfway down the foot at the base of the long bones of the foot
is represented the waistline of the body. The parts of the body above the
waistline are mirrored above this line and those below are represented
below it. Internal organs lying above the bodys waistline are reflected
by reflex areas above this line while those below the waistline are mirrored
below this line.
o Relaxation
o Pain reduction
o Amelioration of symptoms for health concerns
o Rejuvenation of tired feet
o Improvement in blood flow
o Impact on physiological measures (e. g. blood pressure and
cholesterol; measurements by ECG, EEG, and MRI)
o Beneficial for post-operative recovery and pain reduction
o Enhancement of medical care (e. g. cancer, phantom limb pain,
and hemodialysis patients)
o Adjunct to mental health care (e. g. depression, anxiety, Post
traumatic stress disorder)
o Complement to cancer care (pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety)
o Easier birthing / delivery / post-partum recovery
o Stress and stress-related conditions
o Tension headaches
o Digestive disorders
o Arthritis
o Insomnia
o Hormonal imbalances

.....Health Naturally - 64.....

o Sports injuries
o Menstrual disorders, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
o Digestive problems, such as constipation
o Back pain
If youre pregnant, talk with your doctor first and let the
reflexologist know.
Be sure to give the reflexologist a complete and accurate health
If you have foot ulcers, injury, or blood vessel disease such as
blood clots, consult your doctor before having reflexology.

.....Health Naturally - 65.....



Magnet therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic

fields to the body for therapeutic purposes.
It is claimed that subjecting certain parts of the body to magneto static
fields produced by permanent magnets has beneficial health effects.
Magnetic therapy utilizes the natural energy of magnetism that is
important to human existence and overall health. A magnetic field provides
a (natural) way to assist the bodys normal healing processes as it passes
through all tissues and cells. Studies show that magnets can be an effective
therapy for the relief of pain by blocking pain sensations. Applying
magnetic fields to an injured area improves blood flow and oxygen
to enhance the bodys natural healing process. The improved blood
flow and fluid exchange to the injured tissue helps reduce pain and
The electromagnetic field is the basic premise on which Magnetic
therapy is built. This magnetic field has a proclivity to fluctuate. It is
mind boggling to note that organs like brain emit a peak magnetic field in

.....Health Naturally - 66.....

the region of 3,00,000 kilo-gauss! This is when the person sleeps. At
normal hours, the value of magnetic field may differ. So, there is an
average magnetic value of each organ of the body available. If any
organ developed any ailment, immediately its magnetic field gets
disturbed, which naturally tells upon its magnetic values. The
beauty is that this bio-magnetic field can be induced to regain its
normal value by the application of magnets on the affected organ.
This is the essence of magnetic therapy.
Magnetic Therapy is said to have soothing effect on the cells, tissues
and nerves, when applied to an affected part and cause to lessen the
pain, stiffness, soreness or swelling. Magnetic Therapy acts:

o To improve circulation
o As a corollary of the above, increases the temperature, and
o Relaxes the muscles
Magnetic therapy treatment is recommended for the relief of joint and
muscle pain, inflammation and stiffness. Magnetic therapy treatment
has been shown to help speed up the healing process, relieve sinus pain
and improve the quality of sleep. Magnetic therapy treatment can be
very effective without the adverse side effects experienced by
pharmaceutical drugs.
Huge Magnet: Earth is a huge natural magnet and its influence on
living beings on this planet helps to maintain health.
Source of Earths Magnetism: There are different thoughts espoused
by different thinkers. Some of them are:

o Has a perennial magnetic sphere with two poles at two ends

o Suns flares have a direct effect on earth with magnetic storms
o It is because of earths rotations

.....Health Naturally - 67.....

Properties of Magnets:

Magnets have 2 Poles North and

South. If a magnet let us take a bar
shaped one is tied in the middle with a
string and suspended in a central location,
one end of it invariably points towards
North and the other end towards South.
If a large magnet is broken into two
equal parts, both the magnets have the
same power of the large one! And each will, now have North
and South poles!
Like poles repel each other i.e. north north and south - south
Unlike pole attract each other i.e. north south or south north
Magnetic line of force:
Magnetic lines of force indicate the
region in which the force of the magnet
can be detected. This region is called the
magnetic field. If an iron object is near
a magnet, but is not within the magnetic
field, the object will not be attracted to
the magnet. When the object enters the
magnetic field, the force of the magnet acts, and the object is attracted.
The pattern of these lines of force tells us something about the
characteristics of the forces caused by the magnet. The magnetic lines
of force, or flux, leave the North Pole and enter the South Pole.
Properties of the South Pole:
It is inhibitory and suppressive.
It imparts coolness and peace.

.....Health Naturally - 68.....

If kept in water for some time, it makes the water slightly alkaline.
It decreases the acidity of fluids.
It slows down the circulation in small blood-vessels and
It inhibits the activity of bacteria, controls infection and decreases
inflammation (swelling).
It arrests growth of boils, carbuncles and tumors.
It checks the ripening of fruits and vegetables and acts to retain
their freshness.
It decreases pain.
It brings down the body-temperature.
o South Pole is useful in infectious and inflammatory conditions.
o It is commonly used in skin conditions,
o Arthritis,
o infectious diseases,
o anxiety, convulsions,
o Eye ailments, etc.

o All kinds of pains, stiffness and weakness in fore limbs, arms,

legs. Shoulders, hips, etc.-S.P. encourages & provides strength
and life to the limbs.
o Digestion poor, Gas formation-Due to more acidity in stomach.
o Production of insulin is less.
o Prostate enlargement (Fluid discharge is increased. M. W. every
2hours or earlier is a must).
o Heart- We should ascertain the actual heart disease as there
may be several types of complaints. For weak of pulse rate, and
heart beats-apply South Pole.

.....Health Naturally - 69.....

o Neuralgia (Headache - the causes should be investigated and
treated. S.P. works to remove it if applied also below the left
side of the stomach, M.W, and diet should be advised.
o Weak muscles- South Pole for 10-minute morning and 10 minutes
in the evening again.
o Weakness to walk-South Pole for a week or 10 days provides
energy and strength
Properties of the North Pole:
The North Pole possesses stimulatory or augmentative properties.
It imparts warmth and energy.
If placed in water for some time, it renders the water slightly
acidic. It increases the acidity of fluids.
It produces expansion of body-tissues.
It speeds up the circulation in small blood vessels and capillaries.
It encourages the activity and growth of bacteria, worsens
infection and increases swelling.
It stimulates the growth of boils and tumors.
It hastens the ripening of fruits and vegetables.
It has little effect on pain and sometimes makes it more acute.
It increases the body temperature.
The energy, strength and warmth-giving properties of the North
Pole can be utilized to treat paralysis,
muscle weakness,

.....Health Naturally - 70.....

general weakness,

Arthritis - calcium of joints is slowly dissolved by North Pole.
Bleeding or hemorrhage - After birth or due to female weak

Bleeding of wounds, cuts, bruises due to weak tissues.

Boils and Cancers
Broken bones, broken joints, fractures - South Pole on the upper
and North Pole on the lower portion ensures best healing.
Burns - North Pole on the burnt portion - When the pain is less,
South Pole to give strength to the tissue and to form flesh over
the burnt part.
Hypertension - N.P. under the right ear down the artery.
Infections, pus, discharge due to any infection - (N.P. arrests it
and nature heals).
Kidney infection or stone (even partially lost kidneys may start
functioning in some cases).
Sprains in ankles, back, hips, legs and feet, etc.
Teeth and gums - Decaying teeth, infection of gums, swellings,
and pus deposits.
Toothache with bad smell, bleeding & wounds
There are two important methods of applying magnets:
The uni-polar method: In this method, only one pole, either
the south or the north is used at a time.
The bipolar method: In this method both the poles are used

.....Health Naturally - 71.....

General application: - A pair of magnets one for north
and the other for South Pole - used for whole body or larger
portion of the body ailments. It is better to use both North
and South Pole magnets.
Local application for use in localized area, a single pole
magnet is sufficient. E.g., Eye, nose, knee, feet etc.


The human body is an
electromagnetic organism.
Electricity flows through the
nerves in our bodies the same
way electricity flows through a
wire. All cells have two
magnetic poles in their DNA.

Magnetism in the body comes from

two sources:
1. Magnetism produced through metabolism (oxidative remnant
2. Magnetism from the earths magnetic field.
Your body produces small electromagnetic fields by the movement of
charged particles called ions. As a result of the movement of these ions,
our physical and mental processes are controlled, maintaining
the electromagnetic balance within our bodies. When you are injured,
the electromagnetic field is put out of balance and pain and swelling is
the result.
When applying magnetic therapy to an injured area, the capillary
walls surrounding the muscles and connective
tissues relax and increases blood flow. More oxygen and
nutrients are then supplied to the affected area, resulting in normal
ion concentrations. The result is normal ion concentrations being

.....Health Naturally - 72.....

2. which in turn relieves pain and swelling, promoting
faster healing.
Healing magnets: Magnetic Healing is totally commercialized.
Different magnets are used for local as well as general applications.
The normal types available are:
1. Magnetic bracelet

Magnetic inserts
6. Magnetic mattress inserts
Pillow pads small large
7. Mattress pads double bed and single bed
Magnetic body wraps
8. Magnetic bands
Magnetic tubes
9. Magnetic belts
10. Magnetic ankle wrap
11. Back belly belt
12. Cervical belt
13. Obesity belt.
14. Tonil belt
15. Eye belt
16. Knee cap
17. Magnetic necklace
18. Ent. Magnet
19. B.P. Watch, Bracelet.

.....Health Naturally - 73.....

Magnetic Water:

Water is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless. Water absorbs

taste, odor and color if some other liquid or soluble solid is mixed with it.
When we expose water to continuous contact with a Magnet,
water assimilates the properties of magnet and becomes
magnetized. Magnetic water has immense therapeutic values. If taken
orally, for a length of time, it is believed to assist in the healing of many
a chronic disease.
Preparing Magnetized Water:

The method is extremely simple. Requirements are:

(1) Tightly closed glass bottle, glass jug, or,
glass tumbler, with a capacity as per
your requirements.
(2) A strong North Pole magnet, roughly
about 1500 to 2500 gauss capacity
(3) to
A strong
2500 gauss
Pole magnet about 1500

(4) Boiled and cooled potable water as

required. (Normal tap water is ok but
boiled and cooled water is good).
Keep the magnets on an even surface. Place the bottles (jugs, tumblers),
as the case may be, on the magnets as shown in the illustration. Leave
the arrangement undisturbed for about 12 hours. During this time
magnetic field penetrates through the glass into the water, which absorbs
the magnetic effects. Such magnetized water can be kept for at least 3
to 4 days without any letup in its therapeutic values.
How to use magnetized water:
We have 2 bottles, one on North Pole magnet and the other on South
Pole magnet.

.....Health Naturally - 74.....

You have to take one glass of Magnetic water taken from the
bottle placed on North Pole Magnet in cases like infectious diseases,
urinary infections, Typhoid etc.

For general therapeutic uses and for improvement in digestion,

proper bowel movement, clogged arteries, kidney problems, all kinds
of fevers, pains, asthma, cold, cough, bronchitis, headaches, etc,
mix water from both the bottles (North + South Pole) and drink.
Adults: About 50 ml each time, 3 times a day after breakfast, lunch and
Children: About 25 ml each time 3 times a day.
o Some patients experience tingling sensation.
o Some feel giddiness,
o some others feel warmth,
o some yawn frequently,
o some feel drowsiness, and,
o Still others feel perspiration on the area of application.
The side effects reported are very minor and need not be a cause for
1. Never allow magnets to come in contact with watches which
are not magnetic proof
2. Early morning is the best time for magnet therapy, before
3. No bathing for at-least 2 to 3 hours after magnets therapy
4. No strong magnet should be used immediately after a heavy
meal. It is likely to produce a vomiting sensation, or in extreme
cases actual vomiting itself

.....Health Naturally - 75.....

5. No pregnant lady should be treated with strong magnets
6. No children should be treated with a strong magnet
7. No strong magnet to be applied directly on eyes, heart or
8. Application for extended period of strong magnet for a long
time is likely to produce:
o Drowsiness.
o Continue yawning
o Tingling sensation in the nerves
o Heaviness in the head.
o Giddiness
o Vomiting sensation
In such case discontinue the application immediately. The occurrence,
of course, is very rare
9. Do not use magnets or magnetic therapy if using a pacemaker,
implanted medical device or insulin pump as they may
interfere with the delicate electronic equipment.
10. Magnetic products are not recommended for use during
pregnancy. They are not proven beneficial or detrimental. Be
on the safe side, do not use.
11. Keep magnetic products at least six inches away from
objects such as credit cards, computers, diskettes, audio
and videotapes, and similar items, as loss of data may

.....Health Naturally - 76.....




Fever is a warning signal the body sends out indicating that something is
wrong with the system. Fever is an acute condition, and all acute
conditions are direct manifestations of the selfcleansing and health
restoring activity of the body. Fever should be allowed to run its natural
course in order to have better health once fever subsides on its own.
If the fever is suppressed with antipyretics or antibiotics, then it will only
lead to other chronic diseases. Hence, the best way to treat fever is not
to interfere with the bodys selfhealing process.
Fever is generally accompanied by increased body pains, generalized
fatigue, malaise and distaste in the mouth.
o Warm water enemas early in the morning during the fasting
period for the first 3 days, and thereafter, as per need till fasting
is discontinued.

.....Health Naturally - 77.....

o Mud packs for 1520 minutes two or three times a day.
o Chest pack and cold compresses on the forehead frequently.
o Cold sponge baths or cold friction baths are invigorating, and
bring down body temperature.

o Rubbing the spine with ice also reduces temperature.

o Adequate rest and relaxation with light clothing in a well ventilation
room are essential.
o Once the body temperature comes down and the coating on the
tongue reduces, fasting should be discontinued.
o Only liquids such as lime juice, tender coconut water or orange
juice should be given 34 times a day till the symptoms subside
and the patient should be encouraged to drink plenty of water.
o No solid food till fever subsides.
o First fresh fruit juices and later on fresh juicy fruits, raw salads,
sprouts and soups could be eaten.
o Gradually, one should switch over to normal diet.
1ST DAY: hot lime and honey water as many
times as required.
2ND DAY: apple and mosambi juices as many
times as required
3RD DAY: fruits and boiled vegs

4TH DAY: normal diet

No matter how healthy one is, it is absolutely impossible to avoid an
occasional sprain or a bruise.

.....Health Naturally - 78.....

Treatment for Sprain
o RICE Principle to be strictly followed.
R Rest. Complete rest for the first 2448 hours.
I Iced packs to the affected area for 2030 minutes
once in every 2 hours for 24-48 hours.
C Cold compressFrequently cold compress reduce
bleeding and swelling by constricting the blood vessel.
E Elevation of the sprained area reduces swelling.
o Continuous use of cold compresses reduces the flow of blood
and hence, delays healing. Therefore after 2448 hours of ice
cold applications, hot applications to be employed on the affected
area to restore blood circulation which will speed up the healing
o Employ hot and cold baths frequently.
o In case of bruises or abrasions, intake of foods, rich in Vitamin
C should be recommended to speed up the healing.
o A cold pack applied to bruises and injured muscles are also
helpful in relieving pain
o An ice massage to bruises and injured muscles are also helpful
in relieving the pain.
o Hot water applications in the form of fomentations or affusions
over the bruises and injured muscles, after first 24 hours of ice
massage are often beneficial.
6am : black raisins water (soak overnight 30 raisins and grind
and strain
7am : mosambi juice
8am : dahlia, milk
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya

.....Health Naturally - 79.....

4pm : mosambi juice
6.30pm: hot milk and isabgol
Diarrhea is a condition where there is an increase in the frequency,
fluidity (water content) and volume of stool. When the colon is unable to
carry out its set job of absorbing water from undigested wastes, there
occurs the common complaint of the excessive presence of water in
stools and frequent passage of loose stools. The cause is either impairment
in the absorptive capacity of the large intestine or a combined
malfunctioning of the absorptive action of the small intestine and other
digestive organs.
From principles of Naturopathy, Diarrhea is a naturally induced
phenomenon that calls for a rapid expulsion of waste.
o Ice cold water enemas for first couple of days.
o Mud packs/Towel packs on the abdomen at an interval of
every 2 hours.
o Complete fasting on butter milk and tender coconuts water
and drinking of plenty of water initially for 23 days. Drinking
copious water is necessary to maintain water content in the
o After 23 days of fast, diet comprising sabudana kheer, curd
rice, wellripened banana and butter milk should be taken till
symptoms last.
1STDAY: lime juice with salt and honey every an hr
2NDDAY: mosambi juice with salt every 2 hrs
3RDDAY: rice and curds 3 times a day
4THDAY: normal dietFever

.....Health Naturally - 80.....

Excessive consumption of sugar and starch leads to production
of fermented acids in the digestive system. The excess acid flush into
the blood stream making it hypoalkaline. Another cause of hyperacidity
is missing of a meal between or not taking it at fixed intervals resulting in
hyper secretion of acid in the stomach, which burns the soft delicate
mucosal lining. At times the acid regurgitates into the esophagus, resulting
in burning sensation in the throat region (heart burn). Intake of spicy
food, stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing
and stress and strains, all directly result in hyper secretion of hydrochloric
acid in the stomach.
o Routine treatments like mud packs or cold compresses on the
abdomen twice a day or cold hip baths daily.
o Hot and cold fomentations to abdomen once a while.
o Cold abdominal pack every night.
o Kidney pack once a while.
o Well planned meals of fixed quantity at fixed timings.
o Adequate intake of water.
o Cold trunk pack once a while.
o Taking enema for 3 days at the beginning of the treatment to
cleanse the intestine of morbid matter.
1STDAY: lime juice with honey and tender coconut water
2NDDAY: tender coconut water and mosambi juice
3RDDAY: fruits
4THDAY: brown rice, boiled vegs and fruits

.....Health Naturally - 81.....

o It is an exceedingly common respiratory infection. It is due to a
virus which multiplies fast in a person whose vitality is low. The
cold is, in fact, natures simplest mechanism of eliminating wastes
accumulated in the systempopularly known as Healing crisis.
o Fast with limejuice and honey for 2-3 days
o Drink plenty of water.
o Take steam inhalation every 3-4 hours for 3-5 minutes.
o Do warm water jal-neti twice a day
6am : herbal tea
8am : 2 carrot, 1 apple, 1 bowl sprouts
1pm : jowar roti, boiled vegs and boiled
4pm : 2 carrots, apple
6.30pm : moong sprouts, papaya, jowar roti
9.30pm : hot water with Triphala
Affects people of all ages, occupation, caste, creed and race. It has
become a part and parcel of ones daily life. Headaches can be due to
emotional disorders, head injuries, migraine, fever intracranial vascular
disorders, dental diseases, diseases of the eyes, ears or nose or even
However, a majority of the headaches are due to modernization
and a changed lifestyle, and habits such as an improper diet, tension,
stress, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, stimulants such as coffee
and tea.Headaches in fact are a distress signal sent up by the body

.....Health Naturally - 82.....

indicating that all is not well with the system. In fact, many headache
sufferers do not think so and try to suppress it with analgesics while
continuing with unhealthy lifestyle, resulting in the manifestation of another
bout of headache soon.
Most people experience headache as a sort of pain in the head
which is actually due to congestion in the blood vessels which press the
nerve endings present in the skull region.
Depending on the cause, headaches are classified as
o tension headaches,
o toxemic headaches,
o congestive headaches,
o sinus headaches,
o postural headaches,
o cluster headaches and
o One sided headache otherwise known as migraine.
o Since constipation is the root cause of most of the simple forms
of headaches, treat constipation.
o Take warm water enema.
o Do vaman douthi (vomiting) to cleanse the upper gastric region
so that pressure is relieved.
o A gentle head, neck and trapezius region massage followed by
cold trauma and pack provides relief.
o Hot foot bath diverting blood to lower limbs relieves congestive
o Exposing face to steam draws blood to the periphery, relieving
o Prolonged warm immersion baths provide relief.

.....Health Naturally - 83.....

o Steam baths help in removing toxins by sweat, and provide relief
for some of the headaches.
o Ice cold compress or a cold compress once an hour kept on the
forehead relieves headache due to fever by bringing down the

o Ice massage to head and spine relieves headache due to high

blood pressure.
o Cold or neutral spinal bath taken regularly have tonic effect on
the nervous system and help in preventing onset of headache.
o Regular practice of Yogasanas, kriya, pranayama plays a great
role in relieving headaches and also preventing it.
o Yoganidra, relaxation techniques and shavasana which provide
a deep sense of relaxation to the mind are also beneficial if
practiced regularly.
1STDAY: tender coconut water whole day
2NDDAY: fruit juices
3RDDAY: fruits and vegs
4THDAY: normal diet

Vomiting is the involuntary action of the body to empty the
contents of the stomach through the mouth. Vomit is made up of half
digested food from your stomach, stomach mucus, saliva, stomach
acids and other chemicals that help you digest food. Bile is green in
color which is why vomit is usually yellowy green in color. Bile is not
created in your stomach, it is created in the intestines - when an individual
vomits the bile comes from further down in the digestive system. The
nasty smell associated with vomiting can also be blamed on bile and
stomach acids.

.....Health Naturally - 84.....

Vomiting is also a crisis during fasting. And also indicates that
elimination is taking place
Causes of Vomiting
Vomiting can occur as a result of morning sickness in pregnancy, flu,
motion sickness, infection, food poisoning, overindulgence, blocked
intestine, illness, nervousness, anxiety, concussion or brain injury and
Vomiting is usually preceded by queasiness in the stomach
(nausea), a sensation of biliousness and stomach ache. Children most
commonly suffer from stomach flu that can also cause nausea and
o Ice water sipping
o Cold apple juice sipping
o Ice cold compress on the abdomen
o Mud pack on the abdomen at an interval of every 1 hr.
o Cold water vamana dhouti.
o Acupressure at the center of wrist joint 1" above on the palmar
1STDAY : lime juice with sugar and salt every an hour
2NDDAY : tender coconut water
4THDAY : chilled milk with isabgol and sugar
3RDDAY : fruits and vegs
5THDAY : normal diet


Its a general term that means an outbreak of bumps on the
body that changes the way the skin looks and feels. Rashes can be
localized to one area or else be widespread. The way people use this
term, a rash can refer to many different skin conditions.

.....Health Naturally - 85.....

Itch is an irritation in the skin that elicits an urge to scratch.
Itches are a common problem and can be localized (limited to one area
of the body) or generalized (occurring all over the body or in several
different areas). The medical term for itching is pruritis.
During naturopathy treatments when the elimination of toxins
takes place the functions of the skin too becomes active. Hence there
may appear rashes on the skin and cause itching or simply itching. Do
not panic by this.
When the process of elimination gets complete, these rashes and itching
too stops.
o Drink lots of water
o Drink eliminative juices like lime juice with honey
o Mud application
o Ganji with turmeric application
o Fasting
6am : tender coconut water
7am : mosambi juice
8am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : brown rice and boiled vegs
4pm : tender coconut water
6.30pm : brown rice and boiled vegs
9.30pm : hot water and isabgol

.....Health Naturally - 86.....



the lungs to expel something
is sudden explosion
of air

passages. Productive coughing brings up

mucus while dry unproductive cough caused
due to pharyngeal irritation, does not.
A cough is a sudden and often
repetitively occurring reflex which helps to
clear the large breathing passages from
secretions, irritants, foreign particles and
The cough reflex consists of three phases:
An inhalation,
a forced exhalation against a closed glottis, and
a violent release of air from the lungs following opening

.....Health Naturally - 87.....

of the glottis, usually accompanied by
a distinctive sound.
Coughing can happen voluntarily as well
as involuntarily.
Frequent coughing usually indicates the
presence of a disease. Many viruses
and bacteria benefit evolutionarily by
causing the host to cough, which helps to spread the disease to new
hosts. Most of the time, coughing is caused by a respiratory tract infection
but can be triggered by choking, smoking, air pollution, asthma, gastro
esophageal reflux disease, post-nasal drip, chronic bronchitis, heart failure
and medications such as ACE inhibitors.
A cough can be classified by its duration, character, quality, and timing.
The duration can be either
acute (of sudden onset) if it is present less than three weeks
sub acute if it is present between three and eight weeks, and
Chronic when lasting longer than eight weeks.
A cough can be dry or productive, depending on whether sputum is
coughed up. It may occur only at night, during both night and day, or just
during the day
A cough is a protective reflex in healthy individuals which is influenced
by psychological factors.

The cough reflex is initiated by stimulation of two different classes of

afferent nerves, namely the
myelinated rapidly adapting receptors, and
nonmyelinated C-fibers with endings in the lungs.

.....Health Naturally - 88.....

However it is not certain that the
stimulation of nonmyelinated C-fibers
leads to cough with a reflex as its
meant in physiology (with its own five
components): this stimulation may
cause mast cells degranulation
(through an asso-assonic reflex) and
edema which may work as a stimulus
for rapidly adapting receptors.
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Throat disorders, such as croup in young children
Some medicines
heart failure
a clot in the blood vessels of the lung (called as pulmonary
This can also be physiological event if something irritating goes
into the windpipe including some food particles while swallowing.
Cigarette smoking,
pipe smoke,
low environmental humidity,
dust, dirt, grimes and congested place

.....Health Naturally - 89.....

Occupational like, person working in woolen factory or chemical
factory or pharmaceutical factory where there are particles of
the materials irritating the respiratory tract is most common cause
producing the cough.
Causes of an Acute Cough
The most common causes of an acute cough include:
The common cold
Acute sinusitis
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Allergic rhinitis
Non-allergic rhinitis
Signs and symptoms which revile the infections are fever, body aches,
sore throats, sinus pressure, chills, post nasal drip, malaise, nausea,
vomiting etc are there if the cough is infectious. There are many symptoms
but broadly, it can be classified under two categories; productive and
Non-productive cough

This is also called as dry-cough. There wont be any mucus

or purulent discharge from the respiratory tract along with
the cough. In this, whenever a person coughs, he or she finds
difficult in breathing. The dry cough produces more noise as
compare to the productive cough i.e. cough with discharge.
Productive cough
As the name suggests, the cough with some discharge whether
purulent or non purulent or phlegm is considered to be productive
cough. The color of the product may vary from person to person

.....Health Naturally - 90.....

and condition to condition. It could be white, yellow or bloody,
which is dangerous indicating some serious problem. All the time, a
person feels that the throat is getting irritated and needs
something expelling out, which will not give any good results
Most acute presentations of cough do not require blood, urine, or other
laboratory tests.

Otherwise when associated with some illness, diagnosis is must.

History of cough
Physical examination
Laboratory tests- routine blood and urine tests, gram stain, culture
of sputum etc
Radiological examinations like X-Ray and CT scans
Pulmonary function tests- peak flow meter tests
Invasive tests like bronchoscopy

o Chest packs at night and friction baths.

o Chest packs must be used every night for 20-30 minutes.
o Neutral half baths with Epsom salt which divert blood to the
periphery, relieving lung congestion, could be employed frequently
with advantage
o Asthma bath once a week/15 days is useful is relieving
congestion and increase in oxygen consumption.
o Neutral underwater massage,
o neutral jet massage

.....Health Naturally - 91.....

o whirlpool bath provide relaxation by action on the muscles at
the spinal region
o warm water enema twice weekly as emptying of bowels will
relieve pressure on the lungs
o Steam inhalation 2-3 times daily clear upper respiratory
o Steam bath for 15 minutes alternate days.
o Gentle spinal massage followed by hot fomentation to back
and neutral chest pack help relax bronchial muscles. Hot
fomentation softens the mucus and chest pack and relieves
congestion in the lungs.
o Hot foot bath relieves congestion by diverting blood flow to
the limbs.
Massage therapy:

o Full body oil massage with steam bath

o Partial massage to chest and upper back
Diet therapy:
Plenty of warm liquids relax the air passages by fomenting the
wind pipe (which is in front of the food pipe). Liquids also, thin the
mucus and replace the water lost during forced breathing. Fasting with
vegetable soup and hot honey water is helpful. A fatfree diet needs to
be adopted.
6am : warm water 2 glass
7am : lime juice with honey
8am : 1 bowl papaya, 5-6 dates
11am : orange juice with honey
1pm : 2 wheat roti, boiled vegetables, veg clear soup
4pm : Tulsi, ginger, pepper kashaya

.....Health Naturally - 92.....

7.30pm : I bowl of fresh fruits, sprouts, and hot clear soup
9.30pm : hot milk with turmeric
Yoga therapy:
o Pranayama and asanas to prevent lung congestion should be practiced
under the guidance of an expert teacher.
o Pranayama and Kriya help build resistance of the lung and upper
respiratory tract, besides clearing them.
o Practice of Jala neti and Sutraneti as and when required keeps upper
respiratory passages clear.
Jalneti followed by cow ghee drop in nostrils,
Vastra Dhouti,
Lagushankha Prakashalana,

Standing asana:
Supine asana:
Vipareeta karani

Prone asana:

.....Health Naturally - 93.....

Sitting asana:
Sputa Vajrasana

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M kara chantings
OHM meditation

.....Health Naturally - 94.....



The common cold (viral upper respiratory tract infection (VURI),
acute viral nasopharyngitis, acute viral rhinopharyngitis, acute coryza, or
a cold) is a contagious, viral infectious disease of the upper
respiratory system, primarily caused by rhinoviruses,
(picornaviruses) or coronaviruses.
It is the most common infectious disease in humans. The infection is
usually mild and improves without treatment.
We call it the common cold for good
reason. You and your children will probably
more They
average any
Parents other
often type
to eight
get them

from the kids. Colds are the most common

reason that children miss school and parents
miss work.
.....Health Naturally - 95.....
The three most frequent symptoms of a cold are:
o Nasal congestion
o Runny nose
o Sneezing
Depending on which virus is causing the symptoms, the virus
might also cause:
o Cough
o Decreased appetite
o Headache
o Muscle aches
o Postnasal drip
o Sorethroat
o pink eye
o malaise,
o uncontrollable shivering
o Fever
Fever is more commonly a symptom of influenza, another viral
upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) whose symptoms broadly
overlaps with the cold but are more severe. Symptoms may be more
severe in infants and young children (due to their immune system
not being fully developed) as well as the elderly (due to their
immune system often being weakened).
60% of those suffering from a sore throat
and upper respiratory tract infection
reported headaches, often due to nasal
congestion. The symptoms of a cold
usually resolve
however, after
it is not that one
rareabout week;

last up to three weeks.

.....Health Naturally - 96.....

The common cold can lead to opportunistic coinfections or superinfections
such as
acute bronchitis,
otitis media,
Strep throat.
People with chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD are
especially vulnerable. Colds may cause acute exacerbations of asthma,
emphysema or chronic bronchitis.
The common cold is most often caused by infection with one of
the 99 known serotypes of rhinovirus, a type of picornavirus. Around
30-50% of colds are caused by rhinoviruses. Other viruses causing colds
are coronavirus (causing 10-15%), 5-15% are caused by influenza
viruses. In total over 200 serologically different viral types cause colds.
Due to the many different types of viruses and their tendency for
continuous mutation, it is impossible to gain complete immunity to the
common cold.
Lack of sleep has been associated with the common cold. Those
who sleep fewer than 7 hours per night were three times more likely to
develop an infection when exposed to a rhinovirus when compared to
those who sleep more than 8 hours per night.
Vitamin D
People with the lowest blood vitamin D levels reported having

.....Health Naturally - 97.....

significantly more recent colds or cases of the flu.
Cold weather
An ancient belief still common today claims that a cold can be caught
by prolonged exposure to cold weather such as rain or winter conditions,
which is where the disease got its name.
But despite what old wives tales may have you believe, not wearing a
jacket or sweater when its chilly, sitting or sleeping in a draft, and going
outside while your hairs wet do not cause colds.
Most people diagnose the common cold by the typical symptoms of runny
nose, congestion and sneezing. Usually it isnt necessary for you to
see a health care provider. You should see a doctor if you
develop a high fever, severe sinus pain, ear pain, shortness of breath or
new wheezing. These are symptoms that suggest you either have
something other than a cold or a complication of the cold.

Steam inhalation with neem or neelgiri or tulsi leaves for 5-7

Neutral chest pack for 20 minutes
Steam bath for 15 minutes
Enema with warm water
Diet therapy:
6am : herbal tea
8am : 2 carrot, 1 apple, 1 bowl sprouts
1pm : jowar roti, boiled vegs and boiled moong
4pm : 2 carrots, apple
6.30pm : moong sprouts, papaya, jowar roti
9.30pm : hot water with Triphala
.....Health Naturally - 98.....
Yoga therapy:
Standing asana:

Supine asana:
Vipareeta karani
Prone asana:

Sitting asana:
Sputa Vajrasana

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM meditation
It might seem overwhelming to try to prevent colds, but you can do it.
Children average three to eight colds per year.

.....Health Naturally - 99.....

Here are five proven ways to reduce exposure to germs:
o Always wash your hands: Children and adults should wash
hands at key moments after nose-wiping, after diapering
or toileting, before eating, and before preparing food.
o Disinfect: Clean commonly touched surfaces (sink handles,
sleeping mats) with an EPA-approved disinfectant.
o Switch day care: Using a day care where there are six or
fewer children dramatically reduces germ contact.
o Use instant hand sanitizers: A little dab will kill 99.99%
of germs without any water or towels. The products use
alcohol to destroy germs. They are an antiseptic, not an
antibiotic, so resistance cant develop.
o Use paper towels instead of shared cloth towels.
Here are six ways to support the immune system:
o Avoid secondhand smoke: Keep as far away from
secondhand smoke as possible it is responsible for many
health problems, including millions of colds.
o Avoid unnecessary antibiotics: The more people use
antibiotics, the more likely they are to get sick with longer,
more stubborn infections caused by more resistant organisms
in the future.
o Breastfeed: Breast milk is known to protect against
respiratory tract infections, even years after breastfeeding
is done. Kids who dont breastfeed average five times more
ear infections.
o Drink water: Your body needs fluids for the immune system
to function properly.
o Eat yogurt: The beneficial bacteria in some active yogurt
cultures help prevent colds.
o Get enough sleep: Late bedtimes and poor sleep leave
people vulnerable.

.....Health Naturally - 100.....



Bronchitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the

bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lungs.
Bronchitis describes inflammation of the bronchial tubes
(inflammation = itis). The inflammation causes swelling of the lining of
these breathing tubes, narrowing the tubes and promoting secretion of
inflammatory fluid.
It causes a cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
Coughing often brings up yellow or greenish mucus.

.....Health Naturally - 101.....

Bronchitis can be classified into two
categories, acute and chronic, each of
which has unique etiologies, pathologies,
and therapies.
Acute bronchitis is
characterized by the
development of a cough, with or without the production
of sputum, mucus that is expectorated (coughed up) from
the respiratory tract. Acute bronchitis often occurs during the
course of an acute viral illness such as the common cold or
influenza. Viruses cause about 90% of cases of acute bronchitis
while bacteria account for less than 10%
Chronic bronchitis, a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, is characterized by the presence of a productive cough
that lasts for 3 months or more per year for at least 2
years. Chronic bronchitis most often develops due to recurrent
injury to the airways caused by inhaled irritants. Cigarette smoking
is the most common cause, followed by air pollution and
occupational exposure to irritants, and cold air.
Acute bronchitis describes the inflammation of the bronchi
usually caused by a viral infection, although bacteria and chemicals also
may cause acute bronchitis. Bronchiolitis is a term that describes
inflammation of the smaller bronchi referred to as bronchioles.
the smallInbronchi
is usually
(RSV), and
caused by

the large. In adults, other viruses as well as

some bacteria can cause bronchiolitis and often
manifest as a persistent cough at times
productive of small plugs of mucus.

.....Health Naturally - 102.....

Acute bronchitis is as mentioned above, is a cough that begins suddenly
usually due to a viral infection involving the larger airways. Colds
(also known as viral upper airway infections) often involve the throat
(pharyngitis) and nasal passages, and at times the larynx (resulting in a
diminished hoarse voice, also known as laryngitis). Symptoms can
include a runny nose, nasal stuffiness, and sore throat, low-grade
fever, pleurisy, malaise, and the production of sputum. Croup
usually occurs in infants and young children and involves the voice box
and upper large airways (the trachea and large bronchi)
Acute bronchitis occurs most often due to a viral infection
that causes the inner lining of the bronchial tubes to become
inflamed and undergo the changes that occur with any
inflammation in the body. Common viruses include the rhinovirus,
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the influenza virus.
Bacteria can also cause bronchitis (a few examples include,
Mycoplasma, Pneumococcus, Klebsiella, Haemophilus).
Chemical irritants (for example, tobacco smoke, gastric reflux,
solvents) can cause acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis often starts with a dry, annoying cough that is triggered
by the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. Other symptoms
may include:
cough that may bring up thick white, yellow, or greenish
generally feeling ill
fever (usually mild)

.....Health Naturally - 103.....

shortness of breath
soreness or a feeling of tightness in the chest
wheezing (a whistling or hissing sound with breathing)
The viruses that cause acute bronchitis are sprayed into the
air or onto peoples hands when they cough. You can get
acute bronchitis if you breathe in these viruses. You can
also get it if you touch a hand that is coated with the viruses.
If you smoke or are around damaging fumes (such as those
in certain kinds of factories), you are more likely to get acute
bronchitis and to have it longer. This is because your bronchial
tree is already damaged.
People who have gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)
can develop acute bronchitis when stomach acids get into
the bronchial tree
Smoking is a key risk factor for developing acute bronchitis.
Any other illnesses that predispose to similar inflammation also increase
that risk (for example, asthma patients and patients allergic to airborne

Acute bronchitis is usually diagnosed through patient history and physical
The health care practitioner may examine of the patients
o upper airways to look for signs of ear, nose, or throat infection
including redness of the tympanic membranes (ear drums),
runny nose, and post nasal drip.

.....Health Naturally - 104.....

o Redness of the throat or swelling and pus on the tonsils
can help distinguish common cold, tonsillitis, and acute bronchitis
o The neck may be palpated or felt to check for swollen lymph
o Listening to the lungs may reveal decreased air entry and
o A chest X-ray may be considered by the health care practitioner
if there is a concern that a pneumonia or infection of lung tissue
is present.
o Blood tests are usually not helpful; occasionally, cultures of
sputum are done if a bacterial pathogen is suspected.



o Treat fever by means of sponge baths frequently,

o Chest packs at night and friction baths.
o Chest packs must be used every night for 20-30 minutes.
o Neutral half baths with Epsom salt which divert blood to the
periphery, relieving lung congestion, could be employed frequently
with advantage
o Asthma bath once a week/15 days is useful is relieving
congestion and increase in oxygen consumption.
o Neutral underwater massage,
o neutral jet massage
o whirlpool bath provide relaxation by action on the muscles at
the spinal region
o warm water enema twice weekly as emptying of bowels will
relieve pressure on the lungs

.....Health Naturally - 105.....

o Steam inhalation 2-3 times daily clear upper respiratory
o Steam bath for 15 minutes alternate days.
o Gentle spinal massage followed by hot fomentation to back
and neutral chest pack help relax bronchial muscles. Hot
fomentation softens the mucus and chest pack and relieves
congestion in the lungs.
o Hot foot bath relieves congestion by diverting blood flow to
the limbs.
Massage therapy:

o Full body oil massage with steam bath

o Partial massage to chest and upper back
Diet therapy:
Plenty of warm liquids relax the air passages by fomenting the wind pipe
(which is in front of the food pipe). Liquids also, thin the mucus and
replace the water lost during forced breathing. Fasting with vegetable
soup and hot honey water is helpful. A fatfree diet needs to be adopted.

6am : warm water 2 glass

7am : lime juice with honey
8am : 1 bowl papaya, 5-6 dates
11am : orange juice with honey

1pm : 2 wheat roti, boiled vegetables, veg clear soup

4pm : Tulsi, ginger, pepper kashaya
7.30pm : papaya, boiled sprouts

9.30pm : hot milk with turmeric

.....Health Naturally - 106.....

Yoga therapy:
o Pranayama and asanas to prevent lung congestion should be practiced
under the guidance of an expert teacher.
o Pranayama and Kriya help build resistance of the lung and upper
respiratory tract, besides clearing them.
o Practice of Jala neti and Sutraneti as and when required keeps upper
respiratory passages clear.
Jalneti followed by cow ghee drop in nostrils,
Vastra Dhauti,
Lagushankha Prakashalana,

Standing asana:

Supine asana:
Vipareeta karani

Prone asana:


.....Health Naturally - 107.....

Sitting asana:
Sputa vajrasana

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M kara chantings
OHM meditation
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 108.....



Asthma is a Greek word which means panting or short-drawn
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes
(airways) that cause swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the
airways. The result is difficulty breathing. The bronchial narrowing is
usually either totally or at least partially reversible with treatments.
Asthma is a disease of airways characterized by increased
responsiveness of the tracheo-bronchial tree to a variety of stimuli
resulting in widespread spasmodic narrowing of the air passages which
may be relieved spontaneously or by therapy.

Asthma is characterized by paroxysmal attacks of dyspnoea,

cough, wheezing with short inspiratory effort and prolonged expiration.
The cause is narrowing of trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles which are
especially marked during expiration.

.....Health Naturally - 109.....

It occurs in all ages. But many develop before the age of 10 years. Both
the sexes are affected equally.
The exact cause of asthma isnt known. Researchers think a combination
of factors (family genes and certain environmental exposures) interact
to cause asthma to develop, most often early in life. These factors include:
o An inherited tendency to develop allergies, called atopy (AT
o Parents who have asthma
o Certain respiratory infections during childhood
o Contact with some airborne allergens or exposure to some
viral infections in infancy or in early childhood when the
immune system is developing
If asthma or atopy runs in your family, exposure to airborne allergens
(for example, house dust mites, cockroaches, and possibly cat or dog
dander) and irritants (for example, tobacco smoke) may make your
airways more reactive to substances in the air you breathe.

Different factors may be more likely to cause asthma in some people

than in others. Researchers continue to explore what causes asthma.
The symptoms are
tightness in the chest,
gasp for breath,

And wheeze.
As the paroxysm develops breathing becomes more

.....Health Naturally - 110.....

Sits upright , struggles to breath
Short inspiration with little expansion.
Accessory muscles (sterno- mastoid, scalenes, and
pectorals) of respiration in action.
the lips, cheeks, and the nail beds are cyanosed
jugular veins are distended
on percussion, note is hyper resonant
On auscultation, inspiratory effort is shortened and expiration
is prolonged. Loud Ronchi and coarse rhales heard
a) Predisposing causes:

An inherited tendency and personal history of allergy.

Psychological factor
Most asthmatics have sensitive, intelligent and
dynamic personalities and attacks may follow anxiety,
frustration, overwork, fatigue, and sleeplessness.
Any cause of lowered immunity tends to bring on
Endocrine causes
Before menstruation and at the time of menopause.
b) Exciting causes:

Hypersensitive to variety of allergens

Inhaled allergens like pollens, animal hair, and
dandruff, feathers, house dust, various moulds
Ingested allergens like, wheat, milk, chocolate
or potatoes

.....Health Naturally - 111.....

certain gram negative bacilli ,The spores of
fungal infections (Aspergillus), Certain mites
Drugs and chemicals are occasional causes like
Aspirin, chemical used by printers like, iodine,
Infections of the bronchial tree
Such as give rise to bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. at
all ages and especially in the elderly, a bronchiatic
infection is liable to bring on asthma.
Reflex causes
Many patients have nocturnal attack after large
supper or in association with constipation
Conditions of nasal passage
Such as polyp, hyper tropic rhinitis, and nasal
Certain climatic conditions
One patient may have attack in dry weather, or
another in damp weather
Based on the stimuli initiating the bronchial asthma, two types are,
Extrinsic Asthma (allergic, atopic)
Intrinsic asthma (idiosyncratic, non atopic)
Extrinsic Asthma
This is the most common type. It usually begins in childhood or
early adult life. Most of the patients of this type have personal or family
history of preceding allergic diseases such as rhinitis, urticaria, or infantile
eczema. Hypersensitivity to various extrinsic antigenic substances or

.....Health Naturally - 112.....

allergens is usually present in these cases. These allergens cause ill
effects by inhalation e.g. house dust, pollens, animal dander, moulds etc.
the other allergens are, fumes, gases, organic and chemical dusts.
Intrinsic Asthma
This type of asthma develops in adult life with negative personal or family
history of allergy, negative skin test. Most of the patients develop typical
symptom- complex after an upper respiratory tract infection, by virus.
Its Associated with nasal polyp and chronic bronchitis. There are no
recognizable allergens.
Your primary care doctor will diagnose asthma based on your medical
history, a physical exam, and results from tests. He or she also will
figure out what your level of asthma severity isthat is, whether its
intermittent, mild, moderate, or severe. Your severity level will determine
what treatment you will start on.
You may need to see an asthma specialist if:
o You need special tests to be sure you have asthma
o Youve had a life-threatening asthma attack
o You need more than one kind of medicine or higher doses
of medicine to control your asthma, or if you have overall
difficulty getting your asthma well controlled
o Youre thinking about getting allergy treatments
Medical History
Your doctor may ask about your family history of asthma and
allergies. He or she also may ask whether you have asthma
symptoms, and when and how often they occur. Let your doctor know
if your symptoms seem to happen only during certain times of the year
or in certain places, or if they get worse at night.
Your doctor may ask you about related health conditions that can
interfere with asthma management. These conditions include a runny
.....Health Naturally - 113.....
nose, sinus infections, reflux disease, psychological stress, and sleep
Physical Exam

Your doctor will listen to your breathing and look for signs of asthma or
allergies. These signs include wheezing, a runny nose or swollen nasal
passages, and allergic skin conditions such as eczema.
Keep in mind that you can still have asthma even if you dont have these
signs on the day that your doctor examines you.
Diagnostic Tests
Lung Function Test

Your doctor will use a test called spirometry (spi-ROM-eh-tre) to

check how your lungs are working. This test measures how much air
you can breathe in and out. It also measures how fast you can blow
air out. Your doctor also may give you medicines and then test you
again to see whether the results have improved.

If the starting results are lower than normal and improve with the
medicine, and if your medical history shows a pattern of asthma
symptoms, your diagnosis will likely be asthma.
Other Tests
Your doctor may order other tests if he or she needs more information to
make a diagnosis. Other tests may include:
o Allergy testing to find out which allergens affect you, if any.
o A test to measure how sensitive your airways are. This is
called a bronchoprovocation test. Using spirometry, this test
repeatedly measures your lung function during physical
activity or after you receive increasing doses of cold air or
a special chemical to breathe in.
o A test to show whether you have another disease with the
same symptoms as asthma, such as reflux disease, vocal
cord dysfunction, or sleep apnea.
.....Health Naturally - 114.....
o A chest x ray or an EKG (electrocardiogram). These tests
will help find out whether a foreign object or other disease
may be causing your symptoms.



Steam inhalation with neem or neelgiri or tulsi leaves for 5-7

Hot arm and foot bath for 20 minutes
Neutral half bath for 20 minutes
Neutral trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Chest packs at night and friction baths.
Chest packs must be used every night for 20-30 minutes.
Neutral half baths with Epsom salt which divert blood to the
periphery, relieving lung congestion, could be employed frequently
with advantage
Asthma bath once a week/15 days is useful is relieving
congestion and increase in oxygen consumption.
Neutral underwater massage,
neutral jet massage
whirlpool bath provide relaxation by action on the muscles at
the spinal region
warm water enema twice weekly as emptying of bowels will
relieve pressure on the lungs
Steam inhalation 2-3 times daily clear upper respiratory
Steam bath for 15 minutes alternate days.
Gentle spinal massage followed by hot fomentation to back
and neutral chest pack help relax bronchial muscles. Hot

.....Health Naturally - 115.....

fomentation softens the mucus and chest pack and relieves
congestion in the lungs.
Hot foot bath relieves congestion by diverting blood flow to
the limbs.

Chest massage with warm herbal oil.

Stroking the chest with fingers between the intercostals
spaces towards the heart.

Light friction movements

Hacking and clapping
Neck movements
Back massage
Diet therapy:
Plenty of warm liquids relax the air passages by fomenting the wind pipe
(which is in front of the food pipe). Liquids also, thin the mucus and
replace the water lost during forced breathing. Fasting with vegetable
soup and hot honey water is helpful. A fatfree diet needs to be adopted.
6am : honey water
7am : lime juice with honey
8am : carrot juice
11am : herbal tea
1pm : dahlia, papaya, veg clear soup
4pm : carrot juice
7.30pm : I bowl of fresh fruits, sprouts, and hot clear soup
9.30pm : hot honey water
Yoga therapy:
Asana like
.....Health Naturally - 116.....
Standing asana:

Supine asana:
Vipareeta karani

Prone asana:

Sitting asana:
Sputa vajrasana

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M kara chantings

OHM meditation

.....Health Naturally - 117.....



Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung. It is often

characterized as including inflammation of the parenchyma of the
lung (that is, the alveoli) and abnormal
alveolar filling with fluid (consolidation and
The alveoli are microscopic air filled sacs in
the lungs responsible for gas exchange.
Pneumonia can result from a variety of causes,
including infection with bacteria, viruses,
fungi, or parasites, and chemical or
physical injury to the lungs. Its cause may
also be officially described as unknown when
infectious causes have been excluded.
Pneumonia is common, occurring in all age
groups, and is a leading cause of death among
the young, the old, and the chronically ill.

.....Health Naturally - 118.....

Some cases of pneumonia are contracted by breathing in small
droplets that contain the organisms that can cause pneumonia.
o These droplets get into the air when a person infected with
these germs coughs or sneezes.
o In other cases, pneumonia is caused when bacteria or viruses
that are normally present in the mouth, throat, or nose
inadvertently enter the lung.
o During sleep, it is quite common for people to aspirate secretions
from the mouth, throat, or nose.
o Normally, the bodys reflex response (coughing back up the
secretions) and their immune system will prevent the aspirated
organisms from causing pneumonia.
However, if a person is in a weakened condition from another
illness, a severe pneumonia can develop. Once organisms enter
the lungs, they usually settle in the air sacs and passages of the
lung where they rapidly grow in number. This area of the lung
then becomes filled with fluid and pus (the bodys inflammatory
cells) as the body attempts to fight off the infection.
Pneumonia can be caused by microorganisms, irritants and unknown
causes. When pneumonias are grouped this way, infectious causes are
the most common type.
The symptoms of infectious pneumonia are caused by the invasion of
the lungs by microorganisms and by the immune systems response to
the infection. Although more than one hundred strains of microorganism
can cause pneumonia, only a few are responsible for most cases.
The most common causes of pneumonia are
Viruses (Viral pneumonia)
Bacteria (Bacterial pneumonia)

.....Health Naturally - 119.....

Less common causes of infectious pneumonia are
fungi (Fungal pneumonia)
Parasites( Parasitic pneumonia)
Idiopathic (Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia)
People with recent
o Viral infections,
o Lung disease,
o heart disease, and
o swallowing problems,
o alcoholics,
o drug users, and
o Those who have suffered a stroke or seizure are at higher risk
for developing pneumonia than the general population.
o As we age, our swallowing mechanism can become impaired as
does our immune system.
o 65 years of age or older
o People in nursing homes or other chronic care facilities
o Male
o Children under the age of two
o People with colds or other respiratory infections
o People with reduced immunity
o People with other lung diseases, such as asthma, cystic fibrosis
and lung cancer
o People with AIDS or HIV
o Organ transplant recipients
o People who have had their spleen removed
o People receiving chemotherapy
o People who smoke

.....Health Naturally - 120.....

o People with chronic health
problems, such as lung disease,
heart disease, kidney disorders,
sickle cell anemia or diabetes
These factors, along with some of the
negative side effects of
medications, increase the risk for
pneumonia in the elderly.
Symptoms of pneumonia vary, depending on the age of the child and the
cause of the pneumonia. Common symptoms include:
o fever
o chills
o cough
o unusually rapid breathing
o breathing with grunting or wheezing sounds
o labored breathing that makes a childs rib muscles retract (when
muscles under the rib cage or between ribs draw inward with
each breath)
o vomiting
o chest pain
o abdominal pain
o decreased activity
o loss of appetite (in older kids) or poor feeding (in infants)
o in extreme cases, bluish or gray color of the lips and fingernail
o feeling ill
o clammy skin
o nasal flaring
o fatigue
o mental confusion

.....Health Naturally - 121.....

o joint and muscle stiffness
o anxiety, stress and tension
Corresponding to the causes are the
most common types of pneumonia - bacterial
pneumonia, viral pneumonia and mycoplasma pneumonia.
Pneumonia-causing bacteria is present in many throats, but when the
bodys defenses are weakened (for example, by illness, old age,
malnutrition or impaired immunity) the bacteria can multiply, working
its way into the lungs, inflaming the air sacs and filling the lungs
with liquid and pus. The bacteria that cause bacterial pneumonia are
streptococcus pneumonia (resulting in lobar pneumonia), hemophilus
influenza (resulting in bronchopneumonia), legionella pneumophilia
(resulting in Legionnaires disease) and staphylococcus aureus.
Half of all pneumonias are believed to be caused by viruses, such as
influenza (flu), adenovirus, coxsackievirus, chickenpox, measles,
cytomegalovirus and respiratory syncytial virus. These viruses
invade the lungs and multiply.
Similar to bacterial pneumonia, the mycoplasmas multiply and
spread, causing infection.

Some of the other pneumonia-related disorders are aspiration

pneumonia, chlamydial pneumonia, Lofflers syndrome,
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, pediatric pneumonia and
necrotizing pneumonia.

Symptoms vary, depending on the type of pneumonia and the individual.

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With bacterial pneumonia, the person may experience:
o shaking
o chills
o chattering teeth
o severe chest pain
o cough that produces rust-colored or greenish mucus
o very high fever
o sweating
o rapid breathing
o rapid pulse rate
With viral pneumonia, the person may experience:
o fever
o dry cough
o headache
o muscle pain and weakness
These flu-like symptoms may be followed within one or two
days by:
o increasing breathlessness
o dry cough becomes worse and produces a small amount of
o higher fever
o bluish color to the lips
With mycoplasma pneumonia, the person may experience:
o violent coughing attacks
o chills
o fever
o nausea
o vomiting
o slow heartbeat
o breathlessness

.....Health Naturally - 123.....

o bluish color to lips and nail beds
o diarrhea
o rash
o muscle aches
Eosinophilic pneumonia
Eosinophilic pneumonia is invasion of the lung by eosinophils, a
particular kind of white blood cell. Eosinophilic pneumonia often occurs
in response to infection with a parasite or after exposure to certain types
of environmental factors.
Chemical pneumonia
Chemical pneumonia (usually called chemical pneumonitis) is caused by
chemical toxicants such as pesticides, which may enter the body by
inhalation or by skin contact. When the toxic substance is oil, the
pneumonia may be called lipoid pneumonia.
Aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia (or aspiration pneumonitis) is caused by aspirating
foreign objects which are usually oral or gastric contents, either while
eating, or after reflux or vomiting which results in
bronchopneumonia. The resulting lung inflammation is not an infection
but can contribute to one, since the material aspirated may contain
anaerobic bacteria or other unusual causes of pneumonia. Aspiration is
a leading cause of death among hospital and nursing home patients, since
they often cannot adequately protect their airways and may have
otherwise impaired defenses.

Dust pneumonia describes disorders caused by excessive exposure to

dust storms, particularly during the Dust Bowl in the United States.
With dust pneumonia, dust settles all the way into the alveoli of the
lungs, stopping the cilia from moving and preventing the lungs
from ever clearing themselves.
.....Health Naturally - 124.....
If pneumonia is suspected on the basis of a patients symptoms
and findings from physical examination, further investigations are
needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Information from a chest X-ray and blood tests are helpful, and sputum
cultures in some cases.
Occasionally a chest CT scan or other tests may be needed to
distinguish pneumonia from other illnesses.
Steam inhalation with neem or neelgiri or tulsi leaves for 5-7
Hot arm and foot bath for 20 minutes
Neutral half bath for 20 minutes
Neutral trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Chest packs at night and friction baths.
Chest packs must be used every night for 20-30 minutes.
Neutral half baths with Epsom salt which divert blood to the
periphery, relieving lung congestion, could be employed frequently
with advantage
Asthma bath once a week/15 days is useful is relieving
congestion and increase in oxygen consumption.
Neutral underwater massage,
neutral jet massage
whirlpool bath provide relaxation by action on the muscles at
the spinal region
warm water enema twice weekly as emptying of bowels will
relieve pressure on the lungs
Steam inhalation 2-3 times daily clear upper respiratory
.....Health Naturally - 125.....
Steam bath for 15 minutes alternate days.
Gentle spinal massage followed by hot fomentation to back
and neutral chest pack help relax bronchial muscles. Hot
fomentation softens the mucus and chest pack and relieves
congestion in the lungs.
Hot foot bath relieves congestion by diverting blood flow to
the limbs.
Chest massage with warm herbal oil.
Stroking the chest with fingers between the intercostals spaces
towards the heart.
Light friction movements
Hacking and clapping
Neck movements
Back massage
Diet therapy:
Plenty of warm liquids relax the air passages by fomenting the wind pipe
(which is in front of the food pipe). Liquids also, thin the mucus and
replace the water lost during forced breathing. Fasting with vegetable
soup and hot honey water is helpful. A fatfree diet needs to be adopted.
6am : Ginger tea
7am : 50ml Tulsi juice with 2sp honey
8am : 1 bowl papaya, almonds, figs
11am : Tulsi, ginger juice
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegetables, papaya
4pm : papaya, carrot juice
7.30pm : jowar roti, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : ginger tea with jaggery
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama

.....Health Naturally - 126.....

Standing asana:
Supine asana:
Vipareeta karani
Prone asana:
Sitting asana:
Sputa Vajrasana
Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chantings
OHM meditation

.....Health Naturally - 127.....



Ringworm is a common fungal infection resulting from
dermatophytes, which are microscopic organisms that live on the
dead outer layer of skin.
Ringworm, also called Tinea is a fungus infection of the scalp or skin.
The fungal infection is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes.
Dermatophytes live on the dead tissues on the skin and any structures
that grow from the skin, such as hair or nails.
Ringworm is not a worm infection.
Ringworm can affect skin, fingers, toe nails or foot. Tinea capitis, for
instance, refers to scalp ringworm, tinea corporis to fungus of the body,
tinea pedis to fungus of the feet, and so on.
Ringworm Infection does not create lasting immunity. A person can be
repeatedly infected by the same type of fungus.
Ringworm is contagious. Ringworm can affect anyone at anytime. If
you live in a warm, humid climate, have direct contact with active lesions

.....Health Naturally - 128.....

on someone else (or a pet), or have a weakened immune system (as a
consequence of medical problems such as diabetes, leukemia, or AIDS),
your risk for developing ringworm is higher.

Ringworm of the skin can start as a small patch of itchy, red, or scaling
skin. The rash can spread and cover a large area.
Clothing that rubs the skin can irritate the rash. Sweat, heat, or moisture
in the air (humidity) can make the itching and infection worse.
As the infection becomes worse, the ring-shaped pattern and red-brown
color may become more visible. If not treated, the skin can become
irritated and painful. Skin blisters and cracks can become infected with
bacteria and require antibiotics.
Ringworm can also spread to other parts of the body, including the feet,
nails, scalp, or beard. After treatment, the rash will go away. But ringworm
can return unless you follow steps to prevent it. The tendency to get
fungal skin infections or to have them return after treatment seems to
run in families.
Among the types of ringworm, or tinea, are the following:

1. Tinea barbae: ringworm of the bearded area of the face and

neck, with swelling and marked crusting, often with itching,
sometimes causes the hair to break off.
2. Tinea capitis: Ringworm of the scalp commonly affects children,
mostly in late childhood or adolescence.
3. Tinea corporis: fungus affects the skin of the body
4. Tinea cruris: Tinea of the groin (jock itch)
5. Tinea faciei: ringworm on the face except in the area of the
6. Tinea manus: ringworm involving the hands, particularly the
palms and the spaces between the fingers.

.....Health Naturally - 129.....

7. Tinea pedis: ringworm of the feet
8. Tinea unguium: This is referred to as fungal nails or

What are the sources of skin fungi?

Some fungi live only on human skin, hair, or nails.
Others live on animals and only sometimes are found on human
Still others live in the soil.
It is often difficult or impossible to identify the source of a
particular persons skin fungus.
Heat and moisture help fungi grow and thrive, which makes
them more commonly found in skin folds such as those in the
groin or between the toes.

This also accounts for their reputation as being caught from

showers, locker rooms, and swimming pools.
This reputation is exaggerated, though, since many people with
jock itch or athletes foot has not contracted the infection
from locker rooms or athletic facilities.
Fungi (plural of fungus) that cause ringworm live and spread on
the outer layer of skin.

.....Health Naturally - 130.....

Although the world is full of yeasts, molds, and fungi, only a few
cause skin problems.
These agents are called the dermatophytes, which mean skin
Skin fungi can only live on the dead layer of keratin protein on
top of the skin.

They rarely invade deeper into the body and cannot live on
mucous membranes, such as those in the mouth or vagina. Fungi
are present everywhere in our environment, including on the
human body.
They thrive in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms and
swimming pools, and in skin folds.
You can get ringworm of the skin by sharing contaminated towels,
clothing, and sports equipment, and by direct contact with an
infected person.
Ringworm is common among wrestlers, probably because of
the skin-to-skin contact.
Most ringworm infections cause a rash that may be peeling,
cracking, scaling, itching, and red. Sometimes the rash forms blisters,
especially on the feet.
Symptoms of ringworm of the body include a rash:
On the chest, stomach, arms, legs, or back.
With edges that are red and scaly or moist and crusted. The
rash also may have small bumps that look like blisters. The center
of the rash may be clear, giving it a ring-shaped appearance, or
there may be a cluster of red bumps.
That may form large, round patches.

.....Health Naturally - 131.....

Symptoms of ringworm of the face include a rash:
On the face, the ears, or both.
With a border that may not be
very distinct.

That may get worse after being

in the sun.
Symptoms of ringworm of the
groin (jock itch) include a rash:
On the groin, skin folds, inner thighs, or buttocks. The rash usually
does not occur on the scrotum or penis.
With edges that are very distinct and may be scaly or have
bumps that look like blisters.
That may have a red-brown center.
Jock itch and athletes foot frequently occur at the same time.
Symptoms of ringworm on the hand include a rash:
On the palm that may be mistaken for eczema.
On the palm that is thickened, dry, and scaly, similar to athletes
foot, while skin between the
fingers may be moist and have
open sores.

On the back of the hand that is

red and scaly, with edges that
have bumps that look like
Fingernails can also be
infected.They become
discolored, thick, and even

.....Health Naturally - 132.....

Ringworm of the skin may be confused with other conditions
with similar symptoms, such as eczema or psoriasis.
Diet therapy
6:00 am - neem juice

8:00 am - papaya, almond(10)

1:00 pm - brown rice+veg.

4:00 pm - pomogranate

7:30 - veg soup+boiled moong+papaya

Your doctor will diagnose ringworm primarily based on the appearance
of the skin. If tests are needed, The fungus may appear florescent
when your skin is examined with a blue light (called a Woods
lamp) in a dark room. - A skin scrapings for microscopic examination
[ KOH (potassium hydroxide) preparation]. This test can help your
doctor find out whether a fungus is causing your rash A. fungal culture
(skin culture) of the affected skin can establish the diagnosis of
ringworm. This test can identify the type of fungus that is causing your
Cold immersion bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes daily.
Cold hip bath for 20 minutes
Warm water enema daily
Arm and foot bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes
Drink lots of water
Massage therapy:

Neem oil application

.....Health Naturally - 133.....

Mud therapy:
Mud application on the areas of ringworm and then washed
after an hour
Neem and turmeric paste application
Ganji (boiled rice paste) application with turmeric
Coconut oil application
Juice of tulsi applied on the ringworm
Paste of mustard seeds applied and washed with hot water
Rub raw papaya slices on the ringworm
Paste of papaya seeds can be applied Sunbathing every morning
at the first light of dawn
Diet therapy:
Yoga therapy:
Shithalikarna vyayama Suryanamaskar
Standing series
Quick relaxation technique
Supine series
Prone series
.....Health Naturally - 134.....
Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma
OHM meditation
A, U, M kara chanting

Vaman dhouthi
To avoid ringworm infection, avoid contact with suspicious
lesions, wear loose-fitting clothes, avoid sharing clothes, and after
showering, dry off completely.
Examine all family members for signs of tinea as re-infection
may occur.

Avoid touching suspicious lesions.

Maintain proper hygiene by washing your hands and body
frequently and laundering the linens and clothes of an infected
family member separately.
Avoid contact sports such as wrestling until you have been treating
the lesions for at least 48 hours.
Keep your skin clean and dry. Change your socks and underwear
at least once a day.

.....Health Naturally - 135.....

Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. Avoid tight underwear, pants,
and panty hose.
Always dry yourself completely after showers or baths. After
drying your skin with a towel, allow your skin to air-dry before
putting your clothes on. You can also use a hair dryer, set on a
cool setting, to dry your skin.
Do not share clothing, sports equipment, towels, or sheets. If
you think you have been exposed to ringworm, wash your clothes
in hot water with fungus-killing (fungicidal) soap.
Wear slippers or sandals in locker rooms, showers, and public
bathing areas.
Shower and shampoo thoroughly after any sport that requires
skin-to-skin contact.
If you have athletes foot, put your socks on before your
underwear so that fungi do not spread from your feet to your
groin. Also, when toweling off after a shower or bath, dry your
feet last.
Take your pet to a veterinarian if it has patches of missing hair,
which may be a sign of a fungal infection. Household pets can
spread fungi that cause ringworm in people.

.....Health Naturally - 136.....



Atopic dermatitis (AD; a type of eczema) is an
inflammatory, chronically relapsing, non-contagious and pruritic
skin disorder.
Atopic dermatitis is a very common, often chronic (long-lasting)
skin disease that affects a large percentage of the worlds population. It
is also called eczema, dermatitis, or atopy. Most commonly, it may
be thought of as a type of skin allergy or
sensitivity. The atopic dermatitis triad includes
asthma, allergies (hay fever), and eczema.
There is and
disease, a known
it is seen
more incomponent
some families.
of the

The word dermatitis means

inflammation of the skin. Atopic refers to
diseases that are hereditary, tend to run in
families, and often occur together. In atopic

.....Health Naturally - 137.....

dermatitis, the skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing
redness, swelling, cracking, weeping,
crusting, and scaling. Dry skin is a very
common complaint and an underlying cause
of some of the typical rash symptoms.
Although atopic dermatitis can occur in any
age, most often it affects infants and young
children. In some instances, it may persist into adulthood or actually first
show up later in life.


Eczema is used as a general term for many types of skin
inflammation (dermatitis) and allergic-type skin rashes. There are
different types of eczema, like allergic, contact, irritant, and nummular
eczema. Several other forms have very similar symptoms. The diverse
types of eczema are listed and briefly described below. Atopic dermatitis
is typically a more specific set of three associated conditions
occurring in the same person including eczema, allergies, and
asthma. Not every component has to be present at the same time, but
usually these patients are prone to all of these three related conditions.
The skin of a patient with atopic dermatitis reacts abnormally
and easily to irritants, food, and environmental allergens
and becomes red, flaky and very itchy. It also becomes
vulnerable to surface infections caused by bacteria. The skin on
the flexural surfaces of the joints (for example inner sides of

.....Health Naturally - 138.....

elbows and knees) are the most commonly affected regions in
Atopic dermatitis often occurs together with other atopic diseases
like hay fever, asthma and conjunctivitis. It is a familial and
chronic disease and its symptoms can increase or disappear over
Atopic dermatitis most often begins in childhood before age
5 and may persist into adulthood.
Although atopic dermatitis can theoretically affect any part of
the body, it tends to be more frequent on the hands and feet, on
the ankles, wrists, face, neck and upper chest. Atopic dermatitis
can also affect the skin around the eyes, including the eyelids.
In most patients, the usual symptoms that occur with this type
of dermatitis are aggravated by a Staphylococcus aureus
infection, dry skin, stress, low humidity and sweating, dust or
sand or cigarette smoke. Also, the condition can be worsen by
having long and hot baths or showers, solvents, cleaners or
detergents and wool fabrics or clothing.
Atopic dermatitis is also known as infantile eczema, when it
occurs in infants. Infantile eczema may continue into childhood
and adolescence and it often involves an oozing, crusting rash
mainly on the scalp and face, although it can occur anywhere on
the body.
Typical affected skin areas include the folds of the arms, the back of
the knees, wrists, face, and hands. Less commonly there may be
cracks behind the ears, and various other rashes on any part of the body.

Although it is an inherited disease, eczema is primarily aggravated

by contact with or intake of allergens. It can also be influenced

.....Health Naturally - 139.....

by other factors that affect the immune system such as
stress or fatigue. Atopic eczema consists of chronic
inflammation; it often occurs in people with a history of allergy
disorders such as asthma or hay fever. There is no certain
cause of atopic dermatitis.
Food allergy
may be the cause of atopic dermatitis; food allergy is often present
in atopic children. Many dermatologists and physicians test for
food allergy in their office. The test is often done as a pin
prick or needle prick. A drop of food extract is placed on the
skin, and a small prick in the epidermis is performed. A wheal
is produced with a positive test. Common food allergen causing
eczematous dermatitis includes peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish,
fish, milk, and egg.

Although it is such a common disease, relatively little is understood

about the underlying causes of atopic eczema. While AE is
associated with allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis, the
connection between the diseases has not been established. Twin
studies have consistently shown that the disease has a higher
rate of concordance in identical as compared to fraternal
twins, which also indicates that genetics plays a role in its

Environmental factorsnutrition or hygiene, for

instancethat also plays a role in disease susceptibility.
Exposure to allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, or molds.
Dust mites may be an allergen, although experts dont know
whether they affect atopic dermatitis.
Exposure to irritants, such as using soaps, rubbing the skin, and
wearing wool.

.....Health Naturally - 140.....

Exposure to workplace irritants, such as fumes and chemicals.
Climate factors, especially winter weather and low humidity.
Cold air does not contain much moisture, which can result in
drier skin and increased itchiness.
Temperature changes. Sudden changes in temperature can result
in increased itchiness. A suddenly higher temperature may bring
on sweating, which can cause itching. Lying under blankets,
entering a warm room, or going from a warm shower into colder
air can all promote itching.
Emotional stress. Emotions such as frustration or embarrassment
may lead to increased itchiness and scratching.

Exposure to certain foods, typically eggs, peanuts, milk, soy, or

wheat products. Up to 40% of children with moderate to severe
atopic dermatitis also have some type of food allergy.4 But
experts do not agree on whether foods can cause atopic
Excessive washing. Repeated washing dries out the top layer
of skin, leading to drier skin and increased itchiness, especially
in the winter months when humidity is low.
Signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis (eczema) include:
o Red to brownish-gray colored patches
o Scratching the affected area of skin usually causes a rash. The
rash is red and patchy and may be long-lasting (chronic) or come
and go (recurring).
o Be scaly and dry, red, and itchy. This is known as a sub acute
(longer-duration) rash.
o Become tough and thick from constant scratching
o Itching, which may be severe, especially at night
o Small, raised bumps, which may leak fluid and crust over when

.....Health Naturally - 141.....

o Thickened, cracked or scaly skin
o Raw, sensitive skin from scratching
o Increased serum IgE
o Darkness around eyes
Atopic dermatitis is generally easily diagnosed based
on a physical exam and visual inspection of the
skin by a physician or dermatologist.
Additionally, the history given by the patient and
contributory family history help to support the
A physician may ask about any history of similar
rashes and other medical problems including hay
fever (allergies) and asthma.
While currently there may be no single specific
laboratory test that says unequivocally this is
atopic dermatitis.
A skin biopsy (a sample of a small piece of skin that is sent to
the lab for examination under the microscope) may be helpful to
establish the diagnosis in harder cases.
Additionally, gentle skin swabs (long cotton tip applicator or
Q-tip) samples may be sent to the lab to exclude infections
of the skin which may mimic atopic dermatitis.
o Luke warm salt water enema daily
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins
o neural immersion bath with neem water for 20 mins daily
o steam bath alternate days for 10 mins

.....Health Naturally - 142.....

o vaman dhouti
o shankaprakshalana kriya
o Full body massage with neem oil alternate days
o Full mud bath alternate days
o Mud application to the affected areas
o Ganji application with turmeric
o Neem paste application
o 6am methi water
o 8am : mosambi juice
o 1pm : jowar roti, boiled vegs,

o 4pm : tender coconut water

o 6.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
o 9pm : hot water, lime with jaggery
o Surya namaskar
Standing series

o Adho Mukha Svanasana

o Padahastasana / Uttanasana
(Standing Forward Bend)
o Ardhachakrasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana

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Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
o Prone series
o Makarasana
o Bujangasana
o Shalabasana
Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Janu Sirsasana
(Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)
o Vakrasana
o Baddakonasana
Deep realaxation technique

o Sitali, sitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anulomaviloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishuddi
o Nadanusandhana
o Ohm meditataion

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Eczema is chronic, non-contagious, allergic skin disorder
that involves scaly, reddened, cracked, dry and itchy rashes. Rash,
which occur chronically without any external cause is called Eczema.
Another name for eczema is dermatitis. Dermatitis is
inflammation of the skin.
Eczema is also called as, infantile eczema; Atopic dermatitis;
Dermatitis atopic.
The word eczema comes from the Greek word ekzein meaning
to boil out; the Greek word ek means out, while the Greek word
zema means boiling.
Eczema is due to a hypersensitivity reaction
(similar to an allergy) in the skin, which leads to long
term inflammation. The inflammation causes the skin

.....Health Naturally - 145.....

to become itchy and scaly. Long-term irritation and
scratching can cause the skin to thicken and have a
leather-like texture.
It can be further classified as
Atopic Dermatitis Chronic skin irritation and is
characterized by allergy or hypersensitivity to common
substances. This is usually inherited. Symptoms appear
during childhood and flare up during adulthood.
Contact Dermatitis Acute rash or irritation caused by
cosmetics, soaps, detergents and other chemicals that come
in direct contact with the skin.
Seborrheic dermatitis It is also a cause of dandruff
around the eyes, face and scalp and there is scaling and
Statis Dermatitis caused by pooling of blood in the lower
legs, is common in middle age. Red, scaly, patches appear
around the ankles and inside of the lower leg.
The exact cause of eczema is not known. Although it is activated
by the immune system and is related to allergic reactions, it is not the
same as other allergic reactions. People with eczema do have the IgE
antibodies (immunoglobulin E) produced by the immune system as part
of allergic reactions.
Contact with the external trigger (allergen) causes the skin to
become inflamed. The duration of the contact is not important.
Eczema can develop on first contact (in days to weeks) or over
time with repeated contact (in months to years).
Common triggers of eczema include the following:
o Soaps

.....Health Naturally - 146.....

o Detergents
o Weather (hot, cold, humid, or dry)
o Environmental allergens
o Jewelry
o Creams
o Food handling
o Clothing
o Sweating
o Gloves
o Rubbing
o Bacteria
o Emotional or mental stress
Severe forms of eczema are caused by powerful allergic
responses to external agents that cannot be eliminated from
the environment.
Risk factors for eczema include the following:
o People with severe eczema usually also have hay fever
and asthma.
o Eczema is probably hereditary and often is found in
other family members.
o Eczema is not contagious.
Risk factors for an eczema flare include the following:
o Illness
o Physical or mental stress
o Exposure to skin irritants
Medical professionals sometimes refer to eczema as the itch
that rashes.

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Usually the first symptom of eczema is intense itching.
The rash appears later. It is patchy and starts out as flaky
or scaly dry skin on top of reddened, inflamed skin.
The rash itches or burns.
If it is scratched, it may ooze and become crusty, especially
in young children.
In adults, the patches are more likely to be brownish, scaly,
and thickened.
Some people develop red bumps or clear fluid-filled bumps
that look bubbly and, when scratched, add wetness to
the overall appearance.
Painful cracks can develop over time.
The rash can be located anywhere on the body but is most
often found on the face and on the arms and legs, particularly
in creases and on hands and feet. This pattern makes sense
because the face and extremities are in contact with
external agents more than any other part of the body.
The itching may be so intense that it interferes with sleep.
Ear discharge or bleeding
In children younger than age 2, skin lesions begin on the cheeks,
elbows, or knees
In adults, the rash is more commonly seen on the inside of the
knees and elbows
Skin coloring changes more or less coloring than the normal
skin tone.
The following can make eczema symptoms worse:
Dry skin

Exposure to environmental irritants

.....Health Naturally - 148.....

Exposure to water
Temperature changes
A medical professional can usually identify eczema by looking
at the rash and asking questions about how it appeared. He or she may
scrape some scales off the rash and look at them under the microscope
to make sure the rash is not caused by fungus. Other types of infection
also must be ruled out.
The three key elements in identifying eczema are:
Characteristic scaly rash
Severe itching
Atopy, or a personal or family tendency toward asthma, hay
fever, and other allergies
A skin lesion biopsy may be performed, but is not always
required to make the diagnosis.
All treatments are taken when theres no oozing.

Cold immersion bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes daily.

Cold hip bath for 20 minutes
Warm water enema daily
Arm and foot bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes
Massage therapy:

Neem oil application

Mud therapy:
Mud bath

.....Health Naturally - 149.....


Neem and turmeric paste application

Ganji (boiled rice paste) application with turmeric

Diet therapy:
6am : bottle gourd juice
7am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in water
overnight, grind and strain)
8am : 2 - 3 banana and 50 gm coconut
1pm : sprouts, fruits and salad
4pm : tender coconut water
7.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : hot water with isabgol
Yoga therapy:
Shithalikarna vyayama Suryanamaskar
Standing series

Quick relaxation technique
Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 150.....

Prone series

Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma
OHM meditation
A, U, M kara chanting
Vaman dhouthi
Home based cures for Eczema or Dermatitis
Wear loose cotton cloths, which allows perspiration to
evaporate early.
Bathe in lukewarm water and limit yourself to 2 showers
per week.
Resist scratching urge as it can worsen dermatitis.
Cold water or milk compresses when applied for an interval
of 3 minutes throughout the day can provide temporary relief.
For statis dermatitis circulation of blood in the legs can be
improved by wearing special support stockings.

.....Health Naturally - 151.....

Preventing Eczema or Dermatitis
1. Chlorine is an abrasive chemical so avoid swimming in chlorinated
2. Keep away from substances that you are allergic or
3. Avoid contact with detergents, use dishwasher and clothes
washer, and for bathing use mild soaps.
4. Apply unscented moisturizer to damp-skin immediately after
bathing to seal moisture. Apply moisturizer regularly to your hands
in cold weather, to keep them soft. Use cool-mist humidifier to
moisten indoor air.
5. Avoid physical and mental stress. Eating right, light activity, and
adequate sleep will help you stay healthy, which can help prevent
6. Do not expect a quick response. Eczema is easier to control
than cure.

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Psoriasis is one of the chronic skin disease characterized by
thick, red, silvery scaled patches of the skin.

It is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin.

It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that
speed up the growth cycle of skin cells.

The scaly patches commonly caused by psoriasis, called

psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and excessive skin
production. Skin rapidly accumulates at
these sites which gives it a silvery-white
appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the
skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect
any area including the scalp, palms of hands
and soles of feet, and genitals. In contrast
to eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be
found on the outer side of the joint.

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It usually appears first at the age ranging from 15-30 years. It
affects both the sexes equally.
It may disappear at any age. Psoriasis is not contagious.
Psoriasis can last a long time, even a lifetime. Symptoms come and go.
Things that make them worse include
o Infections
o Stress
o Dry skin
o Certain medicines
The symptoms of psoriasis can manifest in a variety of forms. Variants
include plaque, pustular, guttate and flexural psoriasis. Psoriasis is a
chronic relapsing disease of the skin that may be classified into types as
Non-pustular psoriasis

Psoriasis vulgaris (Chronic stationary psoriasis, Plaque-like

Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) is the most common form
of psoriasis. It affects 80 to
typically people
Plaque as

areas of inflamed skin

covered with silvery
white scaly skin. These areas are called plaques.
Psoriatic erythroderma (Erythrodermic psoriasis).
Erythrodermic psoriasis involves the widespread inflammation

.....Health Naturally - 154.....

and exfoliation of the skin over most of the body surface. It may
be accompanied by severe itching, swelling and pain. It is often the
result of an exacerbation of unstable plaque psoriasis, particularly
following the abrupt withdrawal of systemic treatment. This form of
psoriasis can be fatal, as the extreme inflammation and exfoliation disrupt
the bodys ability to regulate temperature and for the skin to
perform barrier functions.
Pustular psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis appears as
raised bumps that are filled
with non-infectious pus
(pustules). The skin under and
surrounding the pustules are red and tender. Pustular psoriasis can be
localized, commonly to the hands and feet (palmo plantar pustulosis),
or generalized with
widespread patches occurring
randomly on any
body. part of the

pustular psoriasis
(Pustular psoriasis of von Zumbusch)
Pustulosis Palmaris et plantaris (Persistent palmoplantar
pustulosis, Pustular psoriasis of the Barber type, Pustular psoriasis
of the extremities)
Annular pustular psoriasis
Acrodermatitis continua
Impetigo herpetiformis

Additional types of psoriasis include

Drug-induced psoriasis

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Inverse psoriasis. Flexural psoriasis (inverse psoriasis)
appears as smooth inflamed patches of skin. It occurs in skin folds,
particularly around the genitals (between the thigh and groin), the armpits,
under an overweight stomach (pannus), and under the breasts
(inframammary fold). It is aggravated by friction and sweat, and is
vulnerable to fungal infections.
Napkin psoriasis

Seborrhic-like psoriasis
Guttate psoriasis is
characterized by numerous small,
scaly, red or pink, teardrop
shaped lesions. These numerous
spots of psoriasis appear over large
areas of the body, primarily the trunk, but also the limbs, and scalp.
Guttate psoriasis is often preceded by a streptococcal infection, typically
streptococcal pharyngitis. The reverse is not true. Occurs in children
and young adults.
Nail psoriasis produces a variety of changes in the appearance
of finger and toe nails. These changes include discoloring under the
nail plate, pitting of the nails, lines going across the nails,
thickening of the skin under the nail, and the
loosening (onycholysis) and crumbling of the
affect any
is most common
involves injoint

of the fingers and toes. This can result in a sausage

shaped swelling of the fingers and toes known as
dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hips,
knees and spine (spondylitis). About 10-15% of
people who have psoriasis also have psoriatic

.....Health Naturally - 156.....

Psoriasis patients skin
appears red and irritated,
sometimes covered with
white silvery scales.
It may be associated with
The affected areas are extensor surfaces of elbows and knees,
the scalp, the trunk and behind the ears.
Psoriasis may affect the genital areas and underarms.
The lesions may be 1.5cm to several centimeters in size. They
are dry and rarely get infected.
Psoriasis involves an abnormal skin mechanism where it grows
and replaces itself. The abnormality may be due to metabolism
of amino- acids, the protein chemicals which are the basic building
blocks for the reproduction of cells and tissues.
Heredity is another cause.
The other causes that aggravate and precipitate the disease are
seasonal changes, emotional and physical stress.
The injury to the skin in form of cuts, burns, abrasions also
precipitate the disease.
The use of medicines to treat other disorders, infections also
aggravates psoriasis.
Is usually simple. The lesions are typical with sharp margins, scaly and
A diagnosis of psoriasis is usually based on the appearance of
the skin.

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There are no special blood tests or diagnostic procedures for
Sometimes a skin biopsy, or scraping, may be needed to rule
out other disorders and to confirm the diagnosis.
Skin from a biopsy will show clubbed Rete pegs if positive
for psoriasis.
Another sign of psoriasis is that when the plaques are scraped, one
can see pinpoint bleeding from the skin below (Auspitzs sign).
Hot water Epsom salt immersion bath with friction every alternate
Cold immersion bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes daily.
Cold hip bath for 20 minutes
Warm water enema daily
Arm and foot bath with neem decoction for 20 minutes
Massage therapy:
Neem oil application daily
Mud therapy:
Mud bath daily
Neem and turmeric paste application
Ganji (boiled rice paste) application with turmeric
Diet therapy:
6am : 20 neem leaves tea
7am : coconut water
8am : carrot juice
1pm : coconut, raw salad, banana
4pm : mosambi juice
7.30pm : all fruits, coconut grated

.....Health Naturally - 158.....

9.30pm : hot water with isabgol
Yoga therapy:
Shithalikarna vyayama Suryanamaskar
Standing series
Quick relaxation technique
Supine series

Prone series

Deep relaxation technique
Surya anuloma viloma
OHM meditation
A, U, M Kara chanting
Vamana dhouti

.....Health Naturally - 159.....



Vitiligo is a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation

in patches of skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells
responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function.
Vitiligo (vit-ill-EYE-go) is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes
(the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. As a result,
white patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Similar
patches also appear on both the mucous membranes (tissues that
line the inside of the mouth and nose), and the retina (inner layer
of the eyeball). The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo
sometimes turns white.
Vitiligo is appearance of single or multiple depigmented patches on any
part of the body. These patches gradually increase in size & cause lot of
psychological stress in the patient.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. Some patients have other
autoimmune diseases, such as thyroid disease. Several genes have been
associated with vitiligo that would encourage the immune system to attack

.....Health Naturally - 160.....

melanocytes. Most of those genes are in the immune system, but some
are in the melanocyte itself.
Vitiligo is also known as Leucoderma. In India, it is called safed
kod or safed dag and is considered as a social stigma.
The incidence worldwide is less than 1%. The most common
form is non-segmental vitiligo. The incidence is a little higher in India.
Leucoderma is, however, more common in women than men.
Melanocytes are derived embryologically from the neural crest.
Leucoderma is not caused by any germs; nor is it due bad blood. It is
neither infectious nor contagious.
It cannot be transmitted from one person to another by physical contact.

Vitiligo of the hand in a Vitiligo in a light-skinned individual

dark-skinned individual
The cause of vitiligo is not known, but doctors and researchers
have several different theories.
There is strong evidence that people with vitiligo inherit a
group of three genes that make them susceptible to

The most widely accepted view is that the depigmentation occurs

because vitiligo is an autoimmune disease a disease in
which a persons immune system reacts against the bodys own
organs or tissues. As such, peoples bodies produce proteins
called cytokines that alter their pigment-producing cells
and cause these cells to die.
.....Health Naturally - 161.....
Another theory is that melanocytes destroy themselves.
Finally, some people have reported that a single event such as
sunburn or emotional distress triggered vitiligo; however,
these events have not been scientifically proven as causes of
Leucoderma (vitiligo) is not caused by any germs, nor is it due
to bad blood.
Skin trauma.
Mental worry (stress).
Heredity is also causative factor and about 30 percent of patients
have history of the disorder.
Physical illness
Accidental as a cut, burn or an ulcer. With due reasons the
melanocytes cells which produce melanin pigment gets damaged.
Due to this damage the pigmentation gradually disappears from
the affected areas and the skin converts white there resulting
into a white patch.
chronic or acute gastric disorder,
impaired hepatic function such as jaundice,
worms or other parasites in the alimentary canal,
ailments like typhoid which affect the gastrointestinal tract,
Defective perspirative mechanism and burn injuries.
Cause of Vitiligo could be improper hygiene, inappropriate food
combinations, regular junk food intake, insecticide/pesticide
treated green vegetable intake regularly,
The most notable symptom of vitiligo is depigmentation of patches of
skin that occurs on the extremities. Although patches are initially small,

.....Health Naturally - 162.....

they often enlarge and change shape. When skin lesions occur, they
are most prominent on the face, hands and wrists. Depigmentation is
particularly noticeable around body orifices, such as the mouth, eyes,
nostrils, genitalia and umbilicus.
Non-segmental vitiligo/generalized
This is the most common
o In non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), there is usually some form of
symmetry in the location of the patches of depigmentation.

o Generalized vitiligo often first appears on the hands,

fingertips, wrists, around the eyes or mouth, or on the
o Generalized vitiligo commonly spreads to the face, lips, hands,
arms, legs, or genitals. New patches also appear over time
and can be generalized over large portions of the body or
localized to a particular area.
o Vitiligo where little pigmented skin remains is referred to as
vitiligo universalis.

o NSV can come about at any age, unlike segmental vitiligo

which is far more prevalent in teenage years.
o It often begins with a rapid loss of skin color.
o Cycles of pigment loss, followed by times when the pigment
does not change, may continue indefinitely over a persons life.
o This type also may be called bilateral vitiligo because it causes
loss of skin color on both sides of the body.
Segmental vitiligo

o This type tends to begin at an early age, progress for a year or

two, and then stop.

.....Health Naturally - 163.....

o It is called segmental because color loss tends to be confined to
one segment of the body.
o A segment of hair on the head, an eyelash, or an eyebrow
may turn white, almost always on just one side of the body.

o Segmental vitiligo also may be called unilateral vitiligo because

when it develops on the face, arm, trunk, or leg, it occurs on
one side of the body.
o Segmental vitiligo (SV) differs in appearance, etiology and
prevalence from associated illnesses.

o Its treatment is different from that of NSV.

o It tends to affect areas of skin that are associated with
dorsal roots from the spine.
o It spreads much more rapidly than NSV and, without
treatment, it is much more stable/ static in course and not
associated with auto-immune diseases and a very treatable
condition that responds to topical treatment
Trichrome vitiligo
three shades of color brown, tan, and white develop on
the skin.
Lecucoderma usually starts with a small white spot and later on
it develops into patches.
These patches are pale in the beginning but become whiter and
whiter as time passes due to loss of pigment.
As spots enlarge, they merge into each other and, in course of
time, form a very broad patch.
In some cases, most of the skin of the body may be covered
with white patches in Lecucoderma.
People who develop vitiligo usually first notice white patches
(depigmentation) on their skin.

.....Health Naturally - 164.....

These patches are more commonly found on sun-exposed areas
of the body, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips.
Other common areas for white patches to appear are the armpits
and groin, and around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, genitals,
and rectum.
Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns:
o focal pattern the depigmentation is limited to one or
only a few areas
o segmental pattern depigmented patches develop on
only one side of the body

o Generalized pattern the most common pattern.

Depigmentation occurs symmetrically on both sides of
the body.
In addition to white patches on the skin, people with vitiligo may
have premature graying of the scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows,
and beard. People with dark skin may notice a loss of color
inside their mouths.
The diagnosis of vitiligo is made based on a
o physical examination,
o medical history, and
o Laboratory tests.

o Taking a small sample (biopsy) of the affected skin to be

o An eye exam.
o A device called a Woods lamp, which shines ultraviolet (UV)
light onto the skin, may be used to help the dermatologist
distinguish vitiligo from other skin conditions.

.....Health Naturally - 165.....

A nutritious, well-balanced, healthy diet is strongly recommended in cases
of vitiligo. It can help balance your immune system and protect you from
disease. It will also help recover from skin discoloration by providing
essential vitamins & minerals that take part in the process that leads to
the formation of new pigment.
The ascorbic acid in citrus fruits tends to reduce melanin
So the vitiligo patients are restricted to take the citrus foods.
It is better to avoid even the milk and milk products to some
extent as the milk protein may decrease repigmentation rate.
Chickpeas (black/red gram or desi chana), Greens and Red
Radish, Beetroots, Carrots and Black dates may be taken.
These are helpful in coverage of a white patch.

.....Health Naturally - 166.....

Lower Intake (can take once/twice a week)

Add Diet

Eat celery. Celery contains psoralen and psoralen has been known to
increase the skins natural reaction to sunlight.
It is hence recommended that vitiligo people should prefer the following
in their food
Vegetables like Green Leaves, Beetroots, Spinach Broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Carrots
Fruits: like Peaches and Apricots apple, banana mangoes, Black
Grains: Whole grains like porridge an whole wheat products
are better than the highly refined carbohydrates like pasta.
Pulses & Legumes: Chickpeas have recently been shown in
India to be very helpful in vitiligo

.....Health Naturally - 167.....

Protein: Vegetable proteins especially from Soya beans have
been found useful for controlling the skin depigmentation. Animal
proteins like meat and fish are however generally discouraged
by the herbalists.

Oils and fats: Vegetable oils like Olive oil are rich in good fats
keep you healthy anyways.

Nuts: (are also very useful because of a high content of vitamin

E and the good fats that are beneficial for skin.
Fluids and water: Adequate hydration is an important component of
healthy diet which should not be ignored
Here are some recommended foods with potent natural chemicals
improving our skin condition and stay healthy, for instance, oats, whole
Grains, spinach, tomatoes, garlic, fruits, blueberries, nuts etc.
In general, a huge source of vitamins, fibers and minerals may be taken
from whole grain foods. Whole-grain foods are great source of fibers,
vitamins, minerals and oligoelements.
Oats: contain vitamin E, enhance immune response to infection, it is
studied by experts and reported in surgery beta-glucan radically activates
the human immune system to bacterial infection. Beta-glucan also
enhances their ability to eliminate the bacteria they find there also helps
reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Spinach: it is leafy vegetable contains a massive source of iron, and
folic acid, helps reduce blood levels of homocysteine, a naturally
generating substance that may damage blood vessels. It also contains
phytochemicals that help prevent degeneration and protect your skin.
Tomatoes: are rich and huge source of Vitamin C. it contains lycopene,
the most powerful antioxidant among the carotenoids, that give fruits
and vegetables an orange color. Vitamin C is also referred to as ascorbic
acid is essential for normal body functioning.
.....Health Naturally - 168.....
Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage: Contains abundant
phytochemicals which are good, protective substances found in vegetables
and fruits that may prevent skin cancer and balance the immune response,
vitamin C, beta-carotene (it should not be overcooked).
Garlic: an unpleasant stink vegetable not eating raw protects the heart
and skin, has antibacterial properties. It is an excellent source of
manganese, vitamin B6 and vitamin C and garlic is also a good source of
protein and thiamin (vitamin B1) as well as the minerals phosphorus,
selenium, calcium, potassium, iron and copper.
Cabbage is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, manganese, folate, vitamin
B6, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acieds. Cabbage also contains
photochemical called indoles and sulforaphane, the breakdown products
of compounds called glucosinolates.
Fruits Contain different combinations of nutrients, vitamins, minerals,
phytonutrients, and antioxidants of great benefit for your body in general
and very important for your skin.
Blueberries - Probably contain more anti-oxidants than any other fruit or
vegetables. It also contains powerful photochemical anthocyanins that
not only protect the skin but boost brain efficiency including memory
Other sources:
Olive oil: having high efficiency for health, protective fat, helps absorb
beneficial substances in vegetables.
Nuts: contain protective photochemical and good fats, all beneficial
for your skin, rich in vitamin E
Diet chart:
6am : lemon grass tea
8am : pomegranate, apple, 8 almonds
1pm : Sprouts, raw vegetables, fruits, grated coconut

.....Health Naturally - 169.....

4pm : bananas and honey
6.30pm: all fruits, grated coconut, dates and figs

o Warm water enema alternate days

o Cold hip bath daily once
o Cold immersion bath weekly twice
Massage therapy:

o Full body oil massage

Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath
o Partial massage to the affected area
Yoga therapy:
o Surya namaskar

Standing series
o Adho Mukha Svanasana
o Padahastasana / Uttanasana
(Standing Forward Bend)
o Ardhachakrasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Supine series

o Uttitapadasana

o Pavanamuktasana
o Sarvangasana

o Matsyasana

o Prone series

.....Health Naturally - 170.....

o Makarasana
o Bujangasana

o Shalabasana
Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Janu Sirsasana
(Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)

o Vakrasana
o Baddakonasana
Deep realaxation technique

o Sitali, sitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anulomaviloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishuddi
o Nadanusandhana
o Ohm meditataion

.....Health Naturally - 171.....



Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized
by fibrosis (or hardening), vascular alterations, and auto-antibodies.

Scleroderma means hard skin. It is a group of diseases that

causes abnormal growth of connective tissue, the proteins that
support your skin and organs. Scleroderma is an autoimmune
disease of the connective tissue. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses
which occur when the bodys tissues are attacked by its own immune
system. Scleroderma is characterized by the formation of scar tissue
(fibrosis) in the skin and organs of the body. This leads to thickness
and firmness of involved
areas. Scleroderma, when
its diffuse or widespread
over the body, is also
referred to as systemic

.....Health Naturally - 172.....

Also called: Circumscribed
scleroderma, Dermatosclerosis,
Morphea, Systemic sclerosis

Some types of scleroderma

are limited to skin thickening and
tightening. Other types involve blood
vessels and internal organs.
Scleroderma is derived from the Greek words skleros (hard or
indurated) and derma (skin). Hippocrates first described this
condition as thickened skin.
There are two broad types of scleroderma
Generalized (also referred to as systemic sclerosis).
Localized scleroderma primarily affects the skin and is further
divided into morphea (hard, oval patches on the skin) and linear
(a distinct line of thickened and abnormally colored skin often
affecting arms, legs, or the forehead).
Systemic sclerosis is divided into
o Limited scleroderma (gradual onset, restricted to certain
areas of the body, can affect internal organs later) and
o Diffuse scleroderma (sudden onset, thickening covers
larger area and can affect internal organs).

o Sine scleroderma, which some consider a third category

of systemic sclerosis,
Limited systemic sclerosis/sclerodermas cutaneous
manifestations mainly affect the hands, arms and face.
o Previously called CREST syndrome in reference to the
following complications: Calcinosis, Raynauds

.....Health Naturally - 173.....

phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, Sclerodactyly,
and Telangiectasias.
o Additionally, pulmonary arterial hypertension may occur
in up to one third of patients and is the most serious
complication for this form of scleroderma.
o The skin changes and other features of disease tend to
occur more slowly than in the diffuse form.
o Because a characteristic clinical pattern can occur in
patients with the limited form of scleroderma, this form
has taken another name which is composed of the first
initials of the common components. This name
represents the following features:
o C...Calcinosis refers to the formation of tiny deposits of calcium
in the skin. This is seen as hard whitish areas in the superficial skin,
commonly overlying the elbows, knees, or fingers. These firm deposits
can be tender, can become infected, and can fall off spontaneously or
require surgical removal. This is the least common of the CREST
scleroderma variant features.
o R...Raynauds phenomenon refers to the spasm of the tiny artery
vessels supplying blood to the fingers, toes, nose, tongue, or ears. These
areas turns blue, white, then red after exposure to extremes of cold, or
even sometimes with extremes of heat or emotional upset.
o E...Esophagus disease in scleroderma is characterized by poorly
functioning muscle of the lower two-thirds of the esophagus. This can
lead to an abnormally wide esophagus which allows stomach acid to
backflow into the esophagus to cause heartburn, inflammation, and
potentially scarring. This can eventually lead to difficulty in passing food
from the mouth through the esophagus into the stomach. Symptoms of
heartburn are treated aggressively in patients with scleroderma in order
to prevent injury to the esophagus.

.....Health Naturally - 174.....

o S...Sclerodactyly refers to the localized thickening and tightness
of the skin of the fingers or toes. This can give them a shiny and
slightly puffy appearance. The tightness can cause severe limitation of
motion of the fingers and toes. These skin changes generally progress
much slower that those of patients with the diffuse form of scleroderma.
o T...Telangiectasias are tiny red areas, frequently on the face,
hands and in the mouth behind the lips. These areas blanch when they
are pressed upon and represent dilated capillaries.
Diffuse systemic sclerosis/scleroderma is rapidly progressing
and affects a large area of the skin and one or more internal organs,
frequently the kidneys, esophagus, heart and lungs.
o This form of scleroderma can be quite disabling.
o There are no treatments for scleroderma itself, but individual
organ system complications are treated.

o The diffuse form of scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) involves

symmetric thickening of skin of the extremities, face, and trunk
(chest, back, abdomen, or flanks) which can rapidly progress to
hardening after an early inflammatory phase.
o Organ disease can occur early on and be serious.

o Organs affected include the esophagus, bowels, lungs with

scarring (fibrosis), heart, and kidneys. High blood pressure can
be a troublesome side effect.
Systemic sine scleroderma, which lacks skin changes, but
has systemic manifestations, and two localized forms which affect the
skin, but not the internal organs: morphea, and linear scleroderma

o Reddish patches of skin that thicken into firm oval-shaped

areas are distinctive of the morphea type of localized
scleroderma The center of the patches are ivory, with violet
borders that can occur on the:

.....Health Naturally - 175.....

o The patches typically sweat little and have little hair growth.
o Morphea too can be localized (limited to one or several patches,
ranging from half-inch to 12 inches in diameter)
o Or generalized (skin patches are hard and dark and spread over
larger areas of the body.)
o Morphea generally fades out in 3 to 5 years but people can
have dark skin patches and sometimes, though rare, muscle
weakness can remain.
o A distinctive single line or band of thickened and/or abnormally
colored skin.
o The line typically runs down an arm or leg but can run down the
The cause is unknown.
o Scleroderma runs in families,
o The genes have not been identified. Researchers have found
some evidence that genes are important factors. The fact that
genes seem to cause a predisposition to developing scleroderma
means that inheritance at least plays a partial role.
o But the environment seems to also play a role.

.....Health Naturally - 176.....

o The result is activation of the immune system, causing injury to
tissues that result in injury similar to scar tissue formation.
o It is not unusual to find other autoimmune diseases in families of
scleroderma patients.
o The disease is more frequent in females than in males.
o Calcium
of scleroderma
deposits in
connective tissues

o Thick, tight skin on your fingers

o Red spots on your hands and face
o Scleroderma affects the skin to cause
local or widespread signs of inflammation (redness, swelling,
tenderness, itching, and pain) that can lead to skin tightness or
o This can lead to decreased range of motion of the fingers, toes,
and jaw. Tiny areas of calcification (calcinosis), while not
common, can sometimes be noticed as hard nodules at the tips
of the elbows or in the fingers.
o Scleroderma affecting the esophagus leads to heartburn. This is
directly a result of stomach acid flowing back up into the
esophagus. Sometimes this can lead to
scarring of the esophagus with difficulty
swallowing and/or localized pain in the
central chest.
o Blood vessels that can be affected
include the tiny arterioles of the finger
tips, toes, and elsewhere. These vessels
can have a tendency to spasm when
the areas are exposed to cold, leading
to blueness, whiteness, and redness of

.....Health Naturally - 177.....

involved fingers, toes, and sometimes nose or ears. These color
changes are referred to as Raynauds phenomenon. Raynauds
phenomenon can cause inadequate supply of oxygen to the
involve tips of fingers or toes, causing tiny ulcers or blackened
(dead) skin. Sometimes Raynauds phenomenon is also
associated with tingling. Other blood vessels that can be involved
in scleroderma are the tiny capillaries of the face, lips, mouth, or
fingers. These capillaries widen (dilate) forming tiny, red
blanching spots, called telangiectasias
o Elevated blood pressure is potentially
serious and can lead to kidney
damage. Symptoms include
headache, fatigue, and in severe
cases, stroke.
o Inflammation of the lungs in
scleroderma can cause scarring, resulting in shortness of breath,
especially with physical exertion. Elevated pressure in the arteries
to the lungs (pulmonary hypertension) can also cause shortness
of breath and difficulty getting an adequate breath with activity.
o Scleroderma affecting the large bowel (colon) most often causes
constipation but can also lead to cramping and diarrhea. When
this is severe, it complete stool blockage (fecal impaction) can
A diagnosis of scleroderma is based largely on the medical
history and findings from the physical exam. Scleroderma isnt
always easy to diagnose; it may take time for you and your doctor to
establish a diagnosis. While having a definite diagnosis may be helpful,
knowing the precise form of your disease is not needed to receive proper
Depending on your particular symptoms, a diagnosis of scleroderma may
be made by:

.....Health Naturally - 178.....

a general physician
a dermatologist
an orthopedist
a pulmonologist
a rheumatologist
Nearly all patients with scleroderma have
Blood tests which suggest autoimmunity, antinuclear
antibodies (ANAs).
A particular antibody, the anticentromere antibody, is found
almost exclusively in the limited, or CREST, form of scleroderma.
Anti-Scl 70 antibody (antitopoisomerase I antibody) is most often
seen in patients with the diffuse form of scleroderma.
Other tests are used to evaluate the presence or extent of any internal
These may include upper and lower gastrointestinal tests to
evaluate the bowels,
chest x-rays,
lung function testing, and
CAT scanning to examine the lungs,
Echocardiograms, sometimes heart catheterization to evaluate
the pressure in the arteries of the heart and lungs.
o Luke warm salt water enema daily
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins
o neural immersion bath with neem water for 20 mins daily
.....Health Naturally - 179.....
o steam bath alternate days for 10 mins
o vaman dhouti
o shankaprakshalana kriya
o Full body massage with neem oil alternate days
o Full mud bath alternate days
o Mud application to the affected areas
o Ganji application with turmeric
o Neem paste application
o 6am : herbal tea
o 7am : figs water ( soak 3 figs in 200 ml water
overnight, grind and serve)
o 8.30am : cows milk, 4 garlic, 2 tea spoon honey
o 11am : apple juice
o 1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, moong dhal
o 4pm : mosambi juice
o 6.30pm : Ragi roti, butter, boiled vegs, 4 garlic roasted
in ghee
o 9pm : milk with shatavari
o Surya namaskar
Standing series
o Adho Mukha Svanasana

.....Health Naturally - 180.....

o Padahastasana / Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
o Ardhachakrasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
o Prone series
o Makarasana
o Bujangasana
o Shalabasana
Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend)
o Vakrasana
o Baddakonasana
Deep realaxation technique

o Sitali, sitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anulomaviloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishuddi
o Nadanusandhana
o Ohm meditataion

.....Health Naturally - 181.....



Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in

the body. The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the
part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress
and pain, the so-called fight or flight response, and this activation causes
many of the symptoms associated with migraine attacks; for example,

The increased sympathetic nervous activity in the intestine causes

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Sympathetic activity also delays emptying of the stomach into
the small intestine and thereby prevents oral medications from
entering the intestine and being absorbed.
The impaired absorption of oral medications is a common reason
for the ineffectiveness of medications taken to treat migraine
The increased sympathetic activity also decreases the circulation
of blood, and this leads to pallor of the skin as well as cold hands
and feet.

.....Health Naturally - 182.....

The increased sympathetic activity also contributes to the
sensitivity to light and sound sensitivity as well as blurred vision.
Migraines are classified according to the symptoms they produce.
The two most common types are
Migraine with aura and
Migraine without aura.
Less common types include the following:
Abdominal migraine
Basilar artery migraine
Headache-free migraine (auro without migraine)
Ophthalmoplegic migraine/Ocular migraine
Status migrainosus
Some women experience migraine headaches just prior to or during
menstruation. These headaches, which are called menstrual migraines,
may be related to hormonal changes and often do not occur or lessen
during pregnancy. Other women develop migraines for the first time
during pregnancy or after menopause.
MIGRAINE WITH AURA is characterized by a neurological
phenomenon (aura) that is experienced 10 to 30 minutes before the
headache. Most auras are visual and are described as bright
shimmering lights around objects or at the edges of the field of
vision (called scintillating scotomas) or zigzag lines, castles (teichopsia),
wavy images, or hallucinations. Others experience temporary vision loss.
Non-visual auras include motor weakness, speech or language
abnormalities, dizziness, vertigo, and tingling or numbness (parasthesia)
of the face, tongue, or extremities.

.....Health Naturally - 183.....

MIGRAINE WITHOUT AURA is the most prevalent type and may
occur on one or both sides (bilateral) of the head. Tiredness or mood
changes may be experienced the day before the headache. Nausea,
vomiting, and sensitivity to light (photophobia) often accompany migraine
without aura.
ABDOMINAL MIGRAINE is most common in children with a family
history of migraine. Symptoms include abdominal pain without a
gastrointestinal cause (may last up to 72 hours), nausea, vomiting, and
flushing or paleness (pallor). Children who have abdominal migraine often
develop typical migraine as they age.

BASILAR ARTERY MIGRAINE involves a disturbance of the basilar

artery in the brainstem. Symptoms include severe headache, vertigo,
double vision, slurred speech, and poor muscle coordination. This type
occurs primarily in young people.
CAROTIDYNIA, also called lower-half headache or facial migraine,
produces deep, dull, aching, and sometimes piercing pain in the jaw or
neck. There is usually tenderness and swelling over the carotid artery in
the neck. Episodes can occur several times weekly and last a few minutes
to hours. This type occurs more commonly in older people. Doppler
ultrasound studies of the carotid arteries are normal.
HEADACHE-FREE MIGRAINE is characterized by the presence
of aura without headache. This occurs in patients with a history of
migraine with aura.
OPHTHALMOPLEGIC MIGRAINE begins with a headache felt
in the eye and is accompanied by vomiting. As the headache progress,
the eyelid droops (ptosis) and nerves responsible for eye movement
become paralyzed. Ptosis may persist for days or weeks.
STATUS MIGRAINE is a rare type involving intense pain that usually
lasts longer than 72 hours. The patient may require hospitalization.
dysfunction of the brainstem (the lower part of the brain that is responsible
for automatic activities like consciousness and balance).
.....Health Naturally - 184.....
The symptoms of vertebrobasilar migraines include:
fainting as an aura,
vertigo (dizziness in which the environment seems to be spinning),
Double vision.
HEMIPLEGIC MIGRAINES are characterized by:
paralysis or weakness of one side of the body,
Mimicking a stroke.
The paralysis or weakness is usually temporary, but sometimes it can
last for days.
characterized by repeated instances of scotomata (blind spots) or blindness
on one side, lasting less than an hour that can be associated with headache.
Irreversible vision loss can be a complication of this rare form of migraine.

A trigger is any stimulus that initiates a process or reaction. Commonly
identified migraine triggers include the following:
Skipping meals or fasting
Exposure to light
.....Health Naturally - 185.....
Alcohol (e.g., red wine)
Environmental factors (e.g., weather, altitude, time zone

Foods that contain caffeine (e.g., coffee, chocolate),
monosodium glutamate (MSG; used to enhance flavor in
several processed foods and in Chinese food), nitrates (found
in processed foods, hot dogs), and artificial sweeteners (e.g.,

Glare, contrasting patterns

Hormonal changes in women

Lack of sleep
Medications (over-the-counter and prescription)
The cause of migraine is unknown. The condition may result
from a series of reactions in the central nervous system caused by changes
in the body or in the environment.
There is often a family history of the disorder, suggesting that
migraine sufferers may inherit sensitivity to triggers that produce
inflammation in the blood vessels and nerves around the brain
and scalp, causing pain.
Decrease in brain chemical serotonin may be one of the cause.
When the chemical content diminishes below the level, the blood
vessels widen and lead to the sensation of throbbing pain in the

.....Health Naturally - 186.....

The other causes may be dietary, hormonal, environmental,
chemical and behavioral in nature.
Allergy to certain physical conditions and substances when
exposed for prolonged period, may develop migraine.
Typical perfumes and odors, unusual sleeping patterns,
dehydration leads to migraine.
Acute emotional and physical stress
Caffeine and alcohol consumption
Foods containing tyramine, like aged cheese, red wine, fish,
figs, chicken livers and some beans.
Alterations in weather pattern like, humidity in the weather
change in the air pressure, warm Chinook winds.
Behavioral pattern: conscientiousness, fastidiousness,
rigidity of views, constant conflict between the environment and
self, high level of expectation.
The episodes of pain are periodic, may be daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly
or irregular.
Migraine is a chronic condition with recurrent attacks. Most (but not all)
migraine attacks are associated with headaches.
Migraine headaches usually are described as an intense, throbbing
or pounding pain that involves one temple. (Sometimes the pain
is located in the forehead, around the eye, or at the back of the

The pain usually is unilateral (on one side of the head), although
about a third of the time the pain is bilateral (on both sides of the

The unilateral headaches typically change sides from one attack

to the next. (In fact, unilateral headaches that always occur on

.....Health Naturally - 187.....

the same side should alert the doctor to consider a secondary
headache, for example, one caused by a brain tumor).
A migraine headache usually is aggravated by daily activities
such as walking upstairs.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, facial pallor, cold hands, cold feet,
and sensitivity to light and sound commonly accompany migraine
headaches. As a result of this sensitivity to light and sound,
migraine sufferers usually prefer to lie in a quiet, dark room
during an attack. A typical attack lasts between 4 and 72 hours.
An estimated 40%-60% of migraine attacks are preceded by premonitory
(warning) symptoms lasting hours to days. The symptoms may include:
depression or euphoria,
yawning, and
Cravings for sweet or salty foods.
Patients and their family members usually know that when they observe
these warning symptoms that a migraine attack is beginning.
Migraine headaches are usually diagnosed when the symptoms described
previously are present. Migraine generally begins in childhood to early
adulthood. While migraines can first occur in an individual beyond the
age of fifty, advancing age makes other types of headaches more likely.
A family history usually is present, suggesting a genetic predisposition in
migraine sufferers. The examination of individuals with migraine attacks
usually is normal.
Patients with the first headache ever, worst headache ever, a significant
change in the characteristics of headache or an association of the

.....Health Naturally - 188.....

headache with nervous system symptoms, like visual or hearing or sensory
loss, may require additional tests to exclude diseases other than migraine.
The tests may include blood testing, brain scanning (either CT
or MRI), and a spinal tap.
1. Preventive Measures
Treat the underlying precipitating factor i.e.
indigestion and constipation by cleansing the bowels
by warm water enema for the first 23 days.
Regular practice of Yogasanas, kriya, and
pranayama improves health and relaxes the body.
Regular practice of yoganidra or shavasan or
progressive relaxation or biofeedback helps relax
the body and the mind leading to prevention of
Other general measures adopted to improve the
functioning capacity of the digestive system also
help in the treatment of migraine.

2. Before An Attack
Avoid consumption of condiments, pickles, sugar,
tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and heavy spicy food
on the onset of attack.
Hot fomentation to the back of the neck before the
onset of the attack is also beneficial.
3. For Relief During Attack
Head massage followed by hot foot immersion, a
cold trauma and cold pack help to relieve the
Induced vomiting relieves pressure by emptying the
.....Health Naturally - 189.....
Steam inhalation dilates blood vessels of the face
and diverts the blood flow relieving the symptoms
of migraine to a certain extent.
Hot foot and arm bath diverts the blood to the upper
and lower limbs and thus help in relieving the
4. General Measures
Steam and sauna baths open up sweat pores; help
to eliminate toxins from the body through the sweat,
which cleanses the internal system.
Warm water immersion baths, which diverts blood
to the periphery if taken for a prolonged period is
also beneficial.
full body massage once in a week
Partial massage to head twice weekly.
partial massage to abdomen,
Mud to head twice weekly
Full mud bath.
Hot foot and arm bath,
contrast foot bath, hot and
Cold hip bath (twice a week fomentation and pack.
Diet therapy:
6am : tender coconut water
8am : milk, papaya, figs
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
4pm : juice of 200gm carrot and 100gm spinach
6.30pm : brown rice, milk
9.30pm : hot water, ginger powder, jaggery

.....Health Naturally - 190.....

Vamana dhouti
Laghu Shankhaprakshalana,

Standing series

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series



.....Health Naturally - 191.....

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, Sadanta
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
o Do keep a record of attacks
o Do keep as fit as possible. Regular exercise will also help you to
relax more easily.
o Do eat regularly. Low blood sugar can set off migraine attacks.
o Do learn to cope with stress.
o Do rest in dark, quiet place if you feel an attack coming on, and
take preventive medication.
o Do discuss treatment regularly with your doctor.
o Stay away from noise and bright lights as these aggravate the
symptoms of migraine.
o Dont drive when you have an attack.
o Dont prolong attacks by trying to ignore them.

.....Health Naturally - 192.....



Constipation is a condition of the digestive system in which a person
experiences hard feces (faeces) that are difficult to
expel.Constipation can also be defined as having a bowel movement
fewer than three times per week.
With constipation stools are usually hard, dry, small in size, and difficult
to eliminate. Some people who are constipated
find it painful to have a bowel movement and often
experience straining, bloating, and the sensation
of a full bowel. Some people think they are
constipated if they do not have a bowel movement
every day. However, normal stool elimination may
be three times a day or three times a week,
depending on the person.
Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Almost everyone
experiences constipation at some point in their life, and a poor diet typically
is the cause. Most constipation is temporary and not serious.
.....Health Naturally - 193.....
Understanding its causes, prevention, and treatment will help most people
find relief.
There are 2 types
Acute constipation
Chronic constipation
In chronic constipation, you would have toileting soft, shapeless
and slimy faeces two or more number of times daily, bad breath,
raised blood pressure, lack of appetite, indigestion, gas formation
(flatulence) etc

To understand constipation, it helps to know how the colon, or
large intestine, works. As food moves through the colon, the colon absorbs
water from the food while it forms waste products, or stool. Muscle
contractions in the colon then push the stool toward the rectum. By the
time stool reaches the rectum it is solid, because most of the water has
been absorbed.
Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water or if the
colons muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, causing the stool to
move through the colon too slowly the colon may absorb too much water.
As a result, stools can become hard and dry. Common causes of
constipation are
not enough fiber in the diet
lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly)

.....Health Naturally - 194.....

irritable bowel syndrome
changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging,
and travel
abuse of laxatives
ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
specific diseases or conditions, such as stroke (most
problems with the colon and rectum
Problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic
Also, the aggravation of vata causes constipation.
Improper eating habits including eating a lot of food, eating food
which is difficult to digest (such as meat) and not eating enough
vegetables and salads also lead to constipation.

Irregular sleeping habits or emotional disturbances (stress, grief,

fear or worry) are other causes for the obstruction of the passage
of stool, accumulation of toxins in the colon or excessive
stimulation of the nervous system.
Smoking, consuming too much tea and coffee, or intake of
prescription or illicit drugs can also cause constipation.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS No bowel movements at least once a
o Pain in the abdomen
o Heaviness in the stomach
o Wind formation
o Mucus coated tongue
o Headache
.....Health Naturally - 195.....
o Loss of appetite
o Pain in the lower legs
o Hypertension, fever
o Nausea
o Vertigo
o Palpitation
o Drowsiness
In common constipation,
o The stool is hard,
o Difficult, and painful to pass.
o An infrequent urge to void.
o Straining to pass stool may cause hemorrhoids. In later stages
of constipation,
o The abdomen may become distended
o Diffusely tender and cramp,
o Enhanced bowel sounds.
Severe cases (fecal impaction) may feature symptoms of
o bowel obstruction
o vomiting,
o very tender abdomen
o paradoxical diarrhea, where soft stool from the small intestine
bypasses the impacted matter in the colon
The tests the doctor performs depend on the
o Duration and severity of the constipation,
o the persons age,
o blood in stools,
o recent changes in bowel habits,

.....Health Naturally - 196.....

o Weight loss has occurred.
Medical History
The doctor may ask a patient to describe his or her constipation,
o Including duration of symptoms,
o frequency of bowel movements,
o consistency of stools,
o presence of blood in the stool, and

o Toilet habitshow often and where one has bowel movements.

o A record of eating habits, medication, and level of physical activity
will also help the doctor determine the cause of constipation.
The clinical definition of constipation is having any two of the
following symptoms for at least 12 weeksnot always
consecutivein the previous 12 months:
o straining during bowel movements
o lumpy or hard stool
o sensation of incomplete evacuation
o sensation of anorectal blockage/obstruction
o fewer than three bowel movements per week
Physical Examination

A physical exam may include a rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated

finger to evaluate the tone of the muscle that closes off the anusalso
called anal sphincterand to detect tenderness, obstruction, or blood.
o Blood test
o thyroid tests
o Serum calcium or to rule out inflammatory, metabolic, and other
.....Health Naturally - 197.....
o A colorectal transit study
o anorectal function tests
o a defecography
o barium enema X ray
o sigmoidoscopy
o colonoscopy

o Cold hip bath daily twice for 20 minutes

o Cold immersion bath with friction alternate days for 20
o Luke Warm water enema daily
o trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
o hot and cold abdomen compress for 15 minutes each 4 times
o cold abdomen pack for 30 minutes
o hot fomentation to abdomen and abdomen pack for 60
o coconut oil or castor oil enema in severe constipation
Massage therapy:

o Full body massage with steam

o partial massage to abdomen
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath
o mud packs on the abdomen

.....Health Naturally - 198.....

Diet therapy:
A diet with enough fiber (20 to 35 grams each day) helps the body form
soft, bulky stool. High-fiber foods include beans, whole grains and
bran cereals, fresh fruits, and
vegetables such as asparagus,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and
carrots. For people prone to
constipation, limiting foods that have
little or no fiber, such as ice
cream, cheese, and processed
foods, is also important. Other
changes that may help treat and
prevent constipation include drinking enough water and other liquids,
such as fruit and vegetable juices and clear soups, so as not to
become dehydrated. The urge to have a bowel movement should not be
Diet chart
6am : hot water, lime and Jaggery
7am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in water
overnight and grind and strain)
9am : papaya, dates, figs, sprouted moong
1pm : 2 Jowar rotis, boiled vegs, sprouts and salad
4pm : mosambi juice
6.30pm : dahlia, boiled vegs, soup
9.30pm : hot water
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

.....Health Naturally - 199.....

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique
Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma

.....Health Naturally - 200.....

A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
Dos and donts:
The diet taken during constipation must be easily digestible.
Plenty of fruits, vegetables and salads
Freshly cooked food, and chew food thoroughly.
Eat only when hungry and maintain at least 4 hours between
Use spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric powder, fennel
and asafetida as they make the food easy to digest.
Whole grain bread and cereals
Regular physical exercise is also important for maintaining
proper bowel movements.

Sleeping hours should be regulated and efforts should be

made to have a sound sleep.
Fried foods, beans, gas forming vegetables like cabbage,
cauliflower and broccoli, nuts and dried fruits should be
Do not mix too many kinds of foods in one meal.

.....Health Naturally - 201.....



Piles are dilated blood vessels in the rectal mucosa, which form mass in
the anal canal or varicosities of the haemorroidal veins inside or just
outside the rectum
They are medically known as Hemorrhoids.

Piles are common both in men and women. Those exposed to improper
dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, etc, have a greater incidence of piles.
In India, approximately 80% of sufferers are in the age group of 21-50
years. Piles are also seen among pregnant women.
Piles are classified into 2 types.
Internal piles
External piles

.....Health Naturally - 202.....

Internal piles:
The dilatation of the superior haemorroidal plexus covered over
by mucous membrane. There is discharge of dark blood. Some times
veins burst and results in bleeding piles.
External piles:
The dilatation of inferior haemorroidal plexus covered over by
skin. It is associated with lots of pain and no much bleeding
Piles are natural consequence of adoption of prolonged erect
posture, strenuous work.
The primary cause is chronic constipation, straining of stool,
and other bowel disorders. Obesity, improper dietary habits, and
liver diseases and are some of the contributory factors.
Factors such as family history, temperament, climate, age, sex,
venous stasis of pregnancy, and suppression of hemorrhage in
other areas have also been held responsible.
Some other factors include irritation of the anal canal, lack of
normal tone in the anal sphincters, cancer of rectum and the
continuous use of pessaries and suppositories.
Mental tension is also a main cause. Person who are in hurry
often strain while passing stools. They rush through defecation
instead of making it a relaxed affair. Thus the pressure exerted
by the anal muscles affect the surrounding tissues. The extra
rectal pressure and the resultant congestion of veins lead to
The diseases like portal hypertension, cardiac failure, tumors of
the rectum also cause piles.
The main symptoms are

.....Health Naturally - 203.....

Swelling and irritation in or around rectum.
Pain, itching, and bleeding also occur while passing stools.
Bleeding from anus is a common symptom in severe piles. The
blood is bright red and not mixed with stools. It occurs from
local injury to the dilated blood vessels of the rectum.
The other complaints are rectal fullness, mucous discharge and
prolapse of the pile mass.

Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes.

Cold water enema daily
Castor oil or coconut oil enema
Hot hip bath for 10 minutes in case of painful non- bleeding
Ice massage on the anal region for bleeding piles daily thrice.
Cold douche to the perineum and cold compress at night before
going to bed.
Cold immersion bath alternate days for 20 minutes.
Massage therapy:

Partial massage to lower abdomen and lower back

Moola shodhana massage with castor oil
Mud therapy:
Full mud bath thrice weekly.
Mud packs on the lower abdomen

.....Health Naturally - 204.....

Diet therapy:
6am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in 200ml
water overnight, grind and strain)
8am : banana, grated coconut
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, buttermilk
4pm : bananas
6.30pm : boiled yam, butter, boiled vegs, soup, bananas
9.30pm : hot milk with isabgol
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series
Supine series
Vipareethakarni mudra
Ashwini mudra
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series
Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 205.....

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM meditation
Vaman dhouti
Piles can be prevented by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Have high fiber foods like green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits,
whole grain cereals (e.g. Wheat, barley, oats, corn, rice etc.)
Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Also drink lots
of fresh fruit and vegetable juices and fresh butter milk.
Establish regular bowel habits and avoid constipation.
Avoid spicy food, alcohol, coffee and tea which irritate and
aggravate piles.

Reduce weight if you are obese with regular exercise and diet
Avoid prolonged sitting and standing positions as it puts pressure
on the anorectal region.
Wear loose fitting clothing and undergarments made from
natural materials such as cotton.

.....Health Naturally - 206.....



Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal
disorder a common problem with the intestines. Irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS) is a commonly occurring disorder consisting of alternating
constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
In people with IBS, the intestines squeeze too hard or not hard enough
and cause food to move too quickly or too
slowly through the intestines. IBS usually
begins around age 20 and is more common
in women. It does not permanently harm the
intestines and does not lead to a serious
disease, such as cancer.
IBS is also called functional bowel
spastic colon,
spastic bowel and

Its not the same as inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis.

.....Health Naturally - 207.....

IBS can be classified as
Diarrhea-predominant (IBS-D),
Constipation-predominant (IBS-C) or
IBS with alternating stool pattern (IBS-A or pain-predominant
IBS may have an acute onset and develop after an infectious
illness characterized by two or more of the following: fever, vomiting,
diarrhea, or positive stool culture. This post-infective syndrome has
consequently been termed post-infectious IBS (IBS-PI).
Specific cause for IBS is not known.
One theory is that people who suffer from IBS have a colon, or
large intestine, that is sensitive and reactive to certain foods and
The immune system, which fights infection, may also be involved.
Normal motility, or movement, may not be present in the colon
of a person who has IBS. It can be spasmodic or can even stop
working temporarily. Spasms are sudden strong muscle
contractions that come and go.
The lining of the colon called the epithelium, which is affected
by the immune and nervous systems, regulates the flow of fluids
in and out of the colon. In IBS, the epithelium appears to work
properly. However, when the contents inside the colon move
too quickly, the colon loses its ability to absorb fluids. The result
is too much fluid in the stool. In other people, the movement
inside the colon is too slow, which causes extra fluid to be
absorbed. As a result, a person develops constipation.
A persons colon may respond strongly to stimuli such as certain
foods or stress that would not bother most people.

.....Health Naturally - 208.....

Serotonin is linked with normal gastrointestinal (GI) functioning.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, or chemical, that delivers
messages from one part of your body to another. Ninety-five
percent of the serotonin in your body is located in the GI tract,
and the other 5 percent is found in the brain. Cells that line the
inside of the bowel work as transporters and carry the serotonin
out of the GI tract. People with IBS, however, have diminished
receptor activity, causing abnormal levels of serotonin to exist in
the GI tract. As a result, they experience problems with bowel
movement, motility, and sensationhaving more sensitive pain
receptors in their GI tract.
IBS may be caused by a bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal
tract. Studies show that people who have had gastroenteritis
sometimes develop IBS, otherwise called post-infectious IBS.
Very mild celiac disease in some people with symptoms similar
to IBS. People with celiac disease cannot digest gluten, a
substance found in wheat, rye, and barley. People with celiac
disease cannot eat these foods without becoming very sick
because their immune system responds by damaging the small
Common symptoms of IBS
o Bloating and gas
o Mucus in the stool
o Constipation
o Diarrhea, especially after eating or first thing in the morning
o Feeling like you still need to have a bowel movement after
youve already had one

o Feeling a strong urge to have a bowel movement

.....Health Naturally - 209.....

o Abdominal pain and cramping that may go away after having
a bowel movement
o Headache
o Backache
o Fibromyalgia
o Gastro esophageal reflux
o Lethargy
o Depression

o Disturbance when sleeping

o Nausea
o Women with IBS may have more symptoms during their
menstrual periods, suggesting that reproductive hormones
can worsen IBS problems.
Seeing your doctor is the first step. IBS is generally diagnosed
on the basis of a complete medical history that includes a careful
description of symptoms and a physical examination.
There is no specific test for IBS, although diagnostic tests may
be performed to rule out other problems. These tests may include
o stool sample testing,
o blood tests,
o X rays.
o a sigmoidoscopy,
o colonoscopy,
If your test results are negative, the doctor may diagnose IBS
based on your symptoms, including how often you have had
abdominal pain or discomfort during the past year, when the

.....Health Naturally - 210.....

pain starts and stops in relation to bowel function, and how your
bowel frequency and stool consistency have changed. Many
doctors refer to a list of specific symptoms that must be present
to make a diagnosis of IBS.

Cold water enema

Cold hip bath twice daily for 2o minutes.
Cold abdominal pack for an hour daily twice
Gastro-hepatic pack for 45-60 minutes daily once
Hot fomentation to abdomen for 10 minutes followed by cold
pack or mud application for 50 minutes.

Hot and cold compress for 15 minutes each

Neutral hip bath for 15 minutes
Trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Massage therapy:

Partial massage to lower abdomen and lower back

Full body massage
Mud therapy:
Full mud bath thrice weekly.
Mud packs on the lower abdomen
Diet therapy:
Drinking six to eight glasses of plain water a day is important,
especially if you have diarrhea.
Drinking carbonated beverages, such as sodas, may result in
gas and cause discomfort.

.....Health Naturally - 211.....

Chewing gum and eating too quickly can lead to swallowing air,
which also leads to gas.
Large meals can cause cramping and diarrhea, so eating smaller
meals more often, or eating smaller portions, may help IBS
Eating meals that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates such
as pasta, rice, whole-grain breads and cereals (unless you have
celiac disease), fruits, and vegetables may help.
High fiber diet is very important.

6am : lime water with salt and sugar
7am : black raisins water (soak raisins in water
overnight, grind and strain)
8am : bananas
11am : lime juice with salt and sugar
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, and curds
4pm : 2 apples
6.30pm : jowar roti 2, boiled vegs, bananas

Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

Supine series


.....Health Naturally - 212.....

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting

Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 213.....



Gastritis is an inflammation or irritation of the lining (known as the

mucosa) of the stomach.
The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes,
which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects
the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed, it
produces less acid, enzymes, and
Rather, gastritis is a condition
that has many causes. Common
to all
people with
in the upper part
gastritis is pain

the abdomen, called dyspepsia.

Gastritis may be acute or chronic.
Acute: Sudden, severe inflammation of the stomach lining is
called acute gastritis. An example of acute gastritis is stomach

.....Health Naturally - 214.....

upset that may follow the use of alcohol or aspirin

Chronic: Inflammation that lasts for a long time is called chronic

gastritis. If chronic gastritis is not treated, it may last for years
or even a lifetime. Helicobacter pylori are a type of bacteria
that infects the stomach. Infection with these bacteria may lead
to chronic gastritis.
Erosive gastritis is a type of gastritis that often does not cause
significant inflammation but can wear away the stomach lining.
Erosive gastritis can cause bleeding, erosions, or ulcers. Erosive
gastritis may be acute or chronic.
Gastritis is associated with various medications, medical and surgical
conditions, physical stresses, social habits, chemicals, and infections.
Some of the more common causes of gastritis are listed here.
Aspirin (more than 300 drug products contain some form of
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as
ibuprofen or naproxen)
Steroids (prednisone is one example)
Potassium supplements
Iron tablets
Cancer chemotherapy medications
Swallowing poisons or objects
Corrosives (acid or lye)
Alcohols of various types
Swallowed foreign bodies (paper clips or pins)
Medical and surgical conditions
Physical stress in people who are critically ill or injured

.....Health Naturally - 215.....

After medical procedures (such as endoscopy, in which a
specialist looks into the stomach with a small lighted tube)
After an operation to remove part of the stomach
After radiation treatment for cancer
Autoimmune diseases
Pernicious anemia
Chronic vomiting
Crohns disease
Bacterial infections: H pylori infection is the most common.
Many other bacteria-even those that usually cause pneumonia
or bladder infections-can cause gastritis.
Viral infections
Fungal (yeast) infections
Parasites and worms
Other causes
Traumatic injuries, critical illness, severe burns, and major surgery
can also cause acute erosive gastritis. This type of gastritis is called
stress gastritis.
Symptoms of gastritis do not always correspond to the extent of physical
changes in the lining of the stomach.
o Severe gastritis may be present when the stomach is viewed
without symptoms being present.
o Severe gastritis symptoms may be present despite only minor
changes in the stomach lining.

.....Health Naturally - 216.....

o Elderly people in particular have a much higher likelihood of
developing painless stomach damage. They may have no
symptoms at all (no nausea, vomiting, pain) until they are
suddenly taken ill with internal bleeding.
In people who have gastritis symptoms, pain or discomfort in the upper
abdomen is the most common.
The pain is usually in the upper central portion of the
abdomen (the pit of the stomach).
Gastritis pain occurs in the left upper portion of the abdomen
and in the back. The pain seems to go right straight through
a person as it travels from the belly to the back.
People often use the terms burning, aching, gnawing, or sore
to describe the pain. Usually, a vague sense of discomfort is
present, but the pain may be sharp, stabbing, or cutting.
Other symptoms of gastritis include the following:
Belching: Belching usually either does not relieve the pain
or relieves it only briefly.
Nausea and vomiting: The vomit may be clear, green or
yellow, blood-streaked, or completely bloody, depending on
the severity of the stomach inflammation.
Feeling of fullness or burning in the upper part of the
In more severe gastritis, bleeding may occur inside the stomach.
Any of the following symptoms can be seen as well as those already
Pallor, sweating, and rapid (or racing) heart beat.
Feeling faint or short of breath
Chest pain or severe stomach pain
Vomiting large amounts of blood

.....Health Naturally - 217.....

Bloody bowel movements or dark, sticky, very foul-smelling
bowel movements
Any or all of these symptoms can occur suddenly. This is particularly
true in adults older than 65 years.
Peptic ulcer disease,
gastric polyps, and
Benign and malignant gastric tumors.
Some people with chronic H. pylori gastritis or autoimmune
gastritis develop atrophic gastritis. Atrophic gastritis destroys
the cells in the stomach lining that produce digestive acids
and enzymes.
Atrophic gastritis can lead to two types of cancer: gastric
cancer and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT) lymphoma.
Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series. The patient swallows
barium, a liquid contrast material that makes the digestive
tract visible in an x ray. X-ray images may show changes in
the stomach lining, such as erosions or ulcers.
Blood test. The doctor may check for anemia, a condition
in which the bloods iron-rich substance, hemoglobin, is
diminished. Anemia may be a sign of chronic bleeding in the
Stool test. This test checks for the presence of blood in the
stool, another sign of bleeding in the stomach.
Tests for H. pylori infection. The doctor may test a
patients breath, blood, or stool for signs of infection. H. pylori
infection can also be confirmed with biopsies taken from the
stomach during endoscopy.

.....Health Naturally - 218.....

Cold hip bath daily twice for 20 minutes.
Warm water enema daily
Cold abdominal pack for an hour daily twice
Gastro-hepatic pack for 45-60 minutes daily once
Hot fomentation to abdomen for 10 minutes followed by cold
pack or mud application for 50 minutes.

Hot and cold hip bath for 20 minutes each

Hot and cold compress for 15 minutes each
Neutral hip bath for 15 minutes
Trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Massage therapy:

Full body massage

partial abdominal massage
Mud therapy:
full mud bath
mud pack on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : ushapana
7am : Ashgourd juice
8am : Fresh fruit and a glass of milk, sweetened with
11am : black raisins soaked overnight in water along with
water kept overnight in a copper vessel.
1pm : A bowl of freshly-prepared steamed vegetable,
two or three whole wheat chapathis and a glass
of buttermilk
.....Health Naturally - 219.....
4pm : tender coconut water
7pm : raw vegetable and fruit salad, papaya, fresh
9.30pm : a glass of milk and an apple
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series
Supine Ardhakatichkrasan

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma

.....Health Naturally - 220.....

A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
The treatment for gastritis that is caused by irritants is to stop using
them. These include:
Acidic beverages such as coffee (both caffeinated and
decaffeinated), carbonated beverages, and fruit juices with
citric acid
NSAIDS, such as aspirin and ibuprofen switch to other
pain relievers (like acetaminophen)

These steps may also help:

Eat a fiber-rich diet.
Foods containing flavonoids, like apples, celery, cranberries
(including cranberry juice), onions, garlic, and tea may stop
the growth of H. pylori.
Avoid high-fat foods. High-fat foods increase inflammation
in the stomach lining.

.....Health Naturally - 221.....



A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach or
your duodenum, the first part of your small intestine. A
peptic ulcer also refers to an eroded lesion in the inner lining of the
stomach and the adjoining intestinal tract
in the and
that located
is known
in the a gastric
ulcer located

is called a duodenal ulcer. Usually, both

are grouped together and termed as
peptic ulcer.
A burning stomach pain is the most common symptom.The pain
o May come and go for a few days or weeks

o May bother you more when your stomach is empty

o Usually goes away after you eat

.....Health Naturally - 222.....

Also called: Duodenal ulcer, Gastric ulcer, Stomach ulcer, Ulcer
Peptic ulcers happen when the acids that help you digest food, damage
the walls of the stomach or duodenum. Peptic ulcers will get worse if
not treated.
The two types of peptic ulcers are,
Acute peptic ulcers (stress ulcers)
Chronic peptic ulcers (gastric and duodenal ulcers)
Acute peptic ulcers:
Or stress ulcers are multiple, small mucosal erosions, commonly
seen in stomach occasionally involves the duodenum.
These ulcers are caused by severe stress.
1) Psychological stress
2) physiological stress as in:
severe trauma
extensive burns
drug intake (aspirin, steroid, indomethacin)

Local irritants (e.g. alcohol, smoking, coffee, etc.)

Chronic peptic ulcers:
If not specified, chronic acid peptic ulcers would mean, gastric,
and duodenal ulcers, the two major forms of peptic ulcer disease
of the upper GI tract in which the acid pepsin secretions are
implicated in their pathogenesis.

.....Health Naturally - 223.....

duodenal as far

as their etiology is concerned.

are similarpathological
and quite diagnostic.
findings in both

Hyperacidity An increase in the hydrochloric acid in the
stomach. This strong acid, secreted by the cells lining the
stomach, erodes the inner lining of the stomach.
Infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.
Stress, emotional disturbances, anxiety, fatigue predispose
to peptic ulcer disease.
Acid pepsin secretions
Mucus secretions
Decrease in the normal quantity and quality of protective
mucous barrier predisposes to the development of ulcer.
Overeating, taking of heavy meals or highly spiced foods,
coffee, alcohol, and smoking are the main factors
contributing to this condition.
Genetic factors
Hormonal factors
Secretions of certain hormones by tumors are associated
with peptic ulceration.
o Feel better when you eat or drink and then worse 1 or 2
hours later (duodenal ulcer)
o Feel worse when you eat or drink (gastric ulcer)
o Stomach pain that wakes you up at night

.....Health Naturally - 224.....

o Feel full fast
o Heavy feeling, bloating, burning or dull pain in your stomach
o Vomiting
o Unexpected weight loss
o Sharp and severe pain and
discomfort in the upper part of the
o Mental tension,
o Insomnia,
o Gradual weakening of the body.
o Blood may also be detected in the stool.
Diagnosis & Tests

To diagnose an ulcer, your doctor will order one of the following tests:
o Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) is a special test performed
by a gastroenterologist in which a thin tube with a camera on
the end is inserted through your mouth into the GI tract to see
your stomach and small intestine. During an EGD, the doctor
may take a biopsy from the wall of your stomach to test for H.

o Upper GI is a series of x-rays taken after you drink a thick

substance called barium.
Your doctor may also order these tests:
o Hemoglobin blood test to check for anemia
o Stool guaiac to test for blood in your stool
Cold hip bath daily twice for 20 minutes.
Warm water enema daily

.....Health Naturally - 225.....

Cold abdominal pack for an hour daily twice
Gastro-hepatic pack for 45-60 minutes daily once
Hot fomentation to abdomen for 10 minutes followed by cold
pack or mud application for 50 minutes.
Hot and cold hip bath for 20 minutes each
Hot and cold compress for 15 minutes each
Neutral hip bath for 15 minutes
Trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Massage therapy:

Full body massage

partial abdominal massage
Mud therapy:
full mud bath
mud pack on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : ushapana
7am : lime water with honey
8am : idli (4), chutney, a glass of almond milk
11am : cabbage juice
1pm : 2 chapatti, boiled vegetables, boiled rice, dhal,
fresh buttermilk with drumstick leaf paste
4pm : methi tea
7pm : raw vegetable and fruit salad, papaya, fresh
buttermilk with drumstick leaf paste
9.30pm : a glass of milk and a banana
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama

.....Health Naturally - 226.....

Standing series
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 227.....



Colitis is a chronic digestive disease characterized by inflammation of
the colon.
Colitis is one of a group of conditions which are inflammatory and auto
immune, affecting the tissue that lines the gastrointestinal system (the
large and small intestine). It is classed as an inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Types of colitis include
o ulcerative colitis (UC),
o Crohns colitis,
o diversion colitis,
o ischemic colitis,

.....Health Naturally - 228.....

o infectious colitis,
fulminant colitis,

o collagenous colitis,
o chemical colitis,
o microscopic colitis,
o lymphocytic colitis, and
o Atypical colitis.
Also called: Colitis, Distal colitis, Pancolitis, Ulcerative proctitis
Ulcerative colitis is a
disease the causes
lining ofthat rectum ulcers
and colon.
in the

is one of a group of diseases called

inflammatory bowel disease. Ulcers
form where inflammation has killed
the cells that usually line the colon.
Ulcerative colitis can happen at any age, but it usually starts
between the ages of 15 and 30. It tends to run in families.
Types of ulcerative colitis are:
o Ulcerative proctitis : If ulcerative colitis is limited to the
rectum, it is known as ulcerative proctitis. Symptoms are diarrhea,
bloody stool, pain in the rectal area, and a sense of urgency to
empty the bowel.
o Proctosigmoiditis : If ulcerative colitis affects the rectum and
the sigmoid colon, it is known as proctosigmoiditis. Symptoms
are diarrhea, bloody stool, cramps and pain in the rectal area,
and moderate pain on the left side of the abdomen.
o Left-sided colitis : Left-sided colitis affects the entire left side
of the colon, from the rectum to the place where the colon bends

.....Health Naturally - 229.....

near the spleen and begins to run across the upper abdomen
(the splenic flexure). Symptoms include diarrhea, bleeding,
weight loss and loss of appetite, and sometimes severe pain on
the left side of the abdomen.
o Pancolitis: If the entire colon is affected, the term pancolitis is
used (pan meaning total). The classification is most important
in planning treatment. While ulcerative proctitis, proctosigmoiditis,
and even left-sided colitis can be treated with local agents
introduced through the anus, including steroid-based or other
enemas and foams, pancolitis must be treated with oral medication
so that active ingredients can reach all of the affected portions
of the colon.
Many theories exist about what causes ulcerative colitis

Abnormal activation of the immune system in the

intestines. In patients with ulcerative colitis, the immune system
is abnormally and chronically activated in the absence of any
known invader. The continued abnormal activation of the immune
systems causes chronic inflammation and ulceration. The
susceptibility to abnormal activation of the immune system is
genetically inherited. First degree relatives (brothers, sisters,
children, and parents) of patients with IBD are thus more likely
to develop these diseases.
Genetic factors
Environmental factors
Alternative theories
Levels of sulfate-reducing bacteria tend to be higher in
persons with ulcerative colitis. An alternative theory suggests that the
symptoms of the disease may be caused by toxic effects of the hydrogen
sulfide on the cells lining the intestine. It may be caused by occlusions in
the capillaries of the subepithelial linings, degenerated fibers beneath the

.....Health Naturally - 230.....

mucosa and infiltration of the lamina propria with plasma cells
Certain foods and beverages can make the symptoms of
ulcerative colitis worse. These may include the following:
o Dairy products
o High-fiber foods (such as raw fruits and vegetables)
o Alcohol
o Caffeine
o Carbonated beverages
Stress can make the symptoms of ulcerative colitis worse
Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on how severe your case
is and what section of your large intestine is affected.
The most common symptoms are
Pain in the abdomen
Bloody diarrhea.
severe tiredness,
weight loss,
loss of appetite,
bleeding from the rectum,
sores on the skin
Joint pain.
Children with the disease may have growth problems.
A strong feeling that you need to have a bowel movement,
but not being able to do so (called tenesmus)
You may have diarrhea over a period of weeks or
months. The diarrhea may have blood in it. Some people
have abdominal pain. The diarrhea and abdominal pain
tend to come and go.

.....Health Naturally - 231.....

As ulcerative colitis is believed to have a systemic
(i.e., autoimmune) origin, patients may present
with abnormalities leading to symptoms and
complications outside the colon. These include the
o Aphthous ulcers of the mouth
o Ophthalmic (involving the eyes):
o Musculoskeletal:
o Seronegative arthritis, which can be a large-joint oligoarthritis
(affecting one or two joints), or may affect many small joints of
the hands and feet
o Ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis of the spine
o Sacroiliitis, arthritis of the lower spine
o Cutaneous (related to the skin):
o Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
o Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
o clubbing, a deformity of the ends of the fingers
o Primary sclerosing cholangitis, a distinct disease that causes
inflammation of the bile ducts
A complete history of the pateint with blood count is done to
check for anemia; thrombocytosis, a high platelet count, is occasionally
Electrolyte studies and renal function tests are done, as chronic
diarrhea may be associated with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia
and pre-renal failure.
Liver function tests are performed to screen for bile duct
involvement: primary sclerosing cholangitis.

.....Health Naturally - 232.....

Stool culture, to rule out parasites and infectious causes.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be measured, with an
elevated sedimentation rate indicating that an inflammatory
process is present.

C-reactive protein can be measured, with an elevated level being

another indication of inflammation.

Cold water enema daily

Cold hip bath daily twice for 20 minutes
Cold abdominal pack for an hour daily twice
Gastro-hepatic pack for 45-60 minutes daily once
Hot fomentation to abdomen for 10 minutes followed by cold
pack or mud application for 50 minutes.

Hot and cold hip bath for 20 minutes each

Hot and cold compress for 15 minutes each
Neutral hip bath for 15 minutes
Trunk pack for 45-60 minutes
Massage therapy:

Full body massage

Light massage to the abdomen

.....Health Naturally - 233.....

Mud therapy:
Full mud bath
Mud packs on the abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : tender coconut water
7am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in
200ml water overnight, grind and strain)
8am : whey water
11am : apple juice
1pm : brown rice ganji
4pm : apple juice
7pm : brown rice ganji, 2 figs, 4 dates
9.30pm : honey water

Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series
Sitting series

.....Health Naturally - 234.....


Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM meditation
Vaman dhouti
Tips to deal with UC
You may find that eating smaller meals more frequently
throughout the day may help your ulcerative colitis. For example,
try eating 5 small meals each day rather than 3 large meals.

Drink plenty of liquids,

But avoid caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
Learn to manage your stress.
Exercise regularly.
When you are feeling overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths.
Take time each day to do something relaxing that you enjoy,
such as visiting with friends or reading a book.

.....Health Naturally - 235.....




Jaundice comes from the French word jaune, meaning yellow.
Jaundice, (also known as icterus) is a yellowish pigmentation of
the skin, the conjunctival membranes over the sclerae (whites of
the eyes), and other mucous membranes caused by
hyperbilirubinemia (increased levels of bilirubin in the blood). This
hyperbilirubinemia subsequently causes increased levels of bilirubin in
the extra cellular fluids.
Jaundice is not a disease but rather a sign
that can occur in many different diseases. The
color of the skin and sclerae vary depending on
the level of bilirubin. When the bilirubin level is
mildly elevated, they are yellowish. When the
bilirubin level is high, they tend to be brown.

.....Health Naturally - 236.....

The sclera of the eye is yellow because the patient has jaundice,
or icterus. The normally white sclerae of the eyes is a good place on
physical examination to look for icterus.
It is caused by an increase in the amount
of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a
yellowish pigment that comes from red
When red
Hemoglobin, getiron-
blood cellsthe old,

containing chemical in red blood cells that

carries oxygen, is released from the
destroyed red blood cells after the iron it contains is removed. The
chemical that remains in the blood after the iron is removed becomes
Bilirubin is transported by the blood to the liver, where the liver processes
it, allowing it to be excreted in bile. Bile is a thick, yellow-green
brown fluid that is secreted into the upper small intestine
(duodenum) to get rid of waste products (such as bilirubin and
excess cholesterol) and to aid in the digestion of fats.
The liver has many functions. One of the livers functions is to produce
and secrete bile into the intestines to help digest dietary fat.
Another is to remove toxic chemicals or waste products from the
blood, and bilirubin is a waste product. The liver removes bilirubin
from the blood. After the bilirubin has entered the liver cells, the cells
conjugate (attaching other chemicals, primarily glucuronic acid) to the
bilirubin, and then secrete the bilirubin/glucuronic acid complex into bile.
The complex that is secreted in bile is called conjugated bilirubin. The
conjugated bilirubin is eliminated in the feces. (Bilirubin is what gives
feces its brown color.) Conjugated bilirubin is distinguished from the
bilirubin that is released from the red blood cells and not yet removed
from the blood which is termed un-conjugated bilirubin.
Typically, the concentration of bilirubin in the plasma must exceed
1.5 mg/dL ( > 35 micromoles/L), three times the usual value of
approximately 0.5 mg/dL, for the coloration to be easily visible.

.....Health Naturally - 237.....

Jaundice may arise from increased breakdown of red blood cells, inherited
changes in bilirubin metabolism, liver disease or damage, and whenever
there is interference with bile excretion.
Jaundice can be caused by:
o Too much bilirubin being produced for the liver to remove
from the blood. (For example, patients with hemolytic anemia
have an abnormally rapid rate of destruction of their red blood
cells that releases large amounts of bilirubin into the blood),
o a defect in the liver that prevents bilirubin from being removed
from the blood, converted to bilirubin/glucuronic acid (conjugated)
or secreted in bile, or
o Blockage of the bile ducts that decreases the flow of bile
and bilirubin from the liver into the intestines. (For example, the
bile ducts can be blocked by cancers, gallstones, or inflammation
of the bile ducts). The decreased conjugation, secretion, or flow
of bile that can result in jaundice is referred to as cholestasis:
however, cholestasis does not always result in jaundice.
When a pathological process interferes with the normal functioning of
the metabolism and excretion of bilirubin just described, jaundice may be
the result. Jaundice is classified into three categories, depending on which
part of the physiological mechanism the pathology affects. The three
categories are:

Category Definition
Pre-hepatic The pathology is occurring prior to the liver.
Hepatic The pathology is located within the liver.
The pathology is located after the
Post-Hepatic conjugation of bilirubin in the liver.

.....Health Naturally - 238.....

E.g. (hemolytic anemia due to malaria)

Laboratory findings include:

o Urine: no bilirubin present, urobilirubin > 2 units (i.e., hemolytic
anemia causes increased heme metabolism; exception: infants
where gut flora has not developed).
o Serum: increased unconjugated bilirubin.
o Kernicterus is associated with increased unconjugated bilirubin

Hepatic jaundice causes include acute hepatitis, hepato-toxicity

and alcoholic liver disease, whereby cell necrosis reduces the livers
ability to metabolize and excrete bilirubin leading to a buildup in the blood.
Less common causes include primary biliary cirrhosis, Gilberts
syndrome (a genetic disorder of bilirubin metabolism which can result in
mild jaundice, which is found in about 5% of the population), Crigler
Najjar syndrome, metastatic carcinoma and Niemann-Pick disease, type

Jaundice seen in the newborn, known as neonatal jaundice, is

common, occurring in almost every newborn as hepatic machinery for
the conjugation and excretion of bilirubin does not fully mature until
approximately two weeks of age.
Laboratory findings include:
o Urine: Conjugated bilirubin present, urobilirubin > 2 units
but variable (except in children). Kernicterus is a condition
not associated with increased conjugated bilirubin.

Post-hepatic jaundice, also called obstructive jaundice, is caused by an

interruption to the drainage of bile in the biliary system. The most common
causes are gallstones in the common bile duct, and pancreatic cancer in

.....Health Naturally - 239.....

the head of the pancreas. Also, a group of parasites known as liver
flukes can live in the common bile duct, causing obstructive jaundice.
Other causes include strictures of the common bile duct, biliary atresia,
ductal carcinoma, pancreatitis and pancreatic pseudo cysts. A rare cause
of obstructive jaundice is Mirizzis syndrome.
The presence of pale stools and dark urine suggests an obstructive
or post-hepatic cause as normal feces get their color from bile pigments.
Patients also can present with elevated serum cholesterol, and often
complain of severe itching or pruritis.
Jaundice may be caused by several different disease processes. It is
helpful to understand the different causes of jaundice by identifying the
problems that disrupt the normal bilirubin metabolism and/or excretion.
Jaundice in these cases is caused by rapid increase in the breakdown
and destruction of the red blood cells (hemolysis), overwhelming the
livers ability to adequately remove the increased levels of bilirubin from
the blood.
Examples of conditions with increased breakdown of red blood cells
o malaria,
o sickle cell crisis,
o spherocytosis,

o thalassemia,

o Hemolytic Anemia (an abnormal hemoglobin variant, malaria,

an autoimmune process, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and any other
conditions that lead to a significant increase in the destruction of red
blood cells and to an increase in the production of bilirubin.)
o glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD),

.....Health Naturally - 240.....

o drugs or other toxins, and

o Autoimmune disorders.
Jaundice in these cases is caused by the livers inability to properly
metabolize and excrete bilirubin. Examples include:
o hepatitis (commonly viral or alcohol related),( liver
inflammation due to a variety of causes including hepatitis
A, B, C, D, and E viral infections, alcohol abuse, and some
medications and toxins.)
o Cirrhosis (can cause jaundice in its late stages.)
o drugs or other toxins,

o Crigler-Najjar syndrome (an inherited condition that may

lead to severe un-conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (high bilirubin
concentrations); a gene mutation leads to a deficiency in an
enzyme necessary for bilirubin conjugation.)
o Gilberts syndrome (a mild inherited condition associated
with decreased bilirubin conjugation due to a decrease in
enzyme activity. Those affected may have temporary
jaundice during times of illness or stress and increases in
their un-conjugated bilirubin levels.)
o Cancer.
Post-hepatic (after bile has been made in the liver)

Jaundice in these cases, also termed obstructive jaundice, is caused by

conditions which interrupt the normal drainage of conjugated bilirubin in
the form of bile from the liver into the intestines.
Causes of obstructive jaundice include:
o gallstones in the bile ducts,

o cancer (pancreatic and gallbladder/bile duct carcinoma),

.....Health Naturally - 241.....

o Strictures of the bile ducts (inside and/or outside of the liver:
may be due to a stone, damage and scarring, or biliary atresia, a
congenital condition associated with abnormal development or
the bile ducts. It leads to the back-up and pooling of the bile
behind the obstruction and to the increase of bilirubin in the blood.
Gallstones can block bile ducts and pancreatic cancer can
sometimes lead to a blockage in the bile ducts outside of the
o cholangitis,

o congenital malformations,

o pancreatitis,

o parasites,

o pregnancy, and
o Newborn jaundice (the liver of a newborn infant has not fully
developed its ability to metabolize bilirubin yet, so newborns
frequently go through a brief period of jaundice right after they
are born. Newborns with jaundice are carefully monitored and
generally improve within 48 to 72 hours.)

Jaundice is a sign of an underlying disease process. .
Common signs and symptoms seen in individuals with jaundice include:
o yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and the
whites of the eyes,
o light-colored stools,
o dark-colored urine, and
o Itching of the skin.
The underlying disease process may result in additional signs and
symptoms. These may include:

.....Health Naturally - 242.....

o nausea and vomiting,
o abdominalpain,
o fever,
o weakness,
o loss of appetite,
o headache,
o confusion,
o swelling of the legs and abdomen, and
Jaundice in Newborn:
In newborns, as the bilirubin level rises, jaundice will typically progress
from the head to the trunk, and then to the hands and feet. Additional
signs and symptoms that may be seen in the newborn include:
o poor feeding,

o lethargy,
o changes in muscle tone,

o high-pitched crying, and

o seizures
Using bili lights is a therapeutic
procedure performed on newborn or premature infants to reduce elevated
levels of bilirubin. Ifblood levels of bilirubin become too high, the bilirubin
begins to dissolve in the body tissues, producing the characteristic yellow
eyes and skin of jaundice. Bilirubin also has an affinity for brain tissue,
where it can accumulate and cause permanent brain damage.
Neonatal jaundice is jaundice that begins within the first few days
after birth. (Jaundice that is present at the time of birth suggests a
more serious cause of the jaundice.) In fact, bilirubin levels in the blood

.....Health Naturally - 243.....

become elevated in almost all infants during the first few days following
birth, and jaundice occurs in more than half. For all but a few infants, the
elevation and jaundice represents a normal physiological phenomenon
and does not cause problems.
The cause of normal, physiological jaundice is well understood:
o During life in the uterus, the red blood cells of the fetus contain
a type of hemoglobin that is different than the hemoglobin that
is present after birth.
o When an infant is born, the infants body begins to rapidly
destroy the red blood cells containing the fetal-type hemoglobin
and replaces them with red blood cells containing the adult
type hemoglobin.
o This flood the liver with bilirubin derived from the fetal
hemoglobin from the destroyed red blood cells.
o The liver in a newborn infant is not mature, and its ability to
process and eliminate bilirubin is limited.
o As a result of both the influx of large amounts of bilirubin and
the immaturity of the liver, bilirubin accumulates in the blood.
o Within two or three weeks, the destruction of red blood cells
ends, the liver matures, and the bilirubin levels return to normal.
There is another uncommon syndrome associated with neonatal jaundice,
referred to as
Breast-milk or breast feeding jaundice.
o In this syndrome, jaundice appears to be caused by or at least
accentuated by breast feeding.
o Although the cause of this type of jaundice is unknown, it has
been hypothesized that there is something in breast milk that
reduces the ability of the liver to process and eliminate bilirubin.
o With breast-milk jaundice, the bilirubin levels rise and reach
peak levels in approximately two weeks, remain elevated for a

.....Health Naturally - 244.....

week or so, and then decline to normal over several weeks or
o This timing of the elevation in bilirubin and jaundice is different
than normal physiological jaundice described previously and
allows the two causes of jaundice to be differentiated.
o The real importance of the more prolonged jaundice associate
with breast-milk jaundice is that it raises the possibility that
there is a more serious cause for the jaundice that needs to be
sought, for example, biliary atresia (destruction of the bile ducts).
o Breast-milk jaundice alone usually does not cause problems
for the infant.
Physiologic jaundice and breast-milk jaundice usually do not cause
problems for the infant;
o However, there is a concern that high or prolonged elevations
in levels of un-conjugated bilirubin (the type of bilirubin that is
not attached to glucuronic acid and the main type of bilirubin
that is present in physiologic and breast-milk jaundice) will cause
neurologic damage to the infant.
o Therefore, when un-conjugated bilirubin levels are high or
prolonged, treatment usually is started to lower the levels of
o Treatment may be started earlier in infants who are born
prematurely since their livers take longer to mature, and the
risk of higher and more prolonged elevations of bilirubin is
A common condition in newborns, jaundice refers to the yellow color of
the skin and whites of the eyes caused by excess bilirubin in the blood.
Bilirubin is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells.
Normally, bilirubin passes through the liver and is excreted as bile through
the intestines. Jaundice occurs when bilirubin builds up faster than a

.....Health Naturally - 245.....

newborns liver can break it down and pass it from the body. Reasons
for this include:
o Newborns make more bilirubin than adults do since they
have more turn over of red blood cells.
o A newborn babys still-developing liver may not yet be able
to remove adequate bilirubin from the blood.
o Too large an amount of bilirubin is reabsorbed from the
intestines before the baby gets rid of it in the stool.
High levels of bilirubin usually above 25 mg can cause deafness,
cerebral palsy, or other forms of brain damage in some babies. In less
common cases, jaundice may indicate the presence of another condition,
such as an infection or a thyroid problem.
Types of Newborn Jaundice
The most common types of jaundice are:
Physiological (normal) jaundice: occurring in most newborns,
this mild jaundice is due to the immaturity of the babys liver,
which leads to a slow processing of bilirubin. It generally appears
at 2 to 4 days of age and disappears by 1 to 2 weeks of age.
Jaundice of prematurity: occurs frequently in premature babies
since they are even less ready to excrete bilirubin effectively.
Jaundice in premature babies needs to be treated at a lower
bilirubin level than in full term babies in order to avoid
Breastfeeding jaundice: jaundice can occur when a
breastfeeding baby is not getting enough breast milk because of
difficulty with breastfeeding or because the mothers milk isnt
in yet. This is not caused by a problem with the breast milk
itself, but by the baby not getting enough to drink.
Breast milk jaundice: in 1% to 2% of breastfed babies,
jaundice may be caused by substances

.....Health Naturally - 246.....

produced in their mothers breast milk that
can cause the bilirubin level to rise. These
can prevent the excretion of bilirubin through
the intestines. It starts after the first 3 to 5
days and slowly improves over 3 to 12
Blood group incompatibility (Rh or ABO problems): if a
baby has a different blood type than the mother, the mother
might produce antibodies that destroy the infants red blood cells.
This creates a sudden buildup of bilirubin in the babys blood.
Incompatibility jaundice can begin as early as the first day of
life. Rh problems once caused the most
severe form of jaundice, but now can be
prevented with an injection of Rh immune
globulin to the mother within 72 hours after
delivery, which prevents her from forming
antibodies that might endanger any
subsequent babies.
In mild or moderate levels of jaundice, by 1 to 2 weeks of age the baby
will take care of the excess bilirubin on its own.
For high levels of jaundice, natural sunlight or with artificial
phototherapy treatment with a special light that helps rid
the body of the bilirubin by altering it or making it easier for your
babys liver to get rid of it may be used.
More frequent feedings of breast milk or supplementing with
formula to help infants pass the bilirubin in their stools may also
be recommended.
In rare cases, if phototherapy is not successful, a blood exchange
may be required to give a baby fresh blood and remove the

.....Health Naturally - 247.....

If your baby develops jaundice that seems to be from breast
milk, your doctor may ask you to temporarily stop breastfeeding.
During this time, you can pump your breasts so you can keep
producing breast milk and you can start nursing again once the
condition has cleared.
If the amount of bilirubin is high, your baby may be readmitted
to the hospital for treatment. Once the bilirubin level drops and
the treatment is stopped, it is unlikely that treatment for jaundice
will need to be restarted.Phototherapy

The goal of testing is to determine the cause of the jaundice
and to evaluate the severity of the underlying condition.
Initial testing is usually focused on the liver. Specific additional
tests, such as viral hepatitis testing and/or testing to evaluate increased
RBC destruction may be ordered along with or following the initial tests
based on the patients clinical findings and the doctors suspicions of the
cause of the jaundice.
Many tests are available for determining the cause of jaundice, but the
history and physical examination are important as well.

The history can suggest possible reasons for the jaundice.

o For example, heavy use of alcohol suggests alcoholic
liver disease,

.....Health Naturally - 248.....

o Whereas use of illegal, injectable drugs suggests viral
o Recent initiation of a new drug suggests drug-induced
o Episodes of abdominal pain associated with jaundice
suggests blockage of the bile ducts usually by gallstones.
Physical examination

The most important part of the physical examination in a patient

who is jaundiced is examination of the abdomen.
o Masses (tumors) in the abdomen suggest cancer
infiltrating the liver (metastatic cancer) as the cause of
the jaundice.
o An enlarged, firm liver suggests cirrhosis.
o A rock-hard, nodular liver suggests cancer within the
Blood tests
Measurement of bilirubin can be helpful in determining the causes
of jaundice.
o Markedly greater elevations of unconjugated bilirubin
relative to elevations of conjugated bilirubin in the blood
suggest hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).
o Marked elevations of liver tests (aspartate amino
transferase or AST and alanine amino transferase or
ALT) suggest inflammation of the liver (such as viral
o Elevations of other liver tests, e.g., alkaline phosphatase,
suggest diseases or obstruction of the bile ducts.

Ultrasonography is a simple, safe, and readily-available test that uses

.....Health Naturally - 249.....

sound waves to examine the organs within the abdomen. Ultrasound
examination of the abdomen may disclose gallstones, tumors in the liver
or the pancreas, and dilated bile ducts due to obstruction (by gallstones
or tumor).
Computerized tomography (CT or CAT scans)
Computerized tomography or CT scans are scans that use x-rays to
examine the soft tissues of the abdomen. They are particularly good for
identifying tumors in the liver and the pancreas and dilated bile ducts,
though they are not as good as ultrasonography for identifying gallstones.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans are scans that utilize magnetization

of the body to examine the soft tissues of the abdomen. Like CT scans,
they are good for identifying tumors and studying bile ducts. MRI scans
can be modified to visualize the bile ducts better than CT scans (a
procedure referred to as MR cholangiography), and, therefore, are better
than CT for identifying the cause and location of bile duct obstruction.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
and Endoscopic ultrasound
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
provides the best means for examining the bile duct. For ERCP
an endoscope is swallowed by the patient after he or she has
been sedated. The endoscope is a flexible, fiberoptic tube
approximately four feet in length with a light and camera on its
tip. The tip of the endoscope is passed down the esophagus,
through the stomach, and into the duodenum where the main
bile duct enters the intestine. A thin tube then is passed through
the endoscope and into the bile duct, and the duct is filled with
x-ray contrast solution. An x-ray is taken that clearly
demonstrates the contrast-filled bile ducts. ERCP is particularly
good at demonstrating the cause and location of obstruction
within the bile ducts. A major advantage of ERCP is that
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can be done at the same

.....Health Naturally - 250.....

time as the x-rays. For example, if gallstones are found in the
bile ducts, they can be removed. Stents can be placed in the bile
ducts to relieve the obstruction caused by scarring or tumors.
Biopsies of tumors can be obtained.
Ultrasonography can be combined with ERCP by using
a specialized endoscope capable of doing ultrasound scanning.
Endoscopic ultrasound is excellent for diagnosing small gallstones in the
gallbladder and bile ducts that can be missed by other diagnostic methods
such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI.
It also is the best means of examining the pancreas for tumors and can
facilitate biopsy through the endoscope of tumors within the pancreas.
Liver biopsy
Biopsy of the liver provides a small piece of tissue from the liver for
examination under the microscope. The biopsy most commonly is
done with a long needle after local injection of the skin of the abdomen
overlying the liver with anesthetic. The needle passes through the skin
and into the liver, cutting off a small piece of liver tissue. When the
needle is withdrawn, the piece of liver comes with it. Liver biopsy is
particularly good for diagnosing inflammation of the liver and bile ducts,
cirrhosis, cancer, and fatty liver.
o Warm water enema daily
o Gastro-hepatic pack daily
o Abdominal pack daily twice
o Hot and neutral hip bath alternate days.
o Hot Epsom salt bath
Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage

.....Health Naturally - 251.....

o Partial light massage to liver followed by hot n cold fomentation
(3 mins each)

Mud therapy
o Full mud bath weekly once
o Mud pack on the abdomen twice daily
Diet therapy:
6am : lime juice with sugar and salt
7am : mosambi juice
9am : sugarcane juice
11am : coconut water
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, butter milk
4pm : mosambi juice
6.30pm : brown rice, buttermilk, boiled vegs
9.30pm : lime water with sugar and salt
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Instant relaxation technique (IRT)
Standing series
Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 252.....

Quick relaxation technique (QRT)

Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique (DRT)

Abdominal breathing
Surya anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 253.....



The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It serves as a
combination of manufacturing plant, chemical laboratory and
storehouse of nutrients. It produces many vital elements and pours
them into the blood stream, or stores until needed. Some of its functions
are the production and storage of substances essential to the manufacture
of red blood cells, the elimination of poisons and protein and the
regulation of the numerous by products of protein metabolism, the
storage of sugar, the storage and utilization of fats, the control of

.....Health Naturally - 254.....

cholesterol metabolism, and the production of bile acids, bile salts,
and substances important for blood coagulation.
Hepatitis is the Latin word for

liver inflammation. It is characterized by

the destruction of a number of liver cells
and the presence of inflammatory cells
in the liver tissue.
Hepatitis can be caused by diseases that
primarily attack the liver cells. It can also arise
as a result of a disease such as mononucleosis.
to itsbeduration:
divided into two subgroups

acute hepatitis - lasting less than six months

Chronic hepatitis - lasting longer than six months.
Acute hepatitis:
Acute hepatitis has a number of possible causes.
Infectious viral hepatitis such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis
C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E.
Other viral diseases such as: mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus.
Severe bacterial infections.
Amoebic infections.
Medicines, e.g. paracetamol poisoning and halothane (an
Toxins: alcohol and fungal toxins, e.g. toadstool poisoning.
Chronic hepatitis:
Chronic hepatitis also has a number of different causes.
Contagious viral hepatitis such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and
hepatitis D.
.....Health Naturally - 255.....
Toxins such as alcohol.
Autoimmune hepatitis. This is a disease in which a number of
liver cells are destroyed by the patients own immune system.
Autoimmune hepatitis can also sometimes occur as acute
hepatitis. The cause is unknown.
Inborn metabolic disorders, such as Wilsons disease (disorder
of the bodys copper metabolism) and haemochromatosis
(disorder of the bodys iron metabolism).
Acute hepatitis
The symptoms of acute hepatitis vary considerably from person to person.
Some patients have no symptoms at all, and in most cases, children only
show mild symptoms.
In the early stages:
o tiredness, general malaise, slight fever
o nausea, poor appetite, changes in taste perception
o pressure or pain below the right ribs caused by an enlarged liver
o Aching muscles and joints, headache, skin rash.

The jaundice phase:

o yellowing of sclerae (the white portions of the eyes), skin and
mucous membranes
o dark urine
o light-colored stools
o Around this time, the other symptoms subside.
The recovery phase:
o Tiredness that can last for weeks.

.....Health Naturally - 256.....

Chronic hepatitis
o Many patients have no symptoms.
o Tiredness, an increased need for sleep, aching muscles and joints.
o Periodic light pressure or pain below the right ribs - enlarged
o Jaundice is a very late symptom of chronic hepatitis. It is a sign
that the disease has become serious.
Hepatitis A is transmitted by contaminated food, feces, or physical
contact with an infected person. This condition usually resolves on its
Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood, sexual intercourse and from
mother to baby at birth. A person can become a chronic carrier of this
virus and may progress to chronic liver disease or liver cancer.
Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood and sometimes sexual intercourse.
This is a common form of the disease and can lead to chronic liver
Hepatitis D affects only those with hepatitis B
Hepatitis E is spread through feces, contaminated food or water and is
more common in Mexico, Asia and Africa.
Symptoms may include nausea, weakness,
decreased appetite, lethargy, jaundice, low-grade
fever and abdominal pain or distension
o Patients with jaundice or other symptoms of hepatitis.
o People who are very likely to have contracted the hepatitis B or
the hepatitis C virus.
o People who are at increased risk due to a hereditary type of
hepatitis in their families

.....Health Naturally - 257.....

The diagnosis is confirmed by blood samples, and, in some cases, by a
tissue sample from the liver.
o Some of the blood samples are used for establishing the cause
of the disease and excluding other known causes.
o Other blood samples will reveal the degree of activity of the
inflammation at the time when the samples are taken.
o In cases of chronic hepatitis, the extent of the damage to the
liver can only be established via a tissue sample from the liver.
o Warm water enema daily
o Gastro-hepatic pack daily
o Abdominal pack daily twice
o Hot and neutral hip bath alternate days.
o Hot Epsom salt bath
Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage
o Partial light massage to liver followed by hot n cold fomentation
(3 mins each)

Mud therapy
o Full mud bath weekly once
o Mud pack on the abdomen twice daily
Diet therapy:
6am : lime juice with honey
7am : sugar cane juice
8am : mosambi juice, figs and isabgol
11am : wheat grass juice

.....Health Naturally - 258.....

1pm : boiled vegs and curds
4pm : sugar cane juice
6.30pm : black raisins water
9.30pm : rice ganji
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
SuryaNamaskar (avoid in severe cases)
Instant relaxation technique (IRT)
Standing series


Supine series
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)

Prone series

Sitting series

.....Health Naturally - 259.....

Deep relaxation technique (DRT)

Abdominal breathing
Surya anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting
Cirrhosis is a complication of many liver diseases that is
characterized by abnormal structure and function of the liver. The
diseases that lead to cirrhosis do so because they injure and kill liver
cells and the inflammation and repair that is associated with the dying
liver cells causes scar tissue to form. The liver cells that do not die
multiply in an attempt to replace the cells that have died. This results in
clusters of newly-formed liver cells (regenerative nodules) within the
scar tissue.
There are many causes of cirrhosis; they include
o chemicals (such as alcohol, fat, and certain medications),
o viruses,
o toxic metals (such as iron and copper that accumulate in the
liver as a result of genetic diseases), and

.....Health Naturally - 260.....

o Autoimmune liver disease in which the bodys immune system
attacks the liver.
o Chronic hepatitis C, Chronic hepatitis B and D.
o Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD
o Diseases that damage or destroy bile ducts.
o Inherited diseases
A chronic liver disease which causes damage to liver tissue, scarring of
the liver (fibrosis; nodular regeneration), progressive decrease in liver
function, excessive fluid in the abdomen (ascites), bleeding disorders
(coagulopathy), increased pressure in
the blood vessels (portal
hypertension), and brain function
disorders (hepatic encephalopathy).
Excessive alcohol use is the leading
cause of cirrhosis
Individuals with cirrhosis may have few or no symptoms and
signs of liver disease. Some of the symptoms may be nonspecific, that
is, they dont suggest that the liver is their cause. Some of the more
common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include:
Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of
bilirubin in the blood
Loss of appetite
Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors
by the diseased liver.
weight loss

.....Health Naturally - 261.....

abdominal pain and bloating when fluid accumulates in the
spider like blood vessels on the skin
Individuals with cirrhosis also develop symptoms
and signs from the complications of cirrhosis.
o The single best test for diagnosing
cirrhosis is biopsy of the liver. Liver biopsies, however, carry a
small risk for serious complications,
o The possibility of cirrhosis may be suggested by the history,
physical examination, or routine testing

o Computerized tomography (CT or CAT) or magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) scans and ultrasound
examinations of the abdomen done for reasons other than
evaluating the possibility of liver disease may unexpectedly detect
enlarged livers, abnormally nodular livers, enlarged spleens, and
fluid in the abdomen that suggest cirrhosis.
o Reduced level of albumin in the blood and reduced blood
clotting factors due to the loss of the livers ability to produce
these proteins. Thus, reduced levels of albumin in the blood or
abnormal bleeding suggest cirrhosis.
o Gastro-hepatic pack daily
Warm water enema

o Abdominal pack daily twice

o Hot and neutral hip bath alternate days.
o Hot Epsom salt bath

.....Health Naturally - 262.....

Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage
o Partial light massage to liver followed by hot n cold fomentation
(3 mins each)
Mud therapy
o Full mud bath weekly once
o Mud pack on the abdomen twice daily
Diet therapy:
6am : lime juice with honey
7am : black raisins water (soak raisins in 200 ml of
water overnight, grind and strain)
8am : mosambijuice, figs and isabgol
11am : wheat grass juice
1pm : boiled vegs and curds
4pm : sugar cane juice
6.30pm : apple juice
9.30pm : rice ganji
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Suryanamaskar (avoid in severe cases)
Instant relaxation technique (IRT)
Standing series

.....Health Naturally - 263.....

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)
Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique (DRT)
Abdominal breathing
Surya anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 264.....



A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within

the kidney or urinary tract.
Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe
pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones are sometimes
called renal calculi. One in every 20 people develops a kidney stone at
some point in their life.
The condition of having kidney stones is termed nephrolithiasis. Having
stones at any location in the urinary tract is referred to as urolithiasis

.....Health Naturally - 265.....

Men are especially likely to develop
kidney stones. The prevalence of kidney
stones begins to rise when men reach
their 40s, and it continues to climb into
their 70s. People who have already had
more than one kidney stone are prone
to develop more stones. A family history
of kidney stones is also a risk factor for
developing kidney stones.
The kidney acts as a filter for blood, removing waste products
from the body and making urine. It also helps regulate electrolyte levels
that are important for body function. Urine drains from the kidney through
a narrow tube called the ureter into the bladder. When the bladder fills
and there is an urge to urinate, the bladder empties to the outside through
the urethra, a much wider tube than the ureter.
In some people, chemicals crystallize in the urine and form
the beginning, or nidus, of a kidney stone. These stones are very
tiny when they form, smaller than a grain of
sand, but gradually can grow over time to 1/
10 of an inch or larger. The size of the stone
doesnt matter as much as where it is located
and whether it obstructs or prevents urine
from draining.
When the stone sits in the kidney, it rarely causes problems, but
when it falls into the ureter, it acts like a dam. As the kidney continues to
function and make urine, pressure builds up behind the stone and causes
the kidney to swell. This pressure is what causes the pain of a kidney
stone, but it also helps push the stone along the course of the ureter.
When the stone enters the bladder, the obstruction in the ureter is relieved
and the symptoms of a kidney stone are resolved.

.....Health Naturally - 266.....

They may be smooth, jagged or stag horn.

Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine
volume and/or an excess of stone-forming
substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone
contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate.
Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract
include uric acid and the amino acid cystine.
Dehydration from reduced fluid intake or strenuous exercise
without adequate fluid replacement increases the risk of kidney
Obstruction to the flow of urine can also lead to stone
Kidney stones can also result from infection in the urinary
tract; these are known as struvite or infection stones.
Heredity: Some people are more susceptible to forming kidney
stones, and heredity may play a role
A number of different medical conditions can lead to an increased
risk for developing kidney stones:
Gout results in an increased amount of uric acid in the urine
and can lead to the formation of uric acid stones.
Hypercalciuria (high calcium in the urine), another inherited
condition, causes stones in more than half of cases. In this
condition, too much calcium is absorbed from food and excreted
into the urine, where it may form calcium phosphate or calcium
oxalate stones.
Other conditions associated with an increased risk of kidney
stones include
o Hyperparathyroidism,
o kidney diseases
such asNaturally
renal tubularacidosis,
-267..... and
o Some inherited metabolic conditions including cystinuria and
o Chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure
(hypertension) are also associated with an increased risk of
developing kidney stones.
People with inflammatory bowel disease or who have had
an intestinal bypass or ostomy surgery are also more likely to
develop kidney stones.
Some medications also raise the risk of kidney stones. These
medications include some diuretics, calcium-containing antacids,
and the protease inhibitor indinavir (Crixivan), a drug used to
treat HIV infection.
While some kidney stones may not produce symptoms (known
as silent stones),
people who have kidney stones often report the sudden onset of
excruciating, cramping pain in their low back and/or side,
groin, or abdomen.

Colicky pain: loin to groin. Often described as the worst

pain [...] ever experienced. This can also occur in the lower
Nausea/vomiting: embryological link with intestine stimulates
the vomiting center.
Hematuria: blood in the urine, due to minor damage to inside
wall of kidney, ureter and/or urethra.
Pyuria: pus in the urine.
Dysuria: burning on urination when passing stones (rare). More
typical of infection.
Oliguria: reduced urinary volume caused by obstruction of the
bladder or urethra by stone or extremely rarely, simultaneous

.....Health Naturally - 268.....

obstruction of both ureters by a stone.
Post renal azotemia: the blockage of urine flow through a ureter.
Hydronephrosis: the distension and dilation of the renal pelvis
and calyces.
If infection is present in the urinary tract
along with the stones, there may be fever
and chills.
Sometimes, symptoms such as
o Difficulty urinating,
o urinary urgency,
o penile pain, or
o Testicular pain may occur due
to kidney stones.
People prone to forming calcium oxalate stones may be asked by their
doctor to limit or avoid certain foods if their urine contains an excess of
High-oxalate foodshigher to lower
wheat germ
soybean crackers
okra/ ladies fingers
black Indian tea
sweet potatoes
Foods that have medium amounts of oxalate may be eaten in limited

.....Health Naturally - 269.....

Medium-oxalate foodshigher to lower
green pepper
red raspberries
fruit cake
The diagnosis of kidney stones is suspected by the typical pattern of
symptoms when other possible causes of the abdominal or flank pain
are excluded.
Imaging tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis.
A helical CT scan without contrast material is the most common
test to detect stones or obstruction within the urinary tract. The
scan will demonstrate the anatomy of the kidneys, ureter, and
bladder and can detect a stone, its location, its size, and whether
it is causing dilation of the ureter and inflammation of the kidney.
The CT can also evaluate many other organs in the abdomen,
including the appendix, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, aorta, and
bowel. However, since no contrast material is used, there are
some limitations to the detail that can be observed in the images
of the scan.
In pregnant women or those who should avoid radiation exposure,
an ultrasound examination may be done to help establish the
A urinalysis may detect blood in the urine. It is also done to
look for evidence of infection, a complication of kidney stone
Ultrasound is another way of looking for kidney stones and

.....Health Naturally - 270.....

obstruction and may be useful when the radiation risk of a CT
scan is unwanted (for example, if a woman is pregnant).
In those patients who already have the diagnosis of a kidney
stone, plain abdominal X-rays may be used to track its movement
down the ureter toward the bladder.
Other investigations typically carried out include:
o Microscopic study of urine, which may show proteins,
red blood cells, bacteria, cellular casts and crystals.
o Culture of a urine sample to exclude urine infection (either
as a differential cause of the patients pain, or secondary to
the presence of a stone)
o Blood tests: Full blood count for the presence of a raised
white cell count (Neutrophilia) suggestive of infection, a
check of renal function and to look for abnormally high blood
calcium blood levels (hypercalcemia).
o 24 hour urine collection to measure total daily urinary
volume, magnesium, sodium, uric acid, calcium, citrate,
oxalate and phosphate.
o Catching of passed stones at home (usually by urinating
through a tea strainer or stone screen) for later examination
and evaluation by a doctor
Neutral hip bath daily twice
Kidney pack daily for 20-30 minutes
Hot fomentation at the site of pain cover by a thick dry towel
for 30 minutes
Hot and cold hip baths for 15 minutes daily
Warm water enema

.....Health Naturally - 271.....

Massage therapy
Full body massage with steam
Partial massage to back and abdomen
Mud therapy
Hot mud application during pain at the site of pain.
Mud packs for 30 minutes daily
Diet therapy
Drink plenty of water and be only on liquids like juice of wheat grass,
cucumber, ash gourd, carrot, lemon, mosambi, orange, cabbage, tender
coconut water and dhania water for 3 to 7 days. Strictly no salt, sweets,
pulses and milk. Always pass urine immediately after meal.
6am : ushapanam

7am : soaked black raisins water

8am : papaya 1 bowl.

11am : plantain pith juice

1pm : Freshly prepared steamed vegetables, whole wheat
chapatti, and buttermilk.
4pm : orange juice

7 pm : wheat bran chapati, boiled vegs, papaya

9.30 pm: coconut water
Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series


.....Health Naturally - 272.....

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
.....Health Naturally - 273.....


The term underweight refers to a human who is considered to
be under a healthy weight.
The definition is usually made with reference to the body mass
index (BMI).
A BMI of fewer than 18.5 is usually referred to as
underweight. There are a number of reasons why someone may be
underweight. Some people are just naturally thinner than others, because
they tend to burn more calories or eat less. Other people may lose
weight as a result of certain medications or an underlying medical
condition. Sudden weight loss without trying can also be an indication
of a health problem, so talk to your doctor.
Yet if one appears abnormally slender, there is a cause, and this must be
taken into consideration when endeavoring to gain. There may exist no
specific disease but there may be present,

.....Health Naturally - 274.....

Disturbed digestion or reduced assimilation,
General toxemia, overeating, hasty eating, wrong food selection,
harmful foods, foods and adjuncts (spices, condiments, etc),
Malfunctioning digestive organs,
Occupation, confinement away from sunlight and fresh air, and
irritating environment and worry may be causes. Worry, may
cause loss of weight, but never yet has put a pound of weight on
Diarrhea, diabetic and kidney disease, Anorexia nervosa Bulimia
nervosa, tuberculosis, anemia, cancer, toxic goiter or over-active
thyroid-these, which may be classed among the causes, are but
further results of general toxemia.
As unbalanced diet is a very frequent cause of thinness, as is
also a diet of refined foods, deficient in really nourishing elements.
Too much exercise
Anxiety and depressive disorders
Drug use, especially stimulants
Dental pain
Over-training (endurance sports)
Genetics / Naturally light weight
Puberty (height increases, body cannot catch up with muscle/
fat growth)
Poor physical stamina
Feel fatigue often
Weak immune system, leaving them open to infection.

.....Health Naturally - 275.....

Fertility problems

Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes

Cold spinal bath for 20 minutes
Cold immersion bath for 20 minutes
Cold water enema daily
Steam bath for 15 minutes.
Massage therapy:

Full body massage

Mud therapy
Full mud bath
Mud packs on abdomen and eyes
Diet therapy:
6am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in 200ml water
overnight, grind and strain)
8am : brown rice dahlia, milk, 6 almonds, and 6 dates
11am : orange juice

1pm : 2 wheat rotis, boiled vegs, moong dhal, 6 roasted

garlic, 2 spoon butter
4pm : 2 banana, 100 gm grated coconut, honey
6.30pm : brown rice, ghee, boiled vegs, moong dhal
9.30pm : milk with ashwagandha

.....Health Naturally - 276.....

Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series
Instant relaxation technique
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique
Prone series
Sitting series

.....Health Naturally - 277.....

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
Home Remedy for Gaining Weight
o The most effective and simple remedy to gain weight is to
consume banana milk shake. It is a fast way to gain weight.
o Another effective way would be to have banana thrice a
day. This should be followed with curd or milk.
o Muskmelon is beneficial in treating underweight problem.
Have muskmelon three times a day as it helps in gaining
o Another effective way to cure underweight problem would
be to have fruit diet with milk. While fruits nourish the body
with sugar, milk provides the proteins.
o An effective way to gain weight would be consume a glass
of hot milk with a tablespoon of honey.
o Take a cup of milk and put some almonds, date palm and
anjeer in it. Boil this milk and have it when warm. This is
helpful in treating underweight problem.

.....Health Naturally - 278.....

o Mangoes are useful in gaining weight. Have a mango
followed by a glass of milk. The other way would be to
have a glass of mango milk shake every day for a month.
o Raisins are beneficial in solving underweight problems. Have
30 grams of raisins every day for about a month. This would
surely cure underweight problems.

o Take 3-4 dry figs and immerse them in water. Keep them
overnight. Have this twice a day to get cured of underweight
o Combine equal amounts of pomegranate seed powder, white
muesli powder and Indian ginseng root powder. Intake this
mixture, twice a day for about a month, along with a glass
of water or milk. Not only does it helps gain weight, but also
tones up the body.
o Intake 100 to 150 grams of bran with fruits. The best deal
would be to take it with papaya. It works as an excellent
appetizer improving digestion and reducing constipation.
o Increase in the intake of fatty foods such as flour, rice honey,
raisins, figs, dates, butter, and germinated wheat.

.....Health Naturally - 279.....



The thyroid gland is situated in the neck region and is mainly
concerned with the regulation of the bodys metabolism. But when this
gland does not function properly, it leads to a range of problems. One of
these is hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the term for overactive
tissue within the thyroid gland, resulting in overproduction and
thus an excess of circulating free thyroid hormones: thyroxin (T4),
triiodothyronine (T3), or both. Thyroid hormone is important at a
cellular level, affecting nearly every type of tissue in the body.
Thyroid hormone functions as a stimulus to
metabolism and is critical to normal function
of the cell. In excess, it both over stimulates
metabolism and exacerbates the effect of the
sympathetic nervous system, causing speeding
up of various body systems and symptoms
resembling an overdose of epinephrine

.....Health Naturally - 280.....

These include fast heart beat and symptoms of palpitations, nervous
system tremor and anxiety symptoms, digestive system hyper motility
(diarrhea), and weight loss.

Thyroid hormone regulationthe chain of command

The thyroid itself is regulated by another gland located in the brain, called
the pituitary. In turn, the pituitary is regulated in part by thyroid hormone
that is circulating in the blood (a feedback effect of thyroid hormone
on the pituitary gland) and in part by another gland called the
hypothalamus, also a part of the brain.
The hypothalamus releases a hormone called thyrotropin
releasing hormone (TRH), which sends a signal to the pituitary
to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). In turn, TSH sends
a signal to the thyroid to release thyroid hormones. If over activity
of any of these three glands occurs, an excessive amount of thyroid
hormones can be produced, thereby resulting in hyperthyroidism.
Hypothalamus - TRH

Pituitary- TSH

Thyroid- T4 and T3
The rate of thyroid hormone production is controlled by the pituitary
gland. If there is an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone circulating in
the body to allow for normal functioning, the release of TSH is increased
by the pituitary in an attempt to stimulate the thyroid to produce more

.....Health Naturally - 281.....

thyroid hormone. In contrast, when there is an excessive amount of
circulating thyroid hormone, the release of TSH is reduced as the pituitary
attempts to decrease the production of thyroid hormone.
Heat intolerance
Polyurea and polydepsia
bowel movements Increased
Increased sweating
Light or absent menstrual periods

Muscle weakness
Warm moist skin
Hair loss
Staring gaze

.....Health Naturally - 282.....

Functional thyroid tissue producing an excess of thyroid hormone
occurs in a number of clinical conditions. The major causes in humans
Graves disease (the most common etiology with 70-80%. This
is an inherited, auto-immune disorder that appears when some
people reach middle age. It is most likely triggered by a bacterial
or viral infection. The antibodies produced against the infection
are assumed to react with the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
receptors, which causes the thyroid gland to become overactive)
Toxic thyroid adenoma
Toxic multinodular goiter
High blood levels of thyroid hormones (most accurately termed
hyperthyroxinemia) can occur for a number of other reasons:
Inflammation of the thyroid is called thyroiditis. There are a
number of different kinds of thyroiditis including Hashimotos
thyroiditis (immune mediated), and sub acute thyroiditis
(DeQuervains). These may be initially associated with secretion
of excess thyroid hormone, but usually progress to gland
dysfunction and thus, to hormone deficiency and hypothyroidism.
Oral consumption of excess thyroid hormone tablets is
possible, as is the rare event of consumption of ground beef
contaminated with thyroid tissue, and thus thyroid hormone
(termed hamburger hyperthyroidism).
Amiodarone, an anti-arrhythmic drug is structurally similar to
thyroxin and may cause either under- or over activity of the
Postpartum thyroiditis (PPT) occurs in about 7% of women
during the year after they give birth. PPT typically has several
phases, the first of which is hyperthyroidism. This form of

.....Health Naturally - 283.....

hyperthyroidism usually corrects itself within weeks or months
without the need for treatment.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the
pituitary will be decreased in hyperthyroidism. Thus, the
diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is nearly always associated with a
low (suppressed) TSH level. If the TSH levels are not low,
then other tests must be run.
Thyroid hormones themselves (T3, T4) will be increased.
For a patient to have hyperthyroidism, they must have high thyroid
hormone levels. Sometimes all of the different thyroid hormones
are not high and only one or two of the different thyroid hormone
measurements are high. This is not too common, as most people
with hyperthyroidism will have all of their thyroid hormone
measurements high (except TSH).
Iodine thyroid scan will show if the cause is a single nodule or
the whole gland
laboratory and x-ray tests


Warm water enema
Cold neck pack for 30 minutes daily
Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes
Cold hip bath for 20 minutes
Steam bath for 15 minutes
Massage therapy:
Full body massage
Partial massage to head and neck

.....Health Naturally - 284.....

Diet therapy:
6am : juice of 10 gm ginger, 10 basil leaves with 10 gm

7am Apple juice 150 ml

8am : carrot juice
1pm : 2 chapatis, boiled vegs, sprouts, curds
4pm : bottle gourd juice
6pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : milk with isabgol
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

Instant relaxation technique
Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 285.....

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Suryanuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 286.....



Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has
accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health,
leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health
problems. Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which
compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese)
when their BMI is between 25 kg/m2 and 30 kg/m2, and obese when it is
greater than 30 kg/m2.
The BMI (body mass index), a key index for relating body weight
to height, is a persons weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in
meters (m) squared. Since the BMI describes the body weight relative
to height, it correlates strongly (in adults) with the total body fat content.
Some very muscular people may have a high BMI without undue health
The following table illustrates how to estimate from the BMI whether a
person is obese or not.

.....Health Naturally - 287.....

BMI Diagnosis

Between 18.5 and 24.9 Normal weight

Between 25.0 and 29.9 Overweight
Between 30.0 and 39.9 Obese
Above 40 Morbidly obese


What Are Overweight and Obesity?

The terms overweight and obesity refer to a persons overall body
weight and where the extra weight comes from. Overweight is having
extra body weight from muscle, bone, fat, and/or water. Obesity is having
a high amount of extra body fat.
1) Energy Balance

For most people, overweight and obesity are caused by not having
energy balance. Weight is balanced by the amount of energy or calories
you get from food and drinks (this is called energy IN) equaling the
energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being
physically active (this is called energy OUT).
Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your
energy OUT. To maintain a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT
dont have to balance exactly every day. Its the balance over time that
helps you maintain a healthy weight.

.....Health Naturally - 288.....

o The same amount of energy IN and energy OUT over time
= weight stays the same
o More IN than OUT over time = weight gain
o More OUT than IN over time = weight loss
Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories
than you use.
2) Physical Inactivity
Many arent very physically active. There are many reasons for this.

o Spend hours in front of TVs and computers doing work,

schoolwork, and leisure activities. In fact, more than 2 hours
a day of regular TV viewing time has been linked to
overweight and obesity.
o Relying on cars instead of walking to places,
o Fewer physical demands at work or at home because modern
technology and conveniences reduce the need to burn
o Lack of physical education classes in schools for children.
3) Environment

Our environment doesnt always help with healthy lifestyle habits; in

fact, it encourages obesity. Some reasons include:
o Lack of neighborhood sidewalks and safe places for
recreation. Not having area parks, trails, sidewalks, and
affordable gyms makes it hard for people to be physically
o Work schedules. People often say that they dont have time
to be physically active given the long hours at work and the
time spent commuting back and forth to work.
o Oversized food portions: huge food portions in restaurants,
fast food places, gas stations, movie theaters, supermarkets,

.....Health Naturally - 289.....

and even home. Some of these meals and snacks can feed
two or more people. Eating large portions means too much
energy IN. Over time, this will cause weight gain if it isnt
balanced with physical activity.
o Lack of access to healthy foods: Some people dont live in
neighborhoods that have supermarkets that sell healthy foods
such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Or if they do, these
items are often too costly.
o Food advertising: by ads from food companies. Often
children are the targets of advertising for high-calorie, high
fat snacks and sugary drinks. The goal of these ads is to
sway people to buy these high-calorie foods, and often they
4) Genes and Family History

Studies of identical twins who have been raised apart

show that genes have a strong influence on ones weight.
Overweight and obesity tend to run in families. Your chances of
being overweight are greater if one or both of your parents are
overweight or obese. Your genes also may affect the amount of
fat you store in your body and where on your body you carry
the extra fat.
Because families also share food and physical activity
habits, there is a link between genes and the environment.
Children adopt the habits of their parents. So, a child with
overweight parents who eat high-calorie foods and are inactive
will likely become overweight like the parents. On the other
hand, if a family adopts healthful food and physical activity habits,
the childs chance of being overweight or obese is reduced.
5) Health Conditions

Sometimes hormone problems cause overweight and obesity.

These problems include:

.....Health Naturally - 290.....

o Under active thyroid (also called hypothyroidism). This is a
condition in which the thyroid gland doesnt make enough
thyroid hormone. Lack of thyroid hormone will slow down
your metabolism and cause weight gain. Youll also feel tired
and weak.
o Cushings syndrome. This is a condition in which the bodys
adrenal glands make too much of the hormone cortisol.
Cushings syndrome also can happen when people take high
levels of medicines such as prednisone for long periods of
time. People with Cushings syndrome gain weight, have
upper-body obesity, a rounded face, fat around the neck,
and thin arms and legs.
o Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is a condition
that affects about 5 to 10 percent of women of childbearing
age. Women with PCOS often are obese, have excess hair
growth, and have reproductive and other health problems
due to high levels of hormones called androgens.
6) Medicines

Certain medicines such as corticosteroids (for example,

prednisone), antidepressants (for example, Elavil), and medicines
for seizures (for example, Neurontin) may cause you to gain
weight. These medicines can slow the rate at which your body
burns calories, increase your appetite, or cause your body to
hold on to extra waterall of which can lead to weight gain.
7) Emotional Factors

Some people eat more than usual when they are bored, angry,
or stressed. Over time, overeating will lead to weight gain and may
cause overweight or obesity.
8) Smoking

Some people gain weight when they stop smoking. One reason
is that food often tastes and smells better. Another reason is because

.....Health Naturally - 291.....

nicotine raises the rate at which your body burns calories, so you burn
fewer calories when you stop smoking. However, smoking is a serious
health risk, and quitting is more important than possible weight gain.
9) Age

As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if youre

less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate at which your body
burns calories. If you dont reduce your calorie intake as you get older,
you may gain weight. Midlife weight gain in women is mainly due to
aging and lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women gain
around 5 pounds during menopause and have more fat around the waist
than they did before.
10) Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women gain weight so that the baby gets

proper nourishment and develops normally. After giving birth, some
women find it hard to lose the weight. This may lead to overweight or
obesity, especially after a few pregnancies.
11) Lack of Sleep
Studies find that the less people sleep, the more likely they are
to be overweight or obese. People who report sleeping 5 hours a night,
for example, are much more likely to become obese compared to people
who sleep 78 hours a night. People who sleep fewer hours also
seem to prefer eating foods that are higher in calories and carbohydrates,
which can lead to overeating, weight gain, and obesity over time.
Hormones that are released during sleep control appetite and the bodys
use of energy. For example, insulin controls the rise and fall of blood
sugar levels during sleep. People who dont get enough sleep have insulin
and blood sugar levels that are similar to those in people who are likely
to have diabetes. Also, people who dont get enough sleep on a
regular basis seem to have high levels of a hormone called ghrelin
(which causes hunger) and low levels of a hormone called leptin (which
normally helps to curb hunger).

.....Health Naturally - 292.....

Weight gain usually happens over time. Most people know when theyve
gained weight. Some of the signs of overweight or obesity include:

o Clothes feeling tight and needing a larger size.

o The scale showing that youve gained weight.
o Having extra fat around the waist.

o A higher than normal body mass index and waist

Of course, the commonest symptom of obesity is the bulge that
begins at the midsection. If a pinching on the abdomen gathers more
than two inches of flesh, then it means that the person is accumulating
more fat than is being used. Due to obesity, the following other symptoms
are observed:
o The person gets tired very easily. There is no stamina in
the body.
o The person wheezes while talking.
o Heartbeat is rapid.
o The person is in a state of lethargy or sluggishness all
the time.
Being overweight or obese isnt a cosmetic problem. It greatly raises
the risk in adults for many diseases and conditions.
Overweight and Obesity-Related Health Problems in Adults

.....Health Naturally - 293.....

Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Type 2 Diabetes
Abnormal Blood Fats
Metabolic Syndrome
Sleep Apnea
Reproductive Problems
Depression or Anxiety disorders.
Overweight and Obesity-Related Health Problems in Children and
Also, overweight children are more likely to become overweight or
obese as adults, with the same risks for disease.
The most common way to find out whether youre overweight
or obese is to figure out your body mass index (BMI).
BMI-for-Age Percentile
BMI-for-Age Percentile
Less than 5th percentile Underweight
5th percentile to less than the Healthy
85th percentile weight
85th percentile to less than the Risk of
95th percentile overweight
95th percentile or greater Overweight

.....Health Naturally - 294.....

Waist Circumference
Skin calipers
Bioelectric impedance analyses

There are two methods of the

BIA. One involves standing on a special scale with footpads. A
harmless amount of electrical current is sent through the body,
and then percentage of body fat is calculated.
The other type of BIA, involves electrodes that are typically
placed on a wrist and an ankle, and on the back of the right hand
and on the top of the foot. The change in voltage between the
electrodes is measured. The persons body fat percentage is
then calculated from the results of the BIA.

Warm water enema

Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes
Cold Immersion bath for 20 minutes
Cold spinal bath for 20 minutes
Steam bath for 15 minutes
Cold abdominal pack for 30 minutes
Massage therapy:

Full body massage

Partial massage to abdomen, back, chest, legs.
Mud therapy:
Full mud bath
Mud packs to eyes, abdomen

.....Health Naturally - 295.....

Diet therapy:
6am : lime juice with honey
7am : ginger water (crush 1 ginger and add 200ml of

8am : bottle gourd juice

1pm : boiled vegs and curd
4pm : chew mosambi
6.30pm : moong sprouts, boiled vegs, papaya
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

Instant relaxation technique
Supine series


.....Health Naturally - 296.....

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series


Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Suryanuloma viloma

A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting

Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 297.....

Staying at a healthy weight and preventing overweight and
obesity can be achieved through living a healthy lifestyle. Because lifetime
habits begin in childhood, its important for parents and families to create
habits that encourage healthy food choices and physical activity early in
Follow a healthy eating plan. Make healthful food choices,
keep your and your familys calorie needs in mind, and focus on
the balance of energy IN and energy OUT.
Focus on portion size. Watch the size of portions in fast food
and other restaurants. The portions served are often enough for
two or three people. Childrens portion sizes should be smaller
than those for adults. Cutting back on portion size is a sure way
to help keep energy IN and energy OUT in balance.
Be active. Make personal and family time active. Find activities
that everyone will enjoy. For example, go for a brisk walk, bike
or rollerblade, or train together for a walk or run.
Reduce screen time. Limit the use of TVs, computers, DVDs,
and video games, because they crowd out time for physical
activity. Health experts recommend 2 hours or less a day of
screen time thats not work- or homework-related.
Keep track of weight and other measurements. Monitor
your weight, body mass index, and waist circumference on a
regular basis. Also, keep track of your childrens growth.

.....Health Naturally - 298.....



The word diabetes is derived from a Greek word to pass through
and mellitus comes from Latin word honey.
Often referred to simply as diabetesis a condition in which the body
either does not produce enough, or does not properly respond to, insulin,
a hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin enables cells to absorb
glucose in order to turn it into energy. In diabetes, the body either fails to
properly respond to its own insulin, does not make enough insulin, or
both. This causes glucose to accumulate in the
blood, often leading to various complications.
Diabetes mellitus is classified into four
type 1,
type 2,

.....Health Naturally - 299.....

gestational diabetes,
and other.
Type 1 and type 2 come under primary diabetes
The other under secondary diabetes
Primary diabetes:

Or idiopathic diabetes mellitus the common form is divided into 2 major


Type 1 or IDDM (Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus)T h e

term type 1 diabetes has universally replaced several former
terms, including childhood-onset diabetes, juvenile diabetes,
and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)

Type 2 or NIDDM (Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus)

The type 2 diabetes has replaced several former terms, including
adult-onset diabetes, obesity-related diabetes, and non
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by loss of the insulin
producing beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
leading to a deficiency of insulin. This type of diabetes can be further
classified as immune-mediated or idiopathic. The majority of type 1
diabetes is of the immune-mediated nature, where beta cell loss is a T
cell mediated autoimmune attack. There is no known preventive
measure which can be taken against type 1 diabetes
In this condition, the body is unable to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone
produced by the pancreas, a gland that is in the abdomen. Insulin is a
hormone that controls the use of different fuels for energy. It is especially
important because it allows the body to use glucose (simple sugar) instead
of fats. When there is no insulin, the body cannot use or store the glucose
that comes from food and this causes the blood sugars to become very

.....Health Naturally - 300.....

high. Instead, the body uses fat as a source of fuel giving rise to some of
the acute complications of diabetes mellitus.
The pancreas undergoes an autoimmune attack by the body itself, and
is rendered incapable of making insulin. Abnormal antibodies have
been found in the majority of patients with type 1 diabetes.
Antibodies are proteins in the blood that are part of the bodys
immune system. The patient with type 1 diabetes must rely on
insulin medication for survival.
In autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, the immune system
mistakenly manufactures antibodies and inflammatory cells that
are directed against and cause damage to patients own body
tissues. In persons with type 1 diabetes, the beta cells of the
pancreas, which are responsible for insulin production, are
attacked by the misdirected immune system. It is believed that the
tendency to develop abnormal antibodies in type 1 diabetes is, in part,
genetically inherited, though the details are not fully understood.
This is the less common type and usually occurs in young persons below
the age of 35.
In type 2 diabetes, patients can still produce insulin; it is characterized
differently and is due to insulin resistance or reduced insulin
sensitivity. The defective responsiveness of body tissues to
insulin almost certainly involves the insulin receptor in cell
membranes. In the early stage of type 2 diabetes, the predominant
abnormality is reduced insulin sensitivity, characterized by
elevated levels of insulin in the blood. In many cases this actually
means the pancreas produces larger than normal quantities of insulin. A
major feature of type 2 diabetes is a lack of sensitivity to insulin by the
cells of the body (particularly fat and muscle cells).
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. About 90 to 95
percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes
usually develops in adults over the age of 40 and is most common among

.....Health Naturally - 301.....

adults over age 55. About 80 percent of people with type 2 diabetes are
overweight. This type of diabetes commonly occurs in persons who are
overweight and have high blood pressure. There are often other family
members who also have the disease.


Gestational diabetes mellitus:

Diabetes can occur temporarily during pregnancy. Significant
hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to blood sugar
elevation in genetically predisposed individuals. Blood sugar
elevation during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Gestational
diabetes usually resolves once the baby is born. However, 25%
50% of women with gestational diabetes will eventually develop type
2 diabetes later in life, especially in those who require insulin
during pregnancy and those who remain overweight after their
delivery. Patients with gestational diabetes are usually asked to undergo
an oral glucose tolerance test about six weeks after giving birth to
determine if their diabetes has persisted beyond the pregnancy, or if any
evidence (such as impaired glucose tolerance) is present that may be a
clue to the patients future risk for developing diabetes.
GDM resembles type 2 diabetes in several respects, involving a
combination of relatively inadequate insulin secretion and responsiveness.
It occurs in about 2%5% of all pregnancies and may improve or

.....Health Naturally - 302.....

disappear after delivery. Gestational diabetes is fully treatable but requires
careful medical supervision throughout the pregnancy. Even though it
may be transient, untreated gestational diabetes can damage the
health of the fetus or mother. Risks to the baby include macrosomia
(high birth weight), congenital cardiac and central nervous system
anomalies, and skeletal muscle malformations. Increased fetal
insulin may inhibit fetal surfactant production and cause
respiratory distress syndrome. Hyperbilirubinemia may result
from red blood cell destruction. In severe cases, perinatal death
may occur, most commonly as a result of poor placental perfusion
due to vascular impairment. Induction may be indicated with
decreased placental function. A cesarean section may be performed if
there is marked fetal distress or an increased risk of injury associated
with macrosomia, such as shoulder dystocia.
Secondary diabetes:

Refers to elevated blood sugar levels from another medical

Secondary diabetes may develop when the pancreatic tissue
responsible for the production of insulin is destroyed by
disease, such as chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the
pancreas by toxins like excessive alcohol), trauma, or surgical
removal of the pancreas.
Diabetes can also result from other hormonal disturbances,
such as excessive growth hormone production (acromegaly)
and Cushings syndrome. In acromegaly, a pituitary gland tumor
at the base of the brain causes excessive production of growth
hormone, leading to hyperglycemia. In Cushings syndrome,
the adrenal glands produce an excess of cortisol, which promotes
blood sugar elevation.
In addition, certain medications may worsen diabetes
control, or unmask latent diabetes. This is seen most commonly
when steroid medications (such as prednisone) are taken and

.....Health Naturally - 303.....

also with medications used in the treatment of HIV infection

Family history, diet, and environmental factors are risk
factors for type 1 diabetes. Studies have found an increased
risk in children whose parents have type 1 diabetes, and this risk
increases with maternal age. Environmental factors such as
viral infections, toxins , and exposure to cows milk are
being contested as causing or modifying the development of
type 1 diabetes.
Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include family history,
increasing age, obesity, physical inactivity, ethnicity, and
a history of gestational diabetes.
Genetics and environmental factors are the main contributors to
type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity and adoption of a Western
lifestyle (particularly choosing foods with more animal protein ,
animal fats, and processed carbohydrates ), especially in
indigenous people in North American and within ethnic groups
and migrants, have contributed to weight gain and obesity.
Increased body fat and abdominal obesity are associated with
insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.
The classical symptoms are Symptoms of type 1 include increased
thirst and urination
- constant weight loss,
- blurred vision, and
- extreme tiredness.
- If not diagnosed and treated with insulin, a person can lapse into
a life-threatening coma.
The symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop gradually and are not as
noticeable as in type 1 diabetes. Symptoms include

.....Health Naturally - 304.....

- feeling tired or ill,
- frequent urination (especially at night),
- unusual thirst,
- weight loss,
- blurred vision,
- frequent infections, and
- slow healing of sores.
Acute complications:
- Diabetic ketoacidosis,
- nonketotic hyperosmolar coma,
- hypoglycemia,
- diabetic coma
Chronic complications:
Vascular disease
Diabetic cardiomyopathy, damage to the heart, leading to
diastolic dysfunction and eventually heart failure.
Diabetic nephropathy, damage to the kidney which can lead
to chronic renal failure, eventually requiring dialysis..
Diabetic neuropathy, abnormal and decreased sensation,
Diabetic retinopathy, growth of friable and poor-quality new
blood vessels in the retina as well as macular edema (swelling
of the macula), which can lead to severe vision loss or blindness.
Retinal damage (from microangiopathy) makes it the most
common cause of blindness among non-elderly adults in the US.
Macrovascular disease leads to cardiovascular disease, to
which accelerated atherosclerosis is a contributor:
Coronary artery disease, leading to angina or myocardial
infarction (heart attack)

.....Health Naturally - 305.....

Diabetic myonecrosis (muscle wasting)
Peripheral vascular disease, which contributes to intermittent
claudication (exertion-related leg and foot pain) as well as diabetic
Stroke (mainly the ischemic type)
Diabetic foot, often due to a combination of sensory neuropathy
(numbness or insensitivity) and vascular damage, increases rates
of skin ulcers and infection and, in serious cases, necrosis and
gangrene. It is why diabetics are prone to leg and foot infections
and why it takes longer for them to heal from leg and foot wounds.
It is the most common cause of non-traumatic adult amputation,
usually of toes and or feet, in the developed world.
Carotid artery stenosis does not occur more often in diabetes,
and there appears to be a lower prevalence of abdominal aortic
Diabetic encephalopathyis the increased cognitive decline and
risk of dementia observed in diabetes.
Urine Analysis for testing glucose and ketone bodies
Blood sugar examination ( fasting and post prandial )
Oral glucose tolerance test
Glycosylated haemoglobin
Insulin assay
- cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily
- cold abdomen pack for 20 minutes daily
- gastro hepatic pack for 45-60 minutes daily
- vaman dhouti
- laghu shanka prakshalana

.....Health Naturally - 306.....

Mud therapy:
- Full mud bath
- Mud pack on the abdomen
Massage therpy:

- Full body massage

partial massage on the abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : 1- 2 glasses of water
7am : methi water / bitter gourd juice
8am : poha 1 cup
11am : dudhi juice
1am : 2 chapathi, 1 cup boiled vegetables, soybean
4pm : knol kohl juice
6.30pm : cabbage salad, sprouts, spinach soup, watermelon
9.30pm : milk 1glass
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
SuryaNamaskar (avoid in severe cases)
Instant relaxation technique (IRT)
Standing series

.....Health Naturally - 307.....

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)
Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique (DRT)
Abdominal breathing
Surya anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting
.....Health Naturally - 308.....


Hypercholesterolemia (literally: high blood cholesterol) is the

presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It is not a
disease but a metabolic derangement that can be secondary to many
diseases and can contribute too many forms of disease, most notably
cardiovascular disease. It is closely related to the terms
hyperlipidemia (elevated levels of lipids) and
hyperlipoproteinemia (elevated levels of lipoproteins).
The name cholesterol originates from the Greek chole- (bile) and
stereos (solid), and the chemical suffix -ol for an alcohol, as Franois
Poulletier de la Salle first identified cholesterol in solid form in gallstones,
in 1769
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance,
is a combination of lipid (fat) and steroid
that the body needs to function normally.
Cholesterol is naturally present in cell walls
or membranes everywhere in the body,

.....Health Naturally - 309.....

including the brain, nerves, muscles, skin, liver, intestines, and
Cholesterol is a building block for
cell membranes and for hormones like
bodys and testosterone.
estrogencholesterol Aboutby80%
is produced the of

while the rest comes from our diet.

The body uses cholesterol to produce many hormones, vitamin
D, and the bile acids that help to digest fat. It takes only a small amount
of cholesterol in the blood to meet these needs.
If a person has too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, the
excess may be deposited in arteries, including the coronary arteries
of the heart, the carotid arteries to the brain, and the arteries
that supply blood to the legs.
Cholesterol deposits are a component of the plaques that cause
narrowing and blockage of the arteries, producing signs and symptoms
originating from the particular part of the body that has decreased blood
Cholesterol does not mix well with blood similar to oil and water. To
help cholesterol travel through blood to get where it is needed, the body
wraps it within water-soluble proteins. This mixture of fatty cholesterol
and protein is known as a lipoprotein.
The good and the bad
You will generally hear about two types, often called the good cholesterol
and the bad cholesterol:
HDL (good) cholesterol HDL stands for High-Density
Lipoproteins. These are composed mainly of proteins with
only small amounts of cholesterol. HDLs are good because
they remove cholesterol from artery walls and transport it

.....Health Naturally - 310.....

to the liver for elimination from the body. Higher HDL levels
actually protect against cardiovascular disease.
LDL (bad) cholesterol
LDL stands
Density Lipoproteins.
for These

are composed mainly of

cholesterol and have very
little protein. They are bad
because they deposit
cholesterol on the walls of
your arteries. High LDL
levels increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.
You should also be aware of triglycerides another type of fat that is
transported in your blood. High triglyceride levels are another risk factor
for cardiovascular disease.
When determining heart disease risk, physicians take your whole lipid
profile into account, with particular focus on the LDL value
Elevated cholesterol in the blood is due to abnormalities in the levels of
lipoproteins, the particles that carry cholesterol in the
bloodstream. This may be related to diet, genetic factors (such as LDL
receptor mutations in familial hypercholesterolemia) and the presence
of other diseases such as diabetes and an under active thyroid. The
type of hypercholesterolemia depends on which type of particle
(such as low density lipoprotein) is present in excess.

Who has high cholesterol?

o Throughout the world, blood
cholesterol levels vary widely.
countries people
Generally, where who live

cholesterol levels are lower,

such as Japan, have lower

.....Health Naturally - 311.....

rates of heart disease. Countries with very high cholesterol
levels, such as Finland, also have very high rates of coronary
heart disease. However, some populations with similar total
cholesterol levels have very different heart disease rates,
suggesting that other factors also influence risk for coronary
heart disease.
o High cholesterol is more common in men younger than 55
years and in women older than 55 years.

o The risk for high cholesterol increases with age.

High cholesterol levels are due to a variety of factors including heredity,
diet, and lifestyle. Less commonly, underlying illnesses affecting the
liver, thyroid, or kidney may affect blood cholesterol levels.
o Heredity: Genes may influence how the body metabolizes
LDL (bad) cholesterol. Familial hypercholesterolemia is an
inherited form of high cholesterol that may lead to early
heart disease.
o Weight: Excess weight may modestly increase your LDL
(bad) cholesterol level. Losing weight may lower LDL and
raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
o Physical activity/exercise: Regular physical activity may
lower triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol levels.
o Age and sex: Before menopause, women usually have
lower total cholesterol levels than men of the same age. As
women and men age, their blood cholesterol levels rise until
about 60-65 years of age. After about age 50 years, women
often have higher total cholesterol levels than men of the
same age.
o Alcohol use: Moderate (1-2 drinks daily) alcohol intake
increases HDL (good) cholesterol but does not lower LDL
(bad) cholesterol. Doctors dont know for certain whether

.....Health Naturally - 312.....

alcohol also reduces the risk of heart disease. Drinking too
much alcohol can damage the liver and heart muscle, lead
to high blood pressure, and raise triglyceride levels. Because
of the risks, alcoholic beverages should not be used as a
way to prevent heart disease.

o Mental stress: Several studies have shown that stress

raises blood cholesterol levels over the long term. One way
that stress may do this is by affecting your habits. For
example, when some people are under stress, they console
themselves by eating fatty foods. The saturated fat and
cholesterol in these foods contribute to higher levels of blood
o Carbohydrates
Evidence is accumulating that eating more carbohydrates -
especially simpler, more refined carbohydrates - increases
levels of triglycerides in the blood, lowers HDL, and may
shift the LDL particle distribution pattern into unhealthy
atherogenic patterns.
o Trans fats
An increasing number of researchers are suggesting that a
major dietary risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is Trans
fatty acids.

There are a number of secondary causes for high cholesterol:

o Diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome
o Kidney disease (nephrotic syndrome)
o Hypothyroidism
o Cushings syndrome
o Anorexia nervosa
o Sleep deprivation

.....Health Naturally - 313.....

o Zieves syndrome
o Antiretroviral drugs, like protease inhibitors and nucleoside
reverse transcriptase inhibitors.
o Diet
High cholesterol is a risk factor for other illnesses and by itself does not
cause symptoms.
Some types of hypercholesterolemia lead to specific physical findings:
o xanthoma (deposition of cholesterol in patches on the skin or in
o xanthelasma palpabrum (yellowish patches around the eyelids)
o arcus senilis (white discoloration of the peripheral cornea).
Longstanding elevated hypercholesterolemia leads to accelerated
atherosclerosis; this can express itself in a number of
cardiovascular diseases:
o coronary artery disease
attacks), pectoris, heart

o stroke and
o short stroke-like episodes

o peripheral vascular disease

Cholesterol levels in the body are measured by blood testing. When
measuring cholesterol, it is important to measure its subfractions before
drawing a conclusion as to the cause of the problem. The subfractions
are LDL, HDL and VLDL. In addition to cholesterol and its different
types, triglyceride levels can also be included in a lipid (fat) profile

.....Health Naturally - 314.....

Less thanmg/dL:
200-239 200 mg/dL:
high risk

240 and over: high risk

HDL (high density lipoprotein)
Less than 40 mg/dL (men), less than 50 mg/dL (women): increased risk
of heart disease
Greater than 60mg/dL: some protection against heart disease
LDL (low density lipoprotein)
Less than 100 mg/dL: optimal
100-129 mg/dL: near optimal/above optimal
130-159 mg/dL: borderline high
160- 189 mg/dL: high
190 mg/dL and above: very high
Less than n150 mg/dL: normal
150-199 mg/dL: borderline to high
200-499mg/dL: high
Above 500 mg/dL: very high
o Warm water enema
o Cold hip bath for 20 mins daily
o hepatic pack
Cold immersion
Gastro bathalternate days for 30-45 mins
weekly thrice

o Steam bath alternate days

o Sauna bath alternate days
Massage therapy:
o Full body oil massage weekly twice

.....Health Naturally - 315.....

o Partial massage to abdomen
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath weekly twice
o Mud packs to abdomen, eyes.
Diet therapy:
6am : ginger tea
7am : honey, garlic, black raisins water (soak 30 raisins,
in 200ml water overnight, grind and strain it.)
8am : papaya
10.30am : Mix vegs, fruit chat
1pm : steamed mix vegs, curds
4pm : mosambi juice
6.30pm : chapati, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : ginger tea
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series


Instant relaxation technique
Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 316.....

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Suryanuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 317.....



Ischemia is an insufficient supply of oxygenated blood to

an organ, usually due to a blocked artery.
Ischemic heart disease occurs when the heart is not
sufficiently supplied with blood causing damage to the heart
muscle. Subsequently the heart muscle functions ineffectively. The
restriction of blood flow is initiated by the deposits of fat that build up
within the coronary arteries which progressively results in the
narrowing of the arteries. There is no known cause for the
manifestation of the disease but there are many risk factors that increase
an individuals probability of developing the disease.
Myocardial ischemia is an intermediate condition in coronary artery
disease during which the heart tissue is slowly or suddenly starved
of oxygen and other nutrients. Eventually, the affected heart tissue
will die. When blood flow is completely blocked to the heart, ischemia
can lead to a heart attack.

.....Health Naturally - 318.....

Ischemic heart disease can cause angina (chest pain during
exercise) and can bring on a myocardial infarction, otherwise known as
a heart attack. Ischemia may be caused by a high fat diets and little
or no exercise, which may also lead to angina. The older you become
and if you smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes or high
cholesterol, your risk of IHD increases.
It also occurs more frequently as people age25% of women
over the age of 85 and 27% of men between 80 and 84 years of age
have angina.
Ischemia almost always is caused by blockage of an artery,
usually due to atherosclerotic plaque
Silent ischemia usually is caused by emotional or mental stress
or by exertion, but there are no symptoms.
Angina usually is caused by increased oxygen demand when
the heart is working harder than usual, for example, during exercise, or
during mental or physical stress.
The risk factors for myocardial ischemia are the same as those for
coronary artery disease, TIA, and stroke:

o Heredity: People whose parents have coronary artery

disease are more likely to develop it.
o Sex: Men are more likely to have heart attacks than women,
and to have them at a younger age. Angina is more likely to
occur in women.
o Age: Men who are 45 years of age and older and women
who are 55 years of age and older are considered to be at
risk. Risk also increases with age.
o Smoking: Smoking increases both the chance of developing
coronary artery disease and the chance of dying from it.

.....Health Naturally - 319.....

Secondhand smoke also may increase risk.
o High cholesterol levels: Risk of developing coronary
artery disease increases as blood cholesterol levels increase.
When combined with other factors, the risk is even greater.
o High blood pressure: High blood pressure makes the heart
work harder, and with time, weakens it. When combined
with obesity, smoking, high cholesterol levels, or diabetes,
the risk of heart attack or stroke increases several times.
o High fibrinogen levels: Fibrinogens are the proteins
involved in blood clotting and plaque formation.
o High homocysteine levels; Homocysteine also is involved
in plaque formation.
o Oxidant damage: as indicated by high lipid peroxide levels.
High lipid peroxide levels represent a high level of free radical
damage and antioxidant deficiency.

o Lack of physical activity: Lack of exercise increases the

risk of coronary artery disease.
o Diabetes mellitus: The risk of developing coronary artery
disease is seriously increased for diabetics.
o Obesity: Excess weight increases the strain on the heart
and increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease,
even if no other risk factors are present. Obesity increases
blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and can lead to
o Stress and anger: Some scientists believe that stress and
anger can contribute to the development of coronary artery
disease. Stress increases the heart rate and blood pressure
and can injure the lining of the arteries. Angina attacks often
occur after outbursts of anger, as do many heart attacks
and strokes.

.....Health Naturally - 320.....

o a tight, squeezing, heavy, burning, or choking pain that is
usually beneath the breastbonethe pain may spread to
the throat, jaw, or one arm
o a feeling of heaviness or tightness that is not painful
o a feeling similar to gas or indigestion
o attacks brought on by exertion and relieved by rest If the
pain or discomfort continues or intensifies, immediate medical
help should be sought, ideally within 30 minutes.

Ischaemic heart disease may be present with any of the

following problems:
o Angina pectoris (chest pain on exertion, in cold weather
or emotional situations)
o Acute chest pain: acute coronary syndrome, unstable
angina or myocardial infarction[3] (heart attack, severe
chest pain unrelieved by rest associated with evidence of
acute heart damage)
o Heart failure (difficulty in breathing or swelling of the
extremities due to weakness of the heart muscle)
Diagnostic tests for myocardial ischemia include:
Resting, exercise, or ambulatory electrocardiograms;
scintigraphic studies (radioactive heart scans);
coronary angiography; and,
Rarely, positron emission tomography.
Diagnostic tests for TIA include
Physician review of symptoms,
computed tomography (CT) scans,

.....Health Naturally - 321.....

carotid artery ultrasound (Doppler ultra-sonography),
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Angiography is the best test for ischemia of any organ.


o Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes
o Ice massage to head and spine daily thrice for 10-15 minutes
o Cold immersion bath with friction (reverse) for 20 minutes
alternate days
o Cold spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
o Cold chest pack for 20 minutes daily
o Cold friction ( reverse ) for 30 minutes
o Neutral immersion bath for 15 minutes
o Hot foot bath with chest pack
o Avoid steam and sauna baths
Massage therapy:
o Full body massage
o Partial massage to chest and abdomen
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath

.....Health Naturally - 322.....

o Mud packs on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : Triphala water
8am : mosambi juice
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
4pm : carrot juice
6pm : boiled Yam, veg soup, boiled vegs, papaya
9pm : hot water with isabgol
Yoga therapy:
Hands in and out breathing
Tiger breathing
Standing series

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)

Prone series
Sitting series

.....Health Naturally - 323.....

Deep relaxation technique (DRT)

Abdominal breathing
Chandra anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting

Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 324.....



Heart failure (HF) is generally defined as inability of the heart to

supply sufficient blood flow to meet the bodys needs.

Common causes of heart failure include myocardial infarction (heart

attacks) and other forms of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, valvular
heart disease, and cardiomyopathy.
Heart failure can cause a number of
symptoms including shortness of breath
(typically worse when lying flat, which
is called orthopnea), coughing, chronic
venous congestion, ankle swelling, and
exercise intolerance.
Heart failure is present when the following changes are present:
o Your heart muscle cannot pump, or eject, the blood out of
the heart very well. This is called systolic heart failure.
o Your heart muscles are stiff and do not fill up with blood
easily. This is called diastolic heart failure.

.....Health Naturally - 325.....

Cardiac Failure may be associated with the failure of the right
or left ventricle or both. Cardiac failure causes the blood to move
through the heart and body at a slower rate, leading to increased
pressure in the heart. As a result, the heart is unable to pump enough
oxygen and nutrients to meet the bodys requirements. The heart
chambers thus respond by stretching in order to hold more blood
to pump through the body or by becoming more stiff and
thickened. Such mechanism helps to keep the blood moving for a short
while, but the heart muscle walls tend to weaken with time and then are
unable to pump with enough strength.
The direct result of the reduced contractility of the cardiac
muscles especially those of the ventricles which cause a decrease in the
cardiac output and increase in the blood volume of the heart.
This causes the kidneys to often respond by causing the body
to retain fluid (water) and sodium as the systemic blood pressure
and the renal blood flow both are reduced. Resulting into building
up of fluid in the arms, legs, ankles, feet, lungs or other organs
causing oedema which makes the body congested, hence the name
Congestive cardiac failure.
Congestive heart failure can affect many organs of the body. For
The weakened heart muscles
may not be able to supply
enough blood to the kidneys,
which then begin to lose their
normal ability to excrete salt
(sodium) and water. This
diminished kidney function
can cause the body to retain
more fluid.
The lungs may become
congested with fluid

.....Health Naturally - 326.....

(pulmonary edema) and the persons ability to exercise is
Fluid may likewise accumulate in the liver, thereby impairing
its ability to rid the body of toxins and produce essential
The intestines may become less efficient in absorbing
nutrients and medicines.
Fluid also may accumulate in the extremities, resulting in
edema (swelling) of the ankles and feet.
Eventually, untreated, worsening congestive heart failure will affect
virtually every organ in the body.
Congestive heart failure can be caused by:
1. coronary artery disease leading to heart attacks and heart muscle
2. primary heart muscle weakness from viral infections or toxins
such as prolonged alcohol exposure,
3. heart valve disease causing heart muscle weakness due to too
much leaking of blood or heart muscle stiffness from a blocked
valve, and
4. hypertension
5. Diseases that increase oxygen demand by the body tissue beyond
the capability of the heart to deliver adequate oxygen-rich blood.

.....Health Naturally - 327.....

Rarer causes of heart failure include:
o Viral Myocarditis (an infection of the heart muscle).
o Infiltrations of the muscle such as amyloidosis.
o HIV cardiomyopathy (caused by Human
Immunodeficiency Virus).
o Connective Tissue Diseases such as Systemic lupus

o Abuse of drugs such as alcohol.

o Pharmaceutical drugs such as chemotherapeutic agents.
o Arrhythmias
Major Causes include Ischemic heart, Hypertension,
Symptoms of heart failure most often begin slowly. At first, they
may only occur when you are very active. Over time, breathing problems
and other symptoms may be noticed even when you are resting.
However, heart failure symptoms may begin suddenly after a heart
attack or other heart problem. Common symptoms are:
Shortness of breath Shortness of breath with activity, or after
lying down for a while
Swelling of feet and ankles
Swelling of the abdomen
Weight gain
Irregular or rapid pulse
Sensation of feeling the heart beat (palpitations)
Difficulty sleeping

.....Health Naturally - 328.....

Fatigue, weakness, faintness
Loss of appetite, indigestion
Other symptoms may include:
Decreased alertness or concentration
Decreased urine production
Nausea and vomiting
Need to urinate at night
Infants may sweat during feeding (or other activity).
Some patients with heart failure have no symptoms. In these people,
the symptoms may develop only with these conditions:
Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmias)
Infections with high fever
Kidney disease
DIAGNOSIS (exams and tests):
A physical examination may reveal the following:
Fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion)
Irregular heartbeat
Leg swelling (edema)
Neck veins that stick out (are distended)
Swelling of the liver
Listening to the chest with a stethoscope may reveal lung crackles or
abnormal heart sounds.
The following tests may be used to diagnose or monitor heart failure:
o Chest x-ray

.....Health Naturally - 329.....

o Echocardiogram
o Cardiac stress tests
o Heart CT scan
o Heart catheterization
o MRI of the heart
o Nuclearheartscans
This disease may also alter the following test results:
o Blood chemistry
o Complete blood count
o Creatinine
o Creatinine clearance
o Liver function tests
o Uric acid -blood test
o Sodium - blood test
o Urine- analysis
o Sodium - urine test
If you have heart failure, your doctor will monitor you closely. You will
have follow up appointments at least every 3 to 6 months and tests to
check your heart function. For example, an ultrasound of your heart
(echocardiogram) will be done once in awhile to see how well your
heart pumps blood with each beat.
You will need to carefully monitor yourself and help manage your
condition. One important way to do this is to track your weight on a
daily basis. Weigh yourself at the same time each day and on the same
scale, with little to no clothes on.
Weight gain can be a sign that your body is holding onto extra
fluid and your heart failure is worsening. Talk to your doctor about

.....Health Naturally - 330.....

what you should do if your weight goes up or if you develop more
Other important measures include:
Limit salt intake.
o Do not smoke.
o Stay active. For example, walk or ride a stationary bicycle.
Your doctor can provide a safe and effective exercise plan
for your degree of heart failure. DO NOT exercise on days
that your weight has gone up from fluid retention or you are
not feeling well.
o Lose weight if you are overweight.
o Get enough rest, including after exercise, eating, or other
activities. This allows your heart to rest as well.
o Keep your feet elevated to decrease swelling.

o The total amount of fluid consumed must be regulated. The

maxim that drinking eight glasses of water a day is healthy
certainly does not apply to patients with congestive heart
Here are some tips to lower your salt and sodium intake:
o Look for foods that are labeled low-sodium, sodium-free,
no salt added, or unsalted. Check the total sodium
content on food labels. A nutritionist can teach you
how to understand these labels.
o Dont cook with salt or add salt to what you are eating. Try
pepper, garlic, lemon, or other spices for flavor instead. Be
careful of packaged spice blends as these often contain salt
or salt products (like monosodium glutamate, MSG).
o Avoid foods that are naturally high in sodium like nuts, olives,
, soy and, tomato and other vegetable juices,

.....Health Naturally - 331.....

o Take care when eating out. Stick to steamed, grilled, baked,
boiled, and broiled foods with no added salt, sauce, or cheese.
o Use oil and vinegar, rather than bottled dressings, on salads.
o Eat fresh fruit when having dessert.
o Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes
o Ice massage to head and spine daily thrice for 10-15 minutes
o Cold immersion bath with friction (reverse) for 20 minutes
alternate days
o Cold spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
o Cold chest pack for 20 minutes daily
o Cold friction ( reverse ) for 30 minutes
o Neutral immersion bath for 15 minutes
o Hot foot bath with chest pack
o Avoid steam and sauna baths
Massage therapy:
o Full body massage
o Partial massage to chest and abdomen
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath
o Mud packs on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : ginger tea
7am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in 200ml
water overnight, grind and strain)
8am : mosambi juice
11am : apple juice

.....Health Naturally - 332.....

1pm : all fruits and grated coconut
4pm : mosambi juice
6pm : all fruits and veg soup
9pm : ginger tea
Yoga therapy:
Hands in and out breathing
Tiger breathing
Standing series
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)

Prone series

Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique (DRT)

Abdominal breathing
Chandra anuloma viloma

.....Health Naturally - 333.....

Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 334.....



A myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is the death or damage

of part of the heart muscle because the supply of blood to the
heart muscle is severely reduced or stopped.
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a section of heart
muscle becomes blocked. If the flow of blood isnt restored quickly, the
section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and
begins to die.
A myocardial infarction is often the first detected symptom of
coronary artery disease. According to the American Heart Association,
63% of women and 48% of men who died suddenly of coronary artery
disease had no previous symptoms.
Heart attacks occur most often as a result of a condition called
coronary artery disease (CAD).
o In CAD, a fatty material called plaque (plak) builds up over
many years on the inside walls of the coronary arteries (the
arteries that supply blood and oxygen to your heart).

.....Health Naturally - 335.....

o Eventually, an area of plaque can rupture, causing a blood clot
to form on the surface of the plaque.
o If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely
block the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the part of the heart
muscle fed by the artery

FigureA is an overview of a heart and coronary artery showing damage

(dead heart muscle) caused by a heart attack. Figure B is a cross
section of the coronary artery with plaque buildup and a blood clot.
During a heart attack, if the blockage in the coronary artery isnt treated
quickly, the heart muscle will begin to die and be replaced by scar tissue.
This heart damage may not be obvious, or it may cause severe or long
lasting problems.
Most heart attacks occur as a result of coronary artery
disease (CAD).
CAD is the buildup over time of a material called plaque on the
inner walls of the coronary arteries.
Eventually, a section of plaque can break open, causing a blood
clot to form at the site.
A heart attack occurs if the clot becomes large enough to cut
off most or all of the blood flow through the artery.

.....Health Naturally - 336.....

The blocked blood flow prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching
the part of the heart muscle fed by the artery.

Plaque may build-up in a coronary artery at the site of a tear in the lining
of the vessel
The lack of oxygen damages the heart muscle.
If the blockage isnt treated quickly, the damaged heart muscle
begins to die.

A heart attack or acute myocardial infarction (MI) occurs when

one of the arteries that supply the heart muscle becomes blocked.
Blockage may be caused by spasm of the artery or by atherosclerosis
with acute clot formation. The blockage results in damaged tissue
and a permanent loss of contraction of this portion of the heart muscle
Heart attack also can occur due to problems with the very small,
microscopic blood vessels of the heart. This condition is called
micro vascular disease. Its believed to be more common in
women than in men.
Another less common cause of heart attack is a severe spasm
(tightening) of a coronary artery that cuts off blood flow through

.....Health Naturally - 337.....

the artery. These spasms can occur in coronary arteries that
dont have CAD. Its not always clear what causes a coronary
artery spasm, but sometimes it can be related to:
o Taking certain drugs, such as cocaine
o Emotional stress or pain
o Exposure to extreme cold
o Cigarette smoking
Not all heart attacks begin with a sudden, crushing pain. The
warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack arent the same for
everyone. Many heart attacks start slowly as mild pain or discomfort.
Some people dont have symptoms at all (this is called a silent heart

Symptoms of a possible heart attack include chest pain and pain that
radiates down the shoulder and arm. Some people (the elderly, people
with diabetes, and women) may have little or no chest pain. Or, they
may experience unusual symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue,
weakness. Women are more likely than men to have symptoms of nausea,
vomiting, back or jaw pain, and shortness of breath with chest pain.
Chest Pain or Discomfort:
The most common symptom of heart attack is chest pain or
discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center
of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes

.....Health Naturally - 338.....

away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like
uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. It can
be mild or severe. Heart attack pain can sometimes feel like
indigestion or heartburn.
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw,
or stomach
Shortness of breath may often occur with or before chest
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, lightheadedness
or fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat
The diagnosis of heart attack is based on your symptoms, your personal
and family medical history, and the results of diagnostic tests.
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
o This test detects and records the electrical activity of
the heart.
o Certain changes in the appearance of the electrical
waves on an ECG are strong evidence of a heart attack.
o An ECG also can show if youre having arrhythmias
(abnormal heartbeats), which a heart attack (and other
conditions) can cause.
Blood Tests
o During a heart attack, heart muscle cells die and burst
open, letting certain proteins out in the bloodstream.

o Blood tests can measure the amount of these proteins

in the bloodstream.
o Higher than normal levels of these proteins in the
bloodstream is evidence of a heart attack.
o Commonly used blood tests include troponin tests, CK

.....Health Naturally - 339.....

or CKMB tests, and serum myoglobin tests.
o Blood tests are often repeated to check for changes
over time.
Coronary Angiography

o Coronary angiography is a special x-ray exam of the

heart and blood vessels.
o Its often done during a heart attack to help pinpoint
blockages in the coronary arteries.
o The doctor passes a catheter (a thin, flexible tube)
through an artery in your arm or groin (upper thigh) and
threads it to your heart. This procedurecalled cardiac
catheterizationis part of coronary angiography.
o A dye that can be seen on x ray is injected into the
bloodstream through the tip of the catheter.
o The dye lets the doctor study the flow of blood through
the heart and blood vessels.
o If a blockage is found, another procedure, called
angioplasty, may be used to restore blood flow through
the artery.
o Sometimes during angioplasty, the doctor will place a
stent (a small mesh tube) in the artery to help keep the
artery open.

o Cold hip bath daily for 20 minutes

o Ice massage to head and spine daily thrice for 10-15 minutes
o Cold immersion bath with friction (reverse) for 20 minutes
alternate days

.....Health Naturally - 340.....

o Cold spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
o Cold chest pack for 20 minutes daily
o Cold friction ( reverse ) for 30 minutes
o Neutral immersion bath for 15 minutes
o Hot foot bath with chest pack
o Avoid steam and sauna baths
Massage therapy:

o Full body massage

o Partial massage to chest and abdomen
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath
o Mud packs on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : herbal tea
8am : mosambi juice
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : fruits and soup
4pm : carrot juice
6pm : brown rice, veg soup, papaya
9pm : hot honey water
Yoga therapy:
Hands in and out breathing
Tiger breathing
Standing series


.....Health Naturally - 341.....

Supine series

Quick relaxation technique (QRT)

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique (DRT)

Abdominal breathing
Chandra anuloma viloma
Ohm Kara chanting
A, U, M Kara chanting

Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 342.....



A stroke (sometimes called a cerebrovascular accident (CVA))
is the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to
disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, caused by a blocked
or burst blood vessel.
This can be due to ischemia (lack of blood flow) caused by
thrombosis or arterial embolism or due to
a hemorrhage. As a result, the affected area
of the brain is unable to function, leading
to inability to move one or more limbs on
one side of the body, in ability to
understand or formulate speech, or
inability to see one side of the visual field.
A stroke involves loss of brain functions caused by a loss of blood
circulation to areas of the brain. The blockage usually occurs when a
clot or piece of atherosclerotic plaque breaks away from another area
of the body and lodges within the vasculature of the brain.

.....Health Naturally - 343.....

Strokes can be classified into two major categories:
Ischemic and
1) Ischemic strokes are those that are due to interruption of the blood
1.The most common type of stroke is a blockage.
This is called an ischaemic stroke, which
happens when a clot blocks an artery that carries
blood to the brain. It may be caused by:
a cerebral thrombosis, when a blood clot
(thrombus) forms in a main artery to the brain;
a cerebral embolism, when a blockage caused
by a blood clot, air bubble or fat globule (embolism)
forms in a blood vessel somewhere else in the
body and is carried in the bloodstream to the brain;
A blockage in the tiny blood vessels deep within
the brain (lacunar stroke).
2) Hemorrhagic strokes are the ones which are due to rupture of
a blood vessel or an abnormal vascular structure.
87% of strokes are due to ischemia; the
remainders are due to hemorrhage.
2. The second type of stroke is a bleed, when a
blood vessel bursts, causing
bleeding (haemorrhage) into the
brain. This is called a
haemorrhagic stroke. It may be
caused by:
an intracerebral haemorrhage, when a blood
vessel bursts.....Health
within theNaturally
brain; or - 344.....
a subarachnoid haemorrhage, when a blood vessel on the
surface of the brain bleeds into the area between the brain and
the skull (subarachnoid space).


Stroke symptoms typically start suddenly, over seconds to
minutes, and in most cases do not progress further. The symptoms
depend on the area of the brain affected. The more extensive the
area of brain affected, the more functions that are likely to be
lost. Some forms of stroke can cause additional symptoms: in
intracranial hemorrhage, the affected area may compress other
structures. Most forms of stroke are not associated with headache,
apart from subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral venous thrombosis
and occasionally intracerebral hemorrhage.
Signs of Stroke
Some of the signs of major stroke are
facial weakness,
inability to talk,
loss of bladder control,
difficulty in breathing and
swallowing, and
Paralysis or weakness, particularly on one side of the body.

1) If the area of the brain affected contains one of the three

prominent Central nervous system pathwaysthe spinothalamic

.....Health Naturally - 345.....

tract, corticospinal tract, and dorsal column (medial lemniscus),
symptoms may include:

Hemiplagia and muscle weakness of the face

reduction in sensory or vibratory sensation
2) In most cases, the symptoms affect only one side of the body
(unilateral). The defect in the brain is usually on the opposite s i d e
of the body (depending on which part of the brain isa f f ecte d).
However, the presence of any one of these symptoms does not
necessarily suggest a stroke, since thesepathways also travel in
the spinal cord and any lesion there can also produce these
3) In addition to the above CNS pathways, the brainstem also
consists of the 12 cranial nerves. A stroke affecting the brain stem
therefore can produce symptoms relating to deficits in these cranial
altered smell, taste, hearing, or vision (total or partial)
drooping of eyelid (ptosis) and weakness of ocular muscles
decreased reflexes: gag, swallow, pupil reactivity to light
decreased sensation and muscle weakness of the face
balance problems and nystagmus
altered breathing and heart rate
weakness in sternocleidomastoid muscle with inability to turn
head to one side
weakness in tongue (inability to protrude and/or move from side
to side)
4) If the cerebral cortex is involved, the CNS pathways can again
be affected, but also can produce the following symptoms:

.....Health Naturally - 346.....

aphasia (inability to speak or understand language from
involvement of Brocas or Wernickes area)
apraxia (altered voluntary movements)
visual field defect
memory deficits (involvement of temporal lobe)
hemi neglect (involvement of parietal lobe)
disorganized thinking, confusion, hypersexual gestures (with
involvement of frontal lobe)
anosognosia (persistent denial of the existence of a, usually
stroke-related, deficit)
5) If the cerebellum is involved, the patient may have the following:
trouble walking
altered movement coordination
vertigo and or disequilibrium
Causes of a stroke
Several different mechanisms may result in stroke: thrombus formation,
embolus, and hemorrhage.
1. Thrombosis formation is an obstruction within an artery resulting
from the gradual accumulation of plaque (atherosclerosis). If large
enough, the obstructions may restrict or completely block blood flow
through the artery. Blockage of arteries supplying the brain causes stroke
if alternative routes are not available to deliver an adequate blood supply
2. Embolus is an obstruction of an artery due to material formed
elsewhere in the body (such as the heart). The materials are usually
generated in one part of the body and travels throughout the body until it
becomes trapped in a blood vessel. The blood vessel then is unable to
supply the brain with blood and nutrients.
3. Hemorrhage results from a rupture of a blood vessel located
in the brain. Blood erupts at high pressure in the brain or in tissue
surrounding the brain. Normal brain cells may be destroyed. The presence

.....Health Naturally - 347.....

of blood often results in severe headache, lethargy, or coma.
4. Multiple Factors. Most strokes are associated
with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, oxygen damage or a
combination of the three.
5. Medication. Some medications may increase the risk of
developing a stroke. Vioxx, a medication used to treat arthritis was pulled
off the market in September 2004 because it is linked to strokes and
heart attacks.
Risk factors
high blood pressure
atrial fibrillation
high blood cholesterol levels,
cigarette smoking (active and passive),
heavy alcohol consumption
drug use,

lack of physical activity,

Unhealthy diet.
Doctor2008 says:
Another way is to use the first three letters of the word stroke.
S for smile ask the patient to smile.
Tfor talk ask the patient to say a simple sentence.
Rfor raise ask the patient to raise his arms.

The first test after a stroke is typically,

.....Health Naturally - 348.....

A computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain, which is a
series of X-rays of your brain that can show whether there is bleeding.
This test will help your doctor diagnose whether the stroke is ischemic
or hemorrhagic.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be done to
find out the amount of damage to the brain and help predict recovery.
Other initial tests recommended for ischemic stroke include:
Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) to check for heart problems,
including arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation.
Blood tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), blood sugar,
electrolytes, liver and kidney function, and prothrombin time (a test that
measures how long it takes your blood to clot). These tests are done to
help your doctor make choices about your treatment and to check for
conditions that may cause symptoms similar to a stroke.
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot bath for 20 mins daily twice
o warm water enema daily
o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to limbs
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head alternate days
o Eye and abdomen pack daily

.....Health Naturally - 349.....

6am : ginger tea
8am : mosambi juice
11am : carrot juice
1pm : coconut milk
4 pm : mosambi juice
6.30 pm : coconut milk
9pm : warm honey water
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Deep relaxation technique

o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 350.....



Also called: Hemiplegia, Palsy, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia
Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It
happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass
between your brain and muscles.
Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or
both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be
widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs,
is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia

.....Health Naturally - 351.....

is a condition in which the limbs on one side of the body
have severe weakness. Hemiplegia occurs when there is a disruption
of blood flow to the brain. This causes part of the brain to die. Messages
that usually tell the body when and how to function are interrupted.
Hemiplagia may be
congenital or
acquired from an illness or
A few types of hemiplegia include:
capsular, which is caused from an lesion on part of the
internal capsule of the brain
cerebral, which is caused by a brain lesion
facial, which is paralysis on one side of the face
spastic, which is paralysis and spastic or stiff, unusual
movements of the body, occurring more often in infants
spinal, which is associated with lesions on the spine
Hemiplagia is not an uncommon medical disorder.
In elderly individuals, strokes are the most common cause of hemiplegia.
Vascular: cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, diabetic neuropathy
Infective: encephalitis, meningitis, brain abscess
Neoplastic: glioma-meningioma
Demyelination: disseminated sclerosis, lesions to the internal

.....Health Naturally - 352.....

Traumatic: cerebral lacerations,
subdural hematoma rare cause of
hemiplegia is due to local anesthetic
injections given
rapidly, instead intra-arterially
of given in a nerve

Congenital: cerebral palsy
Disseminated: multiple sclerosis
Psychological: parasomnia (nocturnal hemiplegia)
The exact cause of hemiplegia is not known in all cases, but it appears
that the brain is deprived of oxygen and these results in the death
of neurons. When the corticospinal tract is damaged, the injury is
usually manifested on the opposite side of the body. For example
if one has an injury to the right side of the brain, the hemiplegia will be on
the left side of the body.
Hemiplegia means severe weakness of the limbs on one side of the
body but the specific features can vary tremendously from person to
person. Problems may include:

Difficulty with gait

Difficulty with balance while standing or walking
Having difficulty with motor activities like holding, grasping or
Increasing stiffness of muscles
Muscle spasms
Difficulty with speech
Difficulty swallowing food

.....Health Naturally - 353.....

Significant delay in achieving developmental milestones like
standing, smiling, crawling or speaking
The majority of children who develop hemiplegia also have
abnormal mental development
Behavior problems like anxiety, anger, irritability, lack of
concentration or comprehension
Emotions- depression
Hemiplegia is identified by clinical examination by a health professional,
such as a physiotherapist or doctor.
blood tests
a cranial CT scan and cranial MRI
an electrocephalogram, or EEG, to measure the activity of the
o Neutral spinal bath daily for 20-30 mins
o Warm water enema
o Hot foot immersion every night for 20 minutes
o Cold Hip bath daily for 20 mins
o Steam bath for 15 mins alternate days
o Full body massage alternate days
o Partial oil massage to limbs alternate days
o Head massage weekly twice

.....Health Naturally - 354.....

o Full mud bath weekly twice
o Mud to head alternate days
o Eye pack and abdomen pack daily

6am : hot tea made of 20 Tulsi, 10 gm ginger, 1
cardamom, Jaggery and 200 ml water
7am : black raisins water (soak raisins in 200ml water
overnight, grind and strain)
8.30am : carrot juice, 4 almonds and 4 figs.
11.30am : mosambi juice
1pm : moong dhal kichidi, garlic and soup
4 pm : apple juice
6.30 pm : dahlia, milk and papaya
o Shithali karma vyayama
o Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma vilaoma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M , Ohm kara chantings
o Ohm kara dhyana

.....Health Naturally - 355.....



Chronic renal failure is a gradual and progressive loss of the ability

of the kidneys to excrete wastes, concentrate urine, and conserve

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known

as chronic renal disease, is a progressive loss
in renal function over a period of months or
functionThe symptomsand
are unspecific, worsening
of might includekidney

generally unwell and experiencing a reduced

It can be characterized as hereditary, congenital
or acquired.
The kidneys attempt to compensate for renal damage by hyper
filtration (excessive straining of the blood) within the remaining functional
nephrons (filtering units that consist of a glomerulus and corresponding
tubule). Over time, hyper filtration causes further loss of function.

.....Health Naturally - 356.....

Chronic loss of function causes generalized wasting
(shrinking in size) and progressive scarring within all parts of
the kidneys. In time, overall scarring obscures the site of the initial
damage. Yet, it is not until over 70% of the normal combined function of
both kidneys is lost that most patients begin to experience symptoms of
kidney failure.
One in nine adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease
(CKD). Another 20 million are at increased risk. Chronic kidney disease
is a progressive condition where the kidneys do not function effectively
which reduces the bodys ability to control blood pressure and remove
body waste through urination.
People at risk may include those who:

o Have diabetes
o Have high blood pressure
o Have a family history of kidney disease
o Are of over the age of 65
The causes of CKD are not always known.
However, the two main causes of the disease are diabetes
and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of
all cases.

The kidney
Chronic renal failure (CRF) can be classified by the site (location) of
primary damage:

.....Health Naturally - 357.....

o Pre-renal CRF
o Post-renal CRF (obstructive uropathy)
o Renal CRF
Chronic kidney disease is known to affect the elderly
Pre-renal causes (pre=before + renal=kidney) causes are due to
decreased blood supply to the kidney.
hypovolemia (low blood volume) due to blood loss;
dehydration from loss of body fluid (for example, vomiting,
diarrhea, sweating, fever);
poor intake of fluids;

medication, for example, diuretics (water pills) may cause

excessive water loss; and
Abnormal blood flow to and from the kidney due to
obstruction of the renal artery or vein.
Some medical conditions cause continuous hypo-perfusion (low blood
flow) of the kidneys, leading to kidney atrophy (shrinking), loss of nephron
function, and chronic renal failure (CRF). These conditions include poor
cardiac function, chronic liver failure, and atherosclerosis (hardening)
of the renal arteries. Each of these conditions can induce ischemic
Causes of Post-Renal CRF:
Interference with the normal flow of urine can produce backpressure
within the kidneys; can damage nephrons, and lead to obstructive
uropathy, a disease of the urinary tract. Abnormalities that may hamper
urine flow and cause post-renal CRF include the following:
Bladder outlet obstruction due to an enlarged prostate
gland or bladder stone

.....Health Naturally - 358.....

Neurogenic bladder, an over distended bladder caused
by impaired communicator nerve fibers from the bladder to
the spinal cord
Kidney stones in both ureters, the tubes that pass urine
from each kidney to the bladder
Obstruction of the tubules, the end channels of the renal
Retroperitoneal fibrosis, the formation of fiber like tissue
behind the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the
abdominal cavity
Vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR), the backward flow of urine
from the bladder into a ureter
Causes of Renal CRF:
Chronic renal failure caused by changes within the kidneys, is called
renal CRF, and is broadly categorized as follows:
Diabetic nephropathy, kidney disease associated with
diabetes; the most common cause of CRF
Hypertension nephrosclerosis, a condition that occurs
with increased frequency in African Americans; the second
leading cause of CRF
Chronic glomerular nephritis, a condition caused by
diseases that affect the glomeruli and bring about progressive
Chronic interstitial nephritis, a condition caused by
disorders that ultimately lead to progressive scarring of the
Renal vascular CRF, large vessel abnormalities such as
renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the large arteries that
supply the kidneys)
Vasculitis, inflammation of the small blood vessels
.....Health Naturally - 359.....
Cystic kidney disease, kidney disease distinguished by
multiple cysts (lined cavities or sacs)
Hereditary diseases of the kidney, such as Alports
syndrome (hereditary nephritis)
Sepsis: The bodys immune system is overwhelmed from
infection and causes inflammation and shutdown of the
kidneys. This usually does not occur with urinary tract
Medications: Some medications are toxic to the kidney,
o Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and

o antibiotics like amino-glycosides [gentamicin (Garamycin),

o tobramycin],
lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid), and

o Iodine-containing medications such as those injected for

radiology dye studies.
Rhabdomyolysis: This is a situation in which there is significant
muscle breakdown in the body, and the damaged muscle fibers clog the
filtering system of the kidneys. this can occur because of trauma, crush
injuries, and burns. Some medications used to treat high cholesterol can
cause rhabdomyolysis.
Multiple myeloma : Kidney disorders, including chronic renal
failure, are common in patients who have multiple myeloma (cancer
that begins in a type of white blood cell called plasma cells). Several
different factors are related to renal disease associated with multiple
myeloma. Myeloma cells produce large numbers of proteins in the urine
(called proteinuria). These proteins often form deposits in the kidneys
(condition called amyloidosis) and cause kidney failure. In addition,
multiple myeloma increases the risk for hypercalcemia (high levels of
calcium in the blood) and anemia (low levels of red blood cells) and

.....Health Naturally - 360.....

results in high blood levels of uric acid, which also increase the risk for
chronic renal failure.
Acute glomerulonephritis or inflammation of the glomeruli, the
filtering system of the kidneys. Many diseases can cause this inflammation
including systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegeners granulomatosis, and
Good pasture syndrome.

Stage Description Glomerular

Filtration Rate

At diabetes, highfor
Risk factors blood pressure,
kidney diseasefamily
(e.g., More than 90

history, older age, ethnic group)

1 Kidney
and damage
normal GFR(protein in the urine) More than 90

Kidney damage and mild decrease in

2 Kidneydecrease
Severe failure (dialysis
decrease in GFRor kidney
in GFR 60 to 89

30 to 59

15 to 29

Less than 15
transplant needed)

Early signs and symptoms associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
can be non-specific and subtle.
When kidney function deteriorates, waste products, salt and fluids
accumulate in the body and initially can result in the following symptoms:
.....Health Naturally - 361.....
o Nausea and vomiting
o Loss of appetite
o Dry and itchy skin

o Trouble sleeping
o Difficulty concentrating
o Weight gain from excess fluids
o Swollen feet and ankles
o Puffiness around the eyes and high blood pressure
o Fatigue or tiredness, a symptom of chronic kidney disease-related
Uremic symptoms can affect every organ system, most noticeably the
Neurological systemcognitive impairment, personality
change, asterixis (motor disturbance that affects groups of
muscles), seizures (rare
Gastrointestinal systemnausea, vomiting, food distaste (often
described as bland, metallic, like cardboard)
Blood-forming systemanemia due to erythropoietin
deficiency, easy bruising and bleeding due to abnormal platelets
Pulmonary systemfluid in the lungs, with breathing difficulties
Cardiovascular system chest pain due to inflammation of
the sac surrounding the heart (pericarditis) and pericardial
effusion (fluid accumulation around the heart)
Skin generalized itching
Chronic kidney disease usually causes no symptoms in its early stages.
Only lab tests can detect any developing problems. Anyone at increased

.....Health Naturally - 362.....

risk for chronic kidney disease should be routinely tested for development
of this disease.
Urine, blood, and imaging tests (X-rays) are used to detect kidney
disease, as well as to follow its progress.
All of these tests have limitations. They are often used together
to develop a picture of the nature and extent of the kidney disease.
In general, this testing can be performed on an outpatient basis.
Urine Tests
Urinalysis: Analysis of the urine affords enormous insight into the
function of the kidneys.
The first step in urinalysis is doing a dipstick test. The dipstick has reagents
that check the urine for the presence of various normal and abnormal
constituents including protein. Then, the urine is examined under a
microscope to look for red and white blood cells, and the presence of
casts and crystals (solids).
Only minimal quantities of albumin (protein) are present in urine normally.
A positive result on a dipstick test for protein is abnormal. More sensitive
than a dipstick test for protein is a laboratory estimation of the urine
albumin (protein) and creatinine in the urine. The ratio of albumin (protein)
and creatinine in the urine provides a good estimate of albumin (protein)
excretion per day.
Twenty-four hour urine tests: This test requires you to collect all of
your urine for 24 consecutive hours. The urine may be analyzed for
protein and waste products (urea nitrogen, and creatinine). The presence
of protein in the urine indicates kidney damage. The amount of creatinine
and urea excreted in the urine can be used to calculate the level of
kidney function and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): The GFR is a standard means of
expressing overall kidney function. As kidney disease progresses,
GFR falls.

.....Health Naturally - 363.....

o The normal GFR is about 100-140 mL/min in men and 85-115
mL/min in women. It decreases in most people with age.
The GFR may be calculated from the amount of waste products in the
24-hour urine or by using special markers administered intravenously.
An estimation of the GFR (eGFR) can be calculated from the patients
routine blood tests. Patients are divided into five stages of chronic kidney
disease based on their GFR
Blood Tests
Creatinine and urea (BUN) in the blood: Blood urea nitrogen and
serum creatinine are the most commonly used blood tests to screen for,
and monitor renal disease.
o Creatinine is a product of normal muscle breakdown.
o Urea is the waste product of breakdown of protein.
The level of these substances rises in the blood as kidney function
Estimated GFR (eGFR): The laboratory or your physician may
calculate an estimated GFR using the information from your blood work.
It is important to be aware of your estimated GFR and stage of chronic
kidney disease. Your physician uses your stage of kidney disease to
recommend additional testing and suggestions on management.
Electrolyte levels and acid-base balance: Kidney dysfunction causes
imbalances in electrolytes, especially potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.
High potassium (hyperkalemia) is a particular concern. The acid-base
balance of the blood is usually disrupted as well.
Decreased production of the active form of vitamin D can cause low
levels of calcium in the blood. Inability to excrete phosphorus by failing
kidneys causes its levels in the blood to rise. Testicular or ovarian hormone
levels may also be abnormal.
Blood cell counts: Because kidney disease disrupts blood cell
production and shortens the survival of red cells, the red blood
cell count and hemoglobin may be low (anemia). Some patients may

.....Health Naturally - 364.....

also have iron deficiency due to blood loss in their gastrointestinal
system. Other nutritional deficiencies may also impair the production of
red cells.
Other tests
Ultrasound: Ultrasound is often used in the diagnosis of kidney disease.
An ultrasound is a noninvasive type of imaging test. In general, kidneys
are shrunken in size in chronic kidney disease, although they may be
normal or even large in size in cases caused by adult polycystic kidney
disease, diabetic nephropathy, and amyloidosis. Ultrasound may also be
used to diagnose the presence of urinary obstruction, kidney stones and
also to assess the blood flow into the kidneys.
Biopsy: A sample of the kidney tissue (biopsy) is sometimes required in
cases in which the cause of the kidney disease is unclear. Usually, a
biopsy can be collected with local anesthesia by introducing a needle
through the skin into the kidney. This is usually done as an outpatient
procedure, though some institutions may require an overnight hospital
Prevention of kidney disease:
Keep blood pressure under control;
Maintain a healthy weight;
Maintain healthy levels of fats;
Do not smoke or use any tobacco products.
o Hot and Cold hip bath twice daily 20 minutes
o Wet girdle pack 30 minutes daily thrice reduces swelling of the
prostrate gland.
o Kidney pack alternate days
o Hot water Epsom salt bath twice daily.
o Hot fomentation to the bladder area helps the free flow of the

.....Health Naturally - 365.....

o Warm water enema alternate days
Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage over the kidneys
Mud therapy:
o Mud packs to the lower abdomen
o Mud application to the back kidney area and lower abdomen
and pubic area.
Diet therapy:
Note: no water should be taken, only energy giving foods to be consumed.
o 6am : 100 ml water with 2 spoon honey
o 8am : 1 bowl papaya, 2 bananas,
o 10am : 1 apple, 1 carrot
o 1pm : roasted potatoes with honey
o 4pm : 2 bananas
o 6.30pm :
9.30pm brown rice, boiled vegs
o papaya

AVOID: Meat, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and

processed foods, fried, heavy, or greasy foods and products made from
sugar and white flour.

Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Sukshma vyayama
Standing series

.....Health Naturally - 366.....

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting


.....Health Naturally - 367.....



Osteoarthritis (OA, also known as degenerative arthritis, degenerative
joint disease), is a group of diseases and mechanical abnormalities
involving degradation of joints, including articular cartilage and the
subchondral bone next to it.
Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that causes the cushion layer between
your bones (called cartilage) to wear away. It is also called degenerative
joint disease. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, and it is the
most common type of arthritis.
Osteoarthritis is derived from the Greek word osteo, meaning of the
bone, arthro, meaning joint, and itis, meaning inflammation.
Osteoarthritis is not to be confused with rheumatoid arthritis, an
autoimmune disease with joint inflammation as a main feature. A common
misconception is that OAis due solely to wear and tear, since OA typically
is not present in younger people.

.....Health Naturally - 368.....

primary OA.
If no underlying cause can be identified it is described as primary
secondary OA.

There is usually an underlying cause for OA, in which case

it is described as secondary OA.

Primary OA
This type of OA is a chronic degenerative disorder related to but not
caused by aging.
As a person ages, the water content of the cartilage decreases
due to a reduced proteoglycan content,
thus causing the cartilage to be less resilient.
Without the protective effects of the proteoglycans, the collagen
fibers of the cartilage can become susceptible to degradation
and thus exacerbate the degeneration.
Inflammation of the surrounding joint capsule can also occur,
though often mild (compared to that which occurs in rheumatoid
This can happen as breakdown products from the cartilage are
released into the synovial space, and the cells lining the joint
attempt to remove them.
New bone outgrowths, called spurs or osteophytes, can form
on the margins of the joints, possibly in an attempt to improve the
congruence of the articular cartilage surfaces.

.....Health Naturally - 369.....

These bone changes, together with the inflammation, can be
both painful and debilitating.
Secondary OA This type of OA is caused by other factors but the
resulting pathology is the same as for primary OA:
Congenital disorders, such as:
o Congenital hip luxation
o People with abnormally-formed joints (e.g. hip dysplasia
(human)) are more vulnerable to OA, as added stress is
specifically placed on the joints whenever they move.
Inflammatory diseases (such as Perthes disease), (Lyme
disease), and all chronic forms of arthritis (e.g. costochondritis,
gout, and rheumatoid arthritis). In gout, uric acid crystals cause
the cartilage to degenerate at a faster pace.
Injury to joints, as a result of an accident.
A joint infection, e.g. from an injury.
Hormonal disorders.
Ligamentous deterioration or instability may be a factor.
Obesity. Obesity puts added weight on the joints, especially the
Sports injuries, or similar injuries from exercise or work. Certain
sports, such as running or football, put undue pressure on the
knee joints. Injuries resulting in broken ligaments can lead to
instability of the joint and over time to wear on the cartilage and
eventually osteoarthritis.
Childhood physical abuse
The main symptom is
acute pain,

.....Health Naturally - 370.....

loss of ability
Pain is generally described as a sharp ache,
burning sensation in the associate muscles and tendons.
OA can cause a crackling noise (called crepitus) when the
affected joint is moved or touched,
patients may experience muscle spasm and contractions inthe
the joints may also be filled with fluid.
Humid and cold weather increases the pain in many patients
clinical examination


Hot fomentation for 30 minutes daily twice
Ice pack on the joints daily twice for 10 minutes
Hot pack to the joints
Epsom salt pack daily twice
Mustard powder pack daily twice
Knee pack for 45-60minutes
Neutral imerssion bath with epsom salt for 20 minutes
Massage therapy:
Partial massage to the joints with Infra red rays
Partial massage to the joints with steam
Mud therapy:
Mud application on the joints for 30 minutes
Hot mud packs to the joints for 20 minutes
Diet therapy:
.....Health Naturally - 371.....
6am : methi water
8am : carrot juice and dates
1pm : roti 2, boiled vegs, soup
4pm : Tender coconut water
6.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : milk with ginger
Yoga therapy
Shithalikarna vyayama
Standing series
Quick relaxation technique
Supine series
Matsyasana (lying down)
Prone series
Deep relaxation technique
Surya anuloma viloma
OHM meditation
A, U, M Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 372.....



Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic
inflammation of the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that
may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks the joints
producing an inflammatory synovitis that often progresses to destruction
of the articular cartilage and ankylosis of the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce diffuse inflammation in the lungs,
pericardium, pleura, and sclera, and also nodular lesions, most common
in subcutaneous tissue under the skin.
It is a form of arthritis that causes pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of
function in your joints. It can affect any joint but is common in the wrist
and fingers. More women than men get rheumatoid arthritis. It often
starts between ages 25 and 55. You might have the disease for only a
short time, or symptoms might come and go. The severe form can last a

.....Health Naturally - 373.....

Rheumatoid arthritis is different from
often comes with older age.
the common arthritis
RA that

affect body parts besides joints, such as

your eyes,
arthritis disease,
mouthfrom lungs.
andyour means
RA issystem
an attacking your bodys own

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown.
Even though infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, and
fungi have long been suspected, none has been proven as the
It is believed that the tendency to develop rheumatoid arthritis
may be genetically inherited.

It is also suspected that certain infections

or factors in the environment might
trigger the activation of the immune
system in susceptible individuals. This
misdirected immune system then attacks
the bodys own tissues. This leads to
inflammation in the joints and sometimes
in various organs of the body, such as the
lungs or eyes.
Regardless of the exact trigger, the result
is an promotesystem
to immune that is geared
inflammation in the

joints and occasionally other tissues of

the body. Immune cells, called lymphocytes, are activated and
chemical messengers (cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor/
TNF, interleukin-1/IL-1, and interleukin-6/IL-6) are expressed
in the inflamed areas.

.....Health Naturally - 374.....

Environmental factors also
seem to play some role in causing
rheumatoid arthritis. For example,
scientists have reported that
smoking, tobacco increases the
risk of developing rheumatoid
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis typically manifests with signs of inflammation,
affected joints being swollen,
stiff, particularly
and early in the morning on waking or following

prolonged inactivity.
Increased stiffness early in the morning is often a prominent
feature of the disease and may last for more than an hour.
the inflammatory activity leads to tendon tethering and erosion
and destruction of the joint surface, which impairs range of
movement and leads to deformity.
The fingers may suffer from almost any deformity depending
on which joints are most involved.
o ulnar deviation,
o boutonniere deformity,
o swan neck deformity and
o Z-thumb,
Skin - The rheumatoid nodule, which is often subcutaneous, is
the feature most characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. vasculitis occur
in rheumatoid arthritis

.....Health Naturally - 375.....

Lungs - Fibrosis of the lungs is a recognised response to
rheumatoid disease. Pleural effusions are also associated with rheumatoid
Kidneys - Renal amyloidosis can occur as a consequence of
chronic inflammation.
Heart and blood vessels - People with rheumatoid arthritis
are more prone to atherosclerosis, and risk of myocardial infarction (heart
attack) and stroke is markedly increased. Other possible complications
that may arise include: pericarditis, endocarditis, left ventricular failure,
valvulitis and fibrosis.
The first step in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is a meeting
between the doctor and the patient. The doctor reviews the
history of symptoms, examines the joints for inflammation and
deformity, the skin for rheumatoid nodules, and other parts of
the body for inflammation.

Blood test (for Rheumatoid Factor)


Hot fomentation for 30 minutes daily twice

Ice pack on the joints daily twice for 10 minutes
Hot pack to the joints
Neutral arm and foot bath with epsom salt daily
Epsom salt pack daily twice
Mustard powder pack daily twice

.....Health Naturally - 376.....

Knee pack for 45-60minutes
Neutral imerssion bath with epsom salt for 20 minutes
Massage therapy:

Partial massage to the joints with Infra red rays

Partial massage to the joints with steam
Mud therapy:
Mud application on the joints for 30 minutes
Hot mud packs to the joints for 20 minutes
Diet therapy:
AVIOD: milk and milk products
6am : hot honey water
7am : ginger tea
8am : papaya, 4 dates, carrot juice

1pm : 2 chapatis, boiled vegs, papaya

4pm : tender coconut water
6.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : ginger tea
Yoga therapy
Shithalikarna vyayama
Standing series
relaxation technique

Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 377.....

Prone series

Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma

OHM meditation
A, U, M kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 378.....



Low back pain (sometimes referred to as lumbago) is a common
symptom of musculoskeletal disorders or of
disorders involving the lumbar vertebrae and
related soft tissue structures such as muscles,
ligaments, nerves and Intervertebral discs.
Pain in the lower back or low back pain
is a common concern. Low back pain is not a
specific disease. Rather, it is a symptom that
In upoccur
may to 85%
from varietywith
of apeople low back
of different pain, despite a thorough medical

examination, no specific cause of the pain can be identified.

Low back pain is second only to the common cold as a cause of
lost days at work. It is also one of the most common reasons to visit a

.....Health Naturally - 379.....

For 90% of people, even those with nerve root irritation, their
symptoms will improve within two months no matter what treatment is
used, even if no treatment is given.

It can be either acute, sub acute or chronic in duration. Most often,

the symptoms of low back pain show significant improvement within a
few weeks from onset with conservative measures.
It is of 3 types according to its clinical presentation.
acute (less than 4 weeks)
sub acute (412 weeks)
chronic ( greater than 12 weeks)

Acute low back pain:

Acute or short-term low back pain generally lasts from a few
days to a few weeks.

An acute lower back injury is the result of trauma to the lower
back. Pain from trauma may be caused
By a sports injury,

Work around the house or in the garden,

A sudden jolt such as a car accident
Other stress on spinal bones and tissues.
It occurs suddenly and its victims will usually be able to pinpoint exactly
when it happened. In acute cases, the structures damaged will more
than likely be soft tissue. With a serious accident, osteoporosis or
other causes of weakened vertebral bones, vertebral fractures in the
lumbar spine may also occur. At the lowest end of the spine, some patients
may have tailbone pain (also called coccyx pain or coccydynia). Others
may have pain from their sacroiliac joint, where the spinal column attaches
to the pelvis, called sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

.....Health Naturally - 380.....


Muscle ache to shooting or stabbing pain,

Limited flexibility
Limited range of motion,
Unable to stand straight.
Chronic lower back pain:
Usually has a more insidious
onset, occurring over a long period of time.
Most cases of lower back pain are due to skeletal
referred to asornon specific low back pain.
musculo-ligamentous and full
injuryThe are

differential diagnosis however includes many other less

common conditions.
o Apophyseal osteoarthritis
o Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
o Degenerative discs
o Scheuermanns kyphosis
o Spinal disc herniation (slipped disc)
o Spinal stenosis
o Spondylolisthesis and other congenital abnormalities
o Fractures
o Leg length difference

o Restricted hip motion

o Misaligned pelvis - pelvic obliquity, anteversion or retroversion

.....Health Naturally - 381.....

o Seronegative spondylarthritides (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis)
o Rheumatoid arthritis
o Infection - epidural abscess or osteomyelitis
o Bone tumors (primary or metastatic)
o Intradural Spinal tumors
o Osteoporotic fractures
o Osteomalacia
o Ochronosis
o Chondrocalcinosis
o Tension myositis syndrome
Pagets disease
Referred pain:
o Pelvic/abdominal disease
o Prostate Cancer
o Posture

oxygen deprivation
People with low back pain may experience some of the following:
o Back pain may be worse with bending and lifting.
o Sitting may worsen pain.
o Standing and walking may worsen pain

.....Health Naturally - 382.....

o Back pain comes and goes, and often follows an up and
down course with good days and bad days.
o Pain may extend from the back
into the buttock or outer hip area,
but not down the leg.
back pain does
Regardless of your

weeks, or isweight
unexpected associated you should
loss, with fever, chills,
call your

1) Medical History and Physical Examination

After discussing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor

will examine your back. This will include looking at your back and
pushing on different areas to see if it hurts. Your doctor may have
you bend forward, backward, and side to side to look for limitations
or pain.
Your doctor may measure the nerve function in your legs. This
includes checking your reflexes at your knees and ankles, as well as
strength testing and sensation testing. This might tell your doctor if
the nerves are seriously affected.
2) Imaging Tests
Other tests which may help your doctor confirm your diagnosis
X-rays: Although they only visualize bones, simple X-rays can
help determine if you have the most obvious causes of back
pain. It will show broken bones, aging changes, curves, or
deformities. X-rays do not show disks, muscles, or nerves.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This study can create
better images of soft tissues, such as muscles, nerves, and spinal

.....Health Naturally - 383.....

disks. Conditions such as a herniated disk or an infection are
more visible in an MRI scan.
Computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans: If your doctor
suspects a bone problem, he or she may suggest a CAT scan.
This study is like a three-dimensional X-ray and focuses on the
Bone scan: A bone scan may be suggested if your doctor needs
more information to evaluate your pain and to make sure that
the pain is not from a rare problem like cancer or infection.
Bone density test: If osteoporosis is a concern, your doctor
may order a bone density test. Osteoporosis weakens bone and
makes it more likely to break. Osteoporosis by itself should not
cause back pain, but spinal fractures due to osteoporosis can.

Neutral spinal bath with salt for 25-30 minutes daily.

Hot hip bath with salt for 15 minutes daily
Hot water compress on the lower back daily twice for an
Hot fomentation for 15 minutes every 3 hours
Steam bath for 15 minutes alternate days
Neutral immersion bath with salt for 20 minutes alternate days.
Warm water enema
Massage therapy:

Partial light massage on the lower back with infra red radiation.
Mud therapy:
Hot mud pack on the lower back.

.....Health Naturally - 384.....

Diet therapy:
6am : methi water
7am : figs water (soak 3 figs in 200ml water overnight,
grind and strain)
8am : carrot juice, 4 dates
1pm : 2 wheat rotis, boiled vegs, 4 garlic roasted in ghee
4pm : tender coconut water
6.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya, 4 dates
9.30pm : lime juice with jaggery
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing Series
Supine series

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series


.....Health Naturally - 385.....

Suptavajrasana Vakrasana
Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
It may not be possible to prevent low back pain. We cannot avoid the
normal wear and tear on our spines that goes along with aging. But
there are things we can do to lessen the impact of low back problems.
Having a healthy lifestyle is a good start.

Combine aerobic exercise, like walking or swimming, with
specific exercises to keep the muscles in your back and abdomen
strong and flexible.
Proper Lifting

Be sure to lift heavy items with your legs, not your back. Do not
bend over to pick something up. Keep your back straight and bend
at your knees. Avoid twisting your body while lifting. Push rather
than pull when you must move heavy objects.
Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts added stress
on your lower back.

.....Health Naturally - 386.....

Avoid Smoking
Both the smoke and the nicotine cause your spine to age faster
than normal.
Wear flat shoes or shoes with low heels (1 inch or lower).
Proper Posture

Good posture is important for avoiding

future problems. If you must sit at your desk
or at the wheel of a car or truck for long hours,
break up the time with stops to stretch.
o Sit in chairs with straight backs or low
back support. Keep your knees a little
higher than your hips. Adjust the seat or
use a low stool to prop your feet on. Turn
by moving your whole body rather than by twisting at your waist.

o When driving, sit straight and move the seat forward. This
helps you not lean forward to reach the controls. You may want
to put a small pillow or rolled towel behind your lower back if
you must drive or sit for a long time.

o If you must stand for long periods, rest 1 foot on a low stool
to relieve pressure on your lower back. Every 5 to 15 minutes,
switch the foot youre resting on the stool. Maintain good posture:
Keep your ears, shoulders and hips in a straight line, with your
head up and your stomach pulled in.
o The best way to sleep is on your side with your knees
bent. You may put a pillow under your head to support your
neck. You may also put a pillow between your knees. If you
sleep on your back, put pillows under your knees and a small
pillow under your lower back. Dont sleep on your stomach
unless you put a pillow under your hips. Use a firm mattress. If
your mattress is too soft, use a board of 1/2-inch plywood under
the mattress to add support.

.....Health Naturally - 387.....

The best position for relief when your back hurts is to lie on your back
on the floor with pillows under your knees, with your hips and knees
bent and your feet on a chair or just with your hips and knees bent. This
takes the pressure and weight off your back.

Heating pads can help to relax painful muscle spasms. Use heat for 20
to 30 minutes at a time. Ice packs and massages may also give relief.
You may need 1 to 2 days of this sort of rest for a hurt back.
Resting longer than this can cause your muscles to weaken, which
can slow your recovery. Even if it hurts, walk around for a few minutes
every hour to help keep your back muscles strong.

.....Health Naturally - 388.....



Sciatica (or sciatic neuritis) is a set of symptoms including pain that
may be caused by general compression and/or
irritation of one of five nerve roots that give rise
to the sciatic nerve, or by compression or
irritation of the sciatic nerve itself. The pain is
felt in the lower back, buttock, and/or various
parts of the leg and foot. In addition to pain, which
is sometimes severe, there may be numbness,
muscular weakness, pins and needles
or tingling and leg. Typically,
thedifficulty in movingthe or

symptoms are only felt on one side of

the body.
The sciatic nerve is the largest and
longest nerve in the body. It runs from
the lower back region through the

.....Health Naturally - 389.....

buttock and continues down the back of the leg. The sciatic nerve controls
the movement of many muscles in the thigh and leg as well as provides
a means of sensory input to the brain. When the sciatic nerve becomes
irritated and inflamed, it results in sciatica.
Sciatic nerve distribution
Sciatica is generally caused by the compression of lumbar nerves L4
or L5 or sacral nerves S1, S2 or S3, or far less commonly, by
compression of the sciatic nerve itself.
While sciatica is most commonly a result of a
Disc herniation directly pressing on the nerve, any cause of
irritation or inflammation of this nerve can reproduce the symptoms of
sciatica. These causes include irritation of the nerve from adjacent bone,
tumors, muscle, internal bleeding, infections, injury, and other causes.
Spinal stenosis
Piriformis syndrome
Trigger points

Sciatica may also be experienced in pregnancy, primarily

resulting from the uterus pressing on the sciatic nerve,
and, secondarily, from the muscular tension and/or
vertebral compression consequent to carrying the extra
weight of the fetus, and the postural changes inherent to pregnancy.
Long hours of standing, sitting, using machines in a single positions,
sitting on wallets,etc

Sciatica causes

.....Health Naturally - 390.....

A burning sensation,
Tingling radiating from the lower back and upper buttock down
the back of the thigh to the back of the leg.
Difficulty in walking
Skin areas of the lower limbs innervated by various spinal nerves.
Symptoms of sciatica are aggravated by walking or bending at
the waist and relieved by lying down.
Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting
Burning or tingling down the leg
Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
A constant pain on one side of the rear
A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up
Sciatica is diagnosed with a
Physical exam and medical history.
The typical symptoms and certain examination maneuvers help
the health-care practitioner to diagnose sciatica.
X-rays, films,
CT scan,
MRI scan, and

Dermatomes of lower limbs.


Hot fomentation on the back for an hour daily thrice

.....Health Naturally - 391.....

Ice pack on the painful areas daily thrice
Hot leg pack for an hour daily twice
Neutral spinal bath with salt for 20 minutes daily
Neutral spinal spray for 15 minutes
Steam bath daily
Sauna bath
Warm water enema
Massage therapy:

Partial light massage to low back and legs with infra red
Mud therapy:
Hot mud pack on the painful areas
Diet therapy:
6am : hot water with 2-3 crushed garlic
7am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in 200ml water
overnight, grind and strain)
8am : papaya, 4 dates
11am : tender coconut water
1pm : raw salad, curd
4pm : carrot juice
6.30pm : brown rice, soup and papaya
9.30pm : ginger tea
Yoga therapy:
Standing Series

.....Health Naturally - 392.....

Supine series
Matsyasana (lying down)
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 393.....



Lumbar spondylosis is a degenerative disorder of the lower spine
caused by a fibrous or bony union developing across the vertebral
joints (the place where two of the bones of the lower back meet).
Lumbar spondylosis can cause damage to the spinal structure, and impede
movement or proper functioning.
In this condition the interfacetal joints are not involved. If severe, it may
cause pressure on nerve roots with subsequent sensory and/or motor
disturbances, such as pain, paresthesia, or muscle weakness in the limbs.
The vertebrae consist of individual bones which are joined together by
discs which absorb shock, allow movement and provide cushioning.

.....Health Naturally - 394.....

The major weight bearing area of the body is the lumbar region.
Degenerative disease like spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) can
compromise the structural integrity of the spine affecting multiple joints.
This is accompanied by overgrowth of bone and the formation of bone

Women are affected more than men.

Risk factors for developing lumbar spondylosis include
1) Age: As a person ages the healing ability of the body decreases
and developing arthritis at that time can make the disease progress
much faster. Persons over 40 years of age are more prone to developing
lumbar spondylosis.
2) Obesity: Overweight puts excess load on the joints as the
lumbar region carries most of the bodys weight, making aperson prone
to lumbar spondylosis.
3) Sitting for prolonged periods: Sitting in one position for
prolonged time which puts pressure on the lumbar vertebrae.
4) Prior injury: Trauma makes a person more susceptible to
developing lumbar spondylosis.
5) Heredity or Family history
6) Carrying around excessive weight can cause lumbar
The symptoms associated with lumbar spondylosis can vary with activity
levels and weather influences.
Morning stiffness is a common complaint of lumbar
Stiffness and pain in the lower back pain that runs into the
pelvis area and buttocks (sciatica) may be a major component
in lumbar spondylosis.
.....Health Naturally - 395.....
It may become very painful to lift any weight or bend making it
sometimes difficult to perform basic daily activities.
Bowel/bladder changes, muscle spasms, extremity sensation and
motor function.
Sleeping or lying down can get painful Tingling in the legs or
Lower back pain and/or foot pain can also be a symptom.
Pain caused by walking is a symptom.
Standing still may be painful

Skin areas of the lower limbs innervated by various spinal nerves.

Dermatomes of lower limbs.

Physical examination with few tests
X-rays can show if there is a narrowing of the canal.
CT scans can reveal the shape of the spinal canal, hypertrophy
of the ligmentum flavum and hernias of the discs.

.....Health Naturally - 396.....

MRIs can show if there is foraminal narrowing or root
Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes daily
Neutral spinal spray.
Hot and cold compress 2 minutes hot and 1 minute cols daily
twice if theres severe pain.
Neutral hip bath for 20 minutes daily twice
Neutral immersion bath for 20 minutes with Epsom salt
Warm water enema
Hot fomentation daily thrice
Steam bath for 20 minutes
Sauna bath for 15 minutes.
Massage therapy:
Oil application with Infrared radiation
Light massage with steam radiation.
Mud therapy:
Hot mud application on the back
Diet therapy:
6am : methi water
7am : tender coconut water
9am : papaya, 4 figs, 4 dates, 4 almonds
1pm : dahlia, boiled vegs, papaya
4pm : carrot juice
6.30pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, papaya

.....Health Naturally - 397.....

Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing Series:

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique
Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique
Surya anuloma viloma
Suryabedhana Nadishodana
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 398.....



Frozen shoulder, medically referred to as adhesive capsulitis,

is a disorder in which the shoulder capsule, the connective tissue
surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder, becomes inflamed
and stiff, greatly restricting motion and causing chronic pain.
Adhesive capsulitis is a painful and disabling condition that
often causes great frustration for patients and caregivers due to slow
recovery. Movement of the shoulder is severely restricted. Pain is
usually constant, worse at night, when the weather is colder, and
along with the restricted movement can make even small tasks impossible.
Certain movements can cause sudden onset of tremendous pain and
cramping that can last several minutes.

.....Health Naturally - 399.....

This condition, for which an exact cause is unknown, can last from
five months to three years or more and is thought in some cases to be
caused by injury or trauma to the area. It is believed that it may have an
autoimmune component, with the body attacking healthy tissue in the
capsule. There is also a lack of fluid in the joint, further restricting
In addition to difficulty with everyday tasks, people who suffer from
adhesive capsulitis usually experience problems sleeping for extended
periods due to pain that is worse at night and restricted movement/
positions. The condition also can lead to depression, pain, and problems
in the neck and back. There are a number of risk factors for frozen
shoulder, including diabetes, stroke, accidents, lung disease, connective
tissue disorders, and heart disease. The condition very rarely appears in
people under 40.


For some reason, the shoulder joint becomes stiff and scarred.
Frozen shoulder is the result of inflammation, scarring, thickening, and
shrinkage of the capsule that surrounds the normal shoulder joint. The
shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint. The ball is the top of the arm
bone (the humeral head), and the socket is part of the shoulder blade
(the glenoid). Surrounding this ball-and-socket joint is a capsule of tissue
that envelops the joint.
o Normally, the shoulder joint allows more motion than any other
joint in the body.
o When a patient develops a frozen shoulder, the capsule that
surrounds the shoulder joint
becomes contracted.
o The
called form
bands of scar

o The contraction of the capsule

and the formation of the

.....Health Naturally - 400.....

adhesions cause the frozen shoulder to become stiff and cause
movement to become painful.
Any injury to the shoulder can lead to frozen shoulder, including tendonitis,
bursitis, and rotator cuff injury
o Age & Gender

Frozen shoulder most commonly affects patients between the

ages of 40 to 60 years old, and it is twice as common in women
as in men.
o Endocrine Disorders
Patients with diabetes are at particular risk for developing a
frozen shoulder. Other endocrine abnormalities, such as thyroid problems,
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, can also lead to this condition.
o Shoulder Trauma or Surgery
Patients who sustain a shoulder injury, or undergo surgery on
the shoulder can develop a frozen shoulder joint. When injury or surgery
is followed by prolonged joint immobilization, the risk of developing a
frozen shoulder is highest.
o Other Systemic Conditions
Several systemic conditions such as heart disease and
Parkinsons disease have also been associated with an increased risk
for developing a frozen shoulder.
There are several theories as to why FSS may develop;
Hormonal - It occurs more commonly in females about the
same time as the menopause
Genetic - Several studies have indicated a genetic component
for developing a frozen shoulder. For example, there have been

.....Health Naturally - 401.....

cases where identical twins have suffered at the exact same
time. It is also a condition that can run in the family.
.Autoimmune - There is a theory that the body mounts a
rejection type reaction to damaged shoulder tendons,
perceiving them to be foreign material. This may also explain
why it does not return on the same side.

Postural - The most convincing study results yet have indicated

that long-standing round-shouldered posture causes a
shortening in one of the shoulder ligaments. This chronic
ligamentous shortening seems to be very closely associated with
the Frozen Shoulder.
With a frozen shoulder, one sign is that the joint becomes so tight and
stiff that it is nearly impossible to carry out simple movements, such as
raising the arm. The movement that is most severely inhibited is external
rotation of the shoulder.
People complain that the stiffness and pain worsen at night. Pain due to
frozen shoulder is usually dull or aching. It can be worsened with
attempted motion. Physicians have described the normal course
of a frozen shoulder as having three stages:
Stage one: The freezing or painful stage, which may
last from six weeks to nine months, and in which the patient
has a slow onset of pain. As the pain worsens, the shoulder
loses motion.
Stage two: The frozen or adhesive stage is marked by
a slow improvement in pain but the stiffness remains. This
stage generally lasts four months to nine months.
Stage three: The thawing or recovery, when shoulder
motion slowly returns toward normal. This generally lasts
five months to 26 months.

.....Health Naturally - 402.....

A doctor can diagnose frozen shoulder based on the patients symptoms
and a physical examination.
Frozen shoulder can be diagnosed if limits to the active range of
motion (range of motion from active use of muscles) are the same or
almost the same as the limits to the passive range of motion (range of
motion from a person manipulating the arm and shoulder).
physical examination
o Warm water enema alternate days
o Ice packs daily twice for 5-10 mins
o Hot fomentation daily twice for 10 mins
o Steam bath for 15 mins alternate days
Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage with steam
o Partial massage to shoulders followed by infra-red radiations.
Mud therapy:
o Hot mud applications daily once
Diet therapy:
6am : herbal tea
8am : carrot juice and 5 dates
1pm : 2 wheat rotis, boiled vegs, salad
4pm : tender coconut water
6.30pm : dahlia, boiled vegs, papaya
9.30pm : ginger tea

.....Health Naturally - 403.....

Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing Series


Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series


Deep relaxation technique

Surya anuloma viloma

.....Health Naturally - 404.....

A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
yoga nidra


Diligent physical therapy includes ultrasound, electric stimulation, range
of-motion exercise maneuvers, ice packs, and eventually strengthening

Face a wall about three-quarters of an arms length away from it. Using
only your fingers (not your shoulder muscles), raise your arm up to
shoulder level. Perform sets of 10 to 20 exercises at each session.

The arm is hung downward and rotated in large circles in order to regain
shoulder range of motion.

.....Health Naturally - 405.....

Take a 3 foot long towel, grasp it with both hands, and hold it in the
horizontal position. Use the upper, good arm, to pull the affected arm
toward the lower back. This can be repeated with the towel at a 45
angle. Perform sets of 10 to 20 stretches at each session.

.....Health Naturally - 406.....



Cervical spondylosis is degeneration of the disks and vertebrae
in the neck, putting pressure on (compressing) the spinal cord in the
Cervical spondylosis is a disorder caused by abnormal wear on
the cartilage and bones of the neck (cervical vertebrae). The tissue
wears away (degeneration) and mineral deposits form in the cushions
between the vertebrae (cervical disks).
Degenerative changes are common in the
cervical spine. The degenerative process begins
in the intervertebral discs and affects the posterior
intervertebral joints secondarily, causing pain and
stiffness of the neck, sometimes with referred
symptoms in an upper limb.
It is common in the middle aged and elderly, doing prolonged
work with neck in flexed position.

.....Health Naturally - 407.....

Alternative Names of Cervical Spondylosis:
Cervical osteoarthritis, Neck arthritis
o Major risk factor is aging. By age 60,
70% of women and 85% of men show
on x-ray. with cervical

o Cervical spondylosis results from chronic degeneration of

the cervical spine including the cushions between the neck
vertebrae (cervical disks) and joints between the bones of
the cervical spine.
o There may be abnormal growths or spurs on the vertebrae
(the bones of the spine). These accumulated changes caused
by degeneration can gradually compress one or more of the
nerve roots. This can lead to increasing pain in the neck and
arm, weakness, and changes in sensation. In advanced cases,
the spinal cord becomes involved. This can affect not just
the arms, but the legs as well.
o A previous neck injury which may have occurred several
years prior can lead to spondylosis. But the major risk factor
is aging.
o Other factors that can make a person more likely to develop
spondylosis are:
o Severe arthritis
o Past spine surgery
the itback,
As the spinal
runs from the brain

protected by ring like bones,

.....Health Naturally - 408.....

called vertebrae, stacked one upon the other.
The vertebrae are not in direct contact with one another, however.
The intervening spaces are filled with structures called disks.
The disks are made up of a tough, fibrous outer tissue with an
inner core of elastic or gel-like tissue.
One of the most important functions of disks is protecting the
vertebrae and the nerves and blood vessels between the
The disks also lend flexibility to the spinal cord, facilitating
movements such as turning the head or bending the neck.
As people age, disks gradually become tougher and more
Disks also shrink with age, which reduces the amount of padding
between the vertebrae.
As the amount of padding shrinks, the spine loses stability. The
vertebrae react by constructing osteophytes, commonly known
as bone spurs.
There are seven vertebrae in the neck; development of
osteophytes on these bones is sometimes called cervical
Osteophytes may help to stabilize the degenerating backbone
and help protect the spinal cord.
Headaches, particularly in the back of the head
Loss of balance
Loss of control over the
bladder or bowels (if spinal
cord is compressed)
Loss of sensation or
abnormal sensations of the

.....Health Naturally - 409.....

shoulders, arms, or (rarely) legs
Neck pain (may radiate to the arms or shoulder)
Neck stiffness that gets worse over time
Weakness of the arms or (rarely) legs
Diagnosis involves:
Physical Examination often shows limited ability to flex the head
to the side (bend the head toward the shoulder) and limited ability
to rotate the head. Weakness or sensation losses indicate damage
to specific nerve roots or to the spinal cord. Reflexes are often
A spine or neck x-ray shows abnormalities that indicate cervical
A CT scan or spine MRI confirms the diagnosis.
A myelogram (x-ray or CT scan after injection of dye into the
spinal column) may be recommended to clearly identify the extent
of injury.
An EMG may also be recommended.
An x-ray of the lower (lumbar) spine may reveal degenerative
changes in this region.
Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes daily
Neutral spinal spray.
Hot and cold compress 2 minutes hot and 1 minute cols daily
twice if theres severe pain.
Neutral neck pack for 30 minutes daily twice
Warm water enema
Hot fomentation daily thrice

.....Health Naturally - 410.....

Steam bath for 20 minutes
Sauna bath for 15 minutes.
Massage therapy:
Oil application with Infrared radiation
Light massage with steam radiation.
Mud therapy:
Hot mud application on the neck
Diet therapy:
6am : lime juice with honey
8am : carrot juice papaya
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : 2 rotis, boiled vegs, salad
4pm : apple juice
6.30pm : jowar roti, boiled vegs, soup
9.30pm : warm water with honey and piplamool
Yoga therapy:
Sukshma vyayama
Standing Series
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 411.....

Prone series
Sitting series
Deep relaxation technique
Surya anuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
This is the movement of bringing the head forward so that the chin hits
the chest and your face is staring straight down at the floor. Do slowly
five times.
This exercise stretches the structures at the back of
the cervical spine, which are often kept in a tight
become shortened daystop
in normal and to day
neck moving can then

.....Health Naturally - 412.....

To make this more difficult you can retract the neck slightly to start with
(see below) and then flex the head forward, increasing the stretch on
the neck. Forward head flexion is great for those patients who suffer
from hypertonic cervical parapinals- which is essentially pain in the back
of the neck.
This exercise can be progressed by adding gentle
pressure with your hands behind your head to hold
the end range position. Hold time can be up to 1
minute or until headache resolves. This exercise can
be modified
stretch to by
to bending retracting
neck to endtorange
chinforward bias

This is the movement of allowing the head to go back until the face is
looking directly at the ceiling. Dont do this movement fast or forcefully
as it forces all the small joints at the back of the
neck into an extreme position. This wont do them
any harm but might increase your pain.
Allow your neck to ease back steadily as you do
this, leaving your neck at the end of the movement
for a few seconds.
NB If you feel dizzy when you do this leave it out.
Dizziness, especially if you are older, might indicate
that the blood vessels in your neck are being squeezed by the position.
Turn your head slowly round to one side until it cannot easily go any
further. Once you have done five to one side do the other. Do not go
from one side to the other in the individual
movements or roll your neck about.
Holda few
neck atasthe
is the
of the

.....Health Naturally - 413.....

part of the movement to maintain or increase your movement. If you
feel dizzy when you do this leave it out. Dizziness, especially if you are
older, might indicate that the blood vessels in your neck are being
squeezed by the position.
Side Bend
Side bends increase your side-to-side
flexibility. Start by lacing your fingers together
and pointing your elbows outward. Bend at
the waist, tilting your body to one side as far
in yousame
as the can. Then
direction. your head
bendRepeat on your
and neck
other side. Repeat this exercise

10 times.
Sit and Twist
This exercise increases the flexibility of your
entire spine. To begin, lace your fingers
Slowly and point
gently your
twist elbows
at your waist,outward.

your head and neck to the same side. Repeat

toward the other side. Repeat this exercise
10 times.
Side / Lateral flexions (Tilt)
Keep your head facing straight forward and try and tip your ear down
towards the same shoulder. Its difficult to do this well and without rotating
to one side. Shes doing pretty well in the picture, just lifting her chin up
a little more than ideal. This movement is quite severe on the neck joints
so dont go hard at the exercise. Dont move from side to side in the
movement as that stops you getting to the ends of the neck range and
may aggravate your joints.
This movement is quite severe
on the neck joints so dont go
hard at the exercise. Dont
move from side to side in the

.....Health Naturally - 414.....

movement as that stops you getting to the ends of the neck range and
may aggravate your joints.
Neck Retraction (Chicken Tuck)
This is one of the most useful neck movements as it counteracts the
tendency we all have of allowing our heads to poke forwards in a poor
posture. Shes showing the extreme position of poking chin here.
When are
which many
of us
lot ofup

slightly. This gives a continual flexion (bending)

posture to the lower neck and an extension
(arching) posture to the upper neck. Over time the
tissues can shorten and give us stiffness and pain.
Typical pains are in the neck, upper shoulders, but
this posture can also give you headaches. Heres the end point of the
movement. Keep your face straight on during the whole movement,
drawing the head back and the chin down slightly.
Do chins tuck. Keeping your chin parallel to the
ground, bring your head straight back until you
feel a pull at the top of the back of the neck
where it connects to the base of the skull
If you get it right, you will look funny, rather like
a sergeant-major in an exaggerated military neck
posture. If you do it in public people will either laugh or give you funny
looks! The whole movement is like the forward and back movement
that chickens make. Hold the movement at the
extreme of the backward posture for a few seconds.
This exercise may be progressed by adding gentle
pressure with your fingertips on your chin to hold the
end range position.
With this next cervical strengthening exercise place
your hand against the side of your head. Try to bring

.....Health Naturally - 415.....

to your ear to your shoulder,
5 seconds
Repeat and
side. Hold

For this neck stretching exercise you want to stand with you feet shoulder
width apart and place your hands behind your head. Bend from side to
side, making sure to bend only with the upper
back area and not with the waist or hips. Try
to reach the upper elbow to the ceiling. Hold
each movement for 3-5 seconds. Now do the
same thing with the left side.
In the final cervical strengthening exercise,
put your right hand against the right temple.
Attempt to turn your chin to your right
shoulder, resisting the motion. Repeat this on the left side. Hold for 5
seconds, and then relax slowly. Do these neck exercise 3 times.

.....Health Naturally - 416.....



Oligospermia or oligozoospermia, refers to semen with a

low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility
Oligospermia can also be defined as less number of sperm in
the ejaculate of the male or less than 20 million sperm per
Normal Sperm count: 20 million / milliliter to 120 million / milliliter

.....Health Naturally - 417.....

Sperm count below 20 million/ml called Oligospermia.
Oligospermia is one of the main causes of male infertility or
sub-fertility. Oligospermia can be the result of many factors, some are
permanent and some are reversible. Causes of oligospermia include an
obstruction of the normal flow of sperm due to such conditions as
testicular trauma and vasectomy. Oligospermia may also result from
scarring due to surgery on the male reproductive system or from
infection and sexually transmitted diseases.
Oligospermia can be the result of many factors, some are permanent
and some are reversible. Causes of oligospermia include
An obstruction of the normal flow of sperm due to such
conditions as testicular trauma and vasectomy.
o Oligospermia may also result from scarring due to surgery on
the male reproductive system or from infection and sexually
transmitted diseases.
A decrease in sperm production is another cause of
oligospermia. This can be due to such conditions as
o Varicoceles,
o hormonal disorders,
o diseases of the testicles, and
o Obesity.
Other causes of oligospermia include
o Stress,
o smoking,
o drug or alcohol use,
o some medications,
o exposure to some toxins,
o Malnutrition and being underweight.

.....Health Naturally - 418.....

o Some sexually transmitted disease, such as Chlamydia, and
gonorrhea can also result in oligospermia
o High fever
o High temperatures

Some other Causes for low sperm count:

o Infected semen
o Heat (Heat reduces total sperm production. Hence tight
underpants, bathing into very hot water, sitting for long hours, In
which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count)
o Very frequent semen ejaculations also lead to the lowered sperm
count and man may become effectively infertile. Hence by
maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations
keeps a man more fertile.
o Varicoceles.
o Hydrocele
o Infections present in prostate gland.
o Malformed genital organs.
o Toxic pollutant
o Zinc deficiency
o Anabolic steroid use
The primary symptoms of oligospermia are,
o Sub-fertility or infertility.
Other symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause of
In sexually transmitted diseases symptoms can include
o burning with urination,
o testicular pain and
o A thick discharge from the penis.

.....Health Naturally - 419.....

With a varicocele, symptoms may include
o dilated veins in the scrotum and
o swelling of the scrotum
The diagnosis of oligospermia is based on one low count in a semen
o Routine laboratory tests include a CBC, urinalysis, chemistry
panel, thyroid profile, VDRL test, and sperm count.
o If there is a urethral discharge, a smear and culture should be
o If the sperm count reveals oligospermia on two separate
specimens, referral should be made to a urologist or
endocrinologist for further evaluation.
o Additional tests that can be ordered include blood tests for LH,
FSH, and testosterone.
o Additional tests of pituitary function may be indicated.
o Karyotype testing and sperm function tests may be needed.
o If these are normal, a testicular biopsy may need to be done.
o Ultrasonography of the testicles may be helpful.
o Cold hip bath daily 20 for mins
o Cold immersion bath with friction twice weekly
o Kidney pack for 30 mins twice weekly
o Pelvic pack for 30-45 mins twice weekly.
o Warm enema twice weekly
o Wet girdle pack 30 minutes daily thrice
Massage therapy:

o Full body oil massage weekly once

.....Health Naturally - 420.....
o Partial lower abdominal massage weekly twice
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath once a week
o Mud pack on the lower abdomen
Diet therapy
o 6AM : coconut water
o 8am : 4 dry figs, 10 almonds, warm milk with 1 tea
spoon asparagus, and 1 tea spoon ashwagandha,
and wheat germ dahlia
o 11am : chew 2-3 mosambi
o 1pm : 2 wheat Soya chapatis, boiled vegs, moong dhal
sprouts, salad, curds, 4 roasted garlic in 1 sp ghee.
o 4 pm : fruits and 4 walnuts
o 6 pm : 2 millet (ragi) rotis with ghee and boiled vegs
o 9.30pm : warm milk with 1 tea spoon asparagus, and 1 tea
spoon ashwagandha,
Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Standing series
Supine series

.....Health Naturally - 421.....

Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series


Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 422.....



Prostate Enlargement is common disease in old age. Generally the

prostate gland become enlarged as
a man ages.
benign prostatic
call this(BPH),

benign prostatic hypertrophy.

What is the prostate gland?

The prostate is a small organ located at the base of the bladder and
wrapped around the urethra, the tube that empties the bladder through
the penis. It sits in front of the rectum, and the back portion of the
organ can be felt during rectal examination by a health care practitioner.
The prostates purpose is to help with the male reproductive
system. It makes up to 70% of the fluid that is ejaculated during
intercourse, mixing its secretions with the sperm that are made
in the testicles. The prostate also contracts at the time of ejaculation
to prevent retrograde (or backward) flow of semen into the

.....Health Naturally - 423.....

Because of its location, the symptoms of any prostate problem tend to
be associated with the bladder and can include urgency to urinate,
frequency of urination, burning with urination (dysuria), poor urine
flow, or inability to begin a urine stream.

As a man matures, the prostate goes through two main periods of growth.
The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. At
around age 25, the gland begins to grow again. This second growth
phase often results, years later, in BPH.

Though the prostate continues to grow during most of a mans life, the
enlargement doesnt usually cause problems until late in life. BPH
rarely causes symptoms before age 40, but more than half of men in
their sixties and as many as 90 percent in their seventies and
eighties have some symptoms of BPH.

As the prostate enlarges,

o The layer of tissue surrounding it stops it from expanding,
o Causing the gland to press against the urethra like a clamp
on a garden hose.
o The bladder wall becomes thicker and irritable.

.....Health Naturally - 424.....

o The bladder begins to contract even when it contains small
amounts of urine, causing more frequent urination.
o Eventually, the bladder weakens and loses the ability to
empty itself, so some of the urine remains in the bladder.

o The narrowing of the urethra and partial emptying of the

bladder cause many of the problems associated with BPH.
Many people feel uncomfortable talking about the prostate, since the
gland plays a role in both sex and urination. Still, prostate enlargement
is as common a part of aging as grey hair. As life expectancy rises, so
does the occurrence of BPH.
The cause of BPH is not well understood. No definite information on
risk factors exists. For centuries, it has been known that BPH occurs
mainly in older men and that it doesnt develop in men whose testes
were removed before puberty.
o For this reason, some researchers believe that factors related to
aging and the testes may spur the development of BPH.

o Throughout their lives, men produce testosterone, an important

male hormone, and small amounts of estrogen, a female
o As men age, the amount of active testosterone in the blood
decreases, leaving a higher proportion of estrogen. Studies done
on animals have suggested that BPH may occur because the
higher amount of estrogen within the gland increases the activity
of substances that promote cell growth.
o Another theory focuses on di-hydro-testosterone (DHT), a
substance derived from testosterone in the prostate, which may
help control its growth. Most animals lose their ability to
produce DHT as they age. However, some research has
indicated that even with a drop in the bloods testosterone level,
older men continue to produce and accumulate high levels of

.....Health Naturally - 425.....

DHT in the prostate. This accumulation of DHT may
encourage the growth of cells.

o Scientists have also noted that men who do not produce DHT
do not develop BPH.
Many symptoms of BPH stem from obstruction of the urethra and
gradual loss of bladder function, which results in incomplete
emptying of the bladder. The symptoms of BPH vary, but the most
common ones involve
changes or problems with urination,
such as a hesitant, interrupted,
weak stream urgency and
leaking or dribbling
more frequent urination, especially at night
Also headache, nervousness, lassitude, and general feeling of
Some men with greatly enlarged glands have little obstruction and few
symptoms while others, whose glands are less enlarged, have more
blockage and greater problems. Sometimes a man may not know he has
any obstruction until he suddenly finds himself unable to urinate at all.
This condition, called acute urinary retention, may be triggered by
taking over-the-counter cold or allergy medicines.

Severe BPH can cause serious problems in long run. Urine retention
and strain on the bladder can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder or
kidney damage, bladder stones, and incontinencethe inability to control
urination. If the bladder is permanently damaged, treatment for BPH
may be ineffective. When BPH is found in its earlier stages, there is a
lower risk of developing such complications.
The diagnosis of BPH requires several tests to help the doctor to identify
the problem and decide whether surgery is needed.
.....Health Naturally - 426.....
You may first notice symptoms of BPH yourself, or your doctor may
find that your prostate is enlarged during a routine checkup. When BPH
is suspected, you may be referred to an urologist, a doctor who specializes
in problems of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. Several
tests help the doctor identify the problem and decide whether surgery is
needed. The tests vary from patient to patient, but the following are the
most common.
Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)

This examination is usually the first test done. The doctor inserts
a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the part of the prostate
next to the rectum. This examination gives the doctor a general
idea of the size and condition of the gland.
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Blood Test

To rule out cancer as a cause of urinary symptoms, your doctor

may recommend a PSA blood test. PSA, a protein produced by
prostate cells, is frequently present at elevated levels in the blood
of men who have prostate cancer. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved a PSA test for use in
conjunction with a digital rectal examination to help detect prostate
cancer in men who are age 50 or older and for monitoring men
with prostate cancer after treatment.
Rectal Ultrasound and Prostate Biopsy
If there is a suspicion of prostate cancer, your doctor may
recommend a test with rectal ultrasound. In this procedure, a
probe inserted in the rectum directs sound waves at the prostate.
The echo patterns of the sound waves form an image of the
prostate gland on a display screen. To determine whether an
abnormal-looking area is indeed a tumor, the doctor can use the
probe and the ultrasound images to guide a biopsy needle to the

.....Health Naturally - 427.....

suspected tumor. The needle collects a few pieces of prostate
tissue for examination with a microscope.
Urine Flow Study
Your doctor may ask you to urinate into a special device that
measures how quickly the urine is flowing. A reduced flow often
suggests BPH.

In this examination, the doctor inserts a small tube through the

opening of the urethra in the penis. This procedure is done after
a solution numbs the inside of the penis so all sensation is lost.
The tube, called a cystoscope, contains a lens and a light system
that help the doctor see the inside of the urethra and the bladder.
This test allows the doctor to determine the size of the gland
and identify the location and degree of the obstruction.
o Hot and Cold hip bath twice daily 20 minutes
o Wet girdle pack 30 minutes daily thrice reduces swelling of the
prostrate gland.
o Kidney pack alternate days
o Hot water Epsom salt bath twice daily.
o Hot fomentation to the bladder area helps the free flow of the
Massage therapy
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage over the prostate gland reduces the swelling
Mud therapy:
o Mud packs to the lower abdomen
o Mud application to the back kidney area and lower abdomen
and pubic area.

.....Health Naturally - 428.....

Diet therapy:
Drink adequate water throughout the day. A well balanced diet comprised
fruits and vegetables. Do not drink water after night.
I. Fast on water mixed with lemon juice for three days. Take plenty of
water and use warm water enema daily during this period. Use hot and
cold applications directly on the prostate gland and its surrounding parts.
II. An all-fruit diet for further three days, with three meals a day at five
hourly intervals.
III. Thereafter, adopt a restricted diet, consisting of two meals of fruits
and one of steamed vegetables for seven days.
o 6am : ushapanam
o 7am : coriander water
o 8am : 1 bowl papaya and watermelon, 4 almonds,
sunflower or pumpkin seeds 2 spoons each and
tender coconut water
o 11am : wheat grass juice
o 1pm : fresh fruits and veg salad, boiled vegs,wheat
chapatis, buttermilk
o 4pm : barley water
o 6.30pm : raw salad,
Note: Repeat a short fast on water and lemon juice followed by an all
fruit diet and restricted diet after every two or three months.
AVOID: Meat, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and
processed foods, fried, heavy, or greasy foods and products made from
sugar and white flour.

Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Sukshma vyayama

.....Health Naturally - 429.....

Standing series

Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series

Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, Sadanta
Chandranuloma viloma

.....Health Naturally - 430.....

A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
CP minus cold hip bath, oil massage, any hot treatment and
immersion bath. Plus fasting and cold enema daily, cold chest pack and
cold sponges. Total mental and physical rest. Head wash, wet packs on
forehead, eyes and abdomen, ice bag on head. Only juices/soup and
adequate water intake.

Yoga: Kunjal & Rest.

Stomach Ulcers
(Gastric and duodenal) CP minus any hot treatments, plus abdomen packs
at night, kidney pack. Strictly no exertion, kunjal, asanas, massage etc.
on abdomen. Drink cold diluted cow milk or goats milk with honey.
Drink juice of ash gourd, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, orange, fresh butter
milk/curd (not sour), use whole flour/brown rice, banana, stewed apple.
Avoid all sour fruits, rough vegetables, lemon, guava, pulses, tomato,
tamarind, amla, sour curd, spices, chillies and maida
Yoga: Sitali, Bhramari, Shavasana, Yoga Nidra.

CP minus enema, asana, GH pack,massage plus cold water or butter

milk enema once a day and mud pack daily 2 to 4 times, kidney pack.
Take butter milk , tender coconut water, honey, ripened banana, baked
apple, fresh curd and well cooked rice. Avoid physical exercises, milk,
lemon, all other fruits and vegetables.

.....Health Naturally - 431.....

Yoga: Rest.
Skin Diseases
CP plus GH pack, mud bath, neem water bath, dry friction, cold sponge,
Epsom salt bath, full wet pack. Only fruit diet for 5 to 10 days
intermittently. Avoid sugar, salt, fried food, milk, fats and pulses.
Yoga: Kunjal (salt free), Sooryanamaskara, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana,
Paschimottanasana, Shrishasana (on apparatus), Anuloma Viloma.
Nausea, hyper acidity, severe hiccups

CP plus abdomen/trunk packs, ice bag on abdomen and cold spinal bath,
take half banana and half glass of chilled milk without sugar 3 hourly,
take half glass naturally sweet mosambi or orange juice (cold ) 4 hourly.
Keep ice cube in the mouth and chew slowly. Must not lose weight.

Yoga: Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Gomukhasana, Vakrasana, Sitali,

Enlargement of prostate glands (benign prostatic hypertrophy) CP plus
wet girdle pack and ice bag on lower abdomen daily once. Hot and cold
alternate hip bath or fomentation to abdomen and abdominal pack weekly
2/3 times. Take soothing diet. Fast one day in a week with juices 4
hourly. Avoid constipation and sexual thoughts.
Yoga: Kunjal, Laghushankha Prakshalana, Pavan Muktasana,
Shalabhasana, Paschimottanasana, Moolabandha, Ashwini Mudra,
Anuloma Viloma.

CP plus through overhauling of the whole system with fasting and enema
for 15 to 30 days followed by soup and only fruit/vegetable diet for
several days, vigorous exercises, daily 5 to 10 km brisk walk and full
control on palate. Take lemon water 35 times daily. Avoid banana, mango,
sapota, grapes, potato.

.....Health Naturally - 432.....

Yoga: Kunjal, Sooryanamaskar, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana,
Dhanurasana, Janusirasana, Kapal Bharti, Bhastrika.
Menstrual Disorders
CP plus abdomen pack every night, hot and cold hip bath (for painful and
scanty menstruation), twice a week to be done throughout the month
except during periods. Fomentation to abdomen (if bleeding is not
excessive) in case of pain, during period.
Yoga: Kunjal, Laghushanka Prakshalana, Sooryanamaskar, Chakrasana,
Dhanurasana, Matyasana, Garbhasana, Kapal Bharti, Anuloma Viloma.
Important: If the above treatment and diet control seem too much,
adopt 50% of them but concerning the disease and suitability, each case
has to be assessed individually. Hence obtain advice of Naturopath and
Yoga expert.
Note: Gastro Hepatic Pack (Yields excellent results). The Gastro Hepatic
Pack influence not only the stomach and liver but also the spleen and
pancreas though the intimate association of the circulation of these organs.
G. H. Pack Proceure: Fomentation bag filled with hot water should be
applied on the abdomen covering the last rib to the umbilicus, extending
upto the line of liver and spleen, while a cold bag is applied to the lumbar
spine. Both bags reverse application is called Kidney pack.

.....Health Naturally - 433.....



Insomnia is a symptom which can accompany several sleeps, medical
and psychiatric disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling
asleep and/or difficulty staying asleep. Insomnia is typically followed
by functional impairment while awake.

People who have insomnia may not be able to fall asleep. They may
wake up during the night and not be able to fall back asleep, or they may
wake up too early in the morning. Causes of insomnia include stress, too
much caffeine, depression, changes in work shifts, and pain from medical
problems, such as arthritis.
Although there are several different degrees of insomnia, three types of
insomnia have been clearly identified: transient, acute, and chronic.
1. Transient insomnia lasts for less than a week. It can be caused
by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, by the timing
of sleep, severe depression, or by stress. Its consequences - sleepiness

.....Health Naturally - 434.....

and impaired psychomotor performance - are similar to those of sleep
2. Acute insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a
period of less than a month.

3. Chronic insomnia lasts for approximately a month. It can be

caused by another disorder, or it can be a primary disorder. Its
effects can vary according to its causes. They might include
being unable to sleep, muscular fatigue, hallucinations, and/or
mental fatigue; but people with chronic insomnia often show
increased alertness.
1. Onset insomnia - difficulty falling asleep at the beginning of
the night often associated with anxiety disorders.
2. Middle-of-the-Night Insomnia - Insomnia characterized by
difficulty returning to sleep after awakening in the middle of the
night or waking too early in the morning. Also referred to as
nocturnal awakenings. Encompasses middle and terminal
3. Middle insomnia - waking during the middle of the night,
difficulty maintaining sleep. Often associated with pain disorders
or medical illness.
4. Terminal (or late) insomnia - early morning waking. Often a
characteristic of clinical depression.
Difficulty falling asleep despite being tired
Waking up frequently during the night
Trouble getting back to sleep when awakened
Unrefreshing sleep
Relying on sleeping pills or alcohol to fall asleep
Waking up too early in the morning

.....Health Naturally - 435.....

Daytime drowsiness, fatigue, or irritability
Difficulty concentrating during the day
Many of the causes of transient and short-term insomnia are similar
and they include:
Jet lag
Changes in shift work
Excessive or unpleasant noise
Uncomfortable room temperature (too hot or too cold)
Stressful situations in life (exam preparation,
loss of a loved one, unemployment, divorce, or separation)
Presence of an acute medical or surgical illness or hospitalization
Withdrawal from drug, alcohol, sedative, or stimulant medications
Insomnia related to high altitude (mountains)
Chronic or long-term insomnia
The majority of causes of chronic or long-term insomnia are usually
linked to an underlying psychiatric or physiologic (medical) condition.
Psychological relatedinsomnia

The most common psychological problems that may lead to insomnia

mania (bipolar disorder), and
In fact, insomnia may be an indicator of depression. Many people will
have insomnia during the acute phases of a mental illness.

.....Health Naturally - 436.....

Physiological related insomnia
Physiological causes span from circadian rhythm disorders
(disturbance of the biological clock), sleep-wake imbalance, to a variety
of medical conditions. The following are the most common medical
conditions that trigger insomnia:
Chronic pain syndromes
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Congestive heart failure
Night time angina (chest pain) from heart disease
Acid reflux disease (GERD)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Nocturnal asthma (asthma with night time breathing symptoms)
Obstructive sleep apnea
Degenerative diseases, such as Parkinsons disease and
Alzheimers disease (Often insomnia is the deciding factor for
nursing home placement.)
Brain tumors, strokes, or trauma to the brain
High risk groups for insomnia

In addition to the above medical conditions, certain groups may be at

higher risk for developing insomnia:
shift workers with frequent changing of shifts
adolescent or young adult students
pregnant women, and
menopausal women

.....Health Naturally - 437.....

Other causes of insomnia
Stimulants associated with poor sleep include caffeine and
Use of alcohol to help induce sleep
loud snoring or periodic leg movements

The doctor will begin an evaluation of insomnia with a good
medical history.
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is an example of a validated
questionnaire that can be used to assess daytime sleepiness.
Actigraphy is another technique to assess sleep-wake patterns
over time. Actigraphs are small, wrist-worn devices (about the
size of a wristwatch) that measure movement. They contain a
microprocessor and on-board memory and can provide objective
data on daytime activity.
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep

.....Health Naturally - 438.....

o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes
o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head and spine
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily
6am : lemon grass tea with honey
7am : lime juice with honey
8am : carrot juice, milk and honey
1pm : dahlia, boiled vegs, soup, salad and pudina / mint
4 pm : pomegranate juice
6.30 pm : brown rice, boiled vegetables, corn soup
9pm : cold milk with honey and powdered khus khus
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar
Standing Series
o Tadasana
o Vriksahana
o Ardhachakrasana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
o Instant relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 439.....

Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
Prone series
o Makarasana
o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Ushtrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting
o Yoga nidra
.....Health Naturally - 440.....


Obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder
characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by
repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by a
combination of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors

Like a needle getting stuck on an old record, obsessive

compulsive disorder (OCD) causes the brain to get stuck on a particular
thought or urge. For example, you may check the stove twenty times to
make sure its really turned off, youre your hands until theyre scrubbed
raw, or drive around for hours to make sure that the bump you heard
while driving wasnt a person you ran over.
Repetitive behaviors such as hand washing, counting, checking,
or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive
thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called rituals,
however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them
markedly increases anxiety.
.....Health Naturally - 441.....
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a prevalent illness that affects
23 % of the population. And the problem can be accompanied by eating
disorders, other anxiety disorders, or depression. It strikes men
and women in roughly equal numbers and usually appears in
childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood. One-third of adults with OCD
develop symptoms as children, and research indicates that OCD might
run in families. The course of the disease is quite varied. Symptoms
may come and go, ease over time, or get worse. If OCD becomes
severe, it can keep a person from working or carrying out normal
responsibilities at home. People with OCD may try to help themselves
by avoiding situations that trigger their obsessions, or they may use alcohol
or drugs to calm themselves.
These obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
are very difficult to overcome. If severe and
at OCD can
work, school, destroy the ability to function
or home.

OCD is known to run in families. However, the

complex set of genes underlying this heritability and
exactly how genes contribute to the illness are
unknown. Such genes may pose a risk for OCD by
influencing brain structure (e.g. the amount
and location of grey matter in the brain) which
in turn may impact upon an individuals ability
to perform mental tasks.
Impaired brain function in the areas of the brain
associated with stopping motor responses may
contribute to the compulsive and repetitive
behaviors that are characteristic of OCD.
This part of the brain is believed to be the area of impulse control.
Obsessions are involuntary, seemingly uncontrollable thoughts,
images, or impulses that occur over and over again in your mind.

.....Health Naturally - 442.....

You dont want to have these ideas in fact, you know that they dont
make any sense. But you cant stop them. Unfortunately, these obsessive
thoughts are usually disturbing and distracting.
Compulsionsare behaviors or rituals that you feel driven to act
out again and again. Usually, compulsions are performed in an
attempt to make obsessions go away. For example, if youre afraid
of contamination, you might develop elaborate cleaning rituals. However,
the relief never lasts. In fact, the obsessive thoughts usually come back
stronger. And the compulsive behaviors often end up causing anxiety
themselves as they become more demanding and time-consuming.
There are five main types of OCD, but a person may suffer from
more than one type of the disorder, since the traits are not exclusive.
The five types of OCD are explained below, based on symptoms that
most often appear in sufferers.
Most people with obsessive-compulsive disorder fall into one of the
following categories:
Fear of Contamination The Washers and Cleaners
Many OCD sufferers have an irrational fear of being
contaminated by germs, dirt, pathogens, or anything unclean.
This irrational fear often causes the individual to compulsively
wash and clean surfaces, take multiple showers a day, repeatedly
wash hands, and washes and rewash clothes. They are in
constant fear of becoming dirty and/or infected, and this leads
them to avoid any possible contaminants at all costs. Needless
to say, uncleanliness is this individuals most significant worry.
Fear of Catastrophe The Checkers
Some obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferers are called
checkers. These individuals live in the fear that their failure to
lock or switch something off will cause harm or disaster. As a
result, they are driven to repeatedly check locks and switches

.....Health Naturally - 443.....

around the house or office, perhaps hundreds of times a day.
These compulsive rituals are time-consuming and may prevent
the sufferer from accomplishing daily tasks. Although the person
may be aware that his fear is irrational, he is consumed by the
worry of a terrible catastrophe occurring if he forgets to complete
the rituals.
Fear of Disorder The Orderers
Some OCD patients require order. Fear of chaos is what plagues
these individuals, as they are obsessed with fixing and organizing
things in a certain order.
Fear of Horrific Thoughts The Obsessionals
These individuals are paralyzed by the fear of unwelcome or
violent thoughts, such as scenes of injuring a loved one. Often,
they experience thoughts and images that are intrusive and show
them inflicting pain onto others. These OCD
patients deal with these thoughts by compulsively counting or
repeating certain words, which develop into rituals. These rituals
are performed to take the individuals mind off the disturbing
images in his or her mind.
Fear of Discarding Items The Hoarders
Haunted by the fear of needing items that are thrown away,
hoarders collect seemingly useless objects that most would
consider as garbage. In addition, they may hoard items that are
useful, such as sugar packets or rubber bands, but to an excessive
degree and with no hopes of using them in the future.
These individuals are afraid to discard items, as they think they
may need them one day. Hoarding can cause disorderly living
conditions and an overabundance of junk in the home.
Most people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have both
obsessions and compulsions, but some people experience just one or the

.....Health Naturally - 444.....

other. The symptoms of OCD may wax and wane over time. Often, the
symptoms get worse in times of stress.
Common obsessive thoughts in OCD include:
Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating
Fear of causing harm to yourself or others
Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images
Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas
Fear of losing or not having things you might need
Order and symmetry: the idea that everything must line up just
Superstitions; excessive attention to something considered lucky
or unlucky
Common compulsive behaviors in OCD include:
Excessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances,
and switches.
Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure theyre safe.
Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other
senseless things to reduce anxiety.
Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning.
Ordering, evening out, or arranging things just so.
Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by religious
Accumulating junk such as old newspapers, magazines, and
empty food containers, or other things you dont have a use for.
Both psychological and biological factors play a role in causing the disorder.
The best guess for the cause of OCD involves improper functioning of
the brain chemical serotonin. This condition appears to be passed

.....Health Naturally - 445.....

genetically within families, although its presence is often kept secret,
and can begin quite early in life.
Psychological factors
o Behavioral Theory
o Cognitive Theory
Biological factors
o Regulating of Brain Chemistry
o Changes in Brain Chemistry
o Streptococcus and OCD
Genetic factors
Behavioral Theory
The behavioral theory suggests that people with OCD associate certain
objects or situations with fear, and that they learn to avoid the things
they fear or to perform rituals that help reduce the fear.

o This pattern of fear and avoidance/ritual may begin when people

are under periods of high emotional stress, such as starting a
new job or ending a relationship.
o At such times, we are more vulnerable to fear and anxiety. Often
things once regarded as neutral may begin to bring on feelings
of fear. For example, a person who has always been able to use
public toilets may, when under stress, make a connection between
the toilet seat and a fear of catching an illness.
o Once a connection between an object and the feeling of fear
becomes established, people with OCD avoid the things they
fear, rather than confront or tolerate the fear.
Cognitive Theory

While the behavioral theory focuses on how people with OCD make
an association between an object and fear, the cognitive theory
focuses on how people with OCD misinterpret their thoughts.

.....Health Naturally - 446.....

o Most people have intrusive or uninvited thoughts similar to those
reported by people with OCD. For example, parents under stress
from caring for an infant may have an intrusive thought of
harming the infant. Most people would be able to shrug off such
a thought. Individuals prone to developing OCD, however, might
exaggerate the importance of the thought, and respond as though
it represents an actual threat. They may think, I must be a
danger to children ifI have thoughts of harming children. This
can cause a high level of anxiety and other negative emotions,
such as shame, guilt and disgust.
o People who come to fear their own thoughts usually attempt to
neutralize feelings that arise from their thoughts. One way this
is done is by avoiding situations that might spark such thoughts.
Another way is by engaging in rituals, such as washing or praying.
Biological Factors

o Regulating of Brain Chemistry

Research into the biological causes and effects of OCD has
revealed a link between OCD and insufficient levels of the
brain chemical, serotonin. Serotonin is one of the brains
chemical messengers that transmit signals between brain
cells. Serotonin plays a role in the regulation of mood,
aggression, impulse control, sleep, appetite, body
temperature and pain. All of the medicines used to treat OCD
raise the levels of serotonin available to transmit messages.
o Changes in Brain Activity

Modern brain imaging techniques have allowed researchers to

study the activity of specific areas of the brain. Such studies
have shown that people with OCD have more than usual activity
in three areas of the brain. These are:
The caudate nucleus, specific brain cells in the basal
ganglia, located deep in the centre of the brain. This area
of the brain acts as a filter for thoughts coming in from other

.....Health Naturally - 447.....

areas. The caudate nucleus is also considered to be important in
managing habitual and repetitive behaviors. When OCD is
successfully treated with drugs or therapy, the activity in this
area of the brain usually decreases. This shows that both drugs
and a change in thinking can alter the physical functioning of
the brain.
The prefrontal orbital cortex, located in the front area of
the brain
the level of activity in the prefrontal orbital cortex is believed to
affect appropriate social behavior. Lowered activity or damage
in this region is linked to feeling uninhibited, making bad
judgments and feeling a lack of guilt. More activity may
therefore cause more worry about social concerns. Such
concerns include: being meticulous, neat and preoccupied
with cleanliness, and being afraid of acting inappropriately.
All of these concerns are symptoms of OCD.
The cingulate gyrus, in the centre of the brain
the cingulate gyrus is believed to contribute the emotional
response to obsessive thoughts. This area of the brain tells
you to perform compulsions to relieve anxiety. This region is
highly interconnected to the prefrontal orbital cortex and the
basal ganglia via a number of brain cell pathways.
The basal ganglia, the prefrontal orbital cortex and the cingulate
gyrus all have many brain cells affected by serotonin. Researchers
believe that medicines that raise the levels of serotonin available
to transmit messages may change the level of activity in these
areas of the brain.
o Streptococcus and OCD

Some researchers believe that cases where children suddenly

develop OCD or TS may be linked to a recent infection with
streptococcus, the bacteria that cause the common strep
throat. In these cases, the body may be forming antibodies

.....Health Naturally - 448.....

to the infection, which may mistakenly react to the basal
ganglia, an area of the brain linked to OCD. There
is no evidence; however, that streptococcus plays a role in
adult-onset OCD. And in most cases where children develop
OCD, the symptoms begin gradually, not suddenly as described
above. At this time, then, the link between streptococcus infection
and OCD is not certain. Further research into this possible link
may lead to a better understanding of the causes of OCD.

Genetic Factors
OCD often seems to run in the family. In fact, almost half of all
cases show a familial pattern. Research studies report that parents,
siblings and children of a person with OCD have a greater chance
of developing OCD than does someone with no family history of the
Although obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is accepted as an illness
with biological roots, it cant be diagnosed using a blood sample, X
ray or other medical test.

A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or

family doctor or nurse with special training will usually make a
diagnosis of OCD using their medical judgment and experience.
To be diagnosed with OCD, a person must have obsessions,
compulsions, or both, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep
o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes

.....Health Naturally - 449.....

o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head, neck and spine
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily
6am : lime juice with honey
7am : ginger tea
8am : papaya, pomegranate, dates
11am : mosambijuice
1pm : 2 rotis, boiled vegs, salad with sprouts
4 pm : pineapple juice
6.30 pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, soup and papaya
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar
Standing Series
o Tadasana
o Vriksahana
o Ardhachakrasana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique
Supine series
o Uttitapadasana

.....Health Naturally - 450.....

o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
Prone series
o Makarasana
o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Ushtrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 451.....



Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity.

A depressive disorder is a syndrome (group of symptoms) that

reflects a sad, blue mood exceeding normal sadness or grief.
When the negative reactions to lifes situations become repetitively
intense and frequent we develop symptoms of depression. Lifethrows
up innumerable situations, which we greet with both negative and positive
emotions such as excitement, frustration, fear, happiness, anger, sadness,
joy et al. Depression is prevalent among all age groups, in almost all
walks of life.
Persons of any agechildren or adults, may develop depression
symptoms. Even minor stress events can stir up depression symptoms
depending on the personality type. Depression is not a weakness
but a serious illness with biological, psychological, and social aspects to
its cause, symptoms, and treatment. A person cannot will it away.
Untreated, it will worsen. Under treated, it will return.

.....Health Naturally - 452.....

There are several forms of depressive disorders. The most common are
major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.
Major depressive disorder, also called major depression, is
characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with
a persons ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once
pleasurable activities. Major depression is disabling and prevents
a person from functioning normally. An episode of major
depression may occur only once in a persons lifetime, but more
often, it recurs throughout a persons life.
Dysthymic disorder, also called dysthymia, is characterized
by longterm (two years or longer) but less severe symptoms
that may not disable a person but can prevent one from
functioning normally or feeling well. People with dysthymia may
also experience one or more episodes of major depression during
their lifetimes.
Some forms of depressive disorder exhibit slightly different
characteristics than those described above, or they may develop under
unique circumstances. However, not all scientists agree on how to
characterize and define these forms of depression. They include:
Psychotic depression, which occurs when a severe depressive
illness is accompanied by some form of psychosis, such as a
break with reality, hallucinations, and delusions.
Postpartum depression, which is diagnosed if a new mother
develops a major depressive episode within one month after
delivery. It is estimated that 10 to 15 percent of women
experience postpartum depression after giving birth.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is characterized
by the onset of a depressive illness during the winter months,
when there is less natural sunlight. The depression generally
lifts during spring and summer. SAD may be effectively treated

.....Health Naturally - 453.....

with light therapy, but nearly half of those with SAD do not
respond to light therapy alone. Antidepressant medication and
psychotherapy can reduce SAD symptoms, either alone or in
combination with light therapy
Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not
as common as major depression or dysthymia. Bipolar disorder
is characterized by cycling mood changes-from extreme highs
(e.g., mania) to extreme lows (e.g., depression).

Depression has no single cause; often, it
results from a combination of things. You may
have no idea why depression has struck you.
Whatever its cause, depression is not just a state
of mind. It is related to physical changes in the
brain, and connected to an imbalance of a type of
chemical that carries signals in your brain and
nerves. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters.
Some of the more common factors involved in depression are:
Family history. Genetics play an important part in depression.
It can run in families for generations.
Trauma and stress. Things like financial problems, the breakup
of a relationship, or the death of a loved one can bring on
depression. You can become depressed after changes in your
life, like starting a new job, graduating from school, or getting
Pessimistic personality. People who have low self-esteem
and a negative outlook are at higher risk of becoming depressed.
These traits may actually be caused by low-level depression
(called dysthymia).
Physical conditions. Serious medical conditions like heart
disease, cancer, and HIV can contribute to depression, partly

.....Health Naturally - 454.....

because of the physical weakness and stress they bring on.
Depression can make medical conditions worse, since it weakens
the immune system and can make pain harder to bear. In some
cases, depression can be caused by medications used to treat
medical conditions.
Other psychological disorders. Anxiety disorders, eating
disorders, schizophrenia, and (especially) substance abuse often
appear along with depression.

Chemicals that circulate in the brain are known as

neurochemicals or neurotransmitters. Nor epinephrine,
serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Different
neuropsychiatric illnesses seem to be associated with an
overabundance or a lack of some of these neurochemicals in
certain parts of the brain. For example, a lack of dopamine at
the base of the brain causes Parkinsons disease.
Alzheimers dementia seems to be related to lower
acetylcholine levels in the brain.

Certain medications used for a variety of medical conditions are

more likely than others to cause depression as a side effect.
Specifically, some medications that are used to treat high
blood pressure, cancer, seizures, extreme pain, and to
achieve contraception can result in depression. Even some
psychiatric medications like some sleep aids and medications to
treat alcoholism and anxiety can contribute to the
development of depression.

.....Health Naturally - 455.....

People with depressive illnesses do not all experience the same symptoms.
The severity, frequency and duration of symptoms will vary depending
on the individual and his or her particular illness.
Symptoms include:
o Persistent sad, anxious or empty feelings
o Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
o Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessness
o Irritability, restlessness
o Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable,
including sex
o Fatigue and decreased energy
o Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making
o Insomnia, earlymorning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
o Overeating, or appetite loss
o Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
o Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive
problems that do not ease even with treatment
o Loss of interest in activities that once were pleasurable (e.g.,
hobbies, sex, social activities, etc.)
The first step in getting
appropriate treatment is a complete
physical and psychological evaluation to
determine whether the person, in fact,
has a depressive disorder. Depression
is diagnosed only clinically in that there
is no laboratory test or X-ray for
depression. Therefore, it is crucial to see
a health practitioner as soon as you

.....Health Naturally - 456.....

notice symptoms of depression in yourself, your friends, or family.
A diagnostic evaluation also includes
History of the patient
Physical examinations
A mental-status examination to determine if the patients speech,
thought pattern, or memory has been affected, as often happens
in the case of a depressive or manic-depressive illness.
As of today, there is no laboratory test, blood test, or X-ray that
can diagnose a mental disorder.
Even the powerful CT, MRI, SPECT, and PET scans, which
can help diagnose other neurological disorders such as stroke or
brain tumors, cannot detect the subtle and complex brain changes
in psychiatric illness.
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep
o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes
o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head, neck and spine
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily

.....Health Naturally - 457.....

6am : herbal tea
7am : Fig water (soak 2 figs in 200ml of water overnight,
grind and strain
8am : milk, papaya, 4 dates, 4 almonds
11am : mosambi juice
1pm : 2 rotis, boiled vegs, curds and salad
4 pm tender coconut water
6.30 pm : brown rice, boiled vegs, soup and papaya
9pm : hot milk, 4 dates, 4 almonds
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar

Standing Series
o Tadasana
o Vriksahana
o Ardhachakrasana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique
Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana

.....Health Naturally - 458.....

Prone series
o Bujanagasana

o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Paschimotanasana
o Ushtrasana
o Vakrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique

o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting
o Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 459.....



Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities
in the perception or expression of reality. It most commonly
manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or
disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational
Approximately 1 percent of the population develops schizophrenia during
their lifetime. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal
frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men.
Schizophrenia is found all over the world. The severity of the symptoms
and long-lasting, chronic pattern of schizophrenia often cause a high
degree of disability. Medications and other treatments for schizophrenia,
when used regularly and as prescribed, can help reduce and control the
distressing symptoms of the illness. However, some people are not greatly
helped by available treatments or may prematurely discontinue treatment

.....Health Naturally - 460.....

because of unpleasant side effects or other reasons. Even when
treatment is effective, persisting consequences of the illness lost
opportunities, stigma, residual symptoms, and medication side effects
may be very troubling.

The different types of schizophrenia are based on the specific symptoms
a person is experiencing. Since the symptoms of schizophrenia can change
over time, it is possible for a person to have more than one type during
his or her lifetime.
Schizophrenia types include:
Paranoid schizophrenia
o Disorganized (hebephrenic) schizophrenia
Catatonic schizophrenia
o Residual schizophrenia
o Undifferentiated disorder
Paranoid schizophrenia
is the most common form. With this type of schizophrenia, the primary
symptoms are delusions or auditory hallucinations. People with
paranoid schizophrenia usually do not have thought disorder, disorganized
behavior, or affective flattening. People with paranoid-type schizophrenia
can exhibit anger, aloofness, anxiety, and argumentativeness.
People with this condition have grandiose delusions. For example, they
may believe that others are deliberately:
o Cheating them
o Harassing them
o Poisoning them
o Spying upon them
o Plotting against them or the people they care about.
Auditory hallucinations can include hearing voices that may:

.....Health Naturally - 461.....

o Comment on the persons behavior
o Order him or her to do things
o Warn of impending danger
o Talk to each other (usually about the affected person).
Disorganized-type schizophrenia is characterized by speech and
behavior that are disorganized or difficult to understand, and flattening
or inappropriate emotions. People with disorganized-type schizophrenia
may laugh at the changing color of a traffic light or at something
not closely related to what they are saying or doing. Their
disorganized behavior may disrupt normal activities, such as showering,
dressing, and preparing meals.
Catatonic-type schizophrenia is characterized by
disturbances of movement. People with catatonic-type
schizophrenia may keep themselves completely immobile or move
all over the place. They may not say anything for hours, or they may
repeat anything you say or do senselessly. Either way, the behavior
is putting these people at high risk because it impairs their ability to take
care of themselves.
Undifferentiated-type schizophrenia is characterized by some
symptoms seen in all of the above types but not enough of any one of
them to define it as another particular type of schizophrenia.
Residual-type schizophrenia is characterized by a past history of
at least one episode of schizophrenia, but the person currently has
no positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or
behavior). It may represent a transition between a full-blown episode
and complete remission, or it may continue for years without any further
psychotic episodes.
Schizophrenia symptoms fall into three broad categories:

.....Health Naturally - 462.....

Positive schizophrenia symptoms are unusual thoughts or
perceptions that include hallucinations, delusions, and
disordered thinking.
Negative symptoms represent a loss or a decrease in the
ability to initiate plans, speak, express emotion, or find
pleasure in everyday life. These symptoms are harder to
recognize as part of the disorder and can be mistaken for
laziness or depression.
Cognitive symptoms (or cognitive deficits) are problems with
attention, certain types of memory, and the executive
functions that allow us to plan and organize. Cognitive
deficits can also be difficult to recognize as part of the disorder,
but are the most disabling in terms of leading a normal life.
Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
o Delusions are firmly held erroneous beliefs due to distortions
or exaggerations of reasoning and/or misinterpretations of
perceptions or experiences. Delusions of being followed or
watched are common, as are beliefs that comments, radio or
TV programs, etc., are directing special messages directly to
o Hallucinations are distortions or exaggerations of
perception in any of the senses, although auditory hallucinations
(hearing voices within, distinct from ones own thoughts) are the
most common, followed by visual hallucinations.
o Disorganized speech/thinking, also described as thought
disorder or loosening of associations, is a key aspect of
schizophrenia. Disorganized thinking is usually assessed primarily
based on the persons speech. Therefore, tangential, loosely
associated, or incoherent speech severe enough to substantially
impair effective communication is used as an indicator of thought
disorder by the DSM-IV.

.....Health Naturally - 463.....

o Grossly disorganized behavior includes difficulty in goal
directed behavior (leading to difficulties in activities in
daily living), unpredictable agitation or silliness, social
disinhibition, or behaviors that are bizarre to onlookers.
Their purposelessness distinguishes them from unusual behavior
prompted by delusional beliefs.
o Catatonic behaviors are characterized by a marked decrease
in reaction to the immediate surrounding environment,
sometimes taking the form of motionless and apparent
unawareness, rigid or bizarre postures, or aimless excess motor
o Other symptoms sometimes present in schizophrenia but not
often enough to be definitional alone include affect inappropriate
to the situation or stimuli, unusual motor behavior (pacing,
rocking), depersonalization, derealization, and somatic
Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
o Affective flattening is the reduction in the range and
intensity of emotional expression, including facial expression,
voice tone, eye contact, and body language.
o Alogia, or poverty of speech, is the lessening of speech fluency
and productivity, thought to reflect slowing or blocked thoughts,
and often manifested as short, empty replies to questions.
o Avolition is the reduction, difficulty, or inability to initiate
and persist in goal-directed behavior; it is often mistaken
for apparent disinterest. (examples of avolition include: no longer
interested in going out and meeting with friends, no longer
interested in activities that the person used to show enthusiasm
for, no longer interested in much of anything, sitting in the house
for many hours a day doing nothing.)
Cognitive Symptoms of Schizophrenia

.....Health Naturally - 464.....

Cognitive symptoms refer to the difficulties with concentration and
memory. These can include:
o disorganized thinking
o slow thinking
o difficulty understanding
o poor concentration
o poor memory
o difficulty expressing thoughts
o difficulty integrating thoughts, feelings and behavior
Experts now agree that schizophrenia develops as a result of interplay
between biological predisposition (for example,
inheriting certain genes) and the kind of environment
a person is exposed to.
Data from a PET studysuggests that the less the frontal
lobes are activated (red) during a working memory
task, the greater the increase in abnormal dopamine
activity in the striatum (green), thought to be related to the neurocognitive
deficits in schizophrenia.
These lines of research are converging: brain development disruption is
now known to be the result of genetic predisposition and environmental
stressors early in development (during pregnancy or early childhood),
leading to subtle alterations in the brain that make a person susceptible
to developing schizophrenia. Environmental factors later in life
(during early childhood and adolescence) can either damage the brain
further and thereby increase the risk of schizophrenia, or lessen the
expression of genetic or neurodevelopment defects and decrease the
risk of schizophrenia. In fact experts now say that schizophrenia (and
all other mental illness) is caused by a combination of biological,
psychological and social factors, and this understanding of mental
illness is called the bio-psycho-social model.

.....Health Naturally - 465.....

The Path to Schizophrenia - The diagram above shows how
biological, genetic and prenatal factors are believed to create a
vulnerability to schizophrenia. Additional environmental exposures
(for example, frequent or ongoing social stress and/or isolation
during childhood, drug abuse, etc.) then further increase the risk
or trigger the onset of psychosis and schizophrenia. Early signs of
schizophrenia risk include neurocognitive impairments, social
anxiety (shyness) and isolation and odd ideas.

So the causes are

pre-pregnancy factors,
pregnancy stress,
other prenatal factors,
social stress,
family stress or
environmental factors
that they experience during
their childhood, teen or early
adult years. The exact
process by which
environmental factors and
stress gets translated into
brain changes and

.....Health Naturally - 466.....

ultimately psychosis or schizophrenia is increasingly thought to be a
result of epigenetics, and recent research suggests exactly how stress
might trigger these brain changes.
The presence of psychosis implies a person may be schizophrenic, but
schizophrenia diagnosis cannot be made based on the presence of
psychosis alone. Many other conditions may mimic schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder
head trauma
illicit drug abuse
medication side effects
thyroid hormone symptoms
vitamin deficiencies
Other physical/mental symptoms.
A schizophrenia diagnosis is made when specific criteria are met. The
potential schizophrenic must have experienced at least two of the following
for a period of at least six months:

.....Health Naturally - 467.....

blunted emotions/affect
catatonic behavior
disorganized speech
impaired social functioning
Loss of motivation.
If these symptoms cannot be explained by other conditions, the patient is
considered schizophrenic.
The doctor will examine someone in whom schizophrenia is suspected
either in an office or in the emergency department. The doctors role
is to ensure that the patient doesnt have any medical problems.
The doctor takes the patients history and performs a physical exam.
Laboratory and other tests, sometimes including a computerized
tomography (CT) scan of the brain, are performed. Physical findings
can relate to the symptoms associated with schizophrenia or to the
medications the person may be taking.
A schizophrenia diagnosis should be made by a qualified


o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep
o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes
o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head, neck and spine

.....Health Naturally - 468.....

o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily

6am : Triphala water
7am : black raisin water (soak 30 raisins in 200 ml
water overnight, grind and strain)
8am : cold cow milk, with honey, 4 almonds, 4 dates
and spoon khus khus (poppy seeds)
11am : herbal tea
1pm : 2 chapatis, boiled vegs, moong dhal, ginger-garlic
4 pm : mosambi juice
6.30 pm : brown rice, milk, papaya
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar

Standing Series
o Tadasana
o Vriksahana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique
Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana

.....Health Naturally - 469.....

o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana

Prone series
o Makarasana

o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique

Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Paschimotanasana
o Ushtrasana
o Vakrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 470.....



Alzheimers disease (AD), also called Alzheimer disease, Senile
Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) or simply Alzheimers is
the most common form of dementia.
This incurable, degenerative, and terminal disease was first
described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer
in 1906 and was named after him. Generally, it is diagnosed in people
over 65 years of age, although the less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimers
can occur much earlier.
Alzheimers disease (AD) is
a slowly progressive disease of the
brain that is characterized by
impairment of memory and
eventually by disturbances in
reasoning, planning, language, and
perception. Many scientists believe
that Alzheimers disease results from
.....Health Naturally - 471.....
an increase in the production or accumulation of a specific protein (beta
amyloid protein) in the brain that leads to nerve cell death.

In Alzheimers disease, changes in tau protein lead to the disintegration

of microtubules in brain cells
Although not all memory loss indicates Alzheimers
disease, one in ten people over 65 years of age, and over half
of those 85+ have Alzheimers disease. Currently, 26 million
people worldwide have this dementia.
Early-onset Alzheimers effects patients under the age of 65.
This relatively rare condition is seen more often when parents
or grandparents developed Alzheimers disease at a young age,
and is generally associated with three genetic markers.
Other risk factors for Alzheimers disease include high blood
pressure (hypertension), coronary artery disease, diabetes, and
possibly elevated blood cholesterol.
Individuals who have completed less than eight years of
education also have an increased risk for Alzheimers disease.
Significant cognitive and memory losses are not symptoms of normal
aging. Most people over 65 experience a level of forgetfulness that is
merely inconvenient and generally involves unimportant information.

.....Health Naturally - 472.....

Terms like eccentric and senile can mask fears of Alzheimers disease,
while other conditions may actually be causing mental decline.
Symptoms that mimic early Alzheimers disease may result from:
Central nervous system and other degenerative
disorders-, head injuries, brain tumors, stroke, epilepsy, Picks
Disease, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease
Metabolic ailments- hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia,
malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, dehydration, kidney or liver
Substance-induced conditions-drug interactions, medication
side-effects, alcohol and drug abuse
Psychological factors- dementia syndrome, depression,
emotional trauma, chronic stress, psychosis, chronic sleep
deprivation, delirium
Infections- meningitis, encephalitis, and syphilis
The early symptoms of AD can include:
Language problems, such as trouble finding the name of familiar
Misplacing items
Getting lost on familiar routes
Personality changes and loss of social skills
Losing interest in things previously enjoyed, flat mood
Difficulty performing tasks that take some thought, but used to
come easily, such as balancing a checkbook, playing complex
games (such as bridge), and learning new information or routines
As the AD becomes worse, symptoms are more obvious and interfere
with your ability to take care of yourself. Symptoms can include:

.....Health Naturally - 473.....

Forgetting details about current events
Forgetting events in your own life history, losing awareness of
who you are
Change in sleep patterns, often waking up at night
Difficulty reading or writing
Poor judgment and loss of ability to recognize danger
Using the wrong word, mispronouncing words, speaking in
confusing sentences
Withdrawing from social contact
Having hallucinations, arguments, striking out, and violent
Having delusions, depression, agitation
Difficulty doing basic tasks, such as preparing meals, choosing
proper clothing, and driving.
People with severe AD can no longer:
Understand language
Recognize family members
Perform basic activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing,
and bathing
Other symptoms that may occur with AD:
Swallowing problems

.....Health Naturally - 474.....

Normal Early Alzheimers disease
Cant find your Routinely place important items
keys in odd places
Search for casual Forget names of family and
names and words common objects
Briefly forget conversation Frequently forget entire
details conversations
Cant find a recipe Cant follow recipe directions
Forget to write down a check Can no longer manage checkbook
Cancel a date with friends Withdraw from usual interests
Miss an occasional right turn Get lost in familiar places


Mild/Early - 2-4yrs
o Frequent recent memory loss, particularly of recent
conversations and events.
o Repeated questions, some problems expressing and
understanding language.
o Writing and using objects become difficult.
o Depression and apathy can occur.
o Drastic personality changes may accompany functional
o Need reminders for daily activities and difficulties with
sequencing impact driving early in this stage.
Moderate/Middle - 2-10 yrs
o Can no longer cover up problems.
o Pervasive and persistent memory loss impacts life across

.....Health Naturally - 475.....

o Rambling speech, unusual reasoning, confusion about
current events, time, and place.
o Potential to become lost in familiar settings, sleep
disturbances, and mood or behavioral symptoms
o Nearly 80% of patients exhibit emotional and behavioral
problems which are aggravated by stress and change.
o Slowness, rigidity, tremors, and gait problems impact
mobility and coordination.
o Need structure, reminders, and assistance with
activities of daily living.
Severe/Late - 1-3+ yrs
o Confused about past and present.
o Loss of recognition of familiar people and places.
Generally incapacitated with severe to total loss of
verbal skills.
o Unable to care for self.
o Falls possible and immobility likely.
o Problems with swallowing, incontinence, and illness.
o Extreme problems with mood, behavioral problems,
hallucinations, and delirium.
o Patients need total support and care, and often die from
infections or pneumonia.
Progression through these stages may last from 8 to 10 years. Although
it is rare, some live nearly 20 years from the time neuron change first
The seven stage framework includes the following dimensions:
Stage 1: No impairment
Stage 2: Very mild decline
Stage 3: Mild decline

.....Health Naturally - 476.....

Stage 4: Moderate decline (mild or early stage)
Stage 5: Moderately severe decline (moderate or mid-stage)
Stage 6: Severe decline (moderately severe or mid-stage)
Stage 7: Very severe decline (severe or late stage)
AD can often be diagnosed through
A history and physical exam
a neurological exam and
a mental status examination.
o Thyroid disease
o Vitamin deficiency
o Brain tumor
o Stroke
o Intoxication from medication
o Chronic infection
o Anemia
o Severe depression
Computed tomography (CT)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain may be done to
look for other causes of dementia, such as a brain tumor or stroke.
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep
o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes

.....Health Naturally - 477.....

o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head and spine
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily

6am : lime water with honey
8am : dahlia with milk, 4 almonds and 4 dates
1pm : brown rice, boiled vegs and papaya
4 pm : mosambi juice
6.30 pm : dahlia, boiled vegs, papaya
9pm : milk with ashwagandha
o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar

Standing Series
o Vriksahana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 478.....

Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
Prone series
o Makarasana
o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Ushtrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 479.....



Parkinsons disease (PD) is an age-related deterioration of certain nerve
systems, which affects your movement, balance, and muscle control.
Parkinsons disease is a degenerative disorder of the central
nervous system that often impairs the sufferers motor skills,
speech, and other functions.

Parkinsons disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement

disorders. It is characterized by muscle rigidity, tremor, a slowing
of physical movement (bradykinesia) and a loss of physical movement
(akinesia) in extreme cases. The primary symptoms are
the results of decreased stimulation of the motor
cortex by the basal ganglia, normally caused by the
insufficient formation and action of dopamine, which
is produced in the dopaminergic neurons of the brain
(specifically the substantia nigra). Secondary symptoms
may include high level cognitive dysfunction and subtle
language problems. PD is both chronic and progressive.
.....Health Naturally - 480.....
The average age of PD onset is 60.
Symptoms of PD are seen in as many as
15% of those between the ages 65 and
74 and almost 30% of those between the
ages of 75 and 84. Only 5 to 10% of PD
cases occur before the age of 50. Young
onset PD occurs in those under age 40. A
parent or sibling with PD increases ones
risk of developing the disease.
Although the cause of Parkinsons disease (PD) is unknown, it appears
to result from a combination of environmental and hereditary factors as
well as oxidative damage and aging. Factors for PD may include:
herbicide and pesticide exposure
an as-yet-unidentified toxin or virus
cellular damage from oxidation by free-radicals (atoms or
molecules with an unpaired electron) It may be that free
radicalsunstable and potentially damaging molecules that lack
an electronare involved in the degeneration of dopamine
producing cells. Free radicals add an electron by reacting with
nearby molecules in a process called oxidation. This process
can damage nerve cells. Chemicals called antioxidants normally
protect cells from oxidative stress and damage. If anti-oxidative
action fails to protect dopamine-producing nerve cells, these cells
may be damaged, resulting in Parkinsons disease.

loss of dopamine-secreting cells with age, particularly with

accelerated aging
fewer dopamine-secreting cells at birth
Parkinsons disease occurs in families. When a young person is
affected, it is usually because of a form of the disease that runs
in families.

.....Health Naturally - 481.....

The term parkinsonism refers to any condition that involves
the types of movement changes seen in Parkinsons disease.
Parkinsonism may be caused by other disorders (such as
secondary parkinsonism) or certain medications.

Head trauma


The disorder may affect one or both sides of the body. How much function
is lost can vary. Symptoms may be mild at first. For instance, the patient
may have a mild tremor or a slight feeling that one leg or foot is stiff and
Four symptoms are considered cardinal in PD: tremor, rigidity,
bradykinesia and postural instability.
Tremor normally has a frequency between 4 and 6 Hz (cycles
per second) and is the most apparent and well-known symptom. It is
most commonly a rest tremor: maximal when the limb is at rest and
disappearing with voluntary movement and sleep; it is a pronation
supination tremor that is described as pill-rolling. Tremor affects to a
greater extent the most distal part of the extremity and is typically
unilateral at onset. Though around 30% of PD sufferers do not have
tremor at disease onset most of them would develop it along the course
of the disease.
Rigidity: defined as joint stiffness and increased muscle tone.
In combination with a resting tremor, this produces a ratchety, cogwheel

.....Health Naturally - 482.....

rigidity when the limb is passively moved. It may be associated with
joint pain, such pain being a frequent initial manifestation of the disease.
Bradykinesia and akinesia: the former refers to slowness of
movement while the latter to the absence of it. It is the most characteristic
clinical feature of PD and it produces difficulties not only with the
execution of a movement but also with its planning and initiation. The
performance of sequential and simultaneous movements is also hindered.
Rapid, repetitive movements produce a dysrhythmic and decremental
loss of amplitude.
Postural instability: failure of postural reflexes, along other
disease related factors such as orthostatic hypotension or cognitive and
sensory changes, which lead to impaired balance and falls. It usually
appears in the late stages of PD.

Other motor symptoms include:

Gait and posture disturbances:
o Shuffling gait: gait is characterized by short steps, with feet
barely leaving the ground. Small obstacles tend to cause the
patient to trip.
o Decreased arm-swing.
o Turning en bloc: rather than the usual twisting of the neck and
trunk and pivoting on the toes, PD patients keep their neck and
trunk rigid, requiring multiple small steps to accomplish a turn.
o Camptocormia: stooped, forward-flexed posture. In severe
forms, the head and upper shoulders may be bent at a right angle relative
to the trunk.
o Festination: a combination of stooped posture, imbalance, and
short steps. It leads to a gait that gets progressively faster and faster,
often ending in a fall.
o Gait freezing: also called motor blocks, is a manifestation of
akinesia. Gait freezing is characterized by a sudden inability to move the

.....Health Naturally - 483.....

lower extremities which usually lasts less than 10 seconds. It may worsen
in tight, cluttered spaces, when attempting to initiate gait or turning around,
or when approaching a destination. Freezing improves with treatment
and also with behavioral techniques such as marching to command or
following a given rhythm.
o Dystonia: abnormal, sustained, painful twisting muscle
contractions, often affecting the foot and ankle (mainly toe flexion and
foot inversion) which often interferes with gait.
o Scoliosis
Speech and swallowing disturbances.
o Hypophonia: soft speech.

o Monotonic speech: Speech quality tends to be soft, hoarse,

and monotonous.
o Festinating speech: excessively rapid, soft, poorly-intelligible

o Drooling: most likely caused by a weak, infrequent swallow.

o Dysphagia: impaired ability to swallow; which in the case of
PD is probably related to an inability to initiate the swallowing reflex or
by a too long laryngeal or esophageal movement. Can lead to aspiration
o Dysarthria
Other symptoms:
o Anxiety, stress, and tension
o Confusion
o Dementia
o Depression
o Fainting
o Hallucinations
o Memory loss

.....Health Naturally - 484.....

o Oily skin (seborrhea)
o Constipation
o Small, cramped handwriting (micrographia)
o Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
There is no definitive test for

PD. Diagnosis is based on a

careful medical history and
examination. neurological

Computed tomography (CT)

and Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) brain scans of people with PD usually appear
In addition to PD, anything that damages the substantia nigra can cause
Parkinsons-like symptoms, called Parkinsonism. Possible causes of
exposure to manganese or other toxins
medications for psychiatric disorders, such as haloperidol (Haldol)
or chlorpromazine (thorazine)
a chemical called MPTP, found as an impurity in some illegal
Alzheimers disease
other neurodegenerative diseases that sometimes are referred
to as Parkinsons plus or parkinsonism plus syndromes

.....Health Naturally - 485.....

Brain scans, blood tests, lumbar puncture, or x rays may be used to rule
out causes of Parkinsonism other than PD.
o cold hip bath daily for 20 mins daily
o neutral spinal bath for 20-30 mins daily
o hot foot immersion for 20 mins daily before sleep
o warm water enema daily
o ice massage to head daily twice for 10 minutes
o Steam bath every alternate days for 15 mins
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to head, neck and spine
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud to head daily
o Eye and abdomen pack daily

6am : ginger tea
7am : dates water (soak 5 dates in 200 ml water
overnight, grind and drink
8am : papaya, milk, 6 almonds
11am : lemon grass tea
1pm : dahlia and boiled vegs
4 pm : apple or pears
6.30 pm : brown rice, boiled vegs and papaya
9pm : milk and piplamool

.....Health Naturally - 486.....

o Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar

Standing Series
o Vriksahana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique
Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana

Prone series
o Bujanagasana
o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Ushtrasana
o Vakrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana

.....Health Naturally - 487.....

o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique

o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
o Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 488.....



The motor neuron diseases (or motor neuron diseases) (MND)

are a group of neurological disorders that selectively affect motor
neurons, the cells that control voluntary muscle activity including speaking,
walking, breathing, swallowing and general movement of the body.
Motor neuron disease is a progressive fatal condition that causes
muscle wastage.
MND is more commonly called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
or Lou Gehrigs disease, after the baseball player.
Normally, messages from nerve cells in the brain (called upper motor
neurons) are transmitted to nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal
cord (called lower motor neurons) and from them to particular
muscles. When there are disruptions in these signals, the result
can be gradual muscle weakening, wasting away, and
uncontrollable twitching (called fasciculation). Eventually, the ability
to control voluntary movement can be lost.
MNDs may be inherited or acquired, and they occur in all age groups.

.....Health Naturally - 489.....

In adults, symptoms often appear after age 40. In children, particularly
in inherited or familial forms of the disease, symptoms can be present at
birth or appear before the child learns to walk.
Common MNDs include
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
Progressive bulbar palsy,
primary lateral sclerosis, and p
Progressive muscular atrophy.
Other MNDs include the many inherited forms of
Spinal muscular atrophy and
Post-polio syndrome, a condition that can strike
polio survivors decades after their recovery from
The motor neurons in the cerebral cortex, brainstem and spinal
cord show atrophy and their axons show degenerative changes. Muscles
show groups of atrophic fibers amidst the groups of normal fibers.
Classical type and
Non classical type
A. Classical type:
o Predominant LMN involvement
a) Bulbar form: Progressive bulbar palsy
b) Spinal form: Progressive muscular atrophy
o Predominant UMN involvement
a) Bulbar form: Pseudo bulbar palsy (spastic bulbar palsy)
b) Spinal form: Primary lateral sclerosis.
o Combination of upper and lower motor involvement.

.....Health Naturally - 490.....

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
B. Non classical type:
o Werding Hoffmann disease
o Kugelberg Welander disease
o Spinal muscular atrophy described from south India (Madras
o Motor neuron disease dementia parkinsonian complex
described from Guam Island
A risk factor is something that increases a persons chances of developing
a disease. For example, smoking increases the risk of developing some
types of cancer; therefore, smoking is a risk factor for cancer.
Heredity - approximately 1 in every 10 people with ALS in the
USA are known to have inherited it from their parents. A child
who has a parent with MND has a 50% chance of developing
the disease.
Age - after the age of 40 the risk of developing MND rises
significantly (but is still very small).
Sex - men are much more likely to develop the disease before
the age of 65 than women. After 70 years of age the risk is the
same for both sexes.
Where you live - incidence of MND is significantly higher in
parts of Japan, West New Guinea and Guam, compared to other
parts of the world (even so, the risk is still small in those areas).

Military experience - some studies have suggested that people

who are or have been in the military (army, navy, air force,
marines) have a higher chance of developing the disease than
other people.
The following risk factors have also been suggested:
o Smoking
o Head injuries, especially repeated ones

.....Health Naturally - 491.....

o Exposure to pesticides
o A diet that is very high in fat
o Exposure to some chemicals, such as formaldehyde
MND happens when motor neurons lose their function gradually
and progressively. Motor neurons are neurons that send electrical output
signals to muscle neurons, also called motoneurons. Motor neurons are
found in the brain and spine.
When motor neurons relay signals from the brain to the muscles
and bones, the muscles move. Motor neurons are also involved in many
of our automatic movements, such as swallowing and breathing.
Scientists are not sure why motor neurons start to lose function.
They believe several inter-related factors cause MND, including:

Excess glutamate - glutamate is a neurotransmitter, a

messenger chemical that transmits data from cell-to-cell. Some
studies indicate that people with MND have too much glutamate.
Abnormally high levels of glutamate may be toxic and could
lead to a disturbance in the chemical communication required
for good nerve function.
Cell metabolism - transport systems exist in all cells that bring
nutrients and chemical components into the cell, while at the
same time moving waste products out. Scientists say there are
indications that these transport systems are disturbed in the motor
neurons during the initial stages of MND, resulting in poor nerve
Aggregates - unusual clumps of protein molecules have been
found to accumulate in the motor neurons of MND patients.
Scientists believe these aggregates undermine the normal
functioning of motor neurons.
Lack of antioxidant production - research indicates that the
motor neurons of patients with MND do not produce enough

.....Health Naturally - 492.....

antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals that emerge as a
natural by-product of cell activity. Oxygen free radicals are a
type of toxic waste cells produce - antioxidants mop them up.
Mitochondria of motor neurons - research has found that
the mitochondria of motor neuron cells of people with MND
appear to be abnormal. Mitochondria provide the energy cells
need to carry out their normal function - they are normal
structures responsible for energy production in cells.
Neurotrophic factors - these are molecules, usually proteins
that facilitate the growth or repair of nerve cells. It has been
found that neurotrophic factors are not produced properly in
patients with MND, making the motor neurons more susceptible
to damage.
Glia cells - these cells surround neurons and provide support
for them and insulation between them. They also provide motor
neurons with nutrients and relay data from one cell to another.
In some cases, problems with glia cells can affect the motor
Some are familial, showing autosomal dominant inheritance. In
many such families genetic defects lies on chromosome 21, the
enzyme involved being a superoxide dismutase (SOD1).

Other probable causes includes

- Chronic Aluminium toxicity
- Slow virus infection
- Auto immunity
- Trauma
- Electrical shock
In most cases of MND, symptoms follow a pattern depending on which
of the three stages the patient is in. MND is divided into three stages -
the initial stage, the advanced stage and the end stage.

.....Health Naturally - 493.....

MND signs and symptoms during the initial stage:
At this stage symptoms develop slowly and faintly. Patients are
likely to mistake some of the early symptoms for some other
unrelated neurological condition. Symptoms include:
o The patients grip weakens. Sometimes picking up and/or holding
things can be difficult.
o Fatigue
o Muscle pains
o Muscle cramps
o Muscle twitches
o Slurred and sometimes garbled speech
o Weakness in the limbs
o Increased clumsiness
MND signs and symptoms during the advanced stage:
o Muscle weakness.
o Limbs become progressively weaker.
o Limb muscles start to shrink.
o Movement in affected limbs becomes progressively more difficult.
o Muscle spasms and twinges get worse.
o Some limb muscles become abnormally stiff (spasticity).
o Pain in muscles.
o Pain in joints.
o Progressive dysphagia - swallowing difficulties which get worse
with time, making eating and drinking harder to do.
o Drooling - this is often due to problems controlling saliva
o Yawning - sometimes yawning can come in uncontrollable bouts.
o Jaw pain - often caused by excessive yawning.

.....Health Naturally - 494.....

o Speech problems - as muscles of the throat and mouth become
weaker the patient has speech problems, making communication
o Change in personality and emotional state - often a patient at
this stage experiences emotional lability (bouts of uncontrollable
crying or laughing).
o Memory and some cognitive changes - some patients experience
changes in their ability to remember things and learn new things.
Language ability and concentration span may also be affected.
If the patient is elderly it may be hard to know whether this is
being caused by age or the disease.
o Dementia - a small proportion of MND patients are diagnosed
with dementia.
o Breathing problems - progressive damage to muscles that control
the lungs eventually result in breathing difficulties. The patient
may feel short of breath after what hitherto had been thought of
as a normal task.
o Shortness of breath eventually becomes apparent even when
the patient is resting. Some patients may have breathing difficulties
when lying down, which can affect sleeping and sleeping patterns.
Patients eventually need mechanical assistance with their
breathing (e.g. an oxygen mask).
MND signs and symptoms during the end stage
o Typically, the patients body will eventually become totally
o Breathing difficulties worsen and become serious. An oxygen
mask will not be enough. As the problem worsens the patient
becomes increasingly drowsy, and eventually falls into a deep
sleep and dies peacefully.
Secondary symptoms:

These are symptoms that are not caused by the disease directly,

.....Health Naturally - 495.....

but are linked to the mental toll of living with MND. Secondary symptoms
o Insomnia
o Depression
o Anxiety
During its initial stage MND may be difficult to diagnose because
the signs and symptoms are commonly found in other diseases and
conditions, such as MS (multiple sclerosis), trapped nerve, or Parkinsons
A GP (general practitioner, primary care physician) will refer
the patient to a neurologist - a doctor specialized in the diagnosis and
treatment of diseases and conditions of the nervous system. The
neurologist may order the following tests:
Blood and urine tests - by analyzing samples of the patients
blood and urine in the lab the doctor can rule out other possible
causes for the signs and symptoms. A blood test can also
determine whether there is any rise in creatinine kinase, which
can sometimes be found in the blood of patients with MND.
Creatinine kinase is not specific for MND and may also be an
indicator of some other medical condition. Creatinine kinase is
produced when muscle breaks down.

An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan - radio waves

and a powerful magnetic field produce detailed images of the brain and
spinal cord on a monitor. An MRI scan will not diagnose MND - damage
caused by MND does not show up on an MRI. However, it is a useful
test in ruling out damage caused by other conditions and diseases which
do show up, such as stroke, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease,
and others.
An EMG (electromyography) - needles are used to measure
the electrical activity in the patients muscles. A fine wire electrode is

.....Health Naturally - 496.....

inserted into the muscles that the doctor wants to study - usually muscles
from each limb and the bulbar (throat). An instrument records the
electrical activity or the muscle while it is resting and contracting. Most
patients find this test mildly uncomfortable. Muscles which have lost
their nerve supply can be identified because their electrical activity is
different from healthy muscle. The EMG may appear as abnormal even
if that particular muscle is not yet affected.
A nerve conduction test - measures how fast the nerves can
conduct an electrical impulse. Electrodes are attached to the skin above
the nerve or muscle that is being studied. A small electric shock is passed
through the nerve to measure the strength and velocity of the nerve
TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) - the activity of
the upper motor neurons is measured using a specially designed magnetic
coil. This procedure may be carried out at the same time as a nerve
conduction test.
Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) - the aim here is to analyze the
cerebrospinal fluid; the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
Patients lie on their side with knees drawn up to the chest. A local
anesthetic is injected into the area where the spinal tap occurs. A needle
is then inserted into the spinal canal and some fluid is collected.
Muscle biopsy - if the doctor thinks the patient may have a
muscle disease, rather than MND, a muscle biopsy may be performed.
A small portion of muscle is removed. The patient receives a local
anesthetic beforehand. The muscle sample is sent to the laboratory for
o Neutral spinal bath daily for 20-30 mins
o Warm water enema
o Hot foot immersion every night for 20 minutes

.....Health Naturally - 497.....

o Cold Hip bath daily for 20 mins
o Steam bath for 15 mins alternate days
o Full body massage alternate days
o Partial oil massage to limbs alternate days
o Head massage weekly twice
o Full mud bath weekly twice
o Mud to head alternate days
o Eye pack and abdomen pack daily
6am : black raisins water (soak 30 raisins in water
overnight, grind and strain)
7am : wheat germ milk with dates, figs and bananas
11am : mosambijuice
1pm : 2 rotis, boiled vegs, sprouts, and salad
4 pm : carrot juice
6.30 pm : brown rice, boiled vegs and fruits
9pm : milk with shatavari
Shitali karma vyayama
o Surya namaskar
Standing Series
o Vriksahana
o Padahastasana
o Ardhakatichakrasana
Instant relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 498.....

Supine series
o Uttitapadasana
o Pavanamuktasana
o Vipareetakarni
o Sarvangasana
o Matsyasana
Prone series
o Makarasana
o Bujanagasana
o Shalabhasana
Quick relaxation technique
Sitting series
o Vajrasana
o Paschimotanasana
o Ushtrasana
o Vakrasana
o Ardhamatsyendrasana
o Baddhakonasana
Deep relaxation technique
o Shitali, shitkari, sadanta
o Chandra anuloma viloma
o Chandrabedhana
o Nadishodhana
o Brahmari
o A, U, M kara chanting
Ohm kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 499.....



Leucorrhoea, commonly known as whites, refers to a whitish
discharge from the female genitals. Leucorrhoea is an abnormal condition
of the reproductive organs of women.
Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a whitish
discharge from the vagina resulting from inflammation or irritation
of the membrane lining the genital organs of the female. I t
often occurs normally, but if excessive may be a symptom of infection.
Leucorrhoea is a simple increase in the normal vaginal secretion.
It may be thick, viscid and foul smelling. There is normally more
discharge at puberty, when the sexual functions are becoming established.
If not treated properly in the initial stages, it may become
Flows can be white, yellowish, greenish or dark, bloody or not,
thick or thin, made up of pus or not.

.....Health Naturally - 500.....

Leucorrhoea can also be classified as cervical leucorrhoea or vaginal
leucorrhoea i.e., according to the place of its origin - cervix or vagina.
Recent investigations have shown that secretions from the uterus
lower parts
and and part
of the vagina
vagina. within

female organs. The whitish

discharge is, however, caused by the
presence of infection in any of these
tissues and a variety of other factors.
Leucorrhoea condition may continue
for weeks or months at a time.
It can be due to inflammation of the womb following child birth,
displacement of the uterus.
Whenever the body is loaded with toxins and the eliminative
organs such as the skin, bowels, lungs, and kidneys are unable to eliminate
them, the body in women establishes profuse discharge or elimination
through the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina in the form of
The most common causes are vaginal infection and hormonal
and metabolic disorders. It occurs mainly among weak, emaciated and
anemic women.
Displacement of the womb, unhygienic conditions: The
other common causes of leucorrhoea are displacement of the
womb and unhygienic conditions which attract the bacteria to
the genital organs.
Injury - Injury to the vagina or cervix or womb during childbirth,
abortion, or excessive sexual indulgence can cause erosions and
infections with discharges.

.....Health Naturally - 501.....

Poor hygienic conditions and lack of cleanliness - non
hygienic measures, especially during menses, can create infection
and cause leucorrhoea.
Diabetes and anemia can cause leucorrhoea due to weakened
Irritation of IUCD (Intra uterine contraceptive device) can
cause pain and discharges.
Sprays and jellies which are used by males for provoking sexual
act and jellies and drugs taken by females to kill sperms to avoid
conception can cause leucorrhoea.
The mucous membranes of the genital organs in a healthy woman
normally secrete lactic acid, which prevents the development
of harmful bacteria. But if the production of lactic acid is
insufficient, resistance against micro-organisms is considerably
diminished, and it is easy for an inflammation to develop.
Some allopathic drugs also temporarily reduce the immunity
and facilitate genital candidiasis
Genital causes like vulval growth, vaginitis, cervical erosion,
and cervicitis, and genital prolapse, use of contraceptives or
May also emerge as an allergic reaction to certain

synthetic materials used in the manufacture of underwear, soap,

tampons, solutions, shower or tight clothing.
When the balance of vaginal flora altered by the presence of
acid material or destroyed by other factors, a particular
microorganism can multiply in an exaggerated manner,
contributing to various types of vaginitis such as moniliasis or
candidiasis, which appear often by use of antibiotics, oral
contraceptives, due to diabetes, or high n; ivel blood sugar. The
excess vaginal discharge can be due to following reasons: -

.....Health Naturally - 502.....

Physiological reason:

The normal discharge/secretion is expected to increase with rise of

hormone level (estrogen) which is seen- During Puberty, during
menstrual cycle, during sexual excitement, Pregnancy.
Cervical reason:
Non-infective cervical lesion can cause excessive secretion.
Vaginal reason:
When pelvic congestion increases gives rise to excessive
discharge e.g. uterine prolapse, chronic pelvic inflammation and
use of contraceptive pills.
1) There are two types of vaginal discharge
2) Leucorrhoea can also be classified i.e., according to the place of its
origin - cervix or vagina.
Cervical leucorrhoea or
vaginal leucorrhoea
Physiological discharge is normal and it may occur due to
o excitement
o Some other factor like nervousness, excitement
o after delivery of a baby due to maternal estrogen,
o in a girl during puberty due hormonal changes,
o at the time of ovulation
o During sexual intercourse.
o White discharge due to these factors is a normal
condition and it doesnt need treatment.

.....Health Naturally - 503.....

o Cannot notice any leucocytes, pus cells, bacteria or
o This type of leucorrhoea also occurs in newborn female
babies for a week or two which is due to the estrogen
hormone in the blood of the baby which had entered
through her mothers placenta before delivery.
Pathological white is a discharge occurring due to disease or
malfunction of the female reproductive tract. The nature of
discharge varies from slimy to thick bloody discharge with foul
odor. This condition is commonly present both in case of vaginitis
or cervicitis. The main causes can be charted out as follows:
o This disease is common among the women who dont get
proper nutrition
o Poor hygienic conditions and lack of cleanliness - non
hygienic measures, especially during menses, can create
infection and cause leucorrhoea
o It can also be due to the inflammation of the womb following
childbirth and displacement of the uterus,
o General ill health and under nutrition.
o Dysfunctional state in genital tract.
o Psychological factors.
o Diabetes and anemia can provoke infections due to
weakened immunity.
o Spread of infection from adjacent urinary tract (UTI)
or alimentary tract (worms)
o Irritation of IUCD (Intra uterine contraceptive device)
can cause pain and discharges.
o Infections
From FUNGUS - Candida albicans can easily flourish
in moist circumstances and is commonly promoted

.....Health Naturally - 504.....

by synthetic undergarments and poor hygienic
From PARASITES protozoa - Trichomonas
vaginalis causes the Trichomoniasis which spreads
usually through sexual intercourse and moist clothes.
From BACTERIA- Gardnerella vaginalis and
Chlamydia are the prime causes in bacterial infections.
Also, it is frequently seen in venereal diseases like
gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS.

Mostly there wont be any symptom other than discharge.
Discharge may be slimy, viscid to dark colored or even bloody
with a foul smell.
Flow may stiffen the linen or simply leave back a trace of white
powder or scales.
Mostly discharge emanates from the uterine cavity or vagina.
In catarrhal or idiopathic variety of leucorrhoea the discharge is
in mild and liquid form.
The discharge from the uterus is often from uterine cavity. In
some cases, the accompanying symptoms are:
Lower abdominal pain
Painful sexual act
Backache and pain in the leg, especially thigh and calf muscles

.....Health Naturally - 505.....

Intense itching with edema of vagina
Soreness and burning in the genital tract
Burning urination and frequent urge to pass very little urine
Irritability and lack of concentration in work due to consciousness
of discharges
Digestive disturbances like constipation or diarrhea or vomiting
General tiredness due to loss of vital fluids as discharges
burning micturation
In complicated and old cases black spots below the eyes are
also seen.
frequent headaches and vertigo
feels weak and tired
dullness on skin and dark circles
frequent mood changes
Trichomonal vaginitis: - Frothy, yellowish discharge is the
primary symptom of leucorrhoea. Presence of local itching will
confirm the diagnosis.
Monolial vaginitis: -Commonly seen in patient, who are diabetic
or pregnant, or taking antibiotics or oral contraceptive pills.
Cervicitis: -It should be suspected in all patients of Leucorrhoea
who also complain of low backache.
Irritability and lack of concentration in work due to consciousness
of discharges.
Leucorrhoea is mostly found to be hormonal. The occurrence, time and
nature of the discharge also points out the diagnosis.
History of present illness, menstrual & obstetric history, and
past medical & drug history.

.....Health Naturally - 506.....

General health examination to detect ill-health, anemia or any
systemic disease.

Abdominal examination to detect any pelvic tumor or

inflammatory lesion.
Laboratory examination of vaginal discharge to detect the causing
o Mostly, it can be easily differentiated as physiological or
pathological leucorrhoea by a vaginal smear. It clearly tells
us about the presence of bacteria or virus or fungus.
o Also, sometimes cervix biopsy is absolutely necessary to
rule out cancer of the cervix.
o Culture and sensitivity test is helpful in identifying the
bacteria, if any, and also provides the right choice of the
drug to treat it.
o Routine blood test gives some idea about the infection.
o And, finally, urine test is also a must to rule out the spread
of infection.
PREVENTION is always better than cure. So cleanliness is very
The cause is determined, and treatment given accordingly. Physiological
leucorrhoea needs no treatment other than some reassurance. Food
habits and a good exercise regime play a very important role in the
prevention and cure of this ailment.
o Stress and strain since it may affect the hormonal level and
may increase secretions.
o Sharing towels and underwear
o Synthetic or nylon underwear which cause dampness of
genital organs. Always wear cotton underwear to avoid

.....Health Naturally - 507.....

o Sexual intercourse during heavy discharges
o Sexual intercourse without condoms while under treatment
o Hygienic measures to keep genitals clean and wash
underwear daily and make them sun dry.
o Nutritious diet, especially food rich in vitamins A, B, C, E,
magnesium and zinc, to improve general health
o Plenty of water and juices to avoid urinary tract infection
and its spread to the vagina or cervix.
o Exercise improves blood circulation and tissue oxygenation,
thereby replenishing the energy reserves of the body.
o If ones blood sugar levels are controlled and the immunity
is raised by consuming the right kind of foods that provide
all the necessary vitamins, oligo-elements, fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in optimum quantities, this condition can
be easily overcome
Cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily twice will help relieve
congestion in the pelvic region and facilitate quick elimination of
morbid matter
A warm vaginal douche at 30 C to 40 C is beneficial for general
cleaning and elimination of the purulent discharge.
Fenugreek douche: Two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should
be put into a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half
an hour over a low flame. The decoction should then be strained
and used as a douche.
Cold abdomen pack for 25 minutes daily
Cold immersion bath for 20 minutes alternate days

.....Health Naturally - 508.....

Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
A warm water enema daily
Massage therapy

Full body oil massage weekly thrice

Partial abdominal massage
Mud therapy
Full mud bath
Mud packs on the abdomen
Diet therapy
6am : 2-3 glasses of water
7am : corriender water
8am : soaked nuts
11am : papaya 1 bowl, lime juice with honey
1pm : roti, boiled vegs, Sprouts and veg salad, masala
4pm : fenugreek tea
6.30pm : raw vegetables, sprouts, and veg clear soup
9.30pm : milk with
Yoga therapy
Surya namaskar

Standing series:
IRT (instant relaxation technique)

.....Health Naturally - 509.....

Supine series:
Hal asana
Prone series:
QRT (quick relaxation technique)
Sitting series:
DRT (deep relaxation technique)
Chandranuloma viloma
Nadanusandhana (A, U, M Kara chanting)
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 510.....



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or

premenstrual tension) is a collection of physical, psychological, and
emotional symptoms related to a womans menstrual cycle. Premenstrual
syndrome is a disorder of non-specific somatic, psychological
symptoms occurring in the premenstrual phase of menstrual cycle. It
may occur 7-10 days before onset of bleeding.

It is a combination of emotional, physical, psychological, and mood

disturbances that occur after a womans ovulation and typically
ending with the onset of her menstrual flow. The most common
mood-related symptoms are irritability, depression, crying,
oversensitivity, and mood swings with alternating sadness and
anger. The most common physical symptoms are fatigue, bloating,
breast tenderness (mastalgia), acne, and appetite changes with
food cravings.
About 80% of women experience some premenstrual symptoms. PMS
(which is moderate to severe in intensity and affects a womans
functioning) occurs in 20% to 30% of women.

.....Health Naturally - 511.....

The mood changes surrounding this
condition have been described as
early as However,
Greeks. it was
the time of the not

1931 that this disorder was

officially recognized by the
medical community. The term
coined in 1953. syndrome was

Premenstrual syndrome occurs during the luteal phase of the
menstrual cycle. This phase occurs immediately after an egg is released
from the ovary and lasts from day 14 through day 28 of a normal
menstrual cycle (day 1 is the day your period begins).
During the luteal phase, hormones from the ovary cause the lining
of the uterus to grow thick and spongy. At the same time, an egg is
released from the ovary. If the egg meets sperm, it may implant in the
lining of the uterus and grow. At this time, the level of a hormone called
progesterone rises in the body, while the level of another hormone,
estrogen, begins to drop. The shift from estrogen to progesterone
may cause some of the symptoms of PMS.
Increase in the extra cellular water through out the body
This may occur because of cycling in hormones that affect
the kidneys, the organs that control the balance of water and
salt in the body. Fluid overload may cause some of the symptoms
of PMS, especially swelling and weight gain, and may also
aggravate some negative self perceptions and thus worsen
emotional symptoms at this stage of the menstrual cycle.
The estrogen level
Cyclical disturbance of Adreno-cortical function
A combination of psychological, genetic, nutritional, and
behavioral factors.

.....Health Naturally - 512.....

Women develop deficiencies in a part of their nervous system
called the endorphin system. Endorphins are feel good
hormones. Normal levels contribute to cheerful, happy moods
and also make people less sensitive to pain. (Drugs such as
heroin and morphine act like super endorphins.) A small amount
of these feel good endorphins usually circulate in the body, but
these levels drop during the luteal phase of the menstrual
cycle. In some women, falling endorphin levels may lead to
nausea, jumpiness, and various types of pain.

Diet may also be a factor in PMS. Progesterone, which affects

insulin and levels of blood sugar, may affect alcohol
tolerance and trigger the craving for sweets, especially
simple sweets like candy and soda, which some women notice
during the premenstrual phase. Such sweet foods break down
very quickly in the body, so that blood sugar first goes up and
then drops down low. Episodes of low blood sugar may
contribute to both crying spells and the irritability that are
part of PMS. Additionally, low levels of vitamin A, vitamin
B6, and vitamin E may play a role in PMS.
Hormonal cycling also affects the level of serotonin, a brain
chemical that regulates many functions, including mood and
sensitivity to pain. Compared to women who do not have
PMS, some women who experience PMS have lower levels
of serotonin in their brains prior to their periods. Low serotonin
levels are commonly associated with depression.
Another theory explaining PMS involves inflammatory
substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are produced
in the areas where PMS symptoms originate, namely, breast,
brain, reproductive tract, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. This
suggests they may play a role in problems such as cramping,
breast tenderness, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.

.....Health Naturally - 513.....

Mood: Anxiety, Depression, irritability, anger, confusion, forgetfulness,
nervousness, mood swings, depression, , insomnia, hostility and the
exacerbation of existing Psychiatric Ailments.
Behavior - Cravings for sweets, increased eating, crying, poor
concentration, sensitivity to noise, changes in alcohol tolerance
include irritability, lassitude, malaise, headache, colon spasm, constipation,
frequency of micturation, weight gain up to 1- 1.5 kg or even up to 5 kg
due to water retention, tenderness of breasts, Migraine, nausea, changes
in energy level, swelling of arms and legs, feeling bloated, back pain,
heart pounding, fatigue, dizziness, constipation or diarrhea and difficulty
in sleeping.
Your DOCTOR will talk with you about your symptoms and when
they occur each month. Keep track of your symptoms, particularly
noting when they occur during your menstrual cycle. If you have
not already kept a diary, your doctor may ask you to keep accurate
records of your symptoms throughout the next month or two. This diary
gives you and your doctor a better understanding of your symptoms and
how they relate to your menstrual cycle.
Various blood tests to rule out other illnesses.
To rule out a mental health disorder or to confirm the
diagnosis of PMDD.
These treatments should be avoided during the menstrual cycle.
o Cold hip bath daily twice for a month for 20 minutes
o cold abdominal pack for 20 minutes

.....Health Naturally - 514.....

o Wet girdle pack for 30-45 minutes daily twice
o Hot foot baths followed by cold compress on the lower abdomen
o Facial steam for 510 minutes regularly helps in providing relief
from headaches.
o Warm water bath provides relaxation and relieves fatigue and
o Full body oil massage weekly twice
o Partial massageto the abdomen twice weekly
o Headaches can be relieved by dry head massage followed by
hot foot immersion for 20 minutes.
o Full mud bath twice weekly
o Mud pack on the abdomen
6am : Triphala water
7am : lime juice with Jaggery
8am : poha and buttermilk
1pm : 2 rotis, boiled vegs, sprouts, salad
4pm : pomegranate juice
7pm : dahlia, boiled vegs
9.30pm : milk with isabgol
standing series


.....Health Naturally - 515.....

IRT (instant relaxation technique)
supine series
prone series
Sitting series
DRT(deep relaxation technique)
Chandranuloma viloma
shitali, sheetkari,
A, U, M Kara chanting,
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 516.....



Dysmenorrhea is a Greek word which literally means Painful

Menstruation. These are abdominal and pelvic pains experienced
before and during Menstruation. Menstrual Cramps may last for hours
or up to three days. The cramps may be mildly or severely painful and
can be debilitating and can interfere in regular activities, sometimes leading
to absences from work, school or other functions. Dysmenorrhea is
caused by uterine contractions and can be aggravated by emotional
Dysmenorrhea can be classified into
Secondary Dysmenorrhea.


.....Health Naturally - 517.....

Primary Dysmenorrhea
Primary Dysmenorrhea is the more common form of Dysmenorrhea. It
is the form of Dysmenorrhea that occurs with no underlying cause or
not caused by any pelvic lesion. It can be caused by platelet
aggregation, vasoconstriction, or dysrhythmic contractions with
pressure higher than systemic blood pressure. It is also believed
to be caused by prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance
produced by the uterine tissue, which triggers strong muscle
contractions in the uterus during Menstruation. Genetics, stress,
Obesity, cigarette smoking and body type also play a part since some
Women has high prostaglandin levels but do not experience
Menstrual Cramps.
Primary Dysmenorrhea symptoms include Headaches, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea. The pain usually occurs a few hours before
the bleeding, comes to a peak within a few hours, and subsided within
one to two days. Rest, heating pad on abdomen or back, aerobic
exercise, nutrition, and medication are common therapies for
Primary Dysmenorrhea. A balanced diet which includes an
adequate amount of calcium, adequate fluid intake and Vitamin
B6 can be great help in preventing or alleviating the pain.
Medication may include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as
aspirin and ibuprofen, and hormonal alternation of the menstrual cycle.
Hormonal alternation includes the use of oral contraceptives to prevent
ovulation and decrease the thickness of the uterine lining which result to
lesser prostaglandin production.
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
Secondary Dysmenorrhea is related to the presence of pelvic lesions
such as endometriosis (implant of endometrial tissue outside the
uterus), adenomyosis (benign growth of endometrial tissue in the
uterine walls), pelvic inflammation, congenital uterine or vaginal
abnormalities, leiomyoma, or cervical stenosis. The use of
Intrauterine Device can also cause Secondary Dysmenorrhea.

.....Health Naturally - 518.....

Pain starts a few days before Menstruation and usually lasts several
days after onset of flow. The onset of the peak period does not happen
as clearly or quickly as Primary Dysmenorrhea. The pain may also occur
at other times of the month. Symptoms include continuous pain,
tenderness of the pelvis, nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea,
quivering, rapid heartbeat, and sweating.
Secondary Dysmenorrhea can also be treated with the use of non
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen or
acetaminophen. Birth control pills can also be effective. However, the
treatment of this kind of Dysmenorrhea depends on the cause. Surgical
or medical treatment may be needed.
congestive dysmenorrhea
This takes form of premenstrual pain situated either in the back or lower
abdomen. Occurs 3-5 days before or even longer before menstruation.
Its relieved by menstrual flow. The inflammatory disease of pelvis or
pelvic adhesions also produces symptoms of congestive dysmenorrhea.
Or the pain or discomfort is referred to one or the other iliac fosa, usually
the left and it is accompanied by an alteration in bowel habit, usually
constipation, with some flatulent distension of upper colon. The correct
treatment is appropriate diet and avoidance of excess carbohydrate and
strong purgatives. Exercise is very important as they are sedentary office
Spasmodic Dysmenorrhea
Nearly 50% of the females suffer from various degrees of this symptom
though 10% seek medical advice.
The pain develops on the first day of the menstrual period. Excruciating
lower abdominal pain is experienced which lasts for a short time for half
to one hour. The pain is severe, intermittent and spasmodic. It may cause
vomiting, nausea, fainting, or collapse. The severe attack of pain is
followed by a similar but less pronounced type of pain which is felt in the
lower abdomen and pubis and down the antero-medial area of thighs.

.....Health Naturally - 519.....

This pain may persist for about 12hours. Similarly premenstrual pain
may be either in the back, lower abdomen where excruciating pain is
felt on the first day of the period Some amount of menstrual irregularity
is common with this type. The onset of puberty may be delayed, and the
cycle is irregular. The amount of blood passed during each period is less
than the average and pain is relieved by passage of clot.
Spasmodic dysmenorrhea is usually cured by pregnancy.
The pain due to muscular spasm is intense to cause ischemia. The
following factors have been implicated in its causation.
o Cervical obstruction
o Endocrinal factors
o Imbalance in the autonomic nerve pathway
Depends on the severity of the symptoms and pelvic pathology. These
investigations are made only when therapeutic trail fails.
o Ultrasound,
o Hysterosalpingography
o Laparoscopy
o Hysteroscopy investigations
Membranous Dysmenorrhea
This is an extreme form of spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is rare and said
to run in families and recurs after pregnancy. The dysmenorrhea
accompanies passage of membranes which may take the form of casts
of uterine cavity.

Cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily twice

.....Health Naturally - 520.....

Cold abdomen pack for 25 minutes daily
Cold immersion bath for 20 minutes thrice weekly
Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
Steam bath for 20 minutes daily
Sauna bath for 10-15 minutes
Massage therapy:
Full body massage
Partial massage to abdomen
Mud therapy:
Full mud bath
Cold Mud pack on abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : dry ginger powder spoon+ water 1glass +
7am : Dates water (soak 4 dates overnight, make
Paste of it in the morning, dilute and drink)
8am : carrot juice and papaya
11am : dudhi juice
1pm : Jowar roti (2), boiled vegetables, chutney
(of Garlic, ginger, onion)
4pm : carrot juice
7pm : dahlia, boiled vegetables, soup
9.30 pm : warm Triphala (1/2 spoon) water
Yoga therapy:
standing series

.....Health Naturally - 521.....

IRT (instant relaxation technique)
supine series
prone series

Sitting series

DRT(deep relaxation technique)
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting,
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 522.....



Polycystic ovarian disease is a condition characterized by presence of
multiple small cysts in the ovaries associated with high male
hormone levels, infrequent or absence of ovulation and other
metabolic disturbances.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common
female endocrine disorders affecting approximately 5%-10% of women
of reproductive age (1245 years old) and is thought to be one of the
leading causes of female infertility
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), also known by the name Stein
Leventhal syndrome, is a hormonal problem that causes women to have
a variety of symptoms. It should be noted that most women with the
condition have a number of small cysts in the ovaries. However,
women may have cysts in the ovaries for a number of reasons, and it is
the characteristic constellation of symptoms, rather than the presence
of the cysts themselves, that is important in establishing the diagnosis of
.....Health Naturally - 523.....
Polycystic ovary disease
affects hormone cycles.
Hormones help regulate the
the ovaries.
It is not completely
of eggs in

understood why
hormone cyclesor how

interrupted, although there are

several ideas.
Follicles are sacs within the
ovaries that contain eggs. In polycystic ovary disease, there are
many poorly developed follicles in the ovaries. The eggs in these
follicles do not mature and, therefore, cannot be released from
the ovaries. Instead, they form cysts in the ovary.
This can contribute to infertility.
The immature follicles and the inability to release an egg (ovulate) are
likely caused by low levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and
higher than normal levels of male hormones (androgens) produced in
the ovary.
Women are usually diagnosed when in their 20s or 30s. Women with this
disorder often have a mother or sister who has symptoms similar to
polycystic ovary disease.
The symptoms of PCOS may begin in adolescence with menstrual
irregularities, or a woman may not know she has PCOS until later in
life when symptoms and/or infertility occur
Common symptoms of PCOS include
Oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea irregular, few, or absent
menstrual periods.
Infertility, generally resulting from chronic anovulation (lack
of ovulation).

.....Health Naturally - 524.....

Hirsutism excessive mild symptoms of
hyperandrogenism, such as acne or hypermenorrhea, are
frequent in adolescent girls and are often associated with irregular
menstrual cycles. In most instances, these symptoms are transient
and only reflect the immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary
ovarian axis during the first years following menarche.
Approximately three-fourths of patients with PCOS have
evidence of hyperandrogenemia.
Absent periods, usually (but not always) after having one or
more normal menstrual periods during puberty (secondary

Acne that gets worse

Decreased breast size
Development of male sex characteristics (virilization), such as
increased body hair, facial hair, a deepening of the voice, male
pattern baldness, and enlargement of the clitoris
Increased hair growth; body hair may be in a male pattern
Poor response to the hormone, insulin (insulin resistance), leading
to a build-up of insulin in the blood
Weight gain, or obesity
Serum insulin, insulin resistance and homocysteine levels are
significantly higher in subjects having PCOS but have no significant
effect on fertility
The exact cause for polycystic ovarian disease is not known but
some of the factors that may play a role are:

.....Health Naturally - 525.....

Excess insulin production by pancreatic is believed to produce
excess androgen. This disrupts the normal menstrual cycle and
may lead to infertility, excess body hair and acne.

Positive family history wherein if your mother or sister has

PCOD, you might have a greater chance of having it, too.
Low grade inflammation has been seen more frequently in
women with PCOD.
Another hormonal abnormality in women with PCOS is
excessive production of the hormone LH, which is involved in
stimulating the ovaries to produce hormones and is released from
the pituitary gland in the brain.
It includes chronic non-
ovulation and
associated with normal or
raised estrogen, raised LH and
a low FSH: LH ratio.
The fault lies in ovary itself, but
may also be related
axis and adrenal gland.
Macroscopically, the ovaries are bilaterally enlarged, 2-3 times the size,
with thick capsule. The surface may be lobulated but peritoneal surface
is free of adhesions. Multiple cysts 0.5-1mm and up to 20 mm in size are
localized along the surface of ovary giving a necklace appearance on
Enlargement of ovaries and clitoris are the signs of polycystic ovarian

.....Health Naturally - 526.....

Diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease is done on the basis of
medical history,
pelvic examination,
pelvic ultrasound,
vaginal ultrasound,
abdominal ultrasound,
abdominal MRI,
gynecologic ultrasonography,
biopsy of the ovary, and
blood tests for thyroid function test;
serum levels of estrogen,
androstenedione, testosterone and
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.
elevated levels of a milk-producing hormone (prolactin)
Some other blood tests are suggestive but not diagnostic. The
ratio of LH (Luteinizing hormone) to FSH (Follicle
stimulating hormone) is greater than 1:1, as tested on Day
3 of the menstrual cycle. The pattern is not very specific and
was present in less than 50% in one study. There are often low
levels of sex hormone binding globulin, particularly among obese
Women with PCOS are at a higher risk for a number of illnesses, including
High blood pressure,
heart disease, and
cancer of the uterus (endometrial cancer)
metabolic syndrome

.....Health Naturally - 527.....

Skin pigmentation can also occur with PCOS. Acanthosis
nigricans refers to the presence of velvety, brown to black pigmentation
often seen on the neck, under the arms, or in the groin.
weight gain,
endometrial hyperplasia,
Abnormal uterine bleeding.
Cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily twice
Cold abdomen pack for 25 minutes daily
Cold immersion bath for 20 minutes alternate days
Vaginal basti
Neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
Cold abdominal pack for 30 mins daily twice
Warm water enema
Pelvic pack for 45 mins alternate days
Massage therapy
Full body oil massage weekly thrice
Partial lower abdominal and low back massage
Mud therapy
Full mud bath
Mud packs on the abdomen
Diet therapy
6am : lime water with 2 tea spoon honey
7am : ginger tea

.....Health Naturally - 528.....

8am : papaya 1 bowl, 10 almonds, 2 figs
1pm : veg soup, boiled yam, salad
4pm : mosambi juice
6.30pm : sprouted green gram, papaya, veg soup
9.30pm : hot water with 2 spoons gooseberry powder
Yoga therapy
Surya namaskar

Standing series:

IRT (instant relaxation technique)
Supine series:
Hal asana
Prone series:
QRT (quick relaxation technique)
Sitting series:

.....Health Naturally - 529.....


DRT (deep relaxation technique)
Chandranuloma viloma
Nadanusandhana (A, U, M Kara chanting)
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 530.....




A normal menstrual blood loss is 50-80 ml and does not exceed 100 ml.
in menorrhagia the cycle is unaltered but the duration and quantity of
menstrual loss is increased. Menorrhagia is not a disease but a symptom.
The causes may be difficult to detect.
due to some general diseases,
- local causes,
- endocrine disorders (dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- contraceptives,
- iatrogenic
- History
- Full general examination
- Ultrasound

.....Health Naturally - 531.....

- Diagnostic Curettage
- Hysterosalpinogram
- cold abdomen pack for 25 minutes daily twice
ice packs on the lower abdomen for 15 minutes
- cold hip bath for 20minutes daily twice
- cold spinal bath alternate days for 20 minutes
- Cold water enema daily
Mud therapy:
- Full mud bath
- Mud pack on the lower abdomen for 20 minutes daily twice
Diet therapy:
6am - warm water with Avla churan ( 2 spoon)
7am - black raisin water ( soak 6 black raisin in water
8am - overnight, eat the raisins and water )
8am - pomegranate juice
11am - buttermilk
1.00 pm - brown rice and dhal of moong dhal
4.00 pm - musumbi juice
7 pm - Jowar roti, boiled dudhi vegetables, buttermilk
9.30pm - isabgol with water
Massage therapy:
full body massage
partial massage to lower abdomen
Yoga therapy:
standing series

.....Health Naturally - 532.....

IRT (instant relaxation technique)
supine series
prone series
Sitting series
DRT(deep relaxation technique)
chandrabedhana shitali,
A, U, M kara chantings,
OHM kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 533.....



Also called as Fibromyoma, Leiomyoma, or Myoma
Each Myoma is derived from smooth muscle cell rests from
vessel walls or uterine musculature. Growth of Myoma depends on the
estrogen levels. A Fibroid is well circumscribed tumor. Its firm, pinkish
white on cut surface. The connective tissue on the capsule fixes the
tumor to the myometrium .The vessels lie in the capsule of tumor and
send radial branches into the tumor. Due to less blood supply on the
central part, it gets degenerated first. The calcification starts at the
periphery and spreads inwards.

Myomas are rarely found before puberty and cease to grow

after menopause, new Myomas dont grow.
Along with fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, dysfunctional
metropathic bleeding and endometrial carcinoma may develop
due to high estrogen levels.

.....Health Naturally - 534.....

They may increase in size during pregnancy and with oral

Large doses of progesterone for 14- 21 days of the cycle inhibits

the growth of Myomas.
The classification is based on the site of its presence. There are
3 types of fibroids.
This type grows symmetrically and remains within the myometrial
wall. Also called as interstitial myoma
The tumour grows outwards towards the peritoneal surface and
shows a bossy growth. This further extrudes outwards with a
pedicle developed to it. And this can also be known as
pedunculated fibroid.
This type of myoma on the uterine cavity and is covered by thin
endometrium. This is due to the pedunculated fibroid which rarely
may get attached to a vascular organ and is cut off from its
uterine origin (parasitic fibroid). And the uterine contractions
may force the myoma towards the cavity.

According to their place of situation, Myomas are divided into 2 types.
Intra uterine
Extra uterine
Intra Uterine:
Majority of fibroids arise in the uterus. Then further divided into
the one arising from the body of the uterus, and from the cervix. The
Subserous and cervical myoma are more fibrous and less muscular.

.....Health Naturally - 535.....

Fibroid causes hyperplasia of the myometrial wall. The cavity of uterus
gets distorted and enlarged. The endometrium tends to get thickened
due to endometrial hyperplasia. Ovaries may get enlarged, cystic and
Extra uterine:
The areas outside the uterus where fibroids arise are from round
ligament, or uterovarian, or from uterosacral ligaments.
The cervical, Submucous, and broad ligament fibroids are usually
single. The interstitial and Subserous fibroids are may be single, or multiple
varying in size from a seedling to a huge neoplasm.

Menorrhagia, polymenorrhea, metrorrhagia
Infertility, recurrent abortions
Abdominal lump
Pressure symptoms
Vaginal discharge
Abdominal lump
May be felt arising from the pelvis, with well defined margins
firm in consistence, smooth or bossy surface. The tumour may
be mobile from side to side unless fixed by large size or
Ascites rarely
Bimanual examination reveals
Enlarged uterus, regular or bossy depending on the size and
number of tumors.
The cervix moves with the swelling

.....Health Naturally - 536.....

Fibroids get
Degenerated (calcareous, red)
Capsular changes
Associated endometrial carcinoma
Hemoglobin, blood group
D and C
CT scanning

Cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily

Cold immersion bath 20 minutes alternate days.
Cold abdomen pack for 20 minutes daily twice.
Neutral spinal bath for 2o minute alternate days.
Vaginal basti with neem decoction

.....Health Naturally - 537.....

Mud therapy:
Full mud bath twice weekly
Mud pack on lower abdomen
Massage therapy:

Full body massage twice weekly

Partial massage to abdomen daily
Diet therapy:
6am boiled piplamool spoon + 300 ml water + sugar
7am : black raisin water (6 raisins soaked overnight)
8am : chickoo + 4 almonds + banana + 1 cup milk
1pm : chapathi+ boiled vegetables or rice and sambar
4pm : musumbi juice
6pm : tender coconut water
8.30pm :
9.30pm brown rice + sambar + papaya or apple
2 spoons gooseberry churan with 200 ml water.
Yoga therapy:
Surya namskar
Standing series:
IRT (instant relaxation technique)
Supine series:

.....Health Naturally - 538.....

Hal asana
Prone series:
QRT (quick relaxation technique)
Sitting series:

DRT (deep relaxation technique)
Chandranuloma viloma
Nadanusandhana (A, U, M Kara chanting)
OHM Kara chanting

.....Health Naturally - 539.....



Sterility, also referred to as infertility, is defined as an inability to

conceive a child after trying to do so for at least one year.
Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to
contribute to conception. Infertility may also refer to the state of a
woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are
many biological causes of infertility, some which may be bypassed with
medical intervention.
Sterility can affect both men and women, with the cause involving
either one or both parties.
Women who are fertile experience a natural period of fertility before
and during ovulation, and they are naturally infertile during the rest
of the menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods are used to discern
when these changes occur by tracking changes in cervical mucus or
basal body temperature.
For a man to be fertile, the testicles must produce enough healthy
sperm to be ejaculated effectively into the womans vagina.

.....Health Naturally - 540.....

For a woman to be fertile, the ovaries must release healthy eggs
regularly. In addition, her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and
sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes to become fertilized and
implanted in the uterus.
Reproductive endocrinologists, the doctors specializing in
infertility, considers a couple to be infertile if:
o The couple has not conceived after 12 months of contraceptive
free intercourse if the female is under the age of 34. 12 months is the
lower reference limit for Time to Pregnancy (TTP) by the World Health
o The couple has not conceived after 6 months of contraceptive
free intercourse if the female is over the age of 35 (declining egg quality
of females over the age of 35 accounts for the age-based discrepancy
as when to seek medical intervention).
Alternatively, the NICE guidelines define infertility as failure to
conceive after regular unprotected sexual intercourse for 2 years
in the absence of known reproductive pathology
There are many factors that contribute to sterility such as age, lifestyle,
physical, and environmental conditions. Sterility is an emotional
journey for the couple trying to become pregnant, and feelings of anger,
guilt, and depression are not uncommon.
Risk factors for both men and women are the same and these include
stress, being underweight or overweight, diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs.
Sterility is classified into two groups, primary and secondary.
Primary sterility means that a pregnancy has never
occurred. Primary sterility can be due to the male or the
female partner.

.....Health Naturally - 541.....

Secondary fertility involves who have conceived previously,
but is now unable to do so because of a possible physical or
medical condition impairing fertility. A woman who keeps
having miscarriages is also considered infertile.
secondary sterility is only due to problems with the womans
reproductive system
Age plays quite a critical role, as fertility peaks for both men and
women in their mid-twenties. Male fertility starts declining in their thirties,
while women older than 35 years may experience problems conceiving.
Factors that can cause male as well as female infertility are:
Genetic Factors
o A Robertsonian translocation in either partner may cause
recurrent spontaneous abortions or complete infertility.
General factors
o Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, adrenal disease
Hypothalamic-pituitary factors
o Kallmann syndrome
o Hyperprolactinemia
o Hypopituitarism
Environmental Factors
o Toxins such as glues, volatile organic solvents or silicones, physical
agents, chemical dusts, and pesticides. Tobacco smokers are
60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers. Smoking
reduces the chances of IVF producing a live birth by 34% and
increases the risk of an IVF pregnancy miscarrying by 30%.
German scientists have reported that a virus called Adeno
associated virus might have a role in male infertility, though it is
otherwise not harmful. Mutation that alters human DNA

.....Health Naturally - 542.....

adversely can cause infertility, the human body thus preventing
the tainted DNA from being passed on. This could explain why
some radiation victims from Chernobyl incident could not produce
The Most Common Causes of Male Sterility:
There are several causes of male sterility, including:
o Abnormal sperm production
o Impaired delivery of sperm
o Testosterone deficiency
o Genetic defects
o Un-descended testes
Also, erectile dysfunction or low libido can make the process of procreation
that much more difficult.
Common Causes of Female Sterility:
The most common causes of female sterility include:
o Fallopian tube damage or blockage
o Ovulation disorders
o Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
o Endometriosis
o Early menopause
o Pelvic adhesions
o Benign uterine fibroids
o age-related factors
o uterine problems
o previous tubal ligation
If you and your partner have been trying for more than a year to
become pregnant, or both of you are over thirty and battling, it is

.....Health Naturally - 543.....

good idea consult your gynecologist, obstetrician or urologist for further
It is important to undergo a thorough fertility evaluation to determine
the problem.
Testing for Men
In the case of men, a general physical examination will be performed,
with discussions concerning medical history, illnesses, disabilities,
medications and sexual habits. Tests such as semen analysis, hormone
testing, transrectal and scrotal ultrasound may also be performed.
The alterations of the seminal parameters are a simple symptom! It is
always necessary to define the cause in order to apply an adequate
1) The history of the patient is fundamental in order to reveal possible
damaging elements in his life habits (smoking, alcohol, narcotics, a life
rhythm which is too intense with too few hours of sleep, sexual habits,
etc.) and risk in his professional life and in his environment (excessive
heat, radiation, solvents, pesticides, estrogens in his food, anabolic steroids,
magnetic fields, etc.)
2) The semen examination: This must always be carried out in a
laboratory that is specialized and executed solely according to the World
Health Organization standards. This is an element of the diagnostic and
prognostic fundamentals and therefore should be absolutely reliable! It
is always a good idea that the patient follow through with at least two
examinations in order to discriminate the pathology from that which are
merely physiological oscillations in the production of sperm.
3) The dosage of hormones in the functioning of the reproductive
activity is now available at any laboratory.
4) Research into possible infections of the seminal paths
5) Ecographical appraisal of the testicles, prostrate and seminal vesicles
(always to be followed-through by a clinical research specialist).

.....Health Naturally - 544.....

6) Eco-color - scrotal Doppler: This is the only means to a true and
reliable diagnosis to point out varicocele, which we have seen as one of
the main causes (approximately 20%).
7) In selected cases, the Andrologist will point out other assessments
aimed at an in- depth look at seminal examination, a chromosome
map, immunological tests, studies of the spermatozoa in electronic
microscope, etc.

Testing for Women

Women should track their ovulation by recording their basal body
temperature for several months, checking their cervical mucus using a
home ovulation test kit.
History of the female patient:
o Pregnancy history, including any miscarriages, voluntary
terminations, and live births
o Your basal body temperature chart, optimally for the previous
three consecutive months or more
o Prior and current illnesses, including sexually transmitted
o Previous surgeries, hospitalizations and treatments
o Allergies
o Prescription and recreational drug use (including alcohol),
past and present
o Measles (rubella) exposures or inoculations
o DES exposure in-utero
o Exercise habits
o Smoking history
o Sexual activity history
o Sexual practices, including contraception history, lubricant
use, technique and timing
o Family history of fertility

.....Health Naturally - 545.....

o Menstrual history
o Following your medical history, your physician may wish to
conduct a pelvic examination, including routine Pap test and
STD evaluation.
Blood tests or vaginal smears on certain days of your menstrual
cycle, specifically:
o Estradiol (E2): Day of LH surge, as detected by BBT and/or
OPK (generally mid-cycle)
o Total & free testosterone
o Thyroxin (T4), TSH, Free T3
o Luteinizing hormone (LH): Day 3 & Day of surge
o Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH): Day3 & Day of LH surge
o Prolactin
o Progesterone: Day of LH surge
Other tests that may be performed initially include:
o STD cultures or DNA probe
o VDRL for syphilis
o HIV & hepatitis screen
o Complete blood count (CBC)
o Urinalysis
o Fasting insulin
o Sedimentation (Sed) blood rate
o Sickle cell screen
Additional tests to determine sterility include
o blood tests,
o an ultrasound of the ovaries,
o Hysterosalpingography to check for physical problems of the
uterus and fallopian tubes.

.....Health Naturally - 546.....

o A laparoscopy can check the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus
for disease.
In many instances, sterility may be unexplained, but fertility
treatments will be able to help. Once a diagnosis has been made,
you and your partner can consider the various treatment options.


o Cold hip bath daily 20 for mins
o Cold immersion bath with friction twice weekly
o Kidney pack for 30 mins twice weekly
o Pelvic pack for 30-45 mins twice weekly.
o Warm enema twice weekly
o Wet girdle pack 30 minutes daily thrice
o vaginal basti
Massage therapy:
o Full body oil massage weekly once
o Partial lower abdominal massage weekly twice
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath once a week
o Mud pack on the lower abdomen
Diet therapy
6AM : black raisins water (soak raisins in 200 ml water
overnight, grind and strain)
7am : lime juice with honey
8am : pomegranate juice
11am : bottle gourd juice
1pm : 2 barley rotis, boiled bottle gourd vegs, buttermilk
4 pm : pomegranate juice
7.30 pm: barley dahlia and milk
9.30pm : rose milk
.....Health Naturally - 547.....
Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Standing series
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

Sitting series


Deep relaxation technique

.....Health Naturally - 548.....

Shitali, shitkari, Sadanta
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra
o Cold hip bath daily 20 for mins
o Cold immersion bath with friction twice weekly
o Kidney pack for 30 mins twice weekly
o Pelvic pack for 30-45 mins twice weekly.
o Warm enema twice weekly
o Wet girdle pack 30 minutes daily thrice
Massage therapy:
o Full body oil massage weekly once
o Partial lower abdominal massage weekly twice
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath once a week
o Mud pack on the lower abdomen

.....Health Naturally - 549.....

Diet therapy
o 6AM :coconut water
8am : 4 dry figs, 10 almonds, warm milk with 1 tea
spoon asparagus, and 1 tea spoon
ashwagandha, and wheat germ dahlia
11am : chew 2-3 mosambi
1pm : 2 wheat Soya chapatis, boiled vegs, moong dhal
sprouts, salad, curds, 4 roasted garlic in 1 sp
4 pm fruits and 4 walnuts
6 pm : 2 millet (ragi) rotis with ghee and boiled vegs
9.30pm : warm milk with 1 tea spoon asparagus, and 1
tea spoon ashwagandha,
Yoga therapy:
Kriya: vamana dhouti
Standing series
Supine series
Quick relaxation technique

Prone series

.....Health Naturally - 550.....


Sitting series


Deep relaxation technique

Shitali, shitkari, sadantha
Chandranuloma viloma
A, U, M Kara chanting
OHM Kara chanting
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 551.....




Description: Menopause is a part of every womans life.
Menopause is a term used to describe the permanent cessation of
ovarian function which results in the cessation of ova release, uterine
lining creation, and subsequent uterine lining shedding (a.k.a.
menses). Menopause typically (but not always) occurs in women in
midlife, during their late 40s or early 50s, and signals the end of the
fertile phase of a womans life.
It is associated with hormonal, physical and psychological changes.
These changes can occur gradually or abruptly.
It may start 2-3 years before menopause and continue for 2-5 years
after it. It can start as early as the age of 30 and last until as late as the
age of 60. It can also occur when the ovaries are removed or stopped
functioning due to some disorder.
The word menopause literally means the end of monthly cycles
from the Greek word pausis (cessation) and the root men (month),

.....Health Naturally - 552.....

because the word menopause was
menses. of monthly
created to where
end of fertility
change permanent
the in humanor

Menopause is not an illness

but a natural biological process.
Menopause occurs due to a complex series of hormonal changes.
Associated with the menopause is a decline in the number of functioning
eggs within the ovaries.
Most eggs die off through a process called atresia (the degeneration
and subsequent resorption of immature ovarian follicles - fluid filled cysts
that contain the eggs).
Normally, FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone (a
reproductive hormone), is the substance responsible for the growth
of ovarian follicles (eggs) during the first half of a womans
menstrual cycle. As menopause approaches, the remaining eggs become
more resistant to FSH, and the ovaries dramatically reduce their
production of estrogen.
Estrogen affects many parts of the body, including the blood
vessels, heart, bone, breasts, uterus, urinary system, skin, and brain. Loss
of estrogen is believed to be the cause of many of the symptoms
associated with menopause. At the time of menopause, the ovaries also
decrease their production of testosterone-a hormone involved in the libido,
or sexual drive
As part of the aging process the ovaries begin to produce less
estrogen and progesterone. This decrease signals the beginning of
the end of a womans reproductive years. Eventually the menstrual
periods stop and it is no longer possible for a woman to become pregnant.
Normally this transition progresses in two stages.

.....Health Naturally - 553.....


In this stage women begin to experience the symptoms of

menopause even though they are still experiencing ovulation and having
menstrual periods. In this phase hot flashes and irregular periods
begin to occur but it may be four to five years before full menopause
sets in.

When twelve months have passed with no menstrual periods

occurring, a woman has reached full menopause. The ovaries produce
significantly less estrogen and progesterone and no longer release
eggs; consequently pregnancy is no longer possible.

Premature menopause:
The average age of US women at the time of menopause is 51 years.
The most common age range at which women experience menopause
is 48-55 years. If menopause occurs in a woman younger than 40
years, it is considered to be premature. Menopause is considered
late if it occurs in a woman older than 55 years. For most women,
menopause is a normal occurrence.
o Menopause is more likely to occur at a slightly earlier age in
women who smoke, have never been pregnant, or live at high
o If premature menopause occurs, a health care practitioner will
check for other medical problems. About 1% of women
experience premature menopause.
Surgical menopause:

Surgical menopause is menopause induced by the removal of

the ovaries. Women who have had surgical menopause often have a
sudden and severe onset of the symptoms of menopause.
Changes in the body:
o Ovarian activity declines.

.....Health Naturally - 554.....

o Ovulation fails, no corpus luteum is formed
o No progesterone is secreted by ovary.
o The menstrual cycle becomes anovulatory and irregular.
o Later estrogenic activity also diminishes and
o Atrophic endometrium ensues leading to menopause.
o As a result of cessation of ovarian activity and fall in estrogen
level there is increase in secretion of FSH by the anterior pituitary
o FSH level rises so much making the menopausal urine a
commercial source of gonadotropin (HMG).
o Also local atrophy of the generative organs takes place.
Menopausal symptoms:

Menstrual: the three classical ways in which the period ceases

o Sudden cessation
o Gradual reduction in the amount of loss of blood with each
regular period until cycle stops

o Gradual increase in the spacing of periods until they cease

for at least six months.
Although, menopause occurs only one year after the cessation
of menstruation, any woman who bleeds after a gap of six
months from post- menopausal bleeding, Continuous bleeding,
menorrhagia or irregular bleeding is not normal. They must be
o Hot flushes and sweating are suffered by the 85% women.
o The flushing are waves of vasodilatation affecting the face and
neck which lasts for about 2 minutes and are frequently followed
by severe sweating.

.....Health Naturally - 555.....

o Several flushes occur at night. But in nervous women its worst
at night.
o The profuse sweating disturbs sleep.
o Palpitations, anginal pains of effort are seen.
o Mental depression due to disturbed sleep is caused by night
o Lipid metabolism gets disturbed, atherosclerosis and coronary
heart disease may occur due to estrogen deficiency and FSH

Neurological and emotional:

o Parasthesia,
o sensation of pins and needles in the extremities,
o Headaches and noises in the ears
are common.

o irritability,disturbances
Physical depression like

o Sexual feeling is increased due
o to
raised androgen
adrenal cortex.
is confused

pregnancy which is supported by

increase in abdominal girth due to deposition of fat.
Locomotor system:
o Menopausal arthropathy,
o osteoarthritis,
o fibrositis, backache, and
o Vertebral disc lesions are common.

.....Health Naturally - 556.....


Decrease in the content of calcium is called osteoporosis. Bone

resorption is due to estrogen deficiency. The most affected bones
are vertebral bones, distal end of radius and head of femur.
Urinary tract:

Estrogen deficiency causes burning micturation without infection.

Stress incontinence due to poor vascularity around internal urinary
Endocrine system:
o Hirsutism,
o hypothyroidism with lowered BMR,
o raised cholesterol,
o brittleness of hair,
o dryness of skin,
o lassitude and reduction of mental power and
o Concentration.
Genital tract:
Changes are seen in Vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries.
They are atrophied diminished in size.

General examination: blood pressure, weight, Hirsutism
Breasts, per abdomen and vaginal examination
Blood Sugar,
lipid profile
X-Ray chest if indicated
Bone study as needed

.....Health Naturally - 557.....

Pap smear


o Cold hip bath for 20 minutes daily
o cold immersion bath daily for 20 minutes
o neutral spinal bath for 20 minutes alternate days
o steam bath alternate days for 15 minutes
o cold abdomen pack for 20 minutes daily
o pelvic pack weekly once
o wet girdle pack weekly once
Massage therapy:
o Full body oil massage
o Partial massage to all joints and then infra red radiation.
Mud therapy:
o Full mud bath
o mud packs to abdomen
Diet therapy:
6am : black raisin water (soak 30 raisins in 200 ml
water overnight and in the morning grind it
7am : bottle gourd juice with lime
8am : wheat dahlia, milk
11am : apple, 4 dates

1pm : 2 rotis, vegs, salad, buttermilk

4pm : 1 pomegranate
7pm : brown rice 1 cup, boiled vegs, 2 bananas
9.30pm : milk with isabgol

.....Health Naturally - 558.....

Yoga therapy:
Regular yoga practice, as well as other regular exercise, such as,
cycling or walking can help to alleviate the symptoms of Menopause.
Yoga eventually eases mood swings and depression. Joint mobility
increases rapidly with the focused attention and gentle stretching
of yoga postures. Yoga postures, yoga breathing, and focused
meditation tone and soothe the sympathetic nervous system and
its regular practice alleviates anxiety.
There is a particular sequence of poses to stimulate the ovaries
and pituitary gland to produce more hormones. This series has a
claming, soothing, quieting effect on the nervous system and, if
practiced regularly, these Yoga asana provide a good foundation on
which to build a yoga practice that will help maintain a womans well
being during her menopausal years and so on.

The sequence that can be performed while menopause is as

1 Sakti Vikasaka Suksma Vyayqma
Loosening of Fingers.
Loosening wrist.
Shoulder rotation
2. Loosening Practices
Forward & backward bending
Side bending
3. Breathing Practices
Hands in and out breathing
Hands stretch/ side stretch breathing.
Tiger breathing
Neck exercises

.....Health Naturally - 559.....

Quick relaxation technique(QRT)

4. Yogasanas
Standing postures
Ardhakati chakrasana

Supine Postures
Prone postures
Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT)
Sitting Postures
Badha konasana
Deep relaxation technique(DRT)
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 560.....

5. Pranayamas
Sectional breathing.
Abdominal, Thorasic, Upper lobar
Techeniques of Pranayama
Cooling Pranayama
Sitali, Sikari, Sadanta
Nadi shuddi
Nadanusandhana( A,U,M kara chantings)
Om meditation
Yoga nidra

.....Health Naturally - 561.....



The asanas that are practiced by taking standing positions are called
Standing Asanas. These are by and large, the easy ones and equip
one with flexibility, balance, and stability. So, a new student of yoga
would be better off to start with the standing asanas. This will fine-tune
ones body and enables one to move on to the tough asanas without
much difficulty. Standing asanas are specially recommended for those
who spend most of their time sitting. Such people can immensely
benefit from the standing asanas as these asanas tend to improve
the body posture. Tadasana, Vrikshasana, and Garudasana are some
of the key standing asanas.
TADASANA 1 (Mountain Pose)
Stand with feet together, hands at your sides, eyes looking
Raise your toes, fan them open, then place them back down on
the floor.

.....Health Naturally - 562.....

Feel your heel, outside of your foot, toes and ball of your foot all
in contact with the floor.
Tilt your pubic bone slightly forward. Raise your chest up and
out, but within reason - this isnt the army and youre not standing
at attention.
Raise your head up and lengthen the neck by lifting the base of
your skull toward the ceiling.
Stretch the pinky on each hand downward, and then balance
that movement by stretching your index fingers.
Push into the floor with your feet and raise your legs, first the
calves and then the thighs.
Breathe. Hold the posture, but try not to tense up.
Breathe. As you inhale, imagine the breath coming up through
the floor, rising through your legs and torso and up into your
Reverse the process on the exhale and watch your breath as it
passes down from your head, through your chest and stomach,
legs and feet.
Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat.
Improves posture, balance and self-awareness.
TADASANA 2 (the mountain pose):
Tada means mountain.
Step 1:
Stand in sthiti.
Slowly as you inhale raise your hands and heals up.
Hands should be straight, with arms touching the ears.
Balance the whole body on the toes.
Breathe normally in the final pose.
In the final pose you can either keep your hands straight, or
clasp your hands or adopt namaskara mudra.

.....Health Naturally - 563.....

Inhale once and as you exhale, bring your hands and heals
down. Come to sthiti
This asana develops physical and mental balance.
The entire spine is stretched and loosened, helping to clear
up congestion of the spinal nerves at the points where they
emerge from the spinal column.
Develops concentration
Strengthens the leg muscles and foot and toes.
In Sanskrit the word Vriksha means tree. In this pose the practitioner
holds his body still like a tree.
Sthiti: Stand erect in straight line keeping the heels together and toes a
little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position.
Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downward and palms
stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step 1: Inhaling bend your right leg at knees and place the
right foot at the root of the left thigh and exhale.
Step 2: Balance the body weight on the left leg.
Step 3: Now on inhalation raise both the hands to shoulder
level on sides and adopt namaskara mudra straight above
your head.
Step 4: gaze at a particular point or close your eyes and
maintain balance on left leg
Breathe normally in final pose.
Release in reverse order and repeat with left leg.
Improves balancing power.
Improves concentration and eyesight
Leg muscles get strengthened.
The foot and ankle gets strengthened.

.....Health Naturally - 564.....

PADA HASTASANA Forward-Bend Posture
Pada means feet and Hasta means hands. In the final position hands
will be kept by the side of the feet while bending the trunk forward.
Steps for Padahastasana
STHITI: Stand erect in a straight line keeping the heels together and
toes a little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed
position. Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downwards
and palms stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step1: With inhalation raise both hands sideways up to shoulder
level, palms facing down.
Step2: Raise the hands up above the head with biceps touching
the ears, palms facing forward. Continue the inhalation and
stretch up the body from the coccyx.
Step3: With exhalation bend forward till the body comes to
horizontal position, parallel to the ground.
Step4: Bend further to touch the knees with the forehead and
till the palms can rest on the ground, by the side of the feet, with
exhalation. This is the final position of the asana. Breathe
Step5: slowly raise the head along with the hands from the
coccyx parallel to the ground with inhalation.
Step6: Raise the trunk along with the hands further up to vertical
position of the body with continuous inhalation.
Step7: Bring the hands down sideways up to shoulder level
with the exhalation.
Step8: Bring the hands down i.e., come back to sthiti while
o The entire posterior muscles, sciatic nerve, tendons and ligaments
of thighs and legs are stretched nicely.
o Spinal and pelvic nerves are toned up.
o Blood circulation to brain increases.

.....Health Naturally - 565.....

o Enhances secretion of gastric juices, reduces girth and slims down
waist and hip muscles.
o Good for digestive, gastric and intestinal problems.
o Useful in treating diabetes and improves function of the
Spiritual: Improves surface awareness, awareness of blood
flow to the head region. Develops humility.
ARDHA CAKRASAN Half-Wheel Posture
Ardha means half and Cakra means wheel. In the final position it looks
like a half wheel.
Steps to Ardhacakrasana
STHITI: Stand erect in a straight line keeping the heels together and
toes a little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed
position. Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downwards
and palms stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step1: Support the back at the waist by the palms, while
Step2: Bend backwards from the lumbar region. Neck bends
backwards, stretching the muscles of the neck. Inhale while
bending. This is the final position of the asana. Breathe normally.
Step3: Come back to vertical position, keeping the support at
the back at the waist by the palms. Inhale.
Step4: Release the hands from the support of the waist while
o Tones up the dorsal muscles, calves and lumbo sacral
o Improves blood flow to chest and neck regions.
Flexibility of the spine is maintained.
o Being complementary to the Padahastasana, it enhances
the benefits of it. Respiratory organs get relaxed.
.....Health Naturally - 566.....
Therapeutical: Good in treating Asthma and low back pain.
Relaxes cramps in thighs and calves.
Spiritual: Builds up sense of balance and a feeling of confidence.
Ardha means half, Kati means waist and Cakra means wheel.
In the final position of the Asana, the body looks laterally like a half
STHITI: Stand erect in straight line keeping the heels together and toes
a little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position.
Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downward and palms
stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step1: Slowly rise the right arm sideways up above the head
until the biceps touch the right ear, palm facing the left with
Step2: Bend slowly on the left side from the waist region; slide
the left palm down as far as possible along the left leg. Exhale
as you bend.
Step3: Slowly come back to vertical position, keeping the hand
up, with the biceps touching the ear with inhalation.
Step4: Bring the right-hand sideways down to sthiti position with
exhalation. (Note:- repeat the same with left hand other side).
o Elasticity of spine increases.
o Lateral thoracic muscles are stretched and blood supply
o Hip joints become flexible, lungs capacity increases and
excess fat around the waist reduces.
o Relieves from back pain, constipation and good for flat foot.
o Clear blockages in the lungs and improves breathing.

.....Health Naturally - 567.....

Spiritual: Improves lateral awareness and a feeling of
relaxation is built.
o Those with abdominal and hip injury must avoid this pose
oDo not bend forward or backward in this pose.
TRIKONASANA (triangle pose):
Tri means three. Kona means angle. And Asana means posture.
In the final posture the body resembles a triangle.
STHITI: Stand erect in straight line keeping the heels together and toes
a little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position.
Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downward and palms
stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step 1: raise both hands slowly by the sides till they reach
the horizontal position as the right foot is moved about a
meter away from the left foot. Inhale
Step 2: slowly bend to the right side in the same plane.
Step 3: the fingers of the right hand touch the right foot.
The left hand is straight up, in the line with the right hand.
Left palm faces forward.
Step 4: stretch up the left arm and gaze along the fingers.
Breathe normally.
Step 5: slowly come back to the horizontal position without
disturbing the legs. Inhale
Step 6: bring both the hands slowly down while keeping the
right leg by the side of the other leg. Exhale
Repeat the same from the other side.
o Stretches the whole body especially the spine and back muscles.
o Stretches and relaxation of intercostal muscles, thighs, calves,
and hamstring muscles.

.....Health Naturally - 568.....

o Adrenal glands are stimulated.
o Massages liver, Spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
o Reduces hip and waistline.
o Strengthens calves and thighs
o Good for flat foot, diabetes, respiratory ailments, urinary disorders
o Good in treating constipation
o Enhances appetite
o Pain in the back, neck elbows waistline, and knees relieved.
o Effective for hunchback and sciatica
PARSHVAKONASANA (lateral angle pose):
Parsva means lateral, kona means angle. In the final posture, the
body forms an angle by the sideways.
STHITI: Stand erect in straight line keeping the heels together and toes
a little apart. Expand the chest and drop the shoulders to a relaxed position.
Keep the neck straight. Fingers together, facing downward and palms
stretched along the thighs by the sides. Relaxed face.
Step 1: keep the right leg apart from the left to bout 1 mt.
inhale. Keep both the legs parallel.
Step 2: turn the right foot to right side at 90 degrees, without
turning the body.
Step 3: while exhaling, bend towards the right side, keeping
the right thigh parallel to the ground. Place the right palm on
the right side of the right feet with fingers together and facing
outside. Right side of the body touches the right thigh.
Step 4: raise the left arm up with biceps touching the left ear,
keeping the arm straight and gaze at the finger tips this is final
posture. Breathe normally.
Step 5: on inhalation release the left hand back and place it on
the left thigh.
Step 6: slowly come up with no changes in legs.
Step 7: on exhalation, turn the right feet 90 degrees to left.

.....Health Naturally - 569.....

Step 8: Bring both the legs together
Repeat from the other side.
o Expands the thoracic muscles
o Strengthens the calves, forehands, and biceps, and ankle,
knee, wrist and shoulder joints.
o Stretches and relaxes the thighs
o Useful in treating diabetes, constipation.
o Also treats pain in foreleg and ankle joint.
Spiritual: builds feeling of expansiveness and relaxation
The asanas that are practiced by lying flat on the back are called
Supine Asanas. This position enables one to feel relaxed and to wipe
out the tardiness. These asanas freshen one up and activate the whole
body. In most of the supine asanas, one is required to stretch ones legs
and the toes. This makes them supple. Uttanpadasana, Shavasana, and
Halasana are some of the key supine asanas.
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight beside the body, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
SAVSANA (the Corpse pose):
Sava means corpse. The final position of the body resembles
corpse. This asana also signifies that one should be dead to all the
internal and external stimulations without any response like a corpse.
{This is also Sithila (Relaxation) for Supine Posture}
Lie supine on the ground with hands and feet apart.
Slightly stretch the body and allow the whole body to relax
completely with eyes gently closed.

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Become aware of different parts of the body starting from toes
to head.
Feel the spread of relaxation in all parts of the body progressively.
With regular long practice, the relaxation will become deeper,
natural and spontaneous.
Then the whole body is relaxed to the extent that one forgets
the body. The mind experiences alert full rest.
o It increases strength and tones up the whole body
o All muscles and joints gets relaxed
Therapeutical: treats psychosomatic ailments like
Hypertension, tension headaches, acidity etc.
Spiritual: very useful in the practice of antaranga yoga and
enhances general wellbeing of a person.
UTTITA PADASANA (raising the feet):
Uttita means raising. Pada means feet. Uttitapadasana is
raising the feet.
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight beside the body, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
Step 1: from sthiti, as you inhale, raise both the legs to 15
degrees, 30 degrees, 60 degrees and then 90 degrees in progress.
Do not support with the hands .Hands should be beside
the body
Step 2: in the final pose gaze at the tip of the toes and breathe
Step 3: On exhalation, slowly bring you legs down. Do not raise
your head up or support with your hands.

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o Tones and strengthens neck, back and abdominal
o Balances thyroid activity by bringing a healthy supply
of blood to the area.
o This posture will flatten the tummy and reduce waistline.
o Stimulates Digestive organs.
This is an excellent asana for nervous system.
VIPARITA KARANI (the inverted action, leg-up-wall pose)
In Sanskrit, Viparita means inverted, opposite and Karani means
an action, an act of doing. The whole body is inverted or is made
to stand upside-down.
It is also known as the leg-up-the-wall-pose.
It is said to reverse the normal downward flow of a precious subtle fluid
called amrita (immortal) or soma (extract) in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Modern yogis agree that Viparita Karani may have the power to cure
whatever ails you. This faith has been there from the statement of
Gheranda stating that this yoga can win over age, and even death.
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight beside the body, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
Step 1: on inhalation slowly raise both the legs to 45 degrees
and then to 90 degrees.
Step 2: exhale and then slowly raise your buttocks off the floor
support it with both the palms. The elbows are firm on the floor.
Step 3: the lower back is at 45 degrees inclined to the floor.
Shoulders and cervical region on the floor. Legs should be straight.
Step 4: breathe normally.
Step 5: as u exhale release the hands and lower the legs slowly
in progress in reverse order.

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Can perform this asana with wall support too.
o One who practices this asana regularly becomes healthy and
strong and attains longevity due to the secretions of the thyroid,
pituitary, gonad and adrenal glands which are stimulated by this
o This posture promotes inner harmony through the regulation of
pelvic circulation and increasing the supply of blood to the thorax,
brain, face and neck.
o The posture relieves tired or cramped legs and feet.
o Gently stretches the back legs, front torso, and the back of the
o Relieves mild backache.
o Calms the mind.
o helping you ease up your muscles by the flow of blood from the
leg to your
o This helps in many ways to calm your nervous system which
would have worn out by excessive use.
o Your testes or ovaries, it can prove to be very beneficial to your
reproductive system.
o This asana helps you keep your strength and vitality intact.
o It prevents premature aging by giving you a wrinkle free skin.
o Your thyroid glands also functions with more energy to prevent
any thyroid problems.
o It also lessens your menstrual discomfort.
It is known as the queen of asanas. This asana also known as the
candle stand as you have to keep your body straight as a candle.
Sarva means all and Anga means Body parts. This asana involves
every part of the body, all body posture. The health of all the parts of
the body is maintained. This is achieved by toning and balancing the
functioning of the thyroid gland.

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It is one of the many inverted poses of yoga, all of which are extremely
beneficial. These inverted asanas work by reversing the effects of gravity
on certain parts of the body, and in Sarvangasana, most parts of the
body are targeted.
Method to practice:
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight above the head, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.

Step 1: Inhale and raise your legs to 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60

degrees and then 90 degrees in progress.
Step 2: exhale. On inhalation raise the buttocks and trunk up
perpendicular to floor, support with palms at your lower back.
Elbows firm of the ground.
Step 3: As you exhale, the leg is bent at your hips and is parallel
to the ground.
Step 4: now on inhalation, straighten your legs and the whole
body is in straight line to the ground by supporting the trunk on
head, neck and shoulders.
Step 5: now slowly start releasing in reverse order by returning
to step 3, and then place the buttocks on the ground.
Step 6: then return to step 1 and finally to sthiti.
o Maintains healthy thyroid, hence maintains health.
o Influences and tones up the pelvic organs.
o Brain gets rich supply of blood.
o Enhances facial complexion.
o Sarvangasana helps promote good circulation, as it directs the
flow of the entire lower body towards the heart. This asana also
helps prevent and reduce varicose veins by reducing the pressure

.....Health Naturally - 574.....

on the legs and directing blood clogged in the veins upwards to
the heart.
o Treats varicose veins, piles, hernia, thyroid problems, dyspepsia,
constipation, and menstrual disorders.
o Memory develops, good for concentration and balances the mind.
o Women should not do any inverted poses during menstruation
as it reverses blood flow.
o People suffering from blood pressure, glaucoma, hernias,
cardiovascular disease, cervical spondylitis, thrombosis,
arteriosclerosis, and kidney problems should not practice
o Those suffering from neck injuries should perform this exercise
after consulting a yoga teacher, under supervision.
Matsya, the Fish, was one of the incarnations of the Hindu God Vishnu.
Vishnu assumed this form to save the world from the Flood.
The Fish Pose or Matsyasana in Hindi is the counter pose to the
Shoulder Stand and must always be practiced after it. Having
stretched the neck and upper spine in the Shoulder Stand, Plough or
Bridge, you now compress them as you arch your back.
Technique :-
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight above the head, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
Step1: come to sitting pose to assume Padmasana. Inhale and
Bend the right leg and keep the right foot on the left thigh.
Step 2: exhale and bend the left leg and keep the left foot on
the right thigh.

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Step 3: Slowly take the help of your elbows to lie down on your
Step 4: Slowly lie on your back completely.
Step 5: Now with the help of elbows or palms bend your head
backward and place middle of the head on the ground.
Step 6: Catch hold of the toes with your index fingers and place
the elbows on the ground.
Step 7: While returning to original position, release the toes and
taking the help of your hands straighten your head.
Step 8: Now taking the help of elbow sit in padmasana.
Mode of breathing: breathe out whenever you bend backwards /
downwards. Breathe in while coming up. Normal breathing in final pose.
Subtle points:
o Take the weight of the body on the elbows and not on the
neck or back.
o This Asana is practiced after Sarvangasana, hence, practice
for one third of the time taken for Sarvangasana in order to
balance the stretch.
o Do not bend your neck backward with a jerk.
o While bending neck backward, the spine will be arched
o While returning you can release your legs in sitting position
or even in lying position.
As complementary Asana for Sarvangasana, this should be practiced
soon after Sarvangasana. This enhances the benefits achieved through
Doing the Fish Pose also relieves the stiffness of your neck and
shoulder muscles and corrects any tendency of having rounded
Holding this Yoga Pose exercises the chest, tones the nerves of
the neck and back

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Ensures that the thyroid and parathyroid glands obtain the
maximum benefits from the Shoulder Stand.
Performing the Fish Pose also expands the rib cage fully,
increasing your lung capacity and aids in deep breathing.
You should remain in this Yoga Posture for at least half the
amount of time you spent in the Shoulder Stand
Stretches the deep hip flexors and the muscles (intercostals)
between the ribs.
Stretches and stimulates the muscles of the belly and front of
the neck.
Stretches and stimulates the organs of the belly and throat.
Strengthens the muscles of the upper back and back of the neck.
Improves posture.
Blood circulation is increased as your cervical, thoracic and
lumber regions are stretched. Your back muscles are also
strengthened. It is beneficial for anyone suffering from cervical
Spondylitis, neck pain and stiffness.
As your chest is expanded, the capacity of your lungs increases
and breathing becomes easier. This helps with asthma and
Pressure on the neck works on the thyroid and the parathyroid
gland (which regulates the bodys calcium levels). This asana
balances metabolism and boosts the immune system.
Most abdominal and stomach problems are also corrected as
your intestines and abdominal muscles are stretched and toned.
It is good for constipation and for piles.
It tones the nervous system, the pelvic organs and the nerves
connected with sexual functions. It also helps prevent and repair
reproductive system disorders.
Pavana muktasana is a Sanskrit word, where pavana refers
to wind or gaseous form of matter. Mukta or mukti means liberation
or release, which makes this asana the wind release pose.

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The knees and thighs are pressed against the chest and belly in
this asana. The gas trapped in the large intestine gets released in this
Asana. Therefore, it is called Pavanamuktasana.
It is precisely the accumulation of wind or air within the
body that leads to dysfunction, degeneration of the tissues, and aging.
The severity of such problems leads to gastric ulcer and cancers in
stomach. Pavana Mukta asana provides relief to this gaseous condition,
and is a great healer if practiced regularly. This helps to maintain general
health, youthfulness and vitality.
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight above the head, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
Step 1: inhaling, raise both the legs in progress to 90 degrees.
Step 2: exhaling, Bend both the legs at the knees and keep the
folds on the belly. Keep the knees and toes together.
Step 3: inhaling, now keep the belly pressed with the thighs and
clasp the folded legs with both the hands.
Step 4: exhaling, now bending the neck, raise the head and fix
the chin between the knees.
Step 5: And breathe normally in this pose and maintain for few
seconds to a minute.
Step 6: now release in reverse order. Straighten the neck and
bring the head on the floor.
Step 7: Unfold the hands and bring them to their earlier position.
Step 8: Inhaling, straighten both the legs
Step 9: Exhaling, slowly bring both the legs down and place
them on the floor and take Supine Position.
o Keep the legs folded in knees and pressed on the abdomen using
the folded arms.
o Try to touch the chin to the knees.
o Try to keep the legs together.
.....Health Naturally - 578.....
o Point the toes.
o People who have undergone an operation on belly or suffering
from hernia and piles, etc. should perform this asana after
consulting some Yoga Expert. Simple variation keep the head
on the ground instead of trying to touch the chin to the knees.
o Do not strain your neck.
o The pregnant women should also not practice it.
Due to the nice and systematic pressure on the belly, the
trapped gases in large intestine are released, cures flatulence.
It gives relief from constipation and also improves the digestive
Massages ascending, descending and transverse colon
The lower back is strengthened.
Pavanamuktasana also helps remove flab from your back and
The neck and back is stretched.
Impotency can be treated with the practice of this posture.
Circulatory system performs better.
Pavanamuktasana should be practiced by persons suffering
from jaundice.
The use of legs, hands and hips strengthens the hip muscles.
It is termed to be very useful for patients who suffer from
sciatica and joint pains. It relaxes the muscles of the lower
back creating an environment of relaxation for your body.
This exercise stimulates your liver, small and large intestine
as well as the spleen. The abdominal area is very well
strengthened by the performing Pavanamuktasana.
Your sagging body attains a level of firmness to perk you up.
The abdomen, thigh and hip area are toned while performing
the asana.

.....Health Naturally - 579.....

Our body is well equipped to produce acids; Pavanamuktasana
normalizes that level. It brings hydrochloric acid to a normal
In this position the body looks like a traditional Indian plough pulled by
bulls in the fields. Also by practicing this pose one ploughs the body
like one digs the earth, making it loose and free.
Hal in Sanskrit and Hindi means Plough.
Sthiti (Initial) for Supine Posture
o Lie down on the back with legs together.
o Hands straight above the head, and the palms facing the ceiling.
o Close the eyes.
Exhale and while inhaling slowly raise the legs to a 90 degree
angle from the floor.
Exhaling raise the waist and hips, taking the legs over the head,
keeping them suspended above the ground.
After exhaling fully, lower the leg further down and rest the
toes on the floor. Keep the toes stretched and breathe normally
Exhale and inhaling lift the toes up from the floor, keeping the
legs straight in the knees.
Continue inhaling and slowly lower the spine back down to the
ground, keeping the legs at a 90 degree angle with the floor.
Exhaling slowly lower both legs back to the supine position.
The asana position: In this position the toes rest on the floor, if there is
enough flexibility, otherwise the toes are towards the floor, as far as is
comfortable. If the toes reach the floor then try to place the toenails on
the floor. Remember there should be no strain. The legs remain straight.
If the knees are bent there is less pressure on the abdomen and less
stretch into the legs, particularly the hamstrings. The arms should remain
in the same position, flat on the floor supporting the neck. The chin is
pressed into the chest in the jalandhar bandha or chin lock.

.....Health Naturally - 580.....

Anatomical focus:
The neck region, thyroid glands in the throat region, shoulders, lower
back, hamstrings.
On the neck, Vishuddhi chakra, and Maniour chakra in the abdominal
Normal breathing focused on abdominal efforts.
Keep the legs straight in knees with toes vertical on the ground
over your head.
Legs are in one straight line.
As far as possible, the back remains straight and vertical.
Arms straight with palms on the ground.
Shoulders resting on the ground with shoulder blades taking most
of the weight and less on the neck.
The chin resting against the chest.
Bend the knees.
Move the neck or overstrain it in the chin lock position.
Move into this asana fast as a lot of stress is put onto the spine.
Improves the tone and strength of the back muscles as the back
is folded, as well as the leg muscles and abdominal muscles. It
also removes the rigidity of the back muscles.
Improves the working of the spinal nerves, putting pressure on
the nerves in the neck region which are predominantly
Improves the function of the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary
glands. All of the other endocrine glands are regulated by these
main glands and so the overall function of the endocrine system
is improved. This results in the improved functioning of all the
systems of the body.

.....Health Naturally - 581.....

Halasana reduces backache and can help you get to sleep. It
can also be beneficial in menopause. The asana is therapeutic
for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia and sinusitis.
Gives a complete stretch to the spine which increases its elasticity
and overall functioning.
Stretches the shoulders.
Activates digestion and helps with constipation, improves the
efficiency of all the abdominal organs such as the spleen,
pancreas, liver and kidneys. The breathing movements of the
diaphragm help to massage the abdominal organs.
Activates the thyroid gland and thymus gland, stimulating
metabolism and immunity.
Calms the mind and reduces stress.
Can induce states of pratyahara (sense withdrawal).
Benefits for Women
Due to the compression of the pelvic area it improves the
circulation and tone to the reproductive organs, increasing their
Can help to strengthen the lower back and sacral area, preventing
lower back pain during menstruation.
Therapeutic applications:
Cough and cold
Menstrual disorders
Precautions and Contra-indications:
Should be avoided during pregnancy and menstruation, high blood
pressure and brain diseases.
Should be avoided if suffering from an enlarged thyroid, spleen
or liver as well as cervical spondylitis, slipped disc, neck problems,
headache and weak blood vessels in the eyes.

.....Health Naturally - 582.....

To begin with this pose can be a little difficult so start with a few repetitions
of ten seconds at a time. When the body is used to this then the asana
can be held for 30 seconds. After some time it can be maintained for up
to 3 minutes.
Additional section -
Variations and tips:
Some like to hold the toes of the feet with the hands or place the hands
below the neck. However if held for too long this can put too much
pressure on to the upper spine.
It is important that the back is straight, not at 45 degrees, with the chin
tucked in towards the chest as this helps the toes to touch the floor.
If liked the arms can be bent with hands placed on the back like in
sarvangasana. This can be helpful for balance when the toes do not
touch the ground.
Preparatory poses:
Viparit Karni
Ashwini Mudra
Follow up poses:
Vistrut Pada Halasana
Matsyasana to counterbalance the Jalandhar Bandha
Pawanmuktasan and/or Ardha Chakrasan with both feet on the
floor to relieve any tension that has accumulated in the lower
Benefits of Halasana
Calms the brain
Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland
Stretches the shoulders and spine
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

.....Health Naturally - 583.....

Reduces stress and fatigue
Asana has to be avoided in case of:
Neck injury
In case of Asthma & high blood pressure: Practice Halasana with the
legs supported on props.
In Pregnancy: If you are experienced with this pose, you can continue to
practice it late into pregnancy. However, dont take up the practice of
Halasana after you become pregnant.
If there is a complaint of Dyspepsia or constipation, it can be
corrected by the practice of this Asana.
The practice of this Asana is also useful in certain types of
Calms the brain.
Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland.
Stretches the shoulders and spine.
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Reduces stress and fatigue.
Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis.
Since the spine is stretched fully in a curve, it becomes more
elastic and its overall functioning is improved.
All the muscles from toes to waist are also stretched helping
improvement in the functioning of veins.
This asana is also useful for gastric troubles, digestion problems.

.....Health Naturally - 584.....



Relaxation techniques provide mental peace and one feels
energetic after just few hours of practice. One may practice this at the
beginning, middle and or at the end of any asanas.
The muscles often appear completely relaxed but, in fact,
tightness still remains. Even when one sleeps, the comfort is elusive.
Constant postural abnormalities exert strain on the back muscles providing
them little solace in the traditional supine pose. That is why these
techniques prove very relaxing to the spine and related structures. The
primary aim of such techniques is to relax the every bit of muscle and
provide them a deep repose.
Relaxing with awareness and proper knowledge brings deep rest to your
body and mind.
Relaxation involves allowing your body and mind to become
completely still and peaceful. The way to do this is to focus on your
breathing rhythm and also on the way that gravity totally supports the
body so that you can let go of your muscles.

.....Health Naturally - 585.....

If thoughts arise or sounds from the environment distract you,
acknowledge them and then try to release your awareness from them
by focusing again on your breathing. This will become easier to practice.
Relaxation is not like sleeping in that your body is totally relaxed but both
mind is both silent and alert, and focused only on breathing.
Our body is best relaxed in Savasana, the corpse pose. Hence
all techniques are derived from this pose.
Relaxes your psycho-physiological system
Develops awareness of the body
Body becomes relaxed, fatigue vanishes and body feels lighter.

It reduces high blood pressure and regulates respiratory system.

It is very effective in ensuring sound sleep. This will make you
more calm, alert and energetic the next day.
Those who are suffering from insomnia can practice these
techniques before going to sleep.
It helps to cure heart disease, insomnia, nervous debility, mental
imbalance and lack of memory etc.
Also at the end of your daily yoga routine, carry out these
techniques for relaxation.
Whenever you are too tired to do any other asana, you can
practice either of these techniques only for relaxation.
Have no tension in your mind, try to forget all your worries,
stress inducing thoughts and feel you are getting relaxed.


There are 3 types of relaxations. They are,
Instant relaxation technique (IRT)
Quick relaxation technique (QRT)
Deep relaxation technique (DRT)
Instant relaxation technique (IRT):

.....Health Naturally - 586.....

In this type body gets relaxed instantly. The time limit is 30
seconds to one minute. Within this short time period whole body gets
completely relaxed. Here you are going to contract or tighten all the
parts of the body holding the breath. And then release suddenly
and relax. Then observe the changes in heart beat, pulse,
breathing rate and how these parameters come to normal and
finally the whole body and mind relax completely.
o Lie on your back in Savasana
o Bring your legs together
o Hands beside the body
o Head in straight line to the body
o Keep your eyes closed.
The whole practice is done in one stretch. There should be no break in
Contract your soles,
Both ankle joints,
Contract your calf muscles,
Pull up your knee caps, and
Contract your thighs (all the parts- upper, backward, medial and
Contract the pelvic region,
Exhale and suck your abdomen in,
Inhale and expand your chest,
Make a fist of your hand,
Contract your wrist joint,
Lower arms,
Elbow joints,

.....Health Naturally - 587.....

Upper arm, and
Shoulders of both hands,
Contract your whole back,
Tighten the neck region,
Squeeze your face; tighten all the parts of the face,
Contract the scalp,
Contract your whole body contract.contractcontract and
release, suddenly relax the whole body.
Now observe the changes going on in the body.
o The blood rushes to all the parts of the body.
o The breathing is gone high,
o Heart rate increases.
Just observe all the parts of the body and the changes. Take deep
breath. The breathing rate comes down, heart rate comes to normal,
and all the muscles relax. Finally the whole body is completely relaxed.
o The whole session of this IRT should complete within 30 seconds
to one minute.
o When the body and mind are both stressed out can relax the
body and calm the mind within seconds.
o Circulation to every part of the body improves.
o All the organs gets activated and stimulated.
Quick relaxation technique (QRT):
In this relaxation the body gets relaxed within 5 10 mins.
Here we are concentrating only on one part of the body i.e.
abdomen, but the whole body gets relaxed. This practice is done
in 3 phases.
o Lie on your back in Savasana
o Both the legs apart.

.....Health Naturally - 588.....

o Hands apart, palms facing up
o Head in any comfortable position.
o Eyes closed.
Phase 1:
o Feel the abdominal movements. Observe the abdomen going up
during breathing in and going down during breathing out in a
normal breathing.
o Observe for 10 cycles
Phase 2:
o Synchronize the abdominal movements with deep breathing. The
abdomen bulges during inhalation and goes down during
o Observe 10 cycles.
Phase 3:
o As you inhale deeply and slowly, energize the body and feel the
o As you exhale completely collapse all the muscles and release
the tension and enjoy the relaxation.
o Chant Aaa (inhale and chant Aaa from your navel region) in
a low pitch while exhaling. Feel the vibrations in the lower part
of the body.
o Feel the complete relaxation in all the parts of the body.
o Now slowly bring both the legs together, hands beside the body
o Fold your left leg at knee; keep the left foot on the ground.
o Inhale and take your right hand up above the head straight,
o Exhale and turn towards your right. Remain in this pose for few
o With the help of left hand keeping the left palm near the chest
and with the help of right hand too, slowly come up and sit in
any comfortable pose.

.....Health Naturally - 589.....

o Do palming (rub your hands to produce heat and making the
palms like a cup keep the hands around the eyes for 3 breathings.)
and then open your eyes.
o Body gets completely relaxed though concentrating on one part
of the body.
o The chanting of Aaa kara relaxes and energizes the abdominal
organs of the body
o It also relaxes the lower part of the body
o Breathing rate, heart rate, comes to normal.
o Circulation improves to every part of the body.
o The whole body gets energized.
Deep relaxation technique (DRT):
In DRT every part of the body gets relaxed and energized.
Mind gets relaxed and calms down. The practice can be practiced for
20 minutes to 1 hour. This relaxation experienced by this
technique is equivalent to 6 hours of sleep.
Here every part of the body is observed mentally, keeping the
eyes closed, and that part gets relaxed. So the body is observed in order
from the soles till the vertex of the head.
o Lie on your back in Savasana
o Both the legs apart.
o Hands apart, palms facing up
o 1:
Eyes in any comfortable position.

o Bring your awareness to the tip of your toes and, gently move
your toes and relax.
o Sensitize the soles of your feet,
o loosen the ankle joints,
o relax the calf muscles

.....Health Naturally - 590.....

o Gently pull up the knee caps, release and relax.
o Relax your thigh muscles and buttock muscles.
o Loosen the hip joints and relax the pelvic and waist region.
o Totally relax the whole lower body.
o Relax
o Now chant Aaa kara while exhaling, loudly.
o Feel the vibration of Aaa Kara in the lower parts of the body.
Phase 2:
o Gently bring your awareness to the abdominal region. Observe
the abdominal movements , and relax the abdominal muscles
o Observe the chest movements. Relax the chest muscles.
o Gently bring your awareness to the lower back, relax your lower
back. Loosen all the vertebral joints one by one. Relax the
muscles and nerves one by one.
o Bring your awareness to the middle back, and relax the middle
back muscles and joints.
o Observe your upper back and shoulder blades and totally relax.
o Shift your awareness to the tip of fingers one by one, gently
move them a little, sensitize and relax. Relax your fingers one
by one.
o Relax the palms
o Loosen the wrist joints and relax.
o Relax the forearms of both the hands.
o Loosen the elbow joints,
o Relax the arms and triceps, biceps
o Observe both the shoulders and relax.
o Shift your awareness to your neck and slowly turn your head to
right and left, again bring back to the center. Relax the muscles
and nerves of the neck.
o Relax the whole trunk, middle part of the body. Totally relax .
o Relax.
o Now chant U kara from your chest region, loudly.

.....Health Naturally - 591.....

o Feel the vibrations of U kara spreading throughout the middle
part of the body
o Now the whole trunk and middle body relaxed completely.
Phase 3:
o Gently bring your awareness to the facial region. Observe all
the parts of the face. Chin, lower jaw, upper jaw, lower and
upper gums. Lower and upper teeth. And relax your tongue.
o Gently shift your awareness to your lips, relax your upper and
lower lips.
o Shift your awareness to nose, observe your nostrils, and feel the
warm air touching the walls of nostrils as you exhale, and cool
air touching the walls of the nostrils as you inhale. Observe for
a few seconds and relax your nostrils.
o Relax your cheek muscles, feel the heaviness of the cheeks and
have a beautiful smile on your cheeks.
o Relax the eye ball muscles, feel the heaviness of eye balls and
relax the eye ball muscles, eyelids, eyebrows and in between
the eyebrows.
o Relax your forehead, temple muscles, ears, the sides of the head,
and crown of the head. Relax your head region, totally relax.
o Chant M kara (from throat region keeping your lips locked,
during exhalation)
o Feel the vibration of M throughout the head region.
Phase 4:
o Observe the whole body, from toes to the vertex of the head.
o Chant AUM kara when you exhale. Feel the resonance
throughout the body.
Phase 5:
o Slowly come out of the body consciousness and
o Visualize your body lying down on the body collapsed.

.....Health Naturally - 592.....



Shatkarma is a compound word consisting of two components:
shat meaning six and karma meaning art or process.
The word kriya or karma is used in Hatha Yoga in a special
technical sense regarding the techniques of cleaning. These practices,
outlined by Yogi Swatmarama in the Hata Yoga Pradipika, are
Neti - nasal cleaning.
Dhouti - cleaning of the digestive tract.
Nauli - abdominal massage.
Basti - colon cleaning.
Kapalbhati - purification and
vitalization of
the frontal lobes.
Trataka - blink less gazing, clearing
the mind through gazing The aim of Hatha
yoga and, therefore, of the Shatkarmas is to
create harmony between the two major

.....Health Naturally - 593.....

Pranic flows, Ida and Pingala, thereby attaining physical and mental
purification and balance.
Kapal in Sanskrit means the forehead and bhati refers to
brightening. Kapalbhati is a cleansing process which brightens the
forehead. In this process the inner cavities of the nose and forehead
are cleansed. .
It is a pranayama (breathing) practice intended to energize and balance
the nadis, and the chakras. Specifically, it is a sharp, short out
breath, followed by a relaxation of the core that allows the body
to inhale on its own. I.e. passive inhalation and active inhalation is
In this kriya, the respiratory gets cleansed and all the organs of
this system are stimulated.
o Sit erect in any meditative pose with eyes
o Exhale forcibly through abdominal organs.
o Inhale passively by relaxing the abdominal
o Repeat per
strokes quickly as possible,
minute, starting
and increasing with 60up to 120 strokes

per minute.
o Do not hold your breath.
o The rapid active exhalations with passive
effortless inhalations are accomplished
by flapping movements of the abdomen.
At the end of the minute, there is an
automatic suspension of breath. Enjoy the deep silence of mind.
o Washes out carbon dioxide from the blood.
o Activities the brain cells

.....Health Naturally - 594.....

o Cleanses the air passages
o Stimulates the abdominal organs.
o The abdominal organs get massaging effect.
o The heat generated has powerful effects on the respiratory
system as it purifies the nasal passage and the lungs.
o Even in cases of asthma, it removes spasm in bronchial tubes.
o Kapalbhati works wonders on the mind - you will feel totally de
stressed and should experience a unique calmness with this
o The mind becomes remarkably clear. Regular practice will lead
you to higher levels of awareness.
o The physical benefits include a tremendous stimulation of the
digestive organs and the circulatory system.
o This technique tremendously increases exchange of gases in
the lungs. There is large-scale elimination of carbon dioxide and
a huge absorption of oxygen.
o It is a highly effective method to clear the mind of toxins and
negative emotions.
o Abdominal breathing improves hence beneficial for athletes,
swimmers. It increases their performance.
o If youre suffering from cardiac problems, nasal obstruction,
and cold any severe respiratory infection, it is advisable to consult
your physician.
o It should also be avoided if you suffer from high blood pressure,
diabetes or abdominal ulcers.
This practice involves cleaning up the nasal passages as well as
the throat. Neti is a pre-requisite for cleaning up the respiratory passages
for the proper practice of pranayama.
It can be done with water (Jala-neti), where water is poured
into one nostril and it automatically comes out through the other.

.....Health Naturally - 595.....

A variation is Sutra-neti, where a fine thread is taken inside one nostril
and then pulled out of the mouth through the throat.
Other netis are done with milk (dugdha-neti) or ghee (ghritha-neti).
Four types of neti that are in general practice, namely:
o Jala neti
o Sutra neti
o Dugdha neti
o Ghritha neti
Jala neti:

o Add half a tea spoon of salt to neti -pot- full of lukewarm water
o Hold the pot in right hand
o Insert the nozzle of the pot into the right nostril.
o Keep the mouth open to allow free breathing through the mouth.
o Tilt the head first slightly backwards then forwards and side
wards to the left, so that the water from the pot enters the right
nostril and comes through the left by gravity.
o Allow the flow till the pot is empty.
o Repeat from the left side.
o Blast
accumulatedout in the air
both the

nostrils, by Kapalbhati
active exhalations by

alternate nostrils, to clean

the nasal passages of the
remaining water.
Sutra neti:
o Insert a blunt end of a thin soft rubber catheter from the front
horizontally in the right nostril

.....Health Naturally - 596.....

o Push it along the floor of the nose
until the tip is felt in the back of
the throat
o Insert the right index and the
middle fingers through the mouth
and catch the tip of the catheter
at the throat
o Bring the end out through the mouth. The
other end is out of the nose.
o Hold firmly both the ends and gently massage
the nasal passage.
o Remove the catheter through the mouth.
o Repeat on the left side.
Dugdha neti and ghritha neti:
o Here milk and ghee are used
respectively in place of water as in Jala
Benefits of neti:
o Neti is followed by few rounds of Kapalbhati to keep the nasal
passage clear off water.
o Clears and Purifies the nasal passage
o Purifies the structures of head and neck
o It de-sensitizes the nasal passage.
o Develops resistance to many irritants like water, cotton, rubber,
ghee, milk dust, smoke etc.
o Helps in removing the hypersensitivity of allergic rhinitis patients.
o Vision becomes clear
Dhouti (cleansing the intestinal tract up to stomach):
There are 3 types:
Jala /vamana Dhouti
Vastra dhouti
Danda dhouti

.....Health Naturally - 597.....

Vamana dhouti:
Also called as Kunjal.
o Sit in squatting position, and drink 10-12
glasses of lukewarm saline water or till you
can take no more or till you feel like vomiting
it out.
o Practice few twisting exercises
o Now to vomit it out, keep your legs one feet apart, bend forward
from the waist to form an angle of 90 degrees.
o Tickle the throat with middle 3 fingers of the right hand and
press the stomach with the left hand, to vomit (vamana) out all
the water.
o Keep tickling till no more water comes out.
o This means all the water has been vomited out.
Vastra dhouti:
Here as the name suggests cloth is used to
cleanse the stomach
o Take a 7 meter long strip and 3
fingers broad of muslin / thin cloth
soaked in water.
o Slowly swallow the wet piece of cloth under the guidance of a
o Once you swallow the whole length, with the tip end out, slowly
pull it out without force.
o If the Vastra gets struck, drink water to release the spasm.
o Benefits:
o Useful in hyperacidity, flatulence,
o Improves the function of the stomach
o Removes excess mucous/sputum from the chest too.
o Cures asthma too
o Increases the blood circulation to facial muscles.

.....Health Naturally - 598.....

o Nauli is and abdominal kriya, in which isolation and rolling
manipulation of the abdominal recti muscles (rectus abdominis)
which form the front linear wall of the abdominal cavity, are
There are 3 types.
Uddiyana Nauli
Madhyama Nauli

Dakshina / vama Nauli

Uddiyana Nauli:
o Keep the legs one meter apart and stand, bending slightly forward
with hands on the knees.
o On exhaling completely, contract the abdominal muscles
vigorously. Simultaneously the chest muscles too Contract.
o Now press the hands against the thighs (thus fixing up the muscles
of the neck and the shoulders), and have vigorous mock
inhalation, by raising the ribs without allowing air to flow into the
o The muscles of the abdomen should be relaxed.
o Automatically the diaphragm will rise up producing a concave
depression of the abdomen. This is called Uddiyana.
o When you breathe out, hold the position, and push out and pull
the abdominal muscles fast.
o Continue until the breathe-out-condition lasts. Count the no.
of flappings.
o This process is called Agnisara kriya
o This kriya tones up the digestive system by continued stimulations.
Madhyama Nauli:
o Maintain Uddiyana and give a forward and downward push to
the abdominal point just above the pelvic bone in the mid-line,
where the two recti originate.
o This push brings about the contraction of these muscles which

.....Health Naturally - 599.....

stand out in center, the other muscles of the abdominal wall in a
relaxed condition.
o This is called Madhyama Nauli.
Dakshina / vama Nauli:
o For Dakshina (right) Nauli, all the muscles should be relaxed
except for right rectus, which has to be contracted.
o For vama Nauli, only left rectus should be contracted other
muscles relaxed.
o Promotes the health of the abdominal viscera
o The autonomic nervous system and the endocrine glands in the
abdomen are all activated.
o Circulation to the abdominal organs improves due to the negative
pressure created.
o Stimulates gastric fire, thus helps digestion.
Trataka can be practiced on several objects, but the most
popular and effective is trataka on a flame.
This is because a flame (such as a candle
flame) produces the best after-image that
helps in easier visualization of the flame
even when eyes are closed. This is the
desired effect of Trataka - wherein you can
visualize and concentrate on the image even when the eyes are closed.
o Arrange a burning lamp or candle with the flame
at the height of the eyes, at one meter distance,
when you sit in front of it. The room should be
o Sit erect in any meditative pose.
o Make a resolve that you will not move for the
entire practice.

.....Health Naturally - 600.....

Step 2
o Start gazing at the flame without winking the eye lids.
o Learn to ignore the irritation, and watering of the eyes.
o Gaze directly at the tip of the wick of the candle.
o Try not to blink or move your eyes in any way.
o Be totally absorbed in the flame at the tip of the wick.
o As thoughts come in be aware of them but then remind yourself
that you are practicing trataka.
o 3 minutes
Step 3
o Now observe the yellow flame of the candle
o Observe the length and breadth of it.
o Try to observe though it shakes.
o See that the flame is broad at the base and tapering at the tip.
o Make an image of the shape of the flame.
o Breathe normally.
Step 4:
o Now observe the light aura dispersing out of the
o Observe the aura that is bright at the flame and
gets faded when disperses.
o Observe for a minute without blinking and breathe
Step 5
Close your eyes and Gaze at the after image of the flame at the
eyebrow center, and try to keep the image steady.
Be aware of the internal image of the flame and the breath.
From the eyebrow center to the back of the head.
Continue Step 5 until the image disappears or becomes vague.
Keep the eyes closed for a few minutes and watch the back of
the eyelids, the black screen and see what images.

.....Health Naturally - 601.....

Do palming (rub both the hands to produce heat and place the
palms on the eyes making a cup. The hands should not touch
the eyes.)
o Slowly open your eyes with a blink.
The shatkarma Basti is intended to serve the purpose of enema to
pass out the accumulation of faces from the intestinal canal. It is
difficult shatkarma and should be practiced under proper guidance of a
guru. There are two forms of this shatkarma, viz,
Sthala Basti (dry)
Jala Basti (water)
Sushka/sthala basti is done on land (that is in air). Sit in
pashimottanasana and do basti. Contract and expand the anus (ashwini
mudra). This practise prevents abdominal problems. It stimulates
digestive fire and eliminates wind problems.
o Sit on the ground and catch hold of your toes with fingers.
o Do not bend the knees. This is exactly like the Paschimottasana,
but here you need not bring your head to the knees.
o Assuming this posture, churn the abdominal muscles and
abdominal muscles and expel the water. This is Sthala Basti.
Jala basti is done in water while Stand in utkatasana in water to
the height of the navel. Contract and expand the anus. This is called jala
basti. Urinary, digestive and wind problems are cured by jala basti.
The body becomes pure and looks like Kamadeva (Cupid).
This is more effective than Sthala Basti.
o Take a small bamboo tube, five inches long. Lubricate one end
of it with Vaseline, oil or soap.
o Sit in a tub of water or in a tank in knee-level of water in
o Insert the bamboo tube about 2 or 3 inches into the anus.
o Contract the anus.
.....Health Naturally - 602.....
o Draw the water into the intestines slowly.
o Shake the abdominal muscles and expel the water.
o It cures urinary troubles, dropsy, constipation, etc.
o You should not do this everyday and make it a habit.
o This is only for occasional use.
o Do this in the morning hours before taking meals.
o By using the bamboo tube you can have mastery over the
intestinal muscles by drawing in and pushing out the water at
your command.
Benefits; -
o Basti generates energy, removes heat from the system, develops
strength and control of the abdominal muscles, massages and
tones the organs and nerves.
o Water basti is better as it completely scrubs out the intestines.
o Air basti stimulates peristalsis. Both are good for constipation.
If intending to go on a fast it is recommended to do basti to
thoroughly clean out the intestines permitting the greatest
purification of the body.
o Sushka basti can be done very frequently but jala not as often; it
is desirable for there to be a certain amount of stool and its
associated bacteria in the colon.
Varisara Dhauti,
is more widely known as Shankhaprakshalana.

Benefits: Shankhaprakshalana cleanses not only the large intestine,

but the small intestine as well, washes the whole digestive system which
has an effect on balancing the energy structure of the human being.
o Two days before the treatment follow the light diet, excluding
meat as well as spicy, salty, fat, roasted food (if you still have
these foods in your menu).
o You will benefit from hot bath, massages and relaxation.
o Drink fruit and vegetable juices as much as you can.

.....Health Naturally - 603.....

o On the chosen day take a day off and make sure no one will
disturb you at home.
o You start in the morning with an empty stomach.
o The whole treatment takes 1.5 2 hours at the beginning, but
when you get familiar with the practice, it takes 40 60 min.
o You can make the treatment significantly easier by having an
enema with 2 liters of water twice right before the
o Cook some plain rice or moong dhal kichidi, until soft. Remember!
Salt is restricted here. Small portion of ghee can be added when
it is done.
o Make 3 liters of saline water (1 tablespoon for 1 liter), so that it
tastes mildly salty.
o Drink 1 glass of salty water followed by series of asanas (see
o Drink 1 more glass. Repeat the series.
o Drink 4 - 6 more glasses. After each glass the series of asanas
must be done. As soon as you feel like going to the toilet do not
hesitate, empty yourself. If the feeling does not come, go to the
toilet and help yourself by pressing the belly with the hands. If
needed, complete one more series of asanas but this time do not
drink water beforehand.
o Doing the exercises concentrate on stretching and visualize the
coming relief.
o After the first success keep on drinking water. Do exercises
after each glass and go to the toilet when you feel need it.
Continue this part until the water comes out clean. Approximately
12 glasses of salty water will be drunk.
o As soon as water comes out clean, stop doing the exercises.
o Drink 1 -2 glasses of plain water and throw it up. (See
Vamana Dhouti ).
o Total rest is essential. This stage of the practice should be

.....Health Naturally - 604.....

performed at ones own pace. During this time the whole
digestive system is given a chance to revitalize itself.
o Lie down in Shavasana for 45 minutes but do not sleep as a
headache or cold may result.
o It is important to keep warm during the resting period.
o Try to maintain silence.
o Passing urine at this time is perfectly normal.
o Special meal must be eaten 45 minutes after finishing the
o Remember! Do not drink before having the first meal.
The series of asanas:
The exercises are very simple and help to move the water through the
intestines, opening all sphincters from stomach till anus.
Tadasana Tree Pose:
o Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and the arms by the
o Steady the body and distribute the weight equally on both feet.
o Raise the arms over the head.
o Interlock the fingers and turn the palms upward.
o Place the hands on the top of the head.
o Fix the eyes at the point on the wall slightly above the level of
the head.
o The eyes should remain in this position throughout the practice.
Inhale and stretch the arms, shoulders and chest upward.
Raise the heels coming up on the toes.
Stretch the whole body from bottom to top, without losing
balance or moving the feet.
o Hold the breath and the position for a few seconds. A
o t first it may be difficult to maintain balance but with practice it
becomes easier.
o Lower the heels while breathing out and bring the hands to the
top of the head.

.....Health Naturally - 605.....

o This is one round. Repeat it 8 times.
Tiriyaka Tadasana Swaying Tree Pose:
o Stand in Tadasana.
o Fix the gaze on a point directly in front.
o Exhale and bend to the right side from the waist.
o Do not bend forward or backward or twist the trunk.
o Inhale and slowly come to the upright position.
o Repeat on the left side.
o Return to the upright position, exhale while bringing the arms
down to the sides.
o This completes one round.
o Repeat it 8 times.
Kati Chakrasana Waist Rotating Pose:
o Stand straight with the feet about 60 centimeters apart.
o Take a deep breath in while raising the arms to shoulder level.
o Breathe out and twist the body to the left, bring the left hand to
the right shoulder and wrap the right arm around the left side of
the waist, look over the right shoulder as far as possible.
o Keep the back of the neck straight.
o The top of the spine is the fixed point around which the head
o Inhale, stretch up, exhale and accentuate the twist.
o Try to stretch the abdomen gently.
o Inhale and return to the starting position.
o Repeat on the other side.
o Keep the feet firmly on the ground while twisting.
o This is one round.
o Repeat 8 times.
Tiriyaka Bhujangasana Twisting Cobra Pose:
o Assume the final position of Bhujangasana with the legs
separated about half a meter with the heels up and the feet are
on the ball of the foot.

.....Health Naturally - 606.....

o Look forward.
o Twist the head and the upper part of the trunk, and look over the
left shoulder.
o Gaze at the heel of the right foot.
o In the final position, the arms remain straight or slightly bent as
the shoulders and trunk is twisted.
o Try to feel a diagonal stretch of the abdomen.
o Slowly return to the central position.
o Repeat on the other side.
o This is one round.
o Repeat it 8 times.
Udarakarshanasana Abdominal Stretch Pose:
o Sit in the squatting position with the feet apart and the hands on
the knees.
o Breathe in deeply.
o Breathing out, bring the right knee to the floor near the left foot.
o Using the left hand as a lever, push the left knee towards the
right side, simultaneously twisting to the left.
o Keep the inside of the right foot on the floor.
o Try to squeeze the lower abdomen with the combined pressure
of both thighs.
o Look over the left shoulder.
o Hold the breath out for 3 5 seconds in the final position.
o Breathe in when returning to the starting position.
o Repeat on the other side.
o This is one round.
o Repeat 8 times.
Special meal:
Forty-five minutes after completing Shankhaprakshalana a portion of
plain, well-done rice should be eaten. The rice provides a simple, easily
digestible packing material in the form of carbohydrate, and creates

.....Health Naturally - 607.....

mucus, which protects the inner lining of the alimentary canal. A
little portion of ghee (clarified butter) can be added to the rice. In about
four hours, when you feel hunger, eat a fresh salad. Start eating yogurt
the day after shankhaprakshalana.
Several days after Shankhaprakshalana retrain from hot, fat, salty
and fried food. On the whole, Shankhaprakshalana is an excellent
springboard for those who firmly decided to change the diet to the healthy
In case of failure:
If everything was done correctly but the water does not come
out, the stomach is full and you feel like vomiting, it means that the
sphincter between stomach and duodenum does not open and the
drunken water is stuck in the stomach. Keep calm, breathe deeply,
simultaneously massaging the stomach area from the left to the right, as
if you were squeezing the water out of the stomach towards the small
intestine till you feel that the tension in the stomach disappear. It means
that the sphincter opened and the water went further down the alimentary
channel. If you do not feel heaviness in the stomach, but the water still
does not come out, it means that the wind stoppers in the intestines
impede the passage down. In this case do Shirshasana (Head stand),
Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) or any other inverted asana.
If you feel tired, drink one glass of plain water and do Vamana
Dhauti (throw up).
stomach ulcer;
Acute illness of the alimentary channel such as dysentery,
diarrhea, colitis; appendicitis; tuberculosis of intestines, cancer.
Do not do Shankhaprakshalana if you have the flu or feel weak.
For prophylactic, it is recommended to do Shankhaprakshalana twice a
year: in spring and in autumn.

.....Health Naturally - 608.....

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