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(To be completed by Applicant in BLOCK LETTERS)

Submit this form to : [Global Alliances Department]


Full name (As per passport) : ______________________________________________________

Date of Birth : ______________________________________________________

NRIC/ FIN/ Passport No. : ______________________________________________________

Nationality : ________________________ Singapore PR : Yes/ No*

ISCA Membership No. : ________________________ CA (Singapore) / Associate (ISCA)*

Email Address : ________________________ *delete where applicable

Contact Number : ________________________


You should have acquired relevant practical experience of minimum three years cumulatively within
any five year period prior to application.

Acceptable practical experience include auditing and assurance, financial accounting, finance,
financial risk management, financial planning, insolvency and reconstruction, taxation, management
accounting and academia or other accountancy experience such as technical, economic and
administrative factors affecting accountancy works.

Please describe your relevant practical experience below.

Start Date / No. of Organisation / Responsibility Attestants Information

End Date Months Position Held / Scope of Please provide Attestants
Work Name, Relationship to
Applicant & Contact Details
(telephone / email)


To: ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant Monitoring Committee

I meet all the requirements to be an ACPA: YES NO

Hold the nationality of an ASEAN country

Have completed an accredited accountancy degree, or
professional accounting education programme recognised by
Possess a current and valid ISCA membership (CA
(Singapore) or Associate (ISCA))
Have acquired relevant practical experience of minimum
three (3) years cumulatively within a five (5) year period prior
to application
Have complied with the Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) policy of ISCA
Have no record of serious violation of technical, professional
or ethical standards

No disciplinary action has been taken against me YES NO

I am not bankrupt. YES NO

I hereby declare that the above descriptions are true to the best of my knowledge and
understand that the Institute reserves the right to request for any supporting documents to
substantiate my declaration.

Applicants signature: _________________________

Date: _________________________

For Official Use Only

ACPA MC : Meeting Date :

(Name of Country of Origin)

Result : Approval Date :

ACPA No : Registration Fee :

Secretary General : .. Cashier :

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA)?

ACPA is a title accorded to professional accountants who are ASEAN nationals and possess the
necessary qualifications and experiences that complies with the MRAA.

ACPAs are legally allowed to provide accountancy services (except for signing off of the independent
auditors report and providing accountancy services that require domestic licensing) in ASEAN
markets without having to undergo extensive re-training or re-qualification procedures.

Why should I apply to be an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA)?

ACPAs are legally allowed to provide accountancy services (except for signing off of the independent
auditors report and providing accountancy services that require domestic licensing) in ASEAN
markets without having to undergo extensive re-training or re-qualification procedures.

With the ACPA title in your resume and / or name card, it will provide you with market access to the
rest of ASEAN, presenting new opportunities to in one of the highest growth economic regions in the

Who can apply to be ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA)?

A professional accountant who is an ASEAN national and meets the qualifications, practical
experience and conditions that complies with the MRAA is eligible to apply to be ACPA. Please refer
to Page 2 of this document.

How much is the registration fee?

There is no registration fee involved for 2017.

Do I have to renew my ACPA title?

Yes, ACPAs have to renew the ACPA title annually.

How much is the annual renewal fee?

The annual renewal fee will be announced in due course.

How can the public verify whether someone holds a valid ACPA title?

Please approach the Singapore Monitoring Committee (SMC) ( to verify the
validity of the ACPA title.

What do I do next after registering as an ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA)?

An ACPA who wishes to provide professional accountancy services in another participating ASEAN
Country shall apply to the National Accountancy Body (NAB) and/ or Professional Regulatory
Authority (PRA) of a participating ASEAN Host Country to be registered as a Registered Foreign
Professional Accountant (RFPA). A RFPA will have to work in collaboration with Professional
Accountants in the said Host Country and agrees to be bound by the domestic laws and regulations of
the Host Country. The ACPACC is now in discussion on the RFPA registration process and more
details will be released in due course.

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