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BCA211 Operating System

1 What are the components of UNIX Kernel?
2 Discuss First-Come-First-Served scheduling algorithm.
3 a) What are the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur?
b) Write a note on Resource Allocation Graph.
Assignment Set -2
1 Explain demand paging in virtual memory system.
2 Discuss the concept of Direct Memory Access.
3 What are the different forms of Encryption in Distributed System?

BCA212 Data Structure and Algorithm

Assignment Set -1
1 Explain in detail the traversing and searching of linked list.
2 Discuss the stack data structure with Push() and Pop() operation.
3 Explain Adjacency Matrix and Incidence matrix form of representing a graph.
Assignment Set -2
1 Explain how Dijkstras algorithm is used to find the shortest path of Directed
weighted graph.
2 Write the Algorithm for sorting by Partitioning.
3 Explain the Concept of travelling Salesman Problem

BCA213 Object Oriented Programming C++

Assignment Set -1
1 Differentiate between an external variable and an automatic variable with the
help of an example.
2 What is this pointer in C++? What are the features of this pointer?
3 Explain destructor in detail.
Assignment Set -2
1 What is Polymorphism? What are the different types of Polymorphism?
2 Discuss the following functions of file operations
a) tellg()
b) seekp()
c) ignore()
d) getline()
3 Explain sequence containers


1 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication. Write a short
note on the improvement of oral communication
2 What is the difference between listening and hearing? Name the different types of
3 Discuss the definition and meaning of reading.


Assignment Set -1
1 What do you mean by addressing modes? List the different types of addressing
2 Explain the programmers model of 8086.
3 Explain the process of fetching a word from the memory.
Assignment Set -2
1 Write a note on replacement algorithms.
2 How CPU responds to an interrupt?
3 Explain the concept of coprocessor. Also explain its functions.

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