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Faculty of Engineering


Ramfauzan bin Ramlee

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours

(Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing System)






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This project report attached here to, entitle Design and Fabrication of Ice

Crusher was prepared and submitted by RAMFAUZAN BIN RAMLEE - 9676 as

partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with

Honours in Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing System is hereby read and

approve by:

_____________________ __________________
Dr. Mohd. Shahril b. Osman Date

Alhamdulillah, Thank God for all His blessing I was able to complete this

Final Year Project. First of all, I would like to thanks my supervisor, Dr. Mohd.

Shahril bin Osman for the patience, excellent supervision and encouragement to me

in completing my final year project successfully.

Apart from that, I would like to thank the technicians especially to Mr. Masri

who involved in guiding through fabricating session on this project. They do not

hesitate helping me solving the problems and difficulties which I faced during

fabricating my project.

Also special thanks to my family and my loved one for their moral support.

Finally, thanks to all my friends who have given me an advice and suggestion on

completing this project.


In order to serve fast cold drink, the user just needs to add ice in their drink as

a simple alternative rather than using freezer. Ice crusher machine is the way to crush

the ice into the small texture. The smaller the ices texture the faster it cools the

drink. Ice crusher machine can be divided into two major types that are ice block

crusher machine and ice cube crusher machine. However, the existing ice crusher

machine still having problems in term of safety, mechanism of motion, texture of ice

produced and the maximum size of ice that it can be hold for producing ice flakes.

This project is focusing on redesigning and constructing a new block ice crusher

machine. Therefore, several of the problems of the existing machine need to be

reduced and eliminate. Several parameters are discussed and analysed in order to

build the new machine in term of cost, material selection and manufacturing



Dalam penyediaan minuman sejuk segera, pengguna hanya perlu meletakkan

ais dalam minuman mereka sebagai pilihan mudah berbanding menyejukkan

minuman di dalam peti sejuk. Mesin pengisar ais menyediakan cara untuk mengisar

ais menjadi ketulan ais yang kecil bagi keperluan pengguna. Semakin kecil tekstur

ais semakin cepatlah ais menyejuk minuman. Mesin pengisar ais boleh dibahagikan

kepada dua jenis utama iaitu mesin pengisar bongkah ais dan mesin pengisar kiub

ais. Walaubagaimanapun, mesin pengisar ais terkini masih mempunyai masalah-

masalah yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan, mekanisma pergerakan, tekstur ais

yang dihasilkan dan saiz maksimum ais yang boleh dipegang dalam pemprosesan.

Projek ini memfokuskan tentang merekacipta semula dan membina sebuah mesin

pengisar bongkah ais terbaru. Oleh itu, beberapa masalah-masalah yang terdapat

pada mesin pengisar ais terkini perlu dihapuskan dan dikurangkan. Beberapa

parameter dibincangkan dan dianalisa dalam membina mesin terbaru dari segi kos,

pemilihan bahan dan pemilihan pembuatan.











1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Aim and Objective 3



2.0 Introduction 4

2.1 Overview of Ice Form and Processing 4

2.2 Traditional Ice Block Crusher 6

2.3 Manual Ice Block Crusher 7

2.4 Motorised Ice Block Crusher 8

2.5 Summary 9



3.0 Introduction 10

3.1 Basic Step in Designing 11

3.1.1 Study on Relevant Subject 11

3.1.2 Design the Ice Crusher Machine 12

3.2 Concept Generation 14

3.2.1 Brainstorming 14

3.2.2 Mind Map 15

3.2.3 TRIZ Approach in Problem Solving 16

3.3 Material Selection 21

3.3.1 Steel and other Material Selection 22

3.4 Manufacturing Selection 24

3.4.1 Equipment Selection 24

3.5 Shaft Analysis 26

3.5.1 Selection Procedure 27

3.6 Pulley Selection 28



4.0 Introduction 29

4.1 Existing Machine: Electric Ice Shaving 30

4.1.1 Specifications 31

4.1.2 Disadvantages of Electric Ice Shaving 31

4.1.3 Part that has to be improved 32

4.1.4 Comparison between Existing Machine and New Redesign 33

4.1.5 Design Concept 34

4.2 Propose Design 36

4.2.1 Part Fabrication 36

4.3 Summary 41



5.1 Conclusion 43

5.2 Recommendation 44



APPENDIX A: Parts Features 46

APPENDIX B: Drawing 47

APPENDIX C: Figures 48


Table 3.1 Basic Design consideration 12

Table 3.2 Design Consideration 13

Table 3.3 Engineering Parameter in TRIZ 18

Table 3.4 The Inventive of TRIZ 19

Table 3.5 General Properties of Steel 23

Table 3.6 Parts, Material and Processes 24

Table 4.1 Specification of Electric Ice Shaving 31

Table 4.2 Ice Block Crusher Comparison 33


Figure 2.1 Traditional Handmade Ice Crushing Machine 6

Figure 2.2 Manual Ice Crusher 7

Figure 2.3 Motorised Ice Shaving 8

Figure 3.1 Basic Steps in Design 10

Figure 3.2 Concept Map for Redesigning Ice Crusher Machine 15

Figure 3.3 General Problem Solving Model 20

Figure 3.4 Interrelations of Design, Materials and Proccesing 21

Figure 3.5 Shaft Parameters 27

Figure 3.6 First Pulley Diameters 28

Figure 4.1 A Block of Ice 29

Figure 4.2 Electric Ice Shaving 30

Figure 4.3 Concept 1 34

Figure 4.4 Concept 2 35

Figure 4.5 Concept 3 35

Figure 4.6 Blade Holder Frame 37

Figure 4.7 Blade Holder 37

Figure 4.8 Blade 38

Figure 4.9 Pulleys, Shaft and Joint 39

Figure 4.10 Ice Pusher Components 40

Figure 4.11 Body Frame 40

Figure 4.12 Propose Design 41



This report is submitted to Faculty of Engineering University Malaysia Sarawak

(UNIMAS) as to fulfil the requirements of Bachelor Degree Program

Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing System

Faculty of Engineering

ABC Air Batu Campur

QFD Quality Functional Deployment

PDS Product Design Specification

TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

ARIZ The Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving

Chapter 1 Introduction



1.0 Background

Almost every restaurants, cafs and others eating places, there will be menus

of cold drinks. The need of fast serving of cold drinks is essential in this field of

business. There are ways to quickly serve cold drink such as refrigeration or by

adding ice. Type of ice is categorized into 4 types which are ice tube, ice cube, ice

flake and ice block.

However some cold beverages need ice in finer shapes, smaller than ice

flakes. ABC or Air Batu Campur for instance, needs the finer ice to create rapid

cooling of the beverage thus making it colder than other cold drinks. This ice is

created by ice crusher machines from bigger form of ice such as ice tubes or ice


Ice crusher machines are divided into two groups. There are tube ice crusher

machine and block ice crusher machine. Most mobile business use tube ice crushers

while most permanent business uses block ice crushers. Block ice crushers are

commonly much bulkier and heavier than the cube ice crusher counterparts. The ice

tube crusher machines are generally much more compact and take up far less space.

1 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 1 Introduction

Before the ice crushing machines were invented, the crushing of ice was done

by utilizing the ice pick. The ice-pick resembles the shape of a tooth pick but bigger

in size and it is made out of stainless steel. This method required the operator to stab

the ice to induce crack that breaks the block of ice into smaller sizes. The

disadvantages of this method are the size of the ice is irregular, lack of safety and

very tiring to operators.

Other traditional method to crush the block ice is used by handmade ice block

machine. This machine body is made from wood and the blade is made from metal.

The ice holder also made from the wood. The ice is hold by using nails that being

punch through the ice holder.

New constructions of ice crusher machines are designed to ease the process.

There are various types of ice crusher machines which maybe manual and motorised.

There machines are constructed to crush the different shape of ice like ice cube or ice

tube, ice block and ice flake. Ice crusher machines sometimes call ice shaver


1.1 Problem Statement

There are several problems occur in the existing ice crusher machine. From

research and study that had been made referring to the existing machine, the main

problems are:

2 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. The ice produces is not fine, so the quality of the ice texture need to be


2. Lack of safety. The operator of the machine is exposed to the falling ice block

during rotating and the rotating ice block gripper that can cause injury to the


3. The limitation of ice block size that machine can hold before crushing.

Therefore, the quantity of ice produces is low because of the small size of ice

block that can be hold in a certain time.

1.2 Aim and Objective

The aim of this project is to design and construct a new ice block crusher

machine. The objective is to improve the existing machine problems.

3 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review



2.0 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to study the parameters that are involved in

designing the ice crusher machine. The scope of the project is based on the objectives

that are stated in the first chapter. The relevant subjects are studied to be used as a

guide for this project. This chapter is also focus on the principle operation of ice

crusher machine. A few examples of the existing ice crusher machines will be studies

in order to design the ice crusher machine.

2.1 Overview of Ice Form and Processing

The forms of the ice commonly can be divided into three categories. Ice

block, ice tube and the ice flake. The purpose is to serve as cold drink and beverage


The traditional form of ice is the ice block. It is formed in the can which the

dimension and temperature is usually selected to give a freezing period of between 8

and 24 hours. Rapid freezing results in brittle ice. The weight can vary from 12 to

150 kg, depending on requirements. The thicker the block ice would result of longer

freezing time. Blocks ice of less than 150 mm thick are easily broken and a thickness

of 150 to 170 mm is preferable to prevent the block toppling. The size of the tank

required is related to the daily production. Block ice are still in use for many

4 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review

applications. With an appropriate ice crushing machine, the ice block can be reduced

to any particle size without the guarantee of uniformity in size. In some situations,

ice block may also be reduced in size by a manually picking the ice block using an


Another shape of ice is the ice tube. It is formed on the inner surface of

vertical tubes and is produced in the form of small hollow cylinders of about 50 x 50

mm with a wall thickness of 10 to 12 mm. The ice tube plant arrangement is similar

to a shell. The condenser with water on the inside of the tubes and the refrigerant will

fill the space between the tubes. The machine is operated automatically on a time

cycle and the tubes of ice are released by a hot gas defrost process. As the ice drops

from the tubes a cutter chops the ice into suitable lengths, nominally 50 mm.

However, the size can be adjustable. Ice tube is usually stored in the form it is

harvested, but the particle size is rather large and unsuitable for use with fish. The

discharge system from the plant therefore incorporates an ice crusher which can be

adjusted to give an ice particle size to suit the customer's requirement.

Ice flake is formed on one face of a refrigerated vertical plate and released by

running water on the other face to defrost it. The optimum ice thickness is usually 10

to 12 mm and the particle size is variable. An ice breaker is required to break the ice

into a suitable size for storage and use.

5 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.2 Traditional Ice Block Crusher

The traditional method to crush the block ice is shown in Figure 2.1. The

body is made from wood and the blade is made from metal. The ice block holder also

made from the wood. The ice is hold by using nails that being punch through the ice

holder. The operator pushes the ice block on the machine body where the blade is

located at an angle direction and the ice block is sliced to produce ice flakes. The

blade is adjusted by using hammer. However, the size of the ice block must be

adjusted to fit the width of the ice holder.

Figure 2.1: Traditional Handmade Ice Crushing Machine

6 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.3 Manual Ice Block Crusher

The ice block crusher machine as in Figure 2.2 is popular for home use and

small businesses. The body is made from cast steel. For crushing the ice block, a

single blade is positioned at the copper holder. The blade is fixed in angle position

and can be adjusted manually. Gears are fixed within the body to transfer the motion

from the rotation of spindle by user to the ice holder. The ice holder is in vertically

position and is rotated in counter clockwise to give some force to the ice block. The

blade then crushes the rotation of the ice block and reduces it into small particle ice.

Figure 2.2: Manual Ice Crusher

7 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.4 Motorised Ice Block Crusher

The development of the manual ice block crusher machine produced a new

method of the same concepts that is a motorised one. Two pulleys are fixed in the

shafts of the ice holder and the electric motor. Production of the small particles of the

ice becomes much faster and the quantity of the ice flakes is increased. Therefore, it

becomes popular for the medium size business and shows in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Motorised Ice Shaving

8 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.5 Summary

The important subject in this project is the forms of the ice that is going to be

crushed. The scope of the project is to redesign the ice block crusher, all parameters

of the ice block is studied. The parameters are the weight of ice block, size, length

and other characteristic.

Traditional ice crusher to existing ice crushers are studied in part. For the

purpose of study, the study and design in order to redesign the ice crusher is focused

on the selected machines that will be used as references.

The existing ice crusher needs to be redesigned due to improve the quality of

ice textures produces, quantity of the ice produce in a certain period and safety. The

limitation of existing ice crusher is the maximum ice block size that can be hold

before crushing it into ice flakes. From the study, the maximum of ice block size is

about 6 x 6 x 5. With the limitation of size, the operator only can produce a small

quantity of ice flake at a time. Therefore, the operator needs to crush the ice again in

order to increase the quantity of ice flakes. Other limitation is the texture of ice

produced. The ice texture is not fine enough due to using a single blade that static on

the copper blade holder. The single blade is easy to be dull and needs adjustments

frequently in order to make sure the blade cut the ice block during processing.

9 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

Chapter 3 Methodology



3.0 Introduction

This chapter described about the method in order to achieve the objective to

redesign new ice block crusher. Figure 3.1 shows the basic steps in design that will

be discussed in this chapter [1]. Some calculations for the analysis purposes are also


Define Problem Gather Concept Evaluation of

Problem Statement Information Generation Concept
Benchmarking Internet Brainstorming Pugh concept
QFD Patents Functional selection
PDS Trade decomposition Decision
Project planning literature Morphological matrices

Product Configuration Parametric Detail

Architecture Design Design Drawing
Arrangement Preliminary selection Robust design Detail
of physical materials and Final drawings and
elements to manufacturing dimensions specifications
carry out Modeling and sizing Tolerances
function of parts DFM

Figure 3.1: Basic Steps in Design [Dieter, 1986]

10 Design and fabrication of ice crusher

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