LT Gov Cadet - Application Form

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Supporting the Bailiwicks Young




Each year up to four young people are chosen as Lieutenant Governor's Cadets and they will have a
special role in supporting the Lieutenant Governor during the year. Examples of functions they will be
expected to attend are: receptions at Government House, Royal visits, Liberation Day, Queen's Birthday
and presentation of awards. Ideally these young people will show an aptitude for service and leadership.

1. Up to four young people may be chosen for any one year.

2. Open to all young people between the ages of 15 and 18 on the 1st September of the year in

3. Recommendations to be written by a nominating person (e.g. Club leader, youth worker,

teacher) in the form of a citation. A form is provided for this purpose. Additional letters of
recommendation in support of the application may also be submitted.

4. Nominators should indicate how the young person recommended meets the following criteria:
- a good all-rounder, giving service to their organisation and to the community. Enthusiasm,
maturity and the self-confidence to speak with people unknown to them are particularly

5. Those put forward for consideration will need to be available within the island for twelve
months from September next.

6. No-one can be selected more than once, but those who are unsuccessful can be nominated
again if appropriate. There will be a special Lieutenant Governors Cadet Medal to be worn
on duty and this will be presented to those chosen at a reception to be held at Government

7. Chosen candidates will be invited to attend an interview at Government House on 14th or 15th
June 2017, between 5pm and 7pm.

Deadline: 5th June 2017

Please return the nomination form with citation plus any additional supporting letters of recommendation

Or deliver to:
Kerstin Neason, Chief Executive, Youth Commission Head Office, Les Ozouets Campus, Les Ozouets.
St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2UB

Lieutenant Governors Cadet - Youth Commission Guidelines and Nomination Form - Page 1 of 3

Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS

For completion by the Nominator

Person making nomination .....

Youth Club / School .....

Tel. No Email

Name of nominee .........

Current position of nominee .....

For completion by the Nominee

Name ...

Address ......


Date of Birth Tel. No. ................................

Email ..... Mobile......

School attended or Name of Employer .....

I confirm that if selected to be a Lieutenant Governors Cadet for the coming year, I will be studying or
employed in the island for the twelve months from September 2017 and will do my best to fulfil the duties
required of me.

Signature Date..

Lieutenant Governors Cadet - Youth Commission Guidelines and Nomination Form - Page 2 of 3

Nomination for: ........

Completed by: ........

Service to the Community:

Awards / achievements:



What makes this person a good candidate?

Signature Date..

Youth Commission for Guernsey & Alderney, Les Ozouets Campus, Les Ozouets, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2UB
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 756099 Email:
Association of Guernsey Charities Membership No. 368

Lieutenant Governors Cadet - Youth Commission Guidelines and Nomination Form - Page 3 of 3

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