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Irene Corrales


Ana Gil

IES Isaac Newton


Introduction: this paper shows the study to determine what

backpack style is best for nowadays people. In an attempt to

achieve this, I have research in several websites. Our objective

is to find an ideal backpack which wont cause health problems

Methods: in order to find the perfect backpack, I have

research the opinion of different scientists, made interviews and

finally prepare a questionnarie for knowing peoples thoughts.

Results: on this section, it is shown our advantages and

disadvantages of the use of both, rolling and traditional

backpacks and what makes the best backpack for people who

use them often. Also I have include a small section for the proper

use and alternatives of them.

Conclusion: in order of the majority opinions of my research,

tradional backpacks are best if they are used and wear properly,

it is very important to understand that choosing a backpack is an

important decision that we must take carefully, following the

charactheristics it must have for not causing health problems.



Nowadays, few people stop thinking that back, spinal column

problems many be developed by the type of backpack, or the

way they carry heavy or dairy things. With this paper, you will

adcquire the necessary knowledge for knowing which is best for

your health and what type of backpack would be the best option

for your youngs, or even for you!

My purpose is to make it clear that both backpacks, the rolling

and the traditional one, have both advantages and

disadvantages but only one of them is the best for us. In my

opinion, I have considered other websites and scientists point of

view to make sure and contrast my conclusion of which is the

perfect backpack.

Being searching and taking into account my final information, I

have ended up with the ideal that traditional backpacks are the best option.


In order to contrast our data, firstly, I have turn to talk with specialists by meeting at a formal

interview; the inicial meeting was with P. Corrales, nurse at Puerta de Hierro, April 10, 2016,

who believed that: traditional backpacks are the best option depending on the weight you are

wearing diary and how it is weared as it must have both straps adjust correctly with the

weight well distributed across the backpack (), she also said : rolling backpacks need to

be pulled and the scapula may suffer the damage and develop serious back problems, also

when it is lifted, it causes tension on the back; then, another specialists from my colleges

agreed that traditional backpacks were better if there is no more than 15% of the weight

carried and wheeled backpacks needed to be pulled with your arms which was worse because

the natural movement of your arms is not used and the arm muscles only work for the

backpack (Javier Gallego Prados, physiotherapist, march 2, 2016), other agreed that the best

option is the backpack of 360 grades, then the one of pushing, the third one the traditional

backpack with the straps well adjust and the last option a purse (Ivan Gonzalez, physio,

march 22, 2016).

Secondly, third ESO students with their biology teacher, prepared a questionnarie with

specific questions of their backpack use, type of, weight, how it is weared () to more than

800 people for having exact and correct results about what people thought or wore mostly.

Some graphs show that:

Most people between twelve to fifteen, that are female and are studying at high school- ESO,

use 58.5% more the traditional backpacks than the wheeled ones, but in this other graph it is

reflected that most of these people think that wheeled bags are better for our health and 70.3%

are concious of the back problems. So, why do we use traditional ones, if they know they are

damaging their health?

The answer is in this other graph as 57.7 agree that is easier to carry.

opinion on using traditional backpacks


In this other graph we can see also that people wear them because they allow hands-free, are

more comfortable and allow you better mobility. That are the reasons why people use them

most frecuently than wheeled ones although they are more harmful.

reasons for using traditional backpacks
allow hands-free easy to store better mobility
wheeled bags not trendy are confortable wheeled bags hazardous

wheeled bags hazardous; 11%

allow hands-free; 28%

are confortable; 16%

wheeled bags not trendy; 12%

easy to store; 14%

better mobility; 21%

Also, I have found that although the 69.3% who wore traditional backpacks for school, the

71% wear wheeled bags for travelling

bag do you use for travelling

other; 9%

traditional backpack; 20%

wheeled bag; 71%

But why do people wear wheeled backpacks for travelling and wear traditional ones for the

high school? This is because:

wheeled backpacks
% everyone uses traditional backpacks instead of

% traditional backpacks are the trendier option


% traditional backpacks are more comfortable


% traditional backpacks are a more mature option

traditional backpacks are cooler


At first, many families believe that rolling backpacks are better for their childs when they are

between 6-11 years old, in primary school, but in fact, some websites have research and got to

the conclusion that this type, is too big to fit in the school locker standard size and makes it

difficult to keep it inside when there is a break; is heavier as the wheeled mechanism add

more weight; makes it difficult the passage to certain terrains such as snow layers and big

cobble stones; some schools dont admit them and wheels are inconvenient as they can injure


However, other websites agreed that rolling backpacks are the best option as you dont get a

sweaty back after a long while walking; you dont carry the weight when you are standing

still; they look small bags; the main bag opens completely up by allowing to access the

contents; the zip-away straps are avaliable (in some) for using them whenever wheels are

incovenient and the wheels are invaluable (priceless).

At second, a big group of people believe, with the help of news, intercomunications and webs,

that traditional backpacks are the worst choice for teens because, when the backpack is

overloaded, the weights force can pull you backward and to prevent falling, you may bend

forward or arch (curve) your back causing your spine to compress unnaturally; is easily to

develop lower and upper back pain and strain (tense) your shoulders and neck; it can lead to

poor posture; it pinches nerves and interfere with circulation as tight, narrow straps dig into

your shoulders; you can develop numbness and weakness in your arms; you increase the risk

of falling; your back can sweat if it is carried many hours; it is more difficult to access bag

contents and you have to wear the backpack for the whole day even if you are standing as you

carry it on your back. This image shows the problems it may cause if its not wear properly or

its structure is not suitable.

But, contradicting this ideals, in fact, there are many advantages of wearing traditional

backpacks confirmed by several websites as you have both hands free for making other

activities without losing sight of your belongings; you can walk up stairs easier; it includes

two-padded shoulder straps for carrying the weight tightly; it includes multiple compartments

and cant cause injuries with the wheels.

However, none of these ones is the perfect backpack, but it has more similarities with the

traditional one, as, according to most specialists, they agree that the backpack must have a

good construction, they suggest that they would have to include two-padded shoulder straps if

they are wider, better; a metal frame (border) as it would give you more support; a waist belt

and multiple compartments which will help you to distribute the weight across your body; a

good quality of the bags construction is incredibly determining as on it depends its durability

and reliability and finally a good quality outer lining and a sturdy (strong) fastener. Aswell

some go along with the ideal of using velcro but this has positive and negative aspects as it is

an easy fastener but it may deteriorate when it is exposed to precipitation.

This three images may give you an idea of how you must wear it and what must be their

structure and how you must wear them.

This image will help you to understand how to wear them.


We can implement the use of traditional backpacks by encouraging our youths and spreading

the information for avoiding confusions of what is the best for us, how we must wear them

and the problems they may develop.

I will design a campaign for the use of traditional backpacks. Firstly by designing the perfect,

ideal one with the arguments I have explained previously; then I will go to shopping centres

and give the first 5% of the people this backpacks for free for them to spread this backpack so

everybody know about them and listen to our speech, also I will get to an agreement with

important scholar shops so they start buying them on their shops. Secondly if the previous

idea doesnt work, I will talk to several high schools at different parts of Madrid for giving

talks to their students, so they get informed about this topics and I will present this new

backpack style, which will be perfect. And thirdly, I will encourage my children to wear this

model of backpack so, when everyone see it, they will like to wear one of them and this will

spread into generations, so, for sure, my family at least wont have back problems associated

with backpacks.

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