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Harold Anderson

Simn Bolvar
Harold Anderson

Simn Bolvar was born on July 24, 1783 in present day Venezuela. His family was rich

and made money from copper and gold mines. In 1799 he moved to Spain following his parents

death. In 1802 he married Mara Teresa. In 1803 Mara died of yellow fever during a visit to

Venezuela. Bolvar returned to Venezuela and on May 4, 1813 and started Campa Admirable

( Admirable campaign) which was a resistance movement to free the country from Spain.

Soonafter the Venezuelan second republic was formed. Soon after civil war broke out in the

country and Bolvar fled to Jamaica for help. Bolvar gained the support of haiti and returned to

South America and became involved in many battles resulting in him being able to claim several

territories. He succeeded in his goal of uniting south america under a federation. He attempted to

join the countries into a union of states called Gran Colombia. He was declared himself

president. Soon after a section of upper Peru was liberated from the royalists and it was named

Bolivia. He drafted a constitution that made lifetime presidents. Soon after the constitution was

seen as outdated and needed to be replaced. As a result a group of liberals invaded the

presidential palace but Bolivar escaped.

Harold Anderson

Soon after Bolivar intended visit Spain but could not make the trip. He died from tuberculosis

soon after.

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