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Term Definition

Planning and preparation---things to be done before the time of the presentation

intended audience The group of people who will hear a presentation

Purpose of presentation The reason for giving the presentation---to get a job, scholarship,

structure logically organized Parts of the presentation are in an order that makes sense, is
easy to follow

appropriate illustrations Examples reinforce points of presentation, do not produce mixed


resources used effectively People and materials managed well, used to benefit the

Positive first impression---the image of the presenter to the audience at the beginning

appropriately groomed Showered, hair neatly done, nails neat, makeup used

appropriately dressed Clothing reflects businesslike demeanor, mature judgment

relaxed, natural, at ease Person is not fidgeting and showing other signs of nervousness

positive attitude projected Person seems confident, in control, tolerant, pleasant

professional etiquette Handshakes, smiles, words used effectively at the beginning

effective introduction Beginning words focus on purpose of presentation and main

Delivery of presentation---the actual presentation itself

grammar Rules for constructing sentences correctly

word usage Rules for using individual words appropriately

pronunciation The way a person sounds the letters to say a word

voice qualities The attributes or characteristics of a persons voice

pitch The highness or lowness of a voice or sound

tempo The speed at which a person speaks

volume The loudness or softness of a voice or sound

upbeat body language Facial expressions, gestures, and posture showing animation,

concise Brief, to the point, not using unnecessary words

Closure---things said and done at the end of and immediately following the presentation

memorable closure A final statement that causes audience to listen closely and reflect

professional etiquette Handshakes, smiles, words used effectively at the end

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