Atoms & Molecules

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Atoms, Molecules

and Ions

AtomicNumber,MassNumberand Isotopes
All atomscan be identified by the number of protons and neutrons they contain. The
atomic number(Z) isthe numberof protons in the nucleus of each atomof an element. In
a neutral atom,the number of protons is equal tothe number of electronspresent in the
The chemical identity of an atomcan be determined solely from its atomicnumber. For
example atomicnumber of oxygen is 8. This means neutral oxygen atomhas 8 protons
The massnumber (A) isthe total number of neutrons and protons present in the nucleus
of an atomof an element. Exceptforhydrogen (which has only one proton), all atomic
Themassnumber ( A ) = P + N = Z + N = at omic number + number of ne ut rons
Thus, N (numberofneutrons) = A Z
Atomicnumber, number of neutrons, and massnumber of all mustbe positive integers
Atomsof a given element do not have the same mass.Mostelements have two or more
isotopes (atomsof sameelement that have the sameatomicnumber but different mass
e.g.,therearethreeisotopesofhydrogen .
1H hydrogen 1P 0N
1H deuterium 1P 1N
1H tritium 1P 2N

The chemical propertiesof an elementare determined primarily by the protons and
electrons in itsatoms, neutrons do not take partin chemical changes under normal
Average massnumber of natural occurring element containing twoor moreisotopes is
AX + AX +
A = = AX1 1 2 2 K
X X1 + X 2 +
where AA
1 , 2 , K are mass numbers of the different isotopes Gra ms ofA Gi ven
withpercentagesorratiosas X 1 , X 2 , K D i vi de by
35 37 a tomic ma ss
If 17 Cl and 17 Cl are two isotopes of chlorine in the ratio of
Mo le s ofA
31: , thenaveragemassnumberofClis Mu l tiply
35 3 + 37 1 = by N0
A (Cl) = 35 .5
3+1 Ato ms ofA
If there is formation of cations, electrons are lost but Calculationofnumberofatom
number of protonsremains unchanged. 26Fe has 26 P , 26e
56 2+ Atomi c mass ofA Gi ven
and 30 N ; 26Fe has 26P , 24e and 30 N .

Na then Z = 11, P = 11.

Ifthereare10electronsin D i vi de by

Atomi c mass Mass of

TheMole u n i t of
A o ne a to m of
The mole(abbreviated asmol) is theSI base unit fora
amount of a chemical species. Itisalways associatedwith 12
Massofone 6C a tom = 1 2 a mu ( exa ctly)
achemical formula and refers to Avogadro s number of
particles It is designated as N 0 whose value is mass of one 6 C atoms
1 amu=
N 0 = 6 .0 22 1023 mol 1 12
= 6 .0 22 1023 species = 1 .6 6 0 5410
1g = 6. 0 22 10 amu
= 6 .0 23 1023 atoms and
1moleofoxygen (O)2 gas = 6 .0 22 10 molecules
Thus,massofoneH-atom = 1 = 1 amu
The molar massof a substance is the massin grams of
1moleofthatsubstance. massofoneO-atom = 16 = 16 amu
Gra ms ofA

D i vi de by
mola r ma ss LawsofChemical
Mo le s ofA Combinations
Mu l tip ly LawofMassConservation (Lavoisier,1774)
by N0
When hydrogen gasburns and combineswith oxygen to
Mole cu les ofA Fi nd
yield water (H 2O), themassof waterformed is equal tothe
Calculationofnumberofmoles mass of hydrogen and oxygen consumed. This is in
accordance with thelaw of mass conservation which is
ma ss in g rams definedas
M ole s of a subst ance=
molar ma ss Mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical
1 mol X = 1, 1 mol X =1 reactions
molar ma ss ofX 23
6 .0 22 10 X at oms 2H(2 g ) + O(2 g ) 2H 2O( l )
4g 32g 36 g

Ca CO(
3 s)
Ca O(s ) + CO(2 g )
AtomicMassUnit 1 00g 5 6g 44g
Atomsare so tiny that even the smallestspeck of dust
visible tothe naked eye contains about
10 atoms. To LawofMultipleProportions
express massof one atom,unit called atomic mass unit (JohnDalton,1803)
Nitrogen and oxygen can combineeitherina 78: mass
One amu is defined as exactly one-twelth the massof an ratiotomake a substance denoted by NO or ina 7 :16 mass
12 1024 g
atom 6 C andisequalto 1 .6 60 54 ratiotomakeasubstancedenotedby NO.2
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 5

NO NO2 Ifformula istobederived then takemolarratioin which

massratioofNandO 14 :16 14 :32
ma ss
78: 716
: number of mole s=
mola r ma ss or a tomic ma ss
Thisisin accordance with law of multiple proportions
which states Iftwo elementscombinein different waysto LawofReciprocalProportions
formdifferent substance, the massratio are small, whole
numbermultiplesofeachother . Iftwo elements X and Y combine together and each also
combines with a third element Z,then the ratio by weight
N: O mass ratio in NO = (7 g N/ 8 gO) =
Thus, 2 in which Xand Ycombine together iseither that ratio in
N : O mass ra tio in NO2 ( 7 gN/ 16 gO) which they separately combinewith a fixed weight of Z,or
Also1gof hydrogen can combinewith 8gof oxygen to simplemultipleorfractionofthatproportion.
yield HO
2 orwith 16 g of oxygen to yield HO.2 2 Thus, Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen combine toformthree
hydrogenreactsinamultipleof2 compounds: H 2O, CO2 and CH.4
H : O mass ra t io in HO
2 = (1 g H/ 8 gO) = 2 H
H : O mass ra t io in HO
2 2 ( 1 g H/16 gO)

LawofDefiniteProportions C O
(Proust,1779) CH 4 CandH 31:
This states different samplesofa pure chemical substance HO OandH 81:
always contain the sameproportions of elements by mass .
CO2 CandO 38:
Every samplesof water (H 2O) contains 1 parthydrogen
and8partsoxygenbymass Thus, weight ratio of C and O in CO2 is sameas weight
ratioofCandOin CH 4 and HO
2 .
2 : 16 :: 18: When gases react together at constant temperature and
Every sample of carbon dioxide (CO)2 contains 1 part pressure,they do soin volumes which bear a simple ratio to
carbonand2.67partsoxygenbymass eachotherandalsothevolumeofgaseousproducts.
H 2+Cl 2 2H Cl Ratio
1 1 2 112
: :
1 2: 32 :: 1 : 2 .67 N 2+3H 2
2NH3 132
: :
1 3 2
Fo rmat I MCQ s wi th only ONE Correct Option
1. A sample of Ca CO3 is50% pure.On heating1.12 L of 8. Sodium combineswith and 3717 Cl
to givetwo
17 Cl
CO2 (at STP) is obtained. Residue left (assuming samples of sodium chloride. Their formation follows
non-volatileimpurity)is thelawof
(a) 7.8g (b) 3.8g (a) gaseousdiffusion (b) conservationofmass
(c) 2.8g (d) 8.9g (c) reciprocalproportion (d) Noneofthese
2. In thedecompositionof10 g of Mg C O,
0.1 mole CO2 9. According to Daltons atomic theory, the smallest
and 4.0 g MgO are obtained.Hence, percentagepurity particleinwhichmattercanexist,iscalled
of Mg CO3 is (a) anatom (b) anion
(a) 50% (b) 60% (c) 40% (d) 84% (c) anelectron (d) amolecule
3. Considerthefollowingpairs, 10. Thenucleusofanatomconsistsof
I. CH,4 CH
2 6
II. CO, CO2 (a) neutron (b) proton
2 HO
2 2
(c) electron (d) Both(a)and(b)
Inwhichcases,lawofmultipleproportionisfollowed ? 35 37
11. 17 Cl
and 17 Cl
are two isotopesof chlorine. If average
(a) I,II (b) I,II,III
(c) I,III,IV (d) I,II,III,IV atomicmassis35.5thenratioofthesetwoisotopesis
(a) 35 :37 (b) 13:
4. TwosubstancesI and IIofcarbon and oxygenhave (c) 31: (d) 21:
respectively72.73% and 47.06% oxygen. Hence, they

follow 12. Ionic massof X 3 is 17. Ifit has10 electrons, then
(a) lawofmultipleproportion numberofneutronsare
(b) lawofreciprocalproportion (a) 10 (b) 13
(c) lawofdefiniteproportion (c) 7 (d) 17
(d) lawofconservationofmass +
13. M 2 isoelectronic of SO2 and has ( Z + 2)
ion is
5. Inwhichcasepurityofthesubstanceis100%?
neutrons ( Z isatomicnumber of M ). Thus, ionic mass
(a) 1moleof C aCO3 gave11.2L CO2 (atSTP) +
(b) 1moleof of M 2 is
Mg CO3 gave40.0g MgO
(c) 1moleof gave4g HO (a) 70 (b) 66
N aH CO3 2
(c) 68 (d) 64
(d) 1moleof O) gave1mole CO2
C a( HC 32
+ +
6. Considerthefollowing laws ofchemical combination 14. X , Y 2 and Z are isoelectronicof CO.2 Increasing

withexamples orderofprotonsin X ,Y
+ 2+
and Z is
I. Lawofmultipleproportion: N 2O, NO, NO 2 (a) X
= Y2 + = Z (b) X
< Y2 + < Z
II. Lawofreciprocalproportion: HO,2 SO,2 HS
2 + + + +
(c) Z < X < Y2 (d) Y2 < X < Z
Whichiscorrectwithexamples ?
(a) IandII
15. X , Y 2 and Z 3 areisotonic and isoelectronic. Thus,
(b) Ionly
increasingorderofatomicnumberof X,Y and Z is
(c) IIonly
(d) Noneoftheabove (a) X < Y < Z (b) Z < Y < X
contains 94.11% sulphur; (c) X = Y = Z (d) Z < X < Y
7. HS
2 SO2 contains 50%
oxygenand HO
contains11.11%hydrogen.Thus, 16. Number ofatomsin increasing orderin 1.6g CH,4 1.7g
(a) lawofmultipleproportionisfollowed
NH 3 and1.8g HO
(b) lawofreciprocalproportionisfollowed
(a) HO
2 = NH =3 CH
(b) HO
2 < NH <3 CH
(c) lawofconservationofmassisfollowed 4 4
(c) CH4< NH <HO (d) CH4= NH <HO
(d) Alloftheabove 3 2 3 2
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 7

17. Which hasmaximum number ofH-atomspergramof 27. Iftheequivalentweight ofan elementis 32, then the
thesubstance? percentageofoxygeninitsoxideis
(a) CH4 2
(b) CuSO45HO (a) 16 (b) 40 (c) 32 (d) 20
(c) HO
2 2 (d) HO
2 28. A hydrocarbonhas3g carbon pergram ofhydrogen,
18. If eachO-atom has two equivalents, volume of one hence,simplestformulais
equivalentof O2 gasatSTPis (a) CH4 (b) CH
6 6
(a) 22.4L (b) 11.2L (c) CH
3 8
(d) CH2
(c) 5.6L (d) 44.8L 29. Molarratio of Na 2SO 3 and HO : in Na 2SO 3 xHO.
2 is 17 2
19. Each dropof HO
has0.018 mL atroomtemperature. Hence,theirmasspercentageis
Numberof HO
2 moleculesinonedropis (a) 12 .5 : 87 .5 (b) 87 .5 : 12 .5

(a) 1 10 3 (b) 6. 02 1020 (c) 50 :50 (d) 75 25

(c) 22 .4 10 3 (d) 6 .02 3 102 30. Whichhasthemaximumpercentageofchlorine?
(a) C6HCl
6 6 (b) C 6HCl
20. 1g CH4 and 4g ofcompound X haveequal number of (c) CH3Cl (d) CCl 4
moles.Thus,molarmassof X is
1 1 31. Inwhich of the following pairsdo the two species
(a) 16 g mol (b) 32 g mol resemble each other most closely in chemical
1 1
(c) 4g mol (d) 64 g mol properties?
23 (a) 11 H and 21 H (b) 16
and 168O2
21. Massof one atomof an elementis 6 .64 10 g. This
(c) 24 24
12 Mg and 12 Mg
(d) 14 14 3
7 N and 7 N
(a) 6. 64 10 u (b) 40.0u 32. One isotope of a non-metallic element has mass
number 127 and 74 neutrons in thenucleus. Theanion
(c) 1 u (d) 6.64u
40 derivedfrom the isotope has 54 electrons. Hence,
22. If Avogadros number would have been 1 10 10, 1 27 1 27
(a) 54 X
(b) 53 X
instead of 6 .02 1023 then massof one atom of H
(c) 74
53 X
(d) 74
54 X
(a) 1u (b) 1 1010 u 33. Which of the following is the richest source of
(c) 6u (d) 6 1013 u ammoniaonamasspercentagebasis?
(a) NH 4NO 3 (b) NH2C ONH2
23. Massof one atom of X is 2 .66 10 g, thenits32 g is (c) NH 4Cl (d) HN C (N 22
equalto 34. Which ofthefollowing substancescontains greatest

(a) 32 2. 66 10 23 mol massofchlorine?
(b) 32 (a) 5.0g Cl2 (b) 0.5mol Cl2
23 23 mol
2 .66 10 6. 02 10 (c) 0.10mol KCl (d) 30.0g Mg Cl2
(c) 32 2. 66 10 mol 35. When 0.273 g ofMgis heatedstronglyin a nitrogen
6 .02 10
(N 2 ) atmosphere, 0.378 g of the compound is formed.
(d) Noneoftheabove Hence,compoundformedis
12 (a) MgN (b) MgN
24. Numberofmoleof 6C in1amuis 3 2 3
(c) MgN
2 3
(d) MgN
(a) 1 (b) N 0
N0 36. A certain metalsulphide, M S,2 is used extensivelyasa
1 high temperature lubricant. If M S2 is40.06% bymass
(c) N 20 (d)
N 0 12 sulphur,metal M hasatomicmass
(a) 160u (b) 64u (c) 40u (d) 96u
25. Massofone 7N
37. Themolarmassofa compound if 0.372 moleofit hasa
(a) 14u (b) 7u massof186g,is
(c) 14g (d) 7g
(a) 200g (b) 372g
26. If two compounds havesameempirical formula but (c) 500g (d) 186g
38. Which of the following has maximum number of
(a) sameviscosity C-atoms?
(b) samevapourdensity(VD)
(a) 4.4g CO2 (b) 3.0g CH
(c) differentmolecularweight 2 6
(c) 4.4g CH (d) 1.3g CH
(d) differentpercentagecomposition 3 8 6 6

39. MgC
2 3 ( X)
is decomposedby HO
forming a gaseous 51. A spherical ball ofradius7 cm contains56%iron. If
hydrocarbon (Y ).8.4gof X givesmolof Y. density is 1.4 g /cm3 , number of moles of Fepresent
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.2 (c) 0.3 (d) 0.4 approximately is
(a) 10 (b) 15
40. Number of atomsin 20 g Ca is equal to number of
(c) 20 (d) 25
(a) 20gMg (b) 1.6g CH4 52. In the following final result is 0.1 mole
(c) 1.8g HO
(b) 1.7g NH3 CH 4 + 3. 01 10
molecules CH 4 9 .6 g CH4 = x
41. Na 2SO 3 xHO
2 has50% HO
2 bymass.Hence, x is moleHatoms
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 (a) 0molHatom (b) 0.2molHatom
23 (c) 0.3molHatom (d) 0.4molHatom
42. Massof one atom ofX is 6. 66 10 g. Hence, number
ofmolesofatom X in40kgis 53. Ifwe assumethat N 0 = 1 .2 1023 mol 1, then molar
(a) 103 mol

(b) 10 3 mol massof O2 willbetakenas
(b) 32 gmol 1
3 3 1
(c) 40 1023 mol (d) 40 10 23 mol (a) 32 g mol

6 .66 10
6 .0 22 10 6
(d) 1 10 gmol
1 1
43. To make 0.01 mole which of the following has (c) 32 1023 gmol
maximummass? 32
(a) N aH CO 3
(b) Na2CO3 54. CO, CO,2 CO
2 3 follow
(c) Na2SO 4 (d) Na2CO
2 4 (a) lawofdefiniteproportion
44. In a glass-tube,thereare18 g ofglucose.0.08 moleof (b) lawofmultipleproportion
glucoseistaken.Glucoseleftintheglass-tubeis (c) lawofconservationofmass
(a) 0.10g (b) 17.92g (d) Alloftheabove
(c) 3.60mol (d) 3.60g 55. In a gasS and O are50% by mass,hence,theirmole

45. Restmass of an electronis 9 .11 10 31 kg. Molar mass ratiois
oftheelectronis (a) 11: (b) 12:
(a) 1. 50 10
31 1
(b) 9. 11 10
31 1 (c) 21: (d) 31:
kg mol kg mol

(c) 5.5 10 7 kg mol 1 (d) 6 .02 1023 kg mol 1 56. What mass of ammonium phosphate (N H)43 PO4
46. A sample of ammonium phosphate (N H)43 PO4 wouldcontain14.0gofnitrogen?
contains 3.18 moles of H-atoms.Thenumber of moles (a) 50.0g (b) 25.0g
(c) 12.5g (d) 100.0g
(a) 0.265 (b) 0.795 57. Whatmassof propane CH contains thesamemassof
3 8
(c) 1.06 (d) 3.18
carbons ascontainedin 1.35 g ofbarium carbonate,
47. A sample of CuSO4 5HO
contains3.782 g ofCu.How B aCO3 ?
many grams of oxygenarein this sample? (C u = 63 .5) (a) 1.35g (b) 1.00g
(a) 0.952g (b) 3.80g (c) 0.10g (d) 0.135g
(c) 4.761g (d) 8.576g
58. Which elementhasmaximum percentagein iron (III)
48. Cortisone is a molecular substance containing sulphate(IV)?
21 atomsof carbon permolecule. Themass percentage (a) Iron (b) Sulphur
ofcarbonincortisoneis69.98%.Itsmolarmassis (c) Oxygen (d) Equal
(a) 176.5 (b) 252.2
(c) 287.6 (d) 360.1 59. How many molesofoxygenarecontainedin one litre
of air if its volume content is 21% in standard
49. If the dot under a question mark has a mass of conditions?
1 10 g, how many atoms are required to make such (a) 0.21mol (b) 0.045mol
adot?(ofcarbon) (c) 0.067mol (d) 0.0094mol

(a) 5 1016 (b) 12 10 6
6 60. A compound with molecular mass180 is acylatedwith
(c) 10 (d) 1 10 C H3 COCl togeta compound with molecular mass390.
12 N0 Thenumber of amino groups presentper molecule of
50. One equivalentofmagnesium oxideweighs 20 g then theformercompoundis [JEEMain2013]
oneequivalentofmagnesiumchlorideweighs (a) 2 (b) 5
(a) 29.75g (b) 47.5g (c) 95.0g (d) 20.0g (c) 4 (d) 6
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 9

61. Massof one atom of the element A is 3 .9 854 10 g. 66. A sample of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate(I)
How many atomsarecontained in 1 g of the element A? contains 3.18 moles of hydrogenatom.Thenumber of
(a) 2 .5 092 1022 (b) 6. 0 22 1023 molesofoxygenatomsinthesampleis
(c) 3 .9 854 1023

(d) 1 .66 10 23 (a) 0.265 (b) 0.795
(c) 1.06 (d) 3.18
62. Analysis of chlorophyll shows that it contains 67. A sample of copper sulphate pentahydrate contains
2.40 per cent magnesium. Thus, number of atomsin 3.782 g of Cu. How many grams of oxygenarein the
1gchlorophyllis sample?
(a) 0.001 (b) 1.00 (a) 0.952g (b) 3.809g
(c) 6. 02 1020 (d) 1 .4 45 1019 (c) 4.761g (d) 8.576g
63. Radiusofwatermoleculeis(assumingitspherical) 68. An unknown aminoacidhas0.032%sulphur.Ifeach
(a) 19.27nm (b) 19.27 molecule hasoneS-atom, then 1 g ofthis amino acid
(c) 192.7pm (d) 19.27 m hasmolecules
(a) 6. 02 1018 (b) 6. 02 1019
64. Atoms oftheelement X are spherical.Each atom of the
element(atomicmass 23) is at the corner of the cube (c) 6. 02 1021 (d) 6 .02 1023
andis in contact along the edge length, then edge
69. Considerthefollowingcases
lengthis(density = 6 .2 g cm 3 ) I: 60g CH3CO OH II: 30gHCHO
(a) 2.274 (b) 1.137 III: 60g NH2C ONH2 IV:180g C6HO
12 6
(c) 4.548 (d) 1.183
65. Number ofmolesin 1.8g HO
2 is equaltothenumber of (a) I,II (b) I,III
molesin (c) I,II,III (d) I,II,IV
I: 1.8gglucose 70. Ethanol-water mixture has 46 g ethanol in 100g
II: 6gurea mixture. By a suitable technique volatile component
III: 34.2gsucrose goesoff.Thus
(a) 3molesofnon-volatilecomponentareleft
(b) 9 N 0 atomsofnon-volatilecomponentareleft
(a) I,II,III (b) I,II
(c) 9 N 0 atomsofvolatilecomponentareseparated
(c) I,III (d) II,III
(d) Alltheabovestatementsarecorrect

Fo rmat II MCQ s w i th O ne or More than ONE Correct Option

1. Whichis/arecorrectabout4.25g NH 3 ? 6. Volume ofa gasatNTPis 1. 12 10 cc. Thenumber
(a) Itcontains0.25moleof NH3 ofmoleculesisthusequalto
(b) Itcontains0.75moleofH-atoms (a) 3. 01 1012 (b) 3. 01 1018
(c) Itcontainstotalof1.0moleofNandHatoms (c) 3. 01 1024 (d) 3. 01 1030
(d) Itcontains 1.5 1023 moleculesof NH3
7. Which ofthefollowing maycontain oneprotonand
2 oneneutron?
2. Whichofthefollowingareisoelectronicof O ? +
3 + +
(a) H2 (b) 4
(c) 21 D (d) 3
(a) N (b) F (c) Ti (d) Na 2 He 1T
3. Among thefollowing groupings which representsthe 8. 17 Cl
and 37
17 Cl
collectionofisoelectronicspecies? (a) atomicnumber (b) numberofneutrons
(a) NO, CN, N,2 O2 (b) NO, C,22 O,2 CO (c) numberofelectrons (d) atomicmass
(c) N2 ,C22 , CO,NO (d) CO, NO, CN, C22 9. Isoelectronicspeciesarerepresentedbypairs

4. Theatomicnumberofanelementisalwaysequalto (a) N,3 O2 (b) CO, CN
(a) numberofneutronsinthenucleus
(c) O,22 F2 (d)

O,2 CN
(b) halfoftheatomicweight

(c) electricalchargeofthenucleus 10. X is isoelectronicof CO and has ( Z + 2) neutrons
(d) numberofprotons
( Z = atomicnumberof X ).Thus,
5. Abivalentmetalionhasequivalentmassof12.Then
(a) ionicmassof X is28
(a) equivalentmassofitsoxideis28
(b) ionicmassof X is30
(b) molarmassofitsoxideis40
(c) atomicnumberof X is13
(c) equivalentmassofitshydrideis13
(d) atomicnumberof X is14
(d) molarmassofitshydrideis14

Fo rmat III Testi ng of Numeri cal Ski ll

1. 1021 molecules areremovedfrom 200 mg of CO.2 Thus,
2 +C O+ 2 X 2CO3
numberofmolesof CO2 leftis

2. Al 2 (SO)43 xHO
has 8.20 per cent Al by mass. Y CO3 Y O+ CO 2
Calculatethevalueof x. 16.8 gof XH CO3 gave6.2 g of mixture of HO and
3. In additionto carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon CO2 .Identifythesubstances.
dioxide (C O2 ), thereis a third compound of carbon
5. Cesium atoms are the largest naturally occurring
calledcarbon suboxide. If a 2.500 g sampleof carbon
atoms. The radius of cesium atom is 2.62 . How many
suboxide contains 1.32 g ofC and 1.18 g ofO, show
cesium atomswould haveto be laid sideby sideto give
that the law of multiple proportionsis followed.What
a row of cesium atoms2.50 cm long? Assume thatthe
isthepossibleformulaofcarbon suboxide?
4. XH CO3 and YCO3 aretwo pure substancesofequal

Fo rmat IV Comprehensi on Ba sed MCQs

Example 1 Study the following observationsandanswer 3. Whatmass(in kg) of KO
contains thesamenumber of
thequestionsattheendofit. molesofKatomsas1.00kg KCl?
Thefollowing is a crudebut effective methodforestimating the (a) 0.158kg (b) 0.315kg
order of magnitude of Avogadros numberusing stearic acid (c) 1.262kg (d) 0.631kg
( C18H36O ).2 Whenstearic acid is addedtowater, its molecules
collect at the surface andforma monolayer; that is, the layer is Example 3 Themassspectrum(given below) of magnesium
only onemolecule thick. The cross-sectional area of each has three peaks, which indicates that magnesium hasthree
stearic acid moleculehasbeenmeasured tobe0.21nm 2. In one isotopes. Questions givenbeloware basedonthis mass spectrum.

experiment it is foundthat1.4 10 4 g of stearic acidisneeded
to forma monolayerover water in a dish of diameter 20cm. 100
(theareaofacircleofradius r is r 2.)
Relative abundance

1. Basedon thesemeasurementsvalueof Avogadros 80

(a) 3 1023 (b) 6 1023 (c) 4 1023 (d) 1 1023 60

2. Whatis theequivalentof1g H in amu forthis valueof

Avogadrosnumber? 40

(a) 1. 66 10 24 g (b) 3. 33 10 24 g

(c) 2.5 10 24 g (d) 1 10 23 g 20

Example 2 Readthe following passage regardingfertiliser 24 25 26

KO2 andanswerthequestionsattheendofit. Atomic mass (amu)
Potashis only potassiummineral that is usedfor its potassium
content. Most of the potashproducedin the United States goes 1. Which isotopehasmaximum number of atoms per
into fertilizer. The major sources of potash are potassium gramofeach?
chloride (KCl) and potassium sulphate (K2SO 4). Potash (a) Mg-24 (b) Mg-25
production is often reported as the potassium oxide (K2O) (c) Mg-26 (d) Equal
equivalent or the amount of KO that couldbe made froma
givenmineral. KCl costs ` 50perkg. 2. Number ofatomsin one moleofeachisotopeis placed
1. WhatisthecostofKpermoleoftheKCl sample? (a) 24 25 26
(b) 26 M g < 25 24
1 1 M g < Mg < Mg M g < Mg
(a) ` 13 .4 2 mol (b) ` 3.73 mol 26 25 24
(c) M g = Mg = Mg (d) givendataisinsufficient
(c) ` 1.00 mol 1 (d) ` 2.00 mol 1
2. Forwhat pricemust K 2SO 4 be soldin orderto supply 3. AverageatomicmassofMgisapproximately
thesameamountofpotassiumasin KCl? (a) 25.0 (b) 24.3

(a) ` 58.40 kg 1

(b) ` 50.00 kg 1 (c) 25.2 (d) 25.8

(c) ` 42.82 kg 1 (d) ` 25.00 kg 1
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 11

Example 4 Theequivalent volumeisdefined asthe volume N0

(a) N 0 (b)
occupiedby one equivalent of a substancein the given 2
condition. Theequivalent volume of a gaseoussubstancecan N0 N0
(c) (d)
bederivedfromthemolarvolume. 4 8
1. Equivalentvolumeof O2 gasatSTPis 3. A certain amount of a metalwhoseequivalentmassis

(a) 5.6L (b) 11.2L 28 gmol 1 displaces0.7 L of H 2 gasin standard
(c) 16.8L (d) 22.4L conditions.Thus,massofthemetalis
2. Number of hydrogenatoms in H 2 gasin termsof (a) 0.07g (b) 0.70g
(c) 1.75g (d) 0.875g

Fo rmat V Ma trix Matching

1. Matchthepropertiesin Column I with thecompounds 3. Match percentageof carbon (in Column I) with the
inColumnII. compound(inColumnII).

ColumnI ColumnII ColumnI ColumnII

A. Identical%ofC 1. HCHO A. 20% 1. CH4

CHO B. 52.2% 2. CO2
B. Identical%ofH 2. 6 12 6
C. 75% 3. CHO
2 6
C. Identical%ofO 3. CH3COOH
D. 27.3% 4. CN2
D. Samemolarmass 4. E. 12% 5. CaCO3

2. Matchthegasesin Column I with theircorresponding 4. Matchthecompounds in Column I (1 moleofeach)

propertiesinColumnII. withcorrespondingpropertiesinColumnII.

ColumnI ColumnII ColumnII
A. H2 gas 1. 2 N0 atomspermole A. HSO
2 4 1. 60g
B. O2 gas 2. Specificheatratio:1.40 B. HPO
3 4 2. 98g
N2 gas 1 C. HPO
3 3 3. N0 ionisableH
C. 3. 0.8Lg atSTP
3 2 4. 2 N0 ionisableH
D. COgas 4. Lightestgas
E. CH3COOH 5. 3 N0 ionisableH
E. HClgas 5. Heaviestgas F. NH CO
2 4 6. 4 N0 H

Fo rmat VI Integer Answer Type

1. Disilane (Si 2H)x is analysedand found to contain 5. When2.495 g of CuSO4 xHO
2 is heated,0.05 mole of
90.28% silicon byweight. What is the valueof x? HO
islostforming CuSO4. Whatisthevalueof x?
(Si = 28) 23
6. Massof one atomof an elementis 6. 66 10 g. How
2. The aluminium sulphatehydrate Al 2 (SO)43 yHO2 manymolesofelementaretherein0.320kg?
contains 8.20 percent Al by mass.What is the valueof
y? ( Al = 27, S = 32, O = 16)
7. X 2 is isoelectronicof 10Ne.
1.6 g of X 2 has0.1 mole.
3. Na 2SO 3 zHO 2 has 50% HO 2 by mass. What is the
= Calculatethenumberofneutronsin X2 .
valueof z? (Na 23)
4. In Japan,during earth-quakeon April 4,2011, 0.060 kg 8. Haemoglobin(molarmass67200) contains 0.33% iron
of radioactive water leaked into seafrom nuclear by weight. How many iron atoms are presentin one
reactors. How many moles of radioactivewater leaked moleculeofhaemoglobin?
Check your S olutions

F o rm a tIMCQ s wi th only ONE Correct Option (d) Ca(HCO)32 CaO + HO
2 +2CO 2
1 mol 2 mol

CaO(s) + CO2 (g )
1. (a) CaCO3 (s) actual=1mol
1 mol = 100g 1 mol = 56g 22.4 L at STP Thus,50%
0. 05 mol= 5 g p ure 0.05 mol = 2. 8g 1.12 L at STP 6. (a) I: NO
2 : NO: NO 2
Impure CaCO3 taken = 10 g (5g pure CaCO3 + 5g 28gN/16gO:14gN/16gO:14gN/32gO
CaO(s) lef t = 2. 8g 14gN/8gO:14gN/16gO:14gN/32gO
4 :21:
Impurity = 5. 0g H
Totalresidue = 7. 8g II. HS
2 HO2

2. (d) Mg CO3 ()s MgO()s +CO 2 (g )
1 mol = 84g 40g 1mol
8.4g(pure) 4.0g 0.1mol
RatioofHandSin HS 2 :2gH/32gS
in10gsample HO
RatioofHandOin 2 :2gH/16gO
Thus,%ofpure Mg CO3 = 84%
RatioofSandOin SO2 :32gS/32gO
C : H m ass rat io in CH4 3 gc / gH
3. (d) I: C : H m ass rat io in CH = 4 gc / gH = 3:4 Thus,lawofreciprocalproportionisfollowed.
2 6
C : O m ass rat io in CO 6 gC/ 16gO
II: C : O m ass rat io in CO = 6 g C/ 32gO = 2:1 7. (b) HS
2 5.89gHcombineswith = 94. 11 gS
N : O m ass rat io in NO 14 g N/10gO hence,1gHcombineswith = 16 gS
III: N : O m ass rat io in NO = 14 gN / 32gO = 2:1 SO2 50gOcombinewith = 50 gS
H : O m ass rat io in HO
2 2 gH / 10gO hence,1gOcombineswith = 1 gS
IV: H : O m ass rat io in HO = 2g H / 32gO = 2:1
2 2
2 11.11gHcombineswith = 88.89 gO
Thus,inallcaseslawofmultipleproportionisfollowed. 1gHcombinewith = 8gO
4. (a) SubstanceI C O
8. (d) Therearetwo types of NaClformed.Theydifferin molar
27.27 72.73 massesduetodifferentisotopesofCl.
mole: 2.27254.5456
9. (a) ByDalton stheory,atomisthesmallestparticle.
ratio: 1:2
SubstanceII 10. (d) Nucleus consists of proton andneutron andmolarmass
52.94 47.06 = neut ron + p rot on
mole: 4.411 2.94
1 1 + AX
AX 2 2
ratio: 1.5 1.0 11. (c )Averageatomicmass A =
X1 + X2
3:1 35 + 37 X2
35.5 = X1
5. (b) (a) CaCO3 CaO + CO 2 X1 + X2
1 mol 22. 4L
X1 = 3
actual = 11. 2L X2 1
Thus,50% 3

12. (a) X has10electrons.
Mg CO3 Mg O + CO 2 3
(b) Thus,protons(=atomicnumber)in X =7
1 mol 40g
neutron + p roton = i oni c m ass = 17
Thus,100% Thus, neutrons = 17 7 = 10

(c) 2N aHCO3 Na 2CO 3+H O+
2 CO 2
13. (a) M haselectrons = 32 (isoelectronicof SO)2
2 mol 18g
1 mol 9g protons = 34 = Z
actual=4g neutrons = 36
Thus,44.4% Thus, i oni c m ass = 70
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 13

14. (c) Numberofelectronsin CO2 = 6 + 16 = 22 Thus,numberofmolesin32g

Electrons Electronsinneutralspecies=proton =
+ 2. 66 1023 6. 02 1023
X 22 23
6 C=
2+ 12g
Y 22 24 24. (d) 1mol

Z 22 21 1
1amu =
+ 2+ 1
Z <X <Y Numberofmolesinamu =
15. (b)Number of neutrons = number of electrons in X , Y
and Z
25. (a) N0 atoms = 14 g
Electrons Z (atomicnumber) 1atom = = 14 amu
X E (E 1)
Y E (E 2 ) 26. (c ) Same empirical formula, it means ratio of atoms is
E (E 3) identical.Hence,theydifferinmolecularweight.
27. (d) Equivalentweightofelement = 32g
Z < Y< X and thatofoxygen = 8g
Thus, oneequivalentofoxide = 40g
16. (b) Numberofmolesin Molecules Atoms 8
Percentageofoxygeninoxide = 40 100
CH4 0.1 0.1 N0 0.5 N0
NH3 0.1 N0 0.4 N0 = 20%
2 0.1 0.1 N0 0.3 N0 28. (a) Amount Moles Ratio
H-atomspergram = 0. 25 1
17. (a) C 3g 12
CH4 4N0 N0
(a) = = 0. 25N0 1
16 4 = 1.0 4
H 1g 1
(b) CuSO4 5HO
2 = 0. 04N0
249.5 Thus,simplestformulais CH.4
HO 2N0 Na 2SO 3 : HO
(c) 2 2 = 0. 0588N0 29. (c ) 2
34 1 : 7
HO 2N0
(d) 2 = 0. 1176N0 Mass 126 126
17 Percent 50 50
35.5 35.5 x
18. (c) 1mole O 2 = 2O-atoms = 4 equivalentsoxygen 30. (d) (a) Cl% = 35.5 + 12 + 1 = 48.5 =
Volumeof1mole = 22. 4L atSTP
35.5 35.5
Volumeof1equivalent = 5. 6L atSTP (b) = =
72 + 5 + 35.5 112.5
19. (b) 0.018 mL=0.018g (densityofwater=1g/ mL) 35.5 35.5
0. 018 = =
= = 0.001 mol (c) 15 + 35.5 50.5
= 6. 02 1020 mol ec ul es 35.5 4 35.5 35.5
(d) = = =
1g 4 gX 12 + 35.5 4 3 + 35.5 38.5
20. (d) 16 CH4 =
m Inallcasesvalueof X = 35.5
m = 64 g mol Smallerthevalueof Y, largerthepercentageofCl.
23 1 2
21. (b) Massofoneatom = 6. 64 10 g 31. (a) 1H and 1 H are isotopes. Thus, they resemble very
Thus, atomic m ass = 6. 64 1023 6. 02 1023 = 40 closelyintheirchemicalproperties.
22. (a) AnewAvogadrosnumber = X 32. (b) A
Z X= A =
A N X 12774 X
= 127
53 X

1 127
Thereare54electrons.Hence,ionicspeciesis 53 X
MassofoneH-atom = = 1 amu
x 17
23 33. (d) (a) NH3 in NH4NO 3 = 80 = 0. 2125
23. (b) Massofoneatom = 2. 66 10 g
23 23 1 34
Massof N0 atoms = 2. 66 10 6. 02 10 g mol (b) NH3 is N H2 CON H=
2 = 0. 5484
= at om ic m ass 62
14 PracticeBook of Chemistry for JEE Main&Advanced
17 20
(c) NH3 in NH4Cl = 53.5 = 0. 3178 40. (b) 20g Ca = 40 mol = 0. 5 molCa = 0.5 N0 at oms
51 20
22 =
(d) NH3 in HN C(N H) = 0. 8095 (a) 20gMg = 24 mol = 0.833 mol Mg = 0. 833N0 at oms
59 + 4
(N H2 CONH2 2NH3 2H)
(b) 1.6g CH4 = 16 mol = 0. 1 mol CH4 = 0.5 N0 at oms
NH2CON H2 + 2H 2NH3
Similarly, NH C(N H)22 = 3N H3 4H 2 = 0.3 N0 at oms
(c) 1.8g H 2O= 18 mol = 0. 1 mol HO
NHC(N H) 22 +4H 3NH3 1.7
(d) 1.7g NH3 = 17 mol = 0. 1 molNH3 = 0.4 N0 at oms
34. (b) (a) 5.0g Cl2
(b) 0.5mol Cl2 = 0.5 71g = 35. 5 g Cl2 41. (d) Mass Moles Ratio
(c) 0.10molKCl = 0.1molCl = 3. 55 g Cl N a2 SO3 = 50 0.3968 1
30.0 HO = 50
(d) 30.0g Mg Cl2 = 95 mol = 0. 2526mol = 17. 49 g Cl2 2 2.7778 7

Thus, x = 7
35. (a) MassofMg = 0.273g 23
42. (a) Massofoneatomof X = 6. 66 10 g
Massofmagnesiumandnitrogencompound = 0.378g
Ifatomicmass = A
Thus,nitrogencombined = 0.105g
thenmassofoneatom = A
Mass Mole Moleratio N0
Mg 0.273g 0.011375 1.51 = 3 A = 6. 66 1023 g
N 0.105g 0.0075 1.00 = 2 N0
Thus, MgN
3 2 A = 6. 66 10 N0
= 6. 66 1023 6. 02 1023
36. (d) M 2 M + 32 2
S =
= 40 g mol1
= M + 64 40000
64 Hence,40kg X = 40000 gX = 40 = 1000 mol
%ofsulphur =
M + 64
100 = 40. 06
43. (c ) Molarmass 0.01mol
M + 64 = (a) NaHCO3= 84g 0.84g
40. 06
(b) NaCO2 =106g
3 1.06g
M + 64 = 160
(c) NaSO =142g 1.42g
M = 160 64 = 96
2 4

(d) Na 2C 2O =
4 134g 1.34g
37. (c) 0.372mol = 186g
186 44. (d) 18g glucose = 0. 10mol glucose
1mol = 0. 372= 500g withdrawn= 0.08 mol
4.4 left = 0. 10 0. 08= 0.02 mol = 3. 6g
38. (c) (a) 4.4g CO2 = 44 mol CO2 = 0. 1 molCO2 31
45. (c ) Restmassofelectron = 9. 11 10 kg
= 0. 1 molC = 9. 11 1031 6. 02 1023
(b) 3.0g CH2 6 = mol C2H 6= 0. 1 mol CH2 6
= 5. 48 107 kg mol 1
= 0. 2 molC 46. (c ) x mol (N H43) PO4 12 x molHatoms = 3.18 mol
4.4 3. 18
x== 0.265 mol
(c) 4.4g C 3H=8 44
mol C3H 8= 0. 1 mol CH3 8 12
= 0. 3 molC Thus,O-atoms = 4 x mol = 0. 265 4 = 1.06 mol
(d) 1.3g CH6 6 = mol C6H 6= 0.017 mol CH 6 6 47. (d) x mol CuSO4 5HO2
= 249. 5x g CuSO4 5HO
= 0. 1 molC
= 63. 5 x g Cu
39. (a) MgC
2 3 + HO
2 3 CH
Mg(OH)2 + CHC = 3. 782 g Cu
( X) ( Y)
1 mol p rop yne 63.5 x = 3. 782
8.4g 1mol x = 0. 05956 mol
= 0. 1 mol Every1moleofsalthas = 9 molesO-atoms
84 0.1mol
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 15

O-atoms = 0. 05956 9 mol = mol
= 0. 05956 9 16g 3
= 8. 576 g O - atoms 1
= 149 g (NH43) PO 4
48. (d) Ifcarboncontentis69.98gthenmolarmass = 100g
= 49. 67g 50. 0g
Ifcarboncontentis 21 12 g thenmolarmassis
100 57. (c ) 1mol BaCO3 1 mol C
= 21 12
69. 98
197g BaCO3 contains = 12 gC
= 360. 1 g mol1 12 1. 35
1.35g BaCO3 contains = 197 = 0. 0822 gC
1 106
49. (a) N0 = 5 1016 at oms
12 CH
3 3C
3 12 g carbonisin = 44 g CH
50. (b) Oneequivalentmagnesiumoxide = 20g 3 8
44 0. 0822
0.0822gcarbonisin = = 0.100g
Since,equivalentmassof O = 8 36
hence,equivalentmassof Mg = 20 8 = 12
Also,equivalentmassofchlorine = 35.5 58. (c ) Iron(III)Sulphate(IV)is
Fe3+ SO2 2
3 (oxidationofsulphuris =+ 4 in SO3 )
henceequivalentmassofmagnesiumchloride = 35.5 + 12
= 47.5 Fe2(SO)33
Mass Fe = 56 2 = 112g
51. (c) Vo l ume= Dens i ty S = 32 3 = 96g
O = 16 9 = 144g
Massofsphericalball = V d
= r 3 d Thus, percentageof O is maximum out of total molar mass
of Fe2(SO)32 =352.
4 22 1 21
= (7)3 1.4
3 7 59. (d) Oxygencontentin1LatSTP = 100 = 0.21L
= 2012. 27g
56 22.4LatSTP = 1 mol
1 0. 21
pureFecontent(56%) = 2012. 27 100 g = 1126. 87g hence0.21LatSTP = 22.4 = 0. 009375 mol
Thus,molesofFe = 20. 12 O O
52. (a) I. 0.1mol CH4= 0. 4 mol H - at oms
II.3. 01 10 CH4 molecules = 0. 5 molCH4= 2.0 mol 60. (c ) R NH2 + CH 3C Cl
(H Cl) R

III.9.6g CH4= 0. 6 mol CH4= 2. 4 mol H - at oms Since each COCH3 group displaceone H atom in the
Thus, I+ II II I =0
53. (a) reaction of one moleof CH3C Cl with one NH2
54. (b) Co: CO2 : CO
2 3 (CO1.5 )
group, the molecularmass increaseswith 42 unit. Since the
mass increases by (390 180) = 210 hencethe number of
1mol C = 12 gCinCO= 16 gO 210
NH2 group4is = 5.
= 12 gCinCO =232 gO 42
= 12 gCinC O2 = 324gO 23
= 2 : 43: 61. (a) 3. 9854 10 g = 1 at om
Thus, 1g = at oms
55. (b) Mass Moles Ratio 3. 9854 1023
= 1. 5625 = 2. 5092 1023 at oms
S 50g 32 1
50 1 2.4
O 50g
= 3. 125
62. (c ) Mgin1gchlorophyll = 100 g
1 2.4
= mol
56. (a) 3N 1 (N H43) PO4 100 24
42gNisin = 1 mol (N H43) PO4 1 2.4 6. 02 1023
14 = at oms
14 g N is in= mol (N H43) PO4 100 24
= 6. 02 1020 at oms
16 PracticeBook of Chemistry for JEE Main&Advanced
63. (c) Densityofwatermolecule = 1g /mL 2 =
65. (d) 1.8g HO = 0. 1 mol
1 g = 1 mL
mol = 1mL I: 1.8gglucose = 180 = 0.01 mol
Thus, 18
6. 02 1023 mol ec ul es
= 1mL II: 6gurea = 60 = 0. 1 mol
18 III:34.2gsucrose = 342 = 0. 1 mol
Thus,volumeof1molecule = 6. 02 1023

= 3 1023 mL Thus,II,III
4 3 66. (c ) OxidationnumberofP inphosphate(I) =+ 1
Volumeofonesphericalmolecule = 3 r
Thus,anionis: H2PO 2
4 3
r = 3 1023 cm 3 Thus,saltis NH4H 2PO 2
3 3 1023
6mol H 1mol NH 4H 2PO 2 = 2 mol (O)
r = cm 3
4 2 3. 18
3 23 3 Thus, 3.18 mol H= mol (O)= 1.06 mol (O)
r = 7. 162 10 cm 6
r = 1. 927 10 cm
67. (d) CuSO4 5HO
= 1. 927 1010 m
= 1. 927 1molsolute 1 mol(Cu) 10mol (H) 9 mol(O)
1. 927 10 1010 63.5g(Cu) = 9 16 g (O)
= m 9 16 3. 782
10 Thus, 3.782g(Cu) = 63.5
= 0. 1927 nm
= 8. 5765g
1. 927 100 1010
= m = 100g
100 68. (a) If0.032gsulphurthenmolarmass
= 192.7 1012 m = 192. 7 pm =
32 = 105 g
If32gsulphurthenmolarmass 0. 032
64. (a) Edgelength = AB = 2r 5 1
Thus,molarmass = 10 g mol
1gaminoacid = 105 mol aminoacid
= N05 mol ec ul es
= 6. 02 1018 molecules

4 3 69. (d) Percentageisirrespectiveofamountgiven

Volumeofthesphericalatom = 3 r I. CH3COOH 2C
Mass 60g 24g
= d ens i ty 24 100
Vo l ume C% = = 40
m ass 60
Volume= d ens i ty
m = 23 30g 12g
Massofoneatom = 23 12 100
N0 6. 02 10 C% = = 40
23 30
Volume = 6. 023 1023 6. 20 N H2 CONH2 1C
4 3 23 III. 60g 12C
r = 12 100
3 6. 02 1023 6.2 C% = = 20
3 23 60
r = 6 12 6 6C
4 6. 02 1023 6.2 IV.
3 24 3 180g 72g
r = 1. 47 10 cm
72 100
r = 1. 137 10 8
cm C% = = 40
2r = 2. 274 10 cm = 2. 274
Atoms,Molecules and Ions 17

70. (d) Volatilecomponentis CH3CH 2OH = 46g 3. Thus,CO, CO2 and CO

3 2 followlawofmultipleproportion.
= = 1 mol 4. Thus, Y isMgand YCO3 is Mg CO3
46 7
5. 4. 77 10 at oms
1mole = N0 molecules
= 9N0 atomsthus,(c)iscorrect.
54 F o rm a t IV
Comprehensi on Based MCQs
Non-volatilecomponentis H 2O= 54 g= 18 Ex.1 1. (a) 2. (b) Ex.2 1. (b) 2. (c ) 3. (d)
= 3 mo l es Ex.3 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b)
Ex.4 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c )
= 3 N0 atoms
F o rm a tVMatrix Ma tching
F o rma t IIMCQ s wi th O ne or More than 1. A(1,2,3,4); B(1,2,3,4); C(1,2,3); D(3,4)
ONE Correct Opti on 2. A(2,4); B(2,5); C(4); D(3); E(1,3,6); F(6)
1. (a,b,c,d) 2. (a,b,d) 3. (d) 4. (c,d ) 3. A(1,2,4); B(1,2); C(1,2,3); D(1,2,3); E(1,2,5)
5. (b, c ) 6. (a) 7. (c ) 8. (b,d) 9. (a,b,c) 4. A(4); B(3); C(1); D(2); E(5)
10. (a,c )
F o rmat VIInteger Answer Type
F o rma t III
Testi ng of Numerical Ski ll Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Answers 6 18 7 3 5 8 8 4
1. 2. 88 10 mol CO2 2. 18

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