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A group of six teens (not including the main character) are laying around on
the ground near a picnic area in Garret Mountain. Some have headphones on
and are doing homework while the others are talking and laughing amongst
themselves. It's clear that Damon and Kat are romantically involved because
of their body language. They're holding hands and Kat is leaning on his
shoulder as they speak. Cleo stares at Damon, and they exchange an
awkward look.He gestures towards Kat and Cleo rolls her eyes. Damon
continues his story.


(laughing) Yeah and then we ended up having to

leave anyways.She was so pissed.


(laughing) Well, how'd she even take the news?

You have to give her some credit, man. Anyone
would've been shocked by it.


(smirking at Kat) Well, let's just say I think she'll

be out of your way for a while, babe. You've got
nothing to worry about anymore.


(she kissed him on the cheek and leans on his

shoulder once more)

The other teens continue to talk amongst themselves and Cleo and Damon
continue exchanging suspicious looks. After the other conversations have
died down, Damon gets up and takes Kat's hand.


(awkwardly, making sure not to look at Cleo) Well,

it's getting pretty late and I still gotta drop her off
so... We should be going.

The teens talk amongst themselves figuring out whose giving who a ride


You guys mind giving a few of us a ride? My

parents aren't home yet and we don't have
enough money for an uber.

Damon looks at Kat, she smiles and nods and Damon does the same. After
saying their goodbyes, 4 of the teens walk out with them and one stays
behind with Cleo. The sound of Damon's car starting reaches their ears. Cleo
sighs and walks to a tree where she promptly sits down. Ivy follows her and
sits down.


(awkwardly playing with hair trying to avoid eye

contact with Cleo) I really do think it's about time
you and Damon fix all of this.


(chuckling) It's not like it'd change anything

anyways. It'd just make things worse than they
are already.

Cleo gets up and begins to pace back and forth as Ivy begins to speak once


(sarcastically) Yep, it's not like we've all hit rock

bottom or anything...


(annoyed) Talking about it doesn't always fix

things, Jesus, would you give it a rest already?


(rolls eyes and gets up and packs her bookbag)

(she continues to speak as she's putting away her
notebooks) Maybe if you listened to people every
now and then you'd avoid situations like these. I
gotta write a paper. I'll see you tomorrow. (She
walks away)


(sighs and begins to pace around the tree. She

picks up her bag and leans it against the tree. She
takes out a few notebooks and begins an
assignment. She finishes a worksheet and sighs.
She gets up and begins pacing around the place.
She starts kicking at a rock and realizes something
is underneath it.)

She opens an envelope (the envelope appears to be dirty/worn) and finds a

pink ribbon that reminds her of childhood. Although she immediately recalls
the pink ribbon she wore in her hair growing up (which she eventually
"lost"), she thinks nothing of it and continues to walk around. She returns to
her bag shortly after to find an old photograph of herself. It is blurry and
seems to be taken from a distance. As she continues observing the photo,
she looks around the place to see if anyone else is there.


(jokingly) Alright Vi, come on. How'd you get this

pic of me? You can come out now. I'll listen to you

She looks around confused, searching for Violet or anyone of her friends. She
holds on to the idea that it's just her friends pranking her. She toses the
picture over her shoulder and picks up her bag. She takes her phone and
unlocks it only to see she has a missed call from an unknown number. She
looks scared at first but then shrugs and ignores it. She continues walking
on. She almost trips on a branch on the floor and looks down to see another
envelope. She is hesitant but picks it up yet again. She looks around once
more before slowly ripping it and opening it. This time there's a small locket
within it, which she had lost months before. She drops the envelope, still
holding the locket. She starts to run through the forest and she notices the
signs on each of the trees. The first tree she passes has a sign that says
"Don't" the second says "turn" the third says "around". She continues to run
only to see a big yellow envelope (with the clasp). She slows down and grabs
it. It breaks apart from the opposite side revealing picture of her when she
was younger and more recent pictures. There are pictures of her kissing
Damon and meeting up with him several times. She rips those up and
continues looking around. There are several pictures of her with her mother
before she passed away. Her breathing pattern changes and it seems like
she's wheezing or having trouble breathing. As she sees a picture of her
mother at the hospital, she begins to cry. As she's gathering the pictures, she
hears a noise behind her and immediately gets up and runs. She trips over a
rock and hits her head. Before she passes out she catches a glimpse of her
stalker and they are wearing a mask. She wakes up in a hospital bed.


(sees the doctor and tries to speak but she's still a

bit groggy) Um hi, can you tell me what
happened? I should probably tell my dad...

The doctors nods but doesn't turn around. He gives her a gesture with his
finger as if he is telling her to wait. She begins to stir in her bed and feels a
sharp pain in her left leg. She winces and inspects it only to realize there are
stitches. She looks around the room and notices there aren't any windows.

The doctor approaches her being sure to keep his face is hidden. Another
person enters the room, they appear to be a nurse but their face is kept
concealed. They keep their back turned to her at all times and she continues
to look around taking in the setting. After a while, she grows impatient and

(nervously) I really do feel fine (she searches the
table next to her only to realize that none of her
belongings are there) (anxiously/worried) What
did you guys do with my things? I need to call my
dad and tell him where I am, he's gonna be
worried sick.

The doctor walks toward her slowly trying his best to keep his face hidden


Quiet girl, you'll be out of here soon.

She sits back in her bed suddenly tired,it seems as though they've given her
medicine that's making her drowsy. The two doctors turn around slowly and
her eyes begin to grow heavier and heavier. They both have masks on and
they approach her with more medicine. One begins to laugh and the other
begins remove the bandages on her other leg. Suddenly the door is kicked
down, and Damon runs in with his baseball bat.


(screaming) Cleo?! it's okay I'm gonna get you out

of here. It's all going to be ok-


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