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Due February 15th 2017

LENGTH: 650 (minimum) to 800 or so words, double-spaced, size 12 font, 1

inch (25 mm) left and right margins, etc. Use Canadian spelling. Quote
regularly and effectively to support your points, ensuring that all quotations are
pertinent, adequately introduced and well integrated. Avoid block quotations. .
Ensure that adjoining statements that are related in some way have that
relationship indicated clearly by the structure of your sentences and/or
transitional words and phrases.
Be sure that paragraphs have topic sentences.
Since you will be evaluated partly on how well you demonstrate your
understanding and application of the article with respect to the story you have
chosen, make sure you choose a story which best suits the argument of
Nunnings article.
Value = 10%.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the critical article by Vera Nunning to which I have provided the
link below, identify and summarize the central argument presented there, and apply it to
one of these: Conrad, The Secret Sharer; Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper; Poe, The
Black Cat; Faulkner, A Rose for Emily; Mungoshi, The Setting Sun and the Rolling
World; or Hemingway, Hills Like White Elephants. (However, do NOT use a story on
which you wrote your first paper).
Your response should have three sections:

1. In the first section, you will situate the article and paraphrase its main argument
or controlling idea.
2. In the second section (2-3 paragraphs), summarize two of the sub-points or
examples of that main argument, showing how the author's central argument is
expanded in these two sub-points or examples and how she specifically makes
the case for the value of reading fiction.
3. In the final section, you will apply at least one of the author's ideas to one of the
stories listed above (but NOT a story used in Assignment #1). You must
explain how the article's argument informs or expands your understanding of the
story you have chosen.

Narrative fiction and cognition: why we should read fiction by Vera Nunning|
You must quote both your secondary text and your primary text. Provide a works
cited page that includes both the article and the secondary text you chose.

The goal and terms of evaluation: 1) to be able to sift through a complex argument to
isolate and describe the central insight and argument; 2) to identify and manage the
authors secondary applications or illustrations of that central argument; and 3) to use
that insight for your own purposes, in which case you will be evaluated on the basis of
your understanding and application of the argument.

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