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Task 1 letter 2

You should spend 20 minutes on this task

You feel that the streets aronud your neighborhood are too dirty and have
too much rubbish . Write a etter to the local council . In your letter , you
should :
- say who you are
- explain the problem and its effects on your life
- give suggestion on how to solve the problem

Write at least 150 words .

You do NOT need to write and addresses
Begin your letter , follows :
Dear ,

Dear sir/ Madam ,

My name is Thanh and I am a local resident in this neighborhood .
Recently , I found that the sreets near my house are so dirty , so I write
this letter to you and I hope that you cuold solve the problem as soon as
possible .

Recently, several homless people have come to this community and they
throw rubbish wherever they go . Therefore , the streets are in mass ,
whick makes the inhabitants around very uncomfortable . In fact , the
waste on the streets stinks all day round that it makes air quality
increasing worse . Additionally , dustmen are supposed to clean the
streets but they never show up . What is more , someone even slipped and
got injured due to the rubbish in the streets .

Thus , I suggest that your council take effective measures to solve the
problem . Could you please enact strict regulations on the management of
homless people ? Or could you send dustmen regularly to sweep the
streets in the neighborhood ?Or maybe you have better ways to make the
streets clean
I look forward to your prompt reply .
Your faithfully ,

Visit your country


I am so glad that you are planning to visit my country. Since I

know you do not like extreme hot weather, I suggest you should
come in next February when the temperature is very cool.
However, there will be lots of raining so youd better bring rain
jackets with you. When you come, you can stay with my family
or you can rent a hotel room which is not very far away from my
place. Here the renting fee is very cheap and comes with great
services. After you settle down, we can enjoy the sceneries
around my hometown by car. There are many famous pagodas
here which we can visit. Unluckily, this year is a very busy year
so I will not be able to spend much time with you. However,
transportation is very convenient here so you can take the bus to
go to many beautiful beaches by yourself easily.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Your faithfully ,
Dear John, I am happy to hear that you will spend your holiday in Ho Chi Minh city. Ho Chi
Minh city is the biggest city in Vietnam and there are a lot of interesting things for you You can
visit Ben Thanh Market, Vinh Nghiem Pagoda..and little china town When you go to Ho Chi
Minh city, you should choose hotel in district 1. it is easy to go another place The weather in
Ho chi minh is pretty hot, so Tshirt and jean are suitable for you in this vacation I hope to see
you soon
Bn tu chen them vao nhe

Change job or not

Model Answer 1:
In the modern workplace, there is no longer the attitude that a job is for life. Nowadays, many
people take the option to change jobs, while others prefer not to. In my essay, I will explore the
good and bad points of the above attitudes.

One of the main benefits of staying in one job is security. Changing employer often means a period
of instability, where one may have to think about moving house, or temporarily losing a steady
source of income. Staying in one job means these problems are avoided.

Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain a lot of experience and
expertise in his specific profession, thus enhancing job security. Ones company may recognise
their loyalty and reward their service. On the other hand, those who often change jobs may be
seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest
training in them.
However, there are arguments in favour of changing job frequently. One is that a worker improves
his employability. Working in several different jobs often means that the individual has more skills.
Such people are seen as more dynamic and versatile.

Another benefit of changing jobs frequently is that one never gets stuck in a rut. From my own
experience, I got bored when I spent too long in a job. Following this, the quality of my work would
suffer. I also believe that employers generally dont tend to greatly reward loyalty or commitment.
Increased wages and promotion are often easier to attain by changing jobs.

Overall, it can be said that the disadvantages of changing jobs are the advantages of staying put,
and vice versa... In my opinion, I feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.
(Approximately 299 words)
(This model answer has been prepared by the site developer. However, please note that this is just
one example out of many possible answers.)

Model Answer 2:
People have many expectations from their jobs. Jobs are usually done by people to fulfil their
needs and also for self-satisfactions and for gaining skills. Employees look for promotions and
salary hikes whenever they think they deserve it. To obtain this some people prefer to change jobs
frequently while others continue with one job in the same company. This is a typical question
nowadays. I strongly believe that both situations have pros and cons.

Firstly, if people endure in the same company in the same job, then they gain a lot of experience
which is counted to offer promotion ultimately and that results in salary hike. Moreover, for this
scenario responsibility increases, it provides security and also shows loyalty to a company. So, the
company recognises the employee as a trustworthy person and offers many benefits including
foreign job promotions. On the other hand, continuing a job in the same company for a longer time
is a slow process of career growth. Same work throughout the career is also tedious to many

Secondly, switching from one job to another job will bring challenging environment whether they
continue in the same company or not. While doing this, they get chances of having new social
relations, gain different job skills. By continuous changes, new pictures come to the screen. So,
ultimately the person will be fresher to the new job. But if the transferring takes place with the
same job among various companies lead to quick career growth. In general, more people become
interested to follow this process. The one big advantage is salary hikes will be more.

Finally, I strongly opine that continuous change in job provides quick career growth. While staying
in a single job in the same company avoids personal problems like shifting house, children's
education growth, adjusting to new environment etc.
(Submitted by Kalyan Chakravarthy)

Mobile phones
Model Answer 1:
It is believed that the existence of cellular phone technology has created social, medical and
technical problems for individuals and societies. I personally disagree with the thought, if people
think that there are more disadvantages than the advantages of cell phones and the following
essay will discuss this issue in details.
To begin with, it is true that the development of mobile phone technology has created some
problems for human kinds. Firstly, many people believe that the wireless phone technology has
made people become more individualistic. In the most common case, many families are having
communication problems these days, due to each member of the family are busy with their

Secondly, it has been reported that the wireless technology has some negative effects on our
health. Many scientists believe that the technology has become one of the contributors to human's
brain damage and trigger brain cancer as well. Thirdly, it has been reported that some people have
been injured due the technical problems of the phone itself. There have been cases where the
battery of the phone had exploded when it was used to make phone calls, and it caused serious
injuries to the user.

Despite all the social, medical and technical problems of mobile phones, I do believe that the
existence of the device brings a lot of benefits for human beings. Mobile phones can be used to
connect to a specific person, though the person might be travelling to other places. And then, with
the various function of mobile phone technology nowadays, it can be used to send and received
important emails. Besides that, with the chatting application that could be installed on the phones,
it has made distance communication become cheaper. And last but not the least, the phone can
also be used as a navigation system to find a new area or new address.

In conclusion, it is true that handheld phone technology has caused some problems for mankind,
but I disagree with the opinion that the problem of these phones outweighs the benefits. I do
believe that mobile phone has assisted the human being in various ways and it is the irresponsible
act of humans themselves that has caused the problem.

(Approximately 365 words)

(This model answer was written by Darwin Lesmana.)
Model Answer 2:
Mobile phone using has become a very common phenomenon and people mostly depend on this
cell phone for communication. The cell phone is probably the most accepted and widely used
communication device than any other communication device of the past time. Though cell phone
causes many healths related problem as well as social and other problems but I can't agree with
the idea that it outweighs the benefits.
I believe people, from all levels of the society, never accept a technology that is not hugely
beneficial. There are many communication Medias but none is as efficient and as live as a mobile
phone. Moreover, the recent technological advancement has made the cell phone something more
than a talking device. With a cell phone we can use the Internet, can play games, can store our
memory by taking pictures and videos and can instantly share those memories with friends and
relatives. And using those technologies cost us a very little in term of cell phone and network
providers cost. We can talk to our friends and family members as much as we want because of the
low cost of these cell phones and I guess that has increased our social affairs. Finally, the cell
phone communications have helped to raise many small and medium level businesses in all over
the world and have engaged a large portion of the population to be employed.

Though I agree that, there are lots of adverse effects of using the cell phones. Drivers using cell
phones while driving is a common cause of road accidents and overuse of cell phones can cause
many diseases, from severe headaches to incurable cancers. The easy access to cell phones has
violated our privacy and helped the criminals to be more organised.

But I believe that those negative effects can be overcome if all of we become a little more cautious
and be aware of the negative issues of overuse of cell phone using. Since we can't stop using the
cell phone and find and alternative and it is easily possible to reduce the negative effects of cell
phone using , I strongly opine that cell phone is a very useful device to all of us in spite of its some
remediable problems.

(Approximately 371 words)

Good luck. Hi kim anh biet co nhieu dy ha, ban tu them nhe.

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