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23. 24, 1B “Ba, opOe re 28, 29. 330. ost 32. 33, 33a. 35, 36. 37 38, 39, 40. 33, Musical Program ACT I Summer, Summer . TLove My Father =... 2. ‘That's A Very Interesting Question Td Like To Be A Rose -- “Thou Hast Metamorphosed Me— a Symphony... VAm Not Interested in Love -- Lone, Is That You? Thos Hast Metarphosed Me—~ pr I What Does A Lover Pack? Pearls Reprise: Love My Father . Two Gentlemen OF Verona — Spanish refrain Follow The Rainbow - Where's North? - <= Dance .. Bring All The Boys Back Home . Who Is Silvia? — 4 cappella Love's Revenge... ‘To Whom It May Concern Me .- Night Letter Underscor ‘Th aw Metanorposed Me Melo Reprize: Love's Revenge alla Lily Lady Act I~ Curtain ACT IL Entr'acte Come From The Land Of Baal ‘Thucio's Samba. ‘Thueio's Exit - Hot Lover <...-. ‘What A Nice Idea Who Is Silvia? <<. Love Me Eglamour Kidnapped Reprise: Eglamour Howl : Reprise: Eglamour ~~ 2 cappella ‘What's A Nice Girl Like Her? Dragon Fight E Don't Have The Baby «. Reprive: Love, Is That You? Milkmaid Finale wre Hiss Driven Me Save Exit Music Alternate: Mansion S104 ns arta ug 125 .128 135 9 142 13 17 148 152 3 155 156 158 159 1168 17 ‘wo Gentlemen Ut Verona Lyties by Music by JOHN GUARE OPENING GALT MacDERMOT No.1 &2 Summer Summer/I Love My Father cue: Thurio sings 16 bars of "Love In Bloom" Moderate 4 (detached) (@) pte. Thal 1 GIRL: fr ofthe NE! Gree pee te Sum -mer.sum-merI__ was like the sum-mer, ““won-d'vingwhereto go. 35 a eae Au-tumn, au-tumn,I__ was like the au~tumn, dy ing on the vine.— ep prihitecrad Pe BOY 1 a — My heart was cold as 15 QUARTET: n | } : — eS ¢ = ag eae Fee eat ot fresh as sweet. € = Love re ~ minds me of, me, love re-minds me of, me, Tam lke all = = jh. iF — tng ———— We are fan - — eee SS ———— | spring, spring, spring, 1 LOVE MY FATHER™ ‘“ ft ca nar as E father, Iwant to tell Mm, {love my mother, I want to tallhor, love my eee ig 4 Per jis v Te t 7 town 2s brother, want to Aca T love my sister, as : = = = love me. You can't love an oth-er with=out lov ~ ing your~self! 1971 £197 by Galt MacDermot and Joh Guare EROS Sohne sel cel MGR gia Reseed No.3 That’s A Very Interesting Question Cue: VALENTINE: .... to see the wonders of Milan, Vamp until Vocal fa) Than living dally... ete, © <+_rest of your life? PROTEUS Piano! No one ev ~ er that ques-tion. Wouldyou ver~y in = thresteing question, Su, (octaves 9 VALENTINE: FG-poabt What do you want to do with your life? What do. Ts want to. do with_my life? — ce | Ppp oe —_—= = ev ~er asked methat ques-tion,Wait! Let me think a~bout__ that EE Sa ae SS £ = py a |o > | ete — 2 = Ss cee eee Segue as one No.4 I'd Like To Be A Rose Cues Direct Segue from "That's An Interesting Question”” Piano’ breast.I'd like to be that oak tree, the one that tow'rs a-bove the SS = oe oe ss | fd, tS Sa=s VALENTINE: —- : Wee i ——- See é like to be the em = per-or, an - poy can be, they say. rath - er rule the world. Oh, for a night oro eer ay eee Bape % VALENTINE fone night of e00~ ing. SS rte : ue @ D> = Sts = al - ways liv-ing here. NTINE: want to know them plan-ning to know as VALENTINE: ee as —Sssaed her. You have ~ n't Pro-te-us, youmake me a ~ gree. We've been best frieniastnoe we were three. Ve = ro - nn 18 too email for me, MI = Tan, ob, a ee ft lies ae i | oe fe | an | | x dt |gconey, | St este a SS a Ee E that's the place to be, Now, thank God a = ‘There's a cuom: 6 (VALENTINE) (Spokens) “Ab-ah-ahe: (QoS [ (cuorus broth - ers, i [ | | | INO.O A ALUU Laon se cuuie pasreee ree (Pact 1 : Cue: PROTEUS: I leave myself, my friend and all for love. (music) ‘Thou, Julla, thou hast metamorphosed me ~~ - 1 Slowly-In 2 ~ |. ed I ee i tof stu dies, lose my [> =e Ba =o as f dpa He = SS a f = 7 set the world at naught. Made ete weak, heart-sickwith Copyright © 1971 by Galt MacDermot and John Goare SAUER EEL SUS PA Rae ese 20 yes SULIA: T would 1 knew his mind, SyMprony (@) Slowly al PROTEUS: No, b at st. 20) == = 1 would = n't want 1% Majestically PROTEUS: 6S —e i = t aS 7 sym-pho-ny for you. ANU. 4 2 AML INUU Lic LeoUeU a ae ‘Cue: JULIA: Will ye be gone. (a) Slowly cl. a6 ain vA Bets T as | bese ——— pipes sses = love. Tam notin ~ trest-ed in music. is an - oth- er word for love, ae eae cee (Punky feed + = eat == = eee ym not real - ly in-trest~ed in ro ~ mance. I'm not real-ly in-t'rest~ed in love, Feet [find love a ~larm-ing, I'm hep-py farm-ing. love. = ee a a a Frank-ly, 1 don't. ¢ - ven care for peo ~ ple. ee 0.) — 20 cas saa o iim not real-ly in-ttrest-ed in love, love, love. Se 5 = — Ton -ly deal Nos Love, Is That You? a Cue: Direct segue from "I Am Not Interested In Love"” Ad lib, i ‘THURIO: a Love, is that Ad lib. (cotta voce) Po sa NRE Piano & nose, that fills = my ——— —=s 2 ‘CHURIO: p= eas that fills the ar, that fills the Poe ( 24 (Covyrighe © 197 by Cat MacDermet and Joka Guste Ibeetnabionsl Copyrlait Sacaned Alt Rights Resessea =e name, love, love, On cue S——— Is that you? Speak up, love, love, love Love was that you?, No.9 Thou Hast Metamorphosed Me (act Cue: JULIA: Now kiss, embrace, contend, do what you will. "“¥8EEA: (Spoken) Thou, Proteus, thou hast metamorphosed me, Piano enters Bae 27 3 yy [Dialogue continues] o— Ooh SSE 28 (CHORUS!) ©2 No. 10 Cue: PROTEUS: When your heart is breaking, ybutre in love. Ad lib, SULIA: What Does A Lover Pack? My beart 1s break-ing, Piano break-ing? Mine doos-n't 2 have to ‘cause Ipacked my heart a ~ way. What docs a the sack that he'll fee ee ee ae Ge. Ccouysight © 1971 ©1972 by Galt MacDermot and Jobs Cusre liedtuationst Copyrighe Setaed All Raghes Reserved a roa what does hel |g = z = = SSS == | oF 7 7 ees — +> swing be = neath his wing. Sag tnesth the swag that bel Se PS eo oi Jack - in ~ the Pal - pits. You'll need a hhan'~ ker ~ chief with Th have to of those flow'rs. c | Solo Bam) == = ——— (@ Drom fm) know 1 wrote one thou - sand ss ie could mail them = getback to Verro-na 1 will se No. 11 ve PROTEUS: Thank you. a) Moderate Waltz-in 3 o Pearls 4 Mandolin Soto ia ste Se peas oe ‘and Kissed your mouth. mouth, So I brushedback the pearls yo oe = i j Jove you and your = pearls caught on the sheet, So I took off the pearls and put 'em in the ae © pe Ban! Sas, ‘Then you sald that you loved me, i 3 you sald you loved me dh ES fs Tam (¢-Gur 1 Country type fits) SEs a — = Se 2% a —— oo cA kgf yD ‘You dld~ n't just said you loved me and the Dae lee ——— Be = ; = bid + oa neck ~ lace fit for the du du dede du de dude du du du du du du, No. 12 I Love My Father (Reprise) {a) Vamp fill Vocal © LOTEUS: ficken ready) dl Tecther, Iwant to tellbim. —T love my moth-er, T'want to tell her, I love my +6n.2 —————— broth -er, 1 want to tell him. I love my sis ~ ter, T want to femeeeeS eee = y mir ~ ror, 1 want to tell me. 1 want to aoe 4 love_ me. You can't love an-oth-or with-out lov~ing your-self. Segue as one No. 13 Two Gentlemen Of Verona Cue: Direct seque from "I Love My Father''~ Reprise Piano Moderately Copyright © 1971 by Gate MucDeemoe end fol Guare Tereratonal Copyright Secured) Ail Rights Reserved - “F Fa preg-nant, If 1 (pLUucer’ — let = ter a made of vel - lum, ‘Toll him, tell him, >) (Rhythm Insts. aly) oteah i Seto 42-2 dtd dressed ike girls. ® + luck = ys that seare - crow, he's dressed ke 8 young man, tuck - yy that scare - crow, he's dressed ike young: man. wy bidp bide > dy a ap = — oe bip bi-dip bi-dip lp ip. dip bip bi-dip —bi-dip dip dip dip i ttt fe ae ais = J Te dip dip ap ag woETeA ect a ee eee cs eS ee SSS e _ the clothes right off that scare-crow And if that caro xy) ie aE Tale FRE t | i I i } : i : E ea ‘Tell hin he is dealing with two gen-tle-men, two oe as wot en, Tell him, tell him two gen-tle-men, / : i i i i INO. 44 PuuUW Lue LauuUW Cue: The chorus appears in black capes Rather slowly VALENTINE: You mean that really is quicksand? SPEED: Yes. Piano a VALENTINE: eS =: ® = oe os Fol - low the rain-bow then turn right at the sunwhichyou sce Pass by the pine trees the { (WALENTINE:) we found the ig =1o0, now turnright at the palm treewhich is bearing fruit, Lg pp ee Se = it this tort -to- ry pase bo - fore my eyes to : E ee SS — : Day ofall days when we gare a + ¥ VAL.: Teen~ier andteen - fer Is an ~ychance thatwe had I IWsmmir-age. tee FT fF PD OT lew) FESS SESS CHORUS: We are lost, we are —s ae = = wild Mon- gol hordes Vata: Cup yourkatds up . es i ==4 E No. 15 Where’s North? e: Direct segue from "Follow The Rainbow" Rather slow 4 Sag Tet Pee we tae | i Hestofop r= Seacoeerniit tae oe SEE 1am the boss— here, Sil-vi a! ae ; mae te EOP eS an SS | * i CHORUS: No. 16 Bring All The Boys Back Home Cue: Duke appears at top of stage. (a Moderate 4 a too much peace. I said it leads to trou 65 HoT am e= lected, MM put DUKE & ———= = Pie 1 am re~e-lect=ed T'ilbring ali the boys beck home, Bring ‘em home, Bring tem cnionys: home. Bring all the boys— back home. rm seg oom re - @ ~ lect ~ ed, Szecsces JS where - eler our troops may roam, Tam | re - se ~ lect ~ ed, Tit bring all the boys Back home. Bring ‘em Ses home. Bring all the boys— back Bring ‘em home. Bring all FF back DUKE: a er Wel ~fare, clean air, a oleate — Cae ee eae sdb.) atv. Tp ta teach the lit tle chil-dren their fav-'rite song is Taps. DUKE & SMALL GROUP: 70 Paes boy? He smoked a joint. ee er eee Send him off at ri fle = jue DUKE & SMALL GROUP; Se Bring all the boys. back, Bringall the boys. back, Bringall the boys back, Bring all the boys back, Spoken: sent tem over and Tean bring 'om back. ee ia the boys back home, Bring all the boys back home, = = No. 16a Who Is Silvia? Cues Valentine 48 trying to work. Words by (Silvia appears at top level) William Shakespeare 1A Cappella! 1 SILVIA & VALENTINE: pe +e lend. her that she might ad- mir = ed be. Copyright © 1971 1872 by Galt MacDermoe Intemational Copyright Secured / All Rights Reservod Ta No. 17 Love’s Revenge Cue; SPEED: ... the bolder to chide you for yours. _£® Slowly (with a 12/8 feel) Lee z ___VALENTINE: << <= =) Piano 2 love took it a - way 3 ‘Toshow me howstarved 1 was. — Love's re~ 3 ee cade Ot, 2 (arpesgion (expeasios) | mom ce Lg. i wan —— BSS 3 6 2 ——— What {s my name? cass fu-ture plans, Love took them away.» inn men — apy + 7 Sy love, noth~ ing can Without love, noth=ing gan (oe. Fu a No. 18 To Whom It May Concern Me Cue: SILVIA: I'd like to send a letter. Rubato eee have a se-cret lov- er whom I VALENTINE: To whom ~~ to whom shall I send this? ete SILVIA:.... make it fancy. a Copyright © 1971 by Galt MacDermot and Jobo Gute Treetatioasl Copyright Secured / AU] Rights Reserved whom if may con-cern me, and ob ‘Tem 4 = 2 wrap a round your chest and neck and back and lege. ee oes —— et el -bows- and neck. Do T Se a spirit - ual re ~ la-tion-ship, if 1 tripped o-ver it and broke my | | i Ss aa 60 No.19 Night Letter Gis... VALENTINE: The day rates are more expensive, however. - Night let = ter, Night let - ter, Night letter, £ 3S F © 197 6 972 by Galt MacDerpot and Joly Guare Sepia g 27 oe J Beetnaltoosl Copyright Secured / Al Rights Resetved a ae Night let~ ter, Noth=Ing wet-ter than a =fSEE let-ter-Did you re ~mem-ber to lick — the stamp? Night let-ter, Did you re - a oops = F c « as 13 ee — OSs — memeber to slap_. the flap? _e Ma Mghe it = (Pao, & By ists.) aS SS SS SS the rush. — Hope you get a Night let-ter, Cont. at cue: SILVIA: Thave to be saved tonight. night letter. night at nine? = I= ae fate, To-mor-row a as Continue at cue: SILVIA: A very, yALENTINE: (last time) 7 = (a) = (Piatogue] saved— by to - night at — elght, Let me think, high tow-er and you've got to be SS pat eo = I got to get my thoughts to-geth-er, T got to get = eer = ‘Think, baby, ‘think, think, ba-by. Think, baby, i 4 Spee tenfect Jong, Noth-ing glad. = der than a long night tad-der. Will T \ Se see you ‘To- night at eight? Yes, to - night at eight would be just great. —_ y 7 Nothing sad-der than a ten feet long. Oh, ba- Task No. 19a Thou Hast Metamorphosed Me (Underscore) Cue: SPEED: And made them watchers of his own heart's sorrow. No. 20 Love’s Revenge (Reprise) Slowly (12/8 feel) VALENTINE: Poot doo doo SES mp * 8 Cs par Plano cI m3 33D = ES m3 é starved 1 was. Love's re ~ venge. SS SE Love'a—re~ venge, = som -ni-a, Love gave it to me To show me I 1 = ope facture plans, __Love took them a~ What is thister-ri-ble shake in my legs? My opt. v8 = AG pe fs Tovels re~venge. ——— as past. With- out love Noth ~ ing. ean ts witout tro vet can tt That's pe =o ee ah 3 3 With-out love rover td BS No. 21 Calla Lily Lady Cue: LAUNCE: To the Ale Houses: Moderate §- Calypso (a) tps. Im ver-y hap-py for_ my best friend... He (calyp Fl = found a won ~ der-ful = tm Ss ver-y hap~py for my best frend... You're look~ing at 2 ple- ture of lee. EE ee — aa ha~ha-ha- hep ~ py, But not hap — pier than | =o tg a — But not hap ~ pier than cal=la lil-y ta~ dy. G Catypeo Fi oss é 1S = oS what Hf he's hap - pier than Ss ze Bs met Up the moun ~ tain, So = SS me? Ar-roz con pol ~ 10, So, SS No. 22 Act I - Curtain Cue: PROTEUS: Who, all enraged, will banish Valentine. The orchestra hisses Proteus. (ite continues) Love, Tend me wings... etc. to plot this drift! No. 23 Entr’acte i i | ; j : i 5 i i 109 No. 25 Thurio’s Samba | i What did she say fo my_ clothes, take It, She said: Spa ee = a =a se oe pha pha-ka wa~ ka wa-ke, kay kaka wa~ ka wa-Ka, oe = + poo poo-scowoo-sa woo-sa, pha pha-ka wa-ka wa-ka, wow! Wow! 106 pha-ka wa-ka wa-ka, wow! Now! foe 107 7. Boom chick-a chick-a chick-a, pha pha-ka wa-ke wa- "A a ' a= i | | i i i i | Sess ai [Pee eS 7 pha pha-ka wa yg — DUKE: SS =F = Se You're going to be = FES ee Continue at cues THURIO: Oh no, she sald: 7. Boom chick-a obfck-a chick-a, pha ka ka -ka waka wa-kay Fy os » _ ee pha pha-kawa-ka wa-ka, Boom chick-a ey DS 114-2 CHORUS: a ka kaka wa-Ka wa-ka, poo poo-so0 woo~sa woo~ sa, All of — my fears have~ been site bm cr ' mp sede only), er ass Repeat tt Cut-off Ft eo] : aa 7 = ie No. 26 Hot Lover ‘aver scene) Cue: Launce and Speed enter LAUNCE & SPEED: Dixieland i dog cateh-or, bar-tend-er, log roll - er, truck driv - er,but CComyright @ 1971 by Gale MacDermet and John Guare fnetnattonst Copia Secured / Ait Rights Reserved — Tve had lov-tat, as 32 5 Sun) ats € F No. 27 What A Nice Idea Cuex PROTEUS: Do as thou art told! (ie exits.) loves her, He de-spis-es me. — him. 1 could be her x, (Finger ayley (Cont) aay mee kp ey 3s 7 mo- ment, When he was hold-ing her z == ? t ie 6 2 Ee 2 ergle © 2061972. Galt MacDremot and Sh Guare TeeatGaS Baye selarel AA IDs Rese VW / | i * ‘Then he'd be = could turn back = What a sweet fas i i i i i i f i i == = 2 VG bold her | i : i: I i ai a i SS ————— = ij Sj SSS 5 mn - & me and [would com ~ fort him, ends up the 0 re —— —= ees = SS = ane, is have some~one scold him, ‘Then I'd come on __ the scene Sate <= a See F 7 14 No. 28 Who Is Silvia? (Rhythm) Words by Cue: Proteus blows pitch pipe and conducts choir. William Shakespeare that ll our swains com= cHor: JEEPS 5 Horly, fair and wise is she; Thatheav-ensuch grace did Copyright © 19M ©1972 by Gale MecDermot [eetoattonsl Copyright Secured / All Rights Reserved | | eyes respair to 138 No. 29 Love Me Cue: SILVIA: Who the hell is Silvia? Optional ( need) (©), Moving-in 4 © suv: © @ Love not your f= i f f : E ss eee 197 6 1972 by Galt Mactormot and John Custe ficEfations% Copyright Seéored Ait Rights Reset 7 3 ‘SA blood and bone, fii === - ae Don't want ka ~ ® eyes | J Boe Let me go, let me go, Iet me go, let me go, set me free. ee eee (+ AU ahytheny ‘ c in my womb. — 13a not your 1 - dea of me. ow. son Tad 4 7 (ome s m2 fom your fan - ta-sy. t | i i 134 (Siteia aid 11d.) reese 2g CHOIR: + oe ee € Don't keep her a ‘ sf ‘This mag-ic dove will find my love. in his (r,Bat. racer) eet da * 7 rn Segue as one a No. 30 Eglamour i Cue: Direct segue from "Love me" Moderately slow 4 (Vamp tilt ready) Cello, Clesical Gz. Piano (for rehearsal only) (lay only n absence of Gus.) Did I hear some-one call my bm 6 em 6 A om Copyright © 1971 £1972 by Cale MacDermot and Jolin Guste Tieetnationsl Conyright Setned ANY Rote Resets (84 ,SILVIA:Eg = la - mour, 8 aoe eee reer [ To was al-ways a a et SHES os ee JEL o there, you had on -ly name, Td glad~ly lose my you, I was there. Luck~y (Coto tacet) Sa ‘Your fa-ther sent me off to T think your rere é3/ Cue: DUKE: Kidnapped? Ki DNAPPED mq Agitato Hes = Plano mt ta 3g ail Bringmyba-byback to me. Your fian-ceo is missing and thewed-ding is to- He's cutme to the Copyright © 1971 by Galt MacDemict and fotn Guare Uetemational Copy Secured /"All gies Reverted SSE= peo-ple in the ‘They're hid-ing in the PROTEUS: for ~ est. The lov-ers have been sight-ed, = andthey're headed right this way. fray. What did you Ppp Eee ae roo ra) = be cee ee 9 0 0 2 oof SSS SS ar-rows andfol-low me in-to the In-to the fray! In-to the fray! In-to the eS Sf fray! In-to the fray! eH —4 Overlap to “"Eglamour Reprise” No. 32 “ #49. No. 82 Eglamour Cue: Overlap from "Kidnapped". asec 1 Moderately slow 4 A: € ; Now you're here, EGLAMOUR: 24 — a = me Now I'm her Piano Em . ae = EGLAMOUR: = ores ae I think your No. 33 Cue: VALENTINE: Tune my distress and record my woes. Moderate + Piano ott i eta Bina ; a ae ae ea wedi beeline fad the elses oan beet ak a | ee Sa eae eee een 5 ni cher T deat and dumb? And I'm bat + ee eee ec : ge a = ee === } heart ran to some freez- ing place and died. | oat gl yg: iE ae [eee ( SSS Se raat ae = SS j= ES + oes SS +e a_pppy's WEF Ma the —————S SS Ss moun-tain ex - plodes. in av - —a-lanche- The ay - a-lanche has oan | aS a to make. | Aim if - = = ee gee gave roars when it kills a ~ ger __.. The roos-ter a= Zenoula cry ‘eile ay baby's gone Pf tS SS oS sound for my feel-ing ain't. Can't feel noth ~ Int Can't feol noth=tn' here Can't feel noth ~ in? | ' | j Eglamour : No. 38a Scorn : VALENTINE: I know I've heard that name before, (te exits) : 1 SILVIA: (onside tent) 7 EGLAMOUR: —— — I ob, Eg ~ ta - mour. 1 think your fa-ther thought thet I'd be killed, No tuck, here I= am, luck ~y 48 No. 34 What’s A Nice Girl Like Her? Cue: Direct segue from "Eglamour" (a cappella) (s) Moderate 4 ” e @ 1 PROTEUS: Se What's a nice gil Uke her 608.) SEEING ERTS ASE TH algae ese aT ‘ > = = a ey ha Ss What's a nice heart like hers do- ingon her_ sleeve? What's a nice heart_ like mine ee 7 A == ——— = SF 7 Sep do-ing in my mouth? I should have stayed down south, I want 1 ae =f Sete = SSS Play - ing Jack to her SSS SS What's a nice girl like her do-ing in this— place, Light-ing her Christ-mas tree or-na-ments up in my Tm glad 1 @ did-n't stay south, I want to ee = —— i =e ==: kiss her mouth, Yah! No. 36 Don’t Have The Baby Cue; PROTEUS: Julia! And pregnant too. et) (a) oe) oy | 1 LUCETTA: i 7 = = — eee = os Don't have the ba ~by. Don't | have the ba~ by. We have must have the ba -by, youmust have the ba~by,Buttell the Copyright @ 1971 y Celt Macbermt and Jot Guare SEERIESS Coogee Seontee WAN Rights Reserved ba - by se bis fa - ther was the Emp-tror of Mil - an. Tl have the ba-by, TL ae SSS ia pena —SSS= the ba~by, won't He to the ba-by, Til just Baseectsal ao 4 Ea [== I ‘ tell the ba~by— I loved his TS = J 4 — fo fa-ther. pS And when we made him, Oh, how his SS fa-ther loved INU. OF LOVe,Is 1aL Lous (Reprise) Cue: Thurio sees Lucetta. (it's love at first sight) Ad lib. 3 THURIO: bt eeet Love, is that you. (6t. + Mandolin only) that fills my ears, that fills my nose, that fills my heart? Ps » LUCETTA: Pa ‘THURIO: > a Pe = ee — ——— Love, is that you that fills the air, that fills the sky? Boom chick-a chick-a chick~a, boom chick-a chick-a chic Gat ee Segue as one i L i ss No. 39 Finale Cue: DUKE: One feast, one house, one mutual happiness, Peace. Silvia enters up center. Piano T love my —_ moth-er, -T want to tell her, I love my ret) s te T want to tell him, I love my sis-ter, want to tellher. I love my love. me, 1 want to peer love. me: You can't love an-oth=er with-out Copyeght © 1971 61972 by Galt MacDermet and John Guare Tieelattoun] Copysigie Secured ( AIL Rights Reserved we, . Aut: — ees f SS = == ae : ay $ Ef “a == a Now love hasdriv-en me sane. ‘Am I bealth-y? Am I hap-py? Yes! FoI ly (oe, ace) he = ei MT [AAT eB coat.) yn am (+54, ad ub.) * f eee ee Se ——: € he Se Goue inal the angst ndoreprH ~ ose he big mook le the shock of hap Sg = + fe re pi ~ ness. Love! Love! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love! ees 1 was in - to all_per~ ver-sions. Now love has driv - en me straight. Ho - mo, ne~ ero, E Se a fer oe ae Love. has driv-en me = wa = = fora wed - ding veil, qa pie : ee right out of | my aad pie ) RP ERIE ELF em Hatin flavor: Love has driv-en me sane. Tlove my fa-ther, I want to ( Bayt Inst eae — —_— § S tell her, I love my brother, T want to + eS = 2 ss be oS eS = tell him. T love my sis ~ter, I want to tell her. 1 love my 4 want to a ee SoS FRR PPR % ; ae Gas Fa so FER oe lov ~ ing your-self. = oI You can't love an ~ other with-out Now love has driv - en 3 1 lived in ter ~ ror, I lived in pan-ic. 3 i = ‘Ter-ror kept me in an-al—y = a =SB= = : LUCETTA: Seat Each— de ~ lu-sion 5 Tort Oren, Beto END ACT it No. 40 Exit Music joe ae Sate tee tee neon. 2 tpt 8 Slo Sh Pe aa 178: No. 33 (alternate) Mansion t Cue: VALENTINE: Tune my distress and record my woes. Slowly " @ oe Silvia. 1 VALENTINE: eR a aoa ‘You live in the man-sion keep be-neath my doub-let. 72 by Galt Macerct 94 Joa Oars ———— = =a eee You al-read-y are my love, Se = 5 S355 ge oe (ass Sot0) You live in the man-sion #5 5 font : SS Sa _ - | = ing like a sub — let. (Ge. 2tighe ft) peed ] = wTitieve? se 33 ° Attecoa | 09324 2404

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