Cancer Can Be Beaten

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Cancer Can Be Beaten

Be Naturally Well
Reported BY
Shelley Penney
copyright 2009
all rights reserved

This book may be distributed free of charge, provided it is not altered in any way.
You may not copy, in part, or in whole, any portion of this book.

Nothing in this book should be misinterpreted as medical advice. You agree and understand, by
reading past this point, that this book is intended as informational only. If you are ill, or have any
uncertainty about any nutritional supplement you should check with a medical professional who
is familiar with your case. The products discussed are not regulated by the FDA because they
are nutritional supplements, and not drugs. They are not intended to cure, mitigate or treat any
disease. The opinions herein are the opinions of the author, and not necessarily those of any
company that sells, manufactures or distributes these products. Shelley Penney is an independent
distributor for high quality, affordable wellness products and nutritional supplements.

There are testimonials included in this version of Cancer Can Be Beaten. Testimonials are
personal stories related as is, by the person telling the story. They are not necessarily an
indication of what would happen to you or anyone you love. Everyone is different. Sometimes
people get better, and sometimes their personal health situation is such that they don't. These
testimonials are shared with you as anecdotal only, and have not been verified by science.

This book is a combination of material gleaned from my research, and from my personal and
professional experience. Any of the material that is not original has a corresponding link of
reference at the end of the book.

Some people call it alternative treatment, natural therapy, or just plain quack
medicine. The medical and pharmaceutical realm would call it "unproven" due to the lack
of double-blind studies done in clinical research centers. However, we maintain that just
because something is "unproven" does not mean that it has been "disproven." If an
alternative works, is inexpensive to manufacture, has little or no side effects, is natural,
and is not patentable, then it is likely going to STAY unproven by traditional science,
medicine, and drug companies, because no one wants to spend money to prove
effectiveness of something they can't recoup their investment on.
Disease is big business. Most research dollars are invested in drugs that help you feel
better for awhile, treating symptoms while keeping you sick by not addressing the core
problem, or creating a new set of symptoms.
Natural products are not guaranteed to cure anything. Neither is drug therapy or any
traditional means of helping you get better for that matter. We present this book for
informational purposes only. We always recommend that you speak with your physician,
or someone who is qualified to give you medical advice, and knows your very unique
health situation. The products mentioned are supplements, and this is why they are not
regulated by the FDA. The FDA only regulates drugs, and only drugs regulated by the FDA
are allowed to make claims. THAT is why you always see a disclaimer on nutritional
Using alternatives, or adjuncts to traditional medicine are not holistic; you often must
apply many different approaches consistently. For example, Zeolite will help remove the
metals and toxins in your system, but that is only a single non-holistic approach to
removing the symptoms and cause of your disease. You may want to add a other strong
immune boosting supplements, proper nutrition that includes cancer fighting foods and
alkaline water. Many different tools used to chip away at disease can increase the
likelihood of wellness.
While researching zeolite and other health supplements, you are going to hear a number of
terms. You will also come across a number of websites promoting different kinds of zeolite,
and 'cancer' products with different ingredients. You will find people who swear zeolite
cured their disease and you will find people who defiantly refuse to believe. You will meet
many internet health consultants who make claims of some kind or another. I am going
to try to clean up the mess and help make things a bit clearer for you.
There is a limit to what I can tell you. I can not tell you that these strategies will cure your
cancer. We are all different, and our bodies are in different phases of health and life. I am
going to tell you what I believe from my own experiences and research. You need to take
the information and make a decision that feels right for you and your situation.
I wish you joy and peace on your journey back to health.
Many Blessings,
Shelley Penney

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Shelley Penney is a registered nurse by profession. She started her nursing

career working in an active treatment psychiatric facility (back
when there still was such a thing). She then transferred to a
small military community, and worked in the last
military/civilian mixed hospital in Canada. Her nursing career
took her from medical-surgical nursing, to the emergency room,
and over to the administrative side where she also did hospital
supervision. The bulk of her career was spent in an active
critical care unit. After many years of tending heart attack and
trauma victims, her final 2 years in the hospital were spent as Resource Nurse in
a new, very busy Day Surgery Post Anesthetic Recovery Unit.

By the time Shelley was in her early thirties she was ready for a change.
Raising 2 small children, and working shift work in an emotionally and
physically demanding job was pushing her towards the brink of burnout. She
decided to start a home business in an area as far away from nursing as she
could, and that was cosmetics. For 8 years, Shelley successfully marketed
lipstick and skincare, and quickly worked herself into a leadership role. Her
efforts earned her many free career cars and a very comfortable living, raising
her children.
Then, a devastating personal health crisis changed her focus. Once Shelley
recovered from her own health issue, she decided to move back towards her
original life purpose of helping people make a difference in their health and
their lives, while at the same time improving her own health. However, after
tasting the independence and financial freedom of entrepreneurship, nursing
was out of the question. So a wellness company was the best marriage of both
worlds. Now Shelley can recommend quality products that impact the health
and wellness of people around the world. She is ALSO looking for others who
want to spread the word and create their own world of wealth and wellness.
We need help spreading the word. If you would like a home business
representing the highest quality products I have ever encountered, contact me.
Shelley Penney

Find all the products Shelley recommends- visit


Table Of Contents
What is Cancer? 4
What Causes Cancer?
Traditional Cancer Treatment.
Cancer Fighting Strategy #1 6
Cancer Fighting Strategy #2 13
Cancer Fighting Strategy #3 16
Cancer Fighting Strategy #4 17
Cancer Fighting Strategy #5 22
Shelley's Cancer Fighting Smoothie 26
Cancer Fighting Strategy #6 27
Cancer Fighting Strategy #7 28
Cancer Fighting Strategy #8 29
Products 31
A Final Word 33

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What is Cancer?
Definition: The name for diseases in which the body's cells become abnormal and
divide without control. Cancer cells may invade nearby tissues. And they may
spread through the bloodstream and lymphatic system to other parts of the body.
Why have I highlighted body's cells? Because cancer begins in normal cells which
become abnormal for some reason. The cells are already there!
What Causes Cancer?
Cancer is caused by a single massive OR prolonged exposure to chemicals and/or
toxins, or something else which causes normal cells to mutate. I consider that
cancer cells are caused by a foreign invasion. You are exposed to chemicals and
toxins every day. An overwhelming majority of them (I may even venture to say
ALL of them) are poisonous to your body. You do have systems in place to attack
and remove foreign invaders. This system however, was intended to deal with
viruses and bacterias, not man-made chemical compounds. Your body does it's best
to deal with the load it is faced with. When the burden becomes too much to bear,
cells begin to mutate. If you are healthy, your body repairs early cancers. It is only
when your protective mechanisms fail that cancer cells grow out of control.
Instinctively I think people know this... think about the major accidents and other
toxin related exposures that occur or have occurred in the world... The Hiroshima
Nuclear bomb, the Chernobyl disaster, DDT spraying from the 70's, cigarette
smoking . these we KNOW without a doubt have resulted in cancers (along with
many other diseases, but that's another book). In areas of the world where there
are increased incidences of cancer (over and above what we consider statistically
normal) there is always a known or 'found' toxin related cause.

What is the Treatment for Cancer? You know what the conventional treatment
for cancer is... MORE CHEMICALS! Does it make sense to you that something that is
caused by an invasion of chemicals and toxins is treated with more chemicals and
toxins? Don't get me wrong, I am not going to tell you in this book to NOT take the
recommended chemotherapy or radiation treatment. You need to discuss those
things with your doctor. HOWEVER, there are a number of things you can do with
or without conventional medical treatment, to increase your odds of beating
cancer for good!
I am not going to beat around the bush here. You've requested this ebook because
you want to know what kinds of NATURAL strategies you can employ to prevent
cancer from occurring, or fight cancer which you know already exists. So I am going

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to get right in to these strategies. SOME of the strategies involve purchasing of

supplements. Some of the strategies involve a dietary change, or modifying physical
or mental habits. Some of the strategies involve reducing exposure to
environmental toxins. The more strategies you can employ, the better chance you
have of beating this dis-ease.
Unfortunately it often comes down to cost. If cost is a factor for you, then keep in
mind that strategy #1 and #2 are the MOST important in your battle. People
have had success using extra amounts of just #1 and #2. After that, add or subtract
what makes sense to you.
SOME of the products I recommend are products I will earn commission from
should you decide to order them. The commissions I earn allow me to spend more
time helping people like you get the information they need to improve their health
situation. I did the research in the first place though, because I had been sick, and I
needed information that would save MY health.
If you are offended that I earn commission instead of some drug company or your
country's medical system, or your local Walmart Pharmacy, then please don't
order. My goal is to reach the people who NEED this information, and the
commissions I earn allow me to stay home and that gives me more time to do what
I feel 'mission driven' to do... get the word out to people like you.

Get a FREE bottle.... some of the commissions I earn, I return to you. If you order
$220+ of supplements from my recommended supplier, and send me a testimonial
about this book, I will send you on free bottle of any of the recommended
supplements. To claim your free bottle, send your testimonial plus proof of
purchase (email receipt) to

Want more information on zeolite? Http:// for a

FREE report on zeolite including testimonials.

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Cancer Fighting Strategy #1

Liquid Zeolite ~ Nothing compares to this cancer fighting ESSENTIAL!
Dr Gabriel Cousen's says: Zeolite's mechanism of action against cancer
cells is unique and unlike that of any other substance I have studied.
Theoretically, it has the rare ability to take in a tremendous amount of
positively charged toxins, indirectly neutralizing their effect in causing
cancer. In the process, the zeolite develops a slight positive charge. It is
then attracted to and pulled right into the negatively charged membrane
of the cancer cell. When the zeolite moves inside the cancer cell, the cell's
P21 gene is activated. This gene acts as a tumor suppressor through its
ability to control cell-cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears
to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.
~testimonials below

Remove The Toxins- You need a good detox agent to remove heavy metals,
herbicides, pesticides, and other poisons and chemicals that reside in your
cells from a lifetime of exposure and consumption. These chemicals do not
belong in your body, they can contribute to the poor health of your cells, and
they can interfere with proper function, disrupt hormonal balance and impede
the ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. Removing the toxins should be key
to any health regime. Unfortunately many people only just hear about zeolite
when they (or a loved one) are diagnosed with cancer. It is this exposure to
chemicals and toxins that has caused your cancer and you need to get them
out of your body RIGHT NOW if you want to have any chance of fighting the

Liquid Zeolite - Detox agent of choice

Much has been written on the detoxification and health benefits of a liquid zeolite
supplement. Liquid zeolite provides the following benefits.
* Supports a healthy immune system.*
* Helps remove heavy metals, toxins and other substances from the body.*
* Helps balance pH levels in the body.*
* 100 percent natural and non-toxic.*
* Safe for long-term use.*
If you search the internet you will find many testimonials from people who have
used zeolite, in conjunction with other treatments with good results. People have

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also used zeolite alone as a cancer fighting strategy, and it has also created some
fascinating testimonials of rejuvenation and return of body health.
Zeolite has been given GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status by the FDA, it
has been used for many years in many applications in both animals and industry,
and is approved as a medication (for digestive issues) in Cuba, by the Cuban
equivalent of the FDA. We know it is safe to use. Zeolite has been in use in Asian
medicine for centuries, and safely used in animal detox therapy for a while.
Liquid Zeolite has produced some incredibly remarkable testimonials, including
"Keiko" who had stage 4 ovarian cancer with metastasis, and after taking the liquid
zeolite it was completely gone.

Keiko, age 72
September 2005
At the end of Oct. 2004 (11 months ago), Keiko was diagnosed in Japan with class-3 cervical
cancer. At the recommendation of her doctors, she underwent 28 rounds of radiation
therapy. At the end of those treatments her doctors told her they had eradicated the cancer
in her cervix. Keikos daughter, Felice, had a recommendation from her doctors here in
Hawaii that Keiko should really have a PET scan in Japan to check and make sure it hadnt
spread anywhere else. It had indeed metastasized to every lymph node in her body.

Felice brought her mom to Hawaii in June of this year and the oncologists here said this was
an extremely aggressive form of cancer. A CAT scan showed two more spots (on her lung and
on her stomach) in addition to everything else. They would try eight rounds of chemotherapy
to put off what seemed imminent but the prognosis was grim. They didnt expect her to live
even a year.

By the fifth round of chemotherapy, Keiko was so sick (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) they
decided to stop that was three weeks ago. Instead they kept praying and kept using the
natural supplements.

Five weeks ago a friend told Felice and her mom about cellular zeolite. Keiko took it for a
week before she had to stop to accommodate the fifth round of her chemo schedule. This time
she got so sick from the chemo she and her daughter decided to stop the treatment right in
the middle of the round and they continued with the cellular zeolite 15 drops 3x/day
starting the next day.

Three weeks later (Monday this week), Keiko had a follow up contrast dye CAT scan. When
they walked into her doctors office, he asked how she was feeling and what shed been
eating, and had a sort of perplexed look on his face. They didnt know what to expect, but
hoped and prayed there would be some positive news. Keiko didnt just have a report that
was good, it was beyond all expectations the doctor told Keiko and Felice there was not one
single sign of cancer anywhere in her body. Not in any of the lymph nodes, not on her lung or

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stomach. Stunned, Keikos daughter even asked the Doc, Are you sure? Who actually read
the CAT scan? and he reassured her it was definitely the expert, the radiologist, not just him!
He was amazed too, and said that less than 20% of his patients ever have such a thing
happen, that even if there was great improvement they usually see some residual cancer still
in the body, but there was nothing here. Nothing. And the nurses were crying with emotion
when they spoke with Felice and Keiko. As you might expect, he asked her what she was
doing. Felice told him and the nurses [about cellular zeolite].

Keiko will have another CAT scan in three months to confirm she is truly out of the woods
and meantime she will be taking her cellular zeolite every day!

We found this on another website and we agree...

It's simple! The ORIGINAL liquid zeolite is the first liquid zeolite on the
market. It's also the one responsible for all those testimonials you've
read on copycat product sites. This is your health now that we are
talking about. Don't trust your health to any other product except the one
that gives results. some humic and/or fulvic acid versions have been
pulled from the market for causing liver damage. They actually can make
people sicker. I am simply getting downright angry at what people will
say to make money. I've studied zeolite. I've interviewed scientists,
spoken to competitors, and read all of the copycat websites information.
NOTHING and I do mean nothing.... NO other zeolite product can come
anywhere near the ORIGINAL. All of the studies done have been done on
this one. All of the testimonials are from this one. Don't gamble your
health away on a chance. Your life is worth more than that!

Our Zeolite product recommendation is for the original zeolite liquid product.
(our recommended supplier can be found at the end of this report). The original
liquid zeolite has only Clinoptilolite zeolite and water. There are a number of
reasons why we prefer this product over others on the market.
First, most of the testimonials I have ever seen on the internet are from
people who were using the original formula. In fact, EVEN companies selling a
different kind of zeolite product were using the the original liquid zeolite
testimonials. This is important information, since the products all contain varying
amounts of zeolite, but the processing of the products are very different.
Zeolite attracts heavy metals and toxins. When it is mined, it has already attracted
toxins deep into the zeolite cage. The processing for the original zeolite liquid uses
extremely high heat, and a mild acidic bath (vinegar is a mild acid) to clean the
cages deeply. If the zeolite product you are considering has not used heat or a mild

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acid in their processing then it is likely it still holds some of those toxins. While it is
unlikely the toxins will be released into your bloodstream, it isn't worth the risk to
me, unless the company can guarantee that it doesn't. Aside from that though,
zeolite cages that carry some toxins aren't able to pick up as much. The
wheelbarrow is already half full! Some companies talk about zeolites enhanced
with energies! Please recognize 'energies' don't do anything for zeolite. Zeolite
does not need help getting into cells.
Your zeolite product does not need humic or fulvic acid, in fact a couple of years
ago, a product with these compounds in it was pulled off the market because of
contamination likely related to the organic compounds in the humic or fulvic acid
Your zeolite product does not need DHQ. DHQ is an antioxidant. It could be a good
antioxidant and it won't do you any harm by taking it, but it doesn't do anything for
The original zeolite liquid is processed in such a way that the molecules are
micronized, and float in suspension. You get nothing but pure, clean zeolite in pure
clean water. It is the MOST effective zeolite on the market, and no amount of claims
to the contrary will change that.
This is what the label on the BEST zeolite product looks like. Anything else added to
the bottle is cheap filler that takes up space. The more OTHER stuff there is in
your zeolite product, the less ACTUAL ZEOLITE there is!

We will use only one brand of liquid zeolite until another is proven more effective.
In the meantime There is NOTHING on the market more effective than the original
zeolite product.
I have authored an entire report just on liquid zeolite. You can download it for free
at if you want more information on zeolite.

Find all the products Shelley recommends- visit


All of these people were taking The Original Liquid Zeolite. Don't settle for
anything else. If it isn't the original, then you take a chance on something unproven.
Kidney papillary type II cancer
Another older man with kidney papillary type II cancer an aggressive cancer MD
Anderson here in Houston says, "we can't do anything for that type of cancer", his lymph
nodes were growing big time. They were going to give him Chemo anyhow. He is on the
product 3 weeks prior to his next check up. Doctor wouldn't admit it, but his lymph
nodes were down so low that they couldn't even measure their size on the computer
machine. Most of the lymph nodes were HALF the size they were three weeks prior!
Lymph stable, no more cancer. POWERFUL! 3 weeks on liquid zeolite and the nodes have
They did a scan on this gentleman and 3 weeks did it again it "assumes that there is
no more cancer" according to the doctor.

Leukemia, throat cancer, skin cancer Susie (writing about her father)
My dad has CLL Leukemia, Emphysema, and just recently diagnosed with Cancer in his
throat. After 5 weeks of taking liquid zeolite, his Leukemia counts are much better. His
oncologist was quite pleased and said he would be able to by-pass chemo for at least two
months because of his improved blood counts. When Dad told him that he had been
taking liquid zeolite, Dr. Johnson said he was familiar with the zeolite product and
recommended for him to stay on it.
The following week, Dad went to his throat doctor, and when the doctor looked in his
throat with a scope, he could not believe what he saw. He said it looked so much better
than when he observed it eight weeks before. Dad said his throat is no longer sore and
feels much better. We believe that liquid zeolite is making a tremendous difference in
Dad's health and very thankful.

Colon cancer, pain~Shirley M. (writing about her daughter)

My daughter was diagnosed with colon cancer in January of 2004. After a nightmare of
chemo, radiation, and a severe staph infection, she had finally arrived at a place where
she was able to function but still not feeling well. Two weeks ago I was visiting her and
noticed that she seemed to be in pain when she sat down. I was very concerned because I
thought that indicated that the tumor was growing again. One week ago today I took a
bottle (of liquid zeolite) over to her. When I got over there she told me her legs were
aching badly I told her to take 15 drops of liquid zeolite 3 times a day. After 5
treatments her legs felt better. Five days later the pain in her legs was gone. I believe
liquid zeolite is an answer to prayer.

Chemotherapy side-effect mitigation ~Rhoda C.

I have been taking weekly chemotherapy treatments for the past eight months. After
every treatment I would take Neupogen subcutaneously for three days in order for my
counts to be back to normal for the next treatment. So, after feeling nauseated and weak
on Wed., and Thurs., it was time for the injections on Friday and Sat. and Sunday. So,

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basically I felt like (for lack of a better word) crap five days out of seven. A friend told me
of Dr. Murphy and I saw him on 11/18 and started liquid activated zeolite that evening.
He instructed me not to take the Neupogen along with the zeolite as there would be no
need. And WOW I can't believe the difference it made. Normally after taking chemo on
Wed. I would rarely leave my home until the next Monday because I felt so fatigued and
weak. Remember I started the zeolite on Friday. That Sat. I went Christmas shopping.
Sunday to church. Monday out to eat with my sister in law. Tuesday an overnight
shopping trip. And on Wed. before chemo my oncologist said my lab results "hadn't
looked this good in a long time." I attribute this all to the drops as nothing else has
changed. Oh, I forgot to mention that the medicine I take for nausea after treatment has
literally been cut down to a fourth of what I previously took. I think it is from the zeolite
too. I only wish I would have known about this sooner. I am getting back to my previous
workout schedule which was non-existent until I started the liquid activated zeolite. I
walk on my treadmill two times a day for 30minute sessions and I have resumed
working out with weights which I had not been able to do since starting chemo. I started
on the zeolite 11/18 and took my last chemo on 11/30. I hope this gives someone
encouragement in a positive direction if they are considering taking liquid activated

Can you take zeolite with Chemotherapy or other medications?

There is a possibility that zeolite products may remove the chemotherapy drug
Carboplatin from the body along with the heavy metals and toxins. If your
chemotherapy treatment includes the drug Carboplatin (or any other chemo agent
with platinum in it), then you should not take your zeolite product one day before
or for 1 day after your treatment.
If you are taking the drug Lithium for bipolar illness, there is a possibility that
zeolites could remove the lithium from your body along with the heavy metals and
toxins. You should not take zeolites if you are taking Lithium for bipolar illness
Other than that, we do not know of any side effects or interaction with zeolites and
ANY medications or nutritional supplements. If you are unsure, please check with
your health practitioner. In fact, we think it is always a good idea to check with your
doctor before taking nutritional supplements if you are not confident to make the
decision on your own. Having said that, the original liquid zeolite has been on the
market for 4 years, and are safe to take.

Are there any Side Effects of zeolite consumption

Zeolites remove heavy metals and toxins. You may experience detoxification
symptoms in the early days of zeolite consumption, but reports have been that the
effects are much milder than traditional types of detoxification. The biggest
concern is that of dehydration. As you detoxify, you could lose more water than

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usual through urination, as your body works to flush out the toxins. To overcome
this, make sure you drink plenty of pure filtered ionized alkaline water. (or just
increase fluid intake if you aren't a water drinker)

How do you know you are taking the right zeolite product?

Does it say "Original Liquid Zeolite" on the bottle? (YES)

- There is only ONE company that sells this ORIGINAL zeolite. The
supplier we recommend can be found at the end of this section.
Has it been heat processed to remove toxins? (YES)
-Zeolite is a mineral that is mined from the ground. It has been
exposed, over centuries, to the same environment WE have been, and
it is already full of heavy metals and toxins. Don't be fooled by people
who say they have found a pure source. There is no such thing.
There is not a place on this earth that is immune to the toxins we all
have been exposed to. Weather patterns, jet streams and ocean
currents have ensured that China's air pollution falls in Canada, and
America's toxic waste flows to the ocean and makes it's way to
The zeolite molecules MUST be cleaned with a combination of high
heat and a mild acidic wash. The bonds are too strong to be broken
any other way. That is a GOOD thing though, and it is what makes the
ORIGINAL zeolite so effective.
Does it have Fulvic or Humic acid in it? (NO)
- Fulvic and humic acid, DHQ, and any number of other ingredients
have been added to zeolite by companies claiming that it makes their
product work better. The truth is cheap fillers take up space, add no
value to the product, and in some cases may even be harmful.
Can I buy it at wholesale if I wish to save some money? (YES)
- The original zeolite company has a wholesale membership option.
You can 'join' as a member and order products at the wholesale rate
instead of paying full retail prices. The savings can be significant,
especially if you are purchasing more than one supplement.

If you need more information on zeolite I have written a short 20 page report
which you can get for FREE at

Find all the products Shelley recommends- visit


Cancer Fighting Strategy #2

Natural Killer Cells

There are a number of cancer fighting strategies that are important if you want to
give your body a chance against invading cancers cells.*
Natural Killer Cells (NK cells) are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte that constitute a
major component of the innate immune system. NK cells play a major role in the
rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses. The cells kill by releasing small
cytoplasmic granules of proteins called perforin and granzyme that cause the target
cell to die by apoptosis.
Natural Killer (NK) Cells are your body's own anti-cancer
first line of defense. Natural Killer (NK) cells are yet another
type of lethal lymphocyte. Like cytotoxic T cells, they
contain granules filled with potent chemicals. They are
called "natural" killers because they, unlike cytotoxic T
cells, do not need to recognize a specific antigen before
swinging into action. They target tumor cells and protect
against a wide variety of infectious microbes.

INCREASE AND ACTIVATE your NK cells with Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan is scientifically proven to activate your immune system, and your NK
cells. The scientific literature on glucans is voluminous over many decades, and
there is also a considerable body of patent literature. The beta-glucan response has
been described by Dr. Joyce Czop of Harvard Medical School as, "an arsenal of
immune defense".

There are NUMEROUS scientific studies proving that Beta Glucan has anti-tumor
and anti-cancer effect. Scientists agree that Beta Glucan is a powerful weapon in
any health and wellness tool box. The only question left is WHICH product gives the
best concentration of Beta Glucan. There is one mushroom product that wins
HANDS DOWN when it comes to potent anti-tumor activity. This has been
demonstrated over and again by scientific communities around the globe!

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Agaricus Blazei Potent Source of Beta Glucan

Summary of Agaricus Blazei
"Japanese researchers have done the most studies on its medicinal effects.
The mushroom contains beta glucans, a group of polysaccharides
believed to be the compounds responsible for its immune boosting
effects. In addition, research has shown that Agaricus blazei has anti-
tumor and anti-viral activity. In Japan and Brazil the mushroom is widely
used by cancer patients." ~ Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.

Research studies over the last 25 years have shown Agaricus Blazei to stimulate the
immune system and promote natural mechanisms to battle infectious disease and
cancers. Agaricus Blazei stimulates lymphocyte T-cell and Helper T-cell production.
The polysaccharide contained in Agaricus Blazei stimulates production of
interferon and interleukin that indirectly function to destroy and prevent the
proliferation of cancer cells. Also, Agaricus Blazei turned out to be a very powerful
antiviral agent preventing viruses from entering tissues.
Normally, the polysaccharides found in fungus only affect solid cancers, however
the polysaccharide in Agaricus Blazei is effective against Ehrich's ascites
carcinoma, sigmoid colonic cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and
liver cancer as well as against solid cancers.
In Japan, Agaricus Blazei was found to eliminate all cancerous tumors in 90%
of the experimental mice. Additionally, when the mice were fed Agaricus
Blazei as a preventative and then injected with a very powerful cancer
causing agent (Sarcoma 180), 99.4% of them showed no tumor growth.
Conventional medicine has nothing as powerful as this.
The studies in Japan showed Agaricus Blazei to be 80% more effective than the
world's number one cancer drug, PSK. It contains much higher levels of beta
glucans than the other medicinal mushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi). It
stimulates NK (Natural Killer) cell activity at a rate higher than MGN-3.
There are large numbers of patients for whom there are no effective allopathic
treatments or for whom the available therapies are either poorly tolerated or only
partially helpful. A physician who has the knowledge to help these patients is
working with a tremendous advantage.

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Agaricus Blazei HYBRID Super Mushroom

Agaricus Blazei HYBRID is a new hybrid mushroom that contains

2 types of Agaricus Blazei mushrooms that have been blended
together in a 10-step patented process. This blend has created a
"Super Mushroom" that is 15X more potent and powerful than
any medicinal mushroom in history. In fact this mushroom is
now widely considered The Most Potent and Powerful
Antioxidant in the World.
There is only 1 company owns the exclusive rights to this amazing HYBRID blend,
that company is the same company that sells the Original Liquid Zeolite. To ensure
the integrity of this product each batch must be DNA finger printed to match the
original strand for efficacy and potency before it can be considered.
Don't settle for anything less than this super hybrid for potency and effectiveness.

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Cancer Fighting Strategy #3

Sleep - A healing essential
Nothing beats the healing power of sleep, but did you know that aside from sleep
being THE time that your body takes to rejuvenate, we also release a hormone
during sleep called MELATONIN, that has huge free-radical fighting, AND cancer
fighting properties.
When you are ill, or fighting off illness sleep is something you often don't get
enough of. Many people don't get enough sleep when they are otherwise healthy.
The stress of illness, pain, nausea, or any other number of factors can affect the
amount of restful sleep you get in a night.

Melatonin- the sleep hormone that helps fight cancer!

Melatonin's Anti-Cancer Mechanisms

Melatonin can kill directly many different types of human tumor cells. It is a
naturally produced cytotoxin, which can induce tumor cell death (apoptosis).
In instances where the tumor has already established itself in the body,
melatonin has been shown to inhibit the tumor?s growth rate. Melatonin
exhibits natural oncostatic activity and inhibits cancer cell growth.
In patients in whom cancer already has become a noticeable physical burden and
produces overt symptoms, melatonin has been shown to alleviate numerous cancer
symptoms and to inhibit development of new tumor blood vessels (tumor
angiogenesis), which in turn inhibits the cancer from spreading further
(metastasis). Melatonin can retard tumor metabolism and development by
lowering the body temperature; it is a natural inducer of hypothermia.
Furthermore, as an inducer of antioxidants and itself a weak preventive
antioxidant, melatonin hinders tumor cells from participating in free radical
damage to normal cells and consequently limits oxidative damage to DNA, lipids,
amino acids, and proteins.
In the unfortunate circumstance in which cancer has already overwhelmed the
body's innate cancer-fighting capabilities, including the anti-cancer activity of
naturally produced melatonin (levels of which are reduced in most cancer
patients), supplemental melatonin may be beneficial. Melatonin plays a critical role

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in the host defense system against cancer's progression by activating the cytokine
system, which exerts growth-inhibiting properties, and by stimulating the cytotoxic
activity of macrophages and monocytes.
Administration of supplemental melatonin has been shown to be beneficial even in
the supportive care of advanced and end-stage cancer patients: it lessens
tissue wasting and diminishes weight loss, fatigue, weakness, and depression,
enhances immune function, improves wound healing, and improves quality of life
and survival rates. Furthermore, melatonin improves common symptoms found in
both patients with advanced cancer and those undergoing chemotherapy; it
counteracts anemia and lymphocytopenia, stimulates platelet production, enhances
appetite, and diminishes cancer pain (including bone pain) through its natural
analgesic properties.
These are substantial benefits considering that approximately half of all
patients diagnosed with cancer die because of poor symptom management.

What Kind of Melatonin?

Not just any melatonin ! Melatonin is DESTROYED by stomach acid. Most
manufacturers of melatonin know this, and some will even put megadoses in their
tablets and capsules in the hopes that some will survive to be absorbed into the
blood stream.
The best, most effective melatonin supplement we have ever seen is one provided
in a 'strip' that you place on the roof of your mouth instead of swallowing. The
melatonin can then get in to your system through your mouth's membranes,
bypassing the stomach acids altogether. This powerful delivery system for
melatonin means you KNOW you are getting what you need.

Cancer Fighting Strategy #4

Alkaline pH of blood and body fluids.
If you have done any research you would know that cancer cells die off in an
alkaline environment, while they thrive in an acidic environment. The quickest way
to get a more alkaline environment is to drink alkaline (ionized) water and to eat
foods which convert to more alkaline (versus acidic) by products when they enter
the bloodstream.
Why Drinking Ionized Alkaline Water Could Dramatically Improve Your

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Everyone knows drinking water is important. Doctors say the average individual
must drink two liters of water daily just to stay healthy.
But our complicated lives tend to keep us from drinking anywhere near the amount
of water we need. Instead of reaching for a glass of water, most of us grab a soda or
pour a cup of coffee. The result is the vast majority of people 75% of Americans
are going through life dehydrated.
Even mild dehydration can cause a variety of ailments, making it the hidden culprit
behind many of todays common health problems. Mild dehydration makes you feel
sluggish, often causes the urge to eat, causes poor memory, and even contributes to
colon cancer.
But simply drinking tap or bottled water isnt the entire answer. Our bodies have
become increasingly acidic over the years. This dangerous pH imbalance causes a
vast number of illnesses that almost all of us struggle with.
Drinking alkaline water quickly puts your system back into balance, relieving
everything from digestive problems to high blood pressure to rapid aging. And food
tastes a LOT better when its cooked in alkaline water.
One excellent solution is to use a good counter-top water ionizer. The ionizer uses
advanced technological principles to split tap water into alkaline water with a
separate output of acidic water.
Use the ionized alkaline water to drink, improving your health and staving off
illness. Use acidic water to reduce acne, as effective mouthwash, as a natural
antiseptic, and even to make plants grow faster.
A good water ionizer will also put more oxygen in your water. The oxygen content
in your water can be adjusted according to the pH you choose.
The ionizer has a negative oxygen reduction potential or ORP. That means your
ionized water will reduce free radicals that attack cell tissue. Imagine not having to
rely solely on supplemental antioxidants since your water will already contain an
abundant supply.

Ionized Water and Cancer

How It Works
Ionized water is very alkaline (if your ionizer makes the water alkaline), has a high
redox potential (i.e. it is a good antioxidant because its ORP value is very negative),
and it has its water molecules in smaller clusters than normal water. All of these
things help inhibit the spread of cancer and aid in killing cancer cells, directly or

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indirectly. However, there is not enough evidence to categorize it as a stand-alone

treatment plan.

Ionized water works on cancer in three major ways. Because it is a good

antioxidant, meaning it has a very negative ORP value (Oxidation Reduction
Potential), it neutralizes free radicals (i.e. ROS - Reactive Oxygen Species), making
many oxygen molecules available to the cancer cells; either to slow the growth of
cancer or to kill the cancer cells. This is done with the hydroxyl ions in the ionized

Unlike hydrogen peroxide, which adds oxygen molecules to the body (i.e. they don't
already exist in the body), ionized water makes existing oxygen molecules, already
in the body, available to the cancer cells by giving them electrons. This actually has
advantages because it removes damaging free radicals at the same time.

Ionized water is also very alkaline. Cancer cells do not thrive in an alkaline

Dr. Keiichi Morishita in this book, The Hidden Truth of Cancer, states that if
the blood develops a more acidic condition, then these excess acidic wastes
have to be deposited somewhere in the body. If this unhealthy process continues
year after year, these areas steadily increase in acidity, and their cells begin to

Other cells in the affected area may survive by becoming abnormal; these are
called malignant. Malignant cells do not respond to brain commands. They
undergo a cellular division that is out of control. This is called cancer.

Modern medicine in America treats these malignant cells as if they were

bacteria or viruses. It uses chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to treat
cancer. Yet none of these treatments will help very much, if after all of that, the
acidic environment remains.

Drinking water that has a high alkaline pH, because of its de-acidifying effect,
will help in preventing cancer. In Asia, alkaline water is regularly served to
patients, and is considered a regular part of treatment.

Water molecules in our body do not individually float around, they exist in clusters
of water molecules. Ionized water clusters are significantly smaller than normal
water cluster. A water cluster generally consists of about a dozen water molecules.

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Because the cluster is so big, the water clusters cannot penetrate many places in
your body. By making clusters half that size, in terms of the number of water
molecules per cluster, the clusters (i.e. the water) can penetrate into more places in
the body. The shape of ionized water clusters (a hexagon) also helps them get into
places regular water cannot go. These things are called making "wetter water."

In addition to these things, ionized water removes a lot of toxic waste products
from the body. In fact there are many other benefits to drinking ionized water,
most of which have nothing to do with cancer.

Counter top ionizers can be expensive. We have found an excellent company that
we recommend at the end of this report and they have a couple of choices for LESS
than $1500. This is a fantastic price.

KYK Water Ionizers.

Ten Key Innovations You Should Consider:

The KYK Harmony and Genesis creates water that is scientifically enhanced
to match the activated hydrogen and alkaline chemical structure of the
world-famous water of Lourdes, France.
The KYK Harmony and Genesis activated carbon filter removes 99.99% of
most pollutants from your drinking water, making it safe.
The electrodes are the most important components of ionization. The KYK
Harmony's and Genesis electrode plates are about twice the size of the
plates in other water ionizers, with each plate measuring 20 cm by 7 cm.
The KYK Harmony and Genesis is the first ionizer to use the advanced SMPS
Electrical System. This is the coolest running electrical system on the US
market. It reduces noise, energy consumption, and heat-related stress, as well
as expands the average lifespan of the KYK Harmony to an estimated 30
years. You can also run your KYK Harmony for an hour at a time, whereas
most other ionizers can only run for about 7 to 15 minutes.
The KYK Harmony and Genesis is approved by the KFDA as a medical device.
It is listed by the FDA as a medical device, manufactured in an ISO certified
factory, and has all the necessary credentials, such as KGMP and KETI
certifications, for excellence in medical products, HC international
environment certification, KTL approval for industrial technology, and many

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The KYK Harmony and Genesis can create an ORP between -400 and -800 in
ideal conditions, and the preset levels are designed to create the optimal pH
and ORP for your body. The ORP and pH are adjustable to as many as 64
The smaller water clusters aid in the enzymatic breakdown of food,
making it easier for the body to digest food and absorb the nutrients. KYK
Harmony and Genesis water helps the body to absorb 30% more nutrients
than tap water.
At just under two cents a liter, the KYK Harmony and Genesis will save you
money over bottled water and other water ionizers with shorter lifespans,
making it the best value for premium drinking water.
An undersink kit with a beautiful brushed chrome faucet is available with the
KYK Harmony.
The KYK Harmony and Genesis has a built-in mineral port. The KYK Harmony
and Genesis have won many international product awards. The mayor of
Seoul, Korea endorses the KYK Harmony and Mr. Kim Young Kwi's book.

Real Water
Understanding of acidity and how it affects our lives and our health is beginning to
become more "main stream". The timing for a product like this could not be better.
it is facing acceptance in most markets, the price point is extremely affordable, and
many people already have, or are considering a purchase, of a water ionizer
If you are interested in ionized water to fight your cancer, but don't want to invest
in a machine right away, people are THRILLED to know that an investment on
$2000 to $4000 all at once simply isnt necessary any more. Now you can purchase
a 4 ounce bottle of Ionized Water Concentrate to treat a month supply of drinking
water for as little as $39.95. For people who already have the water ionizer
machine at home, this product is a wonderful addition. Now they can have their
ionized water at home and take their Real Water with them when they travel.

The message is clear: drink plenty of water to feel better and improve wellness.
And make sure the water you drink is alkaline water created with a quality water
ionizer. Few things are as easy, as enjoyable, and more effective in improving your
health. Remember that water works far faster in helping to replenish and regulate
your body. Soda and sweetened teas require your body to first digest the sugar
inside the drink, then, and only then, can the water be used. That process can take

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an hour and a half. Meanwhile your body can be getting more and more
dehydrated. This is particularly true on hot summer days, when doing strenuous
activities such as sports and yard work, and when ill.
Try drinking six to eight glasses of good, wholesome water each and every day. You
will immediately notice an improvement in your health.

Cancer Fighting Strategy #5

NUTRITION- As much as possible it is important to keep your body in a more
alkaline state. A diet that encourages alkaline ash production is important.
The diet that is recommended to change your saliva and urine pH to something less
than it's current acidic state is a very healthy one, rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber,
anti-oxidants, and low in undesirables such as refined sugar, preservatives, dyes,
and animal protein from red or fatty meats. It is unlikely that your physician or
nutritionist would prescribe a healthier diet.


People vary, but for most, the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent
acidifying foods by volume. The more foods you choose from the Alkalizing Foods
category, the better for your health. You may notice that some of the foods on the
alkalizing foods list are acidic in nature, and vice versa. It is not the pH of the food
itself that determines which list it shows up on, but rather how it behaves in the
body following digestion.

Garlic Apple Apple Cider
Asparagus Apricot Vinegar
Fermented Avocado Bee Pollen
Veggies Banana (high Lecithin Granules
Watercress glycemic) Probiotic Cultures
Beets Cantaloupe Green Juices
Broccoli Cherries Veggies Juices
Brussel sprouts Currants Fresh Fruit Juice
Cabbage Dates/Figs Organic Milk
Carrot Grapes (unpasteurized)
Cauliflower Grapefruit Mineral Water
Celery Lime Alkaline
Chard Honeydew Antioxidant Water

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Chlorella Melon Green Tea

Collard Greens Nectarine Herbal Tea
Cucumber Orange Dandelion Tea
Eggplant Lemon Ginseng Tea
Kale Peach Banchi Tea
Kohlrabi Pear Kombucha
Lettuce Pineapple
Mushrooms All Berries SWEETENERS
Mustard Greens Tangerine Stevia
Dulce Tomato
Dandelions Tropical FruitsSPICES/SEASONI
Edible Flowers Watermelon NGS
Onions Cinnamon
Parsnips (high PROTEIN Curry
glycemic) Eggs Ginger
Peas Whey Protein Mustard
Peppers Powder Chili Pepper
Pumpkin Cottage Cheese Sea Salt
Rutabaga Chicken Breast Miso
Sea Veggies Yogurt Tamari
Spirulina Almonds All Herbs
Sprouts Chestnuts
Squashes Tofu ORIENTAL
Alfalfa (fermented) VEGETABLES
Barley Grass Flax Seeds Maitake
Wheat Grass Pumpkin Seeds Daikon
Wild Greens Tempeh Dandelion Root
Nightshade (fermented) Shitake
Veggies Squash Seeds Kombu
Sunflower Reishi
Seeds Nori
Millet Umeboshi
Sprouted Seeds Wakame
Nuts Sea Veggies

Canola Oil Cashews Chemicals
Corn Oil Brazil Nuts Drugs,
Hemp Seed Peanuts Medicinal
Oil Peanut Drugs,
Flax Oil Butter Psychedelic
Lard Pecans Pesticides
Olive Oil Tahini Herbicides
FOODS Walnuts

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Safflower Oil ALCOHOL

Sesame Oil ANIMAL Beer
Sunflower Oil PROTEIN Spirits
Beef Hard Liquor
FRUITS Carp Wine
Cranberries Clams
Fish BEANS &
Rice Cakes Lobster Black Beans
Wheat Cakes Mussels Chick Peas
Amaranth Oyster Green Peas
Barley Pork Kidney Beans
Buckwheat Rabbit Lentils
Corn Salmon Lima Beans
Oats (rolled) Shrimp Pinto Beans
Quinoi Scallops Red Beans
Rice (all) Tuna Soy Beans
Rye Turkey Soy Milk
Spelt Venison White Beans
Kamut Rice Milk
Wheat PASTA Almond Milk
Hemp Seed (WHITE)
Flour Noodles
DAIRY Spaghetti
Cheese, Cow
Cheese, Goat OTHER
Cheese, Distilled
Processed Vinegar
Cheese, Wheat
Sheep Germ
Milk Potatoes

Some people find that an alkalinizing diet is too difficult or restrictive. I feel that it
is the best choice, however, if you are one who absolutely can not follow it, or you
need specific guidelines and meal plans you may find the The Wellness Community
Nutrition Handbook offers you the nutrition advice and plan that will work for you.
One of the things that I enjoy about this author is that she offers specific dietary
advice depending on which stage you are in. You can even take her plan, and
compare it to the ALKALIZING / ACIDIFYING chart and make alterations that suit
your needs.

There are also many foods that contain phytochemicals and other compounds that

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are KNOWN to suppress tumor growth of existing cancers. Get an inexpensive

juicer and juice fresh organic juice from hard fruits and vegetables listed below,
and add the fresh juice to fresh or flash frozen berries in a blender(blueberry,
blackberry, raspberry) and add a bit of organic honey if you ABSOLUTELY must
have it. Here's a short list of just SOME of the foods that have anti-cancer benefits.
Broccoli- There are reports out now that broccoli can CURE cancer all on it's
own! The multitude of cancer fighting compounds in broccoli (and other
vegetables in this cruciferous vegetable family is astounding. Eat one entire
head of broccoli every day (raw or steamed). If this seems like too much, then
DO get a juicer. On my recommendations page, I have a couple of suggestions
for juicers. They are surprisingly easy to use, and you have the added benefit
of super concentrating the compounds. Broccoli works against prostate
cancer, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, lung cancer, colon cancer, and even
cancers of the organs like liver or pancreatic cancer.
Tomatoes- have compounds called lycopene. Lycopene is thought to be one
of the most powerful natural anti-cancer compounds known. Men who
consume 10 servings of tomato based foods weekly were found to have cut
their risk of prostate cancer by 45% or more. Tomatoes and broccoli eaten
TOGETHER in large quantities have been shown to reverse prostate cancer.
Carrots- Beta Carotene in large amounts After you juice your head of
broccoli, throw 3 large carrots in to the juicer. The very compound found in
carrots for the purpose of making the root vegetable resistant to fungi and
rot while in the ground has been shown to cure cancerous tumors in lab
Garlic and onions- Crushed garlic used immediately after crushing, and
onions (especially red and yellow varieties) are potent tumor suppressants.
Berries- Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries... all have the anti-cancer
powerhouse Ellagic Acid. Don't bother with ellagic acid supplements. You
need FRESH or flash frozen berries to reap the most benefit from this
powerhouse food ingredient.
Celery- contains at least 8 families of anti-cancer compounds. Even better
news, a study Rutgers University in New Jersey found that celery juice can
also prevent cancer tumors from spreading! Celery juice has the added
benefit of being extremely alkaline! (alkaline = no cancer)
An APPLE a day- studies have shown that extracts from apples have stopped
tumor growth in it's tracks! Don't peel that apple though... many of the cancer
stopping compounds are found in the skin.

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Omega 3's- Have you heard of good oils and bad oils? The good oils are
the Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. These good oils are essential for our
body's health. I personally feel that JUST adding Omegas to our daily diet
would prevent a whopping number of cancers before they ever got started.
Eat a little salmon, or better yet add flax seed oil and/or avocado to your
daily smoothie. Omega fatty acids stop cancer in their tracks.
That sounds like a lot of eating, especially if you are not a fruit and vegetable eater.
I am a HUGE proponent of juicing and blending.. drink your anti-cancer foods daily
in a delicious cold meal in a glass. Here is your daily cancer fighting smoothie. It
tastes delicious, and can't you just imagine your body's cells being bathed in anti-
cancer balm of liquid goodness every day.

Shelley's Cancer Fighting Smoothie

Equipment needed: Blender, Juice Extractor (juicer)
In The Blender put: In The Juicer extract juice from

1 cup frozen mixed berries 1 head Broccoli

2 tablespoons flax seed oil 3 Large Carrots
1 large fresh tomato 3 Celery Stalks
1 avocado flesh (not skin) 1 Granny Smith Apple
1 banana for flavor
cup cottage cheese
Collect juice and add to blender. Blend on low speed until contents are mixed,
Then blend on high for a minute to puree the ingredients to the consistency of a
milkshake. Add pure water if thinner consistency is needed.

You can add some organic honey for sweetener, but I recommend you get used to
it without sweetener. This is by far the best tasting smoothie you have ever had. It
is fresh and delicious. You won't taste the vegetables at all.

My kids beg me for their smoothie if I go more than a day without making one.

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Cancer Fighting Strategy #6

Targeted Support
Prostate Support
There are products that are good to take for support depending on the kind of
cancer you are fighting. For example one of the supplement companies I like has a
prostate support product. It has ingredients in it that are known to reduce
swelling and, in testimonials, has been attributed to a reduction of PSA levels.
Gentlemen who have taken this product along with the zeolite product have
reported their PSA levels have been reduced, along with other health benefits, and
continue to gratefully order these products month after month.
My favorite prostate support product has a hefty dose of lycopene in it
(remember our discussion about tomatoes up above?)
Breast Support
Melatonin is not just for sleep. Science has shown that people with less of the
hormone melatonin also have an increased risk of breast cancer.
Recent studies are now showing that as our levels of melatonin sink, our chances
for breast cancer rise. Many women with breast cancer have lower levels of
melatonin than those without the disease. Laboratory experiments indicate that
lower levels of melatonin stimulate growth of breast cancer cells. Adding
melatonin to these cells inhibits their growth.

Cancer Fighting Strategy #7

Nutritional Supplements- As you are removing toxins, boosting your natural
killer cells, and raising your body's pH levels, it is equally important to replenish
your starving cells with whole food supplemental nutrition. Your cells need high
quality nourishment for the fight of their life. Choose your nutrition wisely.


A high quality nutritional supplement is a good idea, to make sure your body is

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given the best fighting chance. The only kind of supplement you should ever take is
one that is from whole food. Synthetic vitamins are foreign to our bodies, and extra
work has to go into the metabolizing of them. Your supplement should also be
herbicide/pesticide free, and free of artificial preservatives. Many people find a
liquid supplement easier to swallow, and we prefer a liquid supplement for the bio-
availability of nutrients. The liquid vitamin supplement we recommend packs an
astounding amount of vitamins, minerals (150) and anti-oxidants into a highly
concentrated ONE OUNCE. It is absorbed and put to use super fast and effectively.
Most oncologists will recommend you don't supplement with anti-oxidants during
chemotherapy. Check with your doctor to see how soon you can resume taking
them. It is CRUCIAL that you begin to replenish your body's nutrients to boost your
natural immunity, and give your healthy cells a fighting chance!
The road back to health begins in the gut. A very high quality fiber product is key to
a clean functioning gastro-intestinal system. Absorption of nutrients occurs in the
gut. Elimination of waste happens in the gut. Adequate hydration can not happen
without a functioning upper and lower G.I. system. Everything that you put in to
your body, and much of what leaves is dependent on the high functioning of your
The best fiber supplement will be easy to take daily, will have both soluble and
insoluble fiber content, will mix well in water, and will contain all natural
ingredients. It will preferably be sweetened with stevia (not sugar or artificial
The fiber supplement we recommend has INULIN and plant sterols which have
been clinically proven to reduce cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar, as an
added bonus.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Johanna Budwig recommends omega 3 fatty acids (in the form of flax seed oil)
along with cottage cheese. Here research showed that our body needs these omega
3 fatty acids to fight cancer and maintain healthy cells.
We now know that Omega 3 fatty acids are life giving and essential components
which we must get from diet since our bodies do not produce them. Todays
modern diet is woefully lacking in Omega's and we are scared off off foods, like
tuna and salmon, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids due to concerns of contaminants like
Choosing an Omega 3 fish or plant based supplement that is guaranteed

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contaminant free is an important consideration since you need to avoid adding to

your body's over all toxic burden at this time.
Once you start feeling better, you should continue drinking the ionized alkaline
water. You will be able to slowly add more of the foods that have been off limits,
but no processed foods, and continue with organic fresh produce. Continue to
enjoy juicing once or twice a day. The zeolite can be reduced to maintenance
amount, and you will continue taking the Healthy Aging Supplement.
Your new lifestyle will be a habit, and you will feel better than you ever have
The last step on this road to taking your life back is to begin to limit your
exposure to chemicals and toxins as much as possible. This means replacing your
household cleaners, laundry products and other household items with safer
toxin-free alternatives. You will want to adopt a skin care line that is free of
chemicals and preservatives, and a makeup line that follows the same principles.
Be wary of plug-in air fresheners, and scented candles, and always package left
over food in glass containers and pitchers, not plastic. Don't use the microwave,
read labels and just be aware of potential sources of toxins .

Cancer Fighting Strategy #8

Green Tea
An article in New Scientist magazine mentions that numerous studies suggest that green
tea protects against a range of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast cancer. The
reason cited is the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), according to Hirofumi
Tachibana's team at Kyushu University in Japan. Their research showed that growth of
human lung cancer cells that have a cell receptor called 67 LR is slowed significantly
after drinking just two or three cups of green tea, which contains EGCG. The research
also showed that 67 LR is involved in the propagation of prion diseases such as human
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (related to mad cow disease in animals).
According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, in laboratory studies using animals,
catechins inactivated oxidants before cell damage occurred, reduced the number and size
of tumors, and inhibited the growth of cancer cells.[citation needed]White tea has been
claimed to be even more effective, based upon preliminary work by Santana-Rios et al.
Another study from the Oxford Life Science journal Carcinogenesis showing a capacity
of green tea in combination with tamoxifen is effective in suppressing breast cancer
growth in vitro human breast cancer tumors and in vivo animal experiments in mice.

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I recommend you brew 3 -5 cups of green tea from FRESH tea leaves (tea bags are a last
resort!) I order my green tea online at There are many
different kinds, but you don't have to get the most expensive ones to get the benefits. All
of the teas have similar properties. Whites and greens are the best for anti-oxidants.

If you want a super duper blast ( 137 times the anti-oxidants and cancer fighting
properties) try Japanese MATCHA, which is a powder of the entire tea leaf. Matcha is
grown a certain way to increase the antioxidant power. Matcha has a strong vegetal
taste that many don't care. If you don't like the taste of Matcha you can add soy milk and
sweeten with a spot of honey, or throw a teaspoon in your favorite juice or smoothie.
You can get high quality MATCHA at

Breast cancer, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and ovarian, cancer.

The polyphenols in green tea occupy many of the sites on the exteriors of cells that
otherwise would receive estrogen. This keeps the cells from receiving estrogen,
thereby reducing the effects of estrogen on the body. This stops estrogen from
stimulating the growth of cancerous cells in breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers.

Cancer. A number of animal studies have shown that the polyphenols in green tea
may offer significant protection against cancers of the pancreas, colon, stomach,
lung, and small intestine. It is believed that they do this by blocking the formation
of cancer-causing compounds such as nitroamines, suppressing the activation of
carcinogens, and detoxifying cancer-causing agents. Other compounds in green tea
provide protection from the effects of repeated exposure to gamma radiation,
preventing the development of thyroid cancer caused by radiation treatment.
Green tea catechins prevent the cancer therapy drug mitomycin (Mutamycin) from
causing changes in the bone marrow that lead to leukopenia, the dangerously low
white blood cell counts that often complicate cancer treatment.

Now there are many different names of many different kinds of chinese greens teas.
If you really want to break it down, studies have been done that find of all the green
tea kinds, a type called DRAGONWELL or LONGJING (also called LUNG QING) has
the highest amount of cancer fighting compounds. It is related to the type of buds
and leaves picked. Dragonwell tea is made with very young shoots. So if you can't
find dragonwell, ask for buds. Smell them... they should have a fresh green smell.
Tea leaves that have no smell are old.

Brew your tea with water CLOSE to boiling. Soak the leaves for 30 seconds and
then pour off the water. This removes much of the caffeine. Then pour more water

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over the leaves and let steep for 3-5 minutes. (3 minutes for first steeping but
remember you can use green tea leaves at for at least 3 cups).

Use about of a teaspoon of leaves per 6 ounce cup of tea.

Squeeze that lemon- scientific studies done in 2008 showed that squeezing some
lemon in your fresh green tea makes the antioxidants 80% more available to your
body. If you do not like lemon in your tea, enjoy a cup of orange juice alongside
your hot drink. It seems that the citric acid (vitamin C) that does the trick. Limes
and grapefruit work too!

Products to get you started

There are a few things that you may want to purchase to start getting rid of
your cancer for good. Now it is possible that you have everything you need to
get rid of your pain and suffering, right there in your own home. I know that I
didn't though, and I didn't know where to begin to look for them. I also found I
needed to do weeks of research just to make sure I was getting something that
did what it was supposed to do. I researched quality, and then compared it to
price. I am including my suggestions of what products are optimum and where to
get them.
Don't feel that you must get everything in order to start yourself on the
program! Sometimes budget needs to be considered, and if you fall in to that
category, I would like to make a suggestion. The two most important items
(aside from your fresh organic fruits and vegetables) are the ZEOLITE and
the AGARICUS BLAZEI products. The water ionizers from the company I
recommend have a payment plan also so you don't have that big expense in a
chunk all at once.
The Champion juicer I recommend is for people who will be faithfully using it
every day. If you have never used a juicer before, go ahead and get a less
expensive brand. I started out with one called The Big Mouth Pro by Hamilton
Beach, called that because it has an extra large input chute (I know what you
were thinking!!), and it works great. It isn't durable like the better juicers, and
mine only lasted 6 months, but it got me started to knowing I was going to
become a juicer for life.
Find all the products Shelley recommends by clicking to the following website

Find all the products Shelley recommends- visit


A final word about the products I recommend.

SOME of the products I recommend are offered through direct selling companies.
This means they are not available for purchase in stores but through individuals.
I personally don't care HOW a company chooses to market their products. If a
product is the best available on the market, it doesn't matter to me if Walmart
carries it, or Mary down the street sells it from her kitchen table.
These direct selling companies offer a join option that allows you to be called a
'distributor' or 'member' and get your products at a much better price. I believe
in taking advantage of every price break possible so I always join as a member
and get the wholesale price.
Joining as a member (or distributor) means you pay less for your products, but it
also means that you can share it with others, if you want, and earn commission
yourself. You are NEVER obligated to do that though. I have joined a number of
companies just to get a price break, because these companies happened to have
the best product available on the market.
When I am SICK, I want the best product possible, and I don't care how the
company chooses to get that product to me. Some people do care about that and
for those people there are always less effective products available.

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