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Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 2011; 48(1): 1947

2011 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

ISSN 1040-8363 print/ISSN 1549-781X online
DOI: 10.3109/10408363.2011.580567

Review Article

Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on

the adult and developing brain
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

Silvia Alfonso-Loeches and Consuelo Guerri

Cell Pathology Laboratory, Prince Felipe Research Centre, Valencia, Spain

The brain is one of the major target organs of alcohol actions. Alcohol abuse can lead to alterations in brain structure
and functions and, in some cases, to neurodegeneration. Cognitive deficits and alcohol dependence are highly
damaging consequences of alcohol abuse. Clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that the developing
brain is particularly vulnerable to alcohol, and that drinking during gestation can lead to a range of physical, learning
and behavioral defects (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders), with the most dramatic presentation corresponding to
fetal alcohol syndrome. Recent findings also indicate that adolescence is a stage of brain maturation and that heavy
drinking at this stage can have a negative impact on brain structure and functions causing important short- and long-
term cognitive and behavioral consequences. The effects of alcohol on the brain are not uniform; some brain areas or
cell populations are more vulnerable than others. The prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, the white
matter and glial cells are particularly susceptible to the effects of ethanol.
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The molecular actions of alcohol on the brain are complex and involve numerous mechanisms and signaling
pathways. Some of the mechanisms involved are common for the adult brain and for the developing brain, while
others depend on the developmental stage. During brain ontogeny, alcohol causes irreversible alterations to the
brain structure. It also impairs several molecular, neurochemical and cellular events taking place during normal
brain development, including alterations in both gene expression regulation and the molecules involved in cellcell
interactions, interference with the mitogenic and growth factor response, enhancement of free radical formation and
derangements of glial cell functions. However, in both adult and adolescent brains, alcohol damages specific brain
areas through mechanisms involving excitotoxicity, free radical formation and neuroinflammatory damage resulting
from activation of the innate immune system mediated by TLR4 receptors.
Alcohol also acts on specific membrane proteins, such as neurotransmitter receptors (e.g. NMDA, GABA-A), ion channels
(e.g. L-type Ca2+ channels, GIRKs), and signaling pathways (e.g. PKA and PKC signaling). These effects might underlie the
wide variety of behavioral effects induced by ethanol drinking. The neuroadaptive changes affecting neurotransmission
systems which are more sensitive to the acute effects of alcohol occur after long-term alcohol consumption. Alcohol-
induced maladaptations in the dopaminergic mesolimbic system, abnormal plastic changes in the reward-related brain
areas and genetic and epigenetic factors may all contribute to alcohol reinforcement and alcohol addiction.
This manuscript reviews the mechanisms by which ethanol impacts the adult and the developing brain, and causes
both neural impairments and cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions. The identification and the understanding of the
cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in ethanol toxicity might contribute to the development of treatments
and/or therapeutic agents that could reduce or eliminate the deleterious effects of alcohol on the brain.
Keywords: Adolescent brain, alcohol addiction, alchohol spectrum disorders, behavioral dysfunctions,
CNS development, ethanol neurotoxicity, fetal genetic and epigenetic effects, growth factor signaling,
neuroinflammatory damage, oxidative stress
Abbreviations: 5-HT, serotonin; 5-HT3, 5-hydroxytryptamine-3; ADH, alcohol dehydrogenase; ADHD, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder; ADNP,activity-dependent neuroprotective protein; AUD, alcohol use disorders;
BAL, blood alcohol levels; BBB, bloodbrain arrier; BOLD, brain oxygen level dependent; cAMP-PKA, cyclic AMP
dependent protein kinase A; CANX, gene encodes a member of the calnexin family of molecular chaperones;
CC, corpus callosum; CDK, cyclin-dependent kinase; CNS, central nervous system; COOH, carboxy; COX-2,
cyclooxygenase-2; CREB, cAMP-responsive element binding; CRF, corticotrophin-releasing factor; CYP2E1,
cytochrome P-450 2E1; DA, dopamine; DAMPs, damage associated molecular patterns; DARP-32, dopamine
and cAMP-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein; DRD2, dopamine receptor subunit 2; DTI, diffusion tensor

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Consuelo Guerri, Centro de Investigacin Principe Felipe, Avenida Autopista del Saler, 16, 40012-Valencia,
Spain. E-mail:
Referee: Dr. Paula Hoffman, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO, USA

20 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
imaging; ESPAD, European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs; F, fetal; FAS, fetal alcohol
syndrome; FASD, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; G12, gestation day 12; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid;
GABA-A, gamma-aminobutyric acid A; GABABR1, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) B receptor 1; GFAP, glial
fibrillary acidic protein; GIRK, G protein- activated potassium channel; HAS, high-alcohol-sensitive; HATs, histone
acetyltransferases; hESCs, human embryonic stem cells; HDACs, histone deacetylases; IGF, insulin-like growth
factor; iNOS, inducible nitric oxide synthase; L1, neural cell adhesion molecules L1; LAS, low-alcohol-sensitive;
LTP, long-term potentiation; MAPK/ERK, mitogen-activated protein kinases/extracellular signal-regulated kinase;
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; mTORC1, rapamycin complex 1 signaling; NAc, nucleus accumbens; nACh,
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine; NAP, active peptide of ADNP; NCAMs, neural cell adhesion molecules; NF-B,
nuclear factor kappa-B; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; NMDAR, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; NMDAR2B,
phosphorylated glutamate receptor subunit; NO/cGMP, nitric oxide/cyclic GMP; NP, neural progenitor; NSC,
neural stem cell; PEE, prenatally ethanol-exposed; PFC, prefrontal cortex; PI3K/AKT, phosphoinositide-3 kinase/
serine/threonine protein kinase; PKC, protein kinase C; PSA, polysialylated; RG, radial glia; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; Src, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase; TLRs, toll-like receptors; TM, transmembrane; VTA, ventral tegmental
area; WE, Wernickes encephalopathy; WHO, Word Health Organization.
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

rates over 30%. In the USA, about one third of high school
Introduction seniors reported binge drinking in the previous two
Excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading weeks6. Comparable adolescent alcohol involvement has
preventable cause of death in many countries1 and is been noted for some Western Pacific countries, including
associated with multiple adverse health consequences, Australia and New Zealand4.
including liver cirrhosis, various cancers, uninten- Research studies have identified a subtle neurochemical,
tional injuries, addiction, brain damage and violence. cellular, synaptic, and structural organization of the adoles-
The World Health Organizations (WHO) Global Status cent brain7,8, which makes it more vulnerable to disruption
Report on Alcohol (2004 and 2009) estimates that 763. from activities such as binge drinking than the adult brain.
million people worldwide have diagnosable alcohol-use Alcohol-induced memory impairments, such as black-
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disorders1. A recent study done in the UK that classifies outs, and other cognitive effects9, are particularly common
drugs by their overall harm scores, shows alcohol as the among young drinkers and may be, at least in part, due to
most harmful drug to users and others2. disrupted neural plasticity in the prefrontal frontal cortex
Despite the health consequences of alcohol abuse, and the hippocampus. In addition, adolescence is also
alcohol is one of the commonest drugs whose overdoses characterized by not only the rapid maturation of brain sys-
can lead to brain damage. Even uncomplicated alcoholics, tems mediating reward, but by changes in the secretion of
with no specific neurological or hepatic problems, show stress-related hormones10,11, events which might enhance
signs of regional brain damage and cognitive dysfunc- anxiety and participate in the initiation pattern of alcohol
tion3. Studies clearly indicate that alcohol is neurotoxic and drug consumption. Studies in human adolescents
with direct effects on nerve cells. Chronic alcohol abuse demonstrate that drinking at early ages increases the likeli-
and alcoholism are associated with multiple primary hood of developing alcohol-related problems.
and secondary disease states, which typically start with One additional and important aspect to consider in
experimentation and progress to addiction over a period the actions of alcohol on the brain is the toxic effect on
lasting several years. Alcohol consumption among alco- the developing central nervous system (CNS). Indeed,
holics is also associated with alteration in brain structure alcohol is one of the most common and important
and functions, and loss of brain mass, and these effects substances to affect the developing fetal brain, and its
could contribute to the progression of addiction. consumption during pregnancy can produce a wide
The current trends of alcohol consumption starting range of cognitive, behavioral and physical anomalies.
at younger age, together with the growing number of Furthermore, it is one of the leading preventable causes
women drinking excessively, imply increased alcohol- of birth defects and neurodevelopmental disorders12. In
related risks for the women progeny and for youths and the most severe cases, these anomalies make up a pattern
adolescents. Indeed, the prevalence of alcohol-related of malformations termed fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)13.
problems and neurological deficits in adolescents is a However, the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure lie in
worldwide public health problem4. Reports from the a continuum of physical anomalies and behavioral and
European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other cognitive deficits, and the term fetal alcohol spectrum
Drugs (ESPAD) 20035, carried out in 35 European coun- disorders (FASD) has been adopted14 as a non-diagnostic
tries, indicate that young people today drink more and umbrella term to describe this range of effects. Novel
with a clearer focus on drunkenness than earlier genera- neuroimaging techniques and experimental studies have
tions did. Binge drinking has been reported by 43% of 16 evidenced the vulnerability of the CNS to the effects of
year old adolescents in the 30 days prior to questioning. alcohol, and have revealed that effects are not uniform
Eleven countries were noted to have rates of over 50% and that some brain areas or cell populations are more
(e.g. UK, 54%; Portugal, 56%) and most countries had vulnerable than others15,16.
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 21
This manuscript reviews the current knowledge of the verbal and non-verbal learning and memory2729. Motor
cellular and molecular mechanisms participating in the dysfunctions, such as tremors, weak grasp, poor hand/
effects of alcohol on the adult and developing brain, and eye coordination, gait and balance difficulties, motor
their correlation with the structural, cognitive, behavioral response programming and movement time have also
and psychopathological deficits observed in alcoholics, been described in FASD children24,30,31, and persist into
adolescents with alcohol abuse and individuals exposed adulthood in heavily exposed populations32.
prenatally to alcohol. Some studies suggest that the long-term retention of
verbal information is intact in alcohol-exposed individu-
als, but that initial encoding processes may be impaired28,33.
Actions of alcohol on the developing brain In addition to non-verbal memory difficulties, individuals
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and fetal alcohol with FASD show visuospatial processing deficits27, sug-
syndrome gesting abnormality in the frontal-subcortical pathway
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

Over the last three decades, clinical and experimental and greater damage to the left hemisphere. Attention def-
studies have provided direct evidence that the developing icits are also frequently cited in the FASD population34,35,
brain is especially vulnerable to the toxic effects of alcohol while attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
and that alcohol abuse during pregnancy can cause per- the most frequent comorbid psychiatric disorder diag-
manent brain damage in offspring which is associated with nosed in alcohol-exposed children36. A recent collabora-
life-long behavioral, social and cognitive disorders1618. tive study also suggests that executive function and spatial
Among the most recognized consequences of prenatal processing are especially sensitive to prenatal alcohol
alcohol exposure is the FAS13, characterized by pre- and exposure37.
postnatal growth deficiencies, craniofacial anomalies and FASD individuals have social and adaptive deficits, since
evidence of CNS dysfunction. FAS is now documented as they are more likely to be rated as hyperactive, disruptive,
an important cause of intellectual disabilities and behavior impulsive or delinquent than non-exposed children38,39.
problems in many countries1822. However, it is now clear Furthermore, and based on parents ratings of their childs
that the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure lie in a contin- behavior, children with histories of prenatal alcohol expo-
uum of physical anomalies and behavioral and cognitive sure displayed significant and profound impairment,
deficits. This range of deleterious outcomes is now termed and showed particular difficulties in social, attention and
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FASD14, and its prevalence (1% of all births) is higher than aggressive domains40,41. One interesting finding is the high
that of FAS23. Notably, CNS dysfunctions, including altera- share of secondary disabilities and mental illness in adults
tions in brain structure and behavior, are the most perma- with FASD, as well as other psychopathological condi-
nent and devastating consequences of prenatal alcohol tions, such as depression, anxiety disorders, suicidal ide-
exposure, and may occur in the absence of gross physical ation and attempts throughout their life42,43. These results
malformations, including facial dismorphology associated highlight not only the importance in identifying FASD at
with FAS. We describe some of the most common perma- early ages, but also the provision of specific treatments to
nent changes in brain structure observed in children with address this developmental disability since early identifi-
FASD, which in some cases, have been correlated with the cation and treatment have been demonstrated to be pro-
behavioral and cognitive dysfunctions associated with tective against more serious secondary disabilities44.
prenatal alcohol exposure.
Influence of prenatal alcohol exposure on
Neurobehavioral disorders associated with brain structure
FASD The effects of alcohol on brain structure originate from
Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure has been associated the first neuropathological findings of children with FAS.
with widespread neuropsychological deficits across sev- These studies have revealed widespread damage through-
eral domains, including general intelligence, memory, out the brain, including microcephaly, errors in migra-
language, attention, learning, visuospatial abilities, tion, agenesis of the corpus callosum (CC) and anterior
executive functioning, fine and gross motor skills, and commissure, as well as cerebellar and brainstem anoma-
social and adaptive functioning24. The mean IQ of chil- lies. Likewise, abnormalities of the basal ganglia, dien-
dren with FAS is estimated to be in the low 70s24, and FAS cephalon, cerebellum, brainstem, optic nerve, olfactory
is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation25. bulb, hippocampus, pituitary and neural tube have been
However, the majority of children with FAS are not men- reported13,4549, The variability of brain malformations can
tally retarded and their IQ scores range widely (e.g. from explain the lack of specific brain abnormalities in FAS46,48.
20 to 120)24. Individuals prenatally exposed to high lev- However, in recent years, the appearance of novel neu-
els of alcohol, but without all the characteristics of FAS, roimaging techniques (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging
have average IQs in the low 80s24. Children exposed to (MRI), functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),
alcohol prenatally also display poorer academic achieve- magnetic resonance spectroscopy, positron emission
ment and higher learning disabilities rates than non- tomography, and single phton emission computed tomog-
exposed children26, which may relate to impairments in raphy) has enabled the study of living individuals with
22 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
FASD, and has provided new insights into the structural and humans and experimental FASD models have provided
functional alterations caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. a number of biological and environmental factors that
Consistent with autopsy findings, MRI studies have reported could influence the effects of alcohol on the developing
overall volume reductions in the cranial, cerebral, and cer- brain. The most important factors include dose of alcohol
ebellar vaults in FASD20,5056. Abnormal cortical thickness and exposure pattern, developmental timing of exposure,
and brain-behavior correlation have also been observed in mothers and fetuss genetic background, maternal age and
individuals with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure57. These nutrition, socio-economic status, and synergistic reactions
studies have also demonstrated that the effects of alcohol with other drugs. Among these, the levels of alcohol reach-
are not uniform since some areas of the same region are ing the fetal brain and duration of exposure markedly influ-
more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than others. For ence the type and extent of damage. In this context, both
example, the parietal lobe50,55,58,59, portions of the frontal human and animal studies have found that binge drink-
lobe55 and specific areas of the cerebellum20,60,61, appear to ing (drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

be especially sensitive to alcohol insult. of time), which produces high blood alcohol levels (BAL
Abnormalities of the CC, including complete and 200mg/dL), is more damaging to the fetus than chronic
partial agenesis56,62,63, hypoplasia20,51,56,62, displacement in alcohol exposure that produces lower BALs ( 150mg/dL)72.
posterior regions54, regional surface area reductions in In addition, the mothers and fetuss genetic background,
anterior and posterior areas54,63, and increased variability such as variations in alcohol metabolism, also influences
in shape64,65, have also been reported. More recently, (DTI) the risk of alcohol-induced malformations in the fetus,
has been used to examine the white matter integrity of the which is another risk factor in alcohol-induced fetal brain
CC66,67. Among young adults, individuals with FAS have anomalies. For example, the more efficient alcohol dehy-
presented diminished white matter integrity in the genu drogenase (ADH) allele, ADH 1B*3, affords protection for
and splenium of the CC when compared to controls66, FASD outcomes73, while the maternal and fetal ADH1B*2
while only diffusion differences in the isthmus of the CC allele lowers the risk of FAS in a South African population
have been noted for individuals with more moderate lev- (comparing to ADH1B*1)74. Experimental animal studies
els of exposure67. One important association found is that have also demonstrated the differential vulnerability to
of CC abnormalities with the neuropsychological deficits motor deficits in rat lines selectively bred for the extremes
commonly observed in alcohol-exposed populations, in alcohol-induced sleep time (high-alcohol-sensitive
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such as bimanual coordination29, attention34, verbal learn- (HAS) and low-alcohol-sensitive (LAS)), when exposed to
ing ability54 and executive functioning65,68. alcohol during the neonatal period75.
The cerebellum has also been identified as being partic- Furthermore, the specific affected brain structure
ularly vulnerable to prenatal alcohol exposure. Reductions and the magnitude of damage are also strongly influ-
in both the surface area20 and the cerebellar volume50,51, enced by the developmental timing of alcohol exposure
have been described in children with FAS and FASD. In (Figure 1). For example, facial dysmorphology, a salient
addition, some studies have confirmed that the volume feature of FAS13, appears to arise only when high-peak
of the anterior cerebellar vermis, an early developing part BALs occur during the embryonic stage of gastrulation76.
of the cerebellum, is reduced in FASD if compared with Mice exposed to alcohol on embryonic day 7 (E7) or E876
controls, even after controlling for overall brain size20,61. at BALs of ~250mg/dL (reached after binge-drinking),
FAS subjects also show more severe displacement in the and macaques exposed to alcohol (BAL=223mg/dL) on
superior and anterior edges of the anterior vermis than E19 or E2077 exhibit FAS-associated facial dismorphia.
non-dysmorphic FASD individuals60. Given that the cer- Chronic exposure to alcohol during gastrulation (at BAL
ebellum is responsible for the execution of motor behavior, ~150mg/dL) also has a negative impact on the develop-
such as posture, balance and coordination, the structural ing brain as it reduces the neural progenitors pool78 and
abnormalities observed may help explain the motor defi- causes long-term effects on both the forebrain79,80, and
cits often seen in FASD individuals29,30. The cerebellum is mature brainstem nuclei structures81. Human studies
also involved in other functions, such as attention regula- have demonstrated that both binge drinking and chronic
tion69 and classical conditioning70. Accordingly, deficits in alcohol abuse during the early human embryogenesis
classically conditioned eye blink responses are noted in stage (corresponding to the third week of human gesta-
children with FAS71 while cerebellar vermis displacement tion) are associated with a greater incidence of cranio-
is negatively correlated with verbal learning and memory facial defects and mental disabilities82. By using human
in FASD60. neural progenitors (NPs) to assess early stages of brain
development, a recent study has revealed how 200mg/
dL alcohol exposure impairs human NPs survival and
Risk factors influencing the effects of
affects their differentiation to mature neural cells83.
prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing
Alcohol also affects other ontogenetic stages of brain
brain: critical periods
development. For instance, a second critical period is the
Clinical data indicate that the range and magnitude of neuroepithelial cell proliferation and migration stage,
prenatal alcohol-induced effects on brain abnormalities which occurs from weeks 7 to 20 of human gestation84, and
and behavioral outcomes considerably vary. Studies into from gestation day 12 (G12) to G2021 in rats. At this stage,
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 23
most of the brain areas (except the cerebellum) begin to characterized by a remarkable development of glial cells
differentiate. Experimental studies have reported that alco- and dendritic arborization, and the cerebellum under-
hol exposure (BAL= ~125150mg/dL) at this stage alters goes its most rapid period of development. Several stud-
neuronal migration, impairs cell generation timing and ies have revealed how this period is especially vulnerable
reduces the number of neurons and glial cells in the neo- to alcohol-induced microcephaly, neuronal cell loss72,92,93,
cortex, the hippocampus and the sensory nucleus78,8588. As synaptogenesis and glial derangements94, and can cause
with other neurodevelopmental disorders84, perturbation learning/memory deficits95,96. A single administration of a
of neuroglial proliferation and migration by alcohol can high dose of alcohol that produces a BAL above 200mg/
cause long-term abnormalities in the cerebral cortex and dL for 8h to neonatal mice can trigger significant neu-
brain size, as noted in FAS and FASD individuals50,55,58, and roapoptosis in several brain regions93,97,98. However, the
likely contributes to the cognitive defects observed in adults caudate nucleus, the frontal and parietal cortices are the
with FASD. Additionally, since the formation of the CC and most vulnerable regions to the neuroapoptotic effects of
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

the glial midline starts at around 7 weeks in humans89,90, alcohol99. In line with these data, alterations in both the
exposure to alcohol at this stage might disrupt early events caudate nucleus and the frontal cortices have also been
in callosal formation, leading to agenesis, hypoplasia, or noted in individuals with FASD100,101. Animal studies have
abnormalities in the CC56,62,63. Accordingly, a recent study also revealed that alcohol effects are permanent since
using a combined transcriptome analysis of human and neonatal binge-like alcohol exposure (BAL=330.03mg/
mouse fetal cerebral cortices exposed to alcohol in vitro dL) results in long-term deficits of the hippocampal neu-
and in vivo, respectively, has demonstrated that in vitro rogenesis in young adult rats102 (Figure 1).
human cortical fetal tissue (between 1518 gestational Collectively, the experimental data indicate that although
weeks) exposed to 235mg/dL alcohol for 24h leads to the alcohol can interfere with important ontogenetic stages of
alteration of many genes, including the down-regulation of the mammalian brain, the levels of alcohol reaching the
the expression of those genes participating in the specifica- fetal brain and the developmental timing of alcohol expo-
tion of callosal projection neurons91. These findings suggest sure are important determining factors of specific affected
the sensitivity of the CC to the effects of alcohol during the brain structures and the resulting degree of damage.
mid gestational stage.
Finally, alcohol also interferes with the brain growth
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spurt which, in the rat occurs, from gestational day 20 Mechanisms of the actions of alcohol on the
to postnatal day 19 (roughly the equivalent to the third developing brain
trimester of human gestation), although brain growth There is experimental evidence to demonstrate that alco-
does continues into the first two years of life in humans hol interferes with several of the molecular, biochemical
and extends until postnatal day 25 in rats. This period is and cellular events participating in the correct formation

Figure 1. Developmental effects of alcohol during central nervous system ontogeny in humans and rats. NSCs, neural stem cells; F, fetal; P,
postnatal. Adapted from Moore and Persaud 1973424.
24 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
of the developing CNS, and that these effects appear in critical genes in mediating dysmorphology in neurode-
to be temporally specific and involve stage-specific velopment115. Further research is necessary to understand
changes in cell function or gene regulation. Therefore, the molecular mechanisms participating in the alcohol-
depending on the time and levels of alcohol exposure, induced epigenetic modification, and to elucidate
alcohol could interfere with cell proliferation, migra- whether these events occur in specific genes with a func-
tion, growth and differentiation, and may even cause cell tional spectrum relating to development. Accordingly, an
death. For example, chronic exposure to alcohol (BAL= earlier study established that prenatal alcohol exposure
137157mg/dL) during early embryonic development, impairs GFAP demethylation, thus delaying the GFAP
when cells undergo rapid division, inhibits proliferation expression during rat brain development88.
and reduces the number of cells generated87, including
neural progenitor cells (e.g. radial glia (RG))88,103,104, and
Interference with the mitogenic and growth
neurons, and may cause abnormal cell migration105,106.
factor responses involved in neural stem cell
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However, if alcohol exposure occurs later when cells dif-

proliferation, migration and differentiation
ferentiate and synapses are established, it can lead to a
reduced number of formed synapses and cell death97,107. Neurotrophic factors, particularly neurotrophins, play
Among the molecular mechanisms proposed as the a crucial role during development in neuronal survival
potential candidates responsible for the FASD range, we and maturation, and they are important regulators of
find the following mechanisms15,108,109. naturally occurring cell death118. Several studies have
demonstrated that alcohol exposure interferes with the
production and/or the response of several trophic fac-
Alterations in gene expression regulation tors by impairing cell growth, division and survival and
and homeobox genes by affecting nervous cells proliferation, survival and dif-
A large body of evidence demonstrates the role of retinoic ferentiation (See reviews119121). Trophic factors are able
acid in embryonic development, which is an important to protect some neuronal populations against alcohol-
regulator of the Hox gene expression110. Deficiencies in induced neurotoxicity122124. In vivo studies have shown
retinoic acid or in its receptors cause neural crest death that exposure to alcohol (maternal BAL=125130mg/
and nervous system defects111. Some earlier studies sug- dL) during brain development lowers the levels of the
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gested that alcohol-induced embryo-fetal abnormalities brain-derived neurotrophic factor and alters its recep-
can be caused by reduced retinoic acid due to the alco- tor, TrkB, by impairing the function of the intracellular
hol-induced inhibition of retinol oxidation112. Indeed, signaling pathways involved in cell survival (MAPK/ERK
alcohol has been shown to compete with retinol for the and PI3K/AKT pathways). These effects are associated
binding to ADH (Class IV form), leading to a deficient with enhanced cell death by apoptosis and necrosis in
conversion of retinol into retinoic acid113. This hypothesis the postnatal rat cerebral cortex125. These data suggest
is supported by findings showing that high alcohol levels that any alteration in growth factor functions may under-
(BAL=400mg/dL) lower the amount of retinoic acid in lie some alcohol-induced alterations in the developing
neural cells113. One study114 has revealed how the binge CNS.
pattern of alcohol exposure suppresses the expression of Alcohol can also interfere with the growth factors
hemeobox gene, msx2, in the developing mouse embryo. relating to cell-cycle events and factors associated with
Conversely, another study which used chick embryos cell differentiation and survival. For example, a number
encountered no alterations in either the msx2 expression of studies have shown that alcohol increases the cell
or the related growth factor, BMP4, after alcohol expo- cycle (particularly G1) and reduces the number of prolif-
sure106. Further research is warranted to understand the erating cells both in vivo and in vitro122,126,127. Regulation
molecular mechanisms which control embryonic devel- of cell-cycle events occurs through the induction of those
opment and the involvement of Hox gene expression genes encoding for cyclins, which, in turn, interact with
alterations in pathological conditions, such as alcohol cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), to further modulate
exposure or alcohol embryopathy. cell-cycle regulatory proteins and cell-cycle timing.
More recent studies have suggested the relevance of Alcohol, and specifically ethanol, has been also shown to
epigenetic changes in the FASD etiology115,116. Epigenetics inhibit cyclins and CDKs in cerebellar tissue128,129, but the
involves modifications in the activation of certain genes, specific role of ethanol-induced changes in the expres-
but not the basic DNA structure. During brain develop- sion of cyclins and CDKs for teratogenic deficits in cell
ment, epigenetic modifications, such as histone acetyla- acquisition and cell loss remains unclear. Finally, inhibi-
tion and DNA methylation, play an important role in both tion of the intracellular signaling of insulin-like growth
the stability and plasticity of developing neuronal circuits, factor (IGF)-mediated cell proliferation and survival has
and new data indicate the impact of epigenetics on the also been shown in not only cerebellar granule neurons
pathogenesis of brain diseases117. Recent findings have exposed to ethanol (150160mg/dL), but also in animals
revealed that maternal alcohol consumption alters the FASD models130,131. If we consider that growth and neu-
epigenotype and the phenotype of offspring in a fetal alco- rotrophic factors play critical roles during CNS formation,
hol mouse model116 and induces epigenetic modifications disruption of their support might underlie the short- and
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 25
long-term neurodevelopmental dysfunctions associated 2E1 (CYP2E1) to generate hydroxyethyl radicals. Indeed,
with FASD. alcohol increases the CYP2E1 expression, the formation
of ROS and lipid peroxidation in the brain of both chronic
alcohol-fed rats140 and fetuses exposed prenatally to
Disturbances in the molecules that mediate alcohol141,142. Likewise, a relationship between ROS for-
cell-cell interactions mation and free radicals has been clearly established,
Cell adhesion molecules belong to the immunoglobulin while alterations in the cytoskeleton and cell functions
superfamily and play a crucial role in cellcell interac- have been demonstrated in astrocytes143, neural crest
tions, which form the basis for brain organizations by cells144, cultured cortical neurons145, cerebellar granule
participating in activity-dependent plasticity during cells, and cerebellar tissue146,147.
development, and synaptic plasticity in adults132. Among Alcohol can also reduce endogenous antioxidant lev-
these molecules, neural cell adhesion molecules, NCAM els in vivo and in vitro143,148,149, thus favouring an increased
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and L1 have received particular attention in alcohol- in lipid peroxidation. Indeed, there is growing evidence
induced developmental brain abnormalities because demonstrating that antioxidant supplementation can
they participate in several aspects of neural development prevent some alcohol-induced damage123,142, or patho-
including cell migration, morphogenesis, synaptic estab- genesis in certain experimental models of fetal alcohol
lishment and the synaptic plasticity of the nervous system. exposure, and it has been suggested as a potential treat-
Knockout NCAM mice display overall brain size reduc- ment to prevent alcohol toxicity during development.
tion and persistent behavioral deficits133, while defects Alcohol-induced teratogenesis in mouse embryos can be
in L1 can lead to abnormalities in brain development diminished by adding superoxide dismutase150. Vitamin
and mental deficiencies134. Ethanol has been found to E supplementation has been seen to prevent alcohol-
interact with L1135 to disrupt L1-mediated cell-cell adhe- induced cell loss in hippocampal cultures151, cerebellar
sion in cultured cells136, and to inhibit L1 cell adhesion granule cell cultures152, and the cerebellar Purkinje cells of
molecule tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphory- alcohol-exposed postnatal rats123. Collectively, although
lation137. Octanol antagonizes L1-mediated cell adhe- antioxidants can be protective in some in vitro and in
sion and prevents ethanol-induced apoptosis in mouse vivo models, it is uncertain whether antioxidant supple-
culture embryos138. Chronic alcohol exposure (maternal ments may serve as effective potential interventions.
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BAL=125140mg/dL) also alters the expression pattern

of NCAM during rat postnatal cerebral cortex develop-
Dysregulation of the molecular signaling
ment by increasing the embryonic highly polysialylated
involved in cell survival
NCAM (PSA-NCAM) form, and by reducing the expres-
sion of adult, less sialylated NCAM isoforms with more A number of studies have indicated that alcohol promotes
adhesive properties, during the synaptogenesis period139. the signaling pathways leading to cell death, but at the
Alterations in both the NCAM levels and the NCAM sialy- same time interferes with those pathways involved in cell
lation state have been observed in developmental defects survival such as those associated with neurotrophic fac-
and degenerative diseases, and after exposure to some tors action125, (see above). Recent reports have suggested
neurotoxins during development139. that alcohol interferes with cyclic AMP (cAMP) produc-
Finally, if we consider that both L1 and NCAM are tion and transcription factor CREB153. Conversely, alcohol
involved in the morphogenesis and plasticity of the CNS facilitates those signaling pathways classically associated
by regulating cellcell interactions, alcohol-induced with cell death, such as the esphigomyelinase-ceramide
disruptions in these neural cells adhesion molecules pathway, which leads to apoptosis154. Likewise, by acti-
might contribute to the defects in morphogenesis, neu- vating RhoA/ROCK-I/MLC signaling in proliferating
ral migration, glial development, synaptogenesis and in cultured astrocytes155, alcohol induces changes in both
the plasticity observed in animals exposed in utero to focal adhesions and the actin-myosin system, leading to
alcohol. cell contraction, membrane blobbing, and cell death by
Alcohol exposure during brain developmental
Oxidative stress and free radical damage also promotes caspase-3 activation, an executioner
The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to reactive protease that is activated during apoptotic cell death156.
oxygen and reactive nitrogen species-mediated damage. For instance, human neuroprogenitors exposed to physi-
This vulnerability is partly due to its high concentrations ologically relevant concentrations of ethanol (25mmol/L
of unsaturated fatty acids, high oxygen consumption or ~115mg/dL) trigger apoptosis and caspase-3 acti-
rate, low anti-oxidant concentrations and high content vation83. Furthermore, binge-like alcohol exposure
of metals catalysing free radical formation. Alcohol can (BAL=250mg/dL) exposure during the neonatal period
increase the reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in rodents (equivalent to the third trimester of human
directly via mitochondrial respiration forming superox- gestation) has induced the death of the post-mitotic neu-
ide, hydroxyl radicals or nitrogen radicals or via the oxi- rons in the cerebral cortex99,157, and the cerebellum158,159.
dation of ethanol by enzymes such as cytochrome P-450 In both cases, cell death appears to be associated with
26 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
caspase-3 activation99,159. In the cerebellum, caspase-3 oligodendrocytes and myelin177,178, thus causing abnor-
activation has been found to be dose-dependent and malities in white matter.
occurs during a period of enhanced vulnerability to Clinical and experimental studies have provided
alcohol-induced cell death (postnatal day 4). However, compelling evidence that fetal and/or neonatal expo-
the up-regulation of caspase-3 in the cerebral cortex has sure to alcohol profoundly affects glial functions94,179,180.
been associated with the inhibition of NMDA-glutamate Experimental studies have demonstrated that alcohol
receptors NMDAR and the activation of GABA receptors, exposure during embryogenesis reduces the telenceph-
which can lead to apoptotic-neurodegeneration157. alic RG progenitor pool, as well as its transformation into
Other signaling pathways involved in the developmen- neurons and astrocytes78, and that it impairs RG morphol-
tal mechanisms of the nervous system and in cell survival ogy. Alcohol also impairs astroglial proliferation, survival
are those associated with neurotransmitter receptors, and functions179,180, which can affect many developmental
such as glutamate and GABA receptors. Nevertheless, processes, such as the availability of trophic support mol-
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

if we consider the critical roles of glutamate receptors, ecules involved in neuronal survival, modulation of the
particularly NMDAR -mediated Ca2+ influx during brain formation of mature synapses, and regulation of synaptic
ontogeny, most studies have focused on these receptors. transmission and plasticity176,181. Indeed, alcohol reduces
Indeed, NMDAR are involved in neuronal differentiation the glial factor, the activity-dependent neuroprotective
and survival, neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, struc- protein (ADNP), in both the cerebral cortex and astrocytes
tural remodeling, long-lasting forms of synaptic plastic- from prenatally alcohol-exposed (PAE) fetuses. Co-cultures
ity and higher cognitive functions160. Prenatal and early of PAE astrocytes with control neurons markedly decrease
postnatal alcohol exposure have been shown to impair neuronal growth, differentiation and synaptic connec-
NMDAR function and expression161, to reduce both tions, and these effects can be reverted with the addition
NMDA-stimulated Ca2+ entry into neonatal neurons of NAP, the active peptide of ADNP, which suggest the role
and [3H]MK-801 binding to NMDA, and to affect the cell of astroglial factors in neuronal plasticity181. NAP admin-
surface expression of NMDARs NR1 splice variants and istration is able to restore brain weight, brain volume and
NR2 subunits161164. Conversely, chronic prenatal alcohol regional brain size in an experimental FAS model182.
exposure (maternal BAL=328mg/dL) up-regulates the Neuroimaging studies of individuals with FASD have
GABA type A (GABA-A) receptor expression in both the shown more important losses in white matter structures
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cerebral cortex and the hippocampus of adult animals165. (mainly composed of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and
Alterations in the NMDA and GABA-A receptors during myelin) than in gray matter structures50,58,59,183, which
brain ontogeny may underlie some learning and memory supports the experimental data. Changes in brain
deficits observed following fetal alcohol exposure. metabolism in adolescents and young adults with FASD
have also been reported101 using magnetic resonance
spectroscopy to assess neuronal and glial markers. The
Derangements in glial proliferation, metabolic anomalies observed in different brain struc-
differentiation and functioning tures (parietal and frontal cortices, frontal white matter,
Alterations in glial development are suspected of contrib- CC, thalamus and cerebellar dentate nucleus) of FASD
uting to adverse alcohol effects on the developing brain individuals are consistent with abnormalities in the glial
because neuroglial heterotopias, alterations in neuronal cell pool rather than in neurons. As astroglial cells play
migration, agenesis of the CC and anterior commissure critical roles in the metabolic processes linked to neu-
(areas originally formed by glial cells) have been observed ronal activity such as blood flow, energy and glucose
in post-mortem studies of children with FAS46. utilization169, these results suggest that ethanol-induced
Glial cells are present throughout CNS development glial impairment during brain development could affect
and play critical roles in multiple developmental events. neuronal activity, leading to permanent metabolic and
During embryogenesis, RG provide physical and chemi- structural brain alterations.
cal guidance for the migration of young neurons, and In short, the evidence deriving from clinical and
more recent data indicate that RG serve as a multipoten- experimental data highlights the vulnerability of human
tial neural precursor cell with the potential to self-renew glial cells to the teratogenic effects of alcohol and their
and to generate neurons166 and oligodendrocytes167. permanent consequences. Recent findings also suggest
During synaptogenesis, glial cells and glial-derived that white matter is a target of alcohol teratogenesis and
factors promote the formation of mature functional that the neurobehavioral sequelae associated with ges-
synapses168, regulate neurotransmitters and energy in tational alcohol exposure, especially in areas of execu-
the brain169, and play key roles in synaptic function and tive dysfunction and visual processing deficits, may be
behavior170172. Disturbance of either glia or neuronal- related to white matter anomalies184.
glial communication during the well-established criti-
cal periods of brain development can cause irreversible
Summary and potential FASD treatments
deficits in the CNS function173175. Alteration of astrocytes
and neuronal-glial interactions and signaling could also Our current understanding of pathogenesis mechanisms
impair cortical plasticity176, along with the generation of suggests that alcohol acts through multiple targets on
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 27
different cell types and developmental stages. Therefore, adolescence is a brain maturation stage vulnerable to
prevention programme and social and political efforts alcohol toxicity, alcohol and substance use problems and
to mitigate or eliminate drinking during pregnancy, are psychiatric disorders193. Indeed, findings in the last decade
presently the best ways to limit the consequences of have clearly shown that adolescence is a critical devel-
maternal alcohol consumption and the appearance of opmental period in which certain brain areas undergo
FASD. One particular approach is to find specific phar- important structural and functional changes in both syn-
macotherapeutic or nutritional interventions during aptic plasticity and neural connectivity8,194. These struc-
pregnancy that could be applied to the at-risk popula- tural changes concomitantly occur with modifications in
tions that are most likely to give birth to children with some neurotransmitter systems and hormone secretion,
FASD. For example, the aforementioned experimental which markedly influence the refinement of neural cir-
studies demonstrate that nutritional supplementation cuits and certain brain areas such as the prefrontal cortex
with antioxidants142, choline185 or D-NAP peptide182 dur- (PFC), subcortical areas and the hippocampus.
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

ing gestation can ameliorate some deficits induced by Alterations in brain connectivity along with hormonal
prenatal or neonatal alcohol exposure. changes occurring during puberty (e.g. secretion of
At the same time, public health and economic concerns gonadal steroids and stress-related hormones)10,195, are
warrant continued research to develop systematic identi- associated with adolescents specific behavioral charac-
fication, effective interventions and improved outcomes teristics, such as increased sensation-seeking, risk-taking
for individuals with FASD. Research on biomarkers of behaviors, low levels of harm avoidance, impulsivity and
fetal alcohol damage186 and studies into neuroimaging anxiety196, and might well explain the initiation pattern of
techniques may advance diagnostic possibilities, which alcohol and drug consumption. Likewise, the relatively
will improve the future of those individuals affected by late development of the PFC circuits involved in judge-
prenatal alcohol exposure. Along these lines, experimen- ment and inhibitory control may underlie the propensity
tal studies have demonstrated that experience-dependent of adolescents to impulsivity, and to ignore the negative
complex motor learning187 and environmental enrich- consequences of their behavior, both of which could
ment can ameliorate some behavioral deficits associated increase the risk of substance abuse.
with prenatal alcohol-induced brain damage. Until risky By considering the enormous plastic changes occur-
alcohol abuse patterns during pregnancy are detected and ring during teenage/adolescent brain maturation stages
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eliminated, prevention policies will be an important step to and the vulnerability of the developing brain to the dam-
abolish alcohol-induced developmental brain disorders. aging effects of alcohol, one could expect that alcohol
consumption in juvenile and adolescent stages would
have a significant impact on cognitive and behavioral
Impact of alcohol abuse on the adolescent functions in adulthood197. Certainly in recent years, a
brain number of clinical and animal studies have shown the
Alcohol is one of the first drugs of choice among young impact of alcohol on the adolescent brain, and progress
people and adolescents, and heavy binge drinking is has been made in linking behavioral effects of adolescent
becoming increasingly frequent among high school drinking to underlying cellular and molecular mecha-
students in different countries. Recent epidemiologi- nisms. Furthermore, excellent reviews have been recently
cal data have drawn attention to the high rates of risky published on this topic11,198200.
drinking patterns, such as binge drinking, in adolescents
and young adults, and to a surge in the prevalence of
Neurodevelopmental processes during
alcohol dependence in these populations. Indeed, the
adolescence and the impact of alcohol
number of high school students consuming alcohol and
the widespread occurrence of episodes of drunkenness
and binge drinking in the USA have considerably risen As previously mentioned, the brain undergoes significant
in the last 10 years6,188. Reports from the ESPAD5, indicate changes during adolescence, particularly the PFC and the
that young people today drink more and with a clearer hippocampus. The two major cellular processes that con-
focus on drunkenness than earlier generations did. In tinue during adolescence are myelination of axons, and
Mediterranean countries, concerns about youth drink- overproduction and elimination of synapses, or pruning.
ing have substantially grown in recent years. One clear Although myelination is completed in the sensory and
trend is a shift to binge drinking as a natural habit which motor cortices within the first few years of life, the forma-
is associated with drunkenness, especially among teen- tion of myelin sheaths around axons continues in the fron-
agers, in all the wine cultures with moderate alcohol tal cortex during adolescence201. Progressive myelination of
consumption189,190. This alcohol consumption tendency axons results in developmental increases in cortical white
is also observed in eastern countries such as Hong Kong matter throughout adolescence and into adulthood, which
and Singapore, whose adolescents have recently reported might serve to accelerate the information flow58,202. The sec-
increases in binge-pattern191,192. ond process to occur in the prefrontal cortex during ado-
Concerns about heavy drinking during adolescence lescence is increased synaptic density, followed by a period
have emerged after new evidence demonstrating that of synaptic pruning. Histological evidence has shown that
28 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
the overproduction and elimination of synapses in the PFC matter volume for female adolescents than male. This sug-
cortex in humans and monkeys extends throughout ado- gests that female adolescents are more vulnerable to adverse
lescence and into young adulthood203. What is important to alcohol effects than their male counterparts, and may even
note is that this brain area is involved in executive functions be at an increased risk of behavioral deficits219, thus con-
such as cognitive flexibility, self-regulation and evaluation firming the well-established notion that women are more
of risk and reward (See reviews11,204). vulnerable than men to alcohol-related organ damage220.
MRI in humans has confirmed that the volume of PFC Indeed, female alcoholics also appear to be more suscep-
lowers from adolescence to young adulthood205207, and tible to frontal lobe gray matter reduction than their male
that this reduction is associated with refinement in the counterparts221,222. Although the mechanisms involved in
neural circuits and connectivity. For instance, loss of syn- gender differences remain elusive, several factors could
apses, especially the excitatory glutamatergic inputs to influence brain-related alcohol effects in female adoles-
the PFC, occurs during adolescence208, while dopamine cents, including gender-specific brain development223,224,
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

(DA) and serotonin (5-HT) input to the PFC increase dur- differential gene expression linked to enhanced alcohol-
ing adolescence but decrease later on in life209,210. These related neurotoxicity in women225, increased blood alcohol
remodeling changes in neural circuits are associated concentration among women despite similar drinking pat-
with both cognitive functional modifications and the terns, and differences in alcohol metabolism226. Hormonal
acquisition of executive functions (e.g. response inhibi- and receptor differences in response to alcohol may also
tion, attention, working memory)211,212. For example, level play a critical role in these gender differences. Hormonal
of intelligence is associated with the trajectory of cortical receptor levels are associated with not only gender differ-
development, primarily in the frontal regions (e.g. the ences in brain functioning during spatial tasks227, but also
PFC) implicated in the maturation of intelligent activ- alcohol-induced changes in hormone distributions191,228,
ity. More intelligent children demonstrate a particularly which could partially account for the gender differences
plastic cortex with an initial accelerated and prolonged noted in alcohol-related neural abnormalities.
phase of cortical increase, which leads to equally vigor- Another brain area that undergoes important remod-
ous cortical thinning by adolescence213. eling changes is the hippocampus, a brain region known
Given the above neurochemical, cellular, synaptic, and to participate in learning and memory functions. MRI
structural organization of the teenage/adolescent brain reveals that the hippocampus volume is significantly
For personal use only.

areas and the vulnerability of the developing brain to the larger in older male adolescents than in younger male
damaging effects of alcohol, one might expect that alcohol adolescents. As in PFC, less cerebral gray matter volume
consumption in the juvenile and adolescent stages would and significantly greater cerebral white matter volume are
have a greater impact than in mature adult brain func- found in older adolescents compared with younger ado-
tions197. Indeed, clinical and experimental studies have lescents229, and these changes might reflect the maturation
revealed that alcohol affects adolescent and adult brain of memory functions. Adolescents who begin drinking at
functions and behaviors differently, and that adolescents earlier ages have proportionally smaller hippocampal vol-
are more vulnerable to the deleterious effects that alcohol umes compared with those who start this habit later230,231,
has on brain functions and behavior. Adolescent binge suggesting that differences in size are induced by alcohol.
drinking is associated with cognitive deficits, poor aca- Likewise, reductions of the brain oxygen level dependent
demic achievements214,215, and attentional and visual work- (BOLD) response in the left precentral gyrus, the bilateral
ing memory processing9. In fact, memory problems are cerebellar areas and in bilateral parietal cortices, have
among the most common dysfunctions in teenagers with also been encountered in binge-drinking adolescents232.
alcohol use disorders (AUD), and these effects have been Neuropsychological studies have revealed alterations in
associated with brain structural abnormalities and the visual-spatial functioning and in both verbal and non-
brains response to a spatial working memory task. Studies verbal information in adolescents who report alcohol epi-
using MRI and DTI have shown PFC abnormalities in ado- sodes233, or in adolescents with AUD during abstinence234.
lescent binge drinkers, including reduced integrity of the These results indicate that drinking at early ages could
white matter of adolescents with AUD216,217, and those not modify brain maturation processes in specific brain areas
meeting the diagnostic criteria for AUD218. Notable gender that are critical for cognitive processes. In addition, subtle
differences have been observed in alcohol-induced brain but important brain changes occur among adolescents
damage. Thus, although PFC abnormalities have been with AUD and result in a worsened ability in problem
noted in both young men and women with AUD, female solving, verbal and non-verbal retrieval, visuospatial skills
subjects exhibit smaller volumes than their male counter- and working memory.
parts who, in turn, present larger volumes compared with
same-gender controls217. These findings correlate with the
Mechanisms underlying the pathological
functional neuroimaging studies which report that male
consequences of adolescent drinking:
subjects with AUD present increased frontal activation,
experimental animal studies
while female drinkers display limited frontal activation in
response to spatial working memory. Alcohol also induces Studies using experimental animal models have demon-
greater impairments in both brain functioning and gray strated that both the ontogenetic transitions pattern and
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 29
the physiological and behavioral characteristics in ado- behavioral and cognitive deficits at the end of alcohol
lescents are common among mammalian species (see treatments and at the adult stage241. These results sug-
Spear204,235). For instance, absolute PFC volume declines gest that binge-like alcohol drinking during adolescence
in adolescent rats205, while synapse elimination also induces brain damage, thus impairing normal brain
occurs during adolescence in the PFC of non-human maturation and plasticity processes, and causing long-
primates210. Maturation changes are also evident in the lasting behavioral consequences.
hippocampus of adolescent rodents236. Although the The underlying mechanisms of alcohol-induced brain
complexity of the human brain and behavior cannot be damage during adolescence are poorly understood,
extrapolated to experimental animals, there are numer- although two mechanisms have been proposed. The first
ous similarities between human adolescents and adoles- suggests that intermittent alcohol drinking might induce
cents of other species. brief episodes of withdrawal from alcohol and excitotoxic
Regarding alcohol exposure effects during adoles- neuronal damage. Alcohol withdrawal has been shown
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

cence, a number of studies on experimental animal to increase the aberrant synaptic activation of NMDA-
models have also provided evidence of the vulnerability glutamate receptors252 and to produce a marked cellular
of the adolescent brain to the toxic effects of alcohol237241 injury, as the CA1 pyramidal neurons from hippocam-
particularly the cortex and hippocampus, which are pal explants have demonstrated253,254. This process can
key regions for mediating memory processes216,230,231,242. result in discrete excitotoxic neuronal damage or a more
Compared with adults, alcohol-exposed adolescent severe and complicated alcohol withdrawal syndrome,
animals are more likely to show cognitive deficits, including withdrawal seizures255. However, DeBellis
including learning and memory dysfunctions243249. et al. reported that only two of the 14 adolescents with
Some cognitive effects, such as learning impairments, AUD who presented PFC reduction displayed withdrawal
induced by repeat alcohol treatment in adolescent rats symptoms216. In addition, excitotoxicity appears to result
notably continue into adulthood241,250.Conversely, ado- in enhanced glutamatergic transmission by up-regulat-
lescent rats are less vulnerable than adults to a number ing the NMDA-glutamate receptors after chronic alcohol
of acute effects of ethanol, including ethanol-induced consumption. Moreover, reduced levels and function
sedation244, motor impairments248,251, and acute with- of the NMDA receptors has been observed in animals
drawal/hangover effects of alcohol. The insensitivity to exposed to alcohol during adolescence256258.
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the acute effects of alcohol might enable adolescents to The second mechanism proposes that alcohol induces
drink larger amounts of alcohol without being aware of adolescent brain damage by neuroinflammation, which
its intoxicating effects, which logically places them at occurs by activation of innate immune system and toll-like
risk for AUD. receptors (TLR4) in glial cells259,260 (see below). Indeed, a
Although the behavioral and neurobiological mecha- number of studies of recent years have reported that alco-
nisms for the ontogenetic differences in alcohol sen- hol intake induces inflammatory mediators in the brain
sitivity remain unclear, adolescents are more sensitive by activating intracellular signaling pathways which in
than adults are to both the memory impairing effects of turn trigger the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines
alcohol and the impact of alcohol on the brain function (IL-1, TNF-), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inducible
underlying memory formation. Thus, the use of hip- nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and neural cell death261,262.
pocampal slices taken from adolescent (30-day-old) and Recent findings have demonstrated that intermittent
adult (90-day-old) rats243249 show how that alcohol more alcohol administration to adolescent rats up-regulates
potently inhibits the induction of long-term potentiation the COX-2 and iNOS levels, and increases cell death in
(LTP) in immature versus mature animals. According to the neocortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum241. It is
these in vitro data, adolescent rats present greater impair- noteworthy that an increase in brain inflammatory medi-
ment in accomplishing a spatial memory task after acute ators concomitantly occurs with short- and long-term
alcohol exposure than adults243. These results suggest cognitive deficits in animals treated with alcohol during
that alcohol disrupts memory and memory-related brain the adolescent stage241, thus suggesting an association
functions (e.g. LTP) more strongly in adolescent animals between brain damage and long-term cognitive effects.
than in adults: these effects could contribute to adoles- Likewise, alcohol administration during middle adoles-
cents greater vulnerability to alcohol-induced memory cence has been shown to reduce hippocampal neurogen-
impairments and reduced synaptic plasticity. esis by impairing neural survival in young adult rats and
Regarding the toxic effects of alcohol on the adolescent non-human primates263,264. These results indicate that the
brain, some studies have shown that young rats exposed hippocampal neurogenic niche during adolescence is
to heavy binge-like episodes of alcohol display greater highly vulnerable to alcohol and that alcohol alters the
damage in the frontal-anterior cortical regions than ongoing process of neuronal development, which might
adults, including the olfactory frontal cortex, the anterior underlie the deficits in hippocampus-associated cogni-
perirhinal and the piriform cortex237. Intermittent alcohol tive deficits observed in adolescent drinkers264.
administration to juvenile/adolescent rats (from postna- Concerning potential treatments for the damag-
tal days 30 to 45) also increases neural death in both the ing effects of alcohol on the adolescent brain, we
hippocampus and the PFC and these animals present have demonstrated241 that the administration of a
30 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compound, indo- There is substantial evidence to demonstrate that the
methacin (an inhibitor of COX-2 activity)265,266, before mesocorticolimbic DA system also undergoes impor-
administering alcohol to adolescent rats, not only tant remodeling changes during adolescence, and that
abolishes the induction of COX-2 and iNOS expres- this system participates in the rewarding and reinforced
sions and cell death, but prevents alcohol-induced effects of drugs of abuse, including alcohol280282. For
behavioral deficits241. Remarkably, elevated levels example, D1 and D2 receptors show greater overproduc-
of COX-2 and iNOS have also been observed during tion and pruning at puberty in the striatum than in the
excitotoxicity, ischemic and neural injury267269. while nucleus accumbens283,284. Basal DA synthesis and turnover
COX-2 inhibitors have been shown to prevent neu- increase in the nucleus accumbens during adolescence,
ronal loss and to ameliorate brain injury caused by but decrease in the PFC285. In addition, connectivity
excitotoxicity270, ischemic brain injury, brain inflam- continues to develop between the frontal cortex and the
mation and neurodegeneration271,272. COX-2 inhibitors subcortical structures throughout adolescence and into
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

also improve the behavioral and cognitive functions adulthood, as evidenced by the increased density of pre-
associated with neurodegeneration272. frontal-nucleus accumbens projections286 and by the den-
In summary, human and animal studies have evi- sity of dopaminergic and glutamatergic innervation from
denced the vulnerability of the adolescent brain to the ventral tegmental area209 and amygdala287,288. These
alcohols harmful effects. The results suggest that binge remodeling changes in the neurocircuitry involving the
episodes of heavy drinking, which likely take place during DA projections to mesolimbic brain regions and the PFC
adolescence, could interfere with neural developmental could acquire special functional significance for adoles-
and plasticity and brain maturation, particularly in the cence since this circuitry forms part of the reward system
PFC and the hippocampus, which could lead to lifelong that modulates typical adolescent behavior204,235,238, and
behavioral impairments247. Furthermore, dysfunctions in motivation to natural (food) and unnatural (alcohol and
the PFC also occur in alcoholics and have been associ- other drug of abuse) rewards289. Therefore, neurochemi-
ated with impaired cognitive functions and compulsive cal immaturity of the mesocorticolimbic system might
behavior, events that predispose to alcohol abuse273,274. contribute to initiation of alcohol intake initiation and to
Therefore, alcohol-induced PFC impairments in ado- adolescent-specific vulnerability to drug addiction.
lescents might not only underlie cognitive dysfunctions, Although relatively few studies have linked the behav-
For personal use only.

but also predispose to alcohol abuse, impulsivity and ioral effects of adolescent drinking to underlying neural
dependence11. mechanisms, studies with animal models have begun to
explore the impact of the mesocorticolimbic DA path-
way response on adolescent and adult animals. Indeed,
Adolescence, a period of increased risk for some recent studies have shown258 that alcohol exposure
alcohol abuse during adolescence increases adult alcohol preferences
Another important long-lasting consequence of alco- and intake. These behavioral effects have been associ-
hol use during adolescence is the higher risk of devel- ated with the reduced protein levels of both the DA
oping alcohol abuse and dependence in adulthood. receptor subunit D2 (DRD2) and the phosphorylated
Prospective and retrospective human studies suggest glutamate receptor subunit 2B (NMDAR2B), and with
that early onset of alcohol use typically emerges as a changes in both chromatin remodeling and the acety-
reliable predictor of both later problematic use, and lation of histones H3 and H4 in several brain regions
dependence on alcohol and other drugs275278. People (prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and striatum).
who begin drinking before the age of 15 are four times Alcohol also tends to elicit a higher DA response in the
more likely to develop alcohol dependence at some time nucleus accumbens (NAc) core of adolescent rats than
in their lives compared with those who start drinking at in adult rats pre-treated with multiple doses of alcohol,
the age of 20, or beyond25. It is not clear whether start- although the basal DA levels were higher in alcohol-
ing to drink at an early age actually causes alcoholism treated adolescents290,291. Similarly, alcohol drinking
or whether it simply indicates an existing vulnerability during peri-adolescence by alcohol-preferring rats,
to AUD. Some studies suggest the existence of certain which present high extracellular accumbal DA levels292,
predispositions, such as personality characteristics enhances alcohol self-administration in adulthood293.
with strong tendencies to impulsiveness, or a genetic Studies conducted with C57BL/6J and BAL mice294,295,
background in certain adolescents for substance abuse have also confirmed that post-weaning two-bottle choice
disorders (e.g. adolescents with AUD)279. Nevertheless, exposure slightly, but significantly, increases alcohol
experimental animal studies have suggested that consumption and preference in adulthood. Conversely,
despite genetic factors possibly playing a role in early forced alcohol exposure during adolescence in rats does
alcohol consumption, exposure to alcohol during the not enhance the reinforcing properties of alcohol in adult
juvenile/adolescent stage can also sensitize the brain animals205,296,297. Although several factors (e.g. inter-spe-
regions and/or developmental processes involved in cies differences, genetic factors, alcohol administration
drug addiction, which may also play a role in increasing paradigm, age of initiation or housing conditions) may
propensity to later alcohol abuse. explain the variations in findings across different studies,
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 31
changes in extracellular DA during adolescence could that trigger alcohol-seeking behavior become appar-
sensitize the dopaminergic system by causing maladap- ent in the brain reinforcement system303,305. Whether or
tive brain developmental processes11,239, and mediating not this behavioral response transforms into addictive
the increased likelihood of engaging in drug use initia- behavior eventually depends on genetic and environ-
tion during adolescence. mental factors301.
To summarize, the data available suggest that neuro-
chemical immaturity and heightened neuroplasticity in
Alcohol-sensitive sites in receptors and ion
the limbic brain regions might confer greater sensitivity
to adolescents addictive drug actions. Sensitization of the
mesocorticolimbic DA pathway, along with changes in Alcohol produces a wide variety of behavioral effects, but
glutamatergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission and exactly how it acts to produce these effects is still poorly
chromatin remodeling might mediate adolescents vul- understood. Although alcohol has long been believed to
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

nerability to long-term alcohol addiction consequences. act non-specifically by disordering lipids in cell mem-
Despite the progress made in adolescent binge drinking branes, proteins are at the core of most current theories of
consequences and in finding links between behavioral its mechanisms of action. Studies undertaken in the last
effects and neurochemical mechanisms, there are still few decades have demonstrated that ethanol (the main
significant gaps in our understanding of the cellular toxic component of all of the alcoholic beverages), at
and molecular bases of cognitive deficits (e.g. attention, physiologically relevant concentrations (520 mmol/L),
memory, executive functioning) caused by heavy alcohol directly interferes with the function of specific recep-
consumption during adolescence. Studies that integrate tors and ion channels. Among these receptors, NMDA
multiple approaches such as genetic, hormonal, neural glutamate receptors and GABA-A receptors in alcohol
and behavioral features are needed to identify biomarkers actions on the brain have drawn special attention299. As
of at-risk adolescents and treatment targets. Longitudinal mentioned earlier, these receptors are also a target of the
behavioral studies are also important to assess the poten- effects of alcohol during brain ontogeny, including fetal
tial reversible effects of alcohol use during adolescence. and postnatal development and adolescence.
In the adult brain, several studies have demonstrated
that NMDARs are an important target of the actions of
For personal use only.

Behavioral and neurobiological actions of alcohol in the brain, as they participate in alcohol depen-
alcohol on the adult brain dence, tolerance, and withdrawal299,306308. NMDARs are
Mechanisms of the behavioral effects of alcohol heteromeric ligand-gated ion channels composed of an
Alcohol is the most widely used drug in our society. Alcohol obligatory NR1 subunit and combinations of NR2 and
abuse and alcoholism not only contribute to a wide range sometimes NR3 subunits309, including NR2A-D which
of medical complications, but also lead to alcohol addic- confers specific functional properties to NMDARs309.
tion characterized by compulsive drug use, craving, and Ethanol inhibits NMDARs over the 550 mmol/L range
chronic relapses during abstinence. It is remarkable to in a concentration-dependent manner in hipocam-
note that, despite alcohol having been used and misused pal neurons310. Although the molecular mechanisms
for hundreds of years it is still uncertain how alcohol of ethanol-induced NMDAR inhibition are uncertain,
actually acts to induce its effects on the brain. Recent recent experimental studies using site-directed muta-
molecular and pharmacological studies have demon- genesis have revealed putative binding sites of ethanol
strated, however, that alcohol and particularly ethanol, with transmembrane (TM) domains TM3 and TM4 of
acts on specific membrane proteins, such as receptors, the NR1 and NR2A subunits, respectively311. Inhibition
ion channels, and signaling pathways298301. These pro- of these receptors by ethanol is compensated in chronic
teins include NMDA-glutamate, -aminobutyric acid ethanol treatment, resulting in an increased NMDAR-
A (GABA-A), glycine, 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 (5-HT3), mediated function after ethanol removal in cultures of
and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors, cortical neurons312. This increase in NMDARs, especially
as well as L-type Ca2+ channels and G protein-activated the NR2B subunit, may contribute to the alcohol with-
inwardly rectifying K+ channels302. Following the first drawal syndrome308,312,313, which is characterized by both
hit of alcohol on specific targets in the brain, a second behavioral and electrophysiological parameters in alco-
wave of indirect effects on a variety of neurotransmitter/ hol-dependent rats314. These results suggest the potential
neuropeptide systems is initiated302, leading to the typical role of NMDARs in alcohol tolerance and withdrawal315.
acute behavioral effects of alcohol that range from disin- Substantial evidence also shows that GABAergic neu-
hibition to sedation, and even hypnosis, with increasing rotransmission and GABA-A receptors are important
concentrations of alcohol. targets for many behavioral actions of alcohol. There are
In addition, alcohol activates some specific signaling also reports spanning over 30 years in the literature show-
pathways, leading to alterations in both gene expression ing how low to moderate (330 mmol/L) concentrations
and the neuroadaptations underlying alcohol-related of ethanol enhance GABAergic neurotransmission. The
disorders303305. As a result of repeated alcohol intake, the GABA-A receptor is not only a pentameric ligand-gated Cl
long-lasting cellular and neurophysiological changes ion channel, but the major inhibitory neurotransmitter
32 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
receptor in the mammalian brain. Several subunits have not only the signaling systems involving neurotransmit-
been identified, where the majority of GABA-A receptors ters glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), DA,
are composed of -, -, -, and -subunits316. A region and 5-HT, but also other signaling molecules, including
in the TM domains of the / subunits of the GABA-A endogenous opioids and the corticotrophin-releasing fac-
receptor has been identified through the use of different tor (CRF). These systems adaptations to chronic alcohol
receptor constructs. GABA-A is involved in the action of exposure have been associated with behavioral effects,
alcohol317, and can potentially bind to a water-filled pro- such as changes in reinforcement, enhanced anxiety, and
tein cavity between the second and third TM segments of increased sensitivity to stress, all of which may contrib-
these receptor subunits299,318. Ethanol also affects glycine ute to a relapse in drinking among abstinent alcoholics.
receptors, and there is evidence that ethanol acts on spe- Moreover, some of these systems are targets of currently
cific residues in the TM domains317, on the extracellular available therapeutic agents for alcohol dependence315.
domain of glycine receptors, and that the net effect on
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

the receptor function is the summation of the positive

Neurobiological basis involved in alcohol
and negative modulatory effects of ethanol at different
ethanol-sensitive binding sites319.
However, the effects of ethanol on GABA-A receptors As previously mentioned, alcohol acts on specific targets
strongly depend on the subunit composition and con- in the brain and triggers a variety of neurotransmit-
centration of ethanol. Thus, while most subunit compo- ter/neuropeptide systems that lead to the typical acute
sitions of GABA-A receptors display responses to ethanol behavioral effects of alcohol, ranging from disinhibition
only at high concentrations (> 60 mmol/L), very low to sedation, and even hypnosis, with increasing concen-
concentrations (13 mmol/L) of ethanol are capable of trations of alcohol301,302. However, apart from these acute
altering GABA-A receptors containing the delta-subunit, pharmacodynamic aspects of alcohol, other mechanisms
which is located outside of the synapses. These GABA and signaling pathways are involved in the initiation and
receptors are exclusively associated with 46 subunits maintenance phase of alcohol drinking behavior. Activity
and the 3 subunit in vivo. Moreover, in 4 subunit of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, opioids and
combinations, those receptors containing the 3 subunit endocannabinoids is crucial for the initiation of alcohol
have been found to be almost 10 times more sensitive reinforcement and reward.
For personal use only.

than those receptors containing the 2 subunit, suggest- The mesocorticolimbic DA pathway compromises the
ing that the 3 subunit is also an ethanol-sensitive site320. ventral tegmental area (VTA), the NAc and the associ-
Nevertheless, mouse models, in which the 3 subunit ated limbic structures. This pathway is not only involved
was genetically deleted or knock-in mice carried a single in modulating behavioral responses to stimuli that acti-
point mutation in the subunit, do not differ in their vate feelings of reward (motivation) and reinforcement
acute response to ethanol if compared with wild-type through the neurotransmitter DA, but also participates
animals321. These findings suggest that the extrasynap- in the reward and reinforced effects of drugs of abuse,
tic subunits containing GABA-A receptors, but not 3, including alcohol280,281,328. Numerous in vivo pharmaco-
are primary targets for alcohol. logical studies have revealed the alcohol-induced activa-
Other alcohol targets include members of the super- tion of mesolimbic A10 neurons, and that these effects
family of GABA-A receptors such as neuronal nACh322 are apparently associated with the reinforcing properties
and the 5-HT3 receptor function323. The 5-HT3 receptor of alcohol since rats will directly self-administer alco-
mediates fast synaptic transmission at postsynaptic sites, hol into the VTA329, and specifically into the posterior,
regulates neurotransmitter release presynaptically, and but not the anterior VTA330. These results indicate that
its ethanol sensitivity has been consistently shown in dif- alcohol acts within the posterior VTA and suggest that
ferent in vitro preparations324. Non-ligand ion channels, VTA DA neuron activation is involved in this process.
such as dihydropyridinesensitive L-type Ca2+ channels The role of DA in mediating alcohol reinforcement in
and K+ channels known as G protein-activated potas- the human brain has also been confirmed331, suggesting
sium (GIRK) channels), are also ethanol targets325. Thus, that enhanced DA release occurs in response to alcohol
whereas ethanol inhibits L-type channels, it opens GIRK drinking. The degree of psychostimulation is mediated,
channels326. The selective enhancement of the GIRK2 at least in part, by augmented extracellular DA level: D1,
function by intoxicating concentrations of ethanol has D2 and D3 receptor agonists and antagonists are capable
been proved for homomeric and heteromeric channels, of modulating alcohol consumption in common stock
and a 43 amino-acid region in the carboxy COOH) ter- rats332 and in alcohol-preferring rats333,334.
minus, which is critical for the action of ethanol in these Experimental studies have also shown that although
channels, has been identified326,327. mesolimbic DA activation may play a crucial role in the
Finally, neuroadaptive changes in neurotransmission reinforcing effects of alcohol, this process is modulated by
systems, which are more sensitive to acute effects of alcohol, several neurochemical signals, including GABA-A, 5-HT3,
occur after long-term alcohol consumption. Both studies nACh, and glycine receptors, plus the endocannabinoid
into experimental animal models and findings obtained and endogenous opioid system301. Likewise, different sig-
in humans have shed light on the adaptive changes in nal transduction pathways within the NAc and other areas
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 33
receiving input from A10 neurons have been suggested alcoholics are at a four-fold risk of alcohol dependence.
as participating in alcohol reinforcement. Among these This trend is also noted in relatives of alcoholics and in
pathways, cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (cAMP- identical twins of alcohol-dependent subjects, who are
PKA) signaling is suspected of mediating the effects of at greater risk of this disorder than fraternal twins or full
alcohol and of influencing CREB-mediated processes. In siblings340. More recent studies have supported the notion
addition, cAMP-PKA signaling in medium spiny neurons that, although it is possible for a small number of genes
affects the DARPP-32 function, which in turn is an impor- to directly influence alcohol dependence, it is more likely
tant regulator of the NMDA receptor function within the that a relevant group of genes could influence a range
reinforcement system, and may play an important role in of genetic personality characteristics that predispose
neuroadaptations in response to alcohol exposure. NMDA to alcoholism341. For example, several studies report an
receptors are closely associated with NO/cGMP signaling, association of phenotypes of impulsivity, disinhibition
and this pathway plays a critical role in mediating not only and related characteristics with a polymorphism of the
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

alcohol reinforcement, but also other alcohol-induced GABA-A receptor, the alpha 2 gene in chromosome 4342344.
behavioral responses. Finally, PKC signaling is also affected At the behavioral level, this gene variation also relates to
by ethanol, which in turn, influences the GABA-A receptor conduct disorder and the antisocial personality disorder,
function. Hence, ethanol affects the functioning of those and is associated with predisposition to dependence on
relevant receptors (NMDA and GABA-A) to synaptic plas- illicit substances and alcohol342. Several other polymor-
ticity301. A recent report has also implicated the mammalian phisms that are potentially associated with disinhibition
target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling within or related cognitive-based mechanisms include a varia-
NAc as a molecular mechanism underlying alcohol drink- tion of the cholinergic receptor (e.g. muscarinic 2) and
ing behavior303. Administration of rapamycin, a mTORC1 the ADH 4 genes, where the latter potentially carries its
inhibitor, decreases the expression of alcohol-induced impact via changes in the DA reward system. Conversely,
locomotor sensitization and place preference, as well as other groups of polymorphisms appear to lower the risk of
excessive alcohol intake in preclinical rodent models of repeated heavy drinking and associated problems, such
alcohol abuse303. as the mutation in the ALDH*2 gene which results in an
Drug-induced adaptations in the mesolimbic system enzyme incapable of destroying acetaldehyde. About 10%
reveal that glutamatergic synapses on DA neurons in the of Asian (Japanese, Chinese and Korean) individuals are
For personal use only.

VTA, and in other brain regions such as the amygdala, ALDH2*2 homozygotes with a resulting highly intense
undergo plastic changes following the administration of aversive response to drinking that contributes to a near-
drugs of abuse, including alcohol335. These changes have zero rate of alcoholism, and does not appear to affect the
been suggested as the neural adaptation that underlies risk of dependence on other drugs (see revision344).
alcohol reinforcement, alcohol seeking or alcohol- Regarding the more specific gene expression profiling
induced habit formation. However, direct experimental in alcoholics, several studies have identified differentially
evidence for the behavioral significance of these drug- expressed genes in cortical brain regions in response to
induced synaptic changes involving glutamate receptors long-term alcohol consumption by using human post-
is still lacking. mortem brains and microarrays analyses341,345350. Several
Finally, neuroimaging research in humans confirms gene expression studies have evaluated the prefrontal
the experimental data and contributes greatly to our cortex because of its susceptibility to damage by alcohol
knowledge of the neuroanatomical and neurochemical abuse. For example, loss of white matter volume351,352,
substrates of addictive behavior. This line of research and neuronal loss in gray matter352 have been reported
indicates the involvement of the extended amygdala, in post-mortem brains of long-term alcohol abusers.
including the NAC, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the dor- Major changes have been observed in the genes gener-
sal striatum; these brain areas are responsible for rein- ally involved in myelination, ubiquitination, apoptosis,
forcement, decision making and impulse control. The cell adhesion, neurogenesis and neural disease, showing
hypofunction of the dopaminergic system and alterations altered expression levels. It is interesting to note that the
within endogenous opioid systems appear to correlate genes involved in neurodegenerative diseases, such as
with craving and relapse behavior336,337. Recent advances Alzheimers, are also significantly altered (presenilin 1
in glutamate spectroscopy and the development of the and transferrin), suggesting a link between alcoholism
NMDA receptor and metabotropic glutamate receptor and other neurodegenerative conditions. Many stud-
PET ligands338 will assist in transferring this knowledge to ies have reported down-regulated myelination-related
alcohol-dependent patients. genes including transferring347, UDP glycosyltransferase
8347, peripheral myelin protein 22345,347, and proteolipid
protein 1347. Other differentially expressed genes include
Genetic factors influencing alcohol lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2345,349,350, pro-
dependence teasome subunit b type 2,345 CANX,350 GABBR1345, solute
The importance of genetic factors in alcohol dependence carrier family 12, member 2341 and transketolase353. The
has been supported for many years. Indeed, studies alcohol-responsive transcripts identified in the frontal
since 1974339 have demonstrated that adopted children of cortex by Flatscher-Bader et al. include those encoding
34 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
transcription factors, DNA-binding proteins, mitochon- the anxiolytic effects produced by acute alcohol treat-
drial proteins and neuroprotection-/apoptosis-related ment. During withdrawal, however, increased HDAC
proteins354. Conversely, in the nucleus accumbens, the activity and decreased acetylation of both H3 and H4 are
differentially expressed genes associated with synaptic noted in the amygdala. Blocking increased HDAC activ-
vesicles and cytoarchitecture are significantly down-reg- ity during alcohol withdrawal with the HDAC inhibitor
ulated. The authors suggest that these changes in the NAc trichostatin A rescues the deficits in H3 and H4 in the
gene expression in response to long-term alcohol abuse amygdala and prevents alcohol withdrawal-related
might result in deficits in normal synaptic transmission anxiety in rats358.
and altered plasticity. Alterations in DNA methylation in the promoter regions
Essentially, these data suggest that the transcriptional of -synuclein might prove to be an important example
response of the brain to chronic alcohol abuse affects of maladaptive molecular responses to chronic alcohol
numerous genes in multiple functional systems in dif- exposure. Alpha-synuclein belongs to a quantitative trait
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

ferent regions of the human brain. These changes at the locus for increased alcohol consumption. Its expression
transcriptional level likely reflect both pre-existing dif- is elevated in different brain areas of rats with inbred
ferences in gene expression and those altered by alcohol alcohol preference359. It is further involved in the regula-
consumption. An important goal for addiction biologists tion of DA biosynthesis and dopaminergic neurotrans-
is to understand the role that these widespread changes mission360. Therefore, alterations in the -synuclein gene
in cellular regulation play in alcohol dependence. may have profound effects on DA-dependent alcohol
seeking. In fact, an increased expression of -synuclein
in alcohol-dependent patients has been correlated with
Epigenetic effects induced by alcohol obsessive craving361. In these alcoholics, a significant
Changes in gene expression in brain reward regions are increase in -synuclein promoter DNA methylation has
believed to contribute to the pathogenesis and persis- been observed, which is significantly associated with
tence of drug addiction. Recent studies in experimental their elevated homocysteine levels. However, no signifi-
animals have suggested that drugs of abuse and related cant differences have been found for the promoter DNA
environmental stimuli, such as drug-associated cues methylation within a control gene (presenilin-1) in alco-
or stress, converge on the genome to alter certain gene holics and controls362. These results suggest gene-specific
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programs. Specifically, the epigenetic mechanisms alter- DNA promoter hypermethylation within the -synuclein
ing the chromatin structure in specific gene promoters gene after chronic alcohol consumption.
can lead to potent and often long-lasting changes in In summary, alcohol-induced alterations in methy-
gene expression which contribute to neurobehavioral lation and acetylation patterns may have an impact on
alterations or addictive-like behavior in experimental long-lasting alterations in gene expression. Nevertheless,
animals355. these findings suggest that epigenetic effects induced by
A common form of epigenetic modification involves chronic alcohol exposure are likely to identify the molec-
the addition of molecules to DNA structure. Thus, post- ular mechanisms underlying addictive behavior.
translational modifications in the chromatin, such as
acetylation, phosphorylation and methylation of histones
Mechanisms of alcohol-induced neurological
on DNA, positively or negatively modulate the transcrip-
deficits and brain damage
tional activity of the underlying genes without causing
major alterations to the genetic structure356. Enzymes Alcohol abuse and chronic alcohol consumption can
which induce histone acetylation, such as histone acetyl- result in significant alterations to the brain structure,
transferases (HATs), cause nucleosome relaxation and physiology and function. Even uncomplicated alcoholics,
promote gene expression, whereas those enzymes which with no specific neurological or hepatic problems, show
remove acetyl groups from the histone, such as histone signs of regional brain damage and cognitive dysfunction3.
deacetylases (HDACs), pack DNA into a more condensed Post-mortem studies in human alcoholic brains have
chromatin, block access to transcriptional activators and proved that alcoholics have reduced brain weight com-
lower the gene expression357. These associations exist in pared with non-drinking controls363, and that the degree
brain in vivo studies in response to drugs of abuse in ani- of brain atrophy correlates with the rate and amount
mal models. of alcohol consumed over a persons lifetime. Reduced
Alcohol exposure during adolescence induces changes brain weight and volume have been attributed to loss of
in the acetylation of histones H3 and H4 in the rat frontal white matter352,364, which occurs primarily in the frontal
cortex, NAc and the striatum258, and these changes are lobe that is specifically susceptible to alcohol-related
associated with subsequent drinking behavior. Likewise, brain damage365367, although neuronal loss has also been
studies in experimental animals have also revealed that documented in specific regions of the cerebral cortex, the
decreased HDAC activity along with an up-regulation in hypothalamus and the cerebellum of alcoholic brains368370.
histone acetylation (H3 and H4), levels of CREB (cAMP- The reduction mechanisms for white matter loss remain
responsive element binding) binding protein (CBP) and unclear, although glial impairments in conjunction with
neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression are associated with astrocytic loss have been reported in the prefrontal cortex
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 35
and the hippocampus of human alcoholic brains352,371373. Experimental studies have also shown that alcohol is
Changes in myelinization might also occur during chronic toxic for neural cells in culture390,391, and that both acute
alcoholism since the gene expression of both glial fibrillary and chronic alcohol intake can cause brain injury, and
acidic protein (GFAP, astrocyte marker) and myelin-asso- can even lead to neurodegeneration259,262,392. Although
ciated genes are down-regulated in alcoholics brains349,370. the neuropathological processes underlying alcohol-in-
Indeed, both myelin disruptions and astrocyte death play duced neural damage are largely unknown, some studies
an important role in alcohol-associated disorders374, and in experimental animals have shown that binge alcohol
that glutamate excitotoxicity375,376, has been suggested as intoxication and withdrawal can induce brain edema,
playing a role in myelin alterations. oxidative stress, and can even cause neurodegeneration
One inherent problem in examined adult post-mortem associated with neuroinflammatory processes393. MRI
brain tissue, when adequate information about the indi- studies in humans have revealed an association between
viduals history of alcohol exposure is lacking, is whether brain choline metabolites (an indicator of neurodegen-
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

the brain structural changes observed in alcoholics may eration) and brain damage associated with long-term
have occurred as a result of alcohol abuse or of the effects alcohol consumption394,395. Although neurodegeneration
of alcohol during early development. It is known that markers can diminish during abstinence, both glial acti-
prenatal exposure to alcohol can lead to structural and vation and proinflammatory gene expression produced
functional changes in the brain, and to problems with by a prolonged blood alcohol concentration may persist
alcohol and drug abuse later on in life42,43. Likewise, pre- for long periods in the brain, and even worsen to neuro-
frontal cortex abnormalities, along with reduced integrity degeneration396. Other postulated mechanisms include
of white matter, have been demonstrated in adolescents the participation of excitotoxic events and nitric oxide
with alcohol-use disorders216,217. These results suggest generation397, involvement of glial swelling and brain
that some brain changes observed in alcoholics may edema398,399, production of free radicals causing oxidative
originate during an early development stage, although stress, activation of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-B)400
alcohol abuse can aggravate brain injury. and an increase in free radical species and lipid peroxida-
Neuroimaging studies have confirmed that chronic tion induced by CYP2E1 activation140,143. Studies in post-
alcohol abuse induces global changes in brain morphol- mortem human alcoholic brains have also suggested that
ogy, such as cortical and subcortical atrophy. These studies deficits in acetylcholine homeostasis, insulin/insulin-like
For personal use only.

have verified that the frontal lobes, the thalamus, the CC growth factor (IGF) signaling and oxidative stress might
and the cerebellum, among others, are especially vulner- be involved in alcohol-induced neurodegeneration.
able to the effects of alcohol, and that the contraction of Insulin and IGF types I and II are involved in maintaining
these brain areas is mainly due to loss of white matter377,378. cognitive and motor functions in the CNS such as neu-
Alcohol abuse displays memory and concentration defi- ronal survival energy metabolism and plasticity, and rep-
cits, which are consistent with hippocampal dysfunction resent potentially important targets in alcohol-induced
and damage, as demonstrated by the reduction in the hip- neurotoxicity401.
pocampal volumes observed in alcoholics379,380. Notably, Recently, a number of studies have indicated that alco-
reduction in the prefrontal cortex, the cerebelllum and hol can induce brain injury and neurodegeneration by
the hippocampus have also been observed in individuals mechanisms involving inflammatory damage259,261,393,402.
with FASD50,56,381, and in adolescents with heavy alcohol These studies indicate that both acute and chronic alco-
consumption216,217,230, suggesting the vulnerability of these hol treatments increase pro-inflammatory cytokines
brain areas to the actions of alcohol. in the rat brain and in cultured astrocytes by activating
Clinical studies have also shown how heavy alcohol the microglia402 and the signaling pathways classically
intake can cause severe brain injury367,382, and in some associated with inflammation (MAPKs, NF-B, AP-1)262.
cases can actually correlate with the wide spectrum of Moreover, they suggest that these events concomitantly
neural damage observed in neurodegenerative disorders. occur with increased cell death262,403. Likewise, other
Indeed, alcoholism is associated with important cognitive studies using human brain microvascular endothelial
function impairments and social deep drinkers who have cells in culture have proposed that alcohol induces neu-
non-specific hepatic problems or thiamine deficiencies roinflammatory processes by promoting bloodbrain
show regional brain damage and cognitive dysfunctions. barrier (BBB) disruption leading to leukocyte migration
The neurological dysfunctions commonly observed in across the BBB404 (Figure 2), although the underlying
alcohol reliance include deficits in abstract reasoning, mechanism of BBB dysfunction caused by alcohol abuse
visuospatial abilities, postural stability and verbal learn- remains elusive.
ing, declarative and procedural memory, perceptual Inflammation plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis
motor skills and increased risk for dementia383387. These of several CNS disorders, including chronic neurodegen-
abnormalities are more severe and present new areas of erative diseases such as Parkinsons disease405,406, and
damage in alcoholics with a deficit in thiamine388, such Alzheimers disease407. The hallmark of brain inflamma-
as Wernickes encephalopathy (WE), Wernicke-Korsakoff tion is the activation of glial cells, primarily microglia
syndrome and Korsakoffs psychosis (alcohol amnesic and astrocytes, which release free radicals, cytokines and
disorder)389. inflammatory mediators that can induce brain damage408.
36 S. Alfonso-Loeches and C. Guerri
The inflammatory response in the brain is usually associ- The down-regulation of TLR4 protects against oxidative
ated with innate immunity activation, specifically with stress in Alzheimers disease416, focal cerebral ischemia417
toll-like receptors (TLRs), the key host molecules in and ischemic brain injury418, thus supporting the role of
immune response regulation during infections and CNS TLR4 in brain injury.
damage. Activation of TLRs triggers the downstream In summary, a number of human and experimental
stimulation of nuclear factor-B (NF-B) and the induc- studies have shown that alcohol is toxic for the brain and
tion of genes that encode inflammation-associated mol- that both alcohol abuse and chronic alcohol consump-
ecules and cytokines409. Recent evidence has indicated tion can induce severe brain damage, and can even cause
that TLRs respond to both pathogens and to host tissue neurodegeneration in some cases. Current studies sup-
injury410,411, which participate not only in controlling the port that the activation of the innate immune system,
hostdefence response, but also in neuroinflammation TLR receptors and glial cells259,419, may contribute to
and neurodegeneration412,413. alcohol-induced neuroinflammation and neurodegen-
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

Current reports reveal that alcohol is capable of act- eration (Figure 2). The activation of the innate immune
ing as a ligand of TLR4 to cause not only the activation of system and TLR4 may also participate in alcohol-
astrocytes in culture261 and in cultured microglia cells260, induced neuroinflammation in adolescents who binge
but also the production of cytokines and inflammatory drink. Nonetheless, it is unknown whether the activation
mediators in rat brains259,262. Indeed, a recent report has of TLRs can mediate some of the detrimental effects on
clearly shown the critical role of TLR4 in alcohol-induced fetal brain development.
brain injury since elimination of TLR4 receptors protects
against both the activation of microglia and astroglial
cells and the production of cytokines and inflammatory
Summary and perspectives
mediators, and also against apoptosis induced by long- According to the WHO420 alcohol is the most prevalent
term alcohol consumption in mice259 (Figure 2). Other psychoactive substance, responsible for 5.4% of total
studies have suggested that alcohol regulates the produc- disease burden. Although alcohol can affect almost all
tion of pro-inflammatory mediators in human astrocytes body tissues and organs, the brain is considered the most
in culture by interacting with Src kinase and TLR4414, significant target of alcohol use and/or abuse. Alcohol
while others have used brain slice cultures to propose can alter the function and the structure of both the devel-
For personal use only.

that alcohol induces the production of cytokines by acti- oping and the adult brain, causing neurological, neu-
vating the innate immune gene expression cascade415. ropsychological and cognitive dysfunctions. Although

Figure 2. Neuroinflammatory components in ethanol-induced brain damage. Ethanol, by activating toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and
interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1RI), stimulates microglial and astroglial cells, which trigger signaling pathways (MAPKs, NF-kB, AP-1) and
the production of proinflammatory mediators (iNOS and COX-2), cytokines (IL-6, IL-1 and TNF-), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
nitric oxide (NO), leading to neuroinflammatory damage. Products derived from microglia and astrocytes act in combination to promote
neurotoxicity and finally cell death. These inflammatory events may also increase following cell injury via the activation of TLR4 receptors
by endogenous TLR ligands (e.g. DAMPs, damage-associated molecular patterns, including cellular debris) allowing an amplification of
the ethanol-induced inflammatory response in a cyclic manner. BBB, bloodbrain barrier.
Molecular and behavioral aspects of the actions of alcohol on the adult and developing brain 37
alcohol exposure is particularly damaging for the brain dysfunctions. In line with this, new findings demonstrate
during prenatal development, the adolescent, and even the role of TLR4 in the cognitive and anxiety-related
the adult brain is also affected by this neurotoxin. There behavioral alterations induced by alcohol422, and the
is evidence indicating that alcohol consumption pat- expression of TLR4 in the central amygdala seems to also
tern influences the neurotoxic effects of alcohol on the contribute binge drinking, and may play a key role in
brain, while binge drinking is particularly detrimental early neuroadaptation in excessive drinking423.
for fetal development and during adolescence. The brain There are still substantial gaps in our understanding
regions/structures that are apparently the most sensitive of the cellular and molecular bases of cognitive deficits
to the effects of alcohol include the prefrontal cortex, the (e.g. attention, memory, executive functioning) caused
CC, the hippocampus and the cerebellum. The alcohol- by heavy alcohol consumption during adolescence. We
triggered alterations in these areas may underlie some also need to improve our knowledge about the mecha-
of the behavioral and cognitive dysfunctions in exposed nism participating in adolescents greater sensitivity to
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Downloaded from by McMaster University on 05/11/13

individuals in all age groups, including children with the addictive drug actions. Longitudinal behavioral stud-
FASD. ies are also important to assess the potentially reversible
The molecular actions of alcohol on the brain are effects of alcohol use during adolescence.
complex, and involve numerous mechanisms and signal- Finally, research into biomarkers of fetal alcohol dam-
ing pathways. Some of these actions, such as increased age186 and studies on neuroimaging techniques may
oxidative stress, interference with mitogenic and growth help us advance in diagnoses, and possibly improve the
factor responses, altered gene expression, and epigenetic future of those individuals affected by prenatal alcohol
effects, as well as alterations in neurotransmitter receptors exposure.
such as glutamate and GABA, occur in both the adult and
the developing brain. Nonetheless, the behavioral and
cognitive consequences may differ in accordance with Acknowledgment
the brain ontogeny period, when the effects occurring We thank M. March for the excellent professional assis-
during brain development are the more important and tance in this manuscript.
permanent ones. For example, alcohol abuse and binge
drinking can result in prefrontal cortex damage, reduced
For personal use only.

executive functions and can contribute to compulsive Declaration of interest

behavior, all of which are events that can predispose to
The authors experimental work has been supported by
alcohol abuse421. However, while later effects in adults
grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
seem to be reversible during abstinence421, these effects (SAF 2009-07503), the Spanish Ministry of Health, the
in adolescents can predispose to alcohol consumption421, Carlos III Institute (RTA Network, RD06/0001/0019),
whereas they may induce irreversible deficits in executive PNSD (2010I037), PROMETEO/ 2009/072 and General
function and spatial processing in children with FASD68. Direction of Drug Dependence, GV. The authors alone
The impact of alcohol on brain functioning also plays are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
a central role in addictive and permanent adaptations, All authors declare they have no actual or potential com-
such as the development of alcohol dependence with its peting financial interest.
features of tolerance or withdrawal upon discontinuation
of alcohol use. However, despite the huge progress made
towards understanding those mechanisms underlying References
the effects of alcohol on the brain, researchers continue 1. WHO. Global Status Report on Alcohol, 2004, 2008. Geneva:
to explore the processes involved in addiction develop- Department of Mental Heath and Substance Abuse, World Health
ment with a view to identifying new targets for treatment Organization, 2008.
and to developing new medications that address differ- 2. Nutt DJ, King LA, Phillips LD. Drug harms in the UK: a multicriteria
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