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The periodic table

Mendeleevs periodic table

The table in which elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic masses.
Modern periodic table by (Henry Mosely)

The table in which the elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic
This arrangement corrected the mistakes in Mendeleevs periodic table.

Metals are shiny.

They conduct heat and electricity well.
Metals can be hammered to form any shape; this property is called malleability.
Metal can be bent into wires; this property is called ductility.

Non-metals are poor conductor of heat and electricity.

All non-metals of group 17 are gases except bromine which is liquid and iodine which is

The have some properties of metal and some of non-metals.

Metalloids like silicone are used in computer chips.

The vertical columns in the periodic table are called groups.

There are 18 groups in the periodic table.
Most reactive group is 1 and least reactive is 18.
Elements in the same group have the same chemical properties.

The horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods.

There are 7 periods.
Number of shells are determined by period number.
Valence electron

The electron present in the outer most shell of an atom is called valence electron.
The valence electron number is equivalent to the group number.
Chemical bonding
Chemical bond

A force of attraction that holds the atom together.

In a chemical reaction, old bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.
Energy level by (Bohr)

The first energy level can have 2 maximum electrons.

The second energy level can have 8 maximum electrons.
The third energy level can have 8 maximum electrons.
Valence electron

Group one will have +1 charge as it loses one electron.

Group two will have +2 charge as it loses two electrons.
Group three will have +3 charge as it loses three electrons.
Group 15 will have -3 charge as it gains three electrons.
Group 16 will have -2 charge as it gains two electrons.
Group 17 will have -1 charge as it gains one electron.
Why do atoms form bonds?

Atoms form bonds to complete their outer most energy levels (shells).
Types of bonding
Ionic bond

A bond which is formed by the transferring of electrons from one atom (usually metal)
to another atom (usually non-metal).
Properties of ionic compounds

They are solid at room temperature.

They have high melting and boiling points.
Can conduct heat and electricity when dissolved in water.

Salt [Na Cl]

Covalent bonds

A bond in which atoms share electrons.

A covalent bond is also called a molecule.

Properties of covalent bonds

Poor/bad conductors of heat and electricity.

Low melting and boiling points.
They are not solid at room temperature.
Metallic bonds

A bond which is formed when a sea of electrons is surrounding positive ions.

Metallic are weaker then covalent and ionic bonds.
They are good conductors of electricity due to free electrons
Chemical Reactions
Chemical reaction

A chemical reaction is a reaction in which atoms are rearranged to make new

A chemical reaction can be increased by increasing one of these factors
1. Temperature
2. Surface Area
3. Concentration
4. Catalyst (a substance that changes the rate of reaction)
Exothermic reaction

A reaction in which heat/energy is released.

Ex. Candle
Endothermic reaction

A reaction in which energy is absorbed

Ex. Photosynthesis
Chemical equation

An equation that tells about the reaction

It is made up of reactants (on the left side of the arrow) and products (on the right side
of the arrow).

Chemical formula

A formula that tells the actual number of atoms in a compound.

H 2 O contains 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.
NaCl contains 1 atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine.

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