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SMART Goals: Analysis of Impact

Staff Member: Date:

Smart Goal:

By the end of the second quarter, Students will be able to write a twelve measures

rhythmic line using half note, quarter note, eight note and rests after listening to it,

with an 80% accuracy.

Strategy Level of Implementation Perceived Impact

Students got engaged with
music class; they developed
Beat awareness and a basic rhythmic sense.
rhythmic Fulfilled
imitation games

The students had a first

approaching to music theory.
Rhythmic writing with non- Fulfilled They knew the basics of
writing and reading music.
musical symbols They were able to create
their own rhythmic lines and
Rhythmic figures, measure play them accurately.

signatures explanation and

guided reading

They became aware of

music sound in relation with
Progressive rhythmic music writing. They were
dictation exercises. Guided Fulfilled able to identify rhythm
practice. pattern by listening to them.
They were able to write a
complete rhythmic line after
listening to it.
In their performance taske
Performance task Fulfilled they wer asked to write the
Minuet in G. Johann rhythmic line out of a
Sebastian Bach melody composed by Johann
Sebastian Bach after
listening to it with no help
besides pulse.

Evidence of Success: Discuss the evidence you have and what it indicates in terms of the
level of success of your strategies. Be concrete explaining only WHAT not WHY.

-Exercises written by students in which they show their knowledge of basic music figures,
measures, time signature, beat. Etc.
-Videos with simple performances of rhythmic lines made by students. They show they can
read and play a rhythmic line which include quarter note, eight note and rests.
-Written Exercises of easy dictations using quarter note, eight note and rests.
- Final Task: Minuet in G by Johann Sebastian Bach. Rhythmic line written by students.

Rationale: Discuss why you think the results are what they are. Include any details
regarding individual strategies and/or factors which may have influenced the outcome.

45% of the students achieved the goal with 100% accuracy,

50% of the students achieved the goal with an accuracy between 70% and 85%. Some of
them didnt make the final task but they achieved the minimum level.
5% didnt achieved the goal.

The final task (Minuet in g) actually has a higher level than purposed in the initial goal.
This means we went further in the process and get a better result than expected
The process was consistent and progressive so the students could improve their
performance step by step until they get the results. They knew from the beginning what was
expected from them.
Continuation: Discuss what your next steps will be. They may relate to further
implementation and strategies to improve results or for maintaining successes.

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