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Percent Composition of Hydrates

A.P. Lab #1

Gillian Ward
Sophia Whitesel and
Rylee Kochak
A.P. Chemistry Period 5
23 September 2016
Mrs. Haberman
The goal of this lab is to:
1. Demonstrate the use of a Bunsen burner
2. Determine that all water has been driven off in the process of heating the
sample to a constant mass
3. Relate the results to the law of conservation of mass and the law of
multiple proportions
4. Perform calculations by using molar mass
5. Analyze the results and determine the empirical formula of the hydrate
and its percentage by mass of water.

A hydrate is a compound, typically, a crystalline one, in which water molecules
are chemically bound to another compound or an element. Some companies
focus on compounds which can absorb water in order to reduce the moisture
content in their products, more specifically packages. When the compound
absorbs water, it becomes a hydrate and has a distinctive color change. The
amount of water in the compound can be driven off through the process of heating
the substance, leaving the anhydrous form of the compound. Through the law of
multiple proportions, the number of moles of water driven off per mole of the
anhydrous solution should be a simple whole number ratio. This information can
be used in determining the formula of the hydrate. In this lab, it must be decided
whether copper(II) sulfate is the right moisture absorber and indicator for the

The materials used were as follows: an analytical balance, Bunsen burner,
crucible and cover, crucible tons, CuSO4 hydrated crystals, water, micropipette,
rind and pipe stem triangle, ring stand, glass stirring rod, filter paper (used in
place of weighing paper).

The following procedure is taken from the College Board Lab Guidelines.
1. Put on safety goggles and lab apron
2. Make sure that the equipment is very clean to get the best possible results. Once
the crucible and cover is heated, do not touch them with bare hands. Remember
that the crucible needs to cool before massing. (The crucible can be cooled on the
lab table.) Never put a hot crucible on a balance; it will damage the balance.
3. Place the crucible and cover on the triangle with the lid slightly tipped. The small
opening will allow gases to escape. Heat the crucible and cover until the crucible
glows slightly red. Use the tongs to transfer the crucible and cover to the lab
table, and allow them to cool for 5 min. Determine the mass of the crucible and
cover to the nearest 0.01 g, ad record the mass in the data table.
4. Using a spatula, add approximately 5 g of copper(II) sulfate hydrate crystals to the
crucible. Crystals can be obtained while the crucible is cooling. Check with
the class instructor to see if a different amount of copper(II) sulfate should be
used. Break up any large crystals before placing them in the crucible. Determine
the mass of the covered crucible and crystals to the nearest 0.01 g, and record the
mass in the data table.
5. Place the crucible with the copper sulfate hydrate on the triangle, and again
position the cover so there is only a small opening. If the opening is too large, the
crystals may spatter as they are heated. Heat the crucible very gently on a low
flame to avoid spattering. Increase the temperature gradually for 2 or 3 min., and
then heat until the crucible glows red for at least 5 min. Be very careful not to
raise the temperature of the crucible and its contents too suddenly. A color change
will occur, which is normal, but if the substance remains yellow after cooling, it
was overheated and has begun to decompose. Remove the crucible from the
flame and allow it and its contents (make sure the crucible is covered) to cool
for 5 min and then measure the mass. Record the mass in your data table.
6. Heat the crucible and contents with the cover positioned as in step 5 and contents
to redness again for 5 min. Allow the crucible, cover and contents to cool, and
then determine their mass and record it in the data table. If the two mass
measurements differ by no more than 0.02 g, it can be assumed that all of the
water has been driven off. Otherwise, repeat the process until the mass no longer
changes, which indicated that all of the water has evaporated. Record this
constant mass in the data table.
7. After recording the constant mass, remove the cover from the crucible and add a
few drops of water with a beral pipet. Record observations for this step.
8. Clean all apparatus and the lab station. Make sure to completely shut off the gas
valve before leaving the laboratory. Remember to wash hands thoroughly. Place
the rehydrated and anhydrous chemicals in the disposal containers designated by
the teacher.

Table 1: Hydrate Data
Mass of empty crucible and cover 18.12 g
Initial mass of sample, crucible, and cover 23.11 g
Mass of sample, crucible, and cover after
21.19 g
first heating
Mass of sample, crucible, and cover after
21.08 g
second heating
Mass of sample, crucible, and cover after
21.03 g
third heating
Constant mass of sample, crucible, and
21.03 g

Mass of anhydrous CuSO4:

Constant mass mass of empty crucible and cover = mass of anhydrate
21.03 g 18.12 g = 2.91 g CuSO4

Mass of water in the hydrate:

Initial mass- constant mass = mass of water originally in the compound
23.11 g 21.03 = 2.08 g H2O

Moles of water in the hydrate:

Mass of water in grams x mole ratio of water = moles of water in compound

2.08 g H 2 O 1 mol of H 2 O
=.115 mol H 2 O
1 18.02 g H 2 O

Calculating empirical formula:

1. Calculate percent composition if not already given; assume a 100 g sample
to convert the percent to grams

mass of element
100= percent composition
mass of compound

2.08 g H 2 O
100=41.7 H 2 O=41.7 g H 2 O
4.99 g

2.91 g CuSO 4
100=58.3 CuS O4=58.3 g CuS O4
4.99 g
2. Convert the grams to moles using molar mass

41.7 g H 2 O 1 mol of H 2 O
=2.31 mol H 2 O
1 18.02 g H 2 O

58.3 g CuS O 4 1 mole CuSO 4

=.365 mol CuS O4
1 159.61 g CuS O4

3. Divide each calculation by the smallest number of moles calculated

2.31 mol H 2 O
.365 mol

.365 mol CuS O4


4. Write the empirical formula

CuS O 4 6 H 2 O

Percent of water in sample:

2.08 g H 2 O
100=41.7 H 2 O=41.7 g H 2 O
4.99 g
Percent of water in copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate:
Mass of water in hydrate- 90.10 g
Mass of copper(II) sulfate- 249.71 g
90.10 g
percent composition of water : 100=36.1 H 2 O=36.1 g
249.71 g

Percent error of percent of water in a mole:

|experimental valuetheoretical value|
error = 100
theoretical value

|41.7 g36.1|
15.5 = 100

The mass of CuSO4 decreased after heating. This is because the water in the
compound was driven off after the heating process. The mass of the anhydrous
form of the compound did not change, because it was originally a hydrous
compound. The calculated empirical formula of the copper sulfate hydrate is
CuS O 4 6 H 2 O . This, as well as the percent of water in the accepted value of
the copper sulfate hydrate (copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate), differs which can be
contributed to several errors. Some errors that could have happened during the
experiment is the sample could have be contaminated by dirt from the crucible
tongs. Also, oil from hands could have gotten on the crucible, which could have
affected the mass. Lastly, when the sample was heated for a third time and
weighed, the mass was less than 0.02 from the mass of the second heating. This
could be because when the crucible was weighed for the third time, there was not
enough time allotted for it to cool all the way. The heated, yet not hot, crucible
could have affected the mass. This is because of the heat currents that come off of
hot objects and make the mass of the object on a scale lighter than it really is.
When the copper(II) sulfate was in its anhydrous form, it was a white color.
Water was added to the sample via a pipet, and a color change was experienced.
It converted back to the blue color it was originally in its hydrous form.

Literature Cited
College Board Percent Composition of Hydrates Lab Guidelines

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