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32 Afvolysinc flecchorricai data

Fijart 2.3 Three different regrcnic<: lines drawn fee the same data with tbrir regrcsaon equations (di taint from
Table 2-1). The regression lima arc: ordinary least squares regression of r on y (i on y) and intereepc calculated
fiora Eqns [2.5J and 12.63; reduced mijcr axis (RMA) - slope and intercept calculated from Eqns 12.7] and 12.S);
ordinary leas: squires regression of y oa x (y on r) slope and intercept calculated from F.qns [2.5] and [2.6].

2.4.4 Robust regression

Robust regression is another more specialized line-fitting; technique and is another form of weighted
least squires regression. Robust linear regression docs not allow a single data point such as an outlier
to ltavc a disproportionate influence on the computed value of die slope and intercept. This is
important, for ordinary least squares estimates on be seriously distorted by the influence of oac or
two oudying values. For this reason the data should be inspected for outliers. Outlying observations
should be examined to see if they are in error, although no point should be discarded simply because
it is an outlier. Inspection for outliers may be carried out visually using a scatter plot or with an
exploratory data analysis computer program such as that described by Rock (1957a).
In robust regression, oudying values sre downweighted. Zhou (1987) gives an example of the use
of this technique in geochemical exploration where outliers (often anomalies and the object of such
an exercise) may hamper their own identification by distorting the results of statistical analysis.

2.4.5 Some problems with traditional approaches to correlation and

At the beginning of dtis section we asked questions about the association between pairs of
elements. Typical questions are about the strength of association between oxides, for example, to
what degree the oxides CaO and AljOj are issociated in the data of Table 2.2. A more disturbing
question, and one that is not usually asked, is

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