Mechanical Testing of Shale by Instrumented Indentation: Application Note

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Mechanical Testing of Shale by

Instrumented Indentation

Application Note
Jennifer Hay,
Agilent Technologies

Carl H. Sondergeld,
Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering,
Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy, University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK

Introduction Advances in drilling technology

Shale is a fine-grained rock often specifically the ability to drill laterally
composed of clay and other minerals. and induce multiple massive hydraulic
The predominance of clays influences fractureshave increased profitability
its mechanical properties and typically of shale gas. Thus, the ability to form
imparts a strong elastic anisotropy. extensive, stable fractures in the shale
Shales are often rich in organic material is directly related to the profitability of
called kerogen which acts as a source gas production from shales [1].
during hydrocarbon generation. Shale
formations are interesting to the oil and Mechanical properties are necessary
gas industry because they host vast in the design of these fractures;
natural gas and oil resources. Gas flows however, because of the mineralogical
to the wellbore primarily through natural variability of shale, mechanical
and induced fractures. The natural properties vary considerably. Many
fractures are caused by tectonic forces, shales are chemically and mechanically
desiccation and hydrocarbon generation unstable making recovery of suitably
while the process of hydraulic fracturing sized samples for standard mechanical
stimulates and induces fractures. testing impossible. Nano-indentation
testing of drill cuttings, fragments
or sidewall cores provides a viable
and economically attractive option
for recovering needed mechanical
properties. Thus, the purpose of
this work was to use instrumented
indentation testing to measure the
mechanical properties of small volumes
of shale. Details of instrumentation
and analysis are explained elsewhere
[2-4]. Instrumented indentation yields a
force-displacement (P-h) trace, Youngs
modulus (E), and hardness (H).

Figure 1. Schematic geology of natural gas resources. (U. S. Energy Information Administration).
P, Force on Surface [mN]

Figure 2. Typical force-displacement curve for an instrumented Figure 3. Barnett shale surface, as prepared for indentation.
indentation test. Permanent work, Wp, is the area between the curves.

Observed correlations have led scale for this technique to be feasible. vertical. If the contact were completely
researchers to conclude that shale is However, solving Eq. 1 for crack length, elastic, then the unloading curve would
most likely to fracture easily and well if c, gives us significant insight: coincide with the loading curve.
it has a high Youngs modulus and low
Poissons ratio (n) [1, 5]. An alternative The areas defined by the force-
parameterization based on mineralogy . Eq. 2 displacement curve have the units of
suggests brittleness or fracability Eq. 2 indicates that for a given fracture work: force times distance. Specifically,
is dependent on quartz content. A toughness and applied force, the length we define three areas. The permanent
more conclusive parameterization is of the resulting crack depends on the work (Wp) is the area within the force-
desirable. Both Youngs modulus and ratio of Youngs modulus to hardness. displacement curve, bounded below by
Poissons ratio are elastic properties Eq. 2 supports the observed correlation the axis P = 0. The elastic work (We)
which are imprecisely related to that longer cracks are sustained in shale is the recovered area, or the area
fracablity. For a given stress, they of high Youngs modulus. The inverse bounded by the unloading curve, the
predict the resulting strain (or vice relationship to hardness is sensible, line h = h max , and the axis P = 0.
versa) only up to the point of permanent because hardness is a measure of the The total work is equal to the sum of
deformation. Although they tell how materials resistance to permanent the elastic work and permanent
stresses grow elastically they contain damage. Thus, though others have work: Wt = We + Wp. To reduce the
no information about the threshold suggested that a high value of E/n is dependence on indent size, we consider
criteria for permanent deformation advantageous, we suggest that the We and Wp with respect to Wt . That is,
marked by the onset of fracture, plastic dimensionless parameter E/H contains we define the normalized parameters
yield, or other mechanism. more information about the ability to W*e and W*p as
generate and sustain cracks.
W*e = We / Wt , and
So there is room for improvement
in predicting fracture in shale. But perhaps we have an even simpler W*p = 1 - W*e
Instrumented indentation has been and more relevant parameter at our
used to measure fracture toughness in disposal. The most basic output of We suggest that W*p is a valuable
glasses and ceramics by measuring the an instrumented indentation test is a parameter for this application,
average length, c, of cracks emanating force-displacement curve, illustrated because it quantifies the fraction of
from the corners of residual impressions schematically in Figure 2. The origin indentation work which goes into
[6]. The average crack-length, c, is of this plot is the point at which the causing permanent damage. If W*p is
related to fracture toughness, Kc , indenter first contacts the test surface. zero, then all of the work is recovered
through the expression As the applied force increases, the the indentation does not cause any
displacement increases as well, until permanent damage. If W*p is 100%,
the peak test force is achieved. Then, then all of the work of indentation is
, Eq. 1 as the contact force decreases, some accommodated by permanent damage.
where a is an empirical constant of the displacement is generally Presumably, the dominant mechanisms
that depends on the geometry of the recovered, though usually not all. If the for this damage are microfracturing and
indenter. Unfortunately, shale is too contact were completely plastic, then plastic yielding.
heterogeneous at the microscopic the unloading curve would be exactly

Experimental Method After indentation testing was
complete, energy-dispersive X-ray
A sample of Barnett shale was tested spectroscopy (EDX) was utilized to
in this work. Barnett shale formation determine the material composition
covers about 5000 mi2 in Texas with at specific test sites.
the richest reserves located in Dallas-
Fort Worth area. This formation may
contain the largest reserve of natural Results and Discussion a.
gas in the United States [7]. The plug
was metallographically mounted and Results for all tests are summarized in
polished. The final polish was with Table 1. The average Youngs modulus
0.5 m diamond grit. Figure 4 shows an for the shale is 26.9 + 2.1GPa. Previous
optical image of the prepared surface. measurements on gas shales including
the Barnett shale indicate the Youngs
An Agilent G200 NanoIndenter having modulus varies from as low as 7GPa to
the high-load option was used for this as high as 77GPa [9] with an average of
work. The high-load option allowed us 26.6 GPa, which is remarkably similar to
to make indents that were large relative the indention value.
to microstructural features. This was
important since the goal was to use The SEM images of Figure 4 confirm
instrumented indentation to measure that indents are large enough to sample b.
bulk properties. With this option, the all relevant elements of this shale,
G200 can apply forces up to 10N. All including clay and mineral grains. The
tests were performed according to mode and degree of fracturing vary
ISO 14577, which is an international from site to site. In Figure 4a, cracks
standard for instrumented indentation are concentrated within the mineral
testing [8]. grains and around their boundaries,
whereas the clay seems to inhibit
Four sets of tests were performed: crack growth. In Figure 4b, the areas
100 large tests in the shale, of concentrated mineral grains show
15 small tests, all contained within extensive fracture. Figure 4c shows
the single particle shown in Figure 5, a chip as well as fracture around the
12 large tests in the fused-silica boundary of the impression. These
reference block, and images corroborate and help explain c.
10 small tests in the fused silica the proposition that brittleness is
reference block. related to quartz content.
Figure 4. SEM images of three residual
impressions in shale showing (a) fracture
within and around mineral grains, (b) pervasive
fracture, especially in areas of concentrated
mineral grains, and (c) fracture around the
perimeter of the indent and chipping.

Material Peak Force N Tests N Valid Tests Displacement Modulus Hardness W*p
N nm GPa GPa %
Shale 5.0 100 98 172001390 26.92.1 0.910.16 72.53.3
Dolomite Particle 0.01 15 13 3169 95.42.7 5.800.43 61.11.4
Silica 5.0 12 12 684066 73.41.7 9.080.16 34.81.5
Silica 0.01 10 10 2971 73.00.4 9.000.08 36.00.1
The diameter of the indentation is about 7X this value.
Table 1. Summary of Indentation Measurements

Figure 5. Fifteen sub-micron tests were placed in the relatively Figure 6. Indents in the dolomite imaged in Figure 5.
large dolomite grain in the center of this image.

Post-indentation EDX indicates that

the particle at the center of Figure 5
is dolomitecalcium magnesium
carbonate CaMg(CO 3)2 . Dolomite has
Load on Sample [N]

a range of reported modulus from 76

to 93 GPa [10]. By indentation, we
measured the Youngs modulus of this
particle to be 95.4+2.2GPa. The SEM
image in Figure 6 shows the residual
impressions in this mineral. They are
quite small, because the prescribed test
force was only 10mN, and because the
material is both hard and elastic.

Results for the fused silica reference

material are consistent with known Figure 7. Force-displacement curve from a single large test in the shale. Fracture
properties; these results verify that causes the step at a force of 3N. The dark area is the work which causes
the testing instrument is functioning permanent deformation.

Figure 7 shows a force-displacement

curve for a single large indent (to 5 N)
Permanent (unrecovered) work,
normalized by total work [%]

in the shale. The dark area is the work

that went into permanently deforming
the material, presumably by micro-
scale fracture. Dividing the dark area
by the total area (the sum of the light
and dark areas) gives the normalized
permanent work, W*p. We hypothesize
that this parameter is a good predictor
of the propensity to generate extensive
cracking in shale formations. Further
testing will be needed to validate or
invalidate this hypothesis. At least for
this material, W*p is linearly related
to the ratio of Youngs modulus to
hardness as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. Linear trend relates W*p to E/H.

Running average / Final average

Figure 9. Convergence of results to their final values. Normalized permanent work is

within 2% of its final value after only 3 tests. Convergence of Youngs modulus and
hardness takes longer (25-40 tests) due to their dependence on the evaluation of
contact area.

Because shale is so heterogeneous, we of instrumented indentation is that 0.907+0.159GPa. Because of the

wanted to know how many indentation this area is computed from the force- heterogeneity of shale, forty tests
tests would be needed in order to get displacement data, not by imaging were necessary to achieve reliable
reliable averages. This was the reason the residual impression [2]. However, average values of Youngs modulus
for doing a very large number of indents this computation assumes that the and hardness. The instrument was
on the shale. The total time to complete test surface is smooth and uniform. also used to test a single dolomite
all 100 tests on the shale was 10 hours; Roughness and heterogeneity at the particle within the shale, giving a
testing was completely unattended. surface cause a higher degree of Youngs modulus of 95.4+2.7GPa and
scatter in the determination of contact a hardness of 5.80+0.43 GPa. Thus,
Figure 9 shows how the averages area. Furthermore, the calculation of we have demonstrated the utility of
converged to their final values. To hardness depends directly on A, while nanoindentation for measuring the
generate this plot, we computed the the calculation of Youngs modulus mechanical properties of the bulk shale
running average after first test, second depends on A1/2 . Therefore, scatter as well as individual constituents of
test, third test, etc., and divided by the in the determination of contact area the same.
average computed after the hundredth manifests twice as strongly in hardness
test. This plot provides another as Youngs modulus. This is why The measurement of a promising
reason to prefer the parameter W*p to the convergence in hardness is the dimensionless parameter was
either Youngs modulus or hardness slowest. By contrast, the parameter also demonstrated: the normalized
independently or their ratio. W*p is W*p is calculated directly from the permanent work, or W*p. We
within 2% of its final value after only 3 force-displacement data. Thus, W*p hypothesize that this parameter will be
tests, while Youngs modulus requires converges quickly to its final value. a good predictor of the propensity for
about 25 tests, and hardness requires extensive fracture in shale formations.
about 40 tests. Further testing is needed to validate or
Conclusions invalidate this hypothesis.
The reason for the slow convergence
of E and H relative to W*p is in how An Agilent G200 NanoIndenter
the values are calculated from the with high-load option was used to
fundamental force-displacement data. mechanically test Barnett shale
The calculations of both E and H require according to a standard test method.
the area of contact, A, between the The measured Youngs modulus was
indenter and the sample. The benefit 26.9+2.1GPa, and the hardness was

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