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Zulueta 1

Brandon Zulueta

English 101

Ms. Batty

31 May 2017

Reflection for Visual Rhetoric Essay

When I had my essay revised by a tutor in the writing center, she told me that I need to

add some visual elements or the colors of the mural and so, I added that after the mural analyzing

paragraph. I put in some quote sandwiches and adding another source of where I got my

information of the mural, including in-text citations. The sources are in the same website but

with different articles and different authors. I organized the essay so it wont be too confusing to

read and I fixed the grammar or other mechanical errors that I missed out.

Adding the visual elements and the meaning of the mural is one thing I missed or didnt

write too much about it. I added the visual elements and describing how the mural is suppose the

honor the Latino veterans who served. Another thing I added is how there were two flags on the

bottom of mural that resembles it being patriotic. I also described the colors on the mural about

how it seems inspiring.

I honestly think I did good on this essay but when I saw the feedback, I knew I had some

errors because of the organization of the essay and explaining each topic with little bits of

details. I only put one source and my essay contained another source but in the same website

where I got the original, but a different article.

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