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Operation Principle of Eledia device

There are acupuncture points on the human body, the impact on which can provide
therapeutic effect. Specific combination of acupuncture points corresponds to ea
ch disease. Eledia device allows you to check the points, identify the points wh
ere there is an asymmetry of current flow (sick points), and eliminate this asym
metry (treat). Eledia affects points with weak current of negative polarity (-).
Battery Replacement
Unscrew 4 screws at the bottom of the device, remove the bottom cover, replace 9
V battery (Krona).
How to Use the Device
1. Before use, the device must be turned with on/off button.
To make sure that the device is turned on, turn current regulator clockwise to t
he middle and connect supporting and treatment electrodes (short-circuit them).
If the device is on, microammeter nedle is deflected to the right.
2. Turn current regulator clockwise to the maximum (full current supply), take
supporting electrode in one hand, and treatment electrode to the other.
3. Determine where should be the point you want to treat. You can find the info
rmation on the location of the point in the Atlas of Lednev and at the website.
To get started, try some simple point, for example VC9 which is 1-1.5 cm above t
he navel.

4. Apply treatment electrode to the place where you the point should be.
5. What should happen?
At first nothing, microammeter needle will deflect a little. By moving a little
and declining TE in different directions, you should find the point. This will b
e indicated by the deflection of MA needle to the right, indicating an increase
in current capacity. Once you have found the point, you need to wait for the bre
akdown. The breakdown happens when skin resistance decreases and the current beg
ins to flow to the point. This is expressed by acute painful prick. This means t
hat you have found and opened the point and now can work with it. I note that th
e points are different ones can be broken down easily and quickly, others slowly
and difficult, one can be broken down at once, the other takes 5 minutes. To sp
eed up the breakdown, turn TE, work with a sharp tip, in extreme case, you can m
oisten a small area of skin.
6. After the breakdown, it is necessary to reduce the current with the regulato
r to light tingling sensation (do not endure pain) and immediately check the poi
nt for asymmetry.
7. To test for asymmetry: note the value pointed by the needle. Then press +/-
button and hold it for not more than 4 seconds. The needle will twitch and start
s to deflect to the left to 0 (zero). If the deflection is small and the needle
remained essentially in the same place, the point is healthy and may not be trea
ted. If the deflection is high, in indicates the asymmetry and the point needs t
o be treated. You should check the point for asymmetry immediately after the bre
akdown within 2-4 seconds before the current stabilizes the point.
8. Treatment of the point comes to elimination of the asymmetry. To do this, ke
ep TE at the point for 1 minute (do not touch or press +/- button). Then press +
/- button for 1-2 seconds, check for asymmetry. If it persists, keep TE for one
more minute. If the asymmetry is eliminated, proceed to the next point.
9. The point cannot be broken down (no breakdown). Not all points can be broken
down immediately. More accurately, almost all points do not break down immediat
ely. And there are the points that are very difficult to break down. If the poin
t cannot reach breakdown, try moving treatment electrode on the area of skin, yo
u may not have got the point and it is close by. To find a point, use microammet
er. Watch out for its needle. The principle is simple if you have found the poin
t, the needle starts to deflect a bit and you need to wait for the breakdown of
the point. Try changing the angle of treatment electrode. The electrode is groun
d to 120 degrees, allowing you to apply it to the point with the sharp end for t
he breakdown, and with the wide end for treatment. Try and experiment, everybody
has different bodies and therefore different behaviors of the points.
10. Read the chapter How I Treat" from the book.
Website with the description of Eledia device and the points: www.eledia-angl.u

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