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Ansar Burney is the International Ambassador for peace and human rights. He is widely credited
as being the first man to introduce the concept of human rights in Pakistan. Ansar Burney was
born on 14 august 1956 in Karachi. Ansar Burney graduated with of Masters and Law degree
from Karachi University and is the honorary recipient of a PhD in philosophy. He started his
noble mission by setting up (Ansar Burney Trust, prisoners aids society and bureau of
missing and kidnapped children/person in Karachi).

Key traits:

Burney was a prominent student leader with the Peoples Student Federation in his youth, during
the 1970s, and was known to speak out for justice, human dignity, and civil rights. His efforts in
the movement landed him in trouble with the military government of the time, and in 1977, at
age 20, he was arrested on charges of delivering pro-democracy speeches against martial law and
was sentenced to eight months rigorous imprisonment by the Martial Law Court. On his release
in 1978, the Martial Law Authorities once again arrested him and sentenced him to prison for a
further two months. In 1979, Burney was arrested for a third time and detained for a month.
During his detention in different Pakistani prisons, Burney witnessed, miserable conditions and
met numerous prisoners who had been imprisoned having committed neither crime nor having
been charged. Some had been in detention for over 40 years without ever appearing in court. So,
on his release, and the completion of his law degree in 1980, Burney set up the Prisoners Aid
Society and the Bureau of Missing and Kidnapped Children in Karachi (Pakistan). He eventually
formed, Ansar Burney Trust International with offices in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar,
Mirpur, Quetta, Washington D.C., and London.

The Ansar Burney Trust is a non-governmental, non-political, and non profit organization which
initially worked for the welfare of prisoners, reforms in prisons and mental asylums, and to trace
missing and kidnapped children. However, it later widened its scope to cover all areas of human

Major achievements:

Mr. Ansar Burney secured more than 900,000 innocent prisoners who were illegally
imprisoned in Pakistan and abroad.

Ansar Burney trust providing medical help to HIV positive people and AIDS.

Ansar Burney trust also released almost 20,000 people from mental asylum as those
people were not mental but they were kept in asylum due to some other personal reasons.

Ansar Burney has also been successful in tracing out around 300,000 children through his
bureau of missing person and safely delivered to their families

On 23 March 2002, he was given Pakistans National civil award Sitara-i-imtiaz. First
time in the field of human rights this award was given.

In 2005, the state department of United States of America declared an award of

international human right hero to ansar Burney.

Ansar Burney in 2008, elected as expert advisor on human rights council advisory
committee out of 18 countries throughout the world.

On 23 March 2013, he was again conferred with Pakistans another National civil award
Hilal-i-imtiaz. First time in the field of human rights this award was given.

Ansar Burney has been the recipient of over 250 national and international awards over the
last three decades.

Critical analysis:

In my point of view Ansar Burney is a perfect example of leader. He attained all the qualities of a
good leader. As he is always headed towards the betterment of the society. His devotion and
efforts proved that his only purpose is to serve humanity. Since his teenage, he never steps back

to daring challenges. Whenever people need help or they need donations or people need help in
natural disaster, Burney always helped them. Ansar Burney is always on the top of the list for
donating million dollars whenever a food or disaster uprooted residents. The mission of ansar
Burney is to help everyone and serve them better life. Ansar Burney got a lot of opportunities
from political parties and he always offered a highest place but he denied all those offers because
he just wanted to focus on his organization.

But his journey is not as simple, as his work has resulted in making a lot of enemies. He has been
attacked several times. Even he received death threats. Ambulances of the Ansar Burney trust
was fired upon, stoned and burnt by those person against whom he fight human right cases. But
he never afraid of such things and proved himself a good leader as he always stand with his
people in their needs. And his efforts resulted in achieving him with the highest awards.
Whenever a natural calamity such as earthquake or flood hits Pakistan, ansar burney is always
there to lend a helping hand. His extraordinary efforts include from releasing innocent people
from jail to bring captions back to home he proved himself one man army.

Pakistan and people of Pakistan will always be proud of Ansar Burneys work and his


I did not find anything to suggest him; rather I would like to suggest the media
to promote such people like Ansar Burney who are actually contributing their part for the
betterment of society. And I would like to suggest you people to follow his steps so that we can
make our society a better place.

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