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Scotts Weekly Newsletter

Week in Review: May 22 - 26

Our caterpillars have now turned into chrysalis! We added another observation into our Butterfly

We had a lot of fun at the City Works tour! It was very well organized and the weather was much better
than Wednesday. Ask your child about the different machines they got to sit in

We harvested rhubarb at the Open Gate Garden on Thursday and each of the kids tried it in its raw
form. It was way too sour for some kids while others came back for seconds and thirds! We brought
some back to make rhubarb muffins on Friday. They were so yummy!

Upcoming Week: May 29 June 2

**On Tuesday mornings we have to leave right away for swimming lessons.
Please have your child dressed with their bathing suit under their clothing and
their underwear, goggles, and towel in a separate bag from their backpack.**
*Send a water bottle for your child. We are back on a boil water advisory.*

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

*Swimming Lessons *Caseys *Cultural *Grade 3 Science
9-10 am Greenhouse and Performance at Fair
Elizabeth Lake McKim 9 am
field trip 8:45 am *Open Gate
1:40 pm Community Garden
*Library and Home 1-2 pm
Reading Book

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