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SECTION 10€ FUSE LINKS FUSE LINKS LINKS FUSE ® Experienced Fuse-Link Manufacturer ‘The A.B. Chance Co, has designed and manufactured fuse-links for many years. ‘The company has a staf of engineers who are experts in the design and use of these important protective devices, modem equipment and a capable factory staff for their manufacture © Construction of Chance Fuse Links ‘There is a Chance fuse link to meet every application requirement — electrical or mechanical. Electrically, in addition to EEI-NEMA K (fast speed) and T (slow speed) fuse links, extra fast, extra slow, and dual-speed fuse links are available, Mechanically, three different fuse-like types are available: solid-buttonhead type, removable-buttonhead type, and openlink type. Copper is used extensively throughout Chance fuse Tinks to assure maximum conductivity and low operat- ing characteristics, Just as in solid-buttonhead fuse links, Chance removable-buttonhead fuse links are de- signed with a direct, straight-thru current path, free Of vulnerable current-transfer points, which are apt to cause erratic fuse link operation. All Chance fuse links are equipped with extra-high- Strength ausdlary tubes. These auxiliary tubes are two- ply, with an ave-quenehing inner layer, a weather-proof Suter layer, Auxiliary tubes assure positive interrup- tion of low fault currents regardless of the bore size f the cutout fuseholder; and by their length and Strength, eliminate any necessity for auxiliary springs. Cables are alley-coated for maximum resistance to cor- rosion, In urban aveas, where cables are subjected to the corrosive action of sulfurie acid resulting from smoke and moisture, this alloy-coating has proved to be much more resistant than other coatings. These cables have the flexibility for easy attachment to the cutout fuseholder, Chance openiink fuse links feature the extensive use fof copper, a direct current path, and alloy-coated cables. Since they must have the ability to interrupt both low and high faults (to 1200 amps), their tubes are of the same materials as cutout fuseholders —a fiber inner layer and a bakelite outer layer. Upper end of each tube Is protected with a Neoprene weather seal. FUSE LINKS © Precision—Standard of Chance Fuse-Link Manufacturer Chance fuse links assure system protection because they are precision-manufactured. The fusible mater als used in ve fuse links are under_a continual meticulous control during manufacture. Pre-tested to guarantee their electrical values, these materials are held to precise tolerances. Power equipment provid the duplicative manufacturing operations that_assui uniformity and reliability of fuse-link performance ‘At critical points during the manufacturing process, rigid inspections are made. Prior to shipment, each fuse link is tested for mechanical strength and vis. ually inspected, © Meet All Applicable EEl-NEMA Standards Chance fuse links meet all applicable EEI-NEMA Stand: ards, ‘These standards, established for type “K” and type “T” time-current characteristics, set forth current ratings, maximum allowable temperature rise at rated current, and mechanical-interchangeability require ments. Chance Type K and Type T fuse links are made in complete accordance with these standards. Other Chance fuse links are made in accordance with all the requirements of the standards except those covering time-current characteristics. ‘Chance fuse links provide uniform performance in any type cutout designed in accordance with NEMA Stand- ards. Uniform performance of Chance fuse links is maintained in those cutouts that meet NEMA electrical requirements but do not necessarily meet NEMA me- chanical requirements. A. B, CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. o eae 10C-3 APPLICATION © Solid-Buttonhead Type Chance solldbuttonbead fase links are recommended for use in single vented or expendable-cap cutouts with conventional cap type fuse link term- minals. FUSE LINKS 2 —________+ > ve" t 3/4" Washer Auxiliry Tube 1-50 AMPS Flexible Leader Solder-Dipped 1 a > nm ‘Auxiliry Tube 65-100 AMPS Flexible Leader a ary 7 pee L Toxiiory Tobe Flerible leder _Slde-Dipped 125-200 AMPS © Removable-Buttonhead Type Chance removable-buttonhead fuse links, also 26.inches in length, have a removable serew-type head. Drawings show application variations: Fig. 1 - For use in conventional open-type cutouts. To obtain %4"-diameter butionhead, remove washer, Fig. 2 - Serew-type terminal is obtained by removing %" washer and un- serewing %4” buttonhead. : azo | Zz i Fig. 3 - Two floxible terminal are obtained by adding accessory female bie adapter on the threaded screw type terial, Fig. 4 - A special wedge terminal, which also includes the below adapter, is available on the removable buttonhead types. Contact the factory for ordering details. TE eee - Cable adapter accessory (as used in figure 3), may be added to Re- lechead type fuse links by adding “—7" to the catalog number. (See formation of individual links), ‘The adapter may also be ordered separately, see table below: CABLE ADAPTER ACCESSORY Includes adapter with TOinch cable Catalog FUSE LINK _AMPERE RATING Number “Type TA ‘Type KA Type SFA ‘Type MSA €705.0036 i thru 20 1 thra 20 ~_02 thru 35 3 thru 20 (€705.0037 25 25, 30 14, 21, 32, 42104 25, 30 ‘©7105-0038 30, 40, 50 [ 40, 50 6 40, 50 ‘C705:0039 eh a6 65, 80, 100 = 65, 80 ‘©705:0040 80, 100 = =e 100 ‘C705 0041 140 140 = = ‘C105.0042 200 200) = 150, 200 A. B, CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. 100-4 FUSE LINKS Chance openlink fuse links are recommended for open- link cutouts or rural-type transformers equipped for this type of fuse link. ewe" - 42-4, ® Weather Seal Flexible Leader FUSE LINK PACKAGING TYPE AND AMPERAGE ON EACH CARTON Chance primary fuse links are packaged in heavy corru- gated cartons with 3, 5, 10, or 15 links per carton, depend- Ing upon the fuse link’size, Cartons are sturdy enough to withstand crushing should other material be stacked on them, The small carton takes up very little space on the line truck and on storeroom shelves. The cartons ean be neatly arranged on the shelf so that type of link, catalog number, quantity and amperage can be reed for quick selection and inventory purposes. TAB PACKAGING All Chance fuse link packages have a slit at one end of the plastic bag to facilitate quick, easy opening. Each poly bag remains completely sealed for all-weather protection. The tab-end allows linemen, while wearing gloves to easily tear ‘open the bag and remove the fuse link. The transformer “Slo-Fast” line of fuse links are packaged with all green lettering and “transformer fuse” printed on the carton and the poly bag for correct and convenient fuse link ‘selection, ‘This green lettering helps to readily differentiate the Slo-Fast link from our other fuse links packaged in poly bags with black lettering. A. B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. CHANCE 100-5 FUSE LINKS © Three Types Conforming to all applicable EEI-NEMA specifications, Chance SloFast Fuse Links are available in a solid: buttonhead type, @ removable-buttonhead type, and an openlink type. Overall length of types is 26 inches; button-to-button length of openlink types is 8% inches. @ Two Fusible Elements ‘SloFast Fuse Links are designed for use on primary side with distribution transformers. They provide simultaneous pro- tection for both the transformer and the system. This is possible because SloFast links have two fusible elements. A fast element, that operates like a conventional link, guards against primary bushing and winding failures. A slow clement, with characteristics electrically engineered to trace transformer-safe-loading curves, guards against secondary short circuits FUSE LINKS © Transformer Protection E Secondary temporary faults that can be withstood by a transformer will not rupture a SloFast fuse link. If Secondary faults persist and become dangerous, the SloFast link will ‘operate, preventing damage to the transformer. © System Protection ‘When a heavy fault occurs within the transformer or at the transformer primary bushings, a SloFast link clears the transformer from the system before damage can occur, and before any other protective device can operate and cause an ‘unnecessary interruption to any other segment ofthe system. SOLDER JUNCTION HEATER COIL HEAT ABSORBER INSULATED STRAIN PIN FUSE WIRE STRAIN WIRE |-——SLOW section——-|-— Fast—-| SECTION Construction and Theory of Operation ‘The inner construction of the SloFast Fuse Link is illustrated in the cut-away view above. There are two distinct current-responsive elements: one slow, one fast. ‘The slow current-responsive element is made up of a number of components. The heater coil and the soldered. Junction are the two primary components. The insulated Strain pin serves to carry the tension exerted when the fuse link is installed ina fuse cutout, and as a heat conductor to the soldered junction. The ceramic tube Serves as a heat absorber. ‘The slow, current-responsive element functions in this manner: The heater coll generates heat ata rate which Is proportional to the square of the current. This heat is absorbed by the ceramic material and transmitted to, the soldered junction via the metallic strain pin. When a certain Value of current flows for a specific length of time, sufficient heat is generated and trans- mitted to the soldered junction to cause melting of the solder, and the separation of the fuse link, and the interruption of the circuit. ‘The time-current curve of the slow current-responsive element is that portion above the “knee” (4 seconds to § minutes on the time axis) in the graph on page 6. ‘The fast current-responsive element is constructed like the single element in a conventional fuse link. Opera: tion of the fuse link in time periods of less than 4 sec- fonds is conventional. ‘The lime-current curve of the fast, current-responsive element is that portion below the “knee” in the time-current graph on page 6. A. B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. 10€-6 FUSE LINKS Field Demonstrations ‘The dependability and uniformity of Chance SloFast Fuse Links are graph- ically illustrated with the Chance dem- onstrator unit, ‘The unit subjects SloFast fuse links to typical secondary short-circuit condi- tions. Its instrumentation permits the FUSE LINKS Application Data A comparison of the time current characteristics of the Chance SioFast fuse link with those of conventional fuse links and the ASA safe loading time current characteristies for distribution transformers vividly illustrates the application potential of the SloFast fuse link. Examination of the chart at left shows two possible methods of fusing a transformer requiring less than a 3 ampere fuse link with conventional fuse links and the recommended fusing with the SloFast It is readily seen that if the smaller of the two conventional fuse links is used the overload capacity of the transformer is not realized, and consequently many unnecessary outages due to overloads, sec” ondary faults and lightning surges will occur. ‘The more common practice is to use the larger of the two conventional fuse links shown rhis eliminates many unnecessary outages. However, the overload capacity of the transformer may be far exceeded and, in fact, many secondary faults would not cause the conventional fuse to operate until the transformer actually failed internally as. a result of this fault, When this latter method of fusing is followed, little protection is offered the distribution transformer and the only reason for a fuse at all is to isolate a faulted transformer from the system. If the SloFast link is used in place of either of these conventional fuse links, the full overload capacity of the transformer is made available, ‘but at the same time the transformer is protected from faults and overloads which could either destroy or substantially shorten its life expectancy. ‘The coordination of the SloFast with other protective devices is handled in the same manner as the coordination of any conventional fuse link. Some application problems exist where it is necessary to coordinate the smaller current rated reclosers with the larger SloFast ampere sizes. This problem most often develops where the recloser current rating has not kept pace with the increased size. of the distribution transformers, which the recloser is serving. Under such conditions a secondary short circuit at one of the larger trans- formers could cause the récloser to lockout before the SloFast fuse link at the transformer in trouble can operate. In effect this Te- closer, which is too small, removes the transformer from the system before such removal is necessary. Not only the transformer is taken out of service but also everything else served by the.tecloser. Fuse inks, including SioFast, ean be selected to coordinate with this un- derste recloser, but not without sacrificing transformer short ime overload capacity. » Where reclosers are selected large enough to realize the full overload capacity of the distribution. transformer, SloFast-recloser coordination problems are eliminated, ‘The rather unusual current rating assigned to SloFast fuse links is an eid in their application since the current rating assigned is iden- tical to the continuous current rating of the transformer which they ‘were specifically designed to protect. operator to record the exact amount of current to which each fuse link is sub- jected and the time required for it to operate. Examination of the blown fuse links illustrates the SloFast theory of operation. Demonstrations can be ar- ranged through Chance representatives. SLOFAST FUSE LINK ORDERING INFORMATION T wos uo 2srr Wossh_| Misa [WuasrPL MLS au asv PL, ‘amp.| sata neat | Remoenie | Open | Sut au MASSER bas | “MLPA Maas cwEsFA | o MioasPa | MioasFPL| —10 Mesa [MIS PL a ‘To order with cable adapter add “-7" to suffix of catalog number. A. B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. 10€-7 FUSE LINKS FUSE LINKS. APPLICATION FOR SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER PROTECTION |___2400 Volts 4160 Volts 4800 Volts | _7200 Volts 7620 Volts Fal Tad | Regamadsr | Fal ioed | Rommel | Fal Tans RRnSAT | Fa Low![Regmmeai | FAL Lon | Regemeaa va | “Ames | "SSiorase “Ames ‘Sores “Amon ‘Sistas “Amor ‘Sorat ‘Amos ‘Sirus 15| | 06 —] 036 ‘03 _[—03T 03 oF 32 27 | 02 3125 13072 | "07 | 0.68 a6 a2 Oa 039 of | 208 [31 120 13| 104 1 1.68 a7 a 75313 [34 180 16 | 186 1 Tot io [098 10 To| 417 [a2 Za 21 [308 [ 21 139 [14 1a 1a 15_| 635 [63 [3.60 35_| 313 31 208 zl iT] 2a %_|1042—| 10a |e 63_[ 31 32 Bat 35 326 [35 3751560 | 14 301 10a—[—7a1 78 521 52 92 32 30 |2090—| —aT 72.02 3407 04 6.95 70 657 79 %5_|~3130_| 32 78 a 1563 | Ta 10a | To. 904_|—T04 100, 41-70 46 24.04 21 20.83 21 115.89 14 13.12 14 167 0.1 aaa a2 22 [at 29 3 350 t 522 ry 347 3 328i 32 333 I 63 6 ST 36 12,000 Volts 12,470 Volis 13,200 Volts 13,800 Volts I 14,400 Volts 3[ 025 [on oe 0 aso a2 o2 oar 02 3_[ 042 | 0a 0.0 04 [038 04/036 03 035 03, 73] 0.68 06 0.60, 06 057 06) 054 06 052 04 To_|[ 083 [a7 0.80. ‘a7 [076 a7 a7 —|—07 O89 07 15 1.25 13, 1.20 13 114 10 1.09 1.0 1.04 10 | 2.08 [a1 2.02 i |i | —21 [488 2 173 is 315 | 31331 3.05 31_|34_| a7 271 a1 280 Bi 30_[ 417 [a2 [401 az 79 | 38 3.82 35 3a7 33 75 | 625 | 63 6.02 3 | 3.08 52 342 32 [3a 32 io0_|833 78 $05_| ——78_| 157 Te 738 70 8.95. 70 ie7|159 [18 is4 [14 [7368| “toa 2:10 | 90.4 —[1.60—| “104 250_[ 20.88 1 20. 2 1894[ 14 18.10 | 14 1735_| 1a 3275 | 267 32 [5.23 [a 210 at 210i 50014167 | a8 a0. 634.8633 38.20 a2 3470) 32 APPLICATION FOR PROTECTION OF THREE PHASE TRANSFORMER INSTALLATIONS, BALANCED LOAD 2400 Volts 4160 Volts | ___4800 Volts___| 7200 Volts 18320 Volis Bunk | Fai Toad) Recommended) Full Load ] Recommenka | Fall Lesd_ | Revommenicd | Fu Lond ~[Recommenial | Ful Lost Rapinenied HVA | ine amps | “"siofuot [tine Amps | “Stra |tine ames | “Sofa (tine Am [Seren [tine Amz | “Soeur oT 16 [Br 125 1s. 08 10) 07307 | 08s. 06 13_| 3.60 35, 20821 1.80 18 | 130 13 408 10) 30721) 7.0 416 | _42 3.60 35) 240) 21 208) 2.1 | 108 T0465 33 Sa 32 3.60 35 3.12 31 75 | 181 2 Tod | 104 | 9.05 78 6.00, 63 520 52. figs [ar a2 156 i 73.50_[ 14 | 9.00 78 | 780 78. 150_|~380_| 3 208 2 18.0 zi 720 Tod Tod [Tot 25 313 32 BA oy 18.0 if 15.6 [14 300, a7 6 38.1 32 [240 21 20.8 21 500 T 201 6 12,000 Volts 12,470 Volts 19,200 Volts 18,800 Volts 14400 Volts. 3) 04s 04 az oa 039, Of 038 of 036, os 15 | 073 O77 0.60 07 0.66, 08 0.63 06 060] 08 30) 144 1a 139 ia 131 is, 1.35 13 120 13. 45) 26 21 2.08 21 197 T 1.88 21 1.80 16) 75_| 3.60 35. 348 35. 326 31 313 31 3.00, 3 5) S41 $2 Sai_| 8a 492 32 4.68 4a | 450 42 i50_[ Tar 7.0 6.95 70. B56 63 | 626 63 6.00 63 235_|i08 Tod [10.4 SUK 9.84 To 3.42, 104 9.00. 78 300 | 145 id 139 14 73.1 14 122 14 72.0 104 500_|241_—1 21 22 1a 29) 21209 2 20.0 21 For application of SloFast Fuse Links to open delta three-phase banks consisting of two identical transformers, with mo, neutral service, apply on basis of KVA rating of a single transformer. Refer to single phase transformer application information: ‘A. B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. 100-8 FUSE LINKS FUSE LINKS, % © Meet EEI-NEMA Standards Conforming to all applicable EEI-NEMA specifications, Chanee Type K Fuse Links are available in a removable- buttonhead type, a solid-buttonhead type, and an openiink type. Overall length of buttonhead types is 26 inches; button-to-button length of openlink types is 8% inches, © Materials Used le Elements The fusible section 1- through $-ampere Type K Fuse Links consists of a stainless-steel fuse-strain wire; 6-through 10-amperes, a stainless-steel strain wire and copper alloy fuse wire; 12-through 100-ampere, a stainless-steel strain wire and a silver-copper fuse wire; ask Noor 140 and 200-ampere, a silver-copper fuse wire large Ave, | TORTRERT] Kemevible | Ges | a, enough to serve as both strain and fuse wire. saex san © Type K Applications aA [S04 WekA——[-WeRPL MERPL The fast characteristics of Type K fuse links were es- tablished by EEI-NEMA to provide fuse links that Would meet existing coordination schemes, The char- acteristics of Type K fuse links are such that conversion, {o'these standard links is greatly simplitiea paste Overcurrent Rating —In many applications it is some- al Simes desirable that a fuse link ¢epry current ip excess ee ofits stamped rating. “Chance Type K five links are eo designed to carry 190% of their rated current without damage to the fuse Link itself or the cutout in which it is installed, NankPt-[—T0 "To order with cable adapter add “7” to suffix of catalog number. FUSE LINKS © Two Types Change Type H Fuse Links are available in 2 type: uttonhead type and an openling type, They conform to all applicable EEI-NEMA specifications. Overall length of buttonhead types is 26 inches; button-to-button length of openiink types is 8% inches. © Fuse Sections ‘The fuse element of 1- through 5-ampere Type H fuse links consists of a stainless-steel wire, ‘which serves as both the strain wire and fuse wire. ‘The fuse element of 8- through 100-ampere ‘Type H fuse links consists of a stainless-steel strain wire and a copper fuse wire ® Application Chance Type H Fuse Links have very fast time-current characteristics, making them desirable for troublesome circuits. Where ‘continuity. of service demands. that faults be quickly isolated, these fast-acting fuse. links minimize disturbances. ‘Thus, greater system-wide re- ability is assured. ag amar aaa Rane ‘np, | id est on Ap Fe 7 a =nPL— wr sa —]— ‘A. B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U. FUSE LINKS e Three Types Chance Type T Fuse Links meet all applicable EEI-NEMA specifications. They are available in removable-buttonhead and solid buttonhead types, and in an openlink type. Overall length of buttonhead types is 26 inches; button-to-button length of openlink types is 8% inches, @ Fuse Elements 1 through 3-ampere Type fuse links employ afusing section ‘consisting of a stainless-steel wire serving as both strain and fuse wire 6- through 100-ampere, a stainless-steel strain wire and a pure-tin fuse wire in paraiel. 140. and 200-ampere ‘Type T fuse links have a copper flement mechanically crimped at onevent Solderee at the other end. "On overloads ot low faults, the solder becomes a fluid and the link separates: on higher fault currents, the link separates when the copper wire melts © Applying Type T Links Chance Type T fuse links provide slower time-current characteristics than EEI-NEMA ‘Type K fuse. links ‘Type T fuse links coordinate pariicularly well with | aittomatic oil-circuit-reclosers, ‘Overcurrent Rating —In many applications it is some- times desirable that a fuse link carry current in excess of its stamped rating. Chance Type T fuse links are Gesigned to carry 150% of their rated current without damage to the fuse link itself or the cutout in which it-is installed. 100-9 FUSE LINKS Amp. — “Open- Snes Rao Tar tow Sie ra a 3 | te BT Sa sirorse—|— wa ns iste — | — wnat STP Matas 1 na STF saorse —| — mira aT S36 —[— aot —1 — Tae —|— aa STF ate wa ‘iar | —warra $ ‘estas — tra z ‘To order with eable adapter add “7” to suffix of catalog number. FUSE LINKS © Solid-Buttonhead Type Chance Type MS Fuse Links are of the solid-button- head type. ‘They conform to all applicable EEI-NEMA standards, Overall length of Type MS Fuse Links is 26 inches. © Fuse-Section Operation ‘The fuse element of Chance Type MS fuse links is composed of two copper or copper-alloy wires joined by'a solder junction." During Reavy overloads or low fault currents, the heat generated by. the two. wires ‘melts the solder, causing fuse operation. Operation Under medium or heavy fault currents cccurs’ as one af the two wires melts. so.wen ncron ——_conmen nat ComreALOY Was @ Removable-Buttonhead ‘The MSA link, with removable-buttonhead and adapter, is also available. © Application Data Chance Type MS fuse links have very slow time- current characteristics. In applications where EI NEMA Type T fuse-link characteristics are too fast, the slow characteristics of Type MS fuse links can, in many cases, be utilized. ‘A.B. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A. 10C-10 FUSE LINKS cTs CTSI © Stay Intact After Operation Chance Secondary Fuses stay intact after operation. ‘There are no loose or dangling parts to fall across energized lines, © Complete, Low-Cost Protection Made in regular (CTS) and insulated (CTSI) models, these fuses make possible the complete protection of secondary systems and transformers — from service entrance to primary — at very low cost. They are installed with connectors. Chance Secondary Fuses have many applications, They are used to isolate secondary capacitors, isolate takeoffs from pad-mounted URD transformers, protect transform. cers in radial secondary feeders, protect banked transform. ers on secondary mains, isolate service faults, sectionalize, and otherwise protect the secondary system, @ Waves Red Flag to Indicate Outage When a Chance Secondary Fuse operates, the bright-red plastic flag springs out and comes to rest at a right angle to the fuse cartridge. ‘The flag's position gives an eye- attracting indication of fuse outage. Linemen can easily spot the semaphore signal from the ground, © Insulated Secondary Fuse ‘The CTSI Secondary Fuse is specially designed for use with secondary capacitors. The leads of this fuse are insulated — thus, no damage is done if they are blown into secondary wires. One of the leads is extra long, per- mitting the CTSI to join the secondary capacitor and the secondary wires directly. pada fy Secondary Fuse Links This $ O S is easily spotted from the ground. The sema- phore signal of ‘the bright- Fed flag gives a certain in- dication of fuse outa © Weatherproof - High-Strength Fusible Elements The exterior parts are of corrosion-resistant and weather-resistant materials. The high-strength pre- cision-crimped coppersstainless steel elements are sealed in the weatherproof cartridge, ‘The cart ridge is wrapped bakelite with a fiber lining. The tails cannot become twisted to impair the function- ing of the fusible elements. ORDERING INFORMATION CTS — 21 inches long CTSI — 48 inches long Me Re eS A. 8. CHANCE CO. - INTERNATIONAL DIVISION - CENTRALIA, MISSOURI U.S.A.

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