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5/26/2017 Portfolio

Caleb Chen


6 Chen, Calvin,
Chen, Theresa 1/6
5/26/2017 Portfolio

June 1 104 VIEWS

June 1 105 VIEWS
History FLG
Personal FLG


I will improve on my assessments in history for Monitored by Mr. Zhang
TCI throughout the year.
MEANS of EVALUATION: I will learn to use under spin in ping pong and hit
My means of evaluation will be that I will use the 25 under spin serves in a row by ski week.
tests from TCI to see if I am getting 95% on the
tests. I will also use Freshgrade. MEANS of EVALUATION:
My means of evaluation will be that I will use
Caleb Chen February 2 videos to see what under spin looks like then try it
The long and skinny image is from Powerschool. It shows
at ping pong. As I progress, I will count how many
my score on the TCI Chapter 2 Assessment, which I
scored 100% on. I am well on my way to achieve my balls I can serve with under spin. I will have one of
goal. my friends judge how many under spin serves I
Caleb Chen March 1 can do and count. Then, I will gure out!
I have almost met my goal because I have received 95%
or higher on all my tests except one. This is because I did Zhi Jun Zhang December 9, 2016
not do some of the problems (I thought they were extra
Any reections on your personal goal?
credit). I believe I can get 95% or more on all the tests for
the rest of the year if I study hard, take my time, and Caleb Chen January 27
double-check my answers.
I have learned how to do under-spin serves. I am not
Caleb Chen April 18 accurate with them though, and I can only do 2 in a row at
the most.
We have not had many history tests lately, so I have no
information to record here. Caleb Chen February 2
I am practicing every Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday.
Caleb Chen May 16
On the ancient India quiz, I did pretty well. I got 21/22 Caleb Chen March 1
points correct, which is 95.45%, an A. I am meeting my
Thinking back, I do not think my goal was very realistic: a
big goal in a short amount of time. In addition, I did not
have anywhere to practice ping pong outside of after-
school until Christmas, which my family received a ping
pong table. I did not reach my goal, but I am hoping to at
least get 10 serves in a row by the end of the school year.
Currently, I can only do about 3 under-spin serves in a

Zhi Jun Zhang March 2

Thank you for being consistent of tracking your goal here.
You may want to adjust your goal from 25 under spin
serves to 10. 2/6
5/26/2017 Portfolio
Caleb Chen April 18
June 1 110 VIEWS
Yes. I will try to do 10 under spin serves instead of 25. I

ELA FLG practiced a lot over spring break, and I gained some tips
from my dad, so I plan to try it out at ping pong after-
school athletics later today.
Caleb Chen May 16
I am currently learning a backspin serve. I can do it
consistently, but most people can smash them, so I will
try to make them lower. My under spin serves are going
well also. I can probably do 4 or 5 successful serves in a
row so far. Practicing every weekend with my little brother
(he's about the same level as me because he also plays
tennis, which I don't really) and my dad (he's the best in
my family). This past weekend, my family's friends came
over and they are good at ping pong, so I practiced there

I will nish my Membean plan (1467 new words in
320 days) before May 31, 2016 so I can learn new
vocabulary. (based on data that was published
October 6, 2016)

My means of evaluation will be that I will use
Membean and its Countdown to track my

Caleb Chen February 2

I have learned 53 words in 56 days. This means I learned
a little less than 1 word a day, which is pretty good. I don't
believe I will be able to nish my Membean plan by May
31, 2017, but I may be able to nish by Membean's target
date: 8/22/17.

Caleb Chen February 2

The goal is wrong. Here is the correct goal:
I will nish my Membean plan before May 31, 2017 so I
can learn new vocabulary.

Caleb Chen February 28

Lately, I have not done that much Membean due to the
fact that Ms. Sanlippo is grading through tests, not
minutes. I am doing pretty well. I think I will meet my goal
by 8/22/17, but not May 31, 2017. I have 1329 words left
to learn in 175 days. That's about 7.5 words a day, which
will be a lot but I think I can do it if I put a lot of effort into

Caleb Chen April 18

I have been doing more Membean lately. I am now
thinking that I can't achieve my goal because now I have
to do about 10 words a day (9.96 words). It might be
manageable. 3/6
5/26/2017 Portfolio

Caleb Chen May 16

June 1 113 VIEWS
Unless I do a lot of Membean over the summer (though I
will be gone for a chunk of the summer), I will not be able Added by: Allison Kustin
to complete my goal. I am changing my goal a little bit so
that I only complete level 3 of Membean by the goal: Math FLG
August 22, 2017. I have 1240 words left to learn total in
98 days, which is around 13 words a day (rounding up). DOCUMENTATION
REMINDER: this is TOTAL, not level 3. I will update again
when I get to level three to state how many more words I
have to learn (I only have 10 words left in level 2).

November 29, 2016 80 VIEWS


By the end of the year, I will use effective
strategies to study for my math tests.

My means of evaluation will be that I will get at
least 96% on all of my math assessments
throughout the second and third trimesters.

Caleb Chen December 2, 2016

Note: Unit 4 Test not corrected yet as of December 2.

Caleb Chen December 13, 2016

I have scored on my tests all over 96%, as my goal was.
100.6%, 99.7%, and 98.4%.

Allison Kustin January 22

Nice job, Caleb! You are on track to meet your goal.

Caleb Chen January 31

I scored 98.3% and 102.9% on recent tests. The 6&7
pictures are the same.

Caleb Chen February 8

I am currently meeting my goal. So far, I have gotten
100% of my tests 96% or over as my score. I have been
posting images of test scores on FreshGrade over time.

Caleb Chen April 18

I am still meeting my goal because all my tests (Unit 7
and Unit 8) have scored more than 96%.

Allison Kustin April 26

Nice work, Caleb! 4/6
5/26/2017 Portfolio
Caleb Chen May 16
October 14, 2016 107 VIEWS
I have been using effective strategies to study. On the
Added by: Joseph Stark Unit 9 test, I originally got 35.5/38, which is 93.4%. I did
test corrections, and received half-credit back for each
PE FLG problem I missed. As my total grade, I got 96.7%. On the
Unit 10 Test, I received 100% without test corrections.
DOCUMENTATION This shows I studied in an effective way. On the Angle
Pair Relationships Vocab Test, I rst acquired a 95%,
then I did test corrections to get 97.5%. On the Unit 11
team test, we got 85.7%. :(

Caleb Chen May 25

At the end of the year, I partially met my goal. On all my
tests except the Unit 11 Test, I received 96% or more. On
the Unit 11 Team Test, I received 92.86%, because the
other people in my group either didn't show work
correctly, simplied too early, or had calculation errors. On
all other tests, I either got 96% or more. This means I
studied in an effective way. Evidently, I partially met my
I will make my mile time in P.E. go down to at 8:00
by the end of the school year.
My means of evaluation will be on the
spreadsheet linked here: Math/P.E. FLG Tracking,
I will keep track of the date, the time of my mile,
and if the time decreased and if yes, by how

Caleb Chen January 27

On 1/26/17, I ran a 9:00 mile.

Caleb Chen January 30

On 1/30/17, I ran a 9:25 mile. I think I got a slower time
than last week because we all started at a different time,
so there wasn't as much competition. (I wasn't as

Caleb Chen January 30

The video was actually wrong. I got 9:55, then 9:53, then
9:55 again, not 9:57.

Caleb Chen February 2

On 1/30/17, I ran a 9:25 mile.

Caleb Chen February 28

I am currently well on my way to reach my goal. I have
been decreasing my mile time over time. My best time is
currently 9:00. I have not been keeping track on the FLG
Spreadsheet. I really want to reach my goal of 8:00, but I
may not be able to because I have not been running once
over the weekend.

Caleb Chen April 18

I haven't ran much lately due to the fact that we were
doing soccer in P.E.. I might be able to do a 8:30 mile, but
not an 8:00, if I run more. That might be realistic. 5/6
5/26/2017 Portfolio

Caleb Chen May 16

I have not been running, so there's nothing to update on...

Caleb Chen May 25

I may have set my goal a little too high, especially
because I didn't realize we wouldn't run many miles. I
made lots of progress, though. I went from 9:55 to 9:00. 6/6

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