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GRUPO: Administracin 4
CATEDRTICO: Emmanuel Rodrguez
EXAMEN Cuarto Parcial

NOMBRE: _____________________________________________ CALIFICACIN: ___________

I.- Fill in the missing information.

A: Hello. What 1)_____ your 2) ______?
B: Hi. I 3) _______ Henry.
A: What 4)________ your last name?
B: My last name 5) _____ Briggin.
A: How do you 6)____ that?
B: B-R-I-G-G-I-N
A: And, where 7) _____ you from?
B: I 8)_______ from Rio de Janeiro. I 9) _______ Brazilian.
A: Ah, Rio 10)______ beautiful! Well, Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.

II.- Match the questions to the correct answers.

Name: (11) Jasson ___ Whats his phone

Last name: (12) Green ___ What is his last name?
Country: (13) United States. ___ How old is he?
Age: (14) 22 ___ Where is he from?
Phone number: (15) 323 555 6534 ___ Is he married?
Married: (16) No ___ Whats his name?

III.- Complete the sentences with have / go / live / like

17.- I _____ two brothers and a sister.
18.- I _____ to a university called Universidad San Pablo.
19.- My parents _____ in a beautiful house.
20.- I ____ my brother. Hes very kind.

IV.- Complete the information.

21.- Your fathers wife. ______
22.- Your fathers father. ___________
23.- Your moms sister. ____
24.- Your uncls son. ______
25.- Your sisters daughter. _____
26.- Your brothers son. ______

V.- Write the questions for the corresponding answers.

27.- Shes a nurse.

28.- Im a university student.

29.- I live in Texas.

30.- She works at hospital in Chicago.

VI.- Fill in the missing information.

A: Hi. How was your weekend?
B: It was great! I went to my grandmothers house in the country.
A: Great. Tell me about your grandmothers house.
B: Its absolutely beautiful and big. ______ _________ (31) six bedrooms in
the house. _________ __________ (32) a big kitchen. ________ ________ (33) a
living room with a fire place. _____ _____ (34) two full bathrooms.___________
____________ (35) a big yard.
Its only 3 miles from Greenwood Lake. _________ ___________ (36)
restaurants and cafs. ________ _________ (37) a nice beach. _________
________ (38) local stores and a drugstore.
A: It sounds beautiful. You should invite me next time.

VII.- Write sentences using information from the box. Use CAN or

Ride a Drive a car Play the Make

motorcycle guitar cookies
Jessica X
Salma X X X
Danielle X X
Emmanuel X

Jessica __________________________(39) but she

Emmanuel _______________________(41) but he
Salma ___________________________(43) but she
Danielle ________________________(45)but she

VIII.- Unscramble the following sentences.

47.- chess/can/she/play/well/very
48.- can/speak/he/Arabic/a/little
49.- five/my/sister/is/only/but/can/read/she
51.- cant/cook/she

IX.- Complete the information in past.

A: _________ (52)you at Maxs party last Saturday?
B: Yes, I _________(53).
A: ________ (54) it good?
B: Well, it _______(55) ok.
A: _______ (56) there many people?
B: Yes, there ________(57) .
A: ______ (58) Sophie there?
B: No, she _________ (59).
A: Aww. Im sorry to hear that.

X.- Use the verbs in parenthesis to fill in the missing information in

John Lennon(60) __________ (have) an unhappy childhood. His father (61)
________ (leave) home when he (62) __________(be) five. His mother (63)
__________ (can) take care of him, so John (64) __________(live) with his aunt
Mimi until he (65)_______ (be) 19. When he (66)___________ (be) 17, his
mother(67) ____________(die) in a car crash.
He (68)___________ (study) at Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool. He
(69)____________ (meet) George Harrison and Paul McCartney and in 1960
they (70)________ (start) the band called the Beatles.

XI.- Match the verbs with the objects.

71.- Ride the guitar

72.- Paint a bike
73.- Cook a picture
74.- Play a meal
75.- Make a marathon
76.- run a mistake
77.- Wear Spanish
78.- Do glasses
79.- Speak a car
80.- Fly my homework
XII.- Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets.

Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul

81__________(go) camping in the mountain.

They 82 _________________(spend) a wonderful

time there. They 83______________(wake up)
early in the morning and then they
84________________(go) for a walk. In the village
they 85 __________________(buy) everything
they 86 _______________(need).

In the afternoon they 87 ___________________(play) football, 88


the birds and 89 ________________(swim) in the river.

They 90 ________________(not have) a TV set, so after dinner they 91


(talk) for a while and then they 92________________(go) to sleep.

One night, Jimmy 93 _______________(have) a very strange dream: they


by the river watching the moon.

Suddenly they 95 ______________(hear) someone calling Hello! Hello! They

96 ___________(turn) around and they97______________(see) a strange creature.
It 98_____________(be) green and very small. He 99 ________________( invite)
them to go to his spaceship. There they 100 ______________(meet) other
strange creatures and a beautiful princess.

They 101 ______________(sit) down round a table and they 102

_____________(eat) some strange food. Jimmy 103_______________(drink) a glass
of fruit juice. It 104______________(taste) good so he 105 ________________(ask)
for another glass of it.

After a while he 106 ______________(feel) a bit strange.

Oh, dearhe 107________________(turn) green and small like the others.

The princess _______________(not be) beautiful anymore and she 108
______________(look) horrible.

What was happening?

He 109 ________________(open) his eyes and what a relief! It 110

___________(be) only a dream!

XIII.- Write sentences using comparatives

111.- Valles/Hot/Rio Verde
112.- Carren/Tall/Mucio
113.- Sentra /Expensive/ Versa
114.- Scarlett/Pretty/Megan Fox

XIV.- Write sentences using superlatives

116.- Mount Everest / tall /mountain
117.- The Nile/ long/ river
118.- Emmanuel/handsome/ teacher
119.- Maribel /pretty / actress


Examen escrito 50%
Examen verbal 20%
Tarea 15%
Participacin 15%

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