Gundagai Antique Motor Club Inc

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Members vehicles may be on full NSW registration, Historic Vehicle
Registration or HVR + Log book trial. It is up to members to be
responsible for the conditions attached to each form of registration.

Conditional Registration of a Historic Vehicle

The Roads and Maritime Services Scheme allows a holder of a

current Drivers licence who is a member of a bona fide historic
club to register a vehicle which is 30 years old or over on
Historic Vehicle Registration plates.

Club registration only. This allows you to drive your vehicle

to any official club event approved at a club meeting and
entered in the clubs Day Book. This is a required Movement
book of club vehicles. You do not have to notify the Day book
registrar for the allowed travel distance by your club for
maintenance or services (10 miles/16kms). Over this distance
must be written in the Day book Any doubts please contact
Day book Secretary or Club Secretary

Club Registration plus the Classic Vehicle Log Book trial.

This allows you to drive your vehicle as above, plus allowing
classic vehicles to be used for 60 days of general use (i.e.
maintenance and personal use) each year, outside of club
organised events. Each personal days use must be recorded in
a log book which is issued at a registry or service centre.
If you opt for the log book trial you must enter any maintenance runs or
servicing trip in your Log book before you leave the premises where your
vehicle is garaged as they cease to be covered under the club registration
and Day book

Members using the log book trial for events not approved by
their club need to make sure their log books are written up
before they move their vehicle. An entry is needed for each day
your vehicle is away from where it is garaged.

You should check your insurance policy for any restrictions on

the use of your vehicle especially if you have opted for the Log
book trial.
Sale of VehiclesCHR plates is for your use only. When
you sell a vehicle its plates are not transferable to the new
owner. Once the vehicle leaves your home it is deemed
unregistered. You are required to return your plates to the RMS
and advise your Club registrar that you have sold that vehicle.
Sourced from Roads and MaritimeClassic Vehicle Log Book Trial 2015
General Information for Members of the G.A.M.C.
Maintenance Runs: Members on club registration only, can
do a once a fortnightly run which is not to exceed a total of 10
miles (16km) from the place where the vehicle is stored without
a Day book entry.

* Vehicles on Log book trial need to place entry in their Log book
Roadworthy check: Vehicles being taken to the Clubs
Registration Day for re-registering also do not need a Day book
Registration Day is held on the 1st Sunday in November each year.
These days are held at Gundagai, Tumut and Kunama by the
Registration committee. Any vehicle not attending this day will
need to obtain a pink/blue slip from an authorised inspection
station and present it along with a copy of current insurance to
the Clubs Registrar to receive appropriate forms to register or
re/register their vehicle.

The club may approve other movement of vehicles as follows-

These include:

Invitation events by other historical motor clubs and any

secondary clubs you belong to.
Invitation events from show societies, parades etc.
Weddings by club members and their vehicles
Maintenance work that requires vehicle to be moved to
another location.
These events need 6 weeks notice to be given and
approved at a club meeting. Short notice may be approved
by Day book Secretary and Club Secretary

Members requesting the use of vehicle outside a club event can do so

in writing to the secretary or Day book registrar to be approved at a

You need to supply a copy of invitation, registration number of vehicle

being used, your name, and the dates the vehicle will be travelling.
When travelling carry with you your drivers licence, your permit to
move certificate, your registration certificate, insurance, copy of club
magazine with event approved in it, or copy of invitation event. Using
your vehicle on club events does not require a Log book entry as these
are covered by your original Historic Registration. If you are unsure of
anything contact the club secretary or registrar.

Welcome to the Gundagai Antique Motor Club

Inc. 2016
The Gundagai Antique Motor Club caters for enthusiasts and
their historic vehicles- vehicles which are thirty years of age
from the present year and older and that are in as original
condition as possible.
G.A.M.C. is affiliated with the Council of Heritage Motor Clubs. They are our
representative to the Roads and Maritime Services and Insurance Bodies.

The C.H.M.C. holds their AGM each year usually at Easter hosted by
affiliated clubs along with what has become known as the Bush Rally. A
Half-yearly business meeting is also held at a host club in October each
year. Our club is represented at these meetings.

We would like see members participate in our club

activities as well as other events that involve Historic
motoring. Therefore we have in place bi-laws that our
members are expected to adhere to. These are:

To obtain membership you must present yourself to a

meeting to be accepted for membership.
Vehicles will not be passed for registration at the first
Members are required to attend no less than 2 official
meetings and club runs per year to keep their vehicles
on Club registration.
Members contribute relevant articles and information on
events attended to the editor for printing in the club

The Crank Handle is our official newsletter/magazine which

is printed monthly. All information is noted in the Crank
Club meetings/runs are usually held on the 4th Sunday
each month except for December and January.

Extra club runs can be arranged by members throughout

the year by obtaining permission at a club meeting.

The G.A.M.C. has functioned well on these

understandings. They are not big asks for members to
adhere to. The past committees of the G.A.M.C. have
seen to the continued success of the club for its 40
years of existence.

Members can help continue this success in the

Historic Vehicle movement.

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