Nurs 5002 - Case Study 3

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NURS 5002 Case Study #3

Refer to Case Study Grading Guidelines and Grading Rubric for a complete description of requirements and
grading criteria. To make the case study as real as possible, while you are working through the case study
do not look ahead at the information provided.

You are working in a primary care office and the next scheduled patient is a 45 yo female (Mrs. Vickers)
who is having female problems.

The chart reveals the following:

Hypothyroidism Lives at home with spouse and 18 Synthroid 125 mcg/d
Cholecystectomy y.o. son Zyrtec 10 mg QD
C-Section Works full time
Appendectomy Socially drinks occasionally Prilosec OTC PRN
Sinus Infections Smoker -1 ppd
Depression (successfully treated 4 Allergies
years ago) NKDA

Mammogram normal 9 mos. ago
Pap smear normal 9 mos. ago
Flu shot last year

After reviewing the chart, what are potential concerns? The patient has a history of depression. Although she
was successfully treated four years ago, in my own clinical experience symptoms of depression and anxiety have a
tendency to return, and female problems seem to heighten emotion. Smoking one half to one pack per day, is
often used to relieve feelings of anxiety. Her eighteen year old son (teenager) lives in the home. Is he a well-
disciplined teenager, or is he a rebellious teenager that is experimenting with the wrong crowd, regardless the
worry of raising a teenager can also lead to anxiety and depression. Working full time can also leave little time for a
mother to spend quality time with their children and take time away from many household duties, which can leave
many women with feelings of anxiety, depression, and guilt. Does she have a good support system at home among
her family? Hypothyroidism has a tendency to often cause symptoms of tiredness and fatigue. She takes Zyrtec, so
she more than likely has seasonal or environmental allergies. How does this affect her? A lot of people suffering
from allergies have symptoms of tiredness and feeling drained of energy.

You interview Mrs. Vickers and she states that she is worried that she is going through the change. You
further question her and find out the following:

Mrs. Vickers continues to have a menstrual period every 45 -60 days that last 1-3 days with minimal flow
and has been like this for about the past 8-9 months. She is very restless at night and is having difficulty
sleeping. She has been under some additional stress at work and her son is a senior is high school and
they have been very busy looking at colleges, which also added to her stress. She doesnt think she is
having hot flashes but when she wakes up at night she is hot but just thinks that is from being so restless
but states I guess they could be hot flashes, I dont know since I have never had them before. Denies
any family history of cardiac disease, breast cancer or other cancers; Denies personal history of cancer,
DVT, migraines, cardiac problems, decreased libido but does state there has been a decreased frequency
because I have just been so busy.

- vaginal itching, burning or abnormal DC; urinary frequency or urgency; palpitations, chest pain, SOB, perfuse
+ frequent headaches, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, stress

Physical Exam
EENT: PERR; TMs intact; nasal passages pink moist, no lesions; no pharyngeal edema, mucus membranes pink and
moist; no carotid bruits; no cervical lymphadenopathy; thyroid without palpable masses or enlargement
Heart: S1 S2 RRR without murmurs, clicks or rubs
Lungs: CTA bilaterally, no wheezes, crackles or rubs
ABD: soft, non-tender; +BS X4 quads; no masses, organomegaly or bruits; ovaries are not palpable;
Genitalia: deferred due to normal exam and pap 9 months ago

BP 120/72 HR 78
What other question(s) would you like to ask Mrs. Vickers to assist with your diagnosis? What
other information would you like to have had? Insomnia: What is your typical sleep patterns? (Do you go to bed
and wake typically at the same time each day? Typical diet and typical time you eat dinner (is she eating a large meal late in the
evening)? Do you smoke or consume caffeine or alcohol late in the evening?) Secondary insomnia may be associated with aging
(Huether, Rodway, & DeFriez, 2015, p. 504). Depression/ Anxiety: Has she felt any similar symptoms to depression as she
experienced with her depression diagnosis in the past? Does she have feelings of anxiety? Has anyone in the immediate family ever
experienced depression or anxiety? Genetics play a major role in the development of both depression and anxiety (Takahashi, 2015).
Perimenopause: What were her periods normally like before the onset of current symptoms? (How often, length of periods, how
many days between cycles?); What was the ages of her mother and immediate female relatives when they started going through the
change? It [menopause] is genetically predetermined and has been documented by family history (Tufts, Rodway, Huether, &
Deneris, 2015, p. 791).; The patients weight and frame? Thinner women tend to experience menopause at a slightly younger age
(Tufts et al., 2015, p. 791). Estradiol, projesterone, and LH levels? During perimenopause, estradiol levels are marked increased,
progesterone levels decrease, and LH levels increase (Tufts et al.,, 2015, p. 793).

DIFFERENTIATION OF DISEASE (may add other columns if needed)


Insomnia Depression/Anxiety Perimenopause
Pathophysiology Sleep disorder characterized by Depression: Variant in the According to Tufts et al.
difficulty falling or staying serotonin transporter (5-HT- (2015), perimenopause is
asleep. Primary insomnia is T) that exists as either a short the transitional period
when a person has insomnia that or long allele. The between reproductive and
is not associated with any health serotonin transporter serves nonreproductive years
problem or any other reason. in the reuptake of serotonin (pp. 791 and 793).
Secondary insomnia is when a at the synapse and may Changes in hormones
person has insomnia because of moderate the serotonergic occur including increased
some other reason or problem. response to stress estradiol levels, decreased
Factors related to secondary (Takahashi, 2015, p. 648). progesterone levels, and
insomnia include: stress, illness, Anxiety: (Generalized disturbed ovarian-
physical or emotional pain, anxiety disorder [GAD]) pituitary-hypothalamic
environmental factors, Abnormalities in the feedback relationship
medications, or substance use norepinephrine and serotonin causing increased
such as caffeine or alcohol systems (Takahashi, 2015, p. luteinizing hormone levels
(Chanin, 2014). 655). (Tufts et al., 2015, p. 793).
(Panic disorder) Some
studies suggest the
cholecystokinin receptor
gene on chromosome 11p
may be linked to panic
disorder. It is believed that
heightened pH sensitivity in
the amygdala generates
fearful perceptions activating
the cerebral cortex and
neuronal circuits in the
temporal lobe and brainstem.
May also involve the GABA-
benzodiazepine receptor
system (Takahashi, 2015, p.
Signs/Symptoms Sleepiness during the day, general Depression: Unremitting Lengthening of menstrual
tiredness, irritability, and feelings of sadness and cycle, correlating with
problems with concentration and despair, insomnia, loss of anovulatory cycles.
memory (Chanin, 2014). appetite and body weight, Unpredictable or irregular
reduced interest in ovulation (Tufts et al.,
pleasurable activities and 2015). Other symptoms
interpersonal relationships, include: hot flashes, breast
sleep disturbances, reduced tenderness, worsening
motor activity and fatigue, premenstrual syndrome,
feelings of worthlessness and low sex drive, fatigue,
guilt, perceive pessimistic or irregular periods, vaginal
negative outcomes, dryness or discomfort
diminished ability to function during sexual intercourse,
and concentrate (Takahashi, urinary urgency or stress
2015, pp. 650-651). incontinence, mood
Anxiety: (GAD) swings, and trouble
Restlessness, muscle tension, sleeping (Johnson, 2014).
irritability, easily fatigued,
difficulty concentrating, and
difficulty sleeping
(Takahashi, 2015, p. 655)
(Panic disorder)
tachycardia, difficulty
breathing, chest discomfort,
generalized sweating,
generalized weakness,
trembling, abdominal
distress, chills or hot flashes,
worry, and agoraphobia
(Takahashi, 2015, p. 654)
Treatments: Treatment of any underlying Depression: Antidepressant Hot flashes can be treated
conditions that may be causing drugs such as MAOIs, TCAs, by low does birth control
insomnia. Behavioral approaches SSRIs, and SNRIs and/ or pills or patch for a short
including: trying to go to sleep at psychotherapy. time, as well as vaginal
the same time each night and Electroconvulsive therapy ring, and progesterone
getting up at the same time each (ECT) can be used when injections. Also to prevent
morning, avoid naps during the individuals fail to respond to pregnancy during
day, make your bedroom antidepressants or in severe perimenopause, birth
comfortable (dark, quiet, not too depression, pregnancy, control pills may be
hot or too cold) and avoid using suicidal, or psychotic prescribed. Take measures
your bedroom for anything other episodes (Takahashi, 2015, p. to enhance general
than sleep, avoid caffeine, 651). wellbeing such as exercise,
nicotine, alcohol, and large meals Anxiety: (GAD) 5- stop smoking, drink less
late in the day, a light snack late HT/norepinephrine reuptake alcohol, maintain a healthy
in the evening may help you inhibitors (such as weight, ensure enough
sleep, get regular exercise but do venlafaxine) or SSRIs calcium in diet or calcium
not exercise right before bedtime, (paroxetine or escitalopram), supplements, multivitamin
try relaxation techniques before buspirone, along with supplement, get adequate
bed (reading, listen to music, behavior therapy for rest by trying to go to bed
taking a bath), make a to do list relaxation (Takahashi, 2015, and wake around the same
or journal entry to try and get p. 655). time each day. Speaking
thoughts off of your mind before (Panic disorder) Cognitive with a counselor or
bed. behavior therapy (CBT) therapist or taking
If all other techniques and and/or antidepressant antidepressants to in order
interventions fail, a rapid, short- medications (SSRIs and to treat mood swings
acting sleeping pill may be SNRIs), and (Johnson, 2014).
prescribed for a limited time. benzodiazepines. Relaxation
Avoid over the counter sleep aids techniques (breathing
as they may have undesired side exercises to control
effects and loose effectiveness hyperventilation) Takahashi,
over time (Chanin, 2014). 2015, pp. 654-655).

Complications: Persons suffering with insomnia Depression: Suicidal risk Irregular periods are
reports a decrease in quality of increases (Takahashi, 2015, common during
life. Physical and mental p. 651). perimenopause, however
problems can result in lack of Anxiety: GAD tends to be certain symptoms need
sleep. Some complications chronic and frequent further investigation to
include: lower performance at complication is substance possibly rule out other
work or school, slowed reaction abuse, which may result from causes. Symptoms to be
time, depression or anxiety, self-medication with alcohol concerned with include:
weight gain, irritability, increased or drugs to relieve anxiety heavy periods or excessive
risk of obtaining or complications symptoms (Takahashi, 2015, clotting during periods,
associated with long term p. 655). periods lasting several
medical conditions, and In panic disorders, days longer than usual,
substance abuse (Mayo Clinic, agoraphobia is a spotting between periods
2014). complication which in severe or after sexual intercourse,
cases can cause a person to or periods too close
become housebound together (Johnson, 2014).
(Takahashi, 2015, p. 654).
What is your choice for the given

Why did you make this choice? Give good rational for your decision. Perimenopause- The patient is 46 years old, with complaints
of menstrual periods averaging every 45-60 days, lasting one- three days with minimal flow, for the past eight to nine months, and
possible hot flashes. Although, many of her symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, stress, irritability, and headaches fall into both
categories of insomnia and depression/ anxiety, they also fall into the category of many symptoms associated with perimenopause.
According to Tufts et al. (2015), in North America, the average age of menopause is 50.5 to 51.4 years of age. On average,
menopause can occur up to two years sooner in persons who smoke and are underweight (not sure about patients weight, but we do
know that she smokes). Approximately five to ten years before menopause, around ninety percent of women begin to experience
changes in menstrual cycles and the perimenopause period can last from two to eight years (Tufts et al., 2015, pp. 791-793).

COMPARISON OF MEDICATION (may add other columns if needed)


Venlafaxine Eszopiclone FEMhrt 1/5 Brevicon
Class/Type of med Selective Serotonin Hypnotic Hormone replacement Oral contraceptive
and Norepinephrine therapy
Reuptake Inhibitors

Mechanism of Action Increasing amounts of Slowing activity in the Replacing estrogen Combination of estrogen
serotonin and brain to allow sleep. hormone that is no longer and progestin work by
norepinephrine in the being made by the body. preventing ovulation,
brain to help maintain they also change the
mental balance. lining of the uterus to
prevent pregnancy from
developing and change
the mucus at the cervix
to prevent sperm from
entering. To treat acne
by decreasing the
amounts of certain
natural substances that
cause acne.
Indications Depression; hot Insomnia. Treat certain symptoms Used to prevent
flashes in of menopause. Estrogen pregnancy; relieve
postmenopausal reduces hot flashes, symptoms of
women or hot flashes vaginal symptoms premenstrual dysphoric
with breast cancer (itching, burning, and disorder; and treat acne.
treatment. dryness), difficulty with
urination, prevents
osteoporosis in
menopausal women.
Progestin is added to
reduce risk of uterine
cancer in women who
still have a uterus.
Side Effects Drowsiness, weakness Headache, pain daytime Headache, upset Nausea/ vomiting,
or tiredness, dizziness, drowsiness, stomach/ vomiting, stomach cramps or
headache, nightmares, lightheadedness, stomach cramps or bloating, diarrhea,
nausea/ vomiting/ dizziness, loss of bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gingivitis,
stomach pain, coordination, nausea/ appetite and weight increased or decreased
constipation or vomiting, heartburn, changes, changes in sex appetite, weight gain or
diarrhea, gas, unpleasant taste, dry drive or ability, loss, brown or black
heartburn, burping, mouth, unusual dreams, nervousness, brown or skin patches, acne, hair
dry mouth, change in decreased sexual desire, black skin patches, acne, growth in unusual
ability to taste food, painful menstrual edema of hands/ feet/ or places, bleeding or
loss of appetite, periods, breast lower legs, bleeding or spotting between
weight loss, enlargement in males, spotting between menstrual periods,
uncontrollable shaking hives/ rash/ itching/ menstrual periods, changes in menstrual
of a part of the body, swelling of the eyes, changes in menstrual flow, painful or missed
pain/ burning/ face, lips, tongue, hands, flow, breast tenderness/ periods, breast
numbness/ tingling, feet, ankles, or lower enlargement/ or tenderness/ enlargement/
muscle tightness, legs/ difficulty breathing discharge, difficulty or discharge, swelling/
twitching, yawning, or swallowing/ feeling wearing contact lenses, redness/ irritation/
sweating, hot flashes/ that the throat is closing, double vision, severe burning/ or itching of
flushing, frequent and hoarseness. abdominal pain, the vagina, white
urination, difficulty yellowing of skin or vaginal discharge,
urinating, sore throat/ eyes, severe mental severe headache, severe
chills/ other signs of depression, unusual vomiting, speech
infection, ringing in bleeding, loss of appetite, problems, dizziness or
the ears, changes in rash, extreme tiredness/ fainting, weakness or
sexual desire or weakness/ or lack of numbness or arm or leg,
ability, enlarged energy, fever, dark- crushing chest pain or
pupils, rash/ hives/ colored urine, light- chest heaviness,
itching/ difficulty colored stool. coughing up blood,
breathing or shortness of breath, leg
swallowing, chest pain, partial or complete
pain, fast or pounding loss of vision, double
heartbeat, seizures, vision, bulging eyes,
unusual bleeding or severe stomach pain,
bruising, eye pain or yellowing of skin or
redness, fever/ eyes, loss of appetite,
sweating/ confusion/ extreme tiredness/
severe muscle weakness/ or lack of
stiffness, problems energy, fever, dark-
with coordination, colored urine, light-
hallucinations, and colored stool, edema of
coma. the hands/ feet/ or lower
legs, depression
(especially if you also
have trouble sleeping,
tiredness, loss of energy,
or other mood changes),
unusual bleeding, rash,
and menstrual bleeding
that is unusually heavy
or lasting longer than 7
Complications Children, teenagers, Only take at bedtime May increase risk of May increase risk of
and young adults and when you are able developing endometrial development of benign
taking antidepressants to stay in bed for at least cancer and gallbladder liver tumors that have
are at increased risk of 7-8 hours after taking. disease. the potential to rupture
suicidal thoughts or Should not eat or drink Smoking while taking and cause serious
tendencies. Should grapefruit juice while this medication may bleeding. May increase
not take venlafaxine taking this medication. increase risk of serious risk of development of
along with or within Use with caution when side effects such as: liver cancer or breast
14 days of stopping taking: antidepressants, blood clots, heart attack, cancer, heart attack,
treatment with antifungals, and stroke. Smoking stroke, or blood clots.
MAOIs. antihistamines, may also decrease the Having a history of
Should be used in clarithromycin, certain effectiveness of the blood clots,
caution along with HIV protease inhibitors, medication. thrombophilia, CAD,
some other medications used to Use with caution when cerebrovascular disease,
medications including: treat anxiety/ mental taking because of risk of CVA or TIAs, irregular
anticoagulants, illness/ or seizures, increased side effects: heartbeat, heat attack,
amiodarone, Tagamet, nefazodone, olanzapine, acetaminophen, chest pain, diabetes,
clozapine, diuretics, rifampin, sedatives, anticoagulants, headaches accompanied
duloxetine, Haldol, other sleeping pills or cyclosporine, by visual changes,
imipramine, indinavir, tranquilizers, or medications for seizures, weakness, and dizziness,
ketoconazole, Zyvox, troleandomycin. morphine, oral steroids, high blood pressure,
lithium, medications Should be used in rifampin, salicylic acid, breast, uterine, cervical,
to treat anxiety/ caution if you consume temazepam, theophylline, or vaginal cancers, liver
mental illness/ pain/ alcohol, or have ever thyroid medication. disease, cancer, or
seizures/ weight loss/ abused alcohol, street Do not take if you are tumors, yellowing of the
or migraines, drugs, or prescription pregnant or skin or eyes during
methadone, methylene pain medications. If breastfeeding, estrogen pregnancy, unexplained
blue, ritonavir, SSRIs, you have had suicidal and progestin may harm vaginal bleeding,
sibutramine, sleeping thoughts or tendencies. the fetus. adrenal insufficiency,
pills, and tranquilizers. If you have history of May need to take a kidney disease,
As well as herbal depression, mental calcium supplement overweight, breast
medications such as illness, lung disease or while taking this problems such as lumps
St. Johns wort and breathing problems, or medication to decrease or abnormal
tryptophan. liver disease. risk of developing mammogram, asthma,
This medication can Should not use if osteoporosis due to toxemia, migraine
make you drowsy, pregnant or menopause. headaches, depression,
alcohol or depressant breastfeeding. gallbladder disease, or
medications can make Use with caution when excessive weight gain or
this worse. driving a car or bloating during
May cause angle- operating machinery, menstrual cycle, or have
closure glaucoma. this medication can a family history of
Should be used in cause drowsiness in the breast cancer may
caution in patients daytime. Some people increase your risk.
with recent heart have been known to get Do not take if you are
attack, current high up from sleep and drive, pregnant or
blood pressure or high prepare food, have breastfeeding or plan to
cholesterol, seizures, sexual contact, make become pregnant.
heart, kidney, liver, or phone calls, and other Needs to be used in
thyroid disease. activities while partially caution when taking any
asleep and have no or of the following
little memory of the medications: St. Johns
events when waking. wort, acetaminophen,
Do not drink alcohol certain antibiotics
while taking this (ampicillin,
medication, it can clarithromycin,
intensify side effects. erythromycin, isoniazid,
Change in mental health metronidazole,
may occur. minocycline, rifabutin,
rifampin, tetracycline,
and troleandomycin),
antifungals, atorvastatin,
clofibrate, cyclosporine,
bosentan, cimetidine,
danazol, delaviridine,
diltiazem, fluoxetine,
HIV protease inhibitors,
medications for
seizures, modafinil,
morphine, nefazodone,
and oral steroids.
References (MedlinePlus, 2016d) (MedlinePlus, 2016c) (MedlinePlus, 2016a) (MedlinePlus, 2016b)

What is your choice for

the given scenario?
(place X in box)

Why did you make this choice? Give good rational for your decision. At this time I would prescribe an antidepressant, such as
venlafaxine, in order to help with symptoms such as the possible hot flashes, insomnia, and stress (Johnson, 2014; MedlinePlus,
2016d). I would use venlafaxine with care due to current hypothyroidism (MedlinePlus, 2016d). Oral contraceptives are the treatment
of choice to treat hot flash symptoms and prevent pregnancy during perimenopause, but due to her current history of cigarette use, I
would be extremely hesitant to prescribe oral contraceptives at this time (Johnson, 2014). FEMhrt 1/5 and Brevicon both should be
used in extreme caution with persons who smoke cigarettes, due to the increased risk of complications such as heart attacks, blood
clots, and stroke (she is also experiencing increased stress in her life which also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke)
(MedlinePlus, 2016a; MedlinePlus 2016b). Brevicon should also be used in caution because of her history of depression
(MedlinePlus, 2016b). Also, FEMhrt 1/5 should be used in caution when taking levothyroxine because of increased side effects of the
medication, dosage may need to be adjusted (MedlinePlus, 2016a). I would be very cautious about prescribing eszopiclone due to her
history of depression (MedlinePlus, 2016c).

What type of patient teaching will you include with your visit? Venlafaxine could take up to two weeks for the patient to begin
experiencing relief of symptoms. She should not stop this medication without first consulting her health care provider. This
medication should not be taken with any over the counter mood stabilizers, such as St Johns wort, or be taken with alcohol due to an
increase in side effects of the medication. I would explain to her that although she is being prescribed an antidepressant,
this does not necessarily mean that she is being diagnosed with depression. Antidepressants, such as venlafaxine,
help with some of the symptoms she is experiencing such as the possible feelings of hot flashes, insomnia, and
stress which could all be related to perimenopause. She needs to be aware that although she may be experiencing
signs of perimenopause, she still has the potential to become pregnant, therefore precautions should be used when
having sexual intercourse. I would explain that other symptoms, such as hot flashes, and the potential risk of
pregnancy may also be treated with oral birth control pills, but explain the importance of smoking cessation before
and during the use of these pills due to the increased risk of dangerous side effects. Smoking while taking these
pills increases the risk of developing serious complications including heart attack, blood clots, including pulmonary
embolism, and stroke (MedlinePlus, 2016b). Stress can also increase risk of heart disease and stroke, as a result
stress management techniques should be discussed. Explain the importance of taking measures to enhance general wellbeing
such as exercise, stop smoking, drink less alcohol, maintain a healthy weight, ensure enough calcium in diet or calcium supplements,
multivitamin supplement, get adequate rest by trying to go to bed and wake around the same time each day may help with some of her
general symptoms.


Chanin, L. (2014, August 21). An overview of insomnia. In Retrieved from:


Huether, S. E., Rodway, G., & DeFriez, C. (2015). Pain, temperature regulation, sleep, and sensory function. In McCance, K. L.,

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Johnson, T. (2014, June 03). Perimenopause. In Retrieved from:


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Takahashi, L. K. (2015). Neurobiology of schizophrenia, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. In McCance, K. L., Huether, S. E.,

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