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China’s Economy and the Maoist Strategy | China’s Economy | China’s Economy and the | Maoist Strategy John G, Gurley (ay) Monthly Review Pres New York and London Copyright © 1976 by John G. Carey Al ght ered Libary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Date Gates, John 6 ‘Chins economy and the Maoist tatey. Biblogspti I. ChineEconomie conditions —Addreses, ey lecues. 2 China--Eeonomie pic —Addrescy, esos, Tees. 3. Mao, Te tng, 180, Capo Adreses,esys, lees I. Tie, Hearscsr ss 9sIus T6204 ISBN 085355.3950 Monthy Review Press 62 West 1th Steet, New York, N.Y. 10011 47 Red Lion Steet, London WCIR APF Manufactured in the United States of Americ wos7sssszt Contents Preface 1 Maoist Peonomic Development The New "Man”in the New China The Formation of Mao's Beonomic Strategy, 1927-1940 3. A Samvey of China's Economy Though Books 44 Mao and the Building of Socialism 5, Rural Development, 1949-1972, and the Lessons to Be Learned fom It 6. Some Notes on the Financial System Economists, Prices, and Profits Some Maoist Views 4. Is the Chinese Model Diffuse? 2» 8 198, 20 2st ww

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