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Hey bro.. Lemme begin by introducing myself. Im Nick, your virtual English tutor. I
will be growing old with you, oops, I dont think so. Lols. Im just facilitating you in
order to improve your English skill especially in the usage of vocabulary, so you can
become a rich man, rich inside first by gaining lots of internal skill, then rich outside
by using your internal skill to reap money. The point is not about money, but its
about passion. Still remember your video about passion. If you dont have passion
for this tutor then leave it, but I hope you wont. I wont take any advantage from
this, I just hope that you will be more and more motivated to improve your skill
rather than playing Criminal case, Marvel avengers, Dragon City, Sim City or any
other bull shits. Remember one thing, you still can play game when you have
worked, but you dont have so much time to study languages and any other soft
skills that need patience endurance anymore. Its what I feel. So sad. Well, stop the
curcol and go to the topic.

Today what we gonna learn about???

Yea its about FORMAL and INFORMAL words

Fyi, you know why I use Chapter N-1? Because I never know how long will this tutor
end. Hahahah Thats why I use N-1. You will know someday what is the value of N.
Maybe only God who knows it. Lols

Formality is all about the relationship with the person you are writing or speaking to.
If you use formal language, it may be because you need to show respect,
politeness, or to put yourself at a distance while speaking. Informal language can
show friendliness, equality, or feeling closeness and solidarity with someone. For
example, I think I will not use formal language with you whom I have known for a
thousand years. I wont say, Hello, Mr.Raymond, you may leave from my house
right now. Gross, its so formal. I think I would prefer saying Hey dude, move your
ass right now. Too rude yeah. Hahaha But thats the art of talking. We are close
enough to speak informality. You also speak in such a way to me in daily
conversation. Lols. Well, what I talk above is about formal or informal expression.
Now we are going to learn about formal and informal words.

Here are some examples of formal/informal words according to the scale

Very formal Neutral Very Informal
Offspring Children Kids
Abode/residence House/flat Place
Alcoholic beverages Drink Booze

Lets take the third example

Hotel waiter will say: Sir, would you like to have some alcoholic beverages?

Your colleague: Hey mond, wanna have some drink?

Nick: Hey bro, lets have some booze. Its time for a break. (this is kind of satanic.

Informal versions of words are usually short and monosyllabic. It also includes slang


It cost me ten quids (pounds)

Ill help you peel the spuds (potatoes)
My bikes been stolen (bicycle)
I always go by tube (London underground)
Come and meet my Mum and Dad. (mother and father)
Hi, cant stop; see you, bye! (Good bye)
The milk is in the fridge (refrigerator)

Shortening words is one of example to make the words less formal


Refrigerator fridge
Laboratory lab
Telephone phone
Ads advertisement (iklan)
Vet veterinary (dokter hewan)
Pram perambulator (keranjang dorongan bayi)

We have talked so much about informalities. Well, now its time for formality. You will
not always meet someone like me who is so friendly and informal, sometimes you
must meet someone whom you should treat respectfully, or when you are in official
company, you need to talk formally; you need to learn it too. You will see rather
formal words in notices and suchlike. Make sure you know the meaning of the
words. Here are some of them:
This public house is closed until further notices (public house may refer to
pub, club or inn; meaning that it will not be opened until someone advise it to
Do not alight while the bus is in motion (you must not jump off or disembark
while the bus is not stopped)
Do not address the driver unless the bus is stationary (do not talk to the
driver unless the bus has stopped)
We regret we cannot accept cheques (we are sorry we cannot accept
Ticket must be purchased before boarding the train (ticket must be bought
before you get into the train)

How to improve your skill? Read more books, read Reader Digests, watch TV. There
are many slang expression used in daily speaking. You can also check with
dictionary words that have slang or informal in brackets. This will be needed if
you live in English speaking country, so that you can adapt easier, but remember,
remember not to use informal expression just to sound fluent or clever. Allah
menentang orang yang congkak, tetapi mengasihani orang yang rendah hati (1
Petrus 5:5b)

Go to for Exercise 7.1

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