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Analytical Exposition


Analytical exposition is a kind of text that belongs to the type of

argumentation text where the text contains detailed authors thinking
about a phenomenon that is around. The social function of this text is to
convince the reader that the presented topic is an important topic
for discussion or attention by way of arguments or the opinions that
support the idea or topic.


To reveal the readers that something is the important case

Generic Structure:

1. Thesis

2. Arguments

3. Reiteration/Conclusion

Explanation about Generic Structure of Analytical exposition:

Thesis : In section thesis, the author introduces the topic ormain idea
that will be discussed. Thesis has always been in the first paragraph of
analytical exposition.

Arguments : The topic discussed by the author is a very important topic

or need attention. In this section this section the author presents the
arguments or the opinions that support the idea of the author, usually in a
text. Analytical exposition have more than two arguments. The more
arguments appear, the more confident the reader.

Reiteration : This section is always located at the end of the paragraph.

Reiteration contains rewriting or replacement of ideas that contained in
the first paragraph. Reiteration is also commonly called the conclusion.
Dominant Language Features:

1. Using modals

2. Using action verbs

3. Using thinking verbs

4. Using adverbs

5. Using adjective

6. Using technical terms

7. Using general and abstract noun

8. Using connectives/transition

Example :

Garbage Service need Improvement

There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage
collection service. The official department has agreed that the service
needs improvement. But nothing has been done!

In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the
workmen are not supervised. In other streets, collection in more frequent
but half of the garbage is left in the road. The workmen are too lazy to
pick it up and put it in the trucks.

In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on

the waste land. This is dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps
may catch fire and they will certainly attract rats and flies.
It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently
and regularly

Thesis :

The term garbage must be familiar to our ears. If you hear the term
garbage, surely that comes to mind is a pile of waste that causes a very
stinging smell. But if left by the government or workers and waste
residents can bring a bad impact on human health conditions and the
surrounding environment.

Arguments :

Arguments 1

Scattered rubbish, especially in excessive piles of rubbish can invite flies,

the growth of harmful organisms, contaminate air, soil and water.
Diarrhea, cholera, and typhus spread rapidly because viruses from waste
with improper management can Polluting the groundwater commonly
drunk in the community.

Arguments 2

So far there is the assumption that waste causes global warming. Based
on research the assumption is not 100% true. Rubbish disposed to
contribute to accelerate global warming, because waste can produce
methane gas (CH4) that can damage the earth's atmosphere. On average
each one ton of solid waste generates 50 kg of methane gas. The
methane gas itself has a destructive force up to 20-30 times greater than
carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane gas is in the atmosphere for about 7-10
years and can increase the temperature around 1.30C per year.
Reiteration :

So rubbish is one source of problems on earth in order to reduce the

government should be more firm to the workers in charge of cleaning the
garbage and as a good citizen do not throw garbage carelessly

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