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1. What are you studying?

I am studying engineering at University of Antioquia. I am studying chemical

engineering at University of Antioquia, and I also studying german in
multilingua program.

2. Whats your major?

My major is Chemical engineering.

3. Why did you choose that subject?

I choose this carreer because I think that the chemical industry is currently a
biggest contributing to environmental pollution, and I believe that within this
subject, is posible to achieve a change in this problem. Can be achieved
through investigation to create new product or process design that help the
Environment and still be useful at the industrial level.

4. What do you find most interesting about your course?

I think the most interesting thing about my courses in my career is that

everything I can appreciate in reality, are not ideal or supposed things, things
that can be seen and evidence all the knowledge gained is easy to find an

5. What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject

6. I dislike that in many occasions they want us to see things only for the
economic benefit that generates us and not for the environmental
impact or the damage that can produce to the others.

7. After graduating I would like to work in research for the development of

new technologies and products that are ecologically and economically
viable and thus be attractive to the industry and implemented in them.

8. I would like to make a breakthrough in technology that helps the

environment mean the change of harmful chemicals.

9. I would like to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemistry


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