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WinCC V7.

3: Working with WinCC

Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

You operate the message window at runtime using the toolbar buttons. If you do not want to
operate the message window using the toolbar, you can set the "ID" of a button to the
"ToolbarButtonClick" object property using any dynamic mode.

The overview shows all symbols in "standard" style. If you want to create a design of the controls
with "single" style, the display of the symbols corresponds to the AlarmControl before WinCC
V7. You can find an overview on the page: "Before WinCC V7: Display of Messages during
Runtime > Operation during Runtime > Operation of Alarm Control during Runtime".

Icon Description ID

"Help" 1
Calls the WinCC AlarmControl help.

"Configuration dialog" 2
Opens the configuration dialog for editing the properties of the AlarmControl.

"Message list" 3
Lists currently active messages.

"Short-term archive list" 4

Lists the archived messages of the short-term archive list.

"Long-term archive list" 5

Shows the messages saved to the long-term archive list.

"Lock list" 6
Shows all messages locked in the system.

"Hitlist" 7
Displays the message blocks and the statistic data you configured on the Hitlist tab
of the AlarmControl.

"List of messages to be hidden" 8

Shows all messages which were hidden automatically or manually in the message

"Ackn. central signaling devices" 9

Acknowledges a visual or acoustic signal generator.

"Single acknowledgment" 10
Acknowledgment of a selected and visible single message. If using the multiple
selection, the selected messages which require single acknowledgment are not

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

"Group acknowledgment" 11
Acknowledges all active, visible messages which require acknowledgment in the
message window, unless these require single acknowledgment. If you use the
multiple selection, all marked messages are acknowledged, even if the messages
are hidden.

"Emergency acknowledgment" 18
Emergency acknowledgement of a message requiring acknowledgement. This
function transfers the acknowledgment signal of a selected single message directly
to the AS, even if this message is not activated.
Acknowledgment of inactive messages only refers to messages which were
configured in proper chronological order.

"Selection dialog" 13
Specifies the selection criteria for messages to be displayed in the message window.
The messages which do not meet these criteria are not displayed but are
nevertheless archived.

"Display options dialog" 14

Specifies the messages to be displayed in the message window.
If the "All messages" option is activated, the message windows shows the hidden as
well as displayed messages.
If the "Only displayed messages" option is activated, only shown messages are
displayed in the message window.
If the "Only hidden messages" option is activated, only hidden messages are
displayed in the message window.

"Lock dialog" 15
Defines the locking criteria. All messages that meet these criteria are neither
displayed, nor archived.

"Print" 17
Start printing of the messages of the selected list. Define the print job in the "General"
tab of the configuration dialog.

"Export data" 35
Use this button to export all or selected runtime data to a CSV file. If the option
"Display dialog" is enabled, a dialog opens in which you can view the export settings
and start the export. You can also select the export file and directory, provided you
have the corresponding authorizations.
If no dialog is displayed, the export of the data to the default file is started immediately.

"Autoscroll" 12
If "Autoscroll" is activated, the last message in chronological order is selected in the
message window. The visible range of the message window is moved if necessary.
New messages are not selected if "Autoscroll" is disabled. The visible range of the
message window is not modified.
Messages can only be selected explicitly if "Autoscroll" is disabled.

"First message" 19
The first of the currently active messages is selected. The visible range of the
message window is moved if necessary. The button is only available if "Autoscroll"
is disabled.

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

"Previous message" 20
The message activated previously to the currently selected message is selected. The
visible range of the message window is moved if necessary. The button is only
available if "Autoscroll" is disabled.

"Next message" 21
The next message relative to the currently selected message is selected. The visible
range of the message window is moved if necessary. The button is only available if
"Autoscroll" is disabled.

"Last message" 22
The last of the currently active messages is selected. The visible range of the
message window is moved if necessary. The button is only available if "Autoscroll"
is disabled.

"Infotext dialog" 23
Opens a dialog for viewing infotexts.

"Comments dialog" 24
Opens a text editor for entering comments

"Loop-in-alarm" 25
Shows a picture for the selected message or triggers a script.

"Lock message" 26
The selected message is locked in the message list and in the message archive list.

"Release message" 27
Enables messages selected in the lock list.

"Hide message" 28
Hides the message you selected in the message list, or in short-term or long-term
archive list. The message is entered in the "List of messages to be hidden".

'Unhide messages" 29
Reactivates the display of messages you selected in the "List of messages to be
hidden" in the message list, or in the short-term or long-term archive list. The
message is removed from the "List of messages to be hidden".

"Sort dialog" 30
Opens a dialog for setting custom sorting criteria for displayed messages.
A custom sorting order has higher priority than the sorting order set at attribute

"Time base dialog" 31

Opens a dialog for setting the time base for times displayed in the messages.

"Copy rows" 32
Copies the selected messages. You can paste the copy to the table editor or text

"Connect backup" 33
Use this button to open a dialog for interconnecting selected backup files with WinCC

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

"Disconnect backup" 34
Use this button to open a dialog for disconnecting selected backup files from WinCC

"First page" 36
Returns you to the first page of the long-term archive list. The button is only available
if paging is enabled in the long-term archive list. You can activate this setting in the
"General" tab of the configuration dialog.

"Previous page" 37
Returns you to the previous page of the long-term archive list. The button is only
available if paging is enabled in the long-term archive list. You can activate this setting
in the "General" tab of the configuration dialog.

"Next page" 38
Opens the next page of the long-term archive list. The button is only available if
paging is enabled in the long-term archive list. You can activate this setting in the
"General" tab of the configuration dialog.

"Last page" 39
Opens the last page of the long-term archive list. The button is only available if paging
is enabled in the long-term archive list. You can activate this setting in the "General"
tab of the configuration dialog.

"User-defined 1" 1001

Shows the first button function created by the user. The button function is user-

Available status bar elements

The following elements can be output to the status bar of the message window:

Icon Name Description

Pending messages Shows the number of current messages in the message list.
The count includes messages hidden in the message list.

Pending Shows the number of pending messages requiring

acknowledgeable acknowledgment.

Number of pending Shows the number of pending messages that are hidden.
hidden messages

Messages in the list Shows the number of messages in the current message

Selection A message selection exists.

Display option The filter criteria is active. The "Display all messages" or
"Show hidden messages only" option is currently active.

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

Icon Name Description

Locked The lock is set on messages.

Pending hidden There are hidden messages pending.


Connection status Shows the status of the connection to the alarm servers:
No connection errors
Faulty connections exist
All connections are faulty

Date Shows the system date.

Time Shows the system time.

Time base Shows the time base used for displaying times.

Possible symbols in the message lists

You can display symbols in the message list to represent certain message blocks. An overview
of meaning of these symbols is provided below.
Symbols in the message list in the "Status" and "Acknowledge status" message blocks:

Icon Meaning

Message came in in the "Status" message block

Message came in/went out in the "Status"

message block

Message came in/acknowledged in the "Status"

message block

Message acknowledged in the "Acknowledge

status" message block

Icons in the short-term archive list in message block "Status":

Icon Meaning

Message came in

Message went out

Message acknowledged

Message acknowledged by system

Message is hidden

Hidden message came in

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017
WinCC V7.3: Working with WinCC
Operating the AlarmControl in runtime

Icon Meaning

Hidden message went out

Hidden message acknowledged

Message is displayed again

Emergency acknowledgment of message

Message locked

Icons in the message lists of certain system blocks:

Icon Meaning

Indicates whether a system block property has

been activated.

The "Comment" system block indicates whether

there is a comment for this message.

The "Infotext" system block indicates whether there

is an infotext for this message.

Indicates whether Loop in Alarm has been

activated at system block "Loop in Alarm"

See also
How to Select Messages
How to Lock and Unlock Messages
How to Perform an Emergency Acknowledgement
How to Sort the Display of Messages
How to Hide and Unhide Messages
How to export runtime data

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties. The complete
documentation can be found at:
/dokumentation/default.aspx?DocVersionId=68754597131&Language=en-US&TopicId=38134133771 5/19/2017

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