Philosopy in Teaching1

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Philosophy is said as the love of wisdom.

Love here speaks of effort to learn something new

out of everything. There is the drive from within to learn and be able to apply in the day-to-day
living. With the help of philosophy, one is being guided to become a better person.

I. My Personal Philosophy

As a person

As a person, my day-to-day mantra is that, Life is a Gods Gift-be grateful for it. Indeed, this is
how I picture my life, and having this gift is for me to unwrap and be able to share all my talents
and abilities with others. Being grateful for the life I have, reminds me of my responsibility as a
human person, especially in helping others in need. More so, in order to help others in need is for
me also to value the gift of life that God has given to me. Through this gift, I can serve with
purpose, for without this gift of life, I am nothing.

As a future teacher

My philosophy as a future teacher is to learn in every possible way which I know can be my
weapon in the future. As a future teacher, I will study and keep myself abreast of all the learning
process, knowing that it can benefit me to become a good teacher someday. As what Albert
Einstein once said, Once you stop learning, you start dying true enough, for without the
passion of studying is also to create a not conducive learning. In the teaching profession, there is
no room for ignorance. Once I stop learning, I cant teach a quality education to my future
students. Simply say, I must be a dispeller of ignorance and a promoter of wisdom. There must
be a conviction from within to learn something new. I do believe that life is a continuous learning
process wherein my day-to-day experience will help me to become an effective teacher.

As a future teacher in the school

As a future teacher in the school, I will do things right. It is my responsibility to teach,

encourage, instruct, mentor, influence, guide and inspire my students in every possible way. I
will be a teacher that understands her students and deal them patiently. Through a teachers code
of ethics, I do believe that I will not be misguided. As a future teacher in school, I should ready
myself to face the different attitudes or upbringing of the student, and this is a challenge for me
on how I able to address the diversity of learning to my future endeavors.

As a future teacher of the community

As a future teacher of the community, it is a must for me to be a role model. Being a good
example in the community will inspire them to live life with values. As a future teacher, I should
also lend a hand to those in need. It is my responsibility to share my knowledge, time and effort
to the people in the community. Through sharing all of these, I do then believe, there will be a
resilient community.
II. My personal Philosophy

Teachers are said to be the second parents of the students in school. Thus, it is my responsibility
to protect my students at all times. I should be a model for them so that they will motivate to do
good things. I should facilitate also conducive learning in order for them to learn effectively. I
should learn how to deal with my students so that learning process will flow smoothly.

Towards my co-teacher

My philosophy towards my co-teacher is that to respect them regardless of their lapses in life. I
should also help my co- teacher to practice the essence of being a good teacher; building a good
relationship. If time will come that my co-teacher is enduring from any difficulty, I will comfort
them trying to help the best I can do. If time that they need my support, I will be there for them. I
will consider my co- teacher as my family. A family that help, love and trust each other.

Towards the parents

My role as a teacher is to protect the welfare of my students knowing also the reality that parents
entrusted them to me. Others would say, Teachers are the second parents which I definitely
agree. With that, I will take good care my students. I will build also a good rapport with the
parents of my students. Building a good rapport with the parents, will develop a good
relationship, wherein, trust is being developed.

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