LM Number System

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Number System

We use ten symbols and their combinations to represent a number. They are
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9.
They are called digits when used in a number. A number can have one digit (e.g., 5, 7, 9 ),
two digits (e.g., 10, 24, 66, 99), three digits (e.g., 100, 456, 898) or more.
Smallest counting number is 1. Can you tell the biggest number*.
*(There is no biggest counting number. Numbers are infinite.)

Naming Systems:

We in India use two systems of naming a number.

(i) Indian System of naming a number and (ii) International System of Numbering
(Arabic System)

Indian System of Naming:

In Indian System of naming we use periods and places. Periods are Ones, Thousands,
Lakhs and Crores. In Ones period we have three places namely Ones, Tens and Hundreds.
In Thousands period we have Thousand place and Ten-thousand place and so on. Following
Place Value will help you to understand the Indian System of numbering.

Periods Crores Lakhs Thousands Ones

Places T-C C T-L L T-Th Th H T O
Place 10,00,00, 1,00,00, 10,00,00 1,00,00 10,000 1,000 100 10 1
000 000 0 0 (Ten (Thousand (Hundre (Ten) (One)
Values (Ten (Crore) (Ten (Lakh) Thousan ) d)
Crore) Lakh) d)

Use of Separators:

The Indian numbering system uses separators (,) differently from the international norm.
Following examples will help you to understand use of separators and number names in
Indian System of numbering:

Number Number using (,) Number Name

1467 1, 467 One thousand four hundred sixty seven.
254613 2,54,613 Two lakh fifty four thousand six hundred
1367490 13,67,490 Thirteen lakh sixty seven thousand four
hundred ninety.
12345678 1,23,45,678 One crore twenty three lakh forty five

Prepared By: Madhav Trivedi Page 1

thousand six hundred seventy eight.
123456789 12,34,56,789 Twelve crore thirty four lakh fifty six
thousand seven hundred eighty nine.

International System of Naming:

In International System of naming we use periods and places. Periods are Ones,
Thousands, and Millions. In Ones period we have three places namely Ones, Tens and
Hundreds. In Thousands period we have Thousand place , Ten-thousand place and
Hundred thousand place .Thousands period is followed by Millions period which has
places for Million, Ten-million and Hundred- million etc. Following place Value Chart will
help you to understand the International System of numbering.

Periods Millions Thousands Ones

Places H-M T-M M H- Th T-Th Th H T O
Place 100,000, 10,000,0 1,000,0 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1
000 00 00 (Hundred (Ten (Thousan (Hundre (Ten) (One)
Values (Hundre (Ten (Million Thousand) Thousan d) d)
d Million) ) d)

Use of Separators:

The International numbering system uses separators (,) differently from the Indian system
Following examples will help you to understand use of separators and number names in
International System of numbering:

Number Number using (,) Number Name

1467 1, 467 One thousand four hundred sixty seven.
254613 254,613 Two hundred fifty four thousand six
hundred thirteen.
1367490 1,367,490 One million three hundred sixty seven
thousand four hundred ninety.
12345678 12,345,678 Twelve million three hundred forty five
thousand six hundred seventy eight.
123456789 123,456,789 One hundred twenty three million four
hundred fifty six thousand seven hundred
eighty nine.

Similarity between two systems:

Upto five digits of number name there is no difference between two number systems while
reading or writing a number name.

Differences between two systems:

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For a six digit or more digits numbers, the names will be different in Indian system and
International system.
Note: Commas ( , ) separator are placed as per the periods in each of the systems.

Following table will help you to understand the Similarity and Differences between the
two systems:

Prepared By: Madhav Trivedi Page 3

Number Number Number Name Note
using (,)
1234 Indian 1,234 One thousand two hundred thirty Both are
system four. same upto
Internation 1,234 One thousand two hundred thirty 5 digits
al System four.
65756 Indian 65,756 Sixty five thousand seven hundred
system fifty six
Internation 65,756 Sixty five thousand seven hundred
al System fifty six
324167 Indian 3,24,167 Three lakh twenty four thousand Numbers
system one hundred sixty seven are named
Internation 324,167 Three hundred twenty four differently,
al System thousand one hundred sixty seven commas
are placed

1. Place Value: Is the value of digit because of its place in a given number. E.g. in 235 the
place value of 3 is 30 and in 1324 the place value of 3 is 300.
2. Face Value: Is the value of the digit itself. E.g. the face value of 3 in 235 is 3 and in
1324 is also 3.
3. Successor: The next number after the given number. E.g. successor of 456 is 457 and
successor of 999 is 1000. The successor can be obtained by adding 1 to the given
4. Predecessor: The previous number to the given number. E.g. predecessor of 984 is 983
and predecessor of 10000 is 9999. The predecessor can be obtained by subtracting 1
from the given number.
5. Expanded Form: The number expressed as the sum of the place values of all its digits.
E.g 235 = 200 + 30 + 5
6. Ascending Order: Given numbers written in order from smallest to the biggest
7. Descending Order: Given numbers written in order from biggest to the smallest


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