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Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Biosafety Clearing-House
National Focal Points
For more information, please contact the Biosafety Clearing-House at: 24 May 2017
413, St. Jacques Street, Suite 800
H2Y 1N9 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tel.: (1-514) 288-2220
Fax: (1-514) 288-6588
E-mail: bch@cbd.int
Web: http://bch.cbd.int

Albania Angola

1. Mr. Alqi Bllako 4. Mr. Lucas Marcolino Miranda

Secretary General National Director
Ministry of Environment International Exchange Office
Durrsi Str., No. 27 Ministry of Environment
Tirana Albania Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, No. 30
Tel.: +355 42 270 623 Edifcio Atlntico
Fax: +355 42 270 627 Luanda Caixa Postal No. 83 Angola
E-Mail: Alqi.Bllako@moe.gov.al Fax: +244 222 310 003
E-Mail: lcs_miranda@yahoo.com
Antigua and Barbuda
2. Mlle. Nadia Chenouf
Directrice de l'Evaluation des tudes environnementales 5. Ms. Janil Gore-Francis
Ministre des Ressources en eau et de l'Environnement Department of Agriculture
Rue des 4 Canons-les Tagarins Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Barbuda Affairs
Alger 16000 Algeria P.O. Box 1282
Tel.: +213 21 43 2884 St. John's Parish Antigua and Barbuda
Fax: +213 21 43 2884 Tel.: +1 268 764 1255,+1 268 562 2776,+1 268 462 1213
E-Mail: chenoufnadia@yahoo.fr Fax: +1 268 562 1923
E-Mail: janil.gore-francis@ab.gov.ag janilg@yahoo.com
3. Her Excellency Elisenda Vives Balmaa
Ambassador, Permanent Representative 6. Sr. Andrs Frankow
Permanent Mission of the Principality of Andorra to the United Nations Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadera y Pesca
Two United Nations Plaza, 27th Floor Av. Paseo Coln 982, 2nd floor, suite 231 (1063)
New York NY 10017 United States of America Buenos Aires Argentina
Tel.: +1 212 750 8064, 8065 Tel.: +54 11 4349 2001
Fax: +1 212 750 6630 Fax: +54 11 4349 2178
E-Mail: andorra@un.int contact@andorraun.org E-Mail: afranko@magyp.gob.ar
Web: http://www.mae.ad/angles/htmls/menu/ambaixadausa.html

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Armenia Bahamas

7. Mr. Gagik Manucharyan 11. Mr. Philip S. Weech

Acting Head Director
Biodiversity Policy Division Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology (BEST) Commission
Ministry of Nature Protection Ministry of the Environment and Housing
3rd Government Building 2nd Floor, Dockendale House
Republic Square West Bay Street
Yerevan 0010 Armenia P.O. Box N7132 Nassau Bahamas
Tel.: +37410 58 53 26, 58 53 49 Tel.: +1 242 322 4546 1 242 397 5508
Fax: +37410 58 54 69 Fax: +1 242 326 3509
E-Mail: interdpt@mnp.am interdpt@yahoo.com E-Mail: philipweech@bahamas.gov.bs bestnbs@gmail.com
min_ecology@mnp.am min_ecology@yahoo.com wcpweech@wsc.com.bs pswbest@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.best.bs/contact_us.html
8. Dr. Gillian Colebatch
Assistant Director, Regulatory Practice and Secretariat Section, Regulatory 12. Mr. Ali AL-Wasmi Nouf
Practice and Compliance Branch Environmental Specialist
Department of Health Supreme Council for Environment
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator P.O. Box 18233
MDP54 Bahrain
GPO Box 9848 Tel.: +973 17386582
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia Fax: +973 17386556
Tel.: +61 2 6271 4207 E-Mail: nalwasmi@sce.gov.bh
E-Mail: gillian.colebatch@health.gov.au
13. Mr. Istiaque Ahmad
9. Ms. Anita Greiter Secretary
Department of Landuse and Biosafety Ministry of Environment and Forests
Environment Agency Austria Bangladesh Secretariat
Spittelauer Lnde 5 Building No. 6, Level 13, Room No.1309
1090 Vienna Austria Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh
Tel.: +43 1 313 04, 3516 Tel.: +880 2 9540481
Fax: +43 1 313 04, 3700 Fax: +880 2 9540210
E-Mail: anita.greiter@umweltbundesamt.at E-Mail: secretary@moef.gov.bd

Azerbaijan Barbados
10. Mr. Vagif Javadov 14. Mr. Edison Alleyne
Director Permanent Secretary
Department of Protection of Biodiversity and Devolopment of Specially Ministry of Environment and Drainage
Protected Nature Areas Warrens Towers II
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Warrens, St. Michael
100A, B. Aghayev Str. Bridgetown Barbados
AZ1073 Baku Azerbaijan
Tel.: +1 246 622 1601 ext 1603
Tel.: +994 12 492 73 69 Fax: +1 246 437 8859
Fax: +994 12 492 73 69 E-Mail: edison.alleyne@barbados.gov.bb
E-Mail: allahverdiyev.r@yandex.ru pauleen.beckles@barbados.gov.bb
Web: www.eco.gov.az

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Belarus Bhutan

15. Dr. Galina Mozgova 19. Mr. Karma C. Nyedrup

Principal Research Scientist Environment Specialist
National Coordination Biosafety Centre National Environment Commission
Institute of Genetics and Cytology at the National Academy of Sciences of P.O. Box 466
Belarus Thimphu Bhutan
Akademicheskaya str. 27 Tel.: +975 17646566
BY-220072 Minsk Belarus Fax: +975 2 323 385
Tel.: +375 17 2949182 E-Mail: kc@nec.gov.bt nyedrupkc@yahoo.com
Fax: +375 17 2841917 thinleydorji@nec.gov.bt
E-Mail: g.mozgova@yandex.ru g.mozgova@igc.by Web: www.nec.gov.bt

Belgium Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

16. Dr. Didier Breyer 20. Sra. Teresa Araleny Prez Chvez
Scientific and Biosafety Expert Directora General Biodiversidad y reas Protegidas
Division of Biosafety and Biotechnology (SBB) Viceministerio de Medio Ambiente, Biodiversidad, Cambios Climticos y de
Scientific Institute of Public Health Gestin y Desarrollo Forestal (VMABCCGDF)
Rue Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Agua
B-1050 Brussels Belgium Edf. Seor de la Mision, Mezzanine
Tel.: +32 2 642 52 93 Av. Ecuador esq. Sanchez Lima #2044
Fax: +32 2 642 52 92 La Paz Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
E-Mail: didier.breyer@wiv-isp.be bbch@wiv-isp.be Tel.: +591 2 2124221
Web: http://www.biosafetyprotocol.be/ Fax: +591 2 2124221
E-Mail: teresaaralenyperez@gmail.com vmabolivia@gmail.com

17. Mr. Francisco Gutierrez Bosnia and Herzegovina

Plant health Department 21. Mr. Mehmed Cero
Belize Agricultural Health Authority Assistant Minister
Central Farm Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Cayo District Alipasina 41
Belize 71 000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel.: +501 824 4899 Tel.: +387 33 215 529

Fax: +501 824 3773 Fax: +387 33 201 602
E-Mail: frankpest@yahoo.com E-Mail: mehmed.cero@fmoit.gov.ba fmoitsk@bih.net.ba

Benin Botswana

18. Dr. Flicien Amakpe 22. Ms. Motlalepula Pholo

Ministre du Cadre de Vie et du Dveloppement Durable Biotechnology Officer
BP 388 Department of Agricultural Research
Abomey Benin Ministry of Agriculture
Bag 0033
Tel.: +229 95062997, +229 97671134
Gaborone Botswana
E-Mail: famakpem@hotmail.com
Tel.: +267 366 8123
Fax: +267 392 8965
E-Mail: mpholo@gov.bw

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Brazil Cabo Verde

23. Ms. Clarissa Nina 28. Mr. Leao de Carvalho

Head Direco Geral do Ambiente
Environment Division Ministrio do Ambiente e Agricultura
Ministry of External Relations Caixa Postal 115
Esplanada dos Ministrios Praia Cabo Verde
Bloco H - Anexo I, 4 andar, sala 439 Tel.: +238 2617511
70170-900 Brasilia DF Brazil Fax: +238 2617511
Tel.: +55 61 2030 8447, 8448, 8452 E-Mail: sepa@cvtelecom.cv
Fax: +55 61 2030 8446
E-Mail: clarissa.souza@itamaraty.gov.br dema@itamaraty.gov.br Cambodia

Brunei Darussalam 29. Mr. Loeung Kesaro

Deputy Secretary
24. Ministry of Environment
Department of Environment, Parks & Recreation #48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Ave
Ministry of Development Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon
BB 3510 Phnom Penh Cambodia
Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam Tel.: +855 97 855 8828
Tel.: +673 2 383 222 E-Mail: ksrloeung@gmail.com
Fax: +673 2 383 644
E-Mail: modenv@brunet.bn info_env@env.gov.bn Cameroon

Bulgaria 30. M. Thierry Yimga Yao

Chef Cellule Informatique
25. Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov Tel.: +237 99 08 14 06, 76 93 72 82, 22 00 82 48
Biodiversity Department, National Nature Protection Service Fax: +237 22 23 50 68
Ministry of Environment and Water E-Mail: yimgayaothierry@yahoo.fr
22 Maria Luiza Blvd.
Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2 940 6123
Fax: +359 2 940 6127 31. Ms. Nataliya Dormann
E-Mail: ntsvetkov@moew.government.bg A/Chief, Plant Biosafety Management
Plant Biosafety Office
Burkina Faso Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Dr
26. Mr. Mathurin Wend-rabo Rouamba K1A 0Y9 Ottawa Canada
Agence nationale de bioscurit E-Mail: bchrecords@inspection.gc.ca
01 BP 5933 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Tel.: +226 70 37 78 30, +226 78 10 86 87 Central African Republic
E-Mail: mathurin.rouamba@anb.gov.bf rinthuma@gmail.com
32. Ms. Elyane Flicie N'Daos Yasidraud
Burundi Cadre et Point Focal du BCH
Ministre de l'Environnement, du Dveloppement Durable, des Eaux,
27. Mr. Alphonse Fofo Frets, Chasse et Pche
Conseiller Rue B. Guerillot
Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (OBPE) BP 686
B.P. 56 Bangui Central African Republic
Gitega Burundi Tel.: +236 75050967, +236 70149648
Tel.: +257 23 43 04; +257 40 32 30 E-Mail: elyanefeliciendaos@yahoo.fr ozore_mossana@yahoo.fr
Fax: +257 22 89 02
E-Mail: fofoalphonse@yahoo.fr

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Chad Congo

33. Mr. Kadiom Amidou 38. Edouard Tabaka

Chef de Division des Aires Protges Ingnieur des Eaux et Forts
Direction des Parc Nationaux et de la Chasse Ministere du Dveloppement Durable, de l'Economie Forestire et de
Ministre de l'Environnement et de la Pche l'Environnement
B.P.: 905 BP: 1249
Ndjamena Chad Brazzaville Congo
Tel.: +235 66 49 58 41 Tel.: +242 06 964 70 58
Fax: +235 52 4470 E-Mail: edouardtabaka@yahoo.fr
E-Mail: kadio_amidou@yahoo.fr
Cook Islands
39. Ms. Tepaeru Herrmann
34. Sra. Paula Daz Palma Secretary
Jefa Departamento de Recursos Hidricos y Ecosistemas Acuticos Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
Divisin de Recursos Naturales, Residuos y Evaluacin de Riesgo P.O. Box 105
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Rarotonga Cook Islands
San Martin 73 Tel.: +682 29 347
Santiago Chile Fax: +682 21 247
Tel.: +56 2 25735664 E-Mail: secfa@cookislands.gov.ck
E-Mail: pdiaz@mma.gob.cl
Costa Rica
40. Sra. Leda Madrigal Sandi
35. Mr. Wang Jie Fitosanitario del Estado
Senior Programme Officer, Biosafety Management Officer Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadera
CBD and Biosafety Office, Department of Nature and Ecological Protection Sabana Sur, contiguo al edificio del MAG en La Salle
State Environmental Protection Administration Apartado Postal 1521-1200
No.115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie San Jos Costa Rica
100035 Beijing China Tel.: +506 2549 3522
Tel.: +86 10 6655 6325 E-Mail: lmadrigal@sfe.go.cr
Fax: +86 10 6655 6329
E-Mail: wang.jie@mep.gov.cn Cte d'Ivoire

Colombia 41. Mr. Gninancrban Augustin Kone

Sous Directeur la Commission Nationale du Dveloppement Durable
36. Jos Leonardo Bocanegra Silva (CNDD)
Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt Ministre de lEnvironnement, de la Salubrit Urbaine et du Dveloppement
Calle 28 A No. 15-09
Plateau- cite administrative Tour D
Bogot Colombia
11e tage Porte 50
Tel.: +571 3202767 Abidjan 20 Cte d'Ivoire
E-Mail: jbocanegra@humboldt.org.co bch@humboldt.org.co
Tel.: +225 20 21 05 98
Fax: +225 20 21 21 91
Comoros E-Mail: augustinkone@yahoo.fr

37. Mlle Assani Moinahalima

Spcialiste en Gestion et Conservation de la Biodiversit
Direction Gnrale de l'Environnement et des Forts
Ministre de l'Agriculture, de la Pche, de l'Environnement, de
l'Amnagement du territoire et de l'Urbanisme
BP 5414
Moroni Comoros
Tel.: +260 334 31 02
E-Mail: assanimoinahalima@yahoo.fr

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Croatia Democratic People's Republic of Korea

42. Ms. Dubravka Stepic 46. Mr. Yong U Kim

Senior Expert, Adviser Coordinator for Biological Diversity and Biosafety
Nature Protection Directorate National Coordinating Committee for Environment (NCCE)
Ministry of Environment and Energy Jungsong-dong, Central District
Radnicka cesta 80 P.O. Box 44
HR-10000 Zagreb Croatia Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Tel.: +385 1 4866 146 Tel.: +850 2 18111 ext 382 7222
Fax: +385 1 4866 100 Fax: +850 2 381 4660
E-Mail: Dubravka.Stepic@mzoip.hr E-Mail: ri.kyong.il@undp.org
Web: http://www.kp.undp.org/content/dprk/en/home.html
Democratic Republic of the Congo
43. Lic. Juan Carlos Menndez de San Pedro Lpez
Director 47. M. Guy Mboma Akani
Centro Nacional de Seguridad Biolgica de la Oficina de Regulacin Direction du Dveloppement Durable
Ambiental y Seguridad Nuclear Ministre de l'Environnement et Dveloppement Durable
Ministerio de Ciencia, Technologa y Medio Ambiente 2895, Boulevard du Palais de la Nation
Calle 28 No. 502 e/ 5ta. Y 7ma. Ave. B.P. 16 137 Kinshasa I Democratic Republic of the Congo
Mirama. Playa. Tel.: +243 899 459 376
Havana CP: 11300 Cuba Fax: +243 88 43 675
Tel.: +537 202 3281 E-Mail: gmbokan@gmail.com
Fax: +537 203 1664
E-Mail: jc@orasen.co.cu

Cyprus 48. Ms. Louise Lundstrm Nielsen

Head of Section
44. Mrs. Elena Stylianopoulou Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Senior Environment Officer Ministry of Environment and Food
Department of Environment Strandgade 29
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment DK-1401 Copenhagen K Denmark
20 - 22 October 28th Avenue Tel.: +45 7254 4316
2414 Engomi Fax: +45 3332 2228
Nicosia Cyprus E-Mail: louln@mst.dk soemj@mst.dk
Tel.: +357 22408929
Fax: +357 22774945
E-Mail: estylianopoulou@environment.moa.gov.cy
49. Mr. Abdoulkader Ahmed Aouled
Web: www.moa.gov.cy/environment
Coordinateur National du projet "Bioscurite"
Direction de l'Amnagement du Terriroire et de l'Environnement (DATE)
Czech Republic BP 2091
Djibouti Djibouti
45. Ms. Zuzana Doubkov
Tel.: +253 35 10 20, 35 10 97
Department of Environmental Risks and Ecological Damage
Fax: +253 35 48 37
Ministry of the Environment
E-Mail: sahalamed@intnet.dj sahalamed1@yahoo.fr
Vrovick 65
100 10
Prague 10 Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 267 122 922
Fax: +420 602 656 402
E-Mail: zuzana.doubkova@mzp.cz

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Dominica El Salvador

50. Mr. Lloyd Pascal 54. Dr. Jorge Ernesto Quezada Diaz
Director Gerente de Recursos Biolgicos
Environmental Coordinating Unit Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Kilmetro 5 1/2 Carretera a Santatecla, Calle y Colonia Las Mercedes
Fisheries Edificio MARN, Instalaciones ISTA. 3er nivel
Roseau Fisheries Complex San Salvador El Salvador
Dame M. Eugenia Charles Blvd. Tel.: +503 2132 9697
Roseau Dominica Fax: +503 2267 9326
Tel.: +1 767 448 2401 ext 3456, +1 767 448 4577 E-Mail: jequezada@marn.gob.sv jordiquebu@yahoo.es
Fax: +1 767 448 4577
E-Mail: ecu@dominica.gov.dm
Equatorial Guinea

Dominican Republic 55. Don Santiago Francisco Engonga

Director General de Medio Ambiente
51. Ms. Marina Hernndez Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente
Directora c/o Presidente Nasser
Departamento de Recursos Geneticos - Direccion de Biodiversidad Bioko Norte
Vice ministerio reas Protegidas y Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Medio Malabo Equatorial Guinea
Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Tel.: +240 09 13 05
Av. Luperon, esq. Cayetano Germosen
Fax: +240 09 29 05
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic
E-Mail: engongaosono@yahoo.fr
Tel.: +1 809 807 1116
Fax: +1 809 472 7105
E-Mail: Marina.Hernandez@ambiente.gob.do
marina_hernandez@hotmail.com 56. Mr. Abraham Yohannes
Department of Environment
Ministry of Land, Water and Environment
PO Box 5713
Asmara Eritrea
52. Mr. Andrs Ricardo Factos
Coordinador de Seguridad de la Biotecnologa Tel.: +291 1 125887, +291 1 120311
Dirreccin Nacional de Biodiversidad Fax: +291 1 126095
Ministerio del Ambiente E-Mail: abyoze@yahoo.com depenvdg@eol.com.er
Av. Madrid 1159 y Andaluca
Quito Ecuador Estonia
Tel.: +593 2 398 7600 ext 1422
E-Mail: andres.factos@ambiente.gob.ec 57. Ms. Tuuli Levandi
internacional@ambiente.gob.ec Senior Officer
Web: www.ambiente.gob.ec Nature Conservation Department
Ministry of the Environment
Egypt Narva mnt 7 a
15172 Tallinn Estonia
53. Mr. Ossama El-Tayeb Tel.: +372 6262 886
Scientific Advisor Fax: +372 6262 801
Nature Conservation Sector E-Mail: tuuli.levandi@envir.ee
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
30 Maadi Zerae Road, 7th floor
Cairo Egypt
Tel.: +202 3336 3222, +2010 607 7374
Fax: +202 362 0122
E-Mail: omtayeb@link.net

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Ethiopia France

58. Mr. Tesfaye Woldeyes 62. Mr. Nicolas Encausse

Head Charg de mission biotechnologies
Environment Information Centre Direction gnrale de la prvention des risques / Service de la prvention
Environmental Protection Authority des nuisances et de la qualit de l'environnement / Bureau des
P.O. Box 12760 biotechnologies et de l'agriculture
Addis Ababa Ethiopia Ministre de l'environnement, de l'nergie et de la mer
Tour Sequoia
Tel.: +251 116464879, +251 6464607
92055 La Dfense Cedex
Fax: +251 11 646 4882, 76
Paris France
E-Mail: gamtesfaye@yahoo.com esid@ethionet.et
Tel.: +33 1 40 81 87 18
Fax: +33 1 40 81 20 72
European Union
E-Mail: nicolas.encausse@developpement-durable.gouv.fr

59. Mr. Joachim Kreysa

Head of Unit Molecular Biology & Genomics Gabon
Directorate-General Joint Research Centre
European Commission 63. Madame Chimne Michelle Milendji Koumba, pouse Ntougou
Via Enrico Fermi 2749 Chef
I-21027 Ispra VA Italy Service de l'Environnement Rural et Urbain (DGEPN-MHUEDD)
B.P. 3903
Tel.: +39 0332 786735
E-Mail: Joachim.Kreysa@ec.europa.eu
Tel.: +241 07 56 00 58
E-Mail: michellemilendji@yahoo.fr scoutgabon@yahoo.fr
Fiji mikissa_jeanbruno@yahoo.fr jbmikissa@gmail.com

60. Ms. Sarah Joseph Tawaka

Department of Environment Gambia (the)
Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment
64. Mr. Abdoulie Sawo
Magan House
Senior Wildlife Conservation Officer
19 Macgregor Road
Department of Parks & Wildlife Management
P.O. Box 2109 Suva Fiji
c/o Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Water and Wildlife
Tel.: +679 3311699 GIEPA House, Kairaba Avenue
Fax: +679 3312879 Banjul Gambia (the)
E-Mail: sarah.joseph@environment.gov.fj
E-Mail: abdoulies@gmail.com

61. Ms. Kirsi Trmkangas
Secretary General
Senior Specialist
Biodiversity Protection Service
The Board for Gene Technology
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection
Meritullinkatu 8
6, Gulua Street
Helsinki P.O.Box 33 FI-00023 Finland
0114 Tbilisi Georgia
Tel.: +358 295 163 353
Tel.: +995 32 7272 31
E-Mail: gtlk.stm@stm.fi kirsi.tormakangas@stm.fi
Fax: +995 32 7272 31
E-Mail: t.karchava@moe.gov.ge teonakarchava@yahoo.com

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Germany Guinea

66. Dr. Volker Matzeit 71. Mrs. Hawa Diallo

Division 222 for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Chef de Division, Coordinatrice Nationale du Projet Bioscurit la
Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture Direction Nationale Contrle de la Qualit de Vie
Rochusstrasse 1 Direction Nationale de la Diversit Biologique et des Aires Protges
53123 Bonn Germany Ministre de l'Environnement, des Eaux et Forts (MEEF)
Tel.: +49 1888 529 4489 Lansbounyi - Colah Commune de Matam
Fax: +49 1888 529 3743 BP 761 Conakry Guinea
E-Mail: 222@bmel.bund.de volker.matzeit@bmel.bund.de Tel.: +224 68 12 52 97
Fax: +224 464 839
E-Mail: loubahawa@gmail.com chmdivbiodne@mirinet.net.gn

67. Mr. Eric Amaning Okoree Guyana

Ag. Chief Executive Officer
National Biosafety Authority 72. Mr. Kemraj Parsram
P.O. Box M232 Executive Director (a.g.)
Accra Ghana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Tel.: +233 21 673509, 666049 cell +233 20 8163038, 26 852 2535 Ganges Street, Sophia
Fax: +233 21 688913 Georgetown Guyana
E-Mail: eriokor@yahoo.com eric.okoree@gmail.com Tel.: +592 225 2062
E-Mail: kemraj.parsram@gmail.com epa@epaguyana.org

68. Mr. Charilaos Nikokavouras Haiti

General Directorate of Environmental Policy
Directorate of Biodiversity Protection, Soil and Waste Management, 73. M. Michelet Louis
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Department Ministre de l'Environnement
Ministry of Environment and Energy #11, Rue 4, Pacot
147 Patission Str. Port-au-Prince WI Haiti
112 51 Athens Greece Tel.: +509 3854 3307
Tel.: +30 210 8642276, +30 210 8645125 E-Mail: micheletagr@yahoo.fr
Fax: +30 210 8623020
E-Mail: c.nikokavouras@prv.ypeka.gr Holy See

Grenada 74. H.E. Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo

Apostolic Nuncio
69. Mr. Bertrand Munro Apostolic Nunciature of the Holy See (Vatican City) in Nairobi, Kenya
Pest Management Unit Manyani Road West, Waiyaki Way
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment P.O. Box 14326
Botanical Gardens Nairobi Kenya
St. George's Grenada Tel.: +254 20 214 8971, 258 9703
Fax: +473 440 4191 Fax: +254 20 263 1120
E-Mail: monami46@hotmail.com E-Mail: nunciokenya@nunciokenya.org nuntiuskenya@gmail.com
Web: http://www.embassypages.com/missions/embassy20056/

70. Ms. Leslie Melisa Ojeda Cabrera

Consejo Nacional de reas Protegidas (CONAP)
5a. Avenida 6-06 zona 1
Edificio IPM, 6o. Nivel
Guatemala Guatemala
Tel.: +502 2422 6700 Ext 1610 y 1611
E-Mail: lojeda@conap.gob.gt megadiversidad@gmail.com

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Honduras Indonesia

75. Dr. Carlos Alberto Almendares Ordonez 79. Mr. Bambang Dahono Adji
Jefe del Departamento de Certificacion de Semillas Director of Biodiversity Conservation
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation
Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia
Colonia Loma linda norte Manggala Wanabakti Bld. Block VII, 7th floor
ave. la FAO Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Tegucigalpa Feo. Morazan Honduras Jakarta 10270 Indonesia
Tel.: +504 33942546 Tel.: +62 21 5720227
Fax: +504 22310786 E-Mail: dirkkh@menlhk.go.id
E-Mail: calmendares81@yahoo.com
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
80. Ms. Nasrin Sadat Esmailzadeh
76. Dr. gnes Fejes National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Unit Ministry of Science, Technology and Research
Ministry of Agriculture Pajuhesh Blvd
Kossuth tr 11. 17th Kilometer Tehran-Karaj Highway
H-1055 Budapest Hungary PO Box 14155-6343 Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Tel.: +36 1 795 3726 Tel.: +98 21 44580396
E-Mail: agnes.fejes@fm.gov.hu Fax: +98 21 44580399
E-Mail: ibch@nigeb.ac.ir
77. Mr. Sigurdur Armann Thrainsson
Specialist 81. Mr. Jasim Abdulazeez Humadi
Office of Policy and International Affairs Deputy Minister for Environmental Affairs
Ministry for the Environment Ministry of Environment
Skuggasund 1 P.O. Box 10062
IS-150 Reykjavik Iceland Baghdad Iraq
Tel.: +354 545 8600 E-Mail: moen_iraq@yahoo.com
Fax: +354 562 4566
E-Mail: sigurdur.thrainsson@environment.is Ireland
Web: http://eng.umhverfisraduneyti.is/ministry/staff/ 82. Ms. Bernadette Murray
Environmental Protection Agency
India PO Box 3000
Johnston Castle Estate Co Wexford Ireland
78. Mr. Gyanesh Bharti
Tel.: +353 53 9167252
Joint Secretary E-Mail: b.murray@epa.ie
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan
Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj
New Delhi 110003 India
83. Ms. Yael Armitage
Tel.: +9111 24695268 Plant Protection and Inspection Services (International Relations)
Fax: +9111 24695288 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
E-Mail: gyanesh.bharti@ias.nic.in P.O. Box 78
50250 Bet Dagan Israel
Tel.: +972 3 968 1500
Fax: +972 3 968 1570
E-Mail: andiyael@moag.gov.il

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Italy Kazakhstan

84. Mrs. Marina Andreella 88. Dr. Yerlan Mirkhaydarovich Ramankulov

Officer Director General
General Directorate for Environmental Assessments and Permits National Center for Biotechnology under the Committee of Science of the
Ministry for Environment, Land, and Sea Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Via C. Colombo 44 Valikhanov Street, 13/1
00147 Rome Italy 010000 Astana Kazakhstan
Tel.: +39 06 5722 5032 Tel.: +7 7172 214020
E-Mail: andreella.marina@minambiente.it Fax: +7 7172 214633
E-Mail: info@biocenter.kz jatayev@biocenter.kz
85. Dr. Suzanne Davis
Senior Research Officer - Clearing House Mechanism 89. Mr. Dorington Ogoyi
Natural History Museum of Jamaica Director, Technical Services
Institute of Jamaica Technical Division
10-16 East Street National Biosafety Authority
Kingston Jamaica Commission for Higher Education Campus
Tel.: +876 922 0620 6 Red Hill Rd. Off Limuru Road - Gigiri
Fax: +876 922 1147 P.O. Box 28251 Nairobi 00100 Kenya
E-Mail: chm@nhmj-ioj.org.jm Tel.: +254 20 2642917
E-Mail: dogoyi@biosafetykenya.go.ke
86. Mr. Kazuo Somiya
Director 90. Ms. Marii Marae
Alien Species and LMO Regulation Office, Wildlife Division, Nature Senior Environment Officer
Conservation Bureau Environment and Conservation Division
Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD)
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki P.O. Box 234
100-8975 Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Japan Bikenibeu
Tel.: +81 3 3581 3351 ext 6680 Tarawa Kiribati
Fax: +81 3 3581 7090 Tel.: +686 28211, 28000, 28425
E-Mail: bch@env.go.jp Fax: +686 28334
E-Mail: mariim@environment.gov.ki mariejam@gmail.com
87. Mr. Raed Bani Hani
Director 91. Sheikh Abdullah Ahmad Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah
Nature Protection Directorate Chairman of the Board & Director General
Ministry of Environment Environment Public Authority
P.O. Box 1408 P.O. Box 24395
Amman 11941 Jordan Safat 13104 Kuwait
Tel.: +962 795502887, +962 775445987 Tel.: +965 22208511
E-Mail: ra_banihani@moenv.gov.jo ra_banihani@yahoo.com Fax: +965 22208369
E-Mail: dg@epa.org.kw ir@epa.org.kw

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Kyrgyzstan Lesotho

92. Ms. Baglan Salykmambetova 96. Mr. Mosiuoa Walter Bereng

Head Head
Department of International Cooperation Environmental Data Management Division
State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture
142 Gorky Street 6th Floor Post Office Building
720055 Bishkek Kyrgyzstan P.O. Box 10993
Tel.: +996 312 545282 Maseru 100 Lesotho
Fax: +996 312 545282 Tel.: +266 22311767
E-Mail: envforest@elcat.kg min-eco@elcat.kg E-Mail: wmbereng@yahoo.com

Lao People's Democratic Republic Liberia

93. Mrs Viengpasith Vanisaveth 97. Mr. Johansen T. Voker

Deputy Director, Technical Service Division Synergistic Project Coordinator
Biotechnology and Ecology Institute, Technical Service Division Division of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Ministry of Science and Technology Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
POBox. 2279 4th street, Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor
Vientiane Capital Lao People's Democratic Republic P.O. Box 4024
Tel.: +856 21 732 207 1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia
Fax: +856 21 740 630 Tel.: +231 886 520 042
E-Mail: viengpasith@yahoo.com Fax: +31 205 407 127
E-Mail: vokerj@yahoo.com
94. Mrs. Inese Aleksejeva
Head of Division 98. Mr. Mohamed Abdalsiad Aldakar
Veterinary and Food Department, Division of Biotechnology and Novel Food Nature Conservation Department
Ministry of Agriculture Environment General Authority (EGA)
Republikas laukums - 2 P.O. Box 83618
LV 1981 Riga Latvia Al Gheran, Janzur Road
Tel.: +371 67027069 Tripoli Libya
Fax: +371 67027205 Tel.: +218 926964911
E-Mail: Inese.Aleksejeva@zm.gov.lv E-Mail: Mohamed_alkadaffi22@yahoo.com

Lebanon Lithuania

95. Ms. Lara Samaha 99. Dr. Odeta Pivorien

Head Chief Desk Officer
Department of Conservation of Natural Wealth Nature Protection Division
Ministry of Environment Ministry of Environment
Lazarieh Building A. Jakto 4/9
P.O.Box 11-2727 LT-01105 Vilnius Lithuania
Beirut Lebanon Tel.: +370 706 63564
Tel.: +961 1 976 555 ext 417 Fax: +37052663663
Fax: +961 1 976 530 E-Mail: o.pivoriene@am.lt
E-Mail: l.samaha@moe.gov.lb Web: www.am.lt
Web: www.moe.gov.lb

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Luxembourg Maldives

100. 104. Ms. Ilham Atho Mohamed

S.E. Le Ministre Assistant Director
Ministre des Affaires Etrangres Environment Department
5, rue Notre Dame L-2240 B.P. 1602 Ministry of Environment and Energy
L-2911 Luxembourg Luxembourg Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun
Tel.: +352 478 611, 478 2301 Maafannu
Fax: +352 223 144 Male' 20392 Maldives
E-Mail: Communications.Centre@mae.etat.lu Tel.: +960 301 8357
Fax: +960 301 8301
Madagascar E-Mail: ilham.mohamed@environment.gov.mv

101. Mr. Jean Roger Rakotoarijaona Mali

Direction des Information Environnementale 105. Mr. Mouhamadou Traore
Office National pour l'Environnement Coordinateur du Cadre National de Bioscurit, Coordinateur du
B.P. 822, Antaninarenina Programme Rgional de Bioscurit de l'UEMOA
Antananarivo 101 Madagascar Agence de l'Environnement et du Dveloppement Durable (AEDD)
Tel.: +261 20 22 259 99 Ministre de lEnvironnement, de lAssainissement et du Dveloppement
Fax: +261 20 22 206 93
B.P. 275
E-Mail: jr.rakotoarijaona@gmail.com
Bamako Mali
Web: www.pnae.mg
Tel.: +20 23 20 23 10 74, +20 23 20 23 11 76
Fax: +20 23 20 33 58 67 +20 23 20 23 11 76
E-Mail: traoremouha2@yahoo.fr aedd@environnement.gov.ml

102. Ms. Caroline Theka

Environmental Officer Malta
Environmental Affairs Department
Lingadzi House 106. Ms. Marie Therese Gambin
P/B 394 Senior Environment Protection Officer
Liliongwe 3 Malawi Ecosystems Management
Environment and Resources Authority
Tel.: +265 995 501 006
Hexagon House, Spencer Hill
Fax: +265 1 773 379
Marsa MRS 1441 Malta
E-Mail: caroltheka@yahoo.com
Tel.: +356 2292 3500
E-Mail: bch.malta@era.org.mt marie-therese.gambin@era.org.mt
Malaysia chm.malta@era.org.mt

103. Dr. Mohana Anita Anthonysamy

Research Officer Marshall Islands
Research and Evaluation Section
107. Mr. Warwick Harris
Department of Biosafety, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment
Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination (OEPPC)
Level 1, Podium 2, Wisma Sumber Asli
P.O. Box 975
No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
Majuro 96960 Marshall Islands
62574 Putrajaya Malaysia
Tel.: +692 625 7944, 7945
Tel.: +60388861153
Fax: +692 625 7918
Fax: +60388904935
E-Mail: warwick47@gmail.com
E-Mail: anita@nre.gov.my

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Mauritania Monaco

108. M. Cheikh Ould Sidi Mohamed 112. Madame Cline van Klaveren-Impagliazzo
Coordinateur National des Programmes de la Convention sur la Diversit Secrtaire des Relations Extrieures
Biologique Direction des Affaires Internationales
Ministre de lEnvironnement et du Dveloppement Durable Dpartement des Relations Extrieures et de la Coopration
BP 170 Place de la Visitation - BP 522
Nouakchott Mauritania MC 98000 Ville de Monaco Monaco
Tel.: +222 4 601 2626 +222 22 66 9363 Tel.: +377 98 98 44 70
Fax: +222 4 524 3159 Fax: +377 98 98 19 57
E-Mail: cheikhysidi@yahoo.fr environnement@environnement.gov.mr E-Mail: cevanklaveren@gouv.mc

Mauritius Mongolia
109. Mr. Balakrishna Ponnusawmy 113. Mrs. Sandagdorj Bayarkhuu
Ministry of Agro-Industry & Food Security Secretary
9th floor, Renganaden seeneevassen Building National Committee on Biosafety
Port-Louis Mauritius Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Tel.: +230 57010785 Government Building 2
Fax: +230 208 6990 United Nation's Street 5/2
E-Mail: bponnusawmy@govmu.org Ulaanbaatar 15160 Mongolia
Tel.: +976 11 311265, +976 99049896
Mexico E-Mail: bayarkhuu@mne.gov.mn bayarhuu2002@yahoo.com
110. Dra. Laura Esther Tovar Castillo
Directora de Informacin y Fomento a la Investigacin Montenegro
Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisin Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad de los
Organismos Genticamente Modificados (CIBIOGEM) 114. Dr. Natasa Lausevic-Mirecki
Av. San Borja, no.938, esq. Heriberto Fras, Colonia del Valle Research Associate
Delegacin Benito Jurez Department of Field Crops and Vegetable Growing
Mxico D.F. C.P. 03100 Mexico Biotechnical Institute
Tel.: +52 55 5575 6878 Ext 8210 Montenegro
E-Mail: ltovar@conacyt.mx Tel.: +382 81 268 442, +382 81 268 437
Fax: +382 81 268 432
Micronesia (Federated States of) E-Mail: mirecki@t-com.me

111. Hon. Mr. Peter M. Christian Morocco

Department of Resources and Development 115. Mr. Mostafa Madbouhi
P.O. Box PS-12 Chef du Service des Sites Naturelles
Pohnpei FM 96941 Ministre dlgu auprs du Ministre de l'Energie, des Mines, de l'Eau et
Palikir Micronesia (Federated States of) de l'Environnement - Charg de l'Environnement
Tel.: +691 320 5133 320 2646, 320 2620 9, Avenue Al Araar, Section 16 Hay Ryad
Fax: +691 320 5854 10100 Rabat Morocco
E-Mail: fsmrd@fsmrd.fm Tel.: +212 5 37 57 06 02
Web: http://www.fsmgov.org/ngovt.html Fax: +212 5 37 57 04 68
E-Mail: mostamad@yahoo.fr mosenviro@hotmail.com

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Mozambique Netherlands

116. Dr. Paulino Munisse 121. Dr. Marco Gielkens

Research Officer Senior risk assessor
Agriculture Research Institute of Mozambique (IIAM) GMO Office
Ministry of Agriculture National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
AV/FPLM 2698 PO Box 1
CP 3658 3720 BA Bilthoven Netherlands
Maputo Mozambique Tel.: +31 302 74 41 79
Tel.: +258 21 461876 Fax: +31 302 74 44 01
Fax: +258 21 460 074 E-Mail: marco.gielkens@rivm.nl
E-Mail: pmunisse@yahoo.com
New Zealand
122. Mr. Tim Strabala
117. Dr. Ye Tint Htun Principal Scientist, New Organisms
Director General Hazardous Substances and New Organisms
Department of Agricultural Research Environmental Protection Authority
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Level 10, 215 Lambton Quay
Myanmar Wellington 6011 New Zealand
Tel.: +95 067 416597 Tel.: +64 4 474 5470
Fax: +95 067 416535 Fax: +64 4 474 0433
E-Mail: dgdar.moai@gmail.com E-Mail: tim.strabala@epa.govt.nz

Namibia Nicaragua

118. Mr. Vincent Nowaseb 123. Sr. Carlos Ramiro Meja Urbina
National Commission for Research Director de Biodiversidad
Hamutenya Wanehepo Ndadi Street Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (MARENA)
Olympia, Windhoek Namibia Km 12 1/2, Carretera Norte, Frente a Corporacin de Zonas Francas
Tel.: +264 431 7000 Managua Nicaragua
Fax: +264 229 928 E-Mail: cmejia@marena.gob.ni ramiro_mejia@hotmail.com
E-Mail: vnowaseb@ncrst.na
124. Mr. Mahaman Gado Zaki
119. Mrs. Mavis Depaune Expert en bioscurit
Acting Secretary Direction Gnrale de l' Environnement et des Eaux et Forts
Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment Ministre de l'Hydraulique et de l'Environnement
Government Offices P.O. Box 578
Yaren District Niamey Niger
Yaren Nauru Tel.: +227 96 11 04 15
Tel.: +674 557 3133 ext 303 Fax: +227 20 72 37 63
E-Mail: monmave@gmail.com E-Mail: mahamane_gado@yahoo.fr

Nepal Nigeria

120. Dr. Maheshwar Dhakal 125. Ms. Aligwekwe Blessing

Joint Secretary Senior Scientific Officer
Chief, Biodiversity and Environment Division Biosafety Unit
Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Federal Ministry of Environment
P.O.Box 3987 Plot 393/394
Singhadurbar Augustus Aikhomu Way
Kathmandu Nepal Utako District-Abuja Nigeria
Tel.: +977 1 4211892 Tel.: +2348035706238
E-Mail: maheshwar.dhakal@gmail.com E-Mail: bchnigeria@gmail.com

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Niue Panama

126. Mr. Sauni Tongatule 131. Sr. Daro Luque

Director Derector
Department of Environment reas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre
PO Box 80 Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM)
Alofi Niue P.O. Box 0843-00793
Tel.: +683 4021 Panam Panama
Fax: +683 4010 Tel.: +507 500 0855 ext 6877 +507 500 0822
E-Mail: Sauni.Tongatule@mail.gov.nu Fax: +507 500 0839
E-Mail: dluque@miambiente.gob.pa dluque@yahoo.com
Norway Web: www.anam.gob.pa

127. Ms. Janne Bohnhorst Papua New Guinea

Senior Adviser, PhD
Norwegian Environment Agency 132. Mr. Gunther Joku
P.O. Box 5672 Sluppen Managing Director
NO-7485 Trondheim Norway Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA)
Tel.: +47 73 58 05 00 P.O. Box 6601
E-Mail: janne.ovrebo.bohnhorst@miljodir.no Boroko, National Capital District
Port Moresby Papua New Guinea

Oman Tel.: +675 3014500

Fax: +675 3250182
128. Mr. Ali bin Amer Al-Kiumy E-Mail: officesec@dec.gov.pg gjoku@dec.gov.pg
Director General of Nature Conservation guntherjoku@gmail.com
Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment and Water Resources Web: http://www.dec.gov
P.O. Box 323
113 Muscat Oman Paraguay
Tel.: +968 602 285
133. Ing. E.H. Maria Cristina Soerensen Gonzlez
Fax: +968 693 858
E-Mail: alialkiyumi@gmail.com Directora
Unidad de Comercio Internacional e Integracin
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadera
Pakistan Paraguay

129. Mr. Syed Mahmood Nasir E-Mail: cristina.soerensen@mag.gov.py

Inspector General of Forests
Ministry of Climate Change Peru
LG & RD Complex
G 5/2 134. Sr. Jos lvarez Alonso
Islamabad Pakistan Director General de Diversidad Biolgica
Tel.: +92 51 924 55 89 Viceministerio de Desarrollo Estratgico de los Recursos Naturales
Fax: +92 51 924 55 90 Ministerio del Ambiente
E-Mail: igf.moenv@gmail.com Av. Javier Prado Oeste 1440
San Isidro
Lima 27 Peru
Tel.: +51 1 611 6000 ext 1002
130. Mr. King Sam E-Mail: jalvarez@minam.gob.pe
Special Assistant to Minister/Programme Manager
Protected Areas Network
Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism
P. O. Box 6051
Koror 96940 Palau
Tel.: +680 767 5435, 3125
Fax: +680 767 3380
E-Mail: esuroi1@gmail.com

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Philippines Republic of Korea

135. Ms. Julieta Fe L. Estacio 139. Mr. Ho-Min Jang

Project Development Officer IV, Office of the Undersecretary for R&D and Director
Head of the NCBP Secretariat Korea Biosafety Clearing House
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)
DOST Building, Gen. Santos Avenue 125 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu
Bicutan, Taguig City Daejeon 34141 Republic of Korea
1630 Metro Manila Philippines Tel.: +82 42 879 8300
Tel.: +632 837 2930; +632 837 2943 Fax: +82 42 879 8309
Fax: +632 837 2930 +632 837 2943 E-Mail: kbch@kribb.re.kr hmjang@kribb.re.kr
E-Mail: estaciojulietafe@gmail.com zen0555@yahoo.com
Republic of Moldova
140. Dr. Angela Lozan
136. Ms. Joanna Rybak Head
Specialist Biosafety Office
Department of Forestry, Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection Ministry of Environment
Ministry of the Environment Str. Mitropolit Doseftei 156A, 305
Wawelska 52/54 MD 2004 Chisinau Republic of Moldova
00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel.: +373 22 22 68 74
Tel.: +48 22 579 2723 Fax: +373 22 22 68 74
Fax: +48 22 579 2290 E-Mail: angelalozan@yahoo.com lozan@mediu.gov.md
E-Mail: joanna.rybak@mos.gov.pl
141. Ms. Roxana Ionescu
137. Mr. Luis Gramacho Counselor
Technical Officer Biodiversity Department
Environmental Risk Assessment and Emergencies Unit Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
Portuguese Environment Agency 12 Libertatii Blvd.
Rua da Murgueira, 9/9a, Ap. 7585 Bucharest 040129 Romania
Amadora 2611-865 Portugal Tel.: +40 21 3163382
Tel.: +351 214721410 Fax: +40 21 3160282
Fax: +351 214719076 E-Mail: roxana.ionescu@mmediu.ro
E-Mail: luis.gramacho@apambiente.pt
Web: http://www.apambiente.pt
Russian Federation

Qatar 142.
Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies
138. Mr. Ghanim Abdulla Mohammad Twerskaja st.11
Wildlife Consultant Moscow 103905 Russian Federation
Ministry of Municipality and Environment Tel.: +7 495 229 9653
P.O. Box 7634 Fax: +7 495 229 1674
Doha Qatar E-Mail: nat-step@yandex.ru
Tel.: +974 458 3635, +974 435 8417,+974 441 5246, +974 458 3310
Fax: +974 44207839
E-Mail: gamohammad@mme.gov.qa
143. Mr. Emmanuel Kabera
Rwanda Environment Management Authority
P.O. Box 7436 Kacyiru
Kigali Rwanda
Tel.: +250 25280101
Fax: +250 25280017
E-Mail: kabemma@hotmail.com

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Saint Kitts and Nevis San Marino

144. Mr. Randolph Edmead 148. Mr. Dario Galassi

Director Councellor
Department of Physical Planning and Environment Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Esteri e Politici
Ministry of Sustainable Development Palazzo Begni
Bladen Commercial Development Contrada Omerelli
Wellington Road Repubblica di San Marino (via Italy) San Marino
PO Box 597 Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis Tel.: +378 882 215, +378 881 111, +378 882 229
Tel.: +1 869 465 2277 Fax: +378 992 018
Fax: +1 869 465 5842 E-Mail: dario.galassi@esteri.sm
E-Mail: phyplskb@sisterisles.kn raedmead@yahoo.com
Sao Tome and Principe
Saint Lucia
149. Mr. Loreno Monteiro de Jesus
145. Ms. Jannel Gabriel Direction Gnrale de l'Environnement
Sustainable Development and Environment Officer II Ministre des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement
Department of Sustainable Development B.P. 1023
Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Sao Tome Sao Tome and Principe
Development Tel.: +239 225 271, +239 90 44 45
Caribbean Cinemas Building, Choc Estate Fax: +239 227 156
Balata E-Mail: bureau_ozono@cstome.net lomoje@yahoo.com.br
Castries Saint Lucia
Tel.: +1 758 451 8746 ext 5860, +1 758 722 9252
Saudi Arabia
E-Mail: jannel.gabriel@govt.lc jannel.gabriel@biodiversity.govt.lc
150. Mr. Yousef S. Al-Hafedh
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Chairman, National Committee on Biosafety; Director, Center of Excellence
for Wildlife Research
146. Mr. Marcus L. Richards King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
Agricultural Officer P.O. Box 6086
Plant Protection and Quarantine Unit 11442 Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Transformation Tel.: +966 14 81 36 04
Richmond Hill Fax: +966 14 81 38 11
Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines E-Mail: yhafedh@kacst.edu.sa
Tel.: +1 784 457 1283
Fax: +1 784 457 1688 Senegal
E-Mail: mlrids@yahoo.com
151. Dr. Lamine Kane
Samoa Chef
Division Suivi et Evaluation de la Direction des Parcs Nationaux
147. Mrs. Peseta Noumea Simi Ministre de l'environnement et du dveloppement durable
Chief Executive Officer Parc Forestier
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade B.P. 5135
P.O. Box L 1855 Dakar - Hann Senegal
Apia Samoa Tel.: +221 33 832 23 09
Tel.: +685 21171, +685 24346 Fax: +221 33 832 23 11
Fax: +685 21504 E-Mail: kanelamine@hotmail.com
E-Mail: noumea@mfat.gov.ws tasha@mfat.gov.ws
Web: http://www.gov.ws/

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Serbia Slovenia

152. Ms. Vanja Koji 157. Dr. Ruth Rupreht

Senior Adviser for Biosafety Undersecretary
Plant Protection Directorate Biotechnology Division
Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Omladinskih brigada St, No. 1 Dunajska 47
11070 Belgrade Serbia SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Tel.: +381 11 311 75 91 Tel.: +386 1 476 7440
Fax: +381 11 311 70 94 Fax: +386 1 476 7240
E-Mail: vanja.kojic@minpolj.gov.rs E-Mail: ruth.rupreht@gov.si
Web: www.minpolj.sr.gov.yu
Solomon Islands
158. Mr. Joe Horokou
153. Mr. Ronley Fanchette Director
Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change Environment and Conservation Division
P.O. Box 445 Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and
Victoria, Mah Seychelles Meteorology
Tel.: +248 2722045 P.O. Box 21
E-Mail: r.fanchette@env.gov.sc Honiara Solomon Islands
Tel.: +677 23 031 +677 24 215, +677 88 481
Fax: +677 28 054
Sierra Leone
E-Mail: horokoujoe@gmail.com
154. Mr. Cyril S. Jusu
Environment Protection Agency, Office of the President Somalia
21 Old Railway Line Brookfields
Freetown Sierra Leone 159. Mr. Abdirizak Mohamed Mohamud
Fax: +232 22 240146 Director of Environment
E-Mail: jususyril@yahoo.com Office of the Prime Minister
Villa Somalia
Mogadishu Somalia
Tel.: +252 612226679
155. Mr. Marcus Ong Chun Chuan E-Mail: office.env.opm@gmail.com razakmohamud@gmail.com
Senior Executive Manager/International Relations
Communications and Corporate Relations Group South Africa
Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority
52, Jurong Gateway Road 160. Ms. Nompumelelo Mkhonza
#14-01 Registrar GMO Act, 1997
Singapore 608550 Singapore Genetic Resources, Biosafety
Tel.: +65 6805 2607 National Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries
Fax: +65 6334 1831 Harvest House Building
E-Mail: marcus_ong@ava.gov.sg Privater Bag X973
Pretoria 0001 South Africa
Tel.: +27 12 319 6382
E-Mail: NompumeleloM@daff.gov.za
156. Ms. Natlia Mogelsk
Biosafety officer
Department of Environmental Risks and Biosafety
Ministry of Environment
Nam. L. Stura 1
812 35 Bratislava Slovakia
Tel.: +4212 5956 2717
Fax: +4212 5956 2508
E-Mail: natalia.mogelska@enviro.gov.sk biodiversity@enviro.gov.sk

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Spain Swaziland

161. Dr. Esther Esteban Rodrigo 165. Mr. Bongani Zipho Nkhabindze
Consejera Tcnica Biosafety Registrar
Direccin General de Producciones y Mercados Agrarios, Unidad de Apoyo Directorate of Policy, Planning , Research and Infoprmation (DPPRI)
Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentacin y Medio Ambiente Swaziland Environment Authority (SEA)
Plaza San Juan de la Cruz s/n P. O. Box 2602
28071 Madrid Spain H100 Mbabane Hhohho Swaziland
Tel.: +91347 5113 Tel.: +268 2404 6960
Fax: +91347 5883 Fax: +268 2404 1719
E-Mail: protocolo.cartagena@magrama.es E-Mail: bongani@sea.org.sz bonganizipho@yahoo.com

Sri Lanka Sweden

162. Mr. Udaya R. Senevirathne 166. Melanie Josefsson

Secretary (Political Focal Point) Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment Vallhallavgen 195
82, Sampathpaya SE-106 48 Stockholm Sweden
Rajamalwatta Road Tel.: +46 10 698 1541
Battaramulla Sri Lanka Fax: +46 10 698 1042
Tel.: +94 11 2877290 E-Mail: Melanie.Josefsson@naturvardsverket.se
Fax: +94 11 2877292 natur@naturvardsverket.se
E-Mail: secretary@environmentmin.gov.lk envhrdsrilanka@gmail.com
167. Ms. Anne-Gabrielle Wst Saucy
163. Prof. Asim Fadal Abu Sara Head of Biotechnology Section
Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR) Soil and Biotechnology Division
Gamaa Street Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
P.O. Box 10488 CH-3003 Bern Switzerland
Khartoum Sudan Tel.: +41 58 463 83 44
E-Mail: abusarra_af@yahoo.com hcenr2005@yahoo.com Fax: +41 58 464 79 78
E-Mail: annegabrielle.wuestsaucy@bafu.admin.ch
Syrian Arab Republic
164. Dr.(Ms.) Haydi J. Berrenstein
National Coordinator for Environmental Policy 168. Mr. Belal Alhayek
National Security/Coordination for Environmental Policy Director
Cabinet of the President of the Republic Suriname Directorate of Biodiversity, Lands and Natural Reserves
Kleine Comb weg 2-4 Ministry of Local Administration and Environment
Paramaribo Suriname Yousef Azmah sq.
Tel.: +597 472 841 P.O. Box 3773 Damascus Syrian Arab Republic
Fax: +597 421 985 Tel.: +963 11 232 1305
E-Mail: haydi.berrenstein@president.gov.sr scarilho@gmail.com Fax: +963 11 232 0568
co.environment@president.gov.sr winston.lackin@gmail.com E-Mail: blalhayek75@gmail.com bilal.alhayek@hotmail.com


169. Mr. Dilovarsho Dustov

National Biodiversity and Biosafety Centre
47 Shevchenko street
Dushanbe 734025 Tajikistan
Tel.: +992 44 6002546
Fax: +992 37 2212546
E-Mail: ddilovar@gmail.com biodiv@biodiv.tojikiston.com

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Thailand Trinidad and Tobago

170. Ms. Dalad Senthong 174. Ms. Ingrid Seerattan

Biodiversity Division Permanent Secretary (Ag.)
Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs
60/1 Soi Phibun Wattana 7 Cabildo Chambers
Phayathai Rama 6 23-27 St. Vincent Street
10400 Bangkok Thailand Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago
Tel.: +66 2 2656637 Tel.: +1 868 625 6531
Fax: +66 2 2656637 Fax: +1 868 625 7889
E-Mail: D_senthong@hotmail.com E-Mail: iseerattan@ag.gov.tt

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tunisia

171. Ms. Marija Dirlevska-Caloska 175. Mr. Hatem Ben Belgacem

Advisor Chef de service
Agency of Environment Ministre des Affaires Locales et de lEnvironnement
Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Centre Urbain Nord
Bul.Goce Delcev BB MRTV Building 11 floor Cedex 1080
1000 Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tunis Tunisia
Tel.: +389 2 3251 473 Tel.: +216 53174262
Fax: +389 2 3213651 E-Mail: Hatem_medd@yahoo.fr Hatem.belgacem@mineat.gov.tn
E-Mail: m.caloska@moepp.gov.mk marija.caloska@yahoo.com
176. Dr. Yusuf Arslan
172. Ms. Amah Atutonu Head of Field Crops Research Department
Spcialiste en Amnagement et Gestion Intgrs des Forts et Territoires General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy (GDAR)
Tropicaux Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock
Direction de la Faune et de la Chasse Tarim Kamps Istanbul Yolu Uzeri
Ministre de l'environnement et des ressources forestires No:38, P.K.51, Yenimahalle
B.P. 355 06171 Ankara Turkey
Lom Togo Tel.: +90 312 3155286
Tel.: +228 22 21 40 29, +228 90 14 39 77 Fax: +90 312 3152698
Fax: +228 22 21 40 29 E-Mail: yarslan@tagem.gov.tr bguner@tagem.gov.tr
E-Mail: lydia_atutonu@yahoo.fr direfaune@yahoo.fr
177. Mr. Jumamurad Saparmuradov
173. Mr. Siosiua Latu Head of Vertebrate Animals Laboratory
Environmental Information Officer National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna
Biodiversity Division Ministry of Nature Protection
Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, 15, Bitarap
Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC) Ashgabat 744000 Turkmenistan
P.O. Box 5
Tel.: +99 312 940102
Vuna Road
Fax: +99 312 940102
Nuku'alofa Tonga
E-Mail: saparmuradov@mail.ru
Tel.: +676 7716771, 8816771
E-Mail: siosiua.latu@gmail.com

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Uganda United Republic of Tanzania

178. Dr. David L.N. Hafashimana 182. Mr. Thomas Nestory Bwana
Director of Research Principal Environmental Officer
National Agricultural Research Organization Environment
Bulindi Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute Vice President's Office
18 KM Hoima- Masindi Road 6 Albert Luthuri Street
P.O. Box 101 P.O. Box 5380
Hoima Uganda Dar es Salaam 11406 United Republic of Tanzania
Tel.: +256 414 712 161 161 Tel.: +255 22 2113857
Fax: +256 414 712 161 163 Fax: +255 22 2113856
E-Mail: davidhaf2000@yahoo.com E-Mail: tbwana2000@yahoo.com

Ukraine United States of America

179. Mr. Sergiy Gubar 183. Dr. Samuel Crowell

Deputy Director- Head of Division Foreign Affairs Officer, Agricultural Advisor
Division of Econet Development and Biosafety, Directorate of Natural Office of Agricultural Policy
Resources Protection U.S. Department of State
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine 2201 C Street NW
Mytropolyta Vasylia Lypkivs'kogo str., 35 Washington, DC 20520 United States of America
03035 Kyiv Ukraine Tel.: +1 202 647 1647
Tel.: +380 44 206 31 66 E-Mail: crowells@state.gov
Fax: +380 44 206 31 53
E-Mail: sgubar@menr.gov.ua s_gubar@yahoo.co.uk

United Arab Emirates 184. Ing. Agr. Elisa Dalgalarrondo

Division Biodiversidad y Areas Protegidas, Direccin Nacional de Medio
180. Ms. Hiba Obaid AlShehhi Ambiente
National Communication Coordinator Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente
Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MVOTMA)
P.O. Box 1509 Galicia 1133/Entrepiso
Dubai United Arab Emirates Montevideo 11100 Uruguay
Tel.: +971 4 214 8351 Tel.: +598 434 28714 +598 2 9170710 ext 4454
Fax: +971 4 214 8532 Fax: +598 4342 8714
E-Mail: hodarwish@moew.gov.ae E-Mail: elisa.dalgalarrondo@mvotma.gub.uy

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Uzbekistan

181. Heloise Tierney 185. Mr. Bakhtiyer Abdusamatov

Head Chairman
GM Policy and Regulation State Committee for Nature Protection
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) 5, Mustakillik Sq.
Nobel House Tashkent 100017 Uzbekistan
17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Tel.: +998 71 239 11 71, +998 71 239 43 42
Northern Ireland Fax: +998 71 239 14 98
Tel.: +44 208 026 3241 E-Mail: chairman@uznature.uz international@uznature.uz
E-Mail: heloise.tierney@defra.gsi.gov.uk Web: http://www.uznature.uz

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Convention on Biological Diversity BCH National Focal Points

Vanuatu Zambia

186. 190. Ms. Doris Katwamba Musonda

Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation Registrar/CEO
Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Registrar's Office
PMB 9063 National Biosafety Authority
Port Vila Vanuatu C/O Mt Makulu Central Research Station
Tel.: +678 25302, 22227 Chilanga Lusaka Zambia
Fax: +678 22227 Tel.: +260 966 922 083
E-Mail: ybasil@vanuatu.gov.vu taritrinison@gmail.com Fax: +260 211 257 194
E-Mail: dkmusonda@nstc.org.zm
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
187. Ms. Carliz Elena Daz Martinez
Director of Biosafety and Biotechnology 191. Dr. Jonathan Mufandaedza
General Office of Biological Diversity Chief Executive Officerand Registrar
Ministry of People's Power for Eco-socialism and Water National Biotechnology Authority of Zimbabwe
Centro Simn Bolvar, Torre Sur 21 Princess Drive
Piso 9 Newlands
Caracas Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Harare Zimbabwe
Tel.: +58 212 408 4730, 4785 Tel.: +263 04 782 856
E-Mail: diversidadbiologicaven.dg@gmail.com carlizdiaz@gmail.com E-Mail: jmufandaedza@gmail.com

Viet Nam

188. Ms. Nhan Thi Thanh Hoang

Deputy Director
Biodiversity Conservation Agency
Vietnam Environment Administration
No. 10 Ton That Thuyet, Cau Giay
084 Hanoi Viet Nam
Tel.: +84 4 37956868
Fax: +84 4 39412028
E-Mail: hnhan@vea.gov.vn hoangnhan.bca@gmail.com
Web: http://antoansinhhoc.vn


189. Mr. Mohamed Said El-Mashjary

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
PO Box 19719
Sana'a Yemen
Tel.: +967 1 207817, +967 733740485
Fax: +967 1 207327
E-Mail: epa-yemen@yemen.net.ye mss_mashjary@yahoo.com

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