Vocabulary 1

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Vocabulary 1 :

1. Divulge - come to a point but go away from

2. Envisioned - Anticipate
3. Antidote - A substance which counter poison
4. Devouring - Swallowing
5. Alienation - Separated
6. Uncouth - Rude and noisy behavior
7. Plagued -Greatly effective
8. Confront - To face
9. Reinforce - Strengthen
10. Perception Idea

Vocabulary 2 :

1. De facto - In Fact
2. Opulence - Wealth (Opulent - Wealthy)
3. Garb - Distinctive kind of clothing
4. Petrify - Astonishment, Fear
5. Pacing - To keep walking up and down a area
6. Polemical - Controversial
7. Mould - Influence at an early state of development
8. Brutish - Brutal or uncivilized
9. Belittle - Underestimate
10. Decipher - To find out

Vocabulary 3 :

1. Avid - Eager, Greedy

2. Patron - A person who gives financial support to another person
3. Foremost - The most advanced in a position, in front
4. Resilience - Recovering from shock, grief
5. Irrelevant - Not important
6. Vigorous - Strong and active
7. Persist - Continue firmly despite obstacles
8. Parlance - A particular way of speaking
9. Stagnant - Showing no activity, Dull, Sluggish
10. Reverence - A feeling of great respect for someone.

Vocabulary 4 :

1. Impart - Communicate, Give a share of thing

2. Ominous - Threatening
3. Doom - A grim fate or destiny
4. Exacerbate - Make worse, Irritate
5. Erroneous - Incorrect
6. Continuum - Anything seen as having a continuous structure
7. Partake - Take a share or part
8. Plethora - Oversupply, excess
9. Buoy - Sustain the spirit, Encouragement
10. Moot - Raise a question for discussion

Vocabulary 5 :

1, Travesty - Bad representation

2. Flak - Severe criticism
3. Relevant - Important
4. Consent - To give permission
5. Preside over - In charge
6. Ludicrous - Foolish, Unsuitable
7. Indictment - A formal accusation
8. Nugatory - Useless, Inoperative
9. Beset - Harass continuously
10. Sedition - Encourage people to fight against the Govt.
Vocabulary 6 :

1. Confabulations - A casual conversation

2. Banter - Tease, Joking
3. Gimmicks - A clever strategy
4. Subdue - To overcome
5. Amicable - Friendly nature
6. Juxtapose - To place side by side
7. Ramification - Consequences and effects
8. Impetuous - Making arbitrary decision
9. Gruesome - Extremely unpleasant and shocking
10. Cessation - To stop

Vocabulary 7 :

1. Unprecedented Very great in quality, amount or scale

Ex The scheme has been hailed as an unprecedented success.

2. Epitomize To be a perfect example

Ex Modis developmental work epitomizes in the village.

3. Proviso A condition in an agreement

Ex There are certain proviso for investment in the venture.

4. Confiscate To take away something from someone (Usually as a

Ex The govt. confiscates the passports of the migrants.

5. Prop up To support or help something to survive

Ex Investments in the money market propped up the rupee.

6. Culpable Someone who deserves blame

Ex There decision to do nothing makes them culpable.

7. Appalling Something bad and unpleasant that it shocks

Ex Theyve been living under the most appalling conditions for 2

8. Extrapolate Infer more widely from a limited range of known facts

Ex It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.

9. Squalor Very dirty and unpleasant condition

Ex He is living in squalor.

10. Expedite To accomplish quickly

Ex We tried to help him expedite his plans.

Vocabulary 8 :

1. Cortege A procession esp for a funeral

Ex The President was taken on a cortege to the Royal Palace.

2. Laudatory Praise or to admire for someone

Ex Ram spoke of Shyam in laudatory terms.

3. Frenetic Fast and energetic action

Ex India did some frenetic attempts in the final but that went in

4. Torment Tease or worry excessively, Offend

Ex My elder brother used to torment me.

5. Backdrop General situation

Ex The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing

6. Onslaught Violent, Forceful attack

Ex The rebels responded to a military onslaught against them.

7. Ostracize Exclude a person from a society

Ex She is being ostracized by some members of her local

8. Instill Introduce into a persons mind

Ex They hope that their work will instill a sense of responsibility
in children.

9. Rapprochement Increase in friendliness between 2 countries,

people or groups after a period of unfriendliness
Ex There have been growing signs of rapprochement with

10. Perennial Lasting a longtime or forever (Used in case of

problem or difficulties)
Ex Lack of water supply is a perennial problem in the village.

Vocabulary 9 :

1. Spare Extra time

Ex He reached here with 90 seconds to spare.
2. Alleviate To lessen
Ex Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.

3. Forego Something you like but cant do

Ex Skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.

4. Shed To fall immediately

Ex The stock market shedded 660 points.

5. Fume Annoyance and anger expression

Ex He was still fuming over the remark.
6. Stall To stop
Ex Negotiations remained stalled yesterday.

7. Buoyant Cheerful mood

Ex Investors are buoyant after the rise in the share value.

8. Inexhaustible So much of something

Ex She has an inexhaustible supply of enthusiasm.

9. Retort To reply angrily to someone

Ex Kohli retorted to the press persons.

10. Spur To encourage

Ex The market environment spurred the investors

Vocabulary 10 :

1. Intimidate Deliberately make someone frightened

Ex Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the
governing party didnt work.

2. Goon A person who is paid to hurt or threaten people

Ex He and other goon began to beat me up.

3. Impasse A difficult situation in which it is impossible to

make any progress
Ex The company has reached an impasse in negotiations
with the union.

4. Entrench Establish firmly

Ex The dictators have entrenched themselves politically.

5. Flaw Mistake in something

Ex Almost all these studies have serious flaws.

6. Fraternity Friendship and support between people

Ex I need the fraternity of others to move ahead.

7. Conscience Moral sense of right or wrong

Ex I could go away again with a clear conscience.

8. Engulf To cover or hide a thing in a sudden & unexpected

Ex The flat is engulfed in flames.

9. Profound Something great or intense

Ex This has profoundly affected my life.

10. Overhaul Cleaned, checked thoroughly, repaired if

Ex There must be a complete overhaul of traffic control

5 extra words

1. Vindicate Justify by evidence or argument

2. Humane Kind and sympathetic people
3. Flurry Sudden burst of activity
4. Outlay Expense
5. Flak Severe criticism

Vocabulary 11 :

1. Contentious A issue which causes a lot of disagreement or

Ex Odisha is a state where land prices are contentious.

2. Detracts Less good, Unimpressive

Ex The publicity could detract from our election campaign.

3. Bonhomie Happy, Good natured friendliness

Ex The talks between US and India will grow bonhomie
between them.

4. Burgeon Grow or develop rapidly

Ex My confidence began to burgeon later in life.

5. Entourage An important persons assistants, servants

travelling with them
Ex Mr Modi went US with nearly about 100 entourages
with him.
6. Robust A strongly expressed view
Ex Mr Modi gave robust counter terrorism co-operation
speech at the UN.

7. Gruel An activity which is extremely difficult, tiring effort

Ex Mr Modi met with several leaders at a grueling pace.
8. Doldrums Very quiet situation, Nothing new happening
Ex The Indian economy was in the doldrums last year.

9. Resurgence Reappearance of an attitude or an activity

Ex The drug traffickers are behind the resurgence of

10. Logjams To deal with a situation which has existed for a

long time
Ex The nuclear logjam between US and India continues.

Synonym :

1. Cognitive - Basic, core value

2. Evanescent - Disappear
3. Didactic - Moral purpose
4. Insomnia - Sleepless nights
5. Here-say - A common saying (Proverb)

Vocabulary 12 :

1. Taint A corrupt condition or infection

Ex The appointment to this office must not be tainted in any

2. Proximity Nearness, Closeness to a person or place

Ex Families are no longer in close proximity to each other.

3. Envisage Something which we imagine true, real, Likely to

Ex Personally, I envisage them staying together.

4. Sinecure A job which doesnt involve much work or

Ex She found him sinecure as a Fellow of the Congress.
5. Countervailing A force, power or opinion which is equal of
strength to another one but is its opposite.
Ex There is no countervailing power to BJP.

6. Personage famous or important person

Ex Mr Modi is a personage for India.

7. Enumerate Count/list one by one

Ex I enumerate the work that will have to be done.

8. Untenable An argument which cant be defended successfully

Ex This argument is untenable from an intellectual point of

9. Haze which cant be seen clearly

Ex I smiled at him through a haze of smoke.

10. Rung A level

Ex I worked with him in 1993 when we were both on the lowest
rung of our careers.

Synonyms :

1. Bountiful - Ample
2. Bothersome - Troublesome
3. Bovine - Stupid
4. Abundant - Profuse
5. Abandon Ditch
Vocabulary 13 :
1. Profound Something great or intense
Ex This has profoundly affected my life.

2. Overhaul Cleaned, checked thoroughly and repaired if

Ex There must be a complete overhaul of traffic control

3. Largesse Generous act of kindness

Ex It is his most recent act of largesse.

4. Tacit Agreeing or approving something without saying

Ex He tacitly admitted that the govt had breached the law.

5. Discord Disagreement, Argument

Ex Modi told that rivers shouldnt become a source of

6. Tapestry Something which is made up of many variety type

of things (embroidery work)
Ex Mr Modi presented Ms Hasina a tapestry from

7. Wreath A circle leaves or flowers (That put on a statue or

Ex Mr Modi placed wreath on freedom fighters.

8. Ambush Surprise attack by someone

Ex Manipur saluted the Army Jawans who were killed in

9. Slay Kill someone violently

Ex The CM paid tributes to the slain Army personnel.

10. Punctuate Interrupt at intervals

Ex The silence of the night was punctuated by the rumble
of traffic.

11. Rumble Low continuous noise

Vocabulary 14 :

1. Profuse - Plentiful (Used along with vomiting, sweating,


Ex He was bleeding profusely.

Syno Abundant, Lavish, Extravagant

2. Ascertain Find out the definite fact

Ex Take time to ascertain what services the bank is providing.

3. Upheaval A great change which causes a lot of trouble

Ex Having a baby will mean greatest upheaval in your life.

Syno Confusion, Worry

4. Clamber up Climb with difficulty

Ex A vast number of people in the lower section of society

clambering up the social ladder.

5. Confined to Exist only to a particular group

Ex The problem is not confined to Germany.

6. Lull - To fall quiet

Ex There is a complete lull in the agricultural lands in


7. Devoid Lack or free from

Ex Ive never looked on a face that was so devoid of feeling.

8. Swath- Long strip of land

Ex Year by year great swathes of this small nations

countryside disappear.

9. Desolate (i)A place empty of people and lack in comfort

Ex The farm land now wears a desolate looks.

(ii) Aloneness, Sad, Hopelessness

Ex He was desolate without her.

10. Hitherto Until this time, Up to now

Ex The villagers, hitherto known for their rich agriculture.

Vocabulary 15 :

1. Lament Expressing sadness

Ex He began to lament the death of his only son.

2. Remnant Small remaining quantity

Ex Megamind was seen picking up the last remnants of

things from his house.

3. Distrust Not reliable, safe, dishonest

Ex I have no particular reason to distrust them.

4. Mainstay Chief support

Ex Andhras mainstay is mining and poultry.

5. Reconcile Make friendly again after an disagreement

Ex I never believed SRK and Salman would be reconciled.

6. Contentious Disagreement, argument

Ex LAB is expected to be among the most contentious


7. Elusive Difficult to find or catch

Ex In Delhi late night taxis are elusive.

8. Dire Terrible situation

Ex A govt split would have dire consequences for domestic


9. Grapple To solve a problem

Ex He was grappling with an bouncer in a lagoon.

10. Rattle Nervous

Ex She refused to be rattled by a lawyer.

Vocabulary 16 :
1. Crass Stupid behavior

Ex The govt has behaved with crass insensitivity.

2. Detractor A person who criticize another person

Ex The performance of ELSA will silence many of his


3. Distraught Distracted with worry, fear

Ex His distraught parents were being comforted by


4. Assimilate To adopt or learn new ideas, techniques

Ex I was speechless, still trying to assimilate the thing.

5. Fanatic A person filled with excessive misguided


Ex As a boy Vijay Raaj was fanatical patriot.

6. Detest Dislike

Ex My mother detested her.

7. Benign Kind, gentle, harmless

Ex They are normally a more benign audience.

8. Callous Cruel

Ex Mr Somnath is accused of callously ill treating his


9. Condense To make short (speech or writing)

Ex We have learnt how to condense serious messages

into short sentences.

10. Engrave Something which cant be forgotten easily

Ex Her image is engraved upon my heart.

Synonyms :

1. Parochial Selfish people

2. Timorous Frightened and nervous situations.

3. Lush Luxurious

4. Escalate Increase or develop by stages.

5. Extol To praise enthusiastically

Vocabulary 17 :

1. Dilate Wider and bigger

Ex Exercise dilates vessels on the surface of the brain

2. Flee Escape from something

Ex He fled to Dubai to avoid military service.

3. Furore Angry and excited reaction

Ex The disclosure has already caused a furore among MPs.

4. Bogus Not genuine

Ex These figures were bogus and inaccurate.

5. Limbo Caught between two stages

Ex The negotiations have been in limbo.

6. Anxiety Nervousness, worry

Ex Sahibas voice was full of anxiety.

7. Irate Very angry about something

Ex The owner was so irate that he almost threw me out of

the place.

8. Doctor (Verb) To change in order to deceive people

Ex Vijay Raaj has doctored the marksheet.

9. Veracity Quality of being true/ Habit of telling truth

Ex We have total confidence in the veracity of our


10. Chauvinistic Excessive loyalty for something

Ex My ex girlfriend Priya was very chauvinistic.

11. Communiqu Official statement or announcement

Ex The communiqu said military targets had been hit.

12. Mystify Impossible to explain or understand

Ex - There was something strange in her attitude which

mystified me.

Vocabulary 18 :

1. Dissect To discuss about something in detail

Ex People want to dissect his work and question his motives.
2. Cryptic A remark/message which contains hidden meaning or
difficult to understand
Ex My fathers notes are more cryptic here.

3. Exert Physical or mental effort to do something

Ex Dont exert yourself unnecessarily.

4. Ignoramus An ignorant person (Someone who dont have the

knowledge they ought to have)
Ex His mother was ignoramus.

5. Baffle Something which cant be understandable and

Ex Police is baffled by the murderer.

6. Intrusive Unwanted interruption

Ex The cameras were an intrusive thing for some people in
the reception.

7. Reminisce The act of remembering the past things.

Ex I dont like reminiscing because it makes me feel old.

8. Acclimatize To become used to something (A new situation,

place or climates)
Ex The players are acclimatizing to the climate by staying in

9. Cocoon Protected and safe environment and sometimes

isolated from everyday life
Ex You cant live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.

10. Burgeon Speedy growth and development

Ex My confidence began to burgeon later in life.
Antonym Fade

Vocabulary 19 :

1. Brisk An activity which is done quickly and in an energetic

Ex Sabatina walked briskly down the corridor to the room.
Antonym Sluggish, Slowly
2. Akin Similar to
Ex Listening to his life story is akin to reading a novel.

3. Picket A group of people protesting about something to

prevent people
Ex The miners went on strike and picketed the power

4. Comprehend Not understandable

Ex I just cant comprehend your attitude.

5. Slit To make a narrow cut in something

Ex They say somebody slit her throat.

6. Sew To repair by joining pieces of clothes (using a needle)

Ex She sewed the dresses on the sewing machine.

7. Stem Arise , caused originally by that thing

Ex The instability stems from the economic effects of the

8. Prolong To make something last longer

Ex Mr Doval said foreign military aid was prolonging the

9. Bereft Deprive of (Always followed by of)

Ex The place seemed to be bereft of human life.

10. Paramount More important than anything else

Ex The childs welfare must be seen as paramount.

11. Trivial Not important or serious

Ex The evident is not so trivial for the case.
Antonym Paramount

Vocabulary 20 :

1. Reek i) Smell strongly and unpleasantly (Followed by of)

Ex He smelt the reek of whisky.
ii) Have unpleasant or suspicious associations
Ex The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy.
2. Stirring Something which makes people excited and
Ex The PM made a stirring speech.

3. Wary Cautious, suspicious

Ex People should teach their children to be wary of

4. Nefarious Wicked, Immoral

Ex Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not to
some nefarious purpose.

5. Prone Habituated to do something bad (More than

usually likely to suffer)
Ex He is prone to bite his nails.

6. Hue and Cry (Phrasal) To protest about something

Ex Just as the show ended, he heard a huge hue and cry

7. Tenet Main principle on which it is based

Ex Non violence and patience are the central tenets of
their faith.

8. Sectarian Narrow minded (Difference between different

Ex He was the 5th person to be killed in sectarian

9. Harmony Peace, pleasant agreement

Ex We must try to live in peace and harmony with
ourselves and those around us. (BAians :P)

10. Disseminate To distribute (Information.

Ex They disseminated anti - French propaganda.

Vocabulary 21 :

1. Demonstrative To show affection freely and openly

Ex We came from the English tradition of not being
2. Aspire Desire for
Ex They aspired to be gentleman.

3. Aftermath Consequences after effects

Ex In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened
fire on the demonstrators.

4. Insurgent People who are fighting against the govt.

or army of their own country
Ex The insurgents had taken control of the countrys
military base.

5. Fetter Something which prevents from behaving or

moving in a free and natural way
Ex The black mind fettered her movement.

6. Pernicious Injurious
Ex Smoking is pernicious to health.

7. Waterloo A decisive defeat

Ex Bihar polls will prove to be the waterloo for the
BJP and Modi.

8. Gulp To eat or drink very quickly by swallowing large

Ex Lalu Yadav gulped drop of poison to support Nitish

9. Assert State clearly

Ex Mr Jaitley plans to assert that the bill violates the
First Amendment.

10. Destitute Someone who has no money or

Ex He dedicated the award to destitute children all
over the world.

11. Amicable Showing or doing in friendly spirit

Ex The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms.

Vocabulary 22 :
1. Abet Encourage someone to do something criminal
or wrong
Ex Pakistan is abetting militancy in Bangladesh.

2. Sobriety Serious and thoughtful behavior

Ex There should be sobriety and maturity in a

3. Surmise To infer from incomplete evidence

Ex They surmised that Alex was the culprit.

4. Cudgel A club that is used as a weapon

Ex AAP took cudgel on behalf of ordinary men.

5. Clamour To make loud noises

Ex Elsa clamoured for justice.

6. Exhort To encourage
Ex Sabatina exhorted ordinary people to file cases
against corrupt bank officers.

7. Baggy Hanging in loose folds

Ex Megamind sat there wearing a baggy t-shirt.

8. Override Something which is more important than

anything else
Ex The welfare of a child should always override
the wishes of its parents.

9. Prance Walk or behave in an elated or arrogant

manner (Usually Followed by about, around)
Ex He pranced around the apartment.

Pertinent To the point/ Relevant to a particular
Ex She had asked some pertinent questions.

11. Haute
Couture Designing and making high quality fashion
clothes (High Fashion)
Vocabulary 23 :
1. Spiel Well prepared speech in order to persuade to buy
Ex Madhuri Dixit spieled about the Maggi ad.

2. Spout Utter or speak in a declamatory manner

Ex He used his column to spout ill informed criticism of the
Scots Rugby team. ((Declamatory Dramatic or confident )

3. Shove To push quickly and carelessly

Ex She gave Taylor a shove towards the house.

4. Push comes to shove What you think will happen if a

situation becomes very bad or difficult.
Ex If push comes to shove, if you should lose your case in
the court, what will you do ?

5. Culpable Someone who is responsible for something wrong

or bad that has happened
Ex Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable.

6. Fussy Full of unnecessary detail or decoration

Ex She is not fussy about her food.
Synonym - Fastidious

7. Fierce Intense or enthusiastic actions or feelings

Ex Competition has been to win a stake in Mercedes.

8. Gloat Showing pleasure at own success or at other

peoples failure in an arrogant and unpleasant way.
Ex There is nothing to gloat about.

9. Plum A job, contract or role which is very good one that a

lot of people would like
Ex Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.

10. Iffy Something that is not very good in some way

Ex His political future has looked iffy for most of this year.

Vocabulary 24 :

1. Balk at Something you dont want to happen or to

let it happen
Ex Even Biology UGs may balk at animal
2. Fugitive Someone who is running away or hiding
(In order to avoid being caught)
Ex The minister committed a crime by helping a

3. Accede Agree to someones proposal (Followed by

Ex Britain wouldnt accede to Frances request.

4. Revoke To cancel (a license, law or agreement)

Ex The Govt revoked Lalit Modis license.

5. Tsar/Czar A person with great authority

Ex Lalit Modi was the tsar of IPL.

6. Deport To send someone out of country (By

forcible manner)
Ex The Govt announced on a notice to deport all
illegal immigrants.

7. Antagonism Dislike or hatered between people

Ex There is antagonism between trade unions and
oil companies.
Antonym Protagonist

8. Vie To complete
Ex Four rescue plans are vying to save the zoo.

9. Perpetrate Commit a crime, blunder (anything

Ex A crime has been perpetrated against India.
Synonym Commit, carry out, perform, inflict,

10. Stigma something to be ashamed of/marks of

disgrace that sets a person apart

Vocabulary 25 :

1. Acquaintance A person whom you know slightly

Ex The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his.
2. Chunk Thick solid pieces of something (A cake)
Ex Cut the melon into chunks.
ii) Large amount or large part of it
Ex The company owns a chunk of farmland near

3. Spurious Something which is seems to be genuine

but is false
Ex He was arrested in 2011 on spurious corruption

4. Allure Pleasing or exciting quality

Ex Its a game that has really lost his allure.

5. Patriarchy A system in which men have all or most of

the power and importance
Ex The main cause of womens oppression is

6. Inferior Not good as something else (Less

Ex The food is of inferior quality.

7. Consent To give permission

Ex He gave my cycle to friend without my consent.

8. Abhor To hate
Ex Gandhi was a man who abhorred violence.

9. Pounce To take hold of something (make a sudden

attack) [ Followed by on, upon]
Ex He pounced on the photographer.

10. Frenzy Great excitement or wild behavior (From

losing control of your feelings)
Ex The country was gripped by a frenzy of

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