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Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood
watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not foresee what effect the avatars seeping
Fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the Maiden
now seeks to destroy any in her path.

You will fight the boss on a circular platform in which there is a hole in the middle.
There are two debuffs in this fight that players will get periodically.
Players will get either Light Infusion or Fel Infusion.
If a light debuff player comes close to a Fel debuff player, they will trigger Unstable
If a player takes damage from the opposite energy, they will trigger Unstable Soul.
Unstable soul does massive damage to the entire raid when debuff has passed.
The key in this fight is to master boss abilities in order to avoid getting Unstable Soul
In phase 1, players need to stand on the left and right side of her based on the debuff
they get.
In phase 2, players need to run to the opposite side of the platform and attack a shield
on the boss that does AoE damage until interrupted which can only be done after
shield is broken.

Tactics below will cover how to master this fight and end with a nice boss kill. Good luck!
Positioning Phase 1
Tank 1 is the tank with Holy debuff and stands on star side of boss.
Tank 2 is the tank with Fel debuff and stands on triangle side off boss.
Boss on cross between the 2 groups.

Players with Holy debuff (Holy Group) behind tank1 on star.

Players with Fel debuff (Fel Group) behind tank 2 on triangle.
Positioning Phase 2
Players will run to the opposite side of the platform.
Fel debuff players run on one side to boss.
Holy debuff run on the other side to boss.

Players with Fel debuff touch Fel orbs for dps/healing boost.
Players with holy debuff touch holy orbs for dps/healing boost.
Abilities and tactics
Unstable Soul

Unstable Soul puts a debuff on the player

It does fire damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, then the players explode and does damage
to entire raid for over a million in damage.
This also does a knock back on players within 5 yards.

Unstable Soul is triggered by

Players with light and Fel debuff come close to each other.
Fragments of opposing elements.
Mass Instability

Tactic: Unstable Soul

There are specific tactics to avoid Unstable soul, for each of the boss abilities.
But there is one ability that does Unstable Soul on players that cannot be avoided (mass

If/when you get Unstable soul, move to the Warden, Aegwynns ward.
There is a hole in the middle of the platform.

1. Run behind your raid group.

2. Jump down at 6 seconds of the debuff.
3. You get pushed back up from the explosion.
4. Run back to position.
Phase 1 Divide and Conquer

In phase 1, the boss will put debuffs on players which will either be Fel or Holy debuff.
Players must be divided in 2 groups based on the debuffs.
The boss has abilities that cause Fel or Holy damage and players need to master the
positioning of dmg and their debuffs.


Boss puts a Light Infusion or a Fel Infusion on players.

Light Infusion
Does Holy damage every 3 seconds.

Fel Infusion
Does Fel damage every 3 seconds.

If a light debuff player comes close to a Fel debuff player, they will trigger Unstable Soul.

Tactic: Infusion

Tank 1 on right side of boss.

Tank 2 on left side off boss.

Players with Holy debuff moves to Tank 1 and stack. Players must be within 20 yards of their
Players with Fel debuff moves to Tank 2 and stack. Players must be within 20 yards of their

Boss slams her hammer on the ground, with either Fel or Holy energy.

Hammer of Creation (Holy energy)

The slam does very high Physical damage.

Holy energy will then be released from the hammer.
This does millions of damage, split between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in
front of the boss.
This also creates Light Remanence
The ground after the slam leaves a mark, standing on this mark does holy damage
every 2 seconds.
When the mark starts to disappear, it leaves Light Echoes.
This is a blast that does Holy damage to anyone within 4 yards.

Hammer of Obliteration (Fel Energy)

The slam does very high Physical damage.

Fel energy will then be released from the hammer.
This does millions of damage, split between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in
front of the boss.
This also creates Fel Remanence
The ground after the slam leaves a mark, standing on this mark does Fel damage every
2 seconds.
When the mark starts to disappear, it leaves Fel Echoes.
This is a blast that does Fel damage to anyone within 4 yards.

Tactic: Hammers

Tank 1 tanks boss when she will slam Holy energy.

Players with Holy debuff (Holy Group) stack behind tank 1 and dont be further than 20

Tank 2 tanks boss when she will slam Fel Energy.

Players with the Fel debuff (Fel Group) 2 stack behind tank 2, and dont be further than 20

When boss does Holy slam (Hammer of Creation)

Tank 1 use defensive CD.

Holy Group stack behind tank 1 and dont be further than 20 yards.
After slam, entire Holy Group moves clockwise and stand on bottom side.

When boss does Fel Slam (Hammer of Obliteration (Fel Energy)

Tank 2 use defensive CD.

Fel Group stack behind tank 1 and dont be further than 20 yards.
After slam, entire Fel Group moves clockwise and stand on upper side.
Mass Instability

Boss targets 3 random players with Unstable Soul.

Unstable Soul puts a debuff on the player

It does fire damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, then the players explode and does damage
to entire raid for over a million in damage.
This also does a knock back on players within 5 yards.

Tactic: Mass Instability

If/when you get Unstable soul, move to the Warden, Aegwynns ward.
There is a hole in the middle of the platform.

Run behind your raid group.

Jump down at 6 seconds of the debuff.
You get pushed back up from the explosion.
Run back to position.

In this phase, the boss will teleport to the opposite side of the platform and put a shield
on her (Titanic Bulwark)
She will also shoot Fel and holy orbs around the platform (Essence of Fragments)
She will also do raid damage on the raid that needs to be interrupted after breaking her
shield (Wrath of Creators).

Players must move to the other side of the platform and dodge the orbs that are bad
and touch orbs that are good (If you pick up the same as your debuff you will get dps
and healing boost.)
When players reach the boss, they need to burn their dps cooldowns to break the
shield the boss has.
After breaking the shield, the boss needs to be interrupted to stop the AoE damage on
the raid.

Stuns all the players.

Titanic Bulwark

Boss puts a shield on her that absorbs damage (38 million in normal, 60 million in Heroic and
80 million in Mythic).
This also prevents all interrupts while the shield is up.

Tactic: Titanic Bulwark

Bloodlust/Timewarp/Heroism should be used here to destroy the shield fast.

When there is no bloodlust on phase 2 later, players must touch the orbs that are same as their
debuff to get dps and healing boost.

Wrath of Creators

Boss shoots waves of Holy Energy on all players.

Each wave does more damage than previous.
After 30 stacks of Wrath of Creators, the boss does 13 million damage to all players each cast.

This is interruptible.

Tactic: Wrath of Creators

This must be interrupted as soon as the shield is down.

Essence of Fragments

Boss shoots out fragments that travels from the boss around the platform circle.
These fragments are Holy of Fel energy.

If a player with Holy debuff collects a holy fragment, it will increase the players damage by
10% and healing by 5%.
If a player with Fel debuff collects a Fel fragment, it will increase the players damage by 10%
and healing by 5%.

If a player touches the opposite energy of its own debuff it will cause Unstable Soul.

Tactic: Essence of Fragments

Run to the boss that has teleported to the other side of the platform.

Holy debuff players should touch holy fragments (they stack).

Fel debuff players should touch Fel fragments (they dont stack).

Do NOT touch opposite fragment. If you do, see tactic. Unstable Soul.

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